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Tuesday, 20 November 2012
6men shot dead & dragged through the streets of Gaza for being spies

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News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
i don't care the crime of these guys, spies or wharever. this is damn too cruel. oh dear! dont these guys have conscience? that's another human u dragging on the streets. fcuk!
Wow wat a world we r in. May God help us.
Aluu things
Gawwd man's inhumanity to man. And trust Isreal to retaliate. Middle east needs peace more than d air dey breath.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Mans inhumanity to man!
This has to stop
What is this I hear about dec 21st?
End of d world?
Any info somebody?
Bloglord the robot! u back again!
Now this is very wicked. What an in-humane thing to do
What goes around...nemesis will surely speak
End times
NO linda get your facts right....the isrealis have been bombing innocent children, men women in gaza for the past week now...you didnt post that did you? NO..or is that not news?
I understand this should not be happening violence does not solve anything but this post is extreamly misleading
Gory! Lord hv mercy! Brothers killing brothers...neigbhours killing neigbhours...may God grant that section of this earth eternal peace.
If this wer to b a movie it wud b called "AlUU the return" God help our Planet ... Yall ff @TWEETEST_BOI
Such a bias post. Why have you not posted pictures of those Palestinian children and women murdered by Israeli warplane since the last few days? Why have you not mentioned the inhuman treatment been meted on the people of Gaza by the Israeli Zionist party? Why have you not posted how the Palestinian lands have been illegally occupied by Israelis? Why have you not posted the apartheid crimes committed by the Israeli government on the Palestinians?
You think those people are not spies? Why put the word ISRAELI SPIES in quote? Have you studied or researched the cause of the problems in these two regions? Unfortunately when Israel is mentioned, Nigerians think it is a Christian thing without knowing how Christians are treated as third class citizens in Israel. You should learn more about global news than the fake censored reports you copy from yahoo, cnn and bbc. Read from Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Clare Short, to understand more about the Israeli crime against humanity instead of being bias by posting a one sided view.
Na wa this is just too much and too cruel man's inhumanity to man.
Exactly why I don't have any ounce of sympathy for Palestinians!
Indeed "the things we do to each other!". Sad to say that we are just a few steps behind in the execution of such barbaric acts (ALUU 4 n other examples)
I do wonder what snaps in human beings to lose all regard for a fellow human life? How do they sleep at night?
Na wa
Signs of endtime. pt 50
I bet they learnt it from Archilles in the Troy movie. Anyways, that's beyond human...their conscience is dead as far as I'm concerned.
The wickedness is too much.
omo dem see ALUU ROLE MODELS doing the same shit as they did i hate that word 'MOB' its just too brutal.
after now, dem go say na only africa dis kind barbaric tin dey happen.... Na wa o
These guys are animals, plain and simple... Hamas that is...
Hmmm, i only laff! Linda dont mingle on this issue oh, its just a kind advise
When shall we achieve peace in life?
When shall we achieve total peace? May God help us!
But wot do W̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ say about peeps who are experiencing Apartheid Ãήϑ who av bin Besieged Fø̲̣̣я̅ 6years who are not being recognised as an independent peeps Ãήϑ who av faced Dual Imposed wars by Israel Ãήϑ who are still being Bombarded even as W̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ comment?
Will peace ever come between the two nations. Palestine do their thing and Israel too...........Want a flat belly, burn fat, loss weight, eat right for healthy sake and maintaining your body shape with fitness.Visit my blog to learn more
Hey dis is d world we live in.... I like d isreali on dere attack as dey re not coward christians and nation like Nigeria....EVERY Isrealis is a spy if u hve been to isreal b4 u will understd... I so much like dere courage and defense approach...Linda u BlogHead... Na woman b dere chief of army staff not like u dat always speak abt sex....
Road to WW III
After a week of Israel killing unarmed Palestinians in their home, you did not make any comment, 110 Palestinians killed as at this afternoon out of which only 14 are combatants, no comment from you. It would have been better if you have not made any comment than show your fan how biased you are. If you like no post, that's not the intention, it's for your conscience to prick you,if you have any left.
