Aneke Twins release hot new photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 1 November 2012

Aneke Twins release hot new photos

Chidimma and Chidiebere Aneke are Nollywood actresses. More photos of them after the cut...



Anonymous said...

Boriiing,why did they use d same dress for all d pics.

Anonymous said...

Waris dis, dey should hv gone naked now. Everybori sha dey snap. Yeye

Anonymous said...

One word: Mgbekes ....(Pls Note the 's'i.e. Plural)

Bubble gum said...

They look good and excessively Photoshopped!

IVORY CHI said...



Anonymous said...

Christmas never reach,why d exhibition.Una for wear more powder,d@ one neva do.lmao

Amaogechukwu said...

Amaogechukwu says,

Nne(s), unu amaka o. Akwa nwas and eggovin. See these local champions don clean up. Shine on sisters, uwa bu ofu mbia.....

Anonymous said...

Lovely lyk!

Anonymous said...

wow God is indeed the great and mighty one ... Nice pix u gurls rock


slimzyose said...

yea hot,bt dey re more beautiful wen u see dem

Anonymous said...

Miss know know said...

*ROTFL*....Nngbeke and Nngbekus.

Anonymous said...

Lesbionic poses nt too hot

Anonymous said...

This girls are too cheap...gosh!!!

Anonymous said...

Mgbeke style

Lola A said...

Linda oo....abeg who be dis pple???

ada said...

Am so loving dis gals,oh God pls bless me wit identical twins IJN

Anonymous said...

Their like carbon copy..but cough cough isin't that dress too short?? who has fashion sense these days.,,things going from short- shorter-shortest

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Wait a minute. aiint these the born again twins? *eyes rolling*

Anonymous said...

Na wah oh!!! Dem dey feel say dem 2 much. Okoro feeling funcky!

Gidibabe said...

All these actresses with their photo shoots. Whenever they are bored, they will buy new clothes, weaves, shoes etc. Call a make up artist and a photographer choose a location and voila unsolicited photo shoot begins. Then they will post the photos on the internet and bloggers like Linda will post such as news for her readers to view and comment. Then it all ends there. The whole charade ends there!!!

Anonymous said...

They so pretty & very identical. Luv dem

Anonymous said...

Aww beautiful girls.twin children are wonderful wen dey grow up well.

Anonymous said...

who are they? they dont look hot linda..

Nancy Ross said...

Hot creamy,charming,beautiful village chics...mgbekes.

Anonymous said...

A change of attire wouldnt av been rocket science na!! Bt nice 1 anyway

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..... Was dat necessary??????

Anonymous said...

nothing special about them, local village champions - KC

Anonymous said...

Very raz and local tinz

Crystal said...

Nothing hot about these photos. Looks more like they actually got prepared from home n went to d studios to take d pics....thats so olden days

Anonymous said...

nice picture and nice posing but what is the need of showing so much flesh? linda help me ask them if they are still single,then inbox me there number please.

Anonymous said...

they are identical sha. how old are they?

Anonymous said...

MBEKE of the higest order.... something very razz looking about this twins

Anonymous said...

Which one be this again?rubbish!must dey wear andco' be4 we go knw say them be twins

Anonymous said...

Nice laps

Ifu Ennada said...

Once upon a time on your blog, I read of post where this girls claimed to be born-again. With these pics I doubt that.
Aside that, these don't don't qualify as hot, sexy or beautiful in anyway! Even with the 1st class photo-shop experience, and the burden of make-up that gave them teary eyes.
Linda, what your criteria and definition for hot?

Anonymous said...

The makeup looks okayish but boy are they shapeless. You can't even see where the waist is. Maybe they should've changed clothes too.

Anonymous said...

Haba I tot it wz a photo shot no change of cloths jus postures anyhw u girls r fyn sha

Anonymous said...

Local girls,mtcheew,linda hw is this news

Real8 said...

Why do they av their faces like they're doing a do do?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! Issoke

kul quin said...

Mehn..... Dis girls are hoit! I wanna be like dem wen I grow up 'winks' am seriously tripping 4 dem

Anonymous said...

Na dis one be bleaching.

