Nigerian sex trafficker used 'juju' to terrorise young orphans he raped after smuggling them into UK | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Nigerian sex trafficker used 'juju' to terrorise young orphans he raped after smuggling them into UK

A Nigerian smuggler who used witchcraft rituals to force children to work as sex slaves was jailed for 20 years on October 28th

Osezua Osolase, 42, tricked poverty-stricken Nigerian orphans into travelling to the UK with the promise of a better life. But the young victims were raped, sexually abused and subjected to voodoo-style rituals by a child trafficking ring.

Osolase, the linchpin of a multi-million pound global sex trafficking ring, used 'juju' magic to control his victims. He told the teenage girls they would die or never bear children if they tried to escape or revealed what had happened to them.

Caught on film: Osezua Osolase (in baseball cap) with young trafficking victims under surveillance at Stansted Airport. The children's faces have been obscured in order to protect their identities

Judge Adele Williams told Osolase: 'You are arrogant and manipulative, you are devoid of conscience, devoid of any compassion to your victims.

'You were dealing in exploitation and misery and degradation. You have been convicted on clear and compelling evidence of trafficking two girls in and out of the UK.
'Once they arrived in the UK the reality was explained to them that they were going to have to work as prostitutes.

'They were petrified that if they spoke out they would be harmed and killed.'

During the trial it emerged that Osolase raped one of the young girls knowing he had HIV. Judge Williams described this as a 'seriously aggravating' feature to his crimes.

At Canterbury Crown Court on Friday, Osolase was convicted of five counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation, one of rape and one of sexual activity with a child.

The charges relate to three girls aged 14, 16, and 17. One was raped and all three endured juju rituals, including one conducted by Osolase himself.

One feared she was being taken to another country to be used as a human sacrifice. Osolase slashed the chest of his youngest victim with a razor and rubbed black powder into her bleeding wounds.

On the surface, Osolase was a recycling worker living in a terraced house in Gravesend, Kent. But his home was a secret staging post for vulnerable teenage orphans as they were smuggled from Africa, via Britain, to several European countries.

Detectives discovered evidence that at least 28 victims were smuggled in and out of Britain over a 14-month period, earning him up to £1.5million.

Culled from Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

oh my goodnes...this is inhumane and callous...
how can u possibly rape a child knowing u have HIV??where are these people's parents??ugghh I can't

Anonymous said...


Lagos-is-my-Home said...

Linda you forgot to add that he admitted been HIV positive and yet raped one of the young girls without wearing protection....

There is a special HELL FIRE Waiting for this ugly fool

Bubble gum said...

Yes! your cup don full

Anonymous said...

After 20 years he will be deported back to Nigeria. Please remember this face and watch out for this scumbag ... HIV infested thing.

Anonymous said...

It hurts to see responsible looking men who re supposed to b called "dads" engage in disheartening n disgraceful acts like ds! Slikky

Anonymous said...

he deserves any capital punishment 4 such act of inhumanity.

Janekemmy said...

All for money, God ve mercy on us ooo...... He will rot in jail

salvy said...

old gist!!!smh*raised eyebrow*

yeah said...

o dear God! He has HIV??? my God. Imagine the number of naija babes in naija that he has used the money he made from trafficking to entice. All you aristo babes you see ya lives? and some of these our girls are not innocent anymore. 15 year old girls in that naija have started following older men for weaves and phones. God will deal with this animal sha

Moi Moi said...

Everything get expiration date even juju....Guess the juju don expire
Since we know what happened now...

Anonymous said...

this is sad and he was infecting these poor girls with hiv. after some idiots will come and be calling yoruba girls...see how greedy your own people are. Selling their own seeds for so called greener pastures to greedy older men

hmmm said...

It is indeed true, AIDS and HIV no dey show for face. Does this "healthy" looking man look like he has hiv? the hottest part of hell awaits him. Wicked thing. Only God knows how many of those girls have contracted something now

Anonymous said...

