Iyanya - Kukere
D'banj - Oliver Twist
Chuddy K - Gaga Crazy
P-Square - Chop My Money ft Akon
These songs were nominated as Song of the Year at the 2012 Headies Awards taking place tomorrow at Eko Hotel. Which song do you think should win this category?
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»D'Banj Oliver twist.. no competition
Chop my Money
ONOME says......
Chop my moneyyyyyyyyyy. Love looooove that song.
chop my monye hands down!!! dt video has over 10million views on youtube!
Obviously KUKERE
Amma vote for kukere ...
I chose chop my money.................then Oliver twist sld be 1st runner up
chei, this is very confusing o. i love all. well maybe kukere or gaga crazy since they are sort of new..
Iyanya's kukere joor!!!!
as a Psquare huge fan, i'll love them to win it. 2nd choice will be Kukere. if either of these 2 win it, then that's cool for me.
2012 song of the year should be Psquare "Chop my money" ft Akon.
Damiduro! even thou Davido dey fall my hand
Very hard to choose. Great Songs!!!!
What about tonto dikeh's 'hi'????? *confused*
Linda,i v frgottn wat u once said about downloading ur blog on blackberry.remind me biko ooo...God bless ur swt soul
I think is going to be a close call between p squre and iyanya but I will go for p squre
oliver twist ooo
Definitely iyanya's kukere
This is a tough decision; I don't know which but this is my analysis of the song:
*Davido - Damiduro: good song but I felt he was just blowing his trumpet unnecessarily.
*Iyanya - Kukere: never liked the song. I couldn't make out what he was saying in the song; beat louder than voice.
*D'banj - Oliver Twist: tight song men! DonBabaJ's handwork. "I like Nadia Buari cos she no dey drink Garri".
*Chuddy K - Gaga Crazy: tight song. I like the "otojometa oh oh oh; kia kia kowa so, were were ko wa so" part. Reminiscent of those 90s program on NTA7.
*P-Square - Chop My Money ft Akon: tight song too; even children sing it when they don't know the meaning.
So my top three:
*Oliver Twist
*Gaga Crazy
*Chop my money
i tink p square
Chop my money, chop my moneeey, chop my noney, cos I don't care
Its a tough category o. Abeg delete davido from dia. After the hard decision, Well, its D'banj!!!!
I nominate kukere by Iyanya, but judging by the way Oliver Twist went Viral nt only in Nigeria but overseas then i'll say d'banj's Oliver Twist will surely will. You know na anytin Nigeria known abroad will surely get an award.
Btw checkout Nellaluv Spot *kisses*
P square's chop ma money is wat I tink shuld win d category!
Its most definetely btw Dbanj's -Oliver twist and Davido's- Damiduro,these two songs are massive...but i'll put my money on -oliver twist to win,cos it got a wider acceptance/airplay internationally.
I tink "iyanya-kukere" is my best followed by "chuddy k -gaga going crazy"
kukere and chop my money
I give it to kukere by iyanya!
p-square ft akon....chop my moni all d way
i think p square chop my money should win it
KuKeré all the way :D
Oliver Twist. Without a doubt!
p square's chop my money should be song of the year becuase they were able to blend with akon
chop my money
I tink Davido shld.,,cos i luv dat song nd 4 me twas revolutionary.,.,.linda pls put dis up o.......GENESIS
I tink Davido shld.,,cos i luv dat song nd 4 me twas revolutionary.,.,.linda pls put dis up o.......GENESIS
dbanj's Oliver!all the way to the olympics!
I think Kukere should win it. It was basically the fucking anthem of the year. It still gets pple moving when its played.
Well no doubt the other guys tried but common it has to be D'BANJ's OLIVER TWIST cause it was a Global hit.
oliver twist
Iyanya kukere for sure. Followed by davido dami duro ... ASJ
Duh! Is that a question? D'banjs Oliver twist ofcourse.
hmmm tough one!!!!!!!!chop my money is great,so is kukere and damiduro
Duh! Is that a question? D'banjs Oliver twist ofcourse.
Dis is so difficult to choose bt God forbid dat davido shuld win... Kukere all d way. Inyanya took ova dis year... *big smile**
tonto dikes single.
Iyanya- 100%
Is dat even a question?*rollseyez* of cos itz ..Ʊ jst an oliver oliver oliver twist!!!
