She has a 7 year old daughter, named Jessica, whom she described as her best friend. She said one of the reasons she entered for Gulder Ultimate Search 9 was so she could use the prize money to take care of Jessica.
During her interview, a tearful Kofya had a few words for her 7 year old daughter: “And to Jessica, don’t mind my tears, mummy loves you. Just know that even if I’m out here, I’ll still continue to do my best to give you what you deserve in life, okay?”
Even though Kofya was the first contender evicted, she’ll smile to the bank with N1 million

For more exciting episodes of Gulder Ultimate Search 9, The Gatekeeper’s
Fortune, stay tuned to the following stations: AIT and African Magic
World (DSTV) and Real Star (Star Times) at 10pm.
Watch Gulder Ultimate Search 2012, Episode 5
Is this like "Survivor" or "I am a celebrity get me out of here"?
see hw u re washin ur dirty linen in public,,,,mumu!
Pls sum1 shud tell chidi mokeme to use a gud deodorant. Dt sweat arnd his armpit is disgusting. Sure roll-on for men is 300naira abeg! Ewwwwww!
Lol. @Nubain, yeah...Gulder Ultimate Search is our own version of Survivor. The "I am a celebrity get me out of here" one is titled Gulder Ultimate Search Celebrity Show Down or somthn.
Another contestant has been evicted in this night's episode. Please update.
I really do like GUS but it shld be done with more tricks brain questions etc so girls wld b given a chance to win also
I really do like GUS but it shld be done with more tricks brain questions etc so girls wld b given a chance to win also
Whoops dats lot for a looser! Wipe ur tears gurl Jesica wil mk you proud ok
Chidi beats Bob Manuel anytime.
So much sweat patch for Chidi and he even pulling shyyt.
So much sweat patch for Chidi and he even pulling shyyt.
1 mill is sometin jor...awww
Chris okagube is freaking hot!!! Oko mi!
Must it be like those American shows before you watch? Can't Nigerians create there own and leave others to copy?
Are u serious with d question u just asked @Nubian queen?Didn't u see d title above'am still staring @ it n pictures.So figure it out#No be fight or na correction#Smiling
Are you a Learner?
How come she still gets a million naira...don't gerrit
A yah just take heart and go home http://nigerianewshour.com
Nubian queen kinda..but survivor z more challenging dan GUS #CHOKOLATA#
Awwwwn blessing brown is my coursemate..... Such a brave girl
She came out first, after how many days? GUS 10, here I am. In btw, she is so sweet
I agree with you. When Chidi gave him the go ahead to explain the gatekeeper's game to the contestants, I was wondering if he would be able to handle it but men he nailed it! I was impressed!
BTW, it's Chris Okagbue; typographical error at work.
You guys should please leave Chidi Mokeme alone oh. Sweating is a natural body phenomenon. Different people sweat at different rates due to each person's body metabolism.
You can use all the roll on deodorants, antiperspirant deodorant sprays and so on, it still doesn't stop your body from releasing sweats. Some of these antiperspirants don't exactly work as expected. Please cut the guy some slacks abeg.
Did it ever occur to you people that he was filmed in a very hot & sunny weather? As long as no foul odour is oozing out, he is good to go!
i have used several deodorants but i still sweat under my armpit :-) , guess deodorants doesnt stop u from sweating, i remember i was bashing one genevieve pics i saw until i realised it myself,, so therefore poster shut up and keep shut
I am not against sweating,infact I sweat alot under intense exercise but he is not a participant, so I wonder and if you look at the pictures clearly, he is sweating more than them.Why so?
Took me a second 2 figure out but really this is the funniest I have seen today I swear down...hehehehehehhe...you should move into my house @anon,I need such good laffs often...
@Deybabe yes i saw the title and i do not live in Nigeria and have never watched this show and rather than make assumptions i asked. Thank you Pakistani Beauty and the other Anons for the replies:)
I think so too.. Bob manuel was too harsh...
Ild say "sexual Tension"...Chidi is in heat. lol#in Dexterz voice#
It is either under arm or arm pit!
Using a roll-on doesn't mean u wouldn't sweat underneat ur armpit
first looser, 1million.make judicious use of d fund 2 secure ur daughter future. I salute ur courage 2 raise up d child.
Abi o,pple use deaodorant and still sweat now. ITK
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