These arabs are really stone hearted... 2mao, u\'ll hear dem pathetically countin their losses lyk dey cant hurt even a fly. There\'a truce on d way, wch i trust Israel wuld bail out frm, after dis inhumane act.
No party\'s losin or winnin dis war as far as i\'m concerned... not Hamas, never Israel.. worse still, d world myt be forced into a 3rd world war... #G4Bd.
All this is long thing, cos they showed you on camera. This conflict has been on since King David's days, and they did worse, much worse than what you're seeing here(1 Samuel 18:27, 2 Samuel 8:1-2, 1 Kings 11:14-25). Or what about Agui Ironsi, 1st Military head of state of 9ja? He was dragged on the ground till he died. So don't comment on this like someone whose naive; this conflict is over 3000 years old. The only solution is to pray seriously for both nations and stop shaking your head like dear Linda.
Shut-up you don't know a thing, hamas started it. Hamas never allow allows Israel to rest. #prayforIsrael#
Isreal ( may d wrath of the Almighty God be upon them) occupation is the beginning of d world crisis.
May over-whelming calamity be upon d Jews
First time am gona support u man,isreal sure wil retaliate,trust them on that,God's on people.
And the Israeli bombing Palestine for the past one week isn't new abi? Stop being biased, either don't report half news or don't report at all... Not cool!
I can't believe people still choose to be ignorant. You have access to information why don't you use it. Linda, this issue has been in the news since last week,the killing of women and children,families rendered homeless just for accommodating people still on their way to the "promised land". Palestinians are dieing in hundreds. How many israelites have been reported dead four. Linda you wrote nothing about the killing of babies and pregnant women. Why can't we be sincere. let's stop villifying ISLAM.
You are very informed,but that land belongs to isreal,and yes its a religious case...and isreal is God's own city,ever asked your self why US take isreal problems as theirs...its beyond what you read sir
Linda if u r gonna share in ur blog about the palestine_isreali conflict...just go n do more research n dnt pick from d end.....read more n goggle more.....
Linda,pls gt ur facts n dnt try to b one sided.....do u even knw wat has happend to d children of palestines.....are u even aware of d cause....u just dnt pick sensitive issue from the bottom,its a way of misleading others....pls read seriosly n be well informed before you post
Linda if u r gonna share in ur blog about the palestine_isreali conflict...just go n do more research n dnt pick from d end.....read more n goggle more.....
man's inhumanity to man..
this is what the Bible refers to when it says that man has dominated man to his injury...
absolutely no regard for human life...mmh God's Kingdom will definitely correct it
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
Saturday, November 17 2012 @ 11:31 PM CST
Contributed by: Admin
Views: 8,961
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past: "The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
It is not a war, it is murder.
Prof. Noam Chomsky
November 17, 2012
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past:
"The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians.
Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder.
“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense.”
U guys should just shussshhhh wher were u wen children n women re bein bombd in ther ouses in gaza,two days ago a family of 11 died from isreali shellin,u dont think thats cruelty abi?bur na dis 1 una see abi?linda why didnt u report that 1 so that they can read abt it,isrealis re just killin ant with a sledge hammer,this is nt a religious war,so if u dont knw noin,just keep queit...
It means the world is coming to end. Oya start selling ya property.
Aboki say so via blackberry 10
Islam. Not as if the Jews are better.
End time is near... Sm ppl re devils in a human form.Lord pls protect us.
I can't believe my eyes. Reminds me of a nigerian man that murdered his wife and dragged her on the streets of Los Angeles years ago when I lived in LA- this is so cruel, God help us. Am supposed to go to Isreal for Christian pilgrimage in 10days- dunno wot to do now!
