Today (Oct. 21) starts the two-month countdown toward doomsday, according to an interpretation of the Mayan Calendar that has taken hold in some New Age and spiritualist communities online.
Two ancient texts confirm the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of this year, which is Dec. 21, 2012. That day is the last day of the 13th bak'tun, or 144,000-day cycle, of the calendar. Ancient Maya would have seen the end of the 13th bak'tun as the end of a full cycle of creation.
However, experts in Mayan history say the end of the Long Count calendar is the equivalent of needing to buy a new calendar every year in December - not a harbinger of doomsday.
"This new evidence suggests that the 13 bak'tun date was an important calendrical event that would have been celebrated by the ancient Maya; however, they make no apocalyptic prophecies whatsoever regarding the date," Marcello Canuto, the director of Tulane University Middle America Research Institute, told LiveScience after the discovery of an ancient text referring to the date.
Not all apocalypse believers think the Mayan Apocalypse will bring fire and brimstone, or extinguish life on Earth. According to John Hoopes, a scholar of Maya history at the University of Kansas, many believers see the day as a time of spiritual transformation.
Culled from LiveScience.com
Linda why do you put up nonsense sometimes? This is beneath you but I stand to be corrected.
Ati gbo... Aunty Linda please check your Facebook page inbox (its important)
@linda,there was a night i was told to read the books of revelation chapter 13 till down,,,and some where in the books of ezekiel,,,all is in the bible holy book of GOD nd chist,,i dont really know about it,,but i will understand it better,just if mitt romney win obama,,,,comes next month,,from swiss
Pls dey sud hold t dir ooo mschewww I never marry jor!!!
My first comment and here it goes...Madam Linda are you out of stories???? I think you should have just put up your picture or something....... It would have been better than this.....
my friend told me is it reaally true
It's official, Linda is an atheist .......no wonder she attacks men of God
It is a world without end; thus said the Bible. They bring it up because it is a slow news day.
I feel you oh. I never marry or born plus all the heartbreak when I don experience gasto pay off oh. God isn't thru with me so that their calender berra respect itself.
Go and sit down ezi ofia, if you watch discovery or history chanel you would have heard of this before now. Ike nsi telling her what to post on her own blog again. Mtcheeeew
Hmn na wa.Let everybody be prepared for the second coming of Christ sha
have u people been sleeping, months ago they said the calender was interpreted wrongly and it not end of the world but a mere end of a circle ... or something.
And thank God this u're comment just added to her account. Ignorant fool. If you ever bothered with reading you wouldhv known this story has been around for yrs. Linda biko o di ka I ga na block odi comment a bcos okpo gbu go m. Ndi uchu.
Ndi ocha sef o kwa nu fa nwa tinye Lu mmadu na gbayalia nka. By now a ka go m I bu nwunye okonkwo the hunter as I just dey hope in God to mezuo okwu ya n'akukwo nso, fa bia kwa with mayan calender mtcheeeew. Though I watched another documentary that said something like it maybe a day something will happen, something like climate change maybe snow will start falling in naija or so sha something will sha happen according to them but it may not be the whole end of world stuff.
No one knows the time or date.
Seriously, I dont believe in this if it doesnt confine wit the holy scriptures..... nomatter how hard anyone tries to prove it. And; is dat not d sing of illuminati up there?????
Seriously, I dont believe in this if it doesnt confine wit the holy scriptures..... nomatter how hard anyone tries to prove it. And; is dat not d sing of illuminati up there?????
is it dat most of u guys dat read arts in scl finally developd dis phobia for science?this has been a serious topic dats been debated by scientific like mind's.we kno dat according to d Bible,no one knows wen d end wud com,but history and somany indicators point to this dec21st as an end to an era.a whole website is been dedicated to the outcom of research's made in respect to this day,nd som1 coms here to backlash linda dat she dosent hav news or stories dats y she put up this.may b u prefer those soft sell stories.ok na.our fowl don lay golden egg,omotola con steal d egg,we don assign jim iyke to search for her den collect d egg for us.hope u like dis kain story abi.anu npam
chai afraid is catch me o.:-( i'm nt ready to die,i wnt to av kids n a fam
They said it in 1999 too. Abeggy, 2days after my wedding! Rara o
i think it the end time.......God help us
Nobody rili knows... All we hav t do is live d right way...#Jade said#
Rili? Biko I haff nt marry joo
Ohk na!
Honestly I think Linda has been distracted for a while now. She's jes getting slow and annoying. Bring bck d hype oh madam, I sure miss it.
