Hot or not; Kim K's mermaid Halloween costume | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 28 October 2012

Hot or not; Kim K's mermaid Halloween costume

This is what the reality star wore for yesterday's Halloween festivities. Her boo, Kanye, came as 'captain'. You like?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kim is fat joor

Anonymous said...

Im pass like sef me love *i love Kim k anyDay anytime

Anonymous said...

Hot outfit but being blonde isn't 4 her @ all.

Baby F said...

She looks bloated more like a she-horse is dre is anyfin like dt

Anonymous said...

Linda pls enuf wit kim already! Can't u talk abt sm1 wht did d kelly osbourne wear? All we need is two days brk to * breath again

Anon ;) said...

Linda forget this story, have u heard d latest gist in town? Stella Damasus is now married to Daniel, Doris Simeon's husband! Investigate abeg

Anonymous said...

Mermaid & a Captain??? 'Nice' combo o!!!

Anonymous said...

Well well....its halloween so its a pass....I luv kim

Anonymous said...

Nice outfit but she looks older said...

Hot as always.


Mami water!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm they look great

Unknown said...

Cute pair.

Warri Girl said...

I guess she was dressed up as a mermaid, that's the only thing I can think of that the costume relates to. I like the costume but I don't like her on blond hair, it kind of made her look old. As for kanye, didn't feel his costume @all

Moi Moi said...

Not hot.....

Stella Kashmoney said...

Hell no. Definitely Not.

Anonymous said...

She looks like Donatella Versace lol

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaa kim have u been initiated? Not cool at allllllll. The hair colour is bad but the dress is fyn. Not hot

Anonymous said...

Have kim been initiated into d illuminati. This mermaid style not hot at alllllllll

Anonymous said...

I don't dig the blonde hair. But I guess evrytin else is ok.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense...nxt pls

Anonymous said...

Pls if you know you are not up for driving, don't risk the lives of others especially children. visit to see what I'm talking about. but pls be warned o, it's a terrible sight.

las vegas babe said...

If she wnts, she shld turn 2 fish itself ,& kanya octopus it wot reduce d price of garri which is 1&half cup 100 naira,.. Mtcheeeewww

Anonymous said...

linda,r u a stalker?leave des pple alone

veeon said...

Not bad..

Anonymous said...

This couple really hav tym ooo!!! *smh*

Anonymous said...

pls she looks terrible!

toolz said...


Anonymous said...

Mermaid tinz... Nice concept though, @ least it still kept her curves for our viewing pleasure. Cool one, Kanye cos if i were in his shoes, i'd definitely do the captain tin. Says St.Nomski

Anonymous said...

Looking like cher here

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

She looks very old and she is just 30.

Anonymous said...

She looks like lady gaga here! I tink sh shud never attempt to go blonde ever again!

2400okomolaf said...

Me no likey... No! No... Just No!

OneHawtNaijaChick said...

Terrible............blond is a no no.... Outfit... #yuck#

Anonymous said...

Me no likey.. No! No, just No!!

Anonymous said...

Its aiit I she does d sexy thing way too much so nw I'm gettin bored with d banality of it all

Anonymous said...

I dislike.

baby cute said...

hawt!!! buh i dnt like her new hair do

Anonymous said...

Jesus kim looks scary God wats wit dat blonde she looks older dan her mom kris k WEST wat r u doing to my girl hope dis ur marriage tin is for good oh

Anonymous said...

Kimmy doesn't look good in dis costume,the mermaid skirt,I lik bt d Hair OMG,mkes her look older & trashy...then her Boo,Captain my Foot!!!!sup wit d foldin of trouser & Red shoes????

Anonymous said...

This is her worst look ever! Kanye seems to bring out the worst looks in her. She also looks so plastic, she has started looking fake. She looks as old as Cher here.

PATRICK said...


Anonymous said...

Mtcheewww! They are still trying to look fine..whn others don't really care if they look fine or not.. It looks like a red carpet dress sef, and that aint the's got to be crazy uno..

Anonymous said...

She is nt lookin bad ,its a costume nt an everyday look. Even her Boo is lookin cool. Although I wld ve preferred it if they were looking a little bit spooky afteral its HALLOWEEN

Unknown said...

mehn...someone shud teach dis nigga called kanye west to dress... i mean wat a f**k z he putin on...........

Unknown said...

someone should teach dis nigga ow to dress mehn.... i mean wat a f**k is puttin on... its embarrasin....

Anonymous said...

she looks horrible. everything is just too desirate kai....empress

Anonymous said...

Kimk can actually be ugly..ok#yawns..

Anonymous said...

She looks so ugly n aged here

Anonymous said...

Kim is aging o!

Anonymous said...


rella said...