Here I come in anon 10:22 and 10:29 listen carefully, first the spies killed are not Israelis ok, they are palestinians they assume are helping Israel with no fact and u say christians always support Israel and yet they are treated like third class citizens in Israel.. Now hope u are listening to d saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and israelis don't kill christians only u arabs do that so y can't we celebrate that israel is bombing the hell out of those lunatics... Take heart hur cos u can't change nothing.. As israel is killing both innocent woman and children so is boko haram also killing both innocent women and children so what da heck bro
What a misleading post linda did not care when coward israelis were killing hundreds of women and children yet she was offended about the killing of few spies
Islam is irreversible and will dominate the world despite all your hate
Do yourself a favor grab a copy of quran and search for the truth without any delay
These biased idiots calling this a biased post should shut up. I can tell it's something religiously personal to them. By their fruits, you shall know them. Do you have to write history every time you report news. Earlier, Israel bomb Gaza, before then Abraham born Ishmael, before then, God created Adam... enough of the junks already. A freak at www.letsgist.com says so
Ok Linda. Point of correction.. Its 'd tinz THEY do 2 each oda', not 'd tinz WE do 2 each oda'
Oh God help ur children! And let ur will be done on earth as it is in heaven!!
Linda why don't you learn more about what is really happening here before you get mislead. This is a must read for you
shebi if i talk now, people go complain
This is most certainly going to spark retaliatory actions and rightly so,no country should have to watch its citizens so dehumanised even in death without taking some steps to restore some measure of dignity to the deceased.
I guess u dnt av tv?isreal has a right to defend itself.u dnt fire rocket witout provocation and use ur women and children as shields,iran is tryin to assess d capability of isreals iron dome interceptor,so shut up....kids ko,unborn foetus ni'''
Yes ,isreal stole dia land,dats no reason for iran to b testing isrealis defensive capabilities by armin hamas,try to kn how isreals iron dome can intercept,war is war...if u allow hamas fire missiles from ur compound,den get ready for ur fanily to b killed...isreal still even sound out warning.....point.......isreal has a right to defend itself,kid or unborn children not an issue to me....if possible nuke dem ....Delta Boy
Ode, they r not christains but JEWS
Thank u very much..if u knw d nmbr of innocent Pple d israelis hve killed,u wnt pity their spies....
Hey dude, u shud get ur facts ryt... Dats wat u get for harboring deathdealers who are hellbent on annilating a nation if dis extreemist aint crackhead cowards let them stop cowering under d shield of ur so calld women and children who won't think 2ce b4 strapping bombs to themselves and killin pple in buses, market places, offices etc... Call me heartless compared to dem I'm a saint... And plz am a muslim and see no justifiable cause for this "guys" to kill others all in d name of a "senseless cause"...so sir/madam abeg dey think... Or shud I semd u videos of how dis guys 'behead and decapitate' pple?
Wow who are you? Hamas or Boko Haram
Linda, I would advice you stay off Religious wars most especially the ISREALI/PALESTINIAN. Its too sensitive for a social media.
How did they reach the conclusion that these guys, their own very people, were working for the Isrealis, as spies?
Hope some hot heads are not making the most of the 'opportunity' to rid their cult of dissidents and persons with different views as to approach.
Both parties must give up something in order to achieve peace, if they desire it.
Isreal is not going to be intimidated by firing outdated rockets into areas it inhabits and neither would the Palestins throw up their hands in the air in total surround of lands their believe to be rightly theirs.
Something must give and they better be at the table trading points and stop all the unhelpful and senslelss carnage on both sides
twitter: @aheadahead9ja
Thanks very much for your post, in fact, you took it outta ma mouth. Thumbs up!
Too bad, they should have been held as POW. For God sake they should act humane at times and not this savage outdated barbaric nonchalant character. This proves to what they really are. Go Israel. The victory is yours.
If u know wot isreal have done to palestinians and hamas,u won't pity for isreal,
Linda careful wit wat u publish! Don't go venture into wat u can't end. Did u. Knw dat ur beloved kim K got death threats cos she tweeted dat are her prayers r wit d israelis? 2 oda actors + whoopi goldberg r nt left out for supporting either israel or palestine? Get ur facts right and if u wanna comment just say wat both sides hav done and nt choose. Piece of advice!
Who bombed first? Get ur fact rigHt too.