Anonymous said...

dis dia blouse dikwa ova risque . y is dia toto almost out , nd d opening of mouth tin no b 4 everyone .

Anonymous said...

very identical.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Ɣ but iv always felt these babes r worwor. Tanx for fotoshop sha

Bee said...

Hot? I totally can't blv u jst called dem hot.dey av nice skin bt apart 4rm dat,dey look dead as if sm1 forced dem 2 take d pix.linda abeg dis isn't hot at all

Anonymous said...

yuck. pleaseeee i've seen prettier twins. this is uglyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

Nice pix

Anonymous said...

woooow , dis deir shimmy ehhh get as e bb. nd i understand dey r twins yea ; but d earrings nd aba shoe didnt hav 2 b 2 mashh oh . dis old gehls shud understand dat dey arent young anymore . u cud dress maturely nd still look hawtt not openin ur photoshoped lapps 4 us u say na foto.

Anonymous said...

aww! Even with all the photoshopping the girls still look very ugly! ouch!

Anonymous said...

okay now , na lik dis una dey take find dat twins husband ba ? . corrrrrecttttt . alllll i see na blu blu tins .

Anonymous said...

Talking about Nigerian women bleaching and toning this is a typical example,i thought they use to be black? beauriful pix anywayz

Anonymous said...

They are very beautiful.... Double delight

Anonymous said...

Nice cool pictures,but the gurls r naturally ugly....

Anonymous said...

close una mouth jare e too thick . looll. nice studio airbrushin

Anonymous said...

A kenyan man is in looove.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Theses gurls r soo soo smhww..dnt no y...

OWUSAGIE said...


Anonymous said...

I am seeing double!!!

Anonymous said...

Trashy trashy trashy....ds is so crappy!dear lord!!!

ddrunk said...

Na eh. E don teh since dis twins deh find husband. God abeg answer dia prayer dis december

Anonymous said...

Erm, I just want to put something in dose mouths...

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful. I love their style Shaa, keep it up Enugu base actress

freeangel said...

They are beautiful

Anonymous said...

oh la li

Anonymous said...

Too much lips abeg, Next pls

Anonymous said...

Nothing hot about these pics. Just pure tastelessness!

Vking said...

I tell u the plain truth.Thw world will be a better place for this two Aneke Twins in combination of P-square Twins.I love both the female and the male Twins.Just wish that both parties will get married 2gether.

Anonymous said...

Very true ... Seen dem on ground men *sealedlips* Thank God 4 photoshop

Anonymous said...

They resemble mr ibuu no offence

Omas992 said...

Nothing hot!

Anonymous said...

Lol well d only Thing I notice is that they are identical but hot!!! Ehn,Huum,thinking!! mba dey try to be hot better luck next time gurls

Nzube said...

@Lola A: They are humans like you.

Anonymous said...

They live in my area for peter okoye st uwani. I no wan open their nyansh for LIBers ndi asiri lovers. Unless una go beg me to talk hehehehe

Dobis said...

Aren't these the twins that were talking about the level of Christianity they hav attained in an interview a while ago?SMH @ dis level of christianity wit these Ho-dresses u putting on, coupled wit d Ho-poses. Gurls pls thrz a difference bw a mini-dress and a ho-dress, and dis is certainly not a mini-dress.Its bad enuf dat d dress is dat short,then u now sit and elevate ur thighs...Jeeeez...Ho-pose!

Anonymous said...

"hot new photos"? Okay.

tam said...

U LibERs r jst so wicked.....‎​=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) i cnt stp laFfin @ ur comments.....nt fair u guys

Anonymous said...

why r they opening their lips??? is that supposed to be sexy? Epic fail! looking like someone is doing them. msschheww

Anonymous said...

na wa o. so these ones too are also called celebs. everybody na celeb for naija. its better they start grouping them, A list to Z list

Anonymous said...


TWITS said...

@Anon 5:46pm: Yes, they are Igbotic. We (including the blog's owner) are too, and we are proud of it.

miss pepe said...

Very boring

Anonymous said...

