Chris Brown Gives Karrueche a Generous Parting Gift | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Chris Brown Gives Karrueche a Generous Parting Gift

                                       Chris and Karrueche                                                                  Chris and Rihanna sharing food last week

According to The Sun, Chris Brown gave ex girlfriend Karrueche Tran money to buy herself a house and take care of herself - mostly to make up for their messy public split...

From The Sun
Chris Brown never married his ex but their split is still costing him some serious cash. The singer has handed a lump sum to Karrurche Tran so she can buy herself a house. The couple broke up last week over his friendship with Rihanna

The Bajan has been on her best behaviour too since her ex-boyfriend’s break-up. A source said: “Neither Rihanna nor Chris want to make things harder for her than they already are.
“Chris wants to set her up financially and do right by her – he wants her to stay in his life if possible.
“Rihanna called Karrueche for a proper heart-to-heart. They needed to air a few problems. “The girls talked for close to two hours. Rih answered all of the questions and Karrueche had a few home truths to tell her.”


Anonymous said...

Mschewwww! Ewu people! They no get work! Mscheww! He should beta send some money to me sef! Afterall he was my crush so he needs to settle me too! Lmao!linda beta post my commen!

kcee said...

To me i don't think it is necessary. Is not as if she had a baby for him. People break up everyday without planning for it. Things doesn't always work out as planned. On the other hand am glad to see the generous part of him, considering he also bought her an expensive car not too long ago. That shows he is not a monster after all.

Anonymous said...

Hian! Chimooo! Ewoooo! Parting gift. Chimeee! Whr r d Chris Brown's in naija eeh!

Clicksomemore said...

lol love triangle

Anonymous said...

This oyinbo people ehen. Wonders shall never end. Y

Legendblog said...

This is good, this is good.

Anonymous said...

u like rihanna linda.i like her too

Rhipple said...

He took the greatest gift i.e. LOVE from her.

finest-in-internet said...

Wow what a compensation. Happy for Karr!

African Sweetheart said...

Tired of this three.

BLOGLORD said...

clean break up! really, like really, that's how it ought to be. some naija men go de try play smart like Ronaldino..errr...sorry dino.

Kossi Anani said...

That's maturity of the highest order displayed by all the parties involved... Karuecche has gotten the understanding that these two (CB and Rih) deeply love each so rather than hang on to an impossible love, she would pave way for them. If just relationship can end peacefully and amicably like this, why should marriage be ended with brimstone and fire?
Kudos to CB, Rihanna and Karuechhe.

Anonymous said...

well, dats good! but kinda luks insultive though. llike he is payin her for her time in bed and for lips he kissed.but on the other hand it's kinda good to know dats he wants to make her comfortable.

Crystal said...


chidooski said...

u like riri

Anonymous said...

Rhipple u r poetic oooo. U go dey write lyrics for dem

baby cute said...

confused chris brown mschewww

Anonymous said...

Rhi rhi and breezy have always loved each other even after d fight but they've jst been so bothered about what world would say if they came back togther! Glad they've finally summound up courage to be together regardless of what the world thinks.... As for Karuechhe you've always been a substitute so STFU!!!

Austin Uche said...

See as dis boi wan dey bring our leg outside sha... Chai ! I must make money o.
#finally finally, God has d final say

Unknown said...

This is very good they all handled it maturely.

Unknown said...

Very good they all handled it maturedly.

neky said...

Dis pple sha no go kil u bt com 2 tink of it,dis is wat we cal maturity 2 d highst level(CB is a real gent)nd kudos 2 d grls 2 @Karruechhe nd @Rihanna

Anonymous said...

Pls Chris brown send me my own cut o!

Anonymous said...

They are in ur smelling pussy

Anonymous said...

Pls why d STFU, did she tell u anytin,or I dey pain u say dem settle am well? Hian see as person dey drink medicine 4 anoda man headache. Mmadu sef

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the awkward moment when that's not chris brown in karreuche's picture.

SUPERDI said...

Hahah..u mean HON Dino randy MeLAIR.....d randy activist

Tunmama said...

Madam dats not Chris in the first pic!

Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like Chris Brown in the first picture.

Anonymous said...

If it were one village naija girl, she would have said she does not want to be bought. Imagine she could have said " my love is not for sale..i want Chris brown. Not money"
Anyway! Smart girl Kara....

Anonymous said...

Insultive kor destructive ni! How many boys have broken up with gurls yet gave them nada?(Ova a milli!)......some will even rob 'shop' finish,rob heart,live large @ her expense and still leave her with nothing.i trust plenti naija girls will gladly welcome the idea of a 'mouth watering parting gift'.....hehehehe e go leave anyway so grab wat u can whilst u can oooo ( A broken heart inside mansionette,personal cars &set-up business betar pass inside 3Bdrm apartment wey u dey share with yur family oooo).

R4R said...

Abeg abeg,mk dem go si dwn,I'l come bck 2 comment proper wen d situation in Nigeria has been solved,4 now I can't b bodad abeg. Chck dis our peeps.


Well it his HIS money afterall he can do as he pleases i just hope girls don't start demanding settlement from their boyfriends after breaking up following this

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Well, good to know he has a ?conscience; hope that this reunion is for real and we will not hear stories of battery or abuse in any form.wish them luck.....

Anonymous said...

No useless man in NIgeria would see it necessary when your all banging bleaching babes outside marriage

Anonymous said...

=)) =)) =)) Erinº°˚ ˚°º≈feº°˚ ˚°º≈paº°˚ ˚°º≈meº°˚ ˚°º≈Kuº°˚ ˚°º≈=)) =)) =)) ...

Anonymous said...

when i first saw the headline, I was like I hope the parting gift wasn't a slap

Anonymous said...

