HIV carriers in Canada not obligated to disclose condition to potential sex partners | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 October 2012

HIV carriers in Canada not obligated to disclose condition to potential sex partners

The Supreme Court in Canada has just given HIV carriers in the country the right to hide their condition from potential sex partners - as long as they have a low level of the virus and wear a condom. You can read more about it HERE

Going to Canada soon? Zip up, biko! lol


Anonymous said...

Low level or high level - it's still the same damn disease!


what if d person decides to lie about his/her status? Abstinence has always been d best option,but if u can't hold body use d condom u bought urself.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Gist Arena said...

Ah thats too bad, they are just encouraging the spread og HIV. pple saying in Canada shloud be very careful

Anonymous said...

Quite unfair on the partners.

Anonymous said...

it's an utterly stupid ruling. Will only go 2 increase d numba of carriers.

Anonymous said...

Omashe oo! How will d potential partners know their viral load? Abeg, zip up, if that does not work, do self service oo!!!!better safe than sorry.

deczylet said...

4dos dat wil skin dive, gud 4dem

kcee said...

This is really crazy. What type of law is this. Na wa oh !!!

Unknown said...

In other word, we are heading back to the abstinence method.This will make a lot of people pause and think about the consequences of their action.Canada eh, way to go.

Unknown said...

In other word, we are heading back to the abstinence method.This will make a lot of people pause and think about the consequences of their action.Canada eh, way to go.

Dr. Pinch said...

LOL, so what will happen if you use the one bought by someone? Bonario pls I need an answer ASAP

Anonymous said...

Even if They pass d law incidence of d disease won't still be higher than dat of Africa even if they don't zip up, they r much better in health care n awareness than here!

Anonymous said...

And all d time we dey see something wrong with naija if na here now una go crucify us with long grammar for here adeg make una talk to the insane canadian authorities b4 all infected persons in d world go begin dey migrate to their country mtswwwwww

Anonymous said...

As a doctor i can tell you that HIV drugs can make the virus undetectable .Once undetectable u cannot transmit it via sexual contact.Using condoms is just precautionary. In the United Kingdom there are already ongoing discussions to allow doctors that are HIV positive back to the theater (Exposure prone procedures). Linda HIV is not a killer any more.

Warri Girl said...

In other words they support the spread of HIV and AIDS

hahs said...

two words: ghanian babes

Makeover by T.E.J.U said...

Is it me or has everyone noticed that the awareness campaign against HIV/ Aids has dropped...generally tho...*, God help us, with this their ruling, they'l just keep having more carriers in that country..

Tostie said...

what kinda law is this again...goodness

Anonymous said...

This is just wrong. people, abstinence is the way to go o. Hulk Hogan has a sex tape too, watch it here

Amenze said...

well, everyone is supposed to be cautious. the people that know their HIV status and are receiving medication in canada, are less of a threat than the people in Nigeria who do not know their status, are not receiving care and are spreading the virus because they assume they are "safe"
The ruling is not the enemy here because it protects both parties. Ignorance and lack of access are the problem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

na waoh. Toh at least condom use is emphasised.

Anonymous said...

True talk.

Anonymous said...

Which one is self service

Anonymous said...

All u guys castigating the ruling, wat about Nigeria? Is it even a crime for one with HIV/Aids to sleep with someone without disclosing his/her status with or without condom? Remove the log in ur eyes please.....

Azonto said...

illiterates dey naija too much did u read the news very well guys,when it comes to health care canada still is the best they are well aware of the disease medical check up is free when it comes to good health i respect people over there i know one day i will go to canada if u are going there as a legal immigrant enough screening for hiv before u enter God bless canada God help nigeria

Azonto said...

illiterates dey naija too much did u read the news very well guys,when it comes to health care canada still is the best they are well aware of the disease medical check up is free when it comes to good health i respect people over there i know one day i will go to canada if u are going there as a legal immigrant enough screening for hiv before u enter God bless canada God help nigeria

Anonymous said...

At Anon 8.29pm.being undetectable doesn't mean dey cant spread ÈŠ̝̊̅† to a partner.wonder why u all r screaming.Do u guys know how many couples in Naija have one of d partners as being positive?In Naija most pple dat r positive refuse to tell their spouses dat they r HIV positive cos of fear of them most pple hide their status from their husbands n wife.Doctors unfortunately cannot disclose the status to d other party cos of Dr-patient confidentiality,all u cαη do is keep counselling and trying to persuade d person to tell his or her u cαη see dat Naija case aint different.

Anonymous said...

Hiv positive on meds is better than those that assume they re negative and never even bother to go for test.i know pple who bg positive for 20yrs and had never being sick or go to hospital. Wen on meds and undetectable u cant transmit hiv.

Anonymous said...

Self service???hahahaha @ anonymous 6:44pm

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

this is just pure madness. It's not okay biko!!!#sighs

BLOGLORD said...

this is not funny o! its high time boys in cana begin to do soapy o! i berra inform my bro

*reaching for my phone*

Anonymous said...

Dr Anon 8.29pm.undeetectable HIV viral load rreduces d ability to infect people.ÈŠ̝̊̅† doesn't stop ÈŠ̝̊̅† just rreduces. ÈŠ̝̊̅† so there is still a risk of infectivity wen u have sex wit someone dat has a low viral load and please don't say HIV is not a killer anymorre cos u havent seen its effect on Nigerians esp the youth who seem to be more affected dis days.pls do not sppread wrong informaation abeg.we all shud check our HIV status regularly esp if we have risky lifestyles and if result is positive commence antiretroviral drugs ie if d person meets the criteria for ÈŠ̝̊̅†

Anonymous said...

GBAM! Every other comment is secondary... ME...

Anonymous said... come u r always d first or second to comment? U no get work? Pls LIB readers, help this dude with a job...he's jobless ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡)


Anonymous said...

@Queen u're a very foolish geh,I guess u commented from an oil rig where u're working. If u so busy howcome u located LIB and even had d strenght to comment. Leave him alone Ewu Gambia.


Loolz Dr Pinch ask Tuface hehehe,just use d one given to u by a girl waiting for u tie her down, then u'll know dat iron bucket dey leak sometimes.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Chai... Canada pple haff planed us ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoo . Won't go dia 4 again! N if I do I will dodge anytin sexual. (In funke Akindele's voice) " dy want t chair(share) HIVezzzzzzz. Dis is not Mtn share and sell promo, we talkin beta sickness hia ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoo.

Anonymous said...

End time....mayb God wants to distry d World with HIV.

Anonymous said...

Ask for a health certificate clearing the person and being HIV free. Better still close your legs and mind yaself

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada, and work as a HIV Community Health Educator for a Health Centre. One of my responsibilities includes providing up to date information on HIV to the clients I work with. HIV today, is very different from the HIV of 25 years ago. I have met people here, that have been living with the virus for almost 20 years. They got married, had babies and partners and babies are HIV Virus free. It is only in Africa, due to corruption, lack of education and awareness is HIV considered a death sentence. Fine, there is no treatment for someone living with HIV, at least not now, BUT with the current medications available, especially when detected early, they suppress the viral load to a point where the risk of transmission is highly, very highly reduced. However, with common sense, you should not be going "bareback" in the first place if you are not in a trusted or monogamous relationship. Even if the person does not HIV, there are other STI's that are also harmful like herpes virus (no cure), Hepatitis B, that causes liver damage.
For those of you condemning this law, at least, it used to be a crime in Canada to have sex without disclosing your status. In Nigeria, what laws are there to even protect both the affected (the public), and the infected (those living with the virus)? Please lets remove the log in our eyes before thinking of the specks in another persons eye.

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