Kim K wears huge diamond ring amidst engagement rumours | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 26 October 2012

Kim K wears huge diamond ring amidst engagement rumours

There were speculations that Kanye proposed to Kim while they were in Italy last week for her birthday. A week later, Kim is spotted around rocking a huge diamond ring on her finger...well, not her engagement finger, her pinky finger, because she's still legally married to Kris Humphries so it's probably not proper to flaunt an engagement ring...if that's really what that it is.


Anonymous said...

Kks. We don hear

Anonymous said...

See news for here,bin waitin for u 2 post it since,guess uv nt heard After Having Sex With An Aristo,She Was Found On The Road Masturbating ! | Facts

Anonymous said...

Who cares???....

chichiluv said...

What is proper about this girl or her family period? Please!

Anonymous said...

Bloody fame whore! Anything to be in the news!

childsplay said...

Nigeria is imbecile

galore said...


miss pepe said...

I'm tired of this lady

Anonymous said...

Haters where u @?kim keeps winning,and sad nigerians re still trekking!go kimmy!!!

Anonymous said...


BLOGLORD said...

Kim! beautiful girl with no direction!

Anonymous said...

U re a fool and ur entire family will soon feed on sand for calling Nigeria that is the giant of Africa an imbecile.

testimony said...

So she is still married 2 chris humphery! Na wa 4 dat kim

Anonymous said...

Gosh, After much talk about diamonds, my DH engaged me with a diamond ring, its actually too big and gets in the way of my jeans and scratches my new born baby, so i had to take it off and cant wear it until when my baby is a toddler.PHweshhhh

ETHAN said...

Must u guys comment!if u tink she is irrelevant y open her post at all.u guys jst wish u were her that is all i can understand frm ur comments.

Anonymous said...

Linda, Please use 'Amid', not amidst in case of next time. We are all learning. Keep the hardwork and cheers!

Anonymous said...

You can say whatever you want about the Kim Kardashian and the entire kardashian clan. But they are still making millions and winning so they can't be that dumb. I think some of you are missing the point as you make your point. You may not like the way the Kardashians have been able to literally build a dynasty, secure the future of their family for generations to come and capture the attention of an entire nation but guess what.... Don't hate on them but find out their formula and duplicate it in your own life!! LOL! It is what it is!!

Ola said...

#gbagaun# Guess this is the only comment Ɣ☺Ʊ have. What is the correlation with the story? If Ɣ☺Ʊ don't have anything 'reasonable' to write, just read the story. Ɣ☺Ʊ also need to work on your grammar.


Dats how it starts,before u shout up Nepa ! d whole thing is over, and she moves on to d next black guy.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

ebonyberry said...

heheehehehhehe kimmy baby alawyz ready for the paparrazzi...oya make una visit this blackky blog

Unknown said...

Linda's obsession for Kim tho...

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Onto the next one!! She is a fame whore. Beyonce wannabe without talent. It's a pity America celebrates nothingM

Anonymous said...

Can't bliv someone said 'kim keeps winning'hahaha she sabi u b4 ni?u must me an imbe sha

Unknown said...

Gud for her mehn...

Unknown said...

Go kim K.

Baby Confessor said...

What's happening today in this blog? Is today a gbagaun free day? I don't get. Evryone is gbagauning* *straight face*

David said...

@ Anonymous October 26, 2012 3:09 PM

People like you make me keep losing faith in humanity. You talk like a child. So what if she's "winning" as you say? Not everyone is a "hater" simply because they don't hail these poor excuses of human beings like immature people like you do. I'd rather be poor and noble than rich whereby I acquired the riches through filthy means.

Anonymous said...

PROFESSIONAL BRIDE!!! make she just dey marry up and down.long hiss!!!

Anonymous said...

I keep wondering why peole hate her. You think your ugly comments would add or reduce her. She's a pretty girl living the life most of you wish you could live and you're there hating. Find something more resourceful to spend your time doing if you can't handle her success than hating on her. Loud hiss, rubbish. She'll always be around and winning,so you guys should sit in you "holes", keep saying crap and just watch her win.


Anonymous said...

Kim has started with her publicity stunts again as she did with Reggie Bush..smh...talentless beyonce wannabe

Anonymous said...

Can u guys just shut up for once in ur freeking life. What is ur business abt d tins kimmy do with her life.instead of u to go look for sometin to do wit ur u think in 20yrs to cum any of ur family can be like d kardashians.pls get a life

Anonymous said...

this woman will do anything to stay in the media..linda abeg, we have heard anough about her. on to important people!

Anonymous said...

You are so stupid.Your comment is quite pitiful.#UselessFan#

Anonymous said...

Who would wish to be Kim Kardashian..stop deceiving yourself.In 5years from now,all she wud have is memories of her silly lifestyle

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice moron..How far have u gone applying it to your life.All these dumb commenters using the word 'hate' to express their fanatic opinions of the Kardashians should take several seats in a gutter.

Unknown said...

Always ready 4 d foto. L̳̿☺Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇☺L̳̿​
Gv ur life to christ OOOoo°˚˚˚

Anonymous said...

She is a fame freek

Anonymous said...

Loving Kim & kanye.. They really sld get married

Anonymous said... Kimmie

Haterz have nothing more than to keep up wif her life and gist...cant wait for her to have kids!

While shes winning big,y'all wld keep getting dumbfounded cos the odds always favors her...hope Genevieve Nnaji gets some of her luck.

Kim,Genny and I deserve a happy ending...SB!

Anonymous said...

I just love Kim k. She is beautiful,sweet and sexy.I think all the paparazzi about her is part of her strategy to stay relevant,and it's actually working for her and the Kardashians as a family. As for her choices in life, I think its her businnes and shouldn't be hated for that. Our own choices aren't so perfect either.

Anonymous said...

I fink u shud b sayn dt 2 kim k 'get a lyf'. Nd hu told u any1 wants his fmly 2 b lyk hers? We'r owk wit wt we hv.

Anonymous said...

Linda i thought this was a Nigerian blog; i hear enough of Kim kardashian here can u please talk more about Nigerian stuff
thank u

Anonymous said...

Even if u try u can never be like her.u are ok wit ur poverty hahahahaha. If u don't like her y did u read d post.busy hating her and she is busy counting her dollars Jealousy.

Anonymous said...

one word nansense

Anonymous said...

Keep promoting someone else's life.. Ode oshi..

Anonymous said...

wow, she sure knows how to buy a diamond engagement ring

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