Do they believe in "juju" in the UK? is that newspaper a UK mag?

Anonymous said...

Pray he gets what he deserves in prison. Six hefty well endowed men should do to his anus what he did to those girls. Then he would know hell on earth. Bastard!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous.God punish him......useless evil fellow


Man's inhumanity to man,he deserves no mercy,for he showed none. Pray other trafficking rings like dis be smashed.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

What a shame. Since the cursed fool knew he was HIV positive, what then was he amassing all that devilish money for? A clear indicator that he has sold his soul to the devil and needed to destroy many more lives before his corpse is lowered into hell. Why are they sentencing him to a British jail? he should be sent to jail here in Nigeria. GOD PUNISH YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE GENERATION!!!

Anonymous said...

What is this world turning into? He should be sentenced for life so he will not see the light of day again!Imagine raping and infecting an under aged girl with HIV! smh

Anonymous said...

Na wa oo

Anonymous said...

hope he goes to jail for the rest of his life for doing God forsaken bastard

Warri Girl said...

Gosh, this guy is heartless.

MJ said...


freeangel said...

This is terrible .

Anonymous said...

Linda! You are 2 weeks late!! You obviously suffering from LASTMAlaria !!!

Anonymous said...

See his fufu plus Aluu face..wicked man

Anonymous said...

Later, chiuna achebe will open his dirty mouth and make it seem like igbo pple are the most special in who of nigeria. Meanwhile I'm not suprised at this igbo fool more like south-south well u guys are the same thing. Everything bad is always u guys vandalising na una, cynthia's case n'ko majority of them are igbo bois, militancy na una, rituals na una, scams na una, childtraficking na still una. Was watching a prog on aljazerra on day about this same nigerian child traffickn ish. The story was majorily about u selfish and greedy cunt. Igbo and south south pple. Pisss of abeg. We don't infact need ur oil.

Anonymous said...

British justice is too soft- this man ought to be sentenced to death- he has given his victims another death sentence- he revealed his HIV positive status to the police when he was arrested. I hope (in vain) that he will be denied HIV medication and sent back to Nigeria after serving his term

Anonymous said...

Naijadeltapikin... The question Ǻ♍ asking ÈŠ̊§ Ђδω did this kids get Τ̅☺ the uk ÈŠ̊§ t not ds emabssy people dat gave dem visa did they not ask for the necessary document bcos person wey go embassy wth correct sturf dem ₪☺ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ answer Ǻ♍ na dos wey â„“i̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ dem â„“i̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ especially uk emabassy ogaaa Ooº°˚˚°Âºoo jazzz D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ work Ooº°˚˚°Âºoo

chinny ama said...

This man is wicked 20 yrs it just too small, he deserve life in prison with manual labour

ola said...

this world is totally mystery using another life to man money..

Anonymous said...

All this for only 20 years?! He has terrorized and degraded vulnerable children, potentially affecting them for the rest of their lives. He should be sentenced to life in prison with hard labor. Let him know what it means to work at someone else's bidding. Poverty doesnt give anyone an excuse to be cruel!

Unknown said...

My gosh, d HIV part jst brought me to tears..... Imagine d vicious cycle.....

Naijadude said...

And I wept...

Anonymous said...

Na wa o! Crazy

childs play said...


Unknown said...

All dt glitters aren't Gold.... Ds guy Shld rot in jail.

Anonymous said...

