Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari releases new photos after losing 10kg | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 8 October 2012

Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari releases new photos after losing 10kg

Nadia said in a recent interview that she lost 10kg in six months, thanks mostly to jogging, Yoga, Pilates four times a week and daily exercises with regular change of diet. Gorgeous!


hmm said...

SHE looks like Kelis Nas's baby momma. She looks great but I think she is going the eku edewor route. Not cool at all. Too skinny

Emeka Facts said...

I like Nadia Buari bcos she no dey drink garri.

Blunt Queen said...

Her big head is so conspicuous now. She used to look better.

kcee said...

I was wondering if she is a Nigerian Or Ghanian? Na fine chick be that.

Anonymous said...

O.K Beyonce Buari.

Oge (NR) said...

Not bad!

Anonymous said...

she shld loose the big bogus extension.


The Reason U Kill For It,hmmm she's too beautiful, love her dress sense. ALOHI IBI.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

BLOGLORD said...

she still looks cool both ways

African Sweetheart said...

What are the pics for? lol

nenye AD said...

I can't see any change ø̲̣̣̥. Abi its been α̩ long time since I watched naija movies?

Buttercup! said...

Wow! She looks amazing :-)

Anonymous said...

I like everything except the hair. Good for her. it is tough to lose weight. Linda, you wouldn't know anything about that :)

finest-in-internet said...

Wow she looks so good! But I don't like her hair. It doesn't fit her! She reminds me of KELIS with that hair! Picture 8 is my best!

Sociable said...

Not bad. Noted anyways. said...

Great effort, keep it up. *dont like her hair style,the weavon was just dumped on her head*

Anonymous said...

This lady too fine to be a Ghanaian; Ghanaians are known to be very black species.

Chinedu said...


ZOELANDA!!! said...

Wow!!! She is gorgeous.. OMGoodness!

Ebony said...

Are u trying to be Beyonce Wannabe? Hmmm, I reserve my comment.

IVORY CHI said...


Anonymous said...

Awwww,gud 4her but wats wit d hair sef? Beyonce's protege,lol...

Anonymous said...

Abeg werrin change for her lepa body? She for just tell us she don snap new photo & wan show us. We done see am & of course u r beautiful. Thnk u. Aunty Lin Lin nxt gist plsssss.

Anonymous said...

Wish I cud do dis,,,,buh I love food!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Y did she hv 2 repeat her yellow shoe,,,,9c outfits all d same

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous is the word,I so love this nadia anytime anywhere anydayplus she speaks so well

Anonymous said...

She's so pretty omg. She looks like beyonce

Anonymous said...

she still looks pretty..but i don't know about the hair

Anonymous said...

She's looking good...

Desiree said...

Honestly I preferred her fleshy size 2 dis! Buh d weight loss ddnt affect her lovely gr8 legs!

desiree said...

I prefer her former fleshy size 2 dis!still luvin her gr8 luvly legs!

Anonymous said...

Cool @mashlessness

Warri Girl said...

She looks just like her normal self to me

Anonymous said...

luv luv luv all the outfits! she luks stunning.

kinzly said...

As far as I'm concern she still looks thesame....and what's with the Tina Turna hair style....#justsaying

Anonymous said...

Sister nadia,biko no slim pass dis wan o becos if e pass dis wan na him be say u go vanish.

kinzly said...

As far as am concern this babe still look thesame...and what's with the Tina Turna hair do?? #justsaying

Anonymous said...

Her dress sense is Zero nd her outfits look cheap!nd btw...if she were to be drak,she won't be this fine.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Hard work pays though I hv never categorized her as being fat. Nice pix btw!linda pls post M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ comment. Thank u.

Rosarii said...

Pretty damsel :)

SPILL IT said...

Beautiful but anything lesser might not be so fantastic!lovely outfits.

Anonymous said...

Super HOT!!!!

tax collector said...

I can really c d effect.wht were u shadin whn u r nt dt faaaat.for d exercise is gd to kp fit

baby cute said...

wow!!!!!! so happy for her

baby cute said...

wow!!!! she looks hot so happy for her

baby cute said...

wow!!!!!! so happy for her

Anonymous said...

Beyonce wannabe by fire by force!
Kudos on d weightloss cos she was starting 2 look like Halima Abubakar SHORT and FAT!
Billie jean

Anonymous said...

no dress sense.

debbyt said...

