Dear men; What's the first thing that attracts you to a woman? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 25 October 2012

Dear men; What's the first thing that attracts you to a woman?

When you walk into a bar and see two/three/four ladies sitting together, how do you chose the one you want to talk to? What do you notice first when you see a woman that makes you want to talk to her, see her again? What gets your attention that first time? Please share your thoughts


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BLOGLORD said...

Over to the men...
It varies from man to man. physical attributes, internal connection, physique, attitude.....
Men oya o!

Omas992 said...

Nice big breast. Period!

Emtrica said...

For me, natural beauty and decency! No make-up...NO BROWN POWDER!!!!

Innoxx said...

Her character!

Eze said...

Scope the ass, eye contact , smile then equals GREEN LIGHT

Dr. Rukevwe said...

Cheerfulness, Charisma, Character.

sQo said...

Number 1/First is that she has to be fine (black or yellow) shaa be fine. 2nd thing I notice are : Boobs. If she doesn't have, her fineness has wasted. Thirdly, her No.6 must be working well. If she's not smart, move ahead abeg. But The First thing any guy will notice is beauty

Anonymous said...

I need ans to this... Men oya oh frm desperate Girl

Unknown said...

it an attraction which brings in curiosity and been curious makes you wanna know more and by knowing more,u fall in love...

Unknown said...

it an attraction which brings in curiosity and been curious makes you wanna know more and by knowing more,u fall in love...

Unknown said...

it an attraction which brings in curiosity and been curious makes you wanna know more and by knowing more,u fall in love...

Unknown said...

Nicely dress and gud dance step

omoyibo said...

Say what you may, but as guy the first thing I notice when I see a woman is her looks & how she carries herself. She doesn't have to have a model look but I have to be physically attracted to her in order for me to decide if I will approach her! I am not being vain or superficial in any way, but their absolutely has to be some type of physical attraction before I approach her which after I can then determine from our conversation/ interaction if I want to pursue her any farther or pass. There's just something about a woman that exudes confidence by carrying herself in self assured manner, not to be mistaken or confused for the shallow I too fine or whatever. Timidity in my opinion can be as much of a turn-off as an over the top, full of herself chic that has nothing to offer beyond her beauty.

Anonymous said...

If she has a smile on and looks approachable

Anonymous said...

Smile, decency and carriage

dazzy said...

It's about time

Anonymous said...

Looks and attitude

Jay O said...

Why must it be a bar sef? It can be walking down the street.

I'd say its the allure that the woman exudes, so even more so than physical beauty, but her confidence, her smile...

See its not enough to attract a guy to want him to stop and ask for your #, but you want that attraction to be the kind where he is thinking "omo this one no be hit and run, this is MY wife!"

Lester said...

The smell from her toto.....attracts my ponron

Anonymous said...

Den dey write d character 4 head?? *confused face*

honey said...

Dis is I can be very ugly as far I can dance.Iya nau send ur num

Nedd aka commissioner of sexual affairs... said...

Linda, Linda... U wan bring our leg out abi.. Make una take sabi how we dey operate... We sabi ur technique ohhh.. However, guys out there, it's a 4 way thing. 1. Seeing well decent gals r d bar or out there is 1. 2. In d midst of her friends u shud relax and observe which is more friendly, cos that's d only way u cud penetrate the babes, by starting a convo with the most friendly one. 3. U have to analyse from the group which is more likely ur type of babe, if none Is just have a decent convo with the babes and walk out. If u find ur type then go for her if she's single and u r.. If ur hooked up, do not proceed cos u'd get caught p in d act. If u wish to proceed consult me personally and I'd gv u tips.. 4. Guys make sure u r fresh as per no body odour, mouth odour and dress well otherwise humiliation go b d outcome... Nedd says so...

Anonymous said...

What will make me talk to a babe or want to know her??

If she appears reserved, classy, smart and somewhat calm.. Its not about bin tall, light skinned, havin big breast or big boobs (i actually like dark skinned babes, wiv B to C cups and medium sized ass type things)....

If she has this mysterious feeling about her.. mostly if she has a cute face sha and dresses in a particular way (mature, simple yet classy)

That's what drew me to my current gf and the last one too.. Dey dint disappoint me in terms of how intriguing chasing them became.. (bcos I hate shallow babes who are all abt material things and how hot dey r.. dey end up bin d easiest, 1+1 will always be equals to 2)

U jus have to look like someone thats going to be interesting to chase, and who is very smart and will defly give me a tuff time

Anonymous said...