Alao you're just daft, christains are minorities in israel, and nigerians are just to pedestrian in their analysis of global issues, an aperthied regime oppresses a people with no standing army,steal their lands and kill innocent women and children while the world keeps mute and "nigerians" liken it to aluu na wa for una o nigerians should stick to davido's birthday and pastors aircraft mtchew #viva palestinos
Linda careful wit wat u publish! Don't go start wat u can't end. U r bn biased abt dis, u shld hav stated wat both sides did. Did u knw dat ur beloved kim K got death threats cos she tweeted that her prayers are wit d israelis? Whoopi goldberg is facing big time slandering n curses cos she tweeted abt d palestines? 2 oda actors too r facing hard words. Get ur facts right! Peace!!!
LInda, ur post is so annoying.
this is just one side of the story. what about the killings the Isrealis have been pepertrating?
Ten members of al-Dallu family, including four children, have been killed after isreali missile hits their home.
At least twenty six more Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been killed in Israeli latest raids, raising the toll to 139, while fighters from Gaza fired rockets that killed two Israelis, bringing the death toll in Israel to five since Wednesday.
Mstcheew Orire Aloa you pls lear to kindly shut up if you have nothing gud to say
@ orire alao pls who told u israelis are xtians abeg? Almst 80% are Jews,17% arab muslims, 3% others which are christians, samaritans, bendonis etc. Abeg just don't make comments like just for writing sake.
@ Orire Alao; I think u r d bigger coward here who need his head checked. An illitrate and dumb ass who know nothing about d plot againts Nigeria by d western world to disintegrate our beloved country. People like u r worst than the currupt leadrs of Nigeria combine. Who will Nigerian Christians attack? I bet u'l say the Muslims in Nigeria. Well u need to make ur research to find out who Boko Haram truly are. Bc all d people cought trying to detonate bombs in the Churches in d north r not Muslims, check d records... Who r really d Boko Haram members and d people behind them? Nigerians demand this answer 4rom d Fed. Gov't whom I think in my opinion Boko Haram is part of.
@Linda; Humanity is right on this about u. How com u'v never posted what d Israelis Gov't r doin 2 d children and pple of Gaza? Linda I think u r not far different 4rom dis dumb ass called Orile. U r suppose to b playing a role of bringing together d already devided Nigerian youth together bt instead u r tryin 2 b bias. Now u r actually unveiling ur true self on d course u believe in.
I reallt pity our generation on how we always look @ things along religious lines.
If u like don't publish my post.
U definitely r a Muslim!!!!
Short your pile hole! It called war! Beside it is GazA that bombed first! isreal has every right to fight back. it written in the bible that isreal will be a great nation; no country can defeat them. Thus Gaza is getting her dose of medicine...Gaza need to learn this
P.S: Linda has every right to post what she likes on her blog. It not a News media; if want objective news consult Aljazera, CNN, ThiSday, NTA lol
**somebody pikin*
Someone said it already. You seem like one of those brainwashed to think of isrealis as d victims. Whoever works as a spy in a situation that gets women and children killed daily sure deserves this.
That is my take on ds. I av seen amputated children new orphans,new widows and very hungry people all bcos pple like d above guys are making a living out of being spies.
Am sure they were aware of the consequences of being that..why piy them?
its a shame dat people like humanity is talking about wat isreal is doing to palestine while idiots in the northern nigeria has been killing people without season and wat is happening in middle east is disturbing him ,humanity go and hide ur shameful face.try and campaigne against killings in the northern nigeria u have no business or blood ties with middle east,if palwstians cant live with isreal let them live like animals its dia choice.
I can see you are a boko haram member
Foolosh islamic goat!!!
Its their luck !!!
this people are cruel the isrealis have been bombing yes they have the right to defend themselves,the rockets being fired at isreal do you think is bananas no it fired to kill it just becos they were able to intercept it.this people are evil they kill in the name of God
War things very cruel
Peopke like you hate to say the truth..you would have prefared to see how yoir fellow bokoharam member are dealing with christians in the north..sorry it wont happen! Wherever you have muslim around. .attack is the best form of defence.....if not you are dead!
