Muna was in Atlanta for a over a month and currently in London still recording songs for her long awaited first album The Goddess, The Hustler, taking a little time out for a BBC Radio interview with DJ Edu on the 1Xtra Show. Meanwhile, check the new hair colour. Fierce!
That red hair no fit her oo... All of dem sha wan be lik either beyonce or rihanna or nicki.... Dis is obviously rihanna inspired.... She be lik akuko(cock)....
She always looks pretty tho, she's got good genes.. Bt dat red hair, hell no!!!
i love this girl shes so pretty
pls chck this story and leave a comment MY BOYFRIEND WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH ME BECAUSE OF PIMPLES--www.relationship4rum.blogspot.com
luv d new hair luk
Muna toh badt gan,cornering usher by d side,wait make tameka catch u
Lol am wishing her all the best in her career
I've always said Usher looks Somalian, this photo confirms it! Lol!.. Big ups to muna
Hatuuur!! I don't tink she luks bad
She is a beau. She is definitely a beautiful to behold. The red hair is quite good on her.
Ah Muna, girl power, flying higher, kiss kiss to u pretty, pretty. The red hair is SMOKING HOT!!!
Wow, this is very nice, and her smile is one in a million.
I like muna but don't like her intonation when she raps. She sounds like crap! She better look for anoda carrier cos rap music is not her thing.*thts my opinion o*
*career* sorry
Shez pretty but looking a bit old
On a very serious note,dis usher looks like that man that acted'the gods must be crazy oh'just thinking out aloud though.as for muna,hapi for her that she is going places but muna y red hair now
Usher has this perpetual fake smile plastered to his face. He had dis same smile wen he took a snap with Oprah. Of course i notice these little things cos am planning to marry him in 2020. My vision 2020!
Good for you
Y does usher look 19?
This girl is not fine like before at all! I don't know if its because she has added weight or what but these days she is looking real funny. As for read hair it is a disaster, e no fit am at all.
She luks cute..i'll giv that to her
Muna keep up the hustle, it's only a matter of time before you blow!
R4R,which 1 be MY BOYFRIEND WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH ME BECAUSE OF PIMPLES? LMAO! Wetin we no go hear for naija? Lol
she is not looking bad.
So, wetin make we do?
That's so gansta
visit my blog for campus gist. www.nellaluvspot.blogspot.com
fine gal no pimples
chot campus gist here :www.nellaluvspot.blogspot.com
The hair is a no,no.why most every1 do red hair?smh bt shez still fyn tho.
good for her!
Mtshew all d musician jus force dier slves dey smile xpecially Ludacris,mk she go wash off dat red hair d babe is loosing her beauty trust me she de shrink. Wat kinda nonsense is she learning 4m male artist? Mk she go learn 4m salewa biko
Even without make-up she's still fine as hell. All the best Muna
Aint that nice muna meets usher ok o una sure say Na luda really invite am make she come learn the ropes of the biznes or she just hear about the shoot come gate crash just saying sha cos muna is not really a heavy weight in the rap game in Nigeria she has not really staked her claim kelly kel flows better than her even mochedda spits teighter muna na gra gra rapper by the way usher is 34 and he is loosing so much weight hope d dude is ok
Muna Euphemia says you are much men!!!
i trust say usher go don cancel this muna of a girl...no dulling
Miss Passing Mic looks gud though. I'm sure her album will be tyt. Cos her rap on Waje's so inspired was kinda cool
@ anos 9.13 ℓ☺ℓ so u still remember that God's must be crazy I watched it when I was in primary school oooo that was late 80's oooo am a grandmother now hahahahaahaaha
good for her..hope she made some connections too
usher looks 19
My tot exactly
All the best Muna baby. Is she that tall or is Usher that short??????
I am the person that did munas hair.visit my website please www.prettyceerock.co.uk for all your hair weaves and hair products
Muna u look hot, keep it up CUZ!
Abeg munachi shud go find another career option bcz she's fucked up in rap. D babe can't rap to save her life. And wtf has being on Ludacris video set got to do with educating herself for her music career? This babe shud go nd nyash dwn in a corner abeg
this girl is just fine abeg. i actually think the red hair doesn't look bad. i expected her to look worse.
muna is quite pretty and i think the red hair looks better on her than rihanna. but muna looks old for someone who is 25. i don't buy that age at all.
People wey dey talk say she no fine,show ur monkey face let's see.
I like the move on Usher but I dont like the hair colour
you guys need to stop lying to this girl. she has lost her beauty! not as fine as she used to be and then music is not her thing! she cannot rap to save her life! she needs to look for something else to do!
Is it me or does Usher look like that guy from 'The gods must be crazy' ?
Can't u just say she's pretty and move along.pls send Linda ur pics let's seee young u.
She is cute
Pretty girl! but she has to shred that fat. she's young but already looking like a madam.She's even bigger than usher.