#1. Her ikebe #2. Her ikebe #3. Her ikebe...............#100. Her ikebe. Get my drift?

Anonymous said...

Lester, dats very dirty! Is dat all ur dirty mind can imagine???

BLOGLORD said...

LWKMD @ some comments(willow,eze,fola johnson,lester-u are crazy)
*sitting back/waiting to read more n laff*

chineduonyibe said...

beauty and morphological features...

jayjay said...

U can't knw her character 4rm when u see her, 1st of all is her beauty dat u notice, then her composure. If she's som1 dat talks a lot and cuts in wheneva any of her frnds are talkin, I don't tink she'll b attracted 2 any guy, except those guys dat luv challenges, like urs truly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beauty, poise and carriage

Unknown said...

Aunty linda pls! Also ask dem wat attracts dem 2 fat gurls....... Cos there is nothing sexy abt fat chicks u know

Anonymous said...

Long epistle for simple question. Issorait

Anonymous said...

First tin u notice and u say dance step. Issokay

ifeoluwa farore said...

for me,its the external apperance,it takes a lot of good from the inside to make the outside look good. I'm athletic so i always look out for a girl thats not too tall,slim but yet curvy,not too big boobs and less meat hanging around to form gators.A broad ass with hourglass waist. Naturality is a point too.not too doctored up with makeup and nursery 2 crayons...the girls ability to relate with her friends and keep nice convos. A smile would also convince me she's not a chick from an angry bird .. Steel

kenny said...

Her beauty and she having a good sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Her beautiful smile when my eyes meet hers n the manner she talks with her peeps

Anonymous said...

Omo as baba Fela talk am. Na yansh oh


It varies,to me her beauty,her smile especially if its a dimpled smile,then lastly her dress statement.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

i personally will admire light skinned women..............but words they say do have power....for conversation would win my heart....i love a woman that would openly say she loves oral sex......this is why i love linda so much

Anonymous said...

The one that seems the happiest. The one that laughs the most

Anonymous said...

As 4 me I just HATE ALL women esp d nigerian species

Anonymous said...

Perv!! U go soon folow winch ikebe!

Anonymous said...

how she comports her self, beauty, her smile and her eyes attracts me to her

SHENKEN said...

Beauty(yellow or black) first, POISE and carriage, fluency...if she like make she tall like iroko or short like MI ko kan aiye

Anonymous said...

ASS! If not, then HIPS!

Anonymous said...

men and big breast!!!,nawaaaahhooo!

Anonymous said...

Lester, Are you sure you are OK? Just asking o, You should read the question again.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that every man just wanna sleep with me? I desperately need an answer. I want a man dat will take me serious. At 24, i still don't understand why they see me as a sex toy.????

Doggy said...

Nice structured and firm DD boobies

Cent said...

I'm always attracted to the most unique girl in the crew,doesnt really have to be the most beautiful,she just has to be presentable.

Anonymous said...

Physical attraction first for me ,which is peculiar to me. I love natural beauty. Excessive makeup, & tattoo puts me off. What's in her brain makes me decide whether I'll remain interested or not

Anonymous said...

Linda see news!
Forget Man wahala and Amu tins!

Legal Oracle said...

i think the first thing is her looks then her way of thinking and God not into all does ekebe and ass thing its not worth it after all

zoomzoomzoom said...

Gov Suntai of Taraba dies in plane crash.Check the news Linda.

Anonymous said...

Linda didn't say u shld write a novel

Anonymous said...

her boobs , boobs ,boobs and her face

Anonymous said...

My own na boobs oo

Anonymous said...

Go village!

Anonymous said...

Well one should be interested in the quite and reserved ones who take thier time to laught to a Joke and keeps everything locked down. Not the lousy ones and the pnes with the hysterical laugh.
emmm, well of cos physical attractions could help chemistry and stuf burr.. realy when one eventually meets the lady THEREIN, the mental capacity and alertness to what you discus plus her contributions stands her out...
Competence,Comportment and Few Natural human sparks of attraction are all part of what does the initial lets get to know better. Bur personalyy I thing Everyone should know that first impressions should realy never count as we have all mastered the Art of Deception.

Anonymous said...

