When a man buys everything for you! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 11 October 2012

When a man buys everything for you!

A guy made the statement below and a few guys agreed with him!
I'm sorry ladies, if your man pays for everything in your life, then you're his property!
Really, guys? What do you ladies think?


Anonymous said...

lol. Until I decide otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Very correct. -i be lady oo-

Anonymous said...

true (i'm a lady)

Anonymous said...

See trouble oo.. how are you his property. abi na landlord dey pay rent or tenant. A man buys you everything bcos as a landlord (babe) if he doesn't pay rent wen due his evicted. SHIKENA.

kcee said...

It is a different case if you have ambition or a business idea and you need my cash to finance it. But for me to buy everything you need, or keep on paying for what u need, hell no. I won't even try it. I can't have any serious plan for that kind of girl. I may just catch my fun and drop you whenever i like.

Anonymous said...

Rubbish...Spoken by a broke guy.

Anonymous said...

That is a black man's mentality and way of reasoning. A white man will never think think because he buy you £1million diamond jewelry he owns you. That is why I only & strictly date white men....lol

BabyGee said...

Pls tell dat Guy to STFU!!! If u want something u must work (Suffer) 4 it.

Anonymous said...

As for me, this isnt far frm the truth. Ladies should learn to be independent. Even if your man is the richest dnt totally rely on him, involve yourself in something tangible no matter how small it is the man will respect you more. That bin said, a real man will never see his woman as his property anyway.

Anonymous said...

Obviously! Once he is providing all u need watelse u searching for?

Anonymous said...

wtf,no man owns a woman.if u like giv her the world.she will never be ur property

bamidele said...

Its true

Anonymous said...

Totally agree.....and coming from a woman!

Anonymous said...

What if a woman buys everything for the man? I hope the man should be prepared to be her property.

A woman is meant to be a man's companion and not property.

Anonymous said...

Heck no!!! A man who pays for everything does so because he WANTS TO not because HE HAS to. It's not by force.

Anonymous said...

Well Linda, what happens in the case that the lady buys everything for the guy. Will the guy agree to be the lady's property or still free for all. #Mschheeeew# it is a mutually beneficial relationship. He should propose and undergo the marriage ceremony if he wants to claim ownership. Are those guys even learned? Getting tired of #nonsensical talks# from naija men. They should call Chris Brown for training jo. When will a naija guy buy a house for ex to compensate for the break-up trauma. #Hehehe# Broke arse niggas rapping cos of some few brazilian weave on they paid for.


When ur BB.Brazillian hair, Iphone,Ipad, shoes,necklace and wristwatch were provided by me, aunty common sense suppose tell u dat to whom much is given,much is expected. Remember dis is not a charity organization.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Fact...Sure....Ure in dis life for a purpose nd not to take n take..U went to skool for a purpose too..U started ur life just like he did...why must u sit n wait to collect always..The more dependent u are..d more useless u are.

Anonymous said...

Am a self sufficient lady, wish am d one enjoying all d goodies lol. Can't complain tho, God has been awesome! Hardwork pays!

African Sweetheart said...

o pls! a good guy knows how to treat a woman


tax collector said...

Pls ladies i beg dnt allow a guy to buy"everything"u if at all u stil wnt some respect frm.

Anonymous said...

As a girl....yes nau, it's true. He buys everything for you...no be material things the babe want. Then, she can't say no to marriage offer/proposal. Some girls, money be love.

Anonymous said...

#IMO preach!!!!!!! Its true and yeah I'm a girl

Anonymous said...


Anne said...

Quite true! All I can say is that our girls/ladies need to be more independent.

Anonymous said...

abeg lame post

Anonymous said...

Truer words have never been spoken

Anonymous said...

I think it all depends on the guys motive. If a guy buys you things simply because he loves you, he can afford to and he just wants to without you even asking for it, then he doesn't see you as property.

God so loved the world that he GAVE...when you truly love someone the godly way, you give and not just material things mind you but love is accompanied by giving.

but if a guy buys you everything with the thought at the back of his mind that he's expecting something in return or its a downpayment for what he wants, then he'll see you as property.

It's all about motive. we can't be bothered abt people making foolish statements like this one. it just shows their thought process and their level of maturity or ooops...lack of it!

adukeologe(clickme) said...

uuuhn let's see, i go to the market and spend my hard earned cash on something... wldn't i expect it to serve me till the end of its life??? okay lets say girls are not 'things' but some girls just don't see the need to contribute anything, they turn the men into their fathers... how do u expect they wldn't feel like they own you?