The calendar just ended. So the calendar person maybe died or got cancer or something. Every spiritualist interprets it as end of the world or some apocalyptic event. Well who cares, we have no control of life....God is the potter and what he says will be.
well that will be after my wedding so at least all the money spent wont go to waste.
Y diss on Linda? She got a story n she's tryna pass d info 2her mini world relivant or not, its left 4u 2digest it d way u pls nt diss.
@Linda; buh mehn ds story is sme scary shit. (Kip up d gud wrk)
Must people open their mouth and say rubbish, you must comment sha, shebi if you don't like the story waka pass nau and look for something else that interests you. Shuuuu.....na wa o.
Which one be *this is beneath you* plus
*I think you should have just put up your picture or something....... It would have been better than this.....*.
Una go like open una own blog make we see.
Even christ says, I don't even know when am coming to take my people except my father....
This sure sounds weird.True or false live each day like its your last and be KIND to people.Its not rocket science its just the truth.
i don't even understand a single thing here... Someone should break it down for novice like us
The Bible (the book of truth)says no one knows the date.I believe what my Bible says.
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LINDA,Its all lies... the end of mayan calendar is not a doomsday. Its like the end of our modern calendar which is December.
The end of mayan calendar which is Dec 21st is the end of one cycle of the calendar which 5,125 years. This calendar is link to other mayan calendars.
So dec 21st is d end of one mayan calendar. by Dec 22, they start a new calendar.
The answer to the end of this earth is in Jehovah's hands..He is the creator of all creation,the earth and it's inhabitant. so other views outside God's plan to earth and humanity is inconsequential lindy way..bla bla bla bla
Haba! Who are they 2 say world ÈŠ̝̊̅§ coming 2 an end on d 21st December? Do they know how God lanned and brought dem into existence I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ d 1st place? Pls d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ should get a life n probably learn 2 respect God who ÈŠ̝̊̅§ d author and finisher of our lives. No one I mean no one except God knows d " D"day
No human with blood flowing in his/her veins can foretells the doomsday. If the World refuses to end on that day, let the forecaster commit sucide, it's not our business. I think it’s more of mental derangement that makes some people talk rubbish.
No human with blood flowing in his/her veins can foretells the doomsday. If the World refuses to end on that day, let the forecaster commit sucide, it's not our business. I think it’s more of mental derangement that makes some people talk rubbish.
God help us.
End Time Survival Kits for Sale!! Hurry While Offer Lasts. Tickets to the Moon On Sales Too.
Well d lord will come like a thief in d night and only him knows wen dis world will com 2 an end
Abeg ooo, not that I belive sha but it shouldn't happen now.
Sasha Bone says...
i believe the end of the world is metaphorical cos the end of something is the begining of another so presumably the coming era wld usher in great changes that even the mind cant phantom(flying cars,hopefully a cure to aids and cancer,human cloning etc)...brace urselves,a lot of classified info might be revealed e.g aliens and UFO's...
Just maintain ur spiritual faith cos it might be a rollacoaster ride
Once December 21st comes and nothing happens I hope all these "the world is coming to an end" stories will stop! Before it was Nostradamus that predicted it, he was wrong! Then a crazy pastor did the same, he was also wrong! Now the Mayans, they got tired of making calendars jor!!!
So the other news Linda posted weren't News for some of u ? Slow news Day? I don't get it, this is a blog,,,Linda is free to post what she deems vital. They are different people visiting this blog ,with different religious views. That u don't believe in this post doesn't mean its not worth posting or worse still,that Linda is lame for putting this up. This may or may not be her believes,but she owes it to her readers to report what's making the headlines. Chaaaai na war ooh got to give to Naija to cricitise! One sure thing in life,,is NEVER try to please everyone,u never will, so plse don't try it. I'm very certain Linda understands this which is why she decided to post it anyway,,knowing fully well that they will always be Naysayers! The girl di make her money wona con hide behind electronics dey criticise her shuuuuuuu! Personally i don't believe this is going to happen but that doesn't make it less relevant. Good Day,,,n one love! thanks!
This has been analysed many times on National Geographic and BBC History channels. Even the scientists are not certain; there are a lot of ?? Outcomes. However, that there will be many catastrophic events that will precede the end, YES; but even then, of the end no one knows. The world could end for you at death which no one knows when it will be their turn; the important thing is to be of right standing before men and God.