Fola you dey scope girl meanwhile you no fit speak simple English, which 1 be 'nicely dress'. Girls don suffer.......abeg shift let REAL men talk

Anonymous said...

lol very hilarious answers! plus i love your blog! im addicted to it should come to new york soon :)

sidballs said...

For me, it could be anything; the way she smiles, her calmness, her catwalk etc, but she must be attractive....the only time i don't consider these is if she has a monster gigantic in big YANSH...i could get my oil ready!

Unknown said...

Evem whem she is will you see that?....

Anonymous said...

On point, someone is talking.

cindy black said...

Please,are u from Aluu??You're such a razz tard!

MJ said...

And the ladies have their legs wide open waiting when you walk into a bar, abi?

Anonymous said...

Well said anon 7:12...

Anonymous said...


MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahhahaaaa! U dey crase!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seriously??! She shouldn't shower too na.

Anonymous said...

Ha boobs and wen I look behind,if loaded ,,den I go for her at once that is to say dat her chelsea and arsenal must be united,,,to attract FANS,,,,,,,winks,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Pretty face ...

A lotta of idiots posted comments on this post ... first thing, morons listed many things!!SMH


pjysical attributes then her way of talking/ speech, ,ost times when you see a pretty girl and you hear her speak, you will be highly disappointed.#PERIOD# and also her booby...yes her booby. a girl without bobby is a waste!!!!!....HOUSE OF ZINNO

Anonymous said...

U must b ugly

The Realist said...

I am attracted to the girl who looks like she made an effort to look nice and actually pulls it off. A pretty face and a banging body also.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda. Dis is off point o. But I nid ans. Bf n I hv bin on 4 a year. Sumtimes he's carin n all but he has a bad temper as in BAD. Wen he insults I just kip quiet I dnt insult bk. N wen he calms down he apologises n says he wuz tryin 2 c if I'll react. I dnt ask him 4 anytin. Weneva he asks wat I want I tell him 2 get anytin he feels like. Only recently we had a misunderstandin n he called me a spoilt brat. I told him 2 apologise dat y will he call me 1. He repeated it n said he has spoilt me n am like spoilt me my foot. I dnt ask u 4 a dime or anytin n den u hav d nerves 2 call me 1. Am tired of his behaviour. How do I end it? Cos 2 him he sees notin wrong. Shakira

KSmith said...

1)how do you chose the one you want to talk to?.......Depending on her mood if she is approachable and seem welcoming.
2)What do you notice first when you see a woman that makes you want to talk to her, see her again?..............Her welcoming smile just like the picture above. Through greetings, i will know. First impression they say is a sign to continue.
3)What gets your attention that first time?...........her friendly and welcoming mood with physical attraction.

Ifeoma said...

Not surprised at d comment of many dudes here.

Anonymous said...

As for me, I look out for fair complexion, Beauty nd her Boobs!
Just d truth!

clevadani said...

dat has to be her face
guys,visit dis blog

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just leave me with a cute smile and little spark in bright eyes set on a pretty face.

Anonymous said...

face and physique

Sasha Fierce! said...

Linda, we live in a visually driven world.No man sees a lady across the room and says....' She is a damn smart lady...Nah.....We are attracted by what we see...First the beauty in all proportions.The face, boobs,ass,and hips.Once this is confirmed, we then walk over to her to introduce ourselves.Now,depending on she responds, would determine where we are going to categorize her ....either as an object for sexual gratification, girlfriend or a wife material....This is where decency,intelligence,personality comes in.
So in essence, we meet a girl, and the fist thing that go through our mind is SEX.If you doubt this,observe whenever a man is toasting will notice that he has a HARD ON.How you respond to his advances will determine how he will treat you going forward.

Evergreen said...

Am a lady oo! Buh I love me natural! Gives me wild confidence!

Anonymous said...

In the case of 2: the pretty one
In the case of 3: the one with the best physic
In the case of 4: the one that gives u attention intially while you process the others to make ur final choice!....niyinugar via badboi mode!

Anonymous said...

Fresh, clean,striaght legs.....fresh and clean generally...light, tall and a coca-cola bottle shape would be a killer

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:53pm,u must hate your mum too shey? Sigh! Women,u see y we have to train our children well...smh

Anonymous said...

Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o many pervs on dis blog & i wonder how we will eradicate child molestation & sexual abuse frm us. Some comments hennn N̶̲̥̅̊α die

Anonymous said...