Ppl brak up nd makup, chris brown is brakin, brakin up nd makin up. Two gals fytin 4 1 dude. Cool.


Anonymous said...

Abeg make my exboyfriend come settle me b4 thunder go fire am.

Anonymous said...

I know chris brown wants to join illuminati abi illumination by all means,he shuld be prepared oh cos all dat glitters is not bling

Anonymous said...

Abeg make my exboyfriend come settle me b4 thunder go fire am.

deczylet said...

Dey are payin ha off! Dey are payin her not to hate! i fink CB is rily sorry n e wana show it 2her so ppl won't judge.. Woh a drama

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but to those who think this is great, how is this a good thing? He just made her look like an expensive whore. And if she accepted it, she just assumed the role.

Anonymous said...

Medicine after death....Karu nwa,go ur way o?Thank God she's still be d next punching bag...hehe

The E said...

when it happens again rihanna shouldnt even bother taking pictures of her face.

when you lay wit dogs....

opelenge said...

Rhi called karr for hrt to hrt tuk? Hehe. Ki lo fa friendship/discussion? Isova, isova! Simple. Issorai! Gud to knw she ddnt reject d parting gift sha, na dat one for vex me. CB n Rhi... Pls ve kids alredy n let linda be one of d first to gist us.

Pot Of Honey said...

Hia! parting gift ke, pls where is my ex i need my own parting gift too

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ he wasur crush,as in u deserve a private jet abi hahahahaha hilarious

viva said...

Hmn!parting gift. Issorai...

Anonymous said...

Am sure Rihanna's godfather JayZ doesn't like the mess around his protegee Rihanna, so he advised Chris to settle the aspiring model Tran. Rihanna is also a very smart girl, its also possible, she told Chris to settle her and it could possibly be her money, since she's 3x richer than Chris.

Anonymous said...

Would really love to see Chris and Rih bk together

Anonymous said...

Dis is wat I cal mature breakup.make naija guys learn frm chris oo.parting gift infact o se pataki so karuchee too wil be doing fine wherever she is now....I love that, riri & breezy abeg dey jolly dey go & for karuchee get another cute bobo for urself & make urself happy

Anonymous said...

Am i the only one dat thinks Rihanna looks lyk a guy in dat pic?????????!?????????????????????

clevadani said...

Dats generous ☀̤̣̈̇f cb
If U̶̲̥̅̊ r A̷̷̴̐͠ Nigerian,U̶̲̥̅̊ hav τ̅☺ visit Ʈђi§ syt

zinn said...

I like their maturity! It's good to endeavour to always reduce the weight of our hurt on people. I'm tripped by Rih and Kar's talk most! Chris has a good heart that's what this shows. It is better than "not sending"!I just hope CB won't hit Rih again. Now,I also hope his relationship with Karr is defined this one wey he wants her around! All the best u trio!

Unknown said...

Good for them. To me they're all mature people and the way d issue was handled is nobody's business but theirs and they're doing quite well.

Damsel said...

Gud thinkin, i love dis. He handled d situation with maturity

Anonymous said...

Awwwww......that's really sweet of chris brown.he is a REAl MAN!but Karrueche is such a beauty*sad face*Anyways she didn't loose completly.A hollywood house to make up*love struck*

tolud said...

M loving the maturity the dynamic trio r displaying. Love was never supposed to b complicated. I think I should prepare to c d good side of rihanna, shez really trying her best to settle things with karrueche. Kudos to all three.

Naijarian said...

That is what a gentleman should do... That is the same way Simon Cowell treats his exes...

Anonymous said...

he wishes her well even though his heart belongs to rihanna, simple as wises and hope rihanna does nt provoke u again, lol

Anonymous said...

This is just part 2 of d story, am waitin 2 hear Chris goin back 2 Kur after anoda brkup wit Rih

Anonymous said...

Wow! I wish naija guys can be lyk chris brown i 4 don hammer cos i hv ova 20 ex still countin tho! Fuck love joorrr, i lov u chris

Anonymous said...

were is Chris Brown? ewoooooo!!! how i wish!!!.Naija guys, learn oooooo.

Anonymous said...

Abeg me sef need one chris brown 4 my life so I go just dey break up dey collect partin gifts nigeria boys are so 4cked up d only partin gift a typical naija boy go give na sex.

Unknown said...

Much kindness but still gon be difficult to amend the broken heart

Anonymous said...

Wow! Karrueche! They paid you off =)) =))Lool!... Like she was just warming his heart for Rihanna!

Anonymous said...

LooooL finally I thought I was the only one who noticed

Gozzy said...

CB giving her money 4 a houz and 2 tk k of herself was very considerate of him,i dnt see it as buying her off.but d mst significant tin here is dat dy ended tins amicably wch is commendable.btw,i luv Riri and i wish dem d best.

Eze said...

To the anonymous that said she has had over 20 ex, I am very certain that your vagina is now scrap value.And I am sure you are hoping for a good husband.I laugh in eskimo.

Anonymous said...

That was the only good move to make. Any half decent man with means would do as much.

Anonymous said...

Till now, i no sabi why Naija boys no fit break up like dis.. dia own na to leave women wt belle , run! mzzzeeeew

Anonymous said...

Me I go take d money oh. Wetin I wan take the man do if im go dey dip everywhere.

Warri Girl said...

omo we need people like chris brown in nigeria, girls go jst dey hammer any how from break up

Anonymous said...

Karrurche Tran was never a girl friend to Chris Brown but a shoulder to lean-on, waiting on Rihanna - True love to come back.The relationship was Dead on Arrival(DOA)

Anonymous said...

You are just a cheap bastard @Warri Girl...

Anonymous said...

A u all morons or wat.u actuali bliv the kinda horsehit n crap dat comes out of d sun.just shows how ignorant a lot of ppl r

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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