Photos: Dame Patience Jonathan celebrates 55th birthday | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 25 October 2012

Photos: Dame Patience Jonathan celebrates 55th birthday

Our first lady celebrated her 55th birthday today October 25th at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. Her husband, kids, mother-in-law and close friends were all there to celebrate with her. Happy birthday to her...


Critical observer said...

Look at the boys stomach! Daymmmmmmnnnn!

Look at people in the presidential villa not polished

Unknown said...

Happy birthday First Lady!!!!

Omas992 said...

When is she going to resume duty as Permanent Secretary in Bayelsa State?

Anonymous said...

why is that boy so fat... after eating all the nigerian money. he s even in front of the cake. 55 years of more gbagaun!!!!..see gudluck the smiling donkey

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

happi buffday Madam 1st lady,God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Which kids? Na she born dem? Abegi...Make we hear word.

Anonymous said...

She better celebrate well oh cos dis wan fit be her last birthday due to her terminal illness.

Ms. J said...

now we know the reason for her MIA... she had to look her best for her birthday .. so am guessing maybe a little bit of *cough,cough & cough*

Sam Oracle said...

No be small thing ooh, see uncle Jona smiling. Happy birthday aunty Patience.

Anonymous said...

Wishing the first lady many happy returns. She looks really nice in that new hairstyle. The children all look good. Black is really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Smh .look at the sons stomach .

Dr. Rukevwe said...

Happy Birthday to her too.

sokomighty said...

Is D̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅τ̲̅ all linda?
Didn't she ♍ake any USUAL speech Τ̅☺ crown it all?

NecFix said...

Bon anniversaire to the Dame. At 55 she's no more a shildren... :-)

jennietobbie said...

October babies...power

Anonymous said...

happy birthday

Anonymous said...

Such level of mediocrity Nigeria has descended to. Razz looking people as first family, choi! See the archaic microphone a president is using in the 21st century sef. smh for Naija sha.

Anonymous said...

Just a facade.. they all look SAD to me! 55yrs ko! 55yrs ni! That woman is about 60yrs!

Anonymous said...

In wilki, her D.O.B DIFFERENT oh! "Patience Faka Jonathan (born 20 November 1957) is the current First Lady of Nigeria and a permanent secretary in her native Bayelsa state. She is married to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan.[1]" I beg i cnt shout!

Anonymous said...

Dame? Who gave her knighthood!!

BIBI said...

oh tank God 4 her life. H B D ma.wishing u more healthy years ahead

Anonymous said...

i see a face lift and skin lightening procedure done in addition to tummy tuck. its obvious she worked towards her birthday ... shame

Anonymous said...

Happy bday t u mummy fellow widows

MJ said...


LecHon! said...

Shey the boy get potbelly ni?

Sir jay said...


Ijeomah said...

congrats ma....u rili looking so so fly.....LLNP....


Happy for her,this goes to show "she dey kampe" in d voice of Obj.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

VinSucre said...

Happy birthday ℓ̊Ϟ arrears τ̅☺ madame Patience the first lady

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo happy that u r back, may the good Lord continue to kip u now and for eva, Amen. Happy Belated Birthday. One Love Nigeria!

Anonymous said...

Na this boy and patient dey consume the food for that villa. Smh. Pepe,happy belated birthday o. Chop cake more....

Nonya said...

Look at that fat boy....

Anonymous said...

Wow wow! She's my bday mate! Eyaaaa. Long life, good health and prosperity to u Ma! - Ohgey

Queen said...

HBD our first lady . Wishin her long life & prosperity

finest-in-internet said...

Congrats Patience, thank God she recovered again! But why she looked so angry in the first pic?

Anonymous said...

It's well with you,wishing you LLNP.

Anonymous said...

hahaha how can she b 55? She looks 65 jor. Probably u meant to write 65.

Anonymous said...

The way Patience is looking at that child is priceless. First picture...Lol

Anonymous said...

Linda our 1st lady s lying.she cant be 55 FO̶̷̩̥̊͡ř God sake..GOSH!!!.our leaders should learn how †̥ say the truth FO̶̷̩̥̊͡ř once..anyway ‎​i̶̲̥̅̊ don't want †̥ hear her comment b4 ‎​i̶̲̥̅̊ go deaf plzz

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Dame...LLNP

kelvin j said...

Happy b day patience joe

Unknown said...

May God continue to guide and uplift her, In Jesus Name, Amen.

BonkoINC Ɣξα̲̅h he haz bin around sha said...

Iz dat Gudluck's first son wit Big tummy hehe!

metche said...

Wishing our first lady A Happy Birthday in good health and prosperity

Oge Nsimah said...

HBD first lady

Warri Girl said...

That's tru oo. I have even forgotten that she has an office waiting for her to occupy in Bayelsa. As for the picture chai! I feel for the boy, he carried his mothers body.

Nikki. said...

wow!!!!!!!!!! Lovely pics, happy birthday to our first Lady wish her many more fruitful years ahead........

Moi Moi said...

Glorified Childhood Obesity....
All in the name of been the president's son
He needs booth camp...

Anonymous said...

Oct babies are awesome,mine is 31st,hapi bday 2 her.

Anonymous said...

Just asking why is it that in Nigeria instead of having just one cake; plenty cakes are arranged to compete for attention? Must everybody also cut the cake with the celebrant?

Anonymous said...

Some people talk so sensilessly,'e fit b her last birthday'r u God?.Those of u talking of her bad english most of ur mums can't spell their names ooo.Insatiable Nigerians,mtchewwww.Even if she is not d biological mother of those kids,wot about it.Heavenly blessings first lady jare

Anonymous said...

na wa for nigerians and venom..insulting kids as well

Eya Ayambem said...

Happy Birthday! Many happy returns, long life and prosperity. @Anon 11:27 am, God bless you for that piece. Some people can't just be happy for another?

Anonymous said...

Speech!!! Speech!!! Speech!!!

Anonymous said...

Love goduck's smile n dame's hair epic# hbd mam!!

Anonymous said...

HBD Ma'am,Best wishes in dis new year of Ur life.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday my first lady.

Anonymous said...

God bless u Ma n many more yrs to celebrate.some pple r just sadist.y d hate msgs.who God hs bleSsd no one can curse,so deal wit it

Anonymous said...

@str8frmdahips say..
Charlatans..all looking over stuffed..almost killed herself for birthday new LOOK!!..
What they celebrating..there's petrol shortage..flooding..incessant killings..and this ones in charge have time to have a lavish do!!..55 indeed!! age no doubt!!..why lie??

Anonymous said...

why cant people be happy for others mtchewww as u curse you might just be backfiring on yourself

Anonymous said...

una be bad belle, most of ur child and ur brothr,uncle and sister's children are fatter than that boy, abeg leave the boy alone, he is cute and fine.

instead of u guys to wish her happy bday, ur there insulting the well know and influential ppl.

how else do u expect heir parent to look like, if they too fine u guys will say they use Nigeria money to look good, na they dress moderate u r still talking.

abeg, go and pray so God will lift u out of poverty.

Anonymous said...

Why did she not give a speech

igba said...

Abeg all of look local,next page joor

Anonymous said...

How many u don born? Are u God? There is a big difference btwn being a mother nd being a parent. Even if she isnt their biological mother nd so???
May God forgive ur wickedness

Anonymous said...

We now realise why she vanished to do tummy tuck with taxpayers money Anyway as time goes on the son will also go for his own tummy tuck.Nonentities and illiterates ruling a country of millions of genuis.Do I blame her? Soon the side effect of everything will catch up with them

yes I said it said...

God bless you

Unknown said...

seeing this pic i just could'nt help but wonder what it will feel like to be the child of a president,

Anonymous said...

God punish you for saying that....u r a sadist. Biological or adopted children are a blessing either way

Anonymous said...

In Nigeria Dame is given when the husband is a Knight from the church.

Anonymous said...

Now she can't remember when she was broke and once a children

Str8FrmDaHips said...

so what??..and who care!!

Anonymous said...

U ar senseless too. Is dat ur own opinion? If u dont ve any reasonable comment, pls shift for sensible pple. schwwwww......

Anonymous said...

If your hubby is a knight then you are a lady.
In Nigeria, a dame is a female equivalent of a knight. My father's wife is a dame because he has another wife. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Go and have your own children before you talk about her. Ewu!!!

Unknown said...

55 ke! That woman should at least be chasing 65 abeg.

Anonymous said...

Dat boy no xcape imbe, see Im bele sef. 1st lady 55, how old is our presido?

Anonymous said...

SO they are razz looking people, well they look like what most of you Nigerians look like to us when we see you. Only a few of you look "Europeanized". I believe this is where all these bushe comments are going. We hate ourselves as Africans. We are eager to bleach, fake accents, pretend we dont speak our native dialects and act as if we have never known a village. We should be proud of our heritage and how we look.I am a Naija and I am one of the very light skinned oyibo looking ones from Bayelsa. I LOVE MY PEOPLE's looks. The diversity in our appearance is our beauty. Stop hating them. They look like regular Nigerians. If you hate yourself and you see yourself in them, that is a different issue. Go get counseling.

As for the obese kid, you should not bully him for that. His parents need to place him on exercise and a slightly restricted diet so that he does not become sick. HE does not need to be called names. He is a kid. Nigerians can be VERY UGLY.

Anonymous said...

Bad belle!!

quin said...

Una too like talk

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

And so what if she is not their biological mom? U r so bush and backward. Idiot. Its Nigerians like u that make us remain a primitive nation.

Anonymous said...

Real priceless. Lol. I'm sure he just did something naughty.

Anonymous said...

My dear go and sit down. Most kids r chubby joo. If u have those that look like lizards na u know. Ah ah even a little kid u will abuse. Jealousy. Bush man.

christian nurse said...

See the over pampered child cutting the cake with his left hand.

Anonymous said...

naija people and bad belle...
must u criticise everytin under d sun? na wah o

Anonymous said...

naija people and bad belle...
must u criticise everytin under d sun? na wah o

Anonymous said...

See as Goodluck son dey fat dey go. Chop the money son.

Anonymous said...

razz, crude, fat ,imbecile or whatever, the Jonathans remains,as at this time, the most powerful and influential family in Nigeria and the whole of Africa. If GEJ storms out of an African Heads of states meeting, that meeting must adjourn. Same for the wife

this is more than can be said for everyone here or elsewhere describingthem in derogatory terms. Ordinary class rep some never achieved.

Madam happy birthday and the best of everyday of every new day.

Da-zi said...

Mehn, some comments on LIB are to die for! Its a fellow human being's birthday and people are busy vomiting sickening comments! From obesity of a poor child to tummy tuck, bleaching, razzness, bad grammer to terminal illness...people, bikonu learn the art of sensitivity and decorum, stop the Hate! Ask God for forgivenss for those appalling comments! I'm no fan of the Jonathans but a foreigner reading these negative comments will quickly discover our inferiority complex and mentality and only but laugh at us...Tufia!

Anonymous said...

We r birthday mates!!! Yippeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Poverty striken nigerians. Always jelous. Happy birthday mam

Anonymous said...

Poverty striken nigerians. Always jelous. Happy birthday mam

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