Well said! My best answer so far. Nt some teenage talk of boobs n so on. U re intellectually sound. My kind of man too. Slikky

Anonymous said...

I think we both dated the same guy bevuz my ex used to say the exact same thing. Run away and fast. Hes trying to break u and ur spirit and make u believe ure not worth anything. Just leave him. That simple

Anonymous said...

i love red lips nd big curved boobs bt don't like big eye balls though, it scares me off.
Takin my eyes down to d figure-8 shape nd round bum as well.


Anonymous said...

for sure, she must be a winch!


Hello @anonymous 9:57... this is coming from a sister who has been thru similar and I must tell u the are in the early stages of an abusive relationship. A really bad temper coupled with verbal abuse and genuine feelings of love (from your end) don't mix very well and the end product will be magnanimous disaster. If he tells you ' he is checking to see your reaction' my dear, he is checking your endurance levels and in no time, his level of abuse will gradually be on the increase. A real man will engage in no argument about who is right or wrong when a woman he loves is hurting and will very selflessly apologise without being prompted to. I can only share my thoughts from experience with u my dear but I urge you to be true to yourself... if it does not feel right, it is definitely not right!. the moment u start making excuses for a man as regards his behaviour, that is definitely a red light that u may be ...settling for less...accepting abuse as the norm.... then your self esteem begins to spiral and before u know its at zero (God forbid)...Give me a shout out here if you need to talk....
PS: sorry Linda for the diversion from the subject matter but I tot to help a sister out.
Shoutout to LIB commentators..u guys cheer me up when nothing else will...

SUAVE said...

I av a weird sense...cos 1st tin is ha EJI(gapped front teeth) height(she gats tall o)....nd den natural beauty(long hair, less make up....etc)0

Anonymous said...

ewu! Its Wat attracts u to ladies nd not writin about odours or watever!


Anonymous said...

Natural ke??? BO things

Evergreen said...

Joor oo... Watz wiv guys n boobs eh? So chich witout boobs won't marry eh?

Anonymous said...

Loool keep walking round half naked oo nne!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Me I like when a lady looks sharp, well dressed and serious, like Linda.

Anonymous said...

Anon7:53 which mean u hate ur mother! Willow na hin be say u go fall for me o*wink*

Anonymous said...

JohnnyLiar What about Long skirt and Yoruba all back weaving

Anonymous said...

Omo me if see get big boob and yarnsh

Dee dee said...

Linda please your next question should be the reverse.

As for me, what attracts me to a woman? So far nothing...I'm still waiting to be attracted to a woman so that I can finally have my lesbian fantasy :-)

Anonymous said...

So na bonga fish sexy mumu

Anonymous said...


African Sweetheart said...

Most of the guys commenting here sound like the guys most girls don't won't.. Is that life?

Anonymous said...

All in all, all I see is the shallow mentality of a generation gone wild! Boobs n ass erwere #rollingMyEyes.

davencci said...

Good sense of humour an high IQ

Anonymous said...

Babe, check yourself very well. I guess you emit too much sex appeal that when guys set eyes on you, the only thing they want with you is sex!

Why not tone down your dressing for sometime and see what happens?

Try and be "au naturale". By "au naturale", I mean not wearing extensions; just rock your hair(natural/relaxed) and see where it leads you.

Marilyn Oge(Sumtin) said...

I wonder o... Oya lemme go n hide mysef na

Anonymous said...

Ur a big idiot! Everyone has their own preferences so just shut it. Ur type will be feeling sexy with ur alingo okporoko body and one yokozuna will take ur man from u. Anuofia

Anonymous said...


IMO, maybe you both should take a break from your relationship to review and analyse the essence of you two being together.

When you've done that, then you'll know the next line of action to take.

My take is: never allow any man belittle you/make it seem he is doing you a favour by being in a relationship with you. Every relationship should be a SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP!

Anonymous said...

U sound bitter hunny!! U hurt u?

Anonymous said...

U go fear love doctor na

Anonymous said...

Looooooooooooooool naa y'all are the worst. Which one is character? So you already know how someone that you've never met behaves? Abel make una talk true. Linda simply put, they look at the outward appearance. And yeah the comment about fat girls,not everyone wants a skinny girl yknow......

Anonymous said...

