Yes it did happen. According to the report, the Governor of Sokoto State, Alhaji Aliyu Magataka Wamakko gave N17million to the PHCN manager in charge of a substation in his hometown to buy a new transformer, cables and other things, and when the man didn't deliver, the governor invited him to his house and flogged him with a horsewhip.
A statement from the acting MD of PHCN, Kaduna, when you continue...
“On Saturday, October, 20, our business manager, Gwiwa Business Unit, So-koto State, Moses Osigwe, was invited by Governor Aliyu Wamakko to his personal residence, over the issue of lack of power supply to his hometown, Wamakko, as a result of a failed 2.5MVA transformer.
“He accused Osigwe of deliberately denying his community, Wamakko, of power supply. As the business manager was trying to explain to him, the governor just brought out a horse whip and lashed him,” Adamu said.
According to him, the governor also invited two other members of staff, Isyaku Daura, Officer 2 (Electrical) and Nuru-ddeen Mohammed, Staff 1 (Lines) and ordered his mobile policemen to beat them up.
hahahahaa, Governor is harsh mehn! Good for the PHCN official.
But Governor no flog am die o! biko! make we know the one we de judge.
Linda why are you not uploading comments? have they become your personal property?
LMAO @ the PHCN manager
LOOOOL! Good job sir!
Dis is serious hahahahahah
Only in Nigeria! If a man in his position can flog another man when brainstorming fr a solution should have been the way, why wont some stupid villagers take the law into their own hands in murdering those innocent boys? Your leaders are the worse in the world. What a jungle!
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Lmao...dats gud for them.....
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he flogged him?? hahaha! i know this is a serious issue, but... really?? LOL!
prosecution, no justice of any sort, & of course, more stories of how our leaders abuse power & oppress their subjects would come up. Anyone remember how the rogue ex Governor of Imo State (Ikedi Ohakim) personally flogged the shit out of a journalist & a clergyman couple of yrs back? Did the story not end in the papers & on LIB? After they would come on the media to condemn jungle justice. This is jungle justice combined with abuse of power. What a shame
They should sue the pants of him. If money transferred hands, was it official? If it was official, the issue is with the company and not their branch manager.
We should bring him out and spank him not abuse of office and squandering Nigeria's money. Idiot man. Now you know why the common man is instituting jungle justice. They are following the example of the nincompoops in office
Lol! Good for the PHCN guys, maybe if more governors did this there would be 24 hour electricity all over Nigeria!
and de won't sue? Maybe de don't want to be exposed...
It can only happen in dis country
This is crazy..#u go fear Veto power o#
The unfortunate thing about this shameful story isn't the flogging, But the disturbing fact that this story will end just here in the media. No prosecution, no justice of any sort, & of course, more stories of how our leaders abuse power & oppress their subjects would come up. Anyone remember how the rogue ex Governor of Imo State (Ikedi Ohakim) personally flogged the shit out of a journalist & a clergyman couple of yrs back? Did the story not end in the papers & on LIB? After they would come on the media to condemn jungle justice. This is jungle justice combined with abuse of power. What a shame
Hahahahahaha!!!! Laff finish me ooo.... Only 4 Naija
And u blame Aluu villagers for taking d law into their hands? This is anoda form of Jungle justice and d law must be allowed to take its course on this case.
Lmao. This is so funny. But how can I give someone 17m and he'll fuck up and I'll not treat his fuckup. Thumbs up Governor. Æ–☺Æ– I wish there was a video
Hahahahahah......dis will be a lesson. ...
Would he have flogged a fellow northerner like that?
Those phcn officials deserve to be shot
I don't get it when people keep stressing Lin about uploading comments...... BLOODY WAIT. Linda Sha be human being. She go sleep, bathe, shit, piss, gist for phone, look for amebo for we hungry gistmongers, verify info, type message and at the same time, approve and upload comments. If u really can't wait, apply for the job on her blog. Hian. I taya for people.
that is just taking taking things to far. pls God help Nigeria!!
barbaric! Dis shows how backward and myopic these leaders are.Perhaps,we should also flog de governor and our other leaders for failures in leadership. Nonsense..!
