“4 young men died at the hands of a lynch
mob on the 5th of October 2012. Whether or not their deaths will mean
anything, or fade out of our minds as just another meaningless tragedy,
is up to us and what we do from here on. I hope this song captures that message. Nothing would be worse than for a death to mean nothing" - MI Abaga.
Listen to the song HERE and see the lyrics after the cut...
We were down a sandy beach,
All night talking to your mouth’s words.
Tell me where you would like to be.
Tonight don’t be afraid to dream.
Lean on the fire for a while.
Cause in the morning it’ll all just be ashes on the ground
All night talking to your mouth’s words.
Tell me where you would like to be.
Tonight don’t be afraid to dream.
Lean on the fire for a while.
Cause in the morning it’ll all just be ashes on the ground
Instead it be them, let it be me.
Since I will die inevitably,
Then let it be, that it be said
When I am dead: some other was free, some other was fed
Some other, not me, was able to see
That long as we live inside a country where no one is safe,
No one is safe.
We only evade, try to escape
The imminent doom
But closer the date looms.
It comes for all.
If we must go, then at least,
When we fall…
Since I will die inevitably,
Then let it be, that it be said
When I am dead: some other was free, some other was fed
Some other, not me, was able to see
That long as we live inside a country where no one is safe,
No one is safe.
We only evade, try to escape
The imminent doom
But closer the date looms.
It comes for all.
If we must go, then at least,
When we fall…
When we’re all ashes…
If I am slain, let them forever remember the name
Some other should gain.
If I am slain, let them forever remember the name
Some other should gain.
When we’re all ashes…
Because of my pain. Because of my tears because of my scars
Some other should gain.
Because of my pain. Because of my tears because of my scars
Some other should gain.
When we’re all ashes…
The reason I’m gone. Let it be told, let it be known, and turned into song
The reason I’m gone. Let it be told, let it be known, and turned into song
When we’re all ashes…
If I die alone. Let it be more than dying alone, the reason I’m gone.
The reason I’m gone.
If I die alone. Let it be more than dying alone, the reason I’m gone.
The reason I’m gone.
Instead it be sleep.
Let it be hate, let it degrade.
Let it be deep.
Some other should weep
Some other should keep
The memory of
The way that I died
Maybe a change, some other can try
Let it be hate, let it degrade.
Let it be deep.
Some other should weep
Some other should keep
The memory of
The way that I died
Maybe a change, some other can try
At least we can lie. At least we can hope
At least we can say
tomorrow is better, it wont be today
Some other can pray
Some other can fight
The wrong done to me some other can right.
Then maybe my death can save some other life
For then I would gladly give another life
At least we can say
tomorrow is better, it wont be today
Some other can pray
Some other can fight
The wrong done to me some other can right.
Then maybe my death can save some other life
For then I would gladly give another life
When we’re all ashes…
Let it be worth
Let it be so some other can live. Let it be birth.
Let it be worth
Let it be so some other can live. Let it be birth.
When we’re all ashes…
As I am hurt
As I pass, let it be last, let it be first
As I am hurt
As I pass, let it be last, let it be first
When we’re all ashes…
Don’t let them forget
The only regret is that we relent. We all should repent..
Don’t let them forget
The only regret is that we relent. We all should repent..
When we’re all ashes…
If I die alone,
Let it be more than dying alone. The reason I’m gone
The reason I’m gone
If I die alone,
Let it be more than dying alone. The reason I’m gone
The reason I’m gone
Feels like I stood there watching,
the pain the brutal torture
And added my silence to the violent screams
Of: Burn and torch em.
How do you earn misfortune?
Or does it come unbidden?
If life’s a painted portrait,
Who puts dark colors in them?
If there’s a God in heaven,
Surely he’s weeping now.
As all the blood is shedding
As all His people drown.
the pain the brutal torture
And added my silence to the violent screams
Of: Burn and torch em.
How do you earn misfortune?
Or does it come unbidden?
If life’s a painted portrait,
Who puts dark colors in them?
If there’s a God in heaven,
Surely he’s weeping now.
As all the blood is shedding
As all His people drown.
God help us all.
Rest in peace Chidi.
Rest in peace Lloyd
Rest in Peace Tekena
Rest in Peace Ugonna
Rest in peace Lloyd
Rest in Peace Tekena
Rest in Peace Ugonna
Rest in peace to the Students murdered in Adamawa state.
Rest in peace to those two young girls.
Written and Produced by MI Abaga
Opening sample from ‘Words In The Fire’ By Patrick Watson
Poem written by Jason Abaga.
Well said
Well said
Luvly Poem bt painful words and straight frm d heart. May God almighty giv d family and friends of Tekena,Llyod,Chidi and ugonna d strenght to bear their loss. Kudos 2 u MI....
this brought tears to my eyes
this brought tears to my eyes
I cry ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡) ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡)
God bless MI for this.
Here is a true super star that was given a name and a voice by the people and has remembered now to use his name for the voice of the people.
