Actress Rukky Sanda show off back Tattoo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 1 November 2012

Actress Rukky Sanda show off back Tattoo

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Omas992 said...

Like what??

Anonymous said...

Tonto Dike has fInally influenced this babe finish ooo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like. Better than Tonto's. My question though is how those tattoos would look when she's old?

supremacydone said...

What kind of pathetic tatoo is dis??? Ehen!!! Is it by force!!!! I beg use mat to cover ur back!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is she?

Anonymous said...

Very tacky, trashy.... Tasteless

Anonymous said...

Linda u dey 4kup,I do nt like her back, bt I tink I like her kontus

Anonymous said...

Wats so special abt d tatoo.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ermmm sorry cant see well cant d dress b lowered down cos i no no wish one be tat wish one b cloth .

Anonymous said...

NO! messy things****

Anonymous said...

I love tattoz,nice, I like

eb said...

Shit yeah!! Mi lyk n luv em..she's HOT

Anonymous said...

rubbish....just wanna copy ur wierd friend, tonto


Me no likey,looks more like an after result of a domestic violence.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

see how the colour of her back is different from that of her face...

Anonymous said...

Linda wen would u show us ur own

Anonymous said...

Tonto's tattz better than dis,can't even c dem clearly. Too tacky


Anonymous said...

Too many tattoos make a woman look cheap. She has cheapened her brand. I am not too sure if she was of high value to begin with- the brand I mean.

tim said...

I dnt care bout the tatoo,.. Me just wan fuck d chick..

Anonymous said...

All I see is black paint all ova her back!!!

krimi said...

I hate

Anonymous said...

See her knuckles...bleaching is bad,wonder how dis tacky back wld look like when she's old n wrinkled*hiss*«cynthia«

Deybabe said...

@Bonario take ur time n don't kill us with ur funny comments.I almost had a tattoo once upon a time,but d good lord delivered me from it fast.Just imagine when d body starts to complain back @ u,how will u show off ur tattoo's then?#Just enjoy it while it last sha#

Anonymous said...

trashy and tackyyy!!!eeeewwwww!chigal says so

Anonymous said...

Bless you man..i was actually looking for d best words to use..look ugly like a scar dat needs to be worked on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tonto's tatoo is well defined,more artistic and there's no comparism..Rukky,I liked u better when u were a retailer,your business would have expanded by now and your place stamped in the business world..I just don't see your relevance in the movie industry.
Frankly Speaking.

Dr. Rukevwe said...


Anonymous said...

Me no likey ooo.... Babe is becoming annoyying jare!

Unknown said...

This is tacky.

prisca said...

D tat2 is jus der..nothing special abt it(am a full blown lesbian) and babes skin attracs me a lot..bur lik seriously can't go. 4ds cos. D dhit is jus der,she aint gat a sexy body2

Anonymous said...

They look like burn marks.

Anonymous said...

tonto wanna be copy cat

Anonymous said...

Copy cat always copying Tonto as usual,she wants to be as white as her,had a Tatoo like Tonto,this girl is so fake

Anonymous said...

What a freaking copy cat! Theres only one Tonto ohhh> i dont know why she is trying so hard to be like tonto dike!

African Sweetheart said...


Anonymous said...

She looks like a porn actress...trashy and cheap. Me like in a naughty nasty way :D

Jamb 2013 said...

Wow, i don't hate, but this pics doesn't go well with me @ jamb 2013 registration form

Toochi said...

Not at all

Jamb 2013 registration form said...

Thanks for this wonderful info, for jamb 2013 result

University Of Lagos said...

Tonto Dike tatoo seems better, but her's the best, i love this actress.

Free Browsing said...

Tonto Tatoo and this one are beautiful, stop hating,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

@ Bonarrio- u took d words right out of my mouth! Luks like actual bruises :-(

Unknown said...

@ Bonarrio- u took d words right out of my mouth! Luks like actual bruises :-(

Anonymous said...

Tacky and stupid. Only in Nigeria that they're now stpidly crazy about tattoos where else where people are regreting it and using a lot of money to clean it off.

Must people follow a trend?

Anonymous said...

Molue tinzz

Anonymous said...

An after result.....? U try too hard with this ur English sha. I wonder who you're trying to impress.

Anonymous said...

Eww who is still getting tatoo in this new century. Thats is so 2005 smh. Tatoo is under rated joo

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahaahaha bona u wicked oo

Anonymous said...

