Check out Kelly Handsome's $4,000 tattoos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Check out Kelly Handsome's $4,000 tattoos

The singer went all the way to Mexico to get his first tattoos done - for $4,000! It must be really serious! :-) You like?


Anonymous said...

Who d f**k is he for starters?

DITLO said...

he's a mumu na d thing is not even fine or noticeable sef!*retching*

Anonymous said...

Worwor #iCoverMyEye

Immaculate said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

$4000 4 tatoos? Dats d height of not knowin wat 2 do. D 2nd pic luks like he's in pain. No b by force 2 get tatoo. Its only in 9ja dat havin a tatoo is a big deal. Oma Baby.

Anonymous said...

It looks hideous.

Anonymous said...

In 1 wrd...STUPID!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a hot mess. it looks like all the black ink is just merging on his skin. GROSS!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like seriously... He had to go all the way & spend that much money? Na wa o! Some of these artistes sef...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Grammatical error in the tatoo sef...."HANSOME"...Rubbish

Anonymous said...

In a couple of years time, when his skin starts to lose its intergrity. I hope he will still be pleased with his un-wise investment.

Anonymous said...

ewwww...i dont like

Anonymous said...

grown man o! smh

Anonymous said...

*sigh* ... Total waste of money + total damage of his body ....mstchew

Emeka Facts said...

Maga don pay eh! Na his life sha nwa owerri.

Anonymous said...

Go fuck urself Kelly.. U lost my support since when i entered by guys d mohits.. Fuck you Kelly.

Hayour say so.

bomah said...

Rubbish of highest level in d name of beauty nd fashion,wastin money nd takin risk dt far 2 do irritating tins on his body,caled tatto! 2 much of fashion is craziness . Splits

Anonymous said...

Eww, I dont like

Anonymous said...

Some people self don chop belefull for this our obodo nigeria soteee dem dey waste money.
Why u no go give less privilage people that plenty plenty money. Na wa oooooopoooo chai.

Anonymous said...



Good for him, me no likey.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Madness I can c he has nth τ̲̅ȍ dø̲̣̣ with his money

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is end time and I must say that he is foolish...$4,000 for getting uglier?personally,I dnt like,it's disgusting....

Anonymous said...

Are u serious... Silly guy, silly decision, silly news! Mtscheeew! I can't condone irrelevant news like this! ♍ not in a good mood linda!

promise michealz said...

It looks painful

miss pepe said...

Kilo wa le toyi...hian

Anonymous said...


Femiluv said...

Looks awful. What a waste of money. Was the artist drawing and drinking? Maybe that's why lol

Anonymous said...

Hope he paid his house rent be4 all dese tins

Anonymous said...

what a waste of 4k...instead of ds nonsence tatoo,y not give the money to flood victims....see as d tatoo dey like say person tek broom wipe wipe him my comment o.
Miss anonymous101

Anonymous said...

You just can't fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

he must be crazy, this is an artist that was pick up at toyin street in white house by blackface of the plantaion boiz now spend such money on just tatoo. na wa ooooo for nijah stars

Anonymous said...

this guy is a fucking degenerate and his music sucks!.....and that tatoo doesnt even look gud

Morlard said...

hian!!!! okay, i dey wait for your next album .....

African weight loss Diva said...

Me no likey. The scribbles on his arms not fine abeg. said...

That white tatooist beside him should be arrested for this wicked act. *Lol, just kidding**

Anonymous said...

Instead of him to donate this to d needy. He's busy galivanting over a useless incongrous & diabolical body tattoo. Wawa bå wäyo, dan iskà kòwè.

princess zee said...

No linda, I don't like, wat is this abeg? Dis whole tatoo ish is just lame

Anonymous said...

this guy is an idiot ohhhhh!!!!! see as im take be!! the tattoos no even fit am sef!!

Unknown said...

me no likey!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the tatoo,well its not my body.all this music videos are deceiving oh,see his body!! Jazmin.

Anonymous said...

This is wasting of money

pearl said...

very ugly, wat is this one now?????? looks very uncoordinated !

Unknown said...

#mtcheew# wht sense does dis make?

Paz said...

They missed the letter 'd' in handsome on the one on his arm that is if his name is kelly handsome.

Emamoke777 said...

Too much of everything, not working for me.

galore said...

who caressss..........*in yoruba tone*....."Apa oshiiii"

Anonymous said...