Anonymous said...

that is a rubish talk for old women who guys dnt spend on cos of there old age and dull look,if a guy spends on u that means he loves u,a guy that dnt spend on u dnt love u unless he dnt hv d money that is y u see when a guy meet a rich lady he wil only pretend to love d lady just to colect her money and gv to other girl who he love so seat down there and talk of property,men spend on u cos they love u cos they want u to be happy cos they want to put a smile on ur face,which one is property so d women who spend on men so d man is now there property aby?

Bill said...

Of course it true ! When all girls see a relationship as a source of income,an employment.....if ur boss pays u hefty salary won't he use you as he likes?

Anonymous said...

Linda, you are a typical African Lady. You get married in Africa you are property - Special Property! It does not mean that your man reserves any right to abuse you. Think of it this way, wouldn't you love to be blogging from your business jet once it a while? What is wrong if it is bought and maintained for you? In exchange you keep his heart calm and loved.

Anonymous said...


Angeleyez said...

All I can say is you are less of a woman if you allow a man pick up all tabs(bills)and pays for everything because you can't afford to! Ewww! How can you kick his a** to the curb when he messes up? Where's the confidence to look him in the eye balls and tell him you don't NEED him but you WANT him? I don't know about others, I love being spoilt by my hubby with expensive stuff and mindblowing trips(because that was my taste even before we met) but making my own money is such a turn on for me! I made it a habit, even before I was old enough to date, to spoil myself silly with my money so no man could razzledazzle me with money and stuff. So when my knight in shiny Armani armour came...he swooped me off my feet with love and not his money! Lol! Ladies, the confidence you get from holding your own can NEVER be overemphasised! Your cash helps to check insults! Your man will respect you and think twice before he steps out of line! Life is not fair but if I could give our fabulous single ladies one advice, it will be :honey make sure your are financially independent before you allow him put a ring on it!

Anonymous said...

Oh shattap,d guy who wrote dat must b a stingy person,a guy shud always take care of his woman

Anonymous said...

Well said darling,broke ass wannabe's

Anonymous said...

what property?a man spends on u cos he wants to, cos he likes u cos he loves u, cos he want to be wt u,cos he wants to mk u happy,a guy who dnt lk u or want u around wil neve spend on u nomatter how much he hv so linda is a ting of love no woman force u to spend on her so no man wil force a woman to be his property is a tilng of williness and love.

Anonymous said...

Like serzly guys... We gels are not objects, we live and breathe and not slaves so can't be a property due to wat u offer us..
Sometimes tho gels.. We need to show the man we can survive without them.. Be independent

Anonymous said...

anyting u gv out willinly is nt bought, that a woman gives her self willinly to a man cos d man has spend alot on her doesnt mean shes a property cos she did it on her own wt her whole hrt so what is property there?did anybody force her to?just lk nobody force a man to spend on a woman without his hrt telling him to so is just a way of showing somone u really care for him or her nothing lk property there cos is nt a do or die ting.

Anonymous said...

haha funny eh! Why would you allow a guy buy everything for you? Have some dignity and learn to say no by paying for somethings yourself but then again this does not happen because nigerian girls in 9ja are so vain, greedy and want absolutely everything money can buy. Sad! btw I'm a girl

Anonymous said...

Abeg were u d c dem.. I want

Anonymous said...

Βµτ a white lady won't even allow a guy to pay all her bills... #abi u̶̲̥̅̊ ŋø̲̣̣̥ see wetin Kim K buy Kanye#

Anonymous said...

sharing is caring, buying is caring and it's not ownership.

Anonymous said...

If this is how the man feels, no problem. Then he should be prepared to watch the woman waka when he can no longer afford to pay any of the bills abi na then the ode will remember that love is not always about money, rights and ownership? Pscheeeew. Only a money miss road or a man with a small willy says shit like that

Anonymous said...

so madam 7.5pm ur husband respect u cos u hv some change in ur pocket aby? and u call that love right?that is y u see some men kill there women just to tk over her property cos he neve love her but afriad of what she can do to him wt her money that is nt love madam,a man who spends on u do so cos he loves u very much and want to put a smile on ur face, a man who love u can neve hurt u or be afriad of u rather he wil gv u a nomal respect,men always lk to play d hero and when d woman is playing d hero or when 2heros are in d same boat d ship wil sink cos no one wil wnt to bow pls let ur husband respect and love u cos he loves u nt cos his afraid of u or respect u cos of ur money is so wrong unless for d lazy broke ass guys who wnt any woman to lick her ass cos of money maybe when u meet somone lk my boyfriend who wants u to be his pet while he lavish u wt gift then u wil understand that men hate girls who pays there bills or play d hero they wil only use and dump u cos they always wnt to be d head, ur lucky urs married u bt becareful dnt scare ur man cos u hv some change in ur pocket b4 u regret it.