Some people are simply created not to have iota of love to God's creature. Photoshop or no photoshop, they still look good. Some people doesnt look this good even with the photoshop. Pls learn to appreciate what your creator spent one full day to create. Most of you cannot even create a doll, let alone human being, yet you open your mouths and saying rubbish. Ride on twins, i love you and you both look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are soo bitter!, can't anyone see good in something!...the pictures are not bad, wished they changed outfits though, would have made the photos more they don't look like "local campions" in these pictures #stopthehate

Anonymous said...

wetin be dis na abi dem wan naked, bt wait o I tink say dis gurls dem black befor na wa o.

Anonymous said...

Local... No attitude whatsoever. Don't they av frnds who ar models or beauty queens? Abeg they ar too dry joh. Forcing themselves to look hot and sexy,its nt in what yu put on bt on ur attitude! pls nxt time work on ur charisma,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

these ones r looking 4 husbands....

Oge Nsimah said...

I just pray I will have identical twins like dis

Anonymous said...

Thses Mgbele ugly twins don clean up well o,with their fellow mgbeke partner Nkem Ike,but they still look local sha,mgbekes can never change o,am sure the pics were over photoshoped,with their horrible voices that can break a screen

H S C said...

Please how old are these girls?

Anonymous said...

Nice fotoshop,but dey would hv worn different dresses na haba!!!

Anonymous said...

Kai!!! Una wicked o,shuooo!

Anonymous said...

Disaster..all these wannabes sha..

African Sweetheart said...

Lol at the last picture. Might as well have taken off their dresses kmt

Anonymous said...

Oh! Well, am a twin, just send your email add, let me send you our pictures..biko linda, shud i send it to you too? Everybody na celeb oo

Anonymous said...

Are you from the village, whr do you stay? cos it seems to me you are living in maiduguri whr you don't see anyfin as hot as this..joor ooo

Anonymous said...

Igbotic fabulous

Zunny said...

The both look good n sexy, I jst love twins cos am one

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly, they should have tried to change their outfit.

Jaja said...

If only they could make out, now that would be newsworthy and make up for the 10 seconds I wasted reading this blog post.

Oma said...

Please guys!!

They used to be razz and local champions, but there's nothing wrong in cleaning yourself up. They look polished in these pictures. They may not be pretty but they looked good.

It won't hurt to say the truth! What do you gain from hate?

Anonymous said...

Now, wen photoshop doesn't make pictures look better, there's a big problem...

Anonymous said...

More beautiful wen we see dem?plssss.they look like cramp twins.

Anonymous said...

Less is not neccessarily better


HOT??????? I disagree

Stargal said...

lol.......dey won use d pics capture p square.....lmao, i no talk anytin oooo

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, great colours, nice makeup! But pls, pls, pls, u dnt wear a hugging dress when u have nothing to flaunt! These girls lack "hips" like there's no waist to seperate the bodice frm d hips... No boobs! Wtf! Pulis!!!!!!! #faints#

Anonymous said...

These bastards abusing these girls are so bitter, why must Nigerians be always bitter? Is it the economy, lack of food, stress, no job, women to date, ugliness, bareness, stupidity or mental instability? Can you all upload your pictures here, especially the girls criticizing these beautiful young ladies. How are they mgbekes? They are richer, popular, bigger and beautiful than majority of you guys on here. These girls are successful and as always Nigerians hate successful people; eg, Davido, Wizkid, Dbanj, Psquare. I've never seen a single comment on Linda's blog that's actually quite commendable. Too much hate and bitterness. May God have mercy on all of you abusing these young girls as if they stole your husbands. What nonsense. Linda please post this. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Too much make up, dresses too short, mouth opening poses not sexy but offensive, plus their bend bend legs! What were they thinking? Smh

franny said...

They haff bleach oooo *surprised* they used 2 be veri dark.

Anonymous said...


Stella Kashmoney said...

Double trouble. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

SERIOUS mgbekes!!

Anonymous said...

Igbo gehs wey won b hotties by ol means!!! Dis is d definition of LOCALNESS!!!! w@ are dey feeln lyk sef!! Bonga fish lookn gehs!!! Mtchwww #kmt

Anonymous said...