U sound bitter hunny!! U hurt u?

Anonymous said...

End that relationship fast! That man is a bully and a sore loser. It will only get worse. I should know I married one. Run as far and as fast as you can. Don't make any excuses for his sorry arse! If I had read the writing on the wall I won't be married to this one.

Anonymous said...

If you make it easy for them, STOP. Play hard to get for months and see who comes to you when you need help. The ones that genuinely care for you will stick around while the ones that just want to sleep with you will move on. Don't let them in easily no matter how much love speeches they deliver. Had a guy ask me out for 3 years, pity I didn't have feelings for him but I know he really cared. Still doesn't mean he can't change tomorrow sha..

Unknown said...

Correction I am not a fan of boobs, ASS ASS ASS rules the world!

Anonymous said...

I kno dis is off topic but I really need your advice I'll be turning 21 on sunday and I still haven't dated any guy and I'm stunning. Pple say its no big deal cos I still have a lot of time 2 find true love but am scared cos I've never had a boyfriend or had sex and I tend to meet only old suger daddies who I sure as hell don't wanna date or spend d rest of my life with. PlsSsss I need some advice cos am @d virge of a nervous breakdown. Bday Gurl!

Anonymous said...

Sori abt tat!!! I knw d feelings is quite annoyin cos most times u wld feel d guy cares & all of a sudden he's main agenda comes out....

Its ur body figure tat causes it.. Just dress smarter & act smart.. It wld b beta.

Anonymous said...

U must b gay! And I wish u 14yrs in prison.

Anonymous said...

so i've read a lot of comments and some of you talked about boobs. is this for real? I have big boobs (D cup) and I was glad to hear that bcos I always think its not a big deal.

All the people that said boobs, pls tell me what u like abt big boobs?? :D


DamocheDxb said...

LEGS !!!! I am crazy about hot legs on a woman. I would pick a woman with gorgeous yummy looking legs, soft looking knees and long hippy thighs but a not so beautiful face OVER a woman with a fine face WITH paki legs... Fine legs, very important to me...

Anonymous said...


DamocheDxb said...

No i made a mistake.. First is the ass, then the legs...

Anonymous said...

Breast First!

Anonymous said...

Reading some of the comments here is just really sad. Why are you men so shallow? You hardly look for substance...later y'all will be the same people to say why are Nigerian ladies bleaching.. Isn't it evident why they are bleaching from the comments here? Why are women doing boob jobs, its all here. Men should try to start valuing what matters most. Our society has become so sexualized and vain for all the comments on here. Look for substance. Look for a woman who will be there for you. Look for inner beauty. I agree that physical attraction is key but do you know how many women wear layers of make-up just to look beautiful? Anyways i wish you all the very best!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People like u r regular visitors to whorehouses n clubs, u finally wnt to settle down with a decent gal. God Is watching U!

Anonymous said...

N u must be really stupid!

Anonymous said...

People like u r regular visitors to whorehouses n clubs, u finally wnt to settle down with a decent gal. God Is watching U!

Anonymous said...

So us girls that have small boobs is it the end of the world for us?

Anonymous said...

Ur fada,idiot kowai dan banza shashasha durin uwarka.You must be hv born by a swine.

Anonymous said...

1st thing is the complexion, light skin tho bad. No bleaching gals o. Then the figure 8, back side tho quality, then how she speaks and comports herself..... ASJ

newbie said...

You must be gay

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 7:53 pm,thanks for coming out the closet!I wish more homosexuals like you would have the courage to come out!

Anonymous said...

Awwww you poor delusional cow,you must have very low self esteem to post this type of comment.bring others down would not boost your self esteem.

biodun said...

for me its her medium size boobs like a fist(dislike big breast to a vault, you will know a nice chich with the way she dress and sit..(no fake make-up)my first approach dictates if i will still go further( i love beauty with brain)

rita chinda said...

My sista i tire o.....

Anonymous said...

U'r madt sure u r very ugly!oshicosi

KOFOSHY said...


KOFOSHY said...


KOFOSHY said...

Ahahaha Funny comments....can't stop laffn.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

My Erection simply chooses them Ladies for me.. Once am erect on sighting her, she is the one.

Anonymous said...

U must be a Linguist. Lol@morphological features.

Anonymous said...

her backside shikina

Anonymous said...

Shut ur pile hole! One man's trash is another man's tresure

Anonymous said...