Anonymous said...

Most of the ladies on this blog issue are pure hypocrites. If only you would have been at the place where their marriage negotiations were done. Pure hypocrisy. Western educated hypocrites. Linda do not join them.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! And people should read the statement well....."EVERYTHING YOU OWN" common!! A guy wanting a serious relationship should want a woman that is independent to an extent because the truth is it may not always be rosy for ur man and u should be able to pitch in

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am married,I have been married for 15yrs,am in my late 30's,my husband buys everything,I mean everything,I run my own business and am doing very well and he says I should use the money to do as I wish but he provides everything for the children and I,he does not own me,naaaa,

Leerato said...

Broke ass guy.... Its people like that that likes cute and fine girls but aren't ready to make their lady look that way. Jess..... I will only have problem when the lady is exploiting, but if she needs something she can't afford and he has the money he should stop being stingy and spend it on her.#make her the envy of every girl.

Anonymous said...

The most stupid comment here. You talked about your body. What about the guy's body and time too?

faspel said...

Me likey dis ur comment.

Anonymous said...

that guy is foolish and is a broke one at that.

Anonymous said...

Some women are so lazy and are useless. Such women make it hard for hardworking women and give women a bad name. All they know is take, take and take more. They are not interested in helping the man save money for the future. Men respect women who can make something out of their lives, instead of housewives who just eat and shit.They are challenged by hardworking women who have a brain and can discuss issues. In Naija , it is tough though to get a job, but I advice women to get a little thing on the side, do something, either a shop or something that shows u are bringing in an income to support his own or to use to buy things for the kids. I do not support men having overall control bcos that can lead to abuse and problems in the marriage.

Anonymous said...

true talk ni jor

Chin said...

Men are men nothwithstanding there race. I think you are a very stupid and insecure girl.

Anonymous said...

b4 nko? Abegii leave matter for mathias...........

Anonymous said...

My 2yr relatnshp just ended becos of dis kind mata o! My ex didn't understand dat i need 2 b able 2 takecare of myself infact my sanity depends on me being financially independent.

Anonymous said...

Property kor hin for say na hin get d girl life..arrogant talk..#next#

Anonymous said...

Biko kim k. Is trying to buy kanye's love.

Anonymous said...

Property kor hin for say na hin get d girl life #arrogant talk# Next

clevadani said...

So true
If U̶̲̥̅̊ r A̷̷̴̐͠ Nigerian,den U̶̲̥̅̊ must visit Ʈђi§ blog

K.K Belleti said...

Girl u nor know urself,u are jst too dull,see d way u are talking like a cheap whore........see ur mouth like :put a price on my body:...............Dirty Thing.

Anonymous said...

Bonario, if u could afford to offer all that to a woman, u surely wouldn't have time to be commenting on every post on this blog. U must be extremely jobless, you even put ur full name and pic on the blog. Na wa oh!

iSaAc said...

So, what does the man get apart from SEX?

iSaAc said...

So, what does the man get apart from SEX?

Anonymous said...

I agree, if ur too lazy to get a job to pay ur bills then u must serve whoever pays ur bils, #shikena !!!

Anonymous said...

Kim k isnt white, she is asian(armenian to b precise). Kim k represent wt dt car sha, she try...


@ Anon 5:37 help ♍ƺ ask them Oº°˚˚°ºh...Α̲̅πϑ @ October 11, 2012 6:27 PM
I think it all depends on the guys motive. If a guy buys you things simply because he loves you, he can afford to and he just wants to without you even asking for it, then he doesn't see you as property....##Very well said##.Here is my own story.my man gets ♍ƺ almost everything becos he LOVES doing it.i hardly ask him ƒσя most of the things he gets ♍ƺ...if i do then it must βε̲̣ very important Α̲̅πϑ it didn't occur 2 him dat i needed it else he wld have gotten it without ♍ƺ asking...but what i do in return since he hardly let ♍ƺ spend my money on myself is buy him lots of stuffs too.Α̲̅πϑ he doesn't see ♍ƺ as his property,even if he does i don't mind Oº°˚˚°ºh ,becos trust ♍ƺ i don't want 2 βε̲̣ someone else's property but HIS!!! Durhhhhhh......