PLEASE READ - You see, there is something Biblical going on in the world today. A wise person will always be on his watch! a foolish person will always live carelessly. There are national unrest ALL OVER the world today. (Not only NIGERIA). I am not a bishop, pastor,reverend or elder. I am just a worker in the church (NAME withheld). But from the ministrations I have been receiving from the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14),(1 Cor 2:10). I have a notch in my spirit that there is something about to take place and that is RAPTURE. No one knows when JESUS will come, but hear me, its going to take every one unawares, that's when we shall know who truly prepared for his coming.The fact remains, many Christians will be left behind, not because they sinned but because they were not prepared! WARNING - Do not let the cares of this life (ambitions, dreams, pursuit of money,job,projects, marriage,hustles) weigh you down. THEY are all wonderful ! but be careful ! Pls do not misunderstand me. I don't know any date to that effect, but believe me RAPTURE! shall take place any moment as the days, weeks, months...roll by. These days calls for sober reflection. Make amendments where necessary.If you have issues with your neighbor, settle it fast. Choose to be foolish, but there after wise.Be absolutely holy (in the secret/open). Some revelations about rapture going on all over the world today CANNOT be discarded. One man that I respect so much among the elders in my fellowship sent me a text. It reads "I saw JESUS @ the door with HIS eye like the flames of fire, "drop all droppables, pick all pickables, HE is coming for the Church." Finally, it may surprise you to know that even satanists have a foreknowledge about RAPTURE. They are not aware of the date, but they are waiting too. Once rapture takes place, this world will not be friendly with its inhabitants. Refuse to be left behind, WATCH and PRAY!
If it really believing cos i was told to read "revelation vs obama" from google search nd truely it written in bible also, so which are we believin?
Watch d movie 2012
Atleast u wud b married, what abt us dat is still wo oju oluwa. loooooooooooool
The reason why GOD kept THE DAY OF RAPTURE secret is to know how man truly loves HIM. You see, many (men, women,governors,presidents, bishops, pastors, elders,choir members, workers, ushers,) will be left behind. While few (men, women,governors,presidents, bishops, pastors,members, elders,choir members, workers, ushers,)will make it. BE WISE ACCEPT JESUS!!!!! Live a holy life in secret + open.
I fulll ground,
Other thing is now how to make money from this...
Any ideas...?
Linda I want to marry u b4 I die ...... So dis shit can't happen .
Hey guys! i am a christian and ofcourse i dont believe in anything like this, even Jesus told his disciples when he was leaving them that he doesnt know when he would come back, but only his father does. Nobody knows, but i believe that the world will end very very soon, according to the signs we are seeing these days. Even the scientists are not saying it according to the Bible cos they dont even believe in God(we all know that), but according to what is happening on earth, that the earth is weak and all.Weather u guys like it or not, rapture will happen when u least expect it. all these ur "i avnt married o, i neva born o, i neva build o" doesnt concern God, think of theose that died without achieving anything? I have realised that u guys dont want to hear anything about the second coming or anything relating to christianity. If Linda turns a Woman of God today and her blog talks abt Rapure and repentance only, i bet nobody would be here to read nor write comments, she would be left with a very few comments. My point is weather it is ending in Nov this year o or in 2090 or the next second, you should think of where u would end up, Hell or Heaven? not just fashion, make-up, marriage, parties, sex, moeny, cars, 419, prostitution. I am not a pastor at all, infact nothing close to it, i am just a realist.....peace......
I realiz we hav ril stupid ppl! Linda u doin jst great informin ppl wot d rest of d world listen witout takin sides of ite relevance or if u bliv in it.fools attackin u shud stop checkin ur blog...fools.
God bless your soul..amen!
Linda, on December 22 do not show up on this blog or we are going to make a fun of u
A set of new words have been officially added to the English Dictionary
1) ALUU - A cursed, devilish, babaric village, hidden at a remote part of the country some kilometers away from a high institution.
2) ALUUITE - A babaric indigene of ALUU
3) ALUUEE - A person who is ALUUED
4) ALUUOLOGY - The study of babaric way of treating the human race without trial, evidendence or mercy
5) ALUUCRACY - Government of babarians, by the babaric for the barbarians.
6) ALUUISM - The political babaric ideology of barbaric practice
7) ALUUISH - Having the appearance of ALUU.
Linda abeg u in the name of God post my comment
US Senate has passed the ‘Obama Health Care’ bill into law & the implementation would commence on 23/03/2013.This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm.
This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST! Are you still in doubt concerning the ENDTIME?
GET READY! The rapture is near! Be prepared so you are not caught unaware.
Live a good life, pray more, preach the GOSPEL to others and save souls.
Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware.
(1) Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be. Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else?
