Danny DeVito and wife separate after 30 years of marriage | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 8 October 2012

Danny DeVito and wife separate after 30 years of marriage

One of Hollywood's longest-lasting couples, actor Danny DeVito and actress Rhea Perlman, have separated after thirty years of marriage.

DeVito's publicist made the announcement today. The couple married in 1982 and have three adult children - Lucy, 29, Grace, 27, and Jacob, 25. After thirty years? Sad!


African Sweetheart said...


kcee said...

Congratulations for lasting 30 yrs. It is rare feat in the entertainment industry.

Anonymous said...

This is indeed a good news, with all these divorce cases here and there http://tinyurl.com/9asnc43

Anonymous said...

Linda wetin happen 2, y u retract d story of d caaptured guy 4 d Aluu deaths?

lizzy said...

Awww that's so sad... After 30 years? What could have possibly gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

NYC-1 says: Separation is better than divorce, and it is accepted by the Church. DeVito is an Italian American and he knows this too well.

Anonymous said...

Linda listen to da song ONE of the ALUU4 guys made....dis da link http://t.co/D3iS2bHg ......RIP guys..Tboko haram tins)

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HECK? you endured for 30 years!, you can endure for 30 more. Marriage is WORK, there is nothing like a perfect marriage!

God help Hollywood!


After 30years of marriage,I guess d only reason dat will bring about breakup is monotony. D same soup atimes dey run belle. Variety sha is d spice of life.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

BLOGLORD said...

"If u are an american and u have not gone thru a divorce then u must be checked!"
ok seriously, these people don't see anything wrong or bad in divorce. its a normal thing for them n unfortunately that trend is now being copied by africans esp we Nigerians. its either titled irreconciliable differences or 'there is no more love btwn us.'

memphis said...

I'm a fan of Dani, but I'm truly disappointed right now. No mata wat d ish is, 30years with 3 great kids is a life time 4 ppl to knw dat dey can weda any storm, storms dat usually com wen d kids r growin up. Now d kids r independent....I'm sooo disappointed nd ashamed of Dani right now. and, wats dat? comin out 2publicly declare it? Shame, shame shame, shameful. Get a life, Dani my man.

Anonymous said...

dat man lukx jst lyk papa AJASCO....lolx....*winks*

Unwana ag said...

Whats d essence of a divorce aftr passin thru so much together for 30yrs?it doesnt make sense at all.

Chikaka said...

Wow, all marriages can end in that Hollywood!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Dani grew so fat and his wife refused 2change her hair after all these years*sadface*

deczylet said...

Wots wid whiteys and divorce!

Anonymous said...

Bonario u no gbadun o, dts nt enuff reason to leave. Wey d tetracyclin wey in use for d running belle for 30yrs nah? E don finish?

Anonymous said...

So they were married for real? They acted a film "Matilda" 2geda As husby and wifey.... Why divorce after many years of being 2geda? Who do dey wanna marry again? They should have just lived separately till dey start missing each other.

Nneka said...

Aww not again. after thirty years. ow common Danny u shudda..... awwwwwwww u shudda just stayed till the very end ur almost there. Sad!!!

galore said...

Mr Man and Mrs Woman..........Sorry,,,for now,,,,we are ALUU4field.......next time,,,we gonna re-visit ur divorce palava in ds platform.......but for now,,,,,,is a NO NO

Anonymous said...

i wont be surprised if a young woman or a young man is involved

Anonymous said...

D ma's body n isn't hot, so I don't blame her

Anonymous said...

Learned dat he had a drinking problem, maybe that's why they separated; separation is still better than divorce

Princess of Zion said...

Wow! I am sure they will reconcile!

Why you should marry right- www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/marry-well

Real life marriage testimony of one of our readers- www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/marriage-testimony

Please read and share; it will bless and encourage you. God bless you

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