I hope dat dose cobbler shoe she wore r not in Ghana hot 32degree sun that start frm 8:30am

Anonymous said...

I like her the way she was jor. Curvy and nice. Y

Anonymous said...

Chai! she is so sweet very beautiful damn! waiting for some haters that will start saying she is too slim nadia nwa imarama yup good to know that they are women keeping fit and taking good care of themselves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Über hot. She looks awesome

Anonymous said...

May their souls rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Nadia buari is a beautiful girl that was created on Sunday morning by God when there was no sun.Dear u dnt nid to stress urself 4 wait loss.whether u loose wait or nt men will always dying 4u.Kris.

Unknown said...

damn Nadia you rock girl!

Anonymous said...

OMG!she is perfect!loves her!


OMG!!! She looks §ǿ lovely in her new size!!! ♍ƺ like!!!

Anonymous said...

New hair will be great to go with the new body. I'm just saying!!!

Anonymous said...

nne idi kwa Hot!!

Anonymous said...

Me likey! Hot like fire

hot girl said...

ist of all.....
this is a case of isi kam'aru.
head is bigger than my body(headmaster)

Anonymous said...

Serious beyonce wannabe! She seriously tried to recreate Beyonce's Instagram album....
Why don't people like to have their own individual personality...I tire...all these retro by force.....

Anonymous said...

Chai!!!, dis girl bad o...see shape, see hait, see smile...linda, do u hav her contacts

omorella said...

Wow she looks soooo pretty, am sooo luving her outfits ere esp d trench coat(nice) bt wait oh she wan resemble Beyonce one kain oh....

Anonymous said...

Wats wif d hair?!

Ada said...

She's still pretty of course but much more fit. I like

Vikany B said...

OMG!!!,I luv it,she looks stunning.

Alicia says... said...


Anonymous said...

Biko nu, what's she wearing? Wat is this? Are those red boots from ini edo's collection? Gosh..she just looks cheap and tacky ugh.she sud just go and throw away all those and go for a good shopping abeg.kai Ghanians will not kill someone o, they dress cheap and trashy in tht country.

Blossom said...

Seriously, this girl is too much of a Beyonce wannabe for my liking! It' just in everything she does.

Like, find your own personality honey. Next!

Anonymous said...

It's not by force to look like beyonce o. Nadia n omotola take note.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

I hate her,cos she is so FINE,haters stop hatin cos she is hot

Anonymous said...

weight loss by exercising? and her body is still fat? she's in LA for more plastic surgery after she got her nose job. this girl still thinks she's beyonce. nawa. and she doesn't look as good as she used to look.

Anonymous said...

Always jealous...dat's y ur blog always has 3 comments d day I mistakenly went there...Neva tried it again...Linda pls post dia and don't pity her

Anonymous said...

She make sense wella, wit her full legs. but she be like ojuju 4 d weavon wey she carry 4 head.


Almost said she looks like Beyounce but decided to seal my lips before LIB readers chop ♍ƺ raw....and ask if I'm suffering from riverblindness...=))º°˚˚˚°º‎​L☺Lº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) Plus Linda where is my ist comment na???*sadface*

moberry said...

Linda emulate nadia,get ur self a stylist,and dress to flatter ur figure in bright colors..notice she had on yellow,red,pink and even lemon..take a cue from her.and u also would look stunning,u already av a great figure!

amicable said...

She is 2 skini, but I like her dress....

Anonymous said...

Lol anon! Don't embarrass the blogger wannabe!

Anonymous said...

there is such a thing as too much hair!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she looks great except for the moppy hair, the significant amount of leopard print, and the neon(they're kind of dying really)....
still an improvement from her red carpet premiere appearance in which she wore geeky specs and a fedora(eew).

Anonymous said...

She looks great.. So what if she decides to change her hair?? Y'all have different tastes.. She likes it,you don't.. Deal with it! The fact that the hair makes her look like beyonce doesn't mean she's a 'beyonce wannabe'.. Some of y'all are just soo quick to judge..smh.. I'm not a huge fan buh I do admit she looks good! N leeeavvee linda alone oo.. When she wants to change how she dresses she will!

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire that filthy brain you used to think this crap and lightening strike those bloody fingers you used to type it. Rubbish.

Anonymous said...

wow! dis chick is so hawt, always had this soft spot for u...go Nadia u rock!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow! dis chick is so hawt, always had this soft spot for u...go Nadia u rock!!!!!!

Topless said...