I don't like it!! Maybe because its still fresh.. Him mates dey buy house n cars him dey go drae tatoo!!

ebeano said...

kelly hansome just make sure u keep some money cus later in ur life u will hate this your tatoo and u will like to remove it, it cost more to remove tatoo than to draw new tatoo if i lie ask 50cent, ka chineke mezie okwu

Anonymous said...

KMT! its ugly sef

Anonymous said...

Very lazy thing, how many nigeria u entertain that u are doing all this rubbish. Those who made it big time are there helping d needy d little u have acquire u just larbish on tattoo. U are just opposite of ur name now. Sai saleh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok this is so "Ewwwwwwwish". I love tattoo on people but this is just ugly. 4k dolls? Wow. U look like a fire accident victim.


Legal said...

Abegiii! Wetin concern me...

kcee said...

I thought they said he is broke. Even if he is not i don't see him as somebody that is in money so he shouldn't be wasting they little he has on frivolities like this.

Anonymous said...

How dumb he wanna get...fortunately/unfortunately,the only Kelly I know is Kelly rowland.

Miss Justice said...

I vomit

Anonymous said...

he is just useless

Anonymous said...

maga don pay. too much money

Anonymous said...

na wa o! Wrong thns are just taking grounds everyday. Some tings need not be published at all. C worwor pikin dey form fine boy. Mtshew.

Anonymous said...

Linda, post my comment!!

Anonymous said...

money miss road....i hate.

Anonymous said...

1) $4k for tattoes seems pretty steep. He has been duped. Unless he meant $400

2) Kelly handsome don't look so good anymore. He shld just call himself Kelly.

3) Goodluck with that ink, don't forget antibiotic cream. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wot T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ fuck????diz nonsense damn A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ he doesnt aff a̶̲̥̅̊ good advicer

Anonymous said...

I lyk. Handsome bobo

Anonymous said...

first of all can he like remove "handsome" from his name??(who dash am)??instead of u to buy house or something tangible, u r destroying ur body with ugly tattoos....mscheww

Anonymous said...

This guy is sure a useless man.
He is agent of satan.
I caurse him

Anonymous said...

Lie don dey plenty for this our small nigerian music industry in case you don't know $4,000 is = 620k for Niara oh. For this rubbish....Kelly handsome enter studio And Quit cheap Fame.

SUE JORDAN said...


Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! $4,000. And they still got the spelling wrong!!
*HANSOME*. Fail!!!!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! $4,000. And they still got the spelling wrong!!
*HANSOME*. Fail!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lot of orphans are out there without hope and d idiot is spending so much on tatoo. pls advise him to go donate to Orphanage.

Anonymous said...

Can he get a refund. Should have used themoney to hire a personal trainer and buy a bra for those man-boobs

Anonymous said...

Everywhere 4 dis blog endtime,endtime,endtime.. na wa o.Me I no b'live in any endtime o..d only tin wey I know b sai naija is full 2 d brim wit low-quality pple dat na why we dey c all dese jadi-jadi tins everyday

chijioke said...

...kelly who???

Anonymous said...

Must b drug moni..abi how many songs has he sang and were is he working?n Mexico?definately drug moni...wonder who told him he's 'hansome'...ewu Madonna

Anonymous said...

This is rubbish!very ugly

Warri Girl said...

Gosh so ugly and irritating, looks like what a child learning how to write scribbled down.

Anonymous said...

Total waste of time n money + d tin is even ugly sef....u shud go 2 d studio n crack ur brain n cum up wit smt gud not d rubbish u've been dropin lately....n in case u dnt kn, bros u are BEHIND. *jst advisin*

Anonymous said...

See wetin my mumu state broda use his money do...chai!ap ali akugbuole nwa eee

African Sweetheart said...

He needs repentance. Hasn't he been following the news. Silly man.

Anonymous said...

Ewuu,see his ugly face!am sure he borrowed de money*hiss*shior kelembe

eniola said...

Les see how dis affect your music....drawwing tattoo without any hit track...YEYE!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda jor ki le le yi.Kelly abi weri be ur name i beg pack well dose tatoos luks disgustin.Must all dis Artiste do tatoos on deir bdy ni?why i do not know.

chinenye said...

it looks like he's dying from the pains of having those tattoos....ode oshi ofe pa ara yin sha! anumanu

Anonymous said...

There are better things he could have done