Anonymous said...

Sharap woman..

Anonymous said...

Well if u are a classy woman looking to be with a class man den girlfriend get a job. Don't be a liabillity instead be an asset something he can't do without.


@ anon 10:08 u pushed me to d elastic limit,but trust me not to give u even a cent of whats on ma mind,just like deodorant common sense aint used by people like u who needs it. Thank God I av a job dat allows me drop some shii on Lib,and am more happier u spare some thought. With people like u,why won't we av a place like ALUU. Whenever u ready to unfold ur mask mr/mrs tell me where to meet u. DODORIMA !

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Anon October 11, 2012 10:25 PM; Armenia is in between Asia and Europe so Eurasia. People in the former USSR are considered as white. So yes she is white.

Anonymous said...

Stupid shallow gul

Anonymous said...

Linda i wish ur blog allows people to reply comments. So the commenter will be notified

Anonymous said...

bonario pls nwannem do u v a job? coz u alwyz comment on evry issue. nwanne jisike ooo.

Anonymous said...

Big yawn...@ d end,some of u dt re sharping mouth here saying be independent hve nofin doing ooh!mcheew abeg life is too short to care abt wt a man or any humanbeing tinks of u as long as u are happy! Smally.

Teflon Don said...

Call that guy all the names in the world, that's your own way of avoiding facing a bitter truth. There is a big difference in a man taking care of you cause he loves U and in having to pick the tabs for your sorry ass out of frustration ALL THE TIME and its not being broke that makes a man frustrated its the sound of your ever needy voice. Take it or fight it When U become a liability U become boring and when U become boring U become less relevant and when U become less relevant U become less attractive and when U become less attractive U become dis-respectable and when U become dis-respectable U get snapped at all the time. A more independent lady is at your space already U are just too blind to see her. Stay blind! Better get a life parasite! That generation of parasitic leeches has been washed away by the flood of a new order of women. The only reason U keep clinging to that old world is cause U are L-A-Z-Y...

Kerry said...

Honestly @ Bonnario,I am a guy and I must tell the truth that from your picture and comments always shows that you are in your early 20s which is not bad.

I wonder how a full able guy with style and class will be here always commenting with his picture and full names up. I am not saying its bad anyways but it shows you don't really care or have class maybe I should say you are not a Smooth guy ( a guy with class,respect,goal getter and hustler).

I would advice you limit most of the things you say and do here it doesn't tell good about You.

I have been wondering the same thing @anon 10:08 said here.

Also it depends on your growing up and your clique of friends. Everybody is a celeb but it depends on how you package yourself if you know what I mean.

This is coming from a guy who feels you are over doing things. Sometimes this blog thing like commenting and arguing is kinda " a woman" thing. I don't think men should be coming on who dress better or gossip stories like you do most times. There is fulfillment In reading a post without commenting as a man and that is what I do most times. Let the ladies be in charge of comments and debates on fashion and make up post and who dresses better.

Make e no vex you Abeg I just feel like saying it.

Anonymous said...

True!!! Especially the poor ones!

Anonymous said...

I agree gbam. If he buys everything for you, you are his little toy at his beck and call. You have sold your rights so to say.

Anonymous said...

Later on these same Nigerian girls will complain that Nigerian men are serial cheats, blah, blah, blah.

If you can't make yourself indispensable in a relationship then you are no different from a piece of property, and he can treat whichever way he likes.

So me, I'll go to work 24-7, come back late, and provide everything for you. Everything. And what do I get in return? Sex... Because sex with you is so golden I can't get it from some other chick outside. Sorry to burst your pretty bubble, ladies, but if you think sex and looking beautiful is enough price to pay for him providing every single one of your needs, then you are seriously in a jonzing world.

For a lot of guys with money, providing for women is not a big deal. But if we have to do it all for you, then we'll probably be doing some other woman outside. What are you going to do about it, leave me? You can't even provide for yourself, where are you gonna go? And even if you could, so what? More money to save and spend on new pussy.


Anonymous said...

