Monalisa Chinda acquires 2012 Honda Crosstour | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 15 October 2012

Monalisa Chinda acquires 2012 Honda Crosstour

The actress recently acquired the 2012 Honda Crosstour said to be worth over N6m.


Oge said...

Hian!!! Linda< na so d gist scarce???????

Anonymous said...

She is a pretty superstar nd i bliv she needs finz dat luks pretty also...*wink*...lolz

Anonymous said...

Praise that lord.

Anonymous said...

Linda dis one wey u dey announce am 4 tief , nxt minute na u go stil say " monalisa car dey miss "

Anonymous said...

I just taya...

Unknown said...

Congratulations Monalisa!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Monalisa!!!!!

R4R said...

Lolz@ oge,biko! Leave Linda o,very soon she'l start jistn us what she had as breakfast lunch and dinner. Plz chck this and leave a comment on this story.MY BOYFRIEnd WANTs TO BREAK UP WiTH ME COS OF PiMPlES.

lovelylady said...

My onsultant has this car,bought for him and his a year ago,no biggie lindastic

Anonymous said...

Na wa o. dis na real BREAKING NEWS!!!! I see am on CNN say make i go LIB confam am

Gbabe said...


Anonymous said...

So how much is she worth exactly? And how much do they really make from this their Nollywood acting?....... Na wa for all this Nollywood girls and hustling sha!

BLOGLORD said...


Sasha Fierce! said...

Mona Lisa,If our parts ever cross, I will KNOCK YOU DOWN.The things you do to pops like pop corn.

ebeano said...

very soon they will show us thier new television on new cooking gas,car some country dey use for taxi tv star in gireia will buy it he or she will invite jonerlist people to interview he or she for the car.make una follow jolly ooh last night nna men i reach five rounds my first time of doing five rounds

ebeano said...

very soon they will show us thier new television on new cooking gas,car some country dey use for taxi tv star in gireia will buy it he or she will invite jonerlist people to interview he or she for the car.make una follow jolly ooh last night nna men i reach five rounds my first time of doing five rounds

Ada said...

My dream car! God bless my hubby o

BIBI said...

d car looks like d owner #beaudiful#

Anonymous said...

dats gud to hear, congrats my dear monalisa

Anonymous said...

Lmaooo at d above comment

Anonymous said...

And this is news? My 2008 range rover sport cost pass the car sef. Mshw

Anonymous said...

It is well..

Anonymous said...

Jazz mataz

Anonymous said...


Francesca said...

Annnnnnd... Linda, I get it; you live to shake things up but I think we need to get over ourselves. What is the point of this? People buy cars everyday, be it a 2012 Bentley, 2010 Range Rover, 1998 Toyota Camry or even 1982 Datsun (they still exist!). My point is 'news' like this irrelevant. Honestly, I'd rather you post nothing and give us actual gist every 2-3 days, 'cause this definitely is not. Monalisa enjoy your car and Linda keep up the great work with relevant 'news.'

On another note, I just purchased a brand new 2013 JangLova, I shall be sending you a pic with me posing gingerly out of the sunroof. Make sure you post it o.

Anonymous said...

6m no be big deal now I was especting her to get a car worth 10m or more dan sef.anyway congrat to her!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Monalisa.

Anonymous said...

Now how s rhis ine news. Mchewww.... Linda ur level dey drop oooo

Anonymous said...

Truly, miss Linda, you are a go$$ip.

Nonya said...

Whats the big deal in buying a pure water 6m car in Naija?????

Anonymous said...

Linda, make you begin they provide more interesting jist. good for her but no drown us with her info

Anonymous said...


Endy N. Edeson said...

congrats CHINDA. More success.

for more CELEBRITY GIST, Guys pls visit my blog:

Anonymous said...

Lucky girl! Congratz B

Anonymous said...

Lin lin,crossteur or crosstour?Its all about d benjamin.Anyways,congrats to her!!

Anonymous said...

D people saying d car z cheap y una dey hate,nawa o na u pple dey give her money,did she tell u she doesnt ave a car worth 10million,but if Kim Kardashian buys a new car its news,u pple nid 2 learn 2 support ur celebrities 4rm ur country,she z trying so lets b happy 4 her

Anonymous said...