17 million flogging!!..next time he would deliver on time!!
We just read about a teacher flogging a studen to death and now we are reading of a governor flogging grown man at a company for not fulfilling a professional obligation. So this is what Nigeria has been reduced to? So we have really descended into serious lawlessness?
The PHCN manager sef na mumu, you go stand there make person flog you like you be pikin!
this is a different case, those fools in phcn need to be taught a lesson
this is a different case, those fools in phcn need to be taught a lesson
Shame on all of you that think this barbaric act is funny. That is why at times I think there is no hope for my country. The leaders and the entire citizenry need a complete change of attitude. How can anyone condone an act like this. Are they no civil ways to handle issues like this? Everybody acting like animals.Make una dey laugh una self. Stupid people!!!!
Loool, ahhhh!!! please, this people will not kill me with laughter.
When I saw read the topic, I was going to ask if he's mad, but reading it further is just so hilarious.
He deserved to be flog, Hahahaah
Yeye governor how has he developed sokoto state that he is flogging a fellow man.
So many stupid things happen in this country. Imagine a governor who is suppose to be a leader behaving lik a thug
This is funny and at the same time degrading... there would have been a better way to resolve this...
Are you kidding me? And some people actually think its funny and support the governor.
That's why Nigeria is where she is today, damn shame!
He is only concerned about "his community" abi? What happens to d other communities? These evil men drink human blood like wine, and we are here talking about flogging
Arrant nonsense! Pele o Mr governor! That's just the way to solve a pressing issue! Mcheeeeww!!!
Sokoto State Governor should be closely monitored as a potential 'BH' supporter/sponsor.
He has openly displayed some 'B H' tendencies by using SHARIA law as his form of punishment instead of allowing the rule of law to prevail.
His actions was not funny at all.
About time!! Too many civil servants getting away with rubbish! You can't take a man's money and not deliver...
talk about 'whipping up' sentiments :)
We go flog politicians koboko...sorry we go flog #nepaguy koboko,dem do aliyu ojoro *dances uncontrollably* but why do we like to take laws into our hands,na only Aliyu village dey sokoto,see as the tin dey pain am! When dem dey steal heaven and earth,they don't know it hurts AF..well Aliyu,karma aint just a bitch,she's a hoe with kids
No be small thing oo
Dear governor biko give him more strokes ndi oshi, no light yet huge biLls
Takin d bull by d horn,,, me I lik dis razz Gov
My friend shattap there!!! Oley why shouldn't he flog him? Bcos dis one is a fellow igbo criminal like u? I still don't understand why u igbos can never be trusted with cash. You monkeys always steal ALL of the money. Tueh tueh!!!
na only naija dis kine jungle justice 4 dey happen.dis is assault
guys,visit dis blog
D gov did d right tin, a lot of ppl tink, ones is a gov contract, u r allow 2 do anyhow & get away wit it, den call it der own national cake,.Many managers, contractors and politician needs dis horsewhip...
some idiots say the gov did the right thing, this rubbish can only happen in nigeria where animals live, if the govt provide powerful transformer to serve the whole country,will the PHCN not provide enough electricity, and he did it out selfish interest, when you guys had no power supply,who flogged the phcn officials for you???
Abeg if he's getting result thru that means fine , Rotimi Amaechi had better adopt that method cos the power supply in PH is rubbish, below 10percent, and yet they demand for bill.
Abegggi Libers ds na wen I go talk say una Sef get scion scion u all know there's a point Nepa gets to that u will wzntto go n beat dem up just like the rubbish that is happening to me in our house in Uyo ! I miss Lagos light erred!!!
one word "Shame" goshhhh wen i read thnings life dis, it just upset me.....The soul called governor does not have the right to flog the PHCN manager for watever reason Haba!!!