Kukere iyanya is winning that category
oliver twist noni
Iyanya kukere
iyanya - kukere
kukere all d way ....*shaking bum*
Chop my money :Psquare ft Akon....is my favorite song of the year
Obviously kukere
Iyanya kukere ofcourse
dami duro
Mehn dey all made waves ooo.buh i think it should b chudy k or iyanya cos they are still making waves at the moment
Oliver Twist. No contest.
"Oliver Twist" (Even non-Nigerians who ain't even related to any Nigerian know this song! It's been played on non-African TV stations worldwide! as in it's International!)
If Oliver Twist wasn't on the list, then it my choice will be "Kukere"
kukere.by iyanya.shud b.
psqaure or chuddy k should win this
I think I would go with Davido "Dami duro" next to P-square ft akon.
I like Oliver Twist--You know the song is good when everybody want to feature on it..i have heard different version on Oliver twist from Janelle Monae to Linah an artist from Tanzania...she sang it in swahili version
Chuddy K - Gaga Crazy
Iyanya Kukere
Chuddy K - Gaga Crazy
Chuddy K - Gaga Crazy
Gaga crazy it is
Tonto Dike~ Get high! Lol
It definitely has to be gaga crazy by Chuddy k
Tonto Dike's "itz ova". Lolz
Its btwn gaga, damiduro n kukere. Buh gaga jez came out. Davido or iyanya r d toppers
If kukere does not make it, den its ojoro.
All em songs are hot and it is going to be a tight cal.l But based on some certain criteria,i would route for oliver twist. The international appeal the song garnered will be solely responsible for that and how far the song has pushed the Nigerian music industry into limelight.
Just my piece of salt opinion!
Damiduro!!! Winks
Very tough one.It should be a 3way-tie btw kukere,damiduro and chop my money but we all know say na davido dem go wan give sha.
Kukere! My opinion
flavour should be on the list. omawumi's bottom belle is an amazing song, and shud also be there. i don't think psqaure shud be on that list for chop my money. i think dami duro makes sense because when it came out, it was HOT!
Ahahn linda u no see davido's picture put or wat? Small time now,them go say you are biased
..And d winner is..Tonto Dike- Itz Ova
Iyanya (Kukere)
Song of life!
Dami duro all the way !
4 ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ it D'banj with Oliver twist...
This is serious ooo... Chop my money by P-square
Chop my money ft Akon z d most deserving imo... kukere z a close second
I think chop my money is surely no.1 followed by kukere and damiduro.
Gaga crazy
psquare said the headies was a yoruba award after bagging 5award the year before.....i dont see them winning nothing this time around
Iyanya Kukere
Iyanya Kukere
Oliver Twist! Nationally and internationally well appreciated.
all worthy songs, well chosen but I think kukere which spawned the dance move should take it, though i really love oliver twist too
Come oh, didn't I rock Oliver Twist last year? How come it's nominated for Song of the year this year? *confused*
its highly competitive...cant even pick one...so confused but i think oliver twist sha!
cant even pick one so confused but i think dbanj...oliver twist!
Kukere....anytime anyday
KUKERE noni! Dey shldnt do ojoro oooo...
Chuddy K- gaga crazy
My choice among them is D Banj's Oliver Twist. I like the beats very much.
Damn......Linda u're harsh, no space for davido's pix #cruel
i will be surprised if dbanj wins it but if he doesnt win it i will also wonder why. but he has never tweeted to be voted for this award masef. so maybe na local award him refer am to...... meanwhile please support your brother for the mobo and mtv awards he is up for
First choice - Kukere
Second choice - Oliver Twist (even though I don't like dbanj)
Third choice - chop my money
Damiduro and gaga crazy are out of it
Dbanj jor
Ofcoz gaga crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oliver Twist. It's gone viral. I have heard in shopping malls in US, London and Ireland.
Kukere-appeals to both old n young
Kukere, Iyanya
chuddy k. gaga crazy. the song is the bump.they are all good, but i think the gaga stuff is a rave.izuu
Ds list is not complete...where's itz ova by our very own tonto dikeh...dat one iz my song of year jor #poko
its dbanj all the wayyyyyyy. naija never had a hit as big as olivertwist is int'lly
Me I love all d songs oh, but I think kukere should win it, sorry chop my money I mean to say.. *wink
Chop my money-psquare
Oliver Twist
since this is a biafra forum i expect them to rake for the ibo bois
Iyanya-Kukere, not d one he featured Dbanj.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Kukere ofcos!
Abeggg,Chop my money should win it.In my opinion,song of the year should be a song everyone got to hear and it had an immortal impact on pple(dat is,atleast a line of the song stuck in the listener's brain d first tym it was listened to)...Even old pple know how to sing chop my money.Kaiy
Kukere Kukere Kukere
Kukere lets give iyanya the chance abeg
#teamDbanj all day, but dis songs are tight Oº°˚ chai, well I go for Oliver twist!
Gaga crazy!
gaga crazy all the way
Oliver twist noni
Tough one but 4 me its iyanyas kukere.
Definitely Oliver Twist
Iyanya kukere
Excel.No 1 Na Iyanya Kukere
Dbanj.oliver twist.seconded by kukere.followed by chop my money.then damiduro.last go gaga
Let's be honest it's between gaga crazy and kukere.although damiduro reigned but it's already old.
Mehn to me is dbanj oliver twist
OLIVER TWIST BY DBANJ.... Jhooor oooo...!
Davido- Damiduro all the way.
I like the other ones but gotta give it this time to Iyanya-Kukere
I like the other songs too but gotta give it this time to Iyanya-Kukere
pppppppppppp p square
It's Oliver Twist!!! That song is recognized worldwide. It deserves an award of its own. It was played at the Olympics! D'banj deserves a Grammy for that song I tell you!
Kukere by Iyanya
PSquare's Chop my money, please!
dami duro
Inyanya_kurukere my number 1
They are all good songs except Psquares chop ♍ money. I'll go for Iyanya
LINDA ur omiting Hi & ItZ ova by Tonto Dike #wink#
Kukere vs Chop my money
chop ma money.
Honestly, this year's list is too, too close to call, perhaps the "closest ever to call". As a die-hard P-Square fan and big lover of Chop My Money, I reluctantly give it to Iyanya: 1) KUKERE. 2) Chop my money 3) Oliver Twist 4) Club Crazy (Chuddy K) 5) Dat small boy
Everything abt naija na partiality!!..how do u expect me to call ds list fair wen I can't find d name of our acclaimed musician,Vic-O
They are all very good songs but "kukere" is out of it. Though, I'll give it to Oliver Twist by Dbanj
wow.... these will be prolly d hardest nomination list ever... Cos every of these songs are all hit bangers. Buh i fink two shld be strongly considered.... 1) iyanya - Kukere 2) Davido - Dami duro(even tho i aint a fan)
Its a really tough one but for some reason I think it'd be oliver twist
Me likey kukere by inyanya.
I think 2Face Idibia's Ihe Neme deserves a nomination too. But I will vote for Iyanya's Kukere here.
Me likey kukere by inyanya.
Its Kukere for me bt Oliver twist will win.
oliver twist...don't hate
Davido - Damiduro
Dami Duro! live!
Oliver Twist
Wasn't Oliver Twist like 2 yrs ago?
P Square chop my money all the way followed by Kukere then Oliver twist is 3rd
Its no doubt p-square's "chop my money"... Though I'm not really a fan of d okoye guys but I will give it to them. The song was a hit banger nd oh!! Not forgetting may-d's part.. Dat was nd is still my favourite. Love ittttttttt
I so love chop my momi and dami duro,but nothing beats oliver twist,still addicted till today,so it wins followed by chop my moni
Dat should be d song dat went far n beyond......oliver twist should be it.....went across d border.dbanj as d year mtv EMA proof dat
Derz no competition yh.....iyanya gave us a hit wt a tight dance move man!....I go 4 kukere baby!!
Chop my money
Oliver Twist, chop ur money with Akon is a remix after the original
Regardless of Davido's shortcoming and album launch failing flat Dami Duro was and is still a hit. I mean Omo baba olowo is still a catch phrase in every one's tongue.
If David doesn't win this I think he should win the album of the year award. His album is enjoyable from 1st to d last. Dbanj, Psquare and others can't do an album with such appeal. for this I'll vote Oliver cos of its international appeal.
Kukere off course
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