Defaced the dress. It is rioting with the design of the dress.

Anonymous said...

Really? Where? Show me! Mscheew! I must comment by force!

Anonymous said...

Rukayatu sandah woteva her name is,U̶̲̥̅̊ r actualy livin-up 2 ur rachettness,yucks of d highest order,get a beta lyf

Anonymous said...

Dis is a case of notice me.4 her mind sha d tattoo make sense wella,mschew.children wey no dey tink of dia future.

Anonymous said...

Is that a map? I cnt see what's on her back... E be like eczima or "beaching cream reaction" for my eye... Anyways, I can only imagine what it'll look like in 5years time when the bleached skinbecomes transparent..

Anonymous said...

Dis is a case of notice me.4 her mind sha d tattoo make sense wella,mschew.children wey no dey tink of dia future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Linda post my comment ooo! I'm tired of taking effort to type my opinion and it doesn't published.

Anonymous said...

Perfect description

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

@ Bonnario- u took the words right out o my mouth! They kinda look like bruises :-(

Unknown said...

nigerians and copy copy sha!! they're even overtaking oyinbos in the tattoo race even now as i speak nigerians too are celebrating bloody in... how and why?we dont need it..we too like copy copy haba

Anonymous said...

Hummmmm pple ar getting rly crazy dis days ohhhh is d tattz an indentification of beauty or an act ofi hv arrive u beta ask God 4 mercy cos i fel u were beautifull d way u were b4 dis tin pon ur bak mtewwww

Bee said...

It seems she has calm down with the Rub Rub SMH

Anonymous said...

Attention seeking unpopular actress,fame whore

Anonymous said...

I wonder wat they will tell their children if they ask mother wat hapen to u!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Best comment Bon
That's what came to mind...#scars

cece said...

Looks like she's got some bad skin disease,like eczema or sometin.yawk!!!

Anonymous said...

Itz nt visible.....ℓ̊Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋ she stil an actress?

Anonymous said...

another attentn seeker, on top of fake bleaching skin, messy i say

Anonymous said...

All these tattoos ppl are getting all over/part of their body. Wait until they get old...

Anonymous said...

such ratchet tattoos,Africans can we steer away from the ink please!i bet after say 10years she wont love it no more and getting it out is expensive!smdh!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

C iya layi pikin, which time her ℓïfê come turn tatoo. ₪a̶̲̥̅̊ wa oooo

Anonymous said...

Being a lesbo makes you a body art expert? Puhleeeeese

Anonymous said...

Well.... Business oppoutunity in naija in the future for tattoo cleaners

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Bonario, thank u. Na so me sef see am o.

Anonymous said...

pretty simple, u dont buy a porsche or lambo and intentionally scratch it, or give it a mark, in other words it is only tacky and cheap actresses that get useless tatoos like this one!

Anonymous said...

create ur own style for once miss Rukky sanda! u too copy Tonto Dike

finest-in-internet said...

I don't like it!

Anonymous said...

Actually I like it...Its cleaner than Tonto's own and looks more matured. Nice

BLOGLORD said...

Small time naw, dino go give this one belle. mschewww!

me said...

@nokia 3310m you are so on ponit. After effect of a domestic violence

Anonymous said...

ode gey!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 8.48, we don see u naaa english teacher! Abeg leave our bona! He's still d best here! Him comments dey make sense most times!

Anonymous said...

Hmm mm, can't make out anything. All i can see is some messy work.

Anonymous said...

Skin disease to me

Anonymous said...

She will release an album soon.

Anonymous said...

I just dont get it,must dey av tattoos on deir body.So tacky argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Unknown said...

Love dose tat ....dat chic hot no b small.....mmmmm tripping

Anonymous said...

Really wanted to get a tatoo when I clocked 18, a big cross on my back until I was shown a bible "thou shall not have marking......"

Anonymous said...

No value add. Use ur brain to create value! Grow up!

Anonymous said...

Looks like black ringworms

Anonymous said...

mehn,it looks as if someone mistakenly ironed her back

Anonymous said...

mehn,it looks as if someone mistakenly ironed her back

seyonce said...

Serious smh,dis tats will scare Lil kids.esp wen she start raising kids.mumu Rukkie.

Anonymous said...

Looks like one who just came out of police cell!

Anonymous said...

Noone influenced anyone!!The way some ppl think is pathetic,they r frnds for a reason meanin they hav things in common,like the same things etc!! She's hot. Finish..Ilike

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