Check out the Kardashian sisters' Kollection for Dorothy Perkins | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Check out the Kardashian sisters' Kollection for Dorothy Perkins

The Kardashian sisters have joined forces with UK high street staple Dorothy Perkins to sell their glamour Kardashian Kollection which will be available in all Dorothy Perkins stores and online from the 8th of November. Continue to see the new collection the sisters unveiled and tell us if you like or not!...



Anonymous said...

very nice i like the black shirt and white one...this girls have style

Anonymous said...

Luvly. They all look rili nice.

bumble bee said...

They have a very nice collection,these r clothes I can definitely see myself in and could buy

Anonymous said...

for those of you asking what talent the kardashains have, hope thi answers your question. walk into any of their existting stores in the US and see if you will not go away with minimum $1000 worth of clothes. kim started off selling and organising pople's wardrobes, make una de there dey talk nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Don't care 4 none of d outfits!!
D c thru one is d only manageable!
I loooove Dorothy perkins thou!! And Topshop cos dey have d 'TALL' section for we tall and fabulous ladies!!
I wish dey do deliver 2 9ja...
Billie jean

YSC said...

Nice collections dou but nofin WOW!!! about them....

YSC said...

Nice collections dou but nofin WOW!!! about them....

IVORY CHI said...


Anonymous said...

Nice collection and the prices are affordable...not like our Ini Edo dat her prices are exorbitant and the stuffs she is selling all na rubbish

Anonymous said...


slimzyose said...

nice one,pretty hawt

Anonymous said...

These girls re forever doing big things, making big moves. Later people will come and call them dumb ashewos. Insult them all you want, they're making millions. Can my Nigerian sisters be this motivated? I especially love that family is number 1 to them, most people become rich and famous and leave their siblings behind. Big ups to the Kardashians, say what you want, they're good role models. DG

Anonymous said...

The prices are far more reasonable than our so-called Nigerian designers' products.

Anonymous said...

Very them.
:) :)

Anonymous said...

See their prices..very good. If na naija person open boutique, the price go scare u.

Anonymous said...

so? Next please!!! Jesse' doing badbelle things

Unknown said...

That's great.

Anonymous said...

Lovely nd cheap too!

Anonymous said...

Been waiting for this.. "Excited behaviour"

Adele said...

I Like! I may have fallen out of 'like' with the Kardashians esp Kim, but can't really fault the collection. Best part is that it is affordable and totally wearable.

Anonymous said...

Wow..... Lovely collections n prices r ok! Go Kardies, i love dem die!

MissMe said...

The collection looks very tacky... I'm actually very disappointed... Still the same rubbish from Dorothy Perkins... Would never shop there...

Apexflora said...

Hmmm..I like O.Fashionistas!!!!This collection are on point.

@mrsbloglord said...

Do they even wear the clothes they make or do they go for better things like alexander mcquin and oh kims wedding dress by vera wang.
Abeg follow me on twitter o jare

Apexflora said...

Hmmmm..I like O.Fashionistas!!!!This collection is so on point.

Anonymous said...

Am jus hoping they paid you4dis!dats all.the stuff are very affordable.getting moisef a bag

Princess Gabriela said...

Nice collection!


nice collections and price is also reasonable. Now some mumus will say they've got no talent. anything u do that brings u money and fame is cool, talent or no talent. ride on Kardash sisters

Anonymous said...

This is the first and only gud thang dat has sprung forth frm the Kardi's...
Lovely and affordable outfits.. Exceptionally gorgeous..

Anonymous said...

Kloe is not that skinny!! Can they stop using photoshop to make her look skinny. She's fine the way she is! Jeez!

Anonymous said...

Nice collection,but I love d dotted dress most.


Hello Kitty said...

photoshopping toh bad... se khloe's wasit. ahn ahn...

Anonymous said...

Nice collections, so why do people say they are jobless #beef

Anonymous said...

Nice but the photo shop is too much.

Anonymous said...