@correctbabe We should leave this man and face the parent of the girls, if their parent are responsible they will not leave their child to just anybody. Responsibility does not mean you have the whole money in the world it simply mean not lazy find something doing and care for your children parent stop looking for red made life.

is this the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc story about child trafficking, its used to act movies and all sort, still parent will leave their child to ppl anyhw.

my mother did not go to school, but i knew she struggle for all of us thru school and she does not leave us to anybody, she sold used newspapar, kolanut, moimoi leaves, all sort of things just to make sure we all had what it takes to be a child, i never went to any expensive school all na government school with school lesson.

let us not be lazy and folds our hands, parent be responsible.

pessimist said...

ibo ppl as usual alwayz doin evil tinz...... tah!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous October 31, 2012 7:40 PM, please go and take a pill for your tribalist infested brain!!!the guy is not an igbo guy..and as dumb as u are, not everyone from the south is Igbo and please, since you hate igbo pple so much, please please please stop reading Linda's blog, because she is an igbo girl!!!! get that through your skull and take this, ishi gba wakwa gi onyeara!!! go ask your Igbo friends to translate that for sure you dont have any...sad dumb f*ck like you!!

IVORY CHI said...

@ ANON October 31, 2012 7:40 PM







Anonymous said...

hi linda, i always click d comment post to read d comment from BONARIO NNAGS , i love his comment die, humour, truth, sarcastic way etc name it

Anonymous said...

U̶̲̥̅̊ r an imbecile for bringin chinwe Achebe into this. If U̶̲̥̅̊ are a Nigerian as U̶̲̥̅̊ claim (I'm sure U̶̲̥̅̊ r from Niger or chad) U̶̲̥̅̊ wud have known that the guy ÈŠ̝̊̅§ from Edo. Ewu Gambia, mumu upper iweaka. Ps; I'm a CrossRiverian

chidinma chigbu said...

My friend that is an edo name but still we are one people . All these tribalistic statements won't lead us anywhere. The issue in our country is tribalism. Every tribe wants to claim superiority it should not be so. This man is a Nigerian and he is nigeria's problem. Let's learn not to blame our origin

Anonymous said...

God save our souls

Anonymous said...

Common shut ur trap...see ur dirty mouth....dirty yoruba idiot like u! Wey never even fit wash off palm oil wey dey ur teeth...Amala and Ewudu that all u knw....fool

Anonymous said...

Chaii...see how SAD ur life is... Living a sad life...U'll die in saddness...IGBO'S RULE!!! Make u go die for Aluu sure na poverty dey do u this thing....just show u r a labourer in an Igbo man's factory in OKOKOMIKO....faustration of enter molue dey make u missyarn! Otele nshi di ka gi...ozuu okuko nwuru anwu...bricklayer like u...poverty striken layabout...pls piss of my Igbo sister blog...go get a life...or u can get to Shitta; that yoruba mama put dey look for dishwasher like u! Idiot...

Anonymous said...

* Linda. See all these hypocrits. All of una wey get under age housemaids or omo odo in Naija are in the category. Its a sign of status in alasgos at least to get a housemaid. THe average Nigerian will justify this practice and some export it abroad under the arguement that they are trying to better a girl's life. Slavery is slavery.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant person who said this guy is Ibo. Any name not sounding Yoruba and Hausa/Fulani is Ibo to you. Tribalistic illiterate.

tongueout said...

i find it very strange that all u who have a problem with the tribalistic "directed at igbo" comments never come out when the imbeciles amongst you say ignorant stuff about yorubas...anyways ati edo o, ati delta o, ati imo o, ati rivers o, you are all igbo to me

Anonymous said...

Why your mouth dey sharp how many aristo girls have unprotected sex? Its even these insecure pretenders that do it coz they are needy& lack d ability to define what they want

Anonymous said...

Ds guy shld be hung perıod.$4u pple dt,ar causın ıbos,go $gt a lıfe cz ds an edo man.fools dt conclude ın a hurry.

Anonymous said...

If this is what you call healthy looking then hmmnn my dear you are on one!

sweetchoco said...

God have mercy dis man should just rot in prison. he should be given life in prison becos wen he comes out,he surely continue frm where he stopped. evil man. thunder scatter ur life der mtcheeeew.

eworo obor sunday said...

i stongly agree with u,one are all one nigerian,,let keep ethnicity,ethnocentritism,prejudice and stereotypin behavior aside,cause those are the besic reason why nigeria can't develop,united we stand,devided we fall,it doesn't matter what part of nigeria he originated from,so long as his 4m our country,

Anonymous said...