U are a fool!

Anonymous said...

O ga o men wth BOOBS sha!se won fi se yin ni?meaning dem use BIG BOOBS swell for man too loves big boobs dat wat attracted him to me 10yrs ago.

igbo gal said...

Hilarious answers,linda ur commenters are maddddddd!

Rachel said...

@Arodiogbu Ruth.....I'm a fat chic and i am friends are very slim and wat u call sexy,but i attracted a very Dark,Tall and Handsome man and wow...2day we are while some people of ur type kip wasting time and saying therez notin sexy abt we fat gals,we are busy gettn married 2 d handsome and rich dude while d so called slim ones with ur mentality are going 4rm one prayer house 2 d other...

Anonymous said...

Am sure u are gay! Simple and easy

Anonymous said...

Her boobs, seriously...

Anonymous said...

Sister,an abuser in d making. Run for ur life

Anonymous said...

attraction: Looks
For keeps,it goes beyond attraction

Unknown said...

The way I see it.. ‎​most Guys get this inferiority-complex when they see a really beautiful woman @ the bar.. So, if she's with her friends, it becomes a matter of who shows more concern to the approaching man.
Evn if the guy wants 2 talk 2 the beautifl lady, her facial expression cn quickly change things Α̲̅πϑ U̶̲̥̅̊ find the Him talking with her less beautiful friend(s). So, its not really the rack of ass she's got or the boobs (though they matter) It depends on Hw fiendly she is. That's hw it is.

Anonymous said...

Lepa, fine face, moderate yansh & boobs... Shikena

Anonymous said...

Big milk factory nd big bombom.

Anonymous said...

For me,its her welcomin single & independent ladies keep ur pride down & wear a cheerful look,Always!!!

Angela said...

Which one be 'morphological features' bikonu? Una no go kill me for this blog ooo.

fizzy said...

Kilode, oga calm down na, u hate all women bawo

Anonymous said...

A girl wey get enough stretch marks and sabi mess well well oke inyu aru so if you can mess it attracts me.

Anonymous said...

Yes! bonga fish is sexy see all those hot models fat is ugly no man in his right senses will date an akpa akpu with smelling body, stretchmarks, folds every where when they are slim sexy babes around common hit the gym shebi one fat girl dey compalain say why na only slim fair girl men like to marry why not orobo no man wey get sexy slim babe with correct standing breast, nice hips, ass go leave am for one orobo lie asi asi una just dey console una self with big breast and nyash due to your fatness truth is men like to fuck big girls but no dey marry them na lepa they go carry at the end so lepa, bonga fish, skeleton whatever you call it will always be sexier than akpa akpu yes only slim babes fit do miss word or universe have you seen an orobo win miss word or universe? slim babes are always on top like it or not *tongues out* if e pain you orobo go hit your head for wall see leila lopes, agbani, which man go look them say them no correct hehhehe, for the record why do this pot bellied men with fat wives keep chasing lepa girls ever wondered why if una hot as you claim let your husband stop chasing slim keep them with your big breast and nyash yeye *roll eyes*

Anonymous said...

The first time i saw my wife, she was the calmest in her group (about 7 girls), that attracted me to her.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1.48... Swiri, jus date sm1 ur attracted to. It mite work out... Mite I say cz d world is filled wif cheating 'n' lying pple. Wah yew hav t do is to b 9ic & positive @ all tyms. U can make a difference.
Have a gd level of self-esteem.
And concentrate on d future in terms of ur career @ d same tym.
If yew make dating an issue, uld end up dating d world.
As 4 d sugadads, 4get em. Dy r old tired toads dh gat dia luvly wedded swithrts @ home buh wana hav a taste of dia future dota-inlaws.
If u remain a virgin, dhz fyn. Cz in errytin respect 4 God comes 1st. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Mumu! Kill yourself with anorexia all in d name of I want to slim! Maybe your man like u like that but believe me am a man he is secretly checking out those curves on the so call fat girls! So eat before u kill yourself

Lynnajade said...

A beg u talk well jare my person

Anonymous said...