God bless you again!
I am truly touched by this song.
Hmmmm quite heart-attending piece from MI.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
thats the real man ,MI
God bless M.I Jude Abaga for this! <- 50 more votes to 2000. Believe, focus and sign http://bit.ly/MobJusticeBill. #neveragainNG
MI has/wil always be Naijas best ever rapper.d dude is always on point.
Nice 1 MI, its so touching! May their soul rest in perfect peace. I pray the Almighty God intervenes real fast in the affairs of this country of ours Nigeria! Love one another! God bless Nigeria!!!
Ok this is touching, it is deep, I feel like crying again, aluu is a cursed land for killing souls, may they know no peace in that land, I know they are in a better place now I know, I'm sure, Rip in peace allu4, mi God bless u. I think mi is d only artist that d death of those boys really touched, first his article, then a song, and he wants to make a video for it, may God really bless him, may God console the family of the boys too.
Have tears coming down my eyes, whr are we going? Is this still hope or should we find an option? @sheypoundzz
The Nigerian King of Rap has spoken...Good Job, Boss!
And I do sincerely hope their painful deaths would finally put a stop to this barbaric act of "jungle justice". It is NEVER the right way to punish anyone, even if he/she was caught in the act.
The poets of our time! The imagery is so powerful. Just beautiful and a wonderful tribute to those boys.
This is very touching....still got goose bumps all over.
Am crying
Linda, very touching. Am still not over their deaths. As a parent I Don't know how am going to get over the tragedy if it were my child. May they RIP.
I just love mi d more. May their souls rest in peace. U will forever remain in our hearts. Go well my dear brothers.
You completely described how I felt about the torture and death of those young men and you brought tears to my eyes. Well done. Great song MI.
M.I welldone. Tight lyrics on point wit a msg for both citizens & govt. Unfortunately the uneducated & impoverished ppl dat keep patronising jungle justice can't comprehend the msg of this song; I hope a gd music video would send the msg of the song to the aforementioned lot. Hmmmmm! SMH
9ice 1 Bro!!! U are always repping. Bless! #RIP,Aluu4. #Kellzsayso
Tears provoking song...d chorus captured it all with the dirge-like effect...great one MI!
Cool.Rest In Peace Guys... Aduntos!
Wot a sad and touching song. It made me shed tears. May their souls rest in peace all those that have been murdered without cause. Hmm
This song is on repeat. MI how can u forget? "Let it be last,let me be first, when we're all ashes". I have tears in my eyes. Shame on me if I ever forget.
MI, you would have done well as a poet but you are doing even better as a rapper. Nice and very touching, it can only be MI the greatest. RIP Allu 4 and all those that died as a result of extra judicial killing in this country.
R.I.P chidiaka,tekena,lloyd,ugonna..
This is so beautiful! Rest in peace guys!
rip mehn. i am touched by the song.
Touchn very touchn let's not let these guys die at least in vain
aaaawwww linda please kp us updated on the case...these kids shud nt die in vain.
Again I cry! Rest in peace aluu4.this is touching
just stopped by to say hi
Awww..dis is soo nice;(..gr8 wrk MI! May deir souls RIP
omg!!!the lyrics alone touches ma heart.#crying#
Omg. M actuali n tears. RIP aluu4
Well done MI, may their souls rest in peace.
Awwww...I feel so touched. The fact that these guyz were murdered unjustly coupled with the fact that M.I is ma best artist in this country nigeria...can't just help but cry. Itz d worst thing I'v heard this year. The killing of these young boys. I love M.I forever mehn! And May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace...Amen.
Signature: cee-why.blogspot.com
tears in my eyes. thanks M.I.
Linda please post this.....for all kind of artworks contact me with this number 08053156299 very affordable
This sad incidence really goes to show the extent that evil can attempt to triump over good in Nigeria.
We cannot continue to allow this level of barbarism.
Perhaps if the rule of law is upheld in this country, people would not feel the need for such jungle justice.
I hope our Police hunts down all those Aluu killers and make them face the law. I also hope our judiciary steps up to the plate by finding them guilty and sentencing them to death by hanging.....every single one of them...both the passive and active participants so the lessons learnt can spread round that evil would not go unpunished.
May the souls of these young boys rest in peace.
By the way, I learnt that atleast 2 Policemen joined in the beating but the Police is trying to keep this information hush hush. Can you imagine that?
Besides being a great n the best tribute song from Nigeria , it's musicality n production is phenomenal. M.I just made those deaths a lil easier to bear. God bless u and I would not download but buy this song when it pops up on iTunes.
God bless the souls of the fallen.
God save the souls of the living
God rescue that country Nigeriia from the gallows
Niceeey.......God bless Mi
M.I. av i told u ow much i love you??well,now u know.the song cut thru ma soul!u're truly a TALENTED musician and i'll always be you no1 fan.xoxoxo.tolu.
I've got mad love for this dude...#Godbless
This really got me crying over again may their souls rest in peace. M.I is just the best thing that has happen to the music industry God bless him 4 this.