I have never heard anyone say that when your wife/gf/s.o does everything for you - cooks, cleans, births children, keeps the home e.t.c - you become her property.

There has to be balance in a relationship. In Africa, that means that the man spends and the woman nurtures. Quite frankly if you are not picking up my tab, I will wonder what on earth you are doing with your money.

I work full time (one of the Major Oil and Gas E&P companies) and have a good side business but the man in my life MUST spend on me. No compromise there. I will do my own bit too - to maintain balance.

Unknown said...

This girl u be the real mugu come here come see wetin dem dey call 50-50 love , U pay I pay, get it to your head boyfriends are not atm machine

Anonymous said...

it's true na. it's like if your father provides everything for u, u have no right to tell him rubbish, but when u move away from home and start making YOUR OWN money, then u can do whatever u like. it's the same thing. anyone who provides most of your needs is in charge of you. it hurts, but it's the truth.

Anonymous said...

when a man buys you everything, yes you are his property becos u lose the right to talk when he is wrong cos you are afraid he might walk away. so you eat any shit he gives you.

Anonymous said...

Dose are my mum's words!!! She neva fails to tell me no matter hw rich a man is he wldnt want to get married to a liability.

Anonymous said...

Best comment!!! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Kim K is an ibo girl...she knows she'll get more if she buys him a car and she definitely did! See wat Kanye is planin for her birthday

Anonymous said...

before nko!

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl oo,but i'll say the truth.its annoying when some ladies expect the guys to do EVERYTHING for them and then when those guys start disrespecting you,you vex and start saying rubbish.If you dont want the guy to see you that way,then step up your game and try to be responsible for your own self..Its that simple.Some ladies are just very selfish and shallow minded.If u like,abuse me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:25pm, Kim K isn't Asian-American but an Armenian-American. Get Ūя̲̅ facts right.

Anonymous said...

LWKMD pls I dnt understand u guys,can u pay a chic's bill without having sex wit her? If so "na u get her,"if nt,pls u re only paying 4 her service render.

Anonymous said...

As much as I think girls need to hustle, men need to feel needed, so basically we're doing them a favour!

Unknown said...

Well all i can say is you don't pay for a something you don't want to keep. Women are precious no doubt, but emotions are strong as well. A lot of women would disagree but fact is if you didn't like it why are you still there?

Anonymous said...

Some of u should stop generalizing. Some men like to buy everything while others like to do 50/50 and others like women to pay their bills.
Again, some couples agree for the wives to be stay at home mums not cos the wives are lazy but to take care of the home front. Then some other wives are housewives cos they still havent got jobs and r looking for.

To each his own simples.

MJ said...


jaypee said...

Anonymous said...

Heck no!!! A man who pays for everything does so because he WANTS TO not because HE HAS to. It's not by force.

October 11, 2012 5:53 PM

why r u talkin owta ignorance?? a girl dat would date a guy to provide err'ffin 4 her aint in 4 d love now, n wud work owt as soon as he stops providing, so d guy has to continually provide, even if it doesnt suit his pocket n account at times...

Unknown said...

True..only the stubborn women will disagree

Anonymous said...

Una no happy say she let u buy her everything, most of u guys can't stand an independent lady oh. So stick to the dependent one you have.lol

Anonymous said...

@IsaAc wat else do want,other Dan SEX? If u kn u can do without SEX,then,u can keep ur money to ursef!!! "Oredah"*smh*

Anonymous said...

so in happens when a gul buys everything to the guy?

Anonymous said...

annonymous 10.08pm shut up ur dirty mouth if bonario is jobless atleast his nt brainless and insultive as u are , his intelligent and always mk sensible coments and let me remind u he dnt coment all d time cos i wish he does cos am always looking for his post to read anytime am here cos they mk me smile,atleast bonario is educated and dnt speak lk an illitrete lk u and may i remind u that some people coment always nt bcos they are jobless but cos it mks them happy, me i always does mine in my office anytime i dnt hv any customer to attend to so that does nt mean he's jobless cos u coment cos u are doing what mks u happy,what then are u doing here if u are nt jobless too and for u to knw that bonario coments in every post means u read every coments too olodo imagine pot calling kettle black abeg next time tink b4 u talk we love bonario and dnt ever in sult him again i love u bonario.

Anonymous said...

Spending 4 ur woman comes frm the mind, my bf is a top politician he spends heavily on me, expensive trips abroad, he knws i gat a good job and he is never possessive instead he loves me dearly

MissBashua said...