You sound like you weight 1000kg and you can never be like her even if you try. Pls appreciate good things when you see them. Mtchwwww!

Anonymous said...

chai! Na ur type dey chop 6times a day, i jst dey imagine ur structure, shape nd everythn....
From my imaginations, u ave about 60kg nyash, biggest boobs ever...u even find it difficult to raise ur legx while working...chai Lmao!
Na ur papa go marry u oh, i don tell u finish!


Oge said...

She looks way better now...hopefully she sticks to this size

Anonymous said...

I luv her,she's beautiful

Anonymous said...

That awkward moment when Nadia Buhari haff used all her power and might to become Beyonce's look-alike by force by fire! Ok o... U haff passed! NADIA BUHARI KNOWLES CARTER!
BTW, you look amazing. You're beautful... Your past and present looks...even your future look will be bam!

Anonymous said...

She looks lost in d pixs. That looks like LA. Love the new figure but d hair is not nice. Remove the extra short weave on top and it will look ok.

Anonymous said...

Was wondering y she wore the boots o. They are very comfy but only for winter so her feet will sweat like crazy in that weather even if she had them on for few mins.
That looks like LA and its super HOT now.

Anonymous said...

All this too skinny nonsense am very sure this is coming from this fat and shapeless girls imagine calling nadia too slim...wetin u go call oluchi oweagba? na your type they deceive yourself african men love big gals wait until you born fat then he will be cheating on you with a lepa no go loose sit your fat ass and be shouting too skinny she looks sweet as in too sweet me i like infact i love stop jealousing you wish u had her kind of body nadia ride on jare.

Anonymous said...

All this too skinny nonsense am very sure this is coming from this fat and shapeless girls imagine calling nadia too slim...wetin u go call oluchi oweagba? na your type they deceive yourself african men love big gals wait until you born fat then he will be cheating on you with a lepa no go loose weight sit your fat ass and be shouting too skinny she looks sweet as in too sweet me i like infact i love stop jealousing you wish u had her kind of body nadia ride on jare.

Unknown said...

I love the Neon and black.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats with the hair

SA_Pride said...

@Anonymous. And nigerians are known for bleaching the hell out of their body. i have personally seen some nigerians who are much darker than some ghanaians so shut the fuck up. your stupid self wish Nadia was nigerian, but guess what she is not so deal with it. she can never be nigerian because you know what if she was a nigerian, she probably would have bleached the hell outta of her body, have big mouth like most nigerian girls have, or have big wide feet like the feet of most nigerian women.

goth chick said...

I tink Nadia had work done cuz she neva had a thin waistline she was kinda straight but m loving it. Love u Nadia

Anonymous said...

SA Pride, u must be a big fool for saying all that rubbish out of ur smelling ghanian mouth. Stupid wowo basket mouth idiot. Okbye.

tbaba said...

She looks cool but my wife is prettier dan her.

Anonymous said...


SA_Pride said...

@Stupid Fool. so because i replied u for stupid comment you made about ghanaians, i am now ghanaian. well fool, i am south african living in the US, and yes i have ghanaian friends so i will definitely reply anyone who talk trash about them. you are angry because i spoke the truth about how majority of nigerian women i hve seen look like. did you even consider the insanity of what you previously wrote about ghanaians. its only ghanaians that you guys can bully because i know you guys can never try this stupidity on SA women. why? because you know we are ten time more prettier than nigerian women. i said it and i ll say it again, nigerian women have big miss piggy mouth, look bleached, and have wide "big foot" feet. NOW CRY!!!

lollypop said...

Oh SHAT UP!!!! African queen shit. Wot do u know? Never read any nice comment frm u. Always beefing and tryn to promote ur boring blog here get lost

horluwatosyne said...

nice one......

Anonymous said...

this is what Blue Ivy should like in a couple of years. Mini-Beyonce....

Mumini Alao said...

thats my baby anywhere anytime...pls leave some meat on your body coz i love chobby babes not orobo sha...kisses nadia

Anonymous said...

kedu kwa udiri isi ndi ara bu ihe n'ka? #rolling eyes#

The sage said...

Lady. Ur due for ur injections.

Anonymous said...

Omg!u SAfrican ladies wit ur overload back yard.Small head and fat ass full of shit.hopefully u can now go to blazes and burn to ashes Mumu SA pride my ass.

sleekreek said...

I really cant see the difference.......whicheva wayz,,,she still looks great!!!

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