HORRIBLE!!!!!!! She luks like a mess.....doesn't fit her at all especially d hair do.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a complete fool!

Anonymous said...

inyama! disGOSTIN! kai costume or not, this is tacky

Anonymous said...

No, I was a tad bit disappointed. She usually makes more of an effort, this outfit plus wig just looks cheap and tacky!

@MissPenshy said...

well its not ugly... isn't exactly pretty either. she tweeted earlier today that shes thinking of dying her natural hair blonde. My response: make she no try am! blonde doesn't suit everybody. kanye looks cool, although he looks like he's just dressed up for a normal day.

phuckyoopinions said...

She looks really trashy,d hair ddnt do her justice at all n trust her fans to blast her on instagram saying d hair ws a mistake and a NO NO,4me I fink she looks ugly in dt outfit plus d hair colour#phuckyoopinions,its js wat I feel tho...

Anonymous said...

No i don't like n she doesn't look gud in blonde jor*eyes rolling*

CocoSharmell said...

To an extent I love the really defines the whole mermaid concept n those hips totally completes on kimmie,she looks like a witch..:| a depressed one too..I love the first pic but 2nd one,she looked like a transexual

Anonymous said...

Looks more like donatella versace to me

Kim said...

LMFAO!!!! These people are stupid and blind! Why would they embarass themselves like this?? They look ridiculous, the blonde wig is awful!

CocoSharmell said...

To an extent I love the really defines the whole mermaid concept n those hips totally completes on kimmie,she looks like a witch..:| a depressed one too..I love the first pic but 2nd one,she looked like a transexual

Anonymous said...

So of all d talentd stars in hollywood, u decided to show us kim's costume bcos?

Anonymous said...

She looks so like cher

Anonymous said...

Just can't seem to get over d body figure #AMAZEBALLS# kimmy, u rock!

Anonymous said...

She looks so like cher

Anonymous said...

She looks so like cher

Anonymous said...

She doesnt look good on blonde hair at all,black hair is her perfect tool,but i guess dats part of d halloween idea sha,to look scary!dress is lovely on her anyway!but y does Kanye look like a house boy?? Aby

Anonymous said...

She doesnt look good on blonde hair at all,black hair is her perfect tool,but i guess dats part of d halloween idea sha,to look scary!dress is lovely on her anyway!but y does Kanye look like a house boy?? Aby

Anonymous said...

He came as 'Captain save a hoe'.

Anonymous said...

Pls she doesn't look hot n d hair colour hmm pls leave it for d blonds

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeee. By isn't a Halloween costume meant to be scary instead of sexy?????

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice, I love it! Kim truly looks like the mermaid Ariel... Fab!

kemsugar said...

What's my bizz linda? LoL

Anonymous said...

She looks like a Man in the 2nd photo.
So ugly! Blonde hair doesn't look good on her at all and she's looking kinda Fat.
Kanye Looks dapper btw.

Anonymous said...

Blonde is nt good on her atalll!!!!! She looks old!!!!

Anonymous said...

I luv d outfit!!She looks old in d 2nd pic tho....

Anonymous said...

Linda pls stop worshipping this chick.i understand u want the figure,but pls u can't get it this way

Anonymous said...

I like kim's costume but knye's costume is not that ok

Anonymous said...

Yes I like! Haters gonna hate buh she's still winning

Anonymous said...

The first time I would say that she looks better as a Brunette.

Anonymous said...

Kanye looks superb,loving d red footwear...err,I don't just like d way Kim looks;so NOT hot!

Lady Rocks said...

Not! She looks like a usual.

Anonymous said...

She looks wasted! She should v gotten a better Wig!

Miss ody

Anonymous said...

She looks totally terrific! Love her and kanye so much.wish them best.

BLOGLORD said...

Hot mess!

Peoplewatcher said...

Omg! She looked like lady gaga at a glimpse.

SUE JORDAN said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U take style like this kim o, she's no longer relivant in yankee

Anonymous said...

Not Bad.... Nice outfit

LusciousBerry said...

d costume is not flattering on her, it looks tacky, and d blonde hair is not for her. she looks prettier with her dark hair.

Anonymous said...

She looks like an idiot!!

Anonymous said...

Damn she looks like a mermaid in that outfit but that hair is a big no for me.

Leerato said...

I love it... She really looks GREAT.

Anonymous said...

wassup wif u nd k.

Anonymous said...

HMm! I like.

Anonymous said...

She rily be lyk mammy wata & Kanye.... Captain Papppy wata. Hehehehe!

Anonymous said...

Not hot biko..kilo mu gel yi?? She looks crazy nd story jare!! Mshewwwwwwwww

Anonymous said...

She is looking old. Why

MY TURN said...