(2) Why is it being connected to your bank account?
Remember the Bible says you won’t be able to buy or sell without the mark. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus comes now? Many are unaware that the end is near.. Don’t tell me that its a developed world process, technology or something fancy.
If any area of your life is not in sync with God’s word, its time to make a quick u-turn NOW… Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it is for eternity…please rather than post and forward Boko haram’s devilish accomplishments, join me and sound the alarm. Send to everyone you know.. PLEASE play your part in this. Linda pls post my comment
If linda is an atheist I'll b very glad cos d world needs more atheists
@11.04 linda isn't intellectual enuff 2 b an atheist.All dis talk of world ending is all total & absolute nonsense-Atheist 4 life
No one knows wen the Son of Man is coming truly! But I have also had similar dreams bout Rapture. And the person calling Nostradamus! Ʊ need to watch that well and see tht all he predicted has happend and is still happening. OBAMA is going to rule again, y'all shud read Revelations and ask d HolySpirit to open yur eyes to undastand every word. The end is near no doubt,but it might even come bf DEC 21st that y'all re waiting for,even though some of Ʊ misinterpret dt date to be the end of d world,sthg wil hapun but we dnt kno wot it is....BE WISE,BE READY,BE PREPARED to meet him.
Abeg u r too right jor! D person just got tired shikena!
U guys don't have to be afraid. Australia is about a day ahead ofus. So they will enter 21st before us. If nothing happenes to them, all is well, they will also enter 22nd before us. So just watch!
I saw it,,,it is the ends of the grace,,,but not really that date,,is after that date.,
from swiss
Infact,we plenty wey dey woju oluwa..lol
Are u for real?? They are gonna implant chip??
Lord pls o..Make I marry and Enjoy your plans for my life before the end time o.. Give me a good husband lord,make I even know as sex be...I no wan die a virgin o..*crying
Rapture ko, rupture nee, the Jesus you dey talk is an infant to the Incas and Aztecs who wrote the calendar! Why does there always have to be a conflict of interest.
If they say their calendar ended how's that enough for you to be coming onto this blog and insulting the person who owns it.
The Bible does not predate humanity, we have existed for several millenia, so where was good at that time? Ur of the Chaldeans practiced Zoroastraism, that is where Abram was from, on his travels he picked up varying cult practices and that's where his new religion was founded.....this same confused religion that divides and molests and oppresses people.
Stop bull-ishin' yourself and go and find the truth and remove the blindness of your hearts. Every argument does not have to end in 'Jesus....' He was not a Nigerian and you will not be first in line is he should supposedly 'return' ....you all sound like uneducated fools. Read a book other than one that has been twisted and rewritten so many times that now it seems like a comic book. I would suggest something about your own history and identity....
In other knews, Linda well done. You remain entertaining, exciting and diverse in your content.
And for anyone who dares speak a dark word in her direction, the world might no end, but your darkness will consume you!
Be illuminated!
There will be no apocalypse but security should be beefed up in case of terrorists who may want to cash in on this story. Na them go doom no be us
OMG laugh won tie my belle. Abeg u go fear end time survival kits.
There is nothing wrong with having knowledge posted on this blog. It does not take anything from anyone if after all it was just someone's interpretation of what he believes the Mayan's where saying in the ancient writing. Except we have someone from the Mayan civilisation who will give a definite interpretation of the writing which Miss. Ikeji is not. Useless knowledge does no one harm.
Care to look up in the sky and tell me what you see, its started K, watch out 4 d Ice ... .
it is impossible to predict d end
all Nigerians visit http://naijamustchange.blogpot.com
This is the best feelin in the world.... thrustin and comin hard inside her. Then allowin her to just suck you up immediately. You fit just die.... my baby is d best
theres no God. give up guys! christanity has brainwashed all of you. and collecting money from you all to their pocket.
Romney win Obama biti bawo?
So if it ends nko? Berra go and start asking for forgiveness..una dey fear abi. Anyways, i shouldn't end now oo, cos hvnt flown air force1 yet..
Ok ooo thanks for the information Linda,God help us see and know the truth cos we are all ignorant.there are so many false prophets today deceiving us to enrich themselves and luring people into joining one or two things in search of wealth and material things all in the name of GOD. GOD I wish you will be here this second to end all this and start afresh.
@linda, don mind them...they are obviously scared
Hello great experience, dude! thanks for this great Articles wow… it’s very wonderful report.
The Mayans didn't say anything about the end of the world, it's just the end of their long count calendar. Here's a webpage explaining the Mayan Prophecy
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