If I as a woman allow a man to pay for everything, from rent, down to my panties, then I am setting up myself to be treated as property. There is nothing wrong with your man taking care of your needs, but neither is there anything wrong with meeting your own needs. A woman who has her palms out 24/7 and feels entitled to a life style that she cannot feasibly afford herself or from her family, is most DEFINITELY setting herself up to be treated like a commodity. There is no man who won't respect a woman more if she pulls her wallet out once in a while.

viki said...

Me likey badly! Correct girl!

Warri Girl said...

very true

Anonymous said...

BoNARIO is not completely a retard after much,I attack u sometimes,buh I must confess am impressed wit ur response.buh u must learn how to comment less or atleast anon if u can't,and dnt always try to be funny...No offence tho.1 luv

Jungle Justice said...

Hehehehe! I sooooo knew I would find u here. :D

Anonymous said...

even the bible urges a man to provide for his family which includes, emotional, financially and spiritually...and it further states that anyman who doesnt do this is worse than a person who has disowned the faith...so men if u dont do that or plan on doing that...then u shouldn't be expecting a soul mate

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm not. My parents invested good into my education and I get paid well for the work I do but I have old fashioned values when it comes to the dating game and chivalry.
My pussy cannot be bought either just in case you wanted to know I am a fine girl (if I say so myself) with long hair and chocolate brown skin.

Anonymous said...

There r certain things which r his responsibilities. But when he begins to buy ur toiletries n personal stuff, then u r surely gonna loose any respect he had left for u. Speaking from experience

Eze said...

Ofcourse u r his property,don't be surprised when he uses u to obtain loan from the bank as collateral.One mistake naija gurls to dey make is that they start being greedy, allow the guy to ask if u need anything,because before u know it, he will buy u the whole world.And those girls wey talk say make we learn from C.Brown, wetin una know?Your level pass BB and Brazillian hair?

Anonymous said...

Rapu bonario biko. This blog thing dey reduce bp ooooo. Besides it u wey dey find bonario comment evertym mean say u jobless too!

Unknown said...

@bonario.well said fam,ps independent ladies,get more respect n love from their men,ladies,a word of advice,no guy wants 2 date a liability talkless of gettn married 2 1...felix

Anonymous said...

annonymous 2.00pm for ur mind now u don mk point aby? u be correct olodo so u wil wait until a man ask u if u need anything aby?chia see osho free kai na him be say guys don chop u osho free tire sory for u,pls my bros wnt osho free too incase if u can drop ur contact,abeg which guy want to spend without being asked for?who wan waste him money?mumu u cary oyibo love cm naija wel them go gv u bell and u go do abortion tire even wt ur oun money since u wount ask ode.

Anonymous said...

one word gbam!!!

Anonymous said...

absolute truth when we have so many lazy women wo don't want to work for a living

Anonymous said...

Eze: "And those girls wey talk say make we learn from C.Brown, wetin una know?Your level pass BB and Brazillian hair?"



Anonymous said...

Sell ur market Urself until u tire

Anonymous said...

pls where is d fun of having a man and feeling lk a queen if ur man dont spend on u?if ur man dnt spend on u or spoil u that means u hv no story to tel, no joy of having a man cos when u feel d sweat of a man u wil knw that u mk meaning to his life cos a man who dnt value u or love u wount spend on u cos money is very hard to earn in african,sory guys to tel u dis frm my 1st year in school to finals d 2men i dated has been d ones who saw me through school while i stop demanding frm my dad and even uptil now they stil do ,2months ago one of them ask me to resign frm my banking job that is too stressful which i did and his stil providing for me cos i only worked wt d bnk for 4months,and i stil hv alot of men around who can also tk care of me if i want and he knws that but i love him and we are heading to somwhere so pls diff strokes for diff folks i live each day wt joy cos i hv neve worked for anything all my life yet am living large in my own little way am 26 anyway so there's fun in a man spending on u i mks u feel lk a princess.

Anonymous said...

If a guy decides to buy a girl the statue of liberty, so wat. No one forced him to do it and it doesn't mean the lady is his slave or haven't u read stories abt a man who buys his woman everything he could pay for and still the woman left him for a poorer guy. Buying things doesn't mean u owe me. However, I urge ladies to have sometin doing also.

Anonymous said...