Their god is always seeking for blood of infidels ..its important that palestinians needs to be wiped out of that land
u people are nt saying d truth,u saw what isreal has turn Gaza to,isreal is both christian nd jewish nation,they are kiling inocent souls,driving them out of their land just bcos they want to fulfil what God said in their holy book abt d promise land which their fore fathers had lost due to their disobedient to God,nw they want to take by force,if it is muslims they say dat is what their religion preach,what abt u nw,what does ur religion preach,is it peace or war ?d answer is what isreal is doing nw to palestine
Im not saying killing fellow human beings should be justified in any form but most people are really biased and pathetic in their judgement. They mostly based their judgement on this kind of news that Linda displayed or any news from BBC or CNN, Isreali thrown rockets to Gaza just exactly last week and Obama even condemned their invasion but non of those news were broadcasting on CNN, they only shown those attacks inflicted on Isrealis by Hamas or whatever. I was watching different news on Isreal & Palestine unrest on CNN and read different scenerio on so many sites on exactly the same day. What a bias world we are living in.
They have already succeeded in painting Africa as a territory of jungle whereby animals are roaming on the street with human beings.
No internal peace in middle-east, forget Americans or Zionist. From Iraq, Iran, Afghan, Somalia down to northern Nigeria Islam is showing off its attributes. Foundamental Problem
@orire alao uhmmm do you read? are you familiar with a thing called history?
most isrealis doing this are zionist jews the people that rejected jesus Christ your "saviour" as the messiah....
so please shutup and have a sit in your ignorant corner or read a book and get your facts rights....
Im sure that they dont really have proof that these men were actually spies.
U̶̲̥̅̊ re a big FOOL,linda post my comment ooo,...herbee
Pls let em knw,cos some barbarians wil start yarning nonsense now. ...herbee
The way out of all this crisis is for Arab nations to jointly donate a portion of their land to the palestines because God gave Israel the land they are presently occupying. Note,Muslims don't practice peace as they makes people believe.
I agree with u emma but u are fogeting Alu
full of change, end time is near
You get your facts right b4 pointing your index finger. If not for the iron dome defence of isreal, you all will be weeping for isreal nw. Isreal intercepted 900 rockets in 5 days.900 rockets would have brought isreal to near extinction. Nt supporting d violence though bt the inevitable about wars is that casualties must occur.
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
Saturday, November 17 2012 @ 11:31 PM CST
Contributed by: Admin
Views: 8,961
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past: "The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
It is not a war, it is murder.
Prof. Noam Chomsky
November 17, 2012
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past:
"The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians.
Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder.
“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense.”
I think Linda Ikeji or whoever the fuck posted this, Israel have been fucking mudering inocent children and women 4 d past one week, y d hell didn't u post dat, dat means U taking sides with d fucking jews. biiiaaaacht
I think whoever posted is sick for not postering all the murderings israel have caused for the past one week in Gaza
stupid people if u like dont approve
Get your facts right b4 pointing your index finger. If nt for the iron dome defence of Isreal,we will be weeping for them nw.Isreal intercepted 900 rockets in 5 days, 900 rocket bombs would have brought Isreal to near extinction...Nt that I support the violence bt the inevitable abt war is that there will be casualties.
I can't deal... so barbaric! LORD have mercy.
Islam will dominate ur entire generation not d worl,oponus,see u ehn,u think u muslims are wiser that God that created the Jews,Christians,Muslim and others?.
Better use ur brain b4 God strikes u for that rubbish statement.
First of all it is not linda's job to write the history. If her post motivates you enough, go pick up a history book.
2nd Israel is not at war with the Palestine government....no, they are at war with a terrorist organisation Hamas.
Cowards who use innocent women & children as human shields, use occupied homes as their base. If they care so much for there citizens why not find a base where if anything goes wrong, minimum casualty.