He's Esan! Stupse!! Heartless bastard!

kachi tiutaa said...

yoruba mentality is all abt tribalism. that old fool is nothing but an imp nd a threat to humanity.He should b condemned to death so as to serve as a deterrent to others

Anonymous said...

May God save us all from greedy old fools who think ammasing wealth at the detriment of others ÈŠ̝̊̅§ the surest thing.

Anonymous said...

Well said!
Isi gba wakwa ya pieces!!!

Anonymous said...

D man is not ibi,he is edo.
And weda he is ibi or not,dat is not d issue.
D issue is dat he is a nigerian!!
Dumb ass nigga!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lool im partly edo and partly igbo....@ that yeye anon that doesnt know his map....igbo and edo are different...yorubas should know that there are other tribes in nigeria other than igbo....educate yourselves ofe nmanu

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely lugubrious. Jesus is the solution to all of this mess. With jesus in you, this kind of sin will never be mention in connection with you, i mean it will be easy to say no to the devil who conspiciously is the ochestrator of this terrible sin.

Anonymous said...

Am very sure he is ur uncle!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

D man is not ibi,he is edo.
And weda he is ibi or not,dat is not d issue.
D issue is dat he is a nigerian!!
Dumb ass nigga!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said!
Isi gba wakwa ya pieces!!!

Anonymous said...

U r a brainless creature!!!!
If u don't knw where he is frm,den u ask!!!
Otondo like u.
How r my not sure he is ur relation and u r just covering up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She mentioned it.
Read d text again

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 9.26.pls read d post very well. they said they were orphans....
that being said, lets always treat every child as our own, with parents or not every child shld be everyones child. showing love doesnt take anyfin from u rather it makes one a better person. am sure the guy was bitter dats y he did wat he did but if he had sowed possitivly to the lives of those orphans am sure God wld hv given him a miracle.......

Anonymous said...

Why is it that things pain yorubas a lot. I dont envy you lot at all. In fact, i pity you lot. Brain washed pained folk. Stop taking your tribe and lives this seriously. We wil all live this earth. Kai, its a pity.

Anonymous said...

What do u mean by that:“some idiots will come and be calling yoruba girls....” What is that supposed 2 mean??????

Unknown said...

Did u miSs d part where they said the children are orphans?

John Jacob Yaktal said...

Cchig07, ur rply 2 wot anon7:40 said is really nice. Am I love with it cos u expressed urself witout being abusive. Infact, I'll put my name here 4 d first time. NICE ONE

John Jacob Yaktal said...

Anon 9:33, u're right I don't think dis blog is meant 4 ethnic or tribal utterances. Evil people r every where & in every tribe. But u harshh small sha

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:40,calling u stupid wd b an insult to stupid people,coward,y didn't u put wat tribe u r from? Extreme retard.ur way of reasoning is amazingly depressing,y do u hv to bring tribe issues into d matter.yorubas hv done way worse.obviously u can comprehend dat cos ur head is full of coconut water instead of brains.pls look for somewhere else to take out ur frustration,perharps ur miserable n wretched family,asshole

coco said...


Anonymous said...

He's NOT esan! Why are u lying?! That name is a pure Benin name so shut d F up!

Anonymous said...

The idiots name is pessimist. Talking about igbos. Yes there was a genocide 50yrs ago. If jews are still shouting about holocaust since the 40s why shouldn't we. You are shouldbe careful cos worse would befall you from people you think are friends. Pessimist tinz onye ara

Anonymous said...

pls for cryin out loud we r all 4 dat man i pray dt God Almighty wil change him and use him to win souls.We r all sinners and its only God dt can change a man.Many av done worse.take Aluu 4 as an example.i stil tink of those boys.As 4 d girls what has happened has praya 4 dem is dt God wil gve dem a gud lyf worthy of His glory.lyf must go on no mata hw long or short ,no mata wut we r goin thru.our utmost goal shld be heaven where dey is no pain and sufferin.Jesus luvs u.

ticked said...