Linda I have a thirteen yrs old sisters, they are identical twins and they are so cute, should I send their picture to you?

jennifer said...

Even if they specialize in igbo movies only....d beautiful ones dat r not yet born will b born&overtake em in dat ndenigbo industry!

Anonymous said...

Fair & white has done it again!!! These charcoal like mgbekes? When did they become light skinned??... Black or white, mgbeke na mgbeke tho!

Anonymous said...

uuuggly legs

Anonymous said...

I was gon comment dat d makeup is 2 muc until i read oda comments!LMFAO! U guys have finished dem!*Resemble mr ibu, 2muc lips*OMG.Sori girls, datz all i can una find troubl sha.

Anonymous said...

Twins....wonderfully made by God. Bless me with twins dear God. Linda has sum silly readers. who neva appreciate anything n obviously can't run a better blog dat ll attract even d dullest of people.



ROFL, ROFL, ROFL WITH MA 2 LEGS UP IN THE AIR @ OJUJU.COM.......that was very funny!

Anonymous said...

This girls worwor die,chae! My sis and I are not this identical,but we are fine! Damn! Linda should put us up abeg,and do the mgbeke twins versus the Adebowale twins thingy! We'll sure win!

Anonymous said...

So identical...nicely done gals

Anonymous said...

I think dey need some RAts 2 crawl up dere ass, so dey can shut it up. Local Mgbeke's to d core. Mtschew

Anonymous said...


They are identical sha but they are local babes. Dem need to clean up more.

Anonymous said...

Won't be a bad idea to get a hot twosomes frm dem? Ootu ha ga adi uto!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Lol, d comments here tho... Hilarious, my eyes r tearing from laughter. I tot dy were dark in complexion, ladies shd rily take it easy wit dis bleaching/toning thing na, skin cancer is real.

anniebelle said...

lmfao! They shda changed clothes nd hueva told em if they bleachd they'd b more beautiful s a vry wicked person

Anonymous said...

U are consumed with hate for someone dat doesn't even know u exist and don't forget they are ibo so they bound to be fair get a life

Anonymous said...

Mgbeke looking funky! d make up tooo much sha! and they for change cloth!

Anonymous said...

Amen ooo...

Anonymous said...

Luvly Twins, Nice Outfit and dey Look Fabulous. Howeva, i dont appreciate wearing of extreme mini dresses.

BLOGLORD said...

After reading all the comments, i no just fit shout!
kai! lib readers, una mouth bad die.
dem try shaaa...

Anonymous said...

Linda im sure you dont like these hurtful comments. Teach you readers how to be polite by not posting extremely negative comments. Stop making people feel bad about themselves. Everyone is not as strong as you that can overlook negativity. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

As in dis bleachin na order of day nau o,dis girls wey black well well don yellow

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Errrmmmm..........I don't understand. What are we supposed to do about these photos? I cant even say "awwwww..." which is what I say when I see pics that I have no comment for.

Anonymous said...

mgbeke's feeling funky in aki and pawpaw tone#

Anonymous said...

God is grt!!! Same face, same stature, same height.


hmmm nnah mehn me sef go soon do my own photoshoot. abi i wan cari last? lol.
comment signed,sealed and delivered by Datshapiboboy

Anonymous said...

In one word *cute*

Anonymous said...

Humm Ok ooo Linda am sending you my photo soon to compete with the twin ........Pajin

NONI SKY " B " said...

wawoo this twins ar very very beautiful and sexy, really cherish there uniqueness , dats wonderful

Anonymous said...

Pure okuko igbo

Anonymous said...

Even with the photo editing, you can still tell they're not fine

Anonymous said...

Anon u bad n u knw it

Unknown said...

don't like their outfits made them look like prisoners and the postures...not nice at all


Lolzzzz. I can see that they are now fair. What I don't get is why they are doing their mouths as if they just ate spoilt kpomo. Na wa

Anonymous said...

Lmao. Jezz linda if I dnt stop reading I'll burst from lafter

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, *BLEACHING THINZ*... these timid aneke twins are as black as charcoal... where is this fairness coming from bikonu... and i think the reason behind the new photos release is to announce to who cares to know 'we are no longer charcoal, we are now ice cream.... lmao...'