Village girl, I bet you know the plate number of most people's vehicles.

Anonymous said...

U diz mumu.stop famzing dat u one a range rover sport

Anonymous said...

See diz hungry one wey dey famz say en get range sport abeg stop lying

Anonymous said...

Mona, you can do better.

Anonymous said...

And Ђδω those this stop the flood i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̅ Ðœ̣̣̥̇̊Æ” village....

Mama ifu said...

Unless someone buys a Mercedes and up, they should even feel ashamed releasing this info.....ah ah...I don't care about any Hyundai, Kia, Honda, Toyota nonsense.... It betta be luxury car or its not news!!!!
As Francesca above said, people but cars's not news unless its some really wow car...and even then, you're stretching the limits of "news"...

Anonymous said...

Naijadeltapikin... I just got a rangover spot linda S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ ₪☺ b big deal U̶̲̥̅̊ hear but still tell mona congrats U̶̲̥̅̊ hear linda

Anonymous said...

Rubbish!foolish igbo tout!tryn to be funny but instead u re portraying ur razzness.pls go n die if u dnt like the it easy?I bet the only rzn linda published ur comme

Anonymous said...

I bet the only reason y linda published ur comment was for pple to see hw stupid u really are!my frnd pls go n get a life n stop yarning trash.I wonder d kinda girl u reached 5 rounds wt???must be a dirty smelly recharge card seller!cos no classy reputable girl wld settle for ur ratchetness!and yes am igbo,so I can comfortably call u a foolish igbo tout!onye iberibe.efulefu...TONI

bos bos said...

I swear I support you!I know a lot of pple that have had this car since last year sef!if buyin a car shud b news linda,biko let it b newsworthy.somethin we wud read and be like WOW!like dat car kim buy kanye west :D

Anonymous said...

have u visited 2day?

R4R said...


Anonymous said...

*potray* n tout would av been sufficient, did you have to add igbo? Onye iberibe

Anonymous said...

Francesca, u ve killed me wit laughter

Baltimore avenue said...

Who told u recharge card Sellers smell? Don't you think recharge card sellers are human beings?.
For your information most men will prefer to do a recharge card seller than a bleached fake ass aristoe girl with fake lifestyle full of craps.
Pls think before you comment @9:54 . Just an advice.

Anonymous said...


onyinye said...

U gUys have chased bonario or maybe he just got a job ...lmao

Anonymous said...

what is she talented for????????????

Anonymous said...

mumu ada, typical LAZY Nigerian girl, allways waiting 4 a guy to buy u stuffs instead of praying to God 2 bless ur hustle so u can own it ''independently'', after u complain wen ur husby threats u like a property....SMH 4 U

Anonymous said...

naija ppl try and stop hating, its a really bad habit.for once try and be happy for another person's success...tueh!

finest-in-internet said...

We need to be happy for every achievement of our fellow human beings, so that our wishes come true.

Congratulations Mona Lisa! I wish a lot of fun with this new car!

Chinky said...

Congrats Monalisa, you'll keep celebrating God's blessings. In a matter of weeks, I'll drive my own Honda Crosstour! **smiles**

For those people dat remain bitter and vindictive about others success, pls ask yourselves why you are in the terrible and horrible condition you live in. Stop casting and binding cos YOU are the demon tormenting YOU!

MY TURN said...


Gkay said...

nice ride!!

Seb said...

Linda I seriously think that you are very vain, there are quite a number of things you can blog about, I think blogging about people who acquire cars or whatever is absolutely unnecessary.Just a friendly advise.

Anonymous said...

linda u no get gist o, hw dis 1 take b news.if she buy shoe u go still tell us abi? Kai! *yawns* c u leta.

Anonymous said...

So lets fly ba, Linda na u dey cause all this politicians dey think say dem dey chop well. Government needs to invest on our entertainment coz our celebrities worth more than this!

Anonymous said...

Its Sport not Spot!
Liar,spot ko,full stop ni!

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