@ November 1, 2012 2:04 AM are you for real?? asking how many aristo girls have unprotected sex??? you are a bloody fool. Ashewo bastard. So you support aristonism??? yeah its a new word I formed. Shame on you. May the wives of some of these men you sleep with acid that your disgusting pussy that you cannot leave to your own future husband. Disgraceful human being

orisirisi said...

All these igbo people coming out of the woodworks to yell blue murder because some other tribes are calling some of your brethren out on their bad behavior. I cant believe some are saying yorubas are sensitive and using this medium to insult yorubaas. Yorubas are insulted everyday on this site and we don't go off the mouth abusing or insulting people who disrespect our tribe. I suggest you igbos do the same. Just read and move on. Leave ignorant commentators to their foolishness... Ignorance is a disease

Anonymous said...

Anon Oct 31, 7:40PM, c hw u let down ur tribe wit dis sort of unnecessary bitterness & hate comments emanating frm a warped mind. Wht's actually biting u? Is ur ppl nt getting more dan reqd in d national cake, evn with ur last 8yr rule & d much advntages dat hv accrued 2 u guys?
D issue @ stake is abt a Nigerian who hd exhibited & committd a condemnable act. Since evil abounds in dis world, d crime so committed is nt restrictd 2 any tribe or race.
U knw within u dat ur tribesppl commit evn worse, abominable, disgraceful & callous acts dan dis: incest, juju, ritual killings, evil forests trade. Check d media & c d crimes being reportd 2 hv bn committd by ur ppl. Recently a 10-year old girl accused her 62-year-old step father  Mr. Alabi Ibrahim of habitually having carnal knowledge of  her; sea pirates & oil vessel hijackers causing untold havocs in our waterways; herbalist & car-snatching armed robbery syndicate etc.
Is it d looting of d national treasury, ur tribesmen cud b said 2 b worse off? Reaping wia dey did nt sow, in d name of 1 Nigeria.
Which tribe holds d world record in tribalising evry issue?
Despite d cooperation oda ppl gv 2 u guys, evn wen dey ar @ a disadvntage, u stil hv d guts 2 malign dem with ur incurabl tribalism.
Since u don't nid d oil, I wish u'd b man/woman enof 2 recall d thousands of ur kith & kin directly enjoying unmerited employmnts in d NigerDelta. Also, terminate evry on-going oil projects unduly placed in ur areas & go 2 d media & begin a campaign (as u normally do) 4 d O&G companies 2 relocate dia hdqtrs 2 dia areas of operations. Arrant nonsense frm an ingrate! Osikosi!

Anonymous said...

Anon Oct 31, 7:40PM, c hw u let down ur tribe wit dis sort of unnecessary bitterness & hate comments emanating frm a warped mind. Wht's actually biting u? Is ur ppl nt getting more dan reqd in d national cake, evn with ur last 8yr rule & d much advntages dat hv accrued 2 u guys?
D issue @ stake is abt a Nigerian who hd exhibited & committd a condemnable act. Since evil abounds in dis world, d crime so committed is nt restrictd 2 any tribe or race.
U knw within u dat ur tribesppl commit evn worse, abominable, disgraceful & callous acts dan dis: incest, juju, ritual killings, evil forests trade. Check d media & c d crimes being reportd 2 hv bn committd by ur ppl. Recently a 10-year old girl accused her 62-year-old step father  Mr. Alabi Ibrahim of habitually having carnal knowledge of  her; sea pirates & oil vessel hijackers causing untold havocs in our waterways; herbalist & car-snatching armed robbery syndicate etc.
Is it d looting of d national treasury, ur tribesmen cud b said 2 b worse off? Reaping wia dey did nt sow, in d name of 1 Nigeria.
Which tribe holds d world record in tribalising evry issue?
Despite d cooperation oda ppl gv 2 u guys, evn wen dey ar @ a disadvntage, u stil hv d guts 2 malign dem with ur incurabl tribalism.
Since u don't nid d oil, I wish u'd b man/woman enof 2 recall d thousands of ur kith & kin directly enjoying unmerited employmnts in d NigerDelta. Also, terminate evry on-going oil projects unduly placed in ur areas & go 2 d media & begin a campaign (as u normally do) 4 d O&G companies 2 relocate dia hdqtrs 2 dia areas of operations. Arrant nonsense frm an ingrate! Osikosi!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:15pm shut the fuck up and go back to your dead zone onisha where you sell used or aba cloth..