If a guy decides to buy a girl the statue of liberty, so wat. No one forced him to do it and it doesn't mean the lady is his slave or haven't u read stories abt a man who buys his woman everything he could pay for and still the woman left him for a poorer guy. Buying things doesn't mean u owe me. However, I urge ladies to have sometin doing also.

Anonymous said...

How u take know??? If u too no dey comment on every issue! Hypocrite


Kerry thanks for ur advice,but I'll start first by asking u dis question,were u pushed by someone to advice me,or its a personal decision? Am sure its a personal decision. My dear if I should go by what people want me to do or their perception,I would av been a parish preist somewhere and not a human resource manager. Talk about class,I just googled ur definition of class and commenting on LIB doesn't go contrary to dat. Many tinz informed my disposition on dis blog,notably is omo iwo and his bold5 but coz of hatred and d PHD(pull him down) habit of some people dey chased him out of LIB. I derive joy and happiness reading comments and commenting on LIB, LiB has become my new Boo and a sort of resort when work is stressing me out.
Till its a crime to comment on LINDIWAY Ikeji blog,

~BONARIO~ will continue to say so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Fuck all of u chatting shit about bonario! Kerry you must a slut whore bag! Male ko male ni! In ur male world ur names are kerry okwa ya? And please bonario has the best rational comment by far !! From what I have seen on this blog, followed by ahdaisy and sociable .. Bloody parasites! Leeches! Leave the boy alone! He has nothing to hide why won't he show his picture?? Anu ezi's ! Kitipa bakwa ike unu ebe ahu! Uche furefu! Otu lelule! Ikwarikwata nde mmuo! Isi nchi! Isi komkom!

Anonymous said...

After all crap yarned n sent back and forth, if u really rich, spending on ur girl wud never b a biggie to u, so broke guys, pls don't comment.
2 if u love her, u won't say something so shallow, am pretty sure you walked up to her n not d other way around, so after uve gotten a bit of that action u don't come n b thrash talking like she's sitting on a pile of diamonds. Cheap face *mscheeew*

Anonymous said...

First of all.......go down low.

Anonymous said...

Ok bonario you are hopeles,if u really dnt feel what they'r tryin to pass to u,you are just some LAME igbo boy and that igbo bitch@anon7:59pm....u should listen to men trying to turn u a gentle man,so u dnt have issues with the civilised societies,no reasonable girl would wona settle with ur kind,dnt mind that bitch that's encouraging you.she's daft

Anonymous said...

Ogbo!!...want what?suffer what?that's why you ar stil single @ your age.dnt be talking like a whore in here,u should be ashamed of your self,.linda plz post this comment.

Anonymous said...

True talk! http://at-mails.com/pages/index.php?refid=lily87

Nnenna said...

Why do I have a feeling Anonymous 7:59pm is Bonario? Hmm. Issokay.

Nnenna said...

Abeg what type of ladies have you been dating?

horluwatosyne said...

True talk......

Jungle Justice said...

Most of u are getting unduly emotional joooor!(as usual)d issue is not about spoiling a babe or buying things 4 her or footing d bills. The issue is if a guy has to pay ALL her bills n buy her EVERYTHING!!! People com'on! Wot kinda shitty life is dat na? I knw some babes who go to hustle their borbor 4 dough to buy sanitary pads! Like seriously!!! Pls while it's fun to chop a guy's money, it's kinda weird to allow a guy buy u EVERYTHING biko! B4 u realise it, u'll start getting lazy n dependent. Do u knw how tragic n disorientated u'll get if he is no longer in ur life?

Anonymous said...

Imagine you look through your wadrobe and every single thing was bought by a guy, you get dressed in one and then pick up ur bb which was bought buy a guy and make a call through to him to send his driver to take you to lunch. The driver comes to your house(which was also paid for by a guy). Takes you to the resturant and gives you an envelop from oga(the guy).a story like this only makes your father's investment in ur education a waste .oc

Anonymous said...

Buying things for a woman isn't a bigdeal..but buying "everything" is

Anonymous said...

Nope certainly not bonario! All u hungry bitches should fuck off man! Giving someone unnecessary headache! Fuck all of u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol.... Na advert?

Anonymous said...

Lol... My thoughts exactly. Anonymous is Bonario

Anonymous said...

Its him certainly,he spits out what he couldn't with his official account.zombie...lol

iSaAc said...

Women's hand were caught in the cookie JAR

Anonymous said...

So the yash na 4 sale? U c, some women 2 do.

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