Only God knows howmuch I love you mi abaga...jayfeelz loves Ў☺ΰ ..A̶̲̥̅♏ glad Ў☺ΰ did dis...Ў☺ΰ a mentor..rip aluu4
Rest in peace my uniport brothers.so sad
Nice one bro, should be titled "ALUU MISS 4 TUNE"
aww.. dis is good.. MI did a great job.. am sure their parents will be glad he did this for them... RIP
aww.. dis is good.. MI did a great job.. am sure their parents will be glad he did this for them... RIP
aww.. dis is good.. MI did a great job.. am sure their parents will be glad he did this for them... RIP
Nice song MI u passed a mssg. Thanks
Nice song MI u passed a mssg. Thanks
I like this. Excellent lyrics. Quality song.
*crying*where re going in dis country?it hurts so much that dose boiz re gone,it pains my hrt dt dose jst stood there nd said nuffn,it pains me so much dt dey won't bcum wt dey wntd 2 bcum.why were ppl jst stndn nd nt say anytn,why?!I knw of trying to pass every single exam,I knw d fear on d jamb day,I knw d fear of seeing ur waec result,I knw s stress of gettn admission,I knw d stress of registration nd I also knw d stress of ur 1st year.why didn't dey allow dem enjoy d friut of dere labour?dey were jst in 200level...so many years ahead of dem.it annoys dt am frm a country where youths re killd everyday nd my "so-calld"president cnt say a word.I don't live d rest of life feeling insecured nd scared for my family nd frnds...something as to be done!
One cant help buh just love dis guy. Dis' how a true celebrity shld react 2 issues. Nice one man. And may d souls of d ALUU4 rest in perfect peace
Wow MI speechless oda fans lyk me hv said it all rIP aluu 4
beautiful rendation from MI there can never a rap this cool unless its from anoda MI may their souls rest in peace.
God bless u mi, very well said.. rip aluu 4 n others who hv lost there lives to d wicked.
Waoo......*crying* God bless U MI.....
My prayer is for God 2 receive their souls...let it be dat de r happy in heaven nw..nd d pain,d tears, d hurt is gone and all silent... RIP UNIPORT4 #kudos M.I
wow MI......this is a really great song.....thank you
Omg*tears*can neva stop loving u MI,u re d best!!Rip aluu4
Great effort by MI. May their souls rest in peace.
Now if it was D'banj that made a track about the Aluu4 some nasty haters would open their rotten filthy mouths to accuse him of using it to gain publicity. Smh...
what 2 young gurls was he referring to?
Thanks M.I
Oohh my God tears pouring down my eyes when he started mentioning aluu4 names!! Ooh God of mercy plz our country Nigeria!! MIIIIIIII !!! God bless u for ds song! Ma mum picked me at ph airport n she decided to take the aluu village route we wept as we drove pass i felt a bit of relief at least my last respect to the aluu 4 saw those wicked police lined up on aluu path way street will they tell us they didn't hear the shouts n how dey were beating them they can't say soo cos that road has one of their stations! Yet they are busy collecting 20naira on the road while poor innocent lives were burnt to death! got to know one of their dad is mums colleague very sad!! RIP ALUU 4 may your killers Neva have peace may dey die a very painful death! Mz ENUFF said#
Oohh my God tears pouring down my eyes when he started mentioning aluu4 names!! Ooh God of mercy plz our country Nigeria!! MIIIIIIII !!! God bless u for ds song! Ma mum picked me at ph airport n she decided to take the aluu village route we wept as we drove pass i felt a bit of relief at least my last respect to the aluu 4 saw those wicked police lined up on aluu path way street will they tell us they didn't hear the shouts n how dey were beating them they can't say soo cos that road has one of their stations! Yet they are busy collecting 20naira on the road while poor innocent lives were burnt to death! got to know one of their dad is mums colleague very sad!! RIP ALUU 4 may your killers Neva have peace may dey die a very painful death! Mz ENUFF said#
Mi mehn wat more can i say Blessed u d best aluu4 rip
Creativity at its best. I'm not a fan of rap music, but this brought tears to my eyes. MI, this was absolutely very well done.
well said MI. God bless you MI....
please linda we have not been updated on the bright who killed the 4 innocent souls. This matter is taking forever and I hope it has not been swept under the carpet as usually done in Nigeria.i want to see those that perpectuated the evil act brought to book ASAP...
U r d greatest fool ve ever seen on dis planet earth. Must u comment? Wat ve u done so far? I belive u r one of d family members. Instead of mourning ur lost one, u r looking for Donated cash.... Ode
M.I really did it this time!!
Fabulous and heartbreaking...
"No one is safe
We only evade, try to escape
The imminent doom
But closer the date looms
It comes for all
If we must go, then at least
When we fall…
When we’re all ashes…
The reason I’m gone. Let it be told, let it be known, and turned into song
If life’s a painted portrait
Who puts dark colors in them?"
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