For the past month ham as have been throwing rockets into Israel, that did not make the news, my friends who are in the south have gad to evacuate their homes weeks ago, for thus reason Israel took out the Hamas leader last week. Now rockets are reaching tel aviv & you expect the Israeli government not to fight for it's people? Be fooled by the biased news reporting. Every channel has it's favourites.
Do you celebrate when boko haram blows up innocents? I want & pray Nigeria becomes a country that fights for even a single life of it's citizen. That is what democracy is. Not jungle justice like the "hamas" boko haram & all terrorist organisation.
You are very right , Linda you must understand there are peace loving Muslims who read your blog, and as an ibo Christian myself I'd suggest you put your sentiment aside and Kay off. By the way Israelites are JEWS not Chritians.
Your story is one-sided too.Do you knw what the death toll in isreal would have read if they didn't intercept the 900 rockets from Gaza? I'm very sure its would be more than 5.Read the whole news or articles abt an issue b4 drawing opinions or conclusions. Nt supporting the violence though bt since Gaza think it can take on Isreal,let's c how it unfolds ***stige***
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
Saturday, November 17 2012 @ 11:31 PM CST
Contributed by: Admin
Views: 8,961
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past: "The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza
It is not a war, it is murder.
Prof. Noam Chomsky
November 17, 2012
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past:
"The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.
The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians.
Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder.
“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense.”
Bless you!
D info I ve for u is Τ̲̅ȍ get christ! Owkz
Hi People, I think we are missing the point here...In my opinion, Linda is not taking sides on the war....the story been reported here is the nasty way some men have decided to kill other men...I have my opinions as well on the war in the middle east (we all do) but would keep it to myself as talking about it here on a gossip blog...or anywhere else is of NO RELEVANCE!!! Ask the world leaders that have been trying to resolve it for decades.
CRITICS of Israel’s campaign to defend millions of its citizens from deadly Hamas rocket fire claim that it lacks a clear objective. Israel has bombed Gaza in the past, they argue, and received only rockets in return. Is there any logic, much less an end, to the cycle of violence? Can it lead to negotiations and peace?
Such questions can be answered only by going back to the origin of the campaign that we Israelis now call Operation Pillar of Defense. It did not begin last week, after Hamas fired more than 700 rockets at southern Israel this year; nor did it start four years ago, as Israel acted to stop thousands of terrorist rockets striking its south. It did not even begin in 2005, when Israel uprooted 21 of its Gaza settlements, together with their 9,000 Israeli residents, to advance peace, and received only Hamas terrorism in return. Rather, the operation began on May 14, 1948, the day Arab forces moved to destroy the newly declared state of Israel.
There were no settlements back then, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem were in Jordanian hands. Yet the very notion of a sovereign Jewish state in the Middle East was abhorrent to the Arabs, many of whom were inflamed by religious extremism. They rebuffed repeated Israeli offers of peace, and instead launched a war of national annihilation. Israel had no choice but to defend itself, losing 1 percent of its population — the equivalent of 3.1 million Americans today — before achieving an armistice.But few Israelis mistook that truce for peace. On the contrary, most assumed that the Arabs would eventually forget their defeat and seek a “second round.” Indeed, eight years later, in 1956, Israeli and Arab forces again clashed, and then fought again in 1967, 1973 and 1982. The periods in between were punctuated by Arab attacks and Israeli retaliations. Subsequently, in Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza, Israel mounted major counterstrikes against terrorists dedicated to its destruction.
Throughout, Israelis never abandoned the vision of peace. Still, we came to understand that the cause of the conflict was not borders or even refugees but the same hatred of Jewish statehood that drove the Arabs to invade us in 1948. We understood that our enemies required periodic reminders of the prohibitive price they would pay for murdering our families. We also understood that defending ourselves incurred economic, diplomatic and human costs, yet there was no practical or moral alternative. The tactic is deterrence. Our strategy is survival.Negotiations leading to peace can be realistic with an adversary who shares that goal. But Hamas, whose covenant calls for the slaughter of Jews worldwide, is striving not to join peace talks, but to prevent them. It rejects Israel’s existence, refuses to eschew terror, and disavows all previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements — the terms established by the United States and the other members of the so-called quartet of Middle East peacemakers for participation in the peace process. Bound by its genocidal theology and crude anti-Semitism, Hamas cannot be induced to make peace. But it can be deterred from war.