The way they handle power/position in Nigeria is just silly more like illiterates #KMT
Oh really?? So ur justifying a whole governor who should be d symbol of law and order floGging someone as if he is his son?? Na wa o. D mentality of nigerians!!! Smh 4 you. Abi, Nepa man na distribution coy??? This is justifiable in ur eyes, but not d Aluu killings??? What's wrong is wrong regardless of d gravity of it!!!
No case is different, then aluu case is also different.. Nigerian with the way they think..
lawless leaders with lawless citizens who think from their anus!!! Some people actually think the Governor's action was right?? *justdisturbed*
Mr Governor, i wonder how many strokes of koboko you are supposed to recieve for all the monies you have embezzled...oloshi!....case of removing a speck with a huge log in your eyes...
LMKMD oga Gov sooo on point am sure PHCN will improve. At anonymous 10.16 y are you so tribalistic? Abi u get money allergy or ur job na charity? Am ibo and I can be trusted with cash BIKO KWA O!
Pls all u peeps shouting its barbaric and wat not should all pls go and slp abeg!!!!
This manager thot he was smart,thot he could pocket N17mill and not show any work done,not even cables talkless of the transformer..this is how corruption starts and the gov gav the manager wat he deserves, we need more sane govs that would turn around this country...isn't that wat Rawlings did,look at Ghana!!!
Nigerians are like MALU(cows),they need to treated like one to get positive results from them..
This Gov for President!!
Nigerians pls stop being shallow and see beyond the surface, this kind of encouragements to the governor "ehn he did da right thing or I gbadun this gov" will get us no where. Only in nigeria does a man call a fellow citizen to his house and proceed to flog him, BULLSHIT! We need to open our eyes and stop tolerating crap from our politicians..I happen to be from that part of the north, and could list a dozen other villages in need of a transformer..I do not support what the manager did but for goodness sake who hands out that kind of money to a phcn manager? to go buy a transformer "sounds like something I would tell the children of that village when they ask, "aunt why don't we have light?" sha sha me o I would presume that acquiring transformer thingy's for villages should be the responsibility of the local government!...moral of my post pls make we stand up for our people, encourage our politician's good not their bad actions...P.S Lin Lin, am a first time commenter on ur blog yayy!!!
Ok so governor can flog another fellow man...and nobody is judging him or insulting him. But wen a pastor slaps a young girl for saying somethin not good...it becomes news..public...bad...we need to check and tink of our ways. Hmmm I know if it was a pastor that flogged the phcn manager...people would have insulted and judged him(as usual). Satan is really lookin for pple to be wit him down dere. We need to really be vigilant and pray always. We need to be careful and watch our ways
I wonder why you are all saying good job to the Governor for taking the laws into his hands....no one has heard from the ECN/NEPA/PHCN official to hear his side of the story
What if the punishment was more severe like the Aluu 4 (God rest their dear souls), would we be saying good job to the Gov? Does the Gov not believe that the judicial system would prosecue him?? Why take laws into your own hands / whip....my two kobo
@Anonymous October 25, 2012 6:07 PM.Please do yourself a favor go get something serious with your life stop trolling.You're a moron & a clear one too,your comment is such a waste of network bandwidth.Do you actually know what happens in Nigeria?PHCN Officials are one of the most corrupt in the World,have witnessed in a community where the villagers contributed money with a little assist from the state government to buy a new transformer for four years nothing was done they later found out that the money was no where to be accounted for,it took constant pressure by the well known elite in the community stating a report to the Governor,yet the case is still pending due to a new tenure of another Governor.
that serves PHCN people right, in Delta state we xperience such blackouts but who wan talk, @ d end of d month they still bring bill which we pay, how do they get d meter reading when there's no light. PHCN i fear una.
obviously, the ill-gotten dough was spent illegally for his own community and he can not depend on the judicial system to prosecute the ECN/NEPA/PHCN official
@ Anonymous 7.28pm, well said.As if Linda na machine.Impatient pple.