Shut up...!! Make yours, let's see..!

coco said...

must Kim always be the one in the middle like seriously ???!!!!

Unknown said...

I looooove those bags.

sweets honey sugar said...

@Anon 1:40pm God bless u jare... d price tags really makes sense gan ni...dey ar quite affordable....n d stuff ar all ok for d prices labelled Jst dnt understand wat dat stupid billy jean was talkin abt-silly dumb ass! She can. never apreciate anythn gud 4 once in her miserable life!

Anonymous said...

These are nice and well affordable

yes I said it said...

I think its only ASOS that delivers to nigeria for now

yes I said it said...

House of dereon is from kids, their clothes are so not for mature people. Too childish

Anonymous said...

oh wow..lovely price..ill definitely be purchasing that black dress for 40 quid...nice collections

Anonymous said...

Ini shuld tk note biko

Anonymous said...

Fabulous collections. D Kardash sisters hv got styles. Kudos 2 dem

MJ said...

These are lovely! they have good taste! Visit/Follow my

Anonymous said...

Bwuahahahahaha Objects at the end will appear smaller" lolz. Awww they hid half of Khloe's body behind Kim to make her appear slimmer.

Pumpkin said...

Love the kardashians and love love d collection. Will def be buying a few pieces. Love d leather jacket

Anonymous said...

How do u know she didn't loose weight? Is she ur neighbour or do u get2c her errday? Over sabi housewife.. Don't go&photoshop ur life.. *mschheeww* err small tin na photoshop

Anonymous said...

Missme I know your type, you probably shop at one bend-down somewhere.#idontshopatdorothyperkins Na today.

Anonymous said...

Like we haven't see this styles before. I shop in DP but ain't going near their clothing line. I will buy me a nice John Rocha Jeans from debenhams.

Anonymous said...

What will eva plz u guys?be happy for successful pple for once and let God bless u,for the maga dat said if dey wear dia clothes-yes dey always do,cuz d collection is simple and chic and frm d above pic u see dey r all wearin d collection,u just hate on pple who cares less abt ur existence-God plz give me more blesins so I can ve mine.

Anonymous said...

I already bought the black and leopard print dress khloe and Kim are wearing in d picture! Was sent the link to shop before the official launch date.still waiting for my order though! Hoping it looks as sexy as it does on d gals! *wink*

Anonymous said...


JUST GREAT!, After theire failing venture in the US giant SEARS, is to nip across the pond and try and peddle thier crap their ???

Ok... No tasters are everywhere . . . .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stupid miss me do yu even knw whu dorathy perkins is.u should start by being dissapointed in yaself,alika

Anonymous said...

I don't even knw wt to say.NEXT!!!

Anonymous said...

Air brushing at its best

Anonymous said...

Dis billie jean or whateva she calls herself is so damn annoying! I wonda what she does for a living, proud fool!!! Waiting for ur stupid response mofo

Femiluv said...

Very nice..would rock many of the clothes.

Unknown said...

All looking like zombies but kourtney looks worse. Looks like a retard whenever she wears so much makeup.

Anonymous said...

Sasha curb your use of the word retard. It must take one to know one.

Amarachi said...

I have the white bag and another leopard black one but was not displayed here.Nice things they have got

Shalya says..... said...

Food wey sweet ooo
Na money cook am
Their things are too expensive
Loving khole

Shalya says..... said...

Sasha u look like a black critist
Look at what is in ur eye B4 u see D one in kourt's eye

Jamb 2013 registration said...

I'll love to have the white bag and the other leopard black one, they're the best.

Anonymous said...

see some people are taking things p! oh y is Kim always in d middle cant u see they do it according to age, Kourtney is the 1st daughter then Kim the 2nd and Khloe the 3rd. Plus its cos of Kim everyone noes the Kardashians. the dresses are lovely n pweedie. i expected more buh dis is cool n its with Dorothy perkins. At-least they are doing something good n Khloe looks hot as always love her so much she is so down to earth and honest

Anonymous said...

I totally love the black leather jacket

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