Anonymous said...

Oh please shut the fuck up.. Lousy igbos..please go back to onitsha..

Anonymous said...

Yanh yahn! Whr Linda ikeji dey live? No be lasgidi..oya she shud pack her things to Aba na let's see..nuisance.

Anonymous said...

Anon Oct 31, 7:40PM, c hw u let down ur tribe wit dis sort of unnecessary bitterness & hate comments emanating frm a warped mind. Wht's actually biting u? Is ur ppl nt getting more dan reqd in d national cake, evn with ur last 8yr rule & d much advntages dat hv accrued 2 u guys?
I hd xpctd ur kinsmen, in dia multitudes, 2 hv rebuked dat hell out of u 4 typing & venting dis disgusting tins. D issue @ stake is abt a Nigerian who hd exhibited & committd a condemnable act. Since evil abounds in dis world, d crime so committed is nt restrictd 2 any tribe or race.
U knw within u dat ur tribesppl commit evn worse, abominable, disgraceful & callous acts dan dis: incest, juju, ritual killings, evil forests trade. Check d media & c d crimes being reportd 2 hv bn committd by ur ppl. Recently a 10-year old girl accused her 62-year-old step father  Mr. Alabi Ibrahim of habitually having carnal knowledge of  her; sea pirates & oil vessel hijackers causing untold havocs in our waterways; herbalist & car-snatching armed robbery syndicate etc.
Is it d looting of d national treasury, ur tribesmen cud b said 2 b worse off? Reaping wia dey did nt sow, in d name of 1 Nigeria.
Which tribe holds d world record in tribalising evry issue?
Despite d cooperation oda ppl gv 2 u guys, evn wen dey ar @ a disadvntage, u stil hv d guts 2 malign dem with ur incurabl tribalism.
Since u don't nid d oil, I wish u'd b man/woman enof 2 recall d thousands of ur kith & kin directly enjoying unmerited employmnts in d NigerDelta. Also, terminate evry on-going oil projects unduly placed in ur areas & go 2 d media & begin a campaign (as u normally do) 4 d O&G companies 2 relocate dia hdqtrs 2 dia areas of operations.
Arrant nonsense frm an ingrate! Osikosi!

ML said...

The truth is, that your brother wey dey Yanki fit be Ritualist. While you are there envying him, you will be surprised what he's up to. In conclusion, be content with what you have.

Anonymous said...

tongue out November 1, 2012 1:10 AM illiteracy and ignorance are your bane. Take a social studies class please.

Egoruomare Efiok Eyo Efiok said...

I'm in tears. How can one ever recover from such trauma? God dey

Anonymous said...