Alhaji Governor abeg give am two more srokes....Next time he go give una light
Laughing my sexy ass off !!!
Good one from the governor, but guys who flogs the governor when he fail to discharge his duties....
Selfship governor and stupid power holding staff , governor that is not how to treat delegulation of duty ..And why must it be ur community alone? Mr governor with jungle justice .. Another abuse of Power by a Nigeria governor
Eh yaaa. Oh, you bitter poor little soul. God's mercy is free. Just ask. Sorry ehn. Ndo. It is well with you. Ur healed in Jesus name.
The oda day I raid about imo state Gov fighting in the public for just a chair ,now dis one is flogging a fellow man cos he does not deliver on time .To say the truth it is unfair,instead of dos leaders to show example ,the ar behaving abnormal. Dos it mean dat anybody that is in power should be treating odas anyhow. Why can't he go and whip dos boko haram dat has been damaging the countrys' property since flogging can solve the problem.LOVE UR NEIGHBOUR AS U LOVE URSELVES
all ya all sayin shit about the guvnor not doing right should kiss my sexy ass. do u people really pay nepa bill?. well if i dey pain u all i can say is we dont give a BIG FUCK!
justdisturbed? we dont care what u think. im sure u dont pay nepa bills . i even doubt if u are the one feeding urself. just for the records if i dey pain u go hug transformer. steeewpid!
justdisturbed? we dont care what u think. im sure u dont pay nepa bills . i even doubt if u are the one feeding urself. just for the records if i dey pain u go hug transformer. steeewpid!
fuck u bitch!
you re the idiot. foool
you re the idiot. foool
FATHER OF BLOG LORD'S > mr governor clap for you self ” you cn't even see boko-haram around selfish wicked rulers tell me if it only you town that is in that condition what of embezzlement of govt found and depriving, check you ash before you see e.f.c.c at you door step.
i think this gov is demented and has a psychiatric condition no one knows about yet.even if there is no light in ur whole state doesn't giv him d right to flog a fellow human being. dats barbaric. are there no laws again in dis country.please we have human rights .i just wish the man dat was flogged will sue n win but dis is naija instead of movin forward,we fly backwards..
Why did the idiot collect N17m when i knew i would not deliver. GOD punish all these phcn cabal/rogues thank you de gov. I wish u can come down and flog the ones in Lagos especially the ones at magodo isheri axis they are the worst.
Nigeria is a hilarious country... the same people that condemned jungle justice on the uniport boys are using the same mouth to say that what the Governor did was right...
How is the BM the cause of no light to Wammako? Why did he not sunmmon his colleagues in the federal govt and other states, and ask them where the light is after all the funds put in since 1999? Na for small biz manager body wey im get power. They should sue him for assault and battery, with intention to kill; kidnapping; etc...
Shame on you all that are supporting this barbaric act!!!
Dis iz gross abuse of Power.. Wat nonsense.. Jst like dat dumb Gov Isa Yuguda arrested a man over his facebook comment..#Godiswatching all dese so-called leaders.. MYRAYA SAYS SO
We r failing to see the big pic here. Why was the light ment to be for only his community? What of the rest of the state? If its like that then the president should flog the gov for failing his state. The phcn ppl better sue him. Anyway they can't. They don chop money wipe mouth so pls accept the flog enh. Use from that money and cure ur nyash wounds.
I'm not igbo but the venom anon 10:16 displayed towards igbo ppl. My God. I'm sure an Igbo person has jilted u b4. It is ok enh. Pls pray for that bitterness to leave ur soul. It will be well
Nigeria is a very funny place where anything is obtainable. Why would a governor give a PHCN staff irrespective of his position money to buy transformer??? Is there no office in charge of procurement in PHCN? I believe there is a transaction gone bad. Whose money did the governor use to pay for transformer? is his gesture a charitable one? Is his community the only community in the state that does not have power? Is he a communty leader or a state governor??? We need to have a rethink about the way we think...
anon 7:23 funniest comment. Lol
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