Every nigerian is an imbecile
She's definitely a BEAUTY to behold..... U welcome
Hater!na real grace mbgn mumu,do urs let seee ode ni!
Hater!foolish goat so u want to tell every1 u went for mbgn and didn't win dats y ur name is grace mbgn stupid girl...do ur own red hair if it will fit u ode ni!
Hater!na real grace mbgn mumu,do urs let seee ode ni!
Tnk God dats Ūя opinion
Hav U̶̲̥̅̊ visited naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?
Usher still looks great with his 34 years!
I hope she is using a WORK VISA oh for both countries...b4 she go dey run her mouth that she is recording abroad! immigration will come after her if na tourist visa she hold dey do all this kain runs!
(((KABOOM))) go back to school biko. A beautiful to behold bawo?? LMAOOO
looking more prettier than ever.
lol...she has grown in a igbo madam
Soo I should tear my pant?
Hmmm cool#
Tru dat#
Gud for her...
La boo!
plsssss giv us news o haa! ds news is stale abeg.i no knw wetin concern agbero wit overload..tired of refreshing ds page n seeing d same thing!abi gist don finish ni?
she looks 38. igbo girls don't age well
Gorgeous girl. I still say it till this day, she is one of the few naija babes I really respect. She is very pretty and what the typical greedy POTBELLIED business men or POLITICAN would love to "take care of" but she chose to chase her passion and dreams and make it a reality. She is not even that good at rapping but it appears she believes in the works of her hands feeding her. Good job Muna and hope you make it (:..I would love to meet Usher too
Ehlm Why does She Look Ugly and Old bside usher all of a sudden!
It is true, she is not as pretty as she used to be...actually, the word I would use is fresh, she does not look fresh and youthful like a 25 year old should be but more like a 37 year old who has had a little more added to her shoulders to carry.
She should be trying to go to school so she can have a degree to fall back on if the rap thing doesn't pan out and she ages out of the age group to catch a rich alhaji. I am not joking, it's the truth. Rap is not a career with retirement benefits! Rap is a young person's game and subject to the whimpsy of the day so she needs to get herself a degree because those looks are not going to last forever before people begin saying "wetin dis old mama dey jump for stage dey do". Men can continue acting fools for years and years but women don't have that luxury because people will never fail to ask "when are you going to marry" and "where your pickins dem dey?".
Nne Muna, abeg you GET YOUR LIFE, BOO!
Anon 1:00pm has said it all...wen it cums 2 rap she is wack wif a capital letter 'W',i always want 2 puke nytime i listen 2 her rap.she only has a pretty face,she has gt a figure nine shape wif knock knees..she is jes over hyped..muna pls b wise like Adaeze go nd get married u mustn't b in d limelight ok?
@Chichiluv, Muna has an undergrad degree from Benson Idahosa university and she served in Rivers State. Her NYSC pix are on her Facebook.
Anti-Muna,,take it easy on d girl ooh
"She believes in the works of her hands feeding her"?????? Please get your facts right my dear. Who doesn't know Muna's story as regards to street things? Abeg leave story for Mathais, Yes she loves to rap and make music but that's not what puts food on her table.
No need to wash her dirty linens here... At least she's better than some lazy runs girls who don't have anything to fall back to after they've expired/washed-off ...
PS: if you're reading this Munachi, try and work on your attitude if you really want to make it in this industry and in life generally... You've got a pretty face but an ugly personality, and I know this first hand cos I know YOU WELL!!!
she has even passed cutoff age to land footballer husband. and with her orobo tendencies...she is not eligible to pull a caroline danjuma and find marry one rich old man. this rap tins better work out o before she end up like Regina Askia
Tribalistic Anon October 15, 2012 4:32 PM i'm 40 and i look 25. My mum is 65 and she looks 50. We are proudly Igbo. So even Bianca isn't aging well? Anuofia.
You see stars in Atlanta so often that you don't even think of taking a pix... musicians, basketballers etc so I'm actually amazed this is seen as a biggie in Nigeria.
Very true
Btw Muna is a very pretty lady, but anytime I see her pic, am never wowed,maybe she's not photogenic,I just can't place my finger on it. She needs to wear/use things that complement her beauty
fine gal
she looks like ushers mom lol orobo beauty queen
@ Chinua - thanks for the update.
Dude is just fine like that.
I actually think she looks a million times better without makeup.
She is very young. I had a one on one interview with her when she was still a student and beauty queen, she was very small, like really young and that isn't a long time from now.
Will u people stop lying about the red hair dye looking hot.. U all can kiss arse frm here to Japan.. Haba?? She luks fab on brunette, black even light brown or gold but red?? Muna, I like u (truth) but dnt follow trends.. U wanna b a goddess den, b a trendsetter.. U'll do much greater.. *kisses*
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