This babe is INSANE




Anonymous said...

The blonde hair is really horrible on her.

Anonymous said...


damie said...

Wetin kanye dey captain?

Daz one sluty looking mermaid!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Kim K, is looking old and haggard in the face and that mermaid costume is an epic fail!!!
Damn!! her style sense done gone south, hahahahahahah

Unknown said...

Z owk lili#ms linda 2day nah ma buffday ohh**anyfin 4 ur faithful fllwer

Anonymous said...

Kim K might be a mermaid afterall.. 'winkz'


Anonymous said...

I hate the niggas on your blog wallpaper that's why I don't read this blog at night cos their scary faces gives me nightmares.

Anonymous said...

I luv kanye's costume sooo simple

Anonymous said...

She looks like a fish except for the hair dress and seriously Linda, she can do better.

Unknown said...

Good job with the mermaid thing.

check out for nice fashion, beauty and style tips and more...

Anonymous said...

The wig makes her look like Versace herself.NEXT!!!!

Unknown said...

Good job with the mermaid thing.

check out for nice fashion, beauty and style tips and more...

Anonymous said...

Love Kim's costume, really looks kool on her (Cweamy)

Anonymous said...

She looks older and well, fatter. me no like!

Anonymous said...

That poison ivy costume she wore last year was so hot, red hair and all. this one is bleh

Anonymous said...

Definitly said...

Not bad though

TheFierceLane said...

Uhhhm...I don't like.

And is it just me or does she look really old.. Guess Kanye is fvckin the youth outta her...

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Anonymous said...

Its no surprise she dressed as what she really is. Enjoy. Now na ur time.

Anonymous said...

lollll... pls is there a plate in kim's tommy? did anyone see what i saw? 'views her tommy closely' lolll


happyhausabunny said...

Y? Cause she is OLD! Lol

Anonymous said...

This is the worst thing I have seen her wear. Joan Rivers has seen something for the Halloween special Fashion Police
And Kanye ur own is inside cooler

Temmy said...

looooooooooooooool she looks like Cher

Anonymous said...

The Blond hair is a major No-No! Dark hair suits her better.
She should wear a push-up bra too, her boobs so saggy!!!
But mehn!!! Her hips do NOT lie!!! Awesome hips baby
Plus u really do look like ur mum here. Pity u also look older.

JournalOfUs said...

Hot!!! I like d look

Anonymous said...

lmao... so what is Kanye supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

please you guys should leave kim alone oooooo, she looks lovely besides its a Halloween costume party and the aim is to look different from the real you. she did a great job n indeed looks like a mermaid.

Unknown said...

Kim looks hot.

Anonymous said...

Am sure if they put ur best picture beside this pic of her dt u r saying 'ewwww' to, we wld throw up. Get a life loser.

Unknown said...

Kim looks hot.

Anonymous said...

She's 32.... She's actually old!

Anonymous said...

Style wise, she has kinda bin outta her element since she started datin kanye.... Me thinks if she keeps on doin nd wearin wat she's bin wearin, she soon would become irrelevany to d fashion world..... BTW, wats d deal wit him choosing her outfits?

Anonymous said...

I wonder hw u look...hater

Anonymous said...

You no dey update person comments ni? Mtcheeeew! She sha wnts to look sexy by force..halloween outfit is meant to be scary/sexy scary nt sexy alone. Abeg post my comment abi kilode gan..

Unknown said...

My question is "y does kanye always were nonsense coloured things on his feet"?

Aduke said...

I Luv Kim and this her look passes right for halloween! HOT MESS & SCARY!! Kim should never go blonde! Not good on her!

Anonymous said...

Kim looks like lady gaga

Anonymous said...

She looks horrible jooorr, never seen her ds ugly.

Anonymous said...

Kim K doesn't force "Sexy". She's synonymous with the word "Sexy" meaning another meaning for the word in a dictionary is "Kim K"! Winks!

Anonymous said...

*wear. Thank me, later.

Unknown said...

Dont really like her inn blondee tho

Jay said...

Nigerians are so f*****.Reading all ur comments shows that you all don't knw anything about what you're commenting about.Its supposed to be an event where you're nt supposed to be ur real self.Na wah oooo.

Anonymous said...

You this Presh Ogu, it would do you well if you could go back and learn how to spell. which one be "were". Abeg shift jor!!

Unknown said...

@Anon 9:11 AM - real classy of you.
Dear intellectual messiah, next you want to mention names please have the decency to show your face and your name. As if you've never made a typographical error before. Fool!

Anonymous said...

d gurl z sexy, let her be

Anonymous said...

is it me or kanye's sperm isnt good for kimmy.. since dey started dating she looks very worn out and fat... her outfit sucks

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