Taa gbafuo you be woman orobo not a man joor anorexia your mouth like anorexia hehheheheh consolation sorry you mean big curves with enough cellulite and stretch marks lwkmd choi! ewwww men will tell you dey like fleshy woman lies at the end na lepa i repeat na lepa dey go marry akap akpu hit the gym ask fellow fat girls like you shebi i have met and asked them guess what they said they only like to fuck una but no marry you hehehhe who want marry woman wey go explode after one pikin if na so tell your pot bellied husband to stop chasing lepa is they so love fleshy women sorry for this fat girls that keep deceiving themselves with thickness and their husband go leave them dey fuck lepa i know what am saying they do it behind you dey fuck lepa and refer to you fat ladies as shapeless hehheheeehehhehe men will always be men.

Anonymous said...

She is considerate, poise, sexy and smart at the same time...

Anonymous said...

Lmao. Funny enough the day I met my husb, no makeup I had even just loosened my hair. Even tho our next meeting I was looking all fabulous till this day, he keeps tellin me how my natural beauty attracted him

Anonymous said...

as for me i just look out for the "weakest link" , by that i mean when i see a group of female friends i look out for catch no minding if she is the ugliest, there are ways of knowing eg eye contact and her command of conversation with her friends the easiest catch is the shyiest and doest talk much or the head of the female click cos atimes its ego defence mechanism that makes her act as head..........

Anonymous said...


Innoxx said...

@ Anon 7:10PM and Unknown; Linda asked a simple question: wat attracts u to a woman? And i answered Character ie, for me! Character is not all about the inner part of a woman but the qualities that form the individual
nature of a person which could be her composure,da way she carries her self,da way she smiles,da way she relates with ppl around her and so on.Remember there could be beauriful ladies scattered all ova da place buh diz particular lady u've been observing potrayed her self in a manner u liked(instances i mentioned above) whether she's beauriful or not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous October 25, 2012 7:53 PM,

THAT IS YOUR HEADACHE IF YOU HATE ALL WOMEN, I can tell by that statement that you must be a lonely, wasting away pervert.
Maybe I should say I HATE ALL MEN, But I can't because am married to almost a perfect one after been abused by another in the past.

Unknown said...

once i see a girl , i can calculate how difficult or how easy it will take to get into her pants, i target the easy girls period, that's what attracts me to a girl, THE ACCESSIBILITY TO THE T.O.T.O.

Mark said...

Boobs ol d way...L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿

Anonymous said...

The most magnetic effect is nice ass and an ok face. For a man that is like iron jam magnet, butter jam bread, ring jam finger understand

LOWLA said...


Omas992 said...

Anonymous 2.33AM,a big breast is a big turn for me, the sight of a big breast captures my attention and sends blood rushing down. You said you've got a D cup. Lucky you! That's my preferred size. A big breast(size 38DD)in a size 12 or 14 body is the bomb!

Unknown said...

Today na today. I don laugh tire for una comments! Ewoo pls men continue....

Unknown said...

Good dance step kwa? Must she be dancing? (◑.◑) ☀confused face☀

Anonymous said...

Her toto

Anonymous said...

Natural looking woman with beautiful legs, no heavy make-up user, no double DD and big Ikebe.

Anonymous said...

@ Willow...glad u responded. I'm a 38D. Guys have confessed getting hard from just looking at my boobs in pix so I wanted to know what other guys on this blog like about big boobs.


Anonymous said...

As for me nah face then big soft breast wey ripe then i go come sample the oroyo if e dey juicy which equal possible nice sound track. slim babe some times dey wound prick oooh at least make she thick small so man go just dey swim for body.loooool says oroyo master

Anonymous said...

Stupid pple mstcheeeew

Jide said...

Arogbiogbu ruth abi wateva de hell ya name is. I just checked ur profile and ders no pix. Hehehe ! Not confident enuff abt urslef to put up a pic? Dry bones shall rise again u hear? Do not despair !I'm a guy and for me, thick girls rule ! Not that I have anyth against the slimfolk but this your comment must be the most stupid thing I've heard all my life. Go build some self confidence and stop being stupid !

Kunle said...

Omu shiki shiki ni iyi obirin. That's what our father says. Boobs is the beauty and treasure of a woman. I love 90 degrees boobs. Hope you understand---the nipple @90. Well but attitude takes it all. The smile she wears,composure and intelligent conversations.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just keep staring @ her wit passion @ different interval(s)

Anonymous said...

Her gestures and charisma (if she's got any)

GlamNotchApparels said...

All I can do is laff at these comments

Anonymous said...

na wah o. . .

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