Anonymous said...

at least these pictures are way better than others they have taken earlier.way to go.stop the hating,mgbeke or not they are known over naija but who know una/stop the hating!!

Anonymous said...

They are not too ugly for the... Enuff said!

Anonymous said...

Why so much hatred and bitterness in the minds of people? Why is it that people cant appreciate things for once? What do people gain in criticizing fellow human beings like this? even if they are not beautiful for your liking, why not avoid sending your comment.U that said they are mgbeke, can you please upload your own picture lets see. Am sure 90% of babes that commented are not better than this girls. Even if they want to be famous, is it a bad thing? All these famous nollywood actors and actresses, is this not how they all started. If not, some one like M J cannot even come out on TV let alone internet but today, she is a celebrity. And so many others. If using their status of being twins and identical for that matter to achieve their fame, how does it affect your lives? How did others start? Abeg!!! People should learn how to appreciate their fellow human beings. If you are hotter than them, then show up let the world see. Mgbekes or no mgbekes, village champions or no village champions, Photo shopped or not have nothing to do with your own life as a person. I dont know them anyway but i think they should be appreciated at least. For the guys in the house, please upload the pictures of your babes and sisters too lets see. Abeg! And for the twins, i will continue to wish you well in your chosen careers. Carry go! Notin do una. I wish God will hear my prayers and give me beautiful sets of twins like you girls. I like una and will always like una. Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

aha this twins are not that light skinned now haba photo shop take it easy ....

Anonymous said...

D colour of their face is different 4rm d colour of their hand...via d second 2 d last pics!!skin cancer is real.warnin 2 all bleachers!2mgbekes!feeling funky!*smh*

Anonymous said...

OMG!!see dis mumu gal!be like dem wen u grow up?pls,how old r u by d way?

Anonymous said...

D colour of their face is different 4rm d colour of their hand...via d second 2 d last pics!!skin cancer is real.warnin 2 all bleachers!2mgbekes!feeling funky!*smh*

Unknown said...

Amen n me too

Unknown said...

Why is it that this blog attracts so much hatred towards igbos???And I am sure after I write this comment, someone is already boiling insult towards me.If it is not me, it is Bonario, na wah for una ontop say Linda na igbo girl, these girls are beautiful, although the make up around their eyes could be better.

Unknown said...

Best comment

Unknown said...

Amen n me too

Anonymous said...

May God bless you. I was about to write but urs said it all. Pls encourage ur fellow man so ur life can have a meaning..

Anonymous said...

for me all i see is wonderful set of twins frm God which i wish i wil hv one day but dis is nt really d way they look in real life cos they are nt as bueatiful as dis facially cos i gym wt them every morning in enugu but i stil thank God for d gift of twins cos each time i see them i only admire 2grown up twins nt bueaty, i love twins and wish God wil gv me mine one day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They look good...just their dress and shoes. And yes, the lighting of the studio could be why they look lighter in complexion.

Anonymous said...

They look good...just their dress and shoes. And yes, the lighting of the studio could be why they look lighter in complexion.

Anonymous said...

I like it.......
Progress is good,it took guts to get were they are,I believe its all about believing in urself& bein confident enuf to face critics &fans alike
Keep it up ladies,though I bliv u kn be beautiful&admired wthout wthout showin much flesh.
Thr's no such thing as ugly...... We are all beautiful in our own way.most of us who condemn &criticize do it frm fustration&a feelin of inner self resentment. Its said dt if u hv nothn good to say,then don't say anythn

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:33 so bcoz they r ibo they are bound to be fair?that is one of d dumbest thing I have ever heard from an adult.

Anonymous said...

See Psquare babes o! wey reject marriage proposal na me no go hold my peace.

Anonymous said...

Wicked girl...cramp twins lwkmd

Anonymous said...

See Psquare babes o! wey reject marriage proposal na me no go hold my peace.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:33 so bcoz they r ibo they are bound to be fair?that is one of d dumbest thing I have ever heard from an adult.

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