This was the case with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Like Hamas, Hezbollah is an Islamist organization committed to Israel’s demise. It, too, ambushed Israeli soldiers on our side of the border and rained rockets on Israeli towns. Then, in 2006, Israel struck back, destroying much of Hezbollah’s military infrastructure, neutralizing its long-range missiles, and killing hundreds of terrorists. Hezbollah internalized the message, and since then its missiles have remained inert. The people of northern Israel, meanwhile, have enjoyed six of their quietest years ever.This does not mean that the tactics of deterrence and the strategy of survival cannot result in peace. Egypt and Jordan tried more than once to defeat Israel militarily, only to recognize the permanence of the Jewish state and to sign peace accords with it. Similarly, the Palestine Liberation Organization, guided by nationalism rather than militant theology, realized it could gain more by talking with Israel than by battling us. The result was the 1993 Oslo Accords, the foundation for what we still hope will be a two-state solution. By establishing deterrence, Israel led these rational actors toward peace.
Unfortunately, Hamas is not rational. It targets Israeli civilians while hiding behind its own. During a campaign of murder and kidnapping in 2006 and 2007, it gunned down members of its rival, Al Fatah, in the streets. Its covenant says Christians and Jews “must desist from struggling against Islam over sovereignty in this region”; under its rule, militants firebombed a Christian bookshop. It celebrated 9/11 and mourned the death of Osama bin Laden. We hope some day to persuade its leaders to make peace with us, but until then we must convince them of the exorbitant price of aggression.Back in 1948, we envisaged a future of security, prosperity and mutual respect with our neighbors. We still cling to that dream. But we must also remain vigilant and, occasionally, neutralize the rockets and combat the terrorists that target us. President Obama said Sunday in Bangkok that “we’re fully supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself from missiles landing on people’s homes and workplaces and potentially killing civilians, and we will continue to support Israel’s right to defend itself.” Earlier in the trip, his deputy national security adviser, Benjamin Rhodes, said that Israelis would “make their own decisions about the tactics they use.” Those tactics, together with our survival strategy, have helped us to create one of the world’s most vibrant and innovative societies, while enabling us to pursue peace.
God we need your peace on earth. Lord have mercy on us.Tired on watching CNN cos this is what see and hear everyday.l was moved to tears this morning when i saw those guyz on TV being dragged on the street of Gaza. it is pathetic.
Which dorminate.... Wo what happened to the blacks will be childs play to what muslims will start facing if u guys don't stop ur terrorist acts.
@anon 10:14, thank u. How can i take sides on a war i don't have fully understand? it's the way the men were dragged through the streets that messed with my head
oh wow, Linda u r biased!!! children and women have been killed and bombed for years by Israel!!! they should have punished the spies more, i dont think this is enough!!! do u know why Israel is fighting Palestine??? its because Israel wants their land. the innocent Palestine ppl are just defending their land. u will never hear of how many children/women and innocent ppl dying in Palestine, but anytime a bomb blast happen in Israel the whole world will speak about it.
Animals,executing people without taking them to a court of law to defend themselves.They deserve whatever punishment they get from the lsraelis because they are Savages.
Linda u sha gbagauned
Anon 9.50 am well said, God bless.
Correct! Thumbs up..
All the people making noise that the post is biased, and that Israel is committing murder and that it is not and Islamic thing,please try and be balanced in Ur opinions, read wide and then make judgements.
Please visit http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=427
Also, if its not a muslim thing why is this in a recognized hadith of mohammed, "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews , when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, see also Sahih Muslim, 41:6981, Sahih Muslim, 41:6982, Sahih Muslim, 41:6983, Sahih Muslim, 41:6984, Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:791,(Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:177?
In conclusion, if the palestinians want peace, then they should stop firing rockets into Israel, and if they are not after propaganda using the victim mentality, they should not launch their rockets from civilian areas.
Linda now you see the problem, I have been so pissed with u when u bring men of God here and christianity for us to insult them and those infidels will also be making nasty comments about pastors and christians, now u only posted what the palestinian militants were doing and not necessary concerning Islam or any alfa and u can see the infidels anger already and one idiot saying kim k was threatened for supporting Israel so bloody what, anytime anything is said u idiots don't like u start to make threat abi and LINDA u self live ur chair to post and making justification abi.. Guess u are scared now but not as scared when u bring men of God here to be criticized abi. Anyway fearless cos they wondnt dear cos all hell will be let loose and for the conclusion pls my beloved Israel STOP THE LONG THING AND JUST NUKE THIS BASTARDS and try if the remnants can get to the NORTH. Rubbish
Anon 10:20 and 10:22, u are most wonderful pls do try to log in with a name so I can read more of ur research and post instead of being anonymous ok and for those not in support of Isreal whether they are christians or not pls DO TAKE UR LEFT AND GO STRAIGHT TO HELL. Rubbish
@ linda if it messed up wit ur head why not find time to undastnd the cause before you post......
The Bible Said ''... in the last days iniquity shall abound''
One sided story *smh...Linda dissapointed me dis time.."Hypocrite *eyes rolling*
Linda u no dey here word oo, no let me warn u again say u no dey post my comments o, anyway up Israel, wetin be score now I heard its 140-5, na wah oo the margin long oo
Linda u no dey here word oo, no let me warn u again say u no dey post my comments o, anyway up Israel, wetin be score now I heard its 140-5, na wah oo the margin long oo, I hear say those school boys still dey shoot rocket knockout to Israel and them self they reply with missile, no wonder the margin... Dumb fools
And the Jews are not?
Haba Linda if u watched CNN yesterday night u will know dat the Gaza people have suffered well well even d CNN reporter while reporting from gaza another bomb hit dat one na live ooooo.
Please dont let 6 men own mess with ur head u need to see d death toll of innocent gaza children what have they done to deserve such death.
Mbok no dey do dis kind journalism plenty Nigerians rely on ur blog for news as no light and dem no dey read papper. Biko even see sum don dey curse gaza people Na wa oooo
I feel very sad after reading all of the comments on here..! We (Nigerians) are doomed..! I only just realised how Nigeria is not one and united in anyway whatsoever..whatever happened to Peace and Unity? It seems there is some sort of religious bitterness in our hearts?! What's going on?! My heart bleeds for us!! Smh
It can never happen, never! If you are christian constult ur bible, if u are not ask a christian friend.... Isreal is the coutry after God's heart..do the remaining research
Linda, why thr comment "the things we do to each other"? These are not africans. when africans commit their own horrendous acts, no arabs or palestinians say" the things we do to each other" it is " look at how the africans behave..."
Since u have access to info, why give biased inFo too! U have selective reading/understanding. You boko haram... It is the consequences oF war(and na Gaza bombed first) in that u heard/read was it not mentioned that rebels were hiding behind women and children? #blackmail Gaza na coward! Why attack a nation wey pass them 100times and seeking For sympathy as Israel they deal with them
Seems u have seletive "lookery" when Obama visited Myarmar, at a press conference what did he say? When Hamas sent a woman sucide bomber(that fail) to Israel including thousand them(now in isaerli prison), is it not invasion? Because is now dealing with Gaza, Muslims are cry wolf!
Lies from the pit of heal,where are the 6 men.fuck israel!
Audhubilah mina shaytan rajeem, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. I seek the protection of Almighty Allah, from Shaytan.
IQRA, means READ in Arabic
It is said in both the Bible and Quran that humanbeign should seek for knowledge.....read...read...read...so that you may understand the words of God.
Linda and christian faithful should seek for more knowledge by reading the Quran, there are English versions available on Google. It will enlighten you more about ISLAM.
May God bless and protect us and all our children.
STOP the hate, we all have relations/friends/colleagues practicing the both religion.
May God lead us all aright. Ameen
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