Orisisi of Nov 1 1:49PM, I used 2 tink u guys ar mo' sensibl dan dis. Just as ur name implies, plenty & diverse nonsense indeed frm ur tribe. Instead of u 2 condemn what ur tribesman/woman hd postd u'r hia adding insult 2 injury. If it ws d oda tribe dey wd hv long ago, enmass condemn d action of any of dia tribesmen dat trivialises issue. Lata u'd b d loud in cryin 1 Nigeria as if u meant d common gd of all.
Which tribe oda dan ur tribe com 2 dis blog, crying foul, 2 tribalise & trivialise evry sensibl issue, raining insults on supposd enemies? U ar hia claiming ur tribe is sensibl, forming wht u dont practice. If it ws som oda tribe stating dat I wd undastnd.
U beta call a townhall meeting & tk ur advise 2 ur tribal bigots who tink ur tribe is superior 2 odas & dia4 shd nt air dia sensibl views.
If u can't do dat or comment sensibly y can't u read & move on?
A word is enof 4 d wise!

Anonymous said...

Orisisi of Nov 1 1:49PM, I used 2 tink u guys ar mo' sensibl dan dis. Just as ur name implies, plenty & diverse nonsense indeed frm ur tribe. Instead of u 2 condemn what ur tribesman/woman hd postd u'r hia adding insult 2 injury. If it ws d oda tribe dey wd hv long ago, enmass condemn d action of any of dia tribesmen dat trivialises issue. Lata u'd b d loud in cryin 1 Nigeria as if u meant d common gd of all.
Which tribe oda dan ur tribe com 2 dis blog, crying foul, 2 tribalise & trivialise evry sensibl issue, raining insults on supposd enemies? U ar hia claiming ur tribe is sensibl, forming wht u dont practice. If it ws som oda tribe stating dat I wd undastnd.
U beta call a townhall meeting & tk ur advise 2 ur tribal bigots who tink ur tribe is superior 2 odas & dia4 shd nt air dia sensibl views.
If u can't do dat or comment sensibly y can't u read & move on?
A word is enof 4 d wise!

Anonymous said...

Yea I second dat! If tongue out knows a tiny bit of history, he or she would know that the Edos are decendants of oduduwa so the issue of edo, imo n odas being igbo won't arise, pple really need to educate themselves!

Anonymous said...

@Yeah u are so dumb what as aristo got to do with this.mteeeew

Anonymous said...

Smelly mouth, tel all ur lazy, arrogant ppl who ar in Eastern & Nigerdelta cities, to pack & go back to the West now cos the oil wil soon dry...

Anonymous said...

Nawa for dis Odua ppl. Dem post crime wey una ppl commit, u complain. Dem post d crime oda ppl commit, u complain. Lata u go complain say dem no dey post ya comment. Wetin persin go do pls una?
U c say ya broda dey misyarn, u no fit caution am. I bow for u ppl o. If say na una get dis nigerdelta, oda nigerians 4 hear am.
Wel, I no too blame una. Na oda southern ppl wey dey follow follow, wey dey gv una too much regrd I blame.

With d way I dey c comments for dis internet, e b like say d journey of dis 1 nigeria tin stil far.

Anonymous said...

Nawa for dis Odua ppl. Dem post crime wey una ppl commit, u complain. Dem post d crime oda ppl commit, u complain. Lata u go complain say dem no dey post ya comment. Wetin persin go do pls una?
U c say ya broda dey misyarn, u no fit caution am. I bow for u ppl o. If say na una get dis nigerdelta, oda nigerians 4 hear am.
Wel, I no too blame una. Na oda southern ppl wey dey follow follow, wey dey gv una too much regrd I blame.

With d way I dey c comments for dis internet, e b like say d journey of dis 1 nigeria tin stil far.

Anonymous said...

Pls o! That is an Ishan name o! No Bini person answers Osezua Osolase! In Edo state, there are Binis, Ishan, Etsako, Owan, Ijaws and Ora. No bini person bears that name but Ishan.

Anonymous said...

Shut up the name is not pure benin name. I would know if it was a benin name. It is esan name. If it was a benin name it will be osa not ose at the begining of the name. Not that it matter to me were this evil is from i just which he could get a live sentence.

Therese I. said...

Hope he dies in jail!
He deserves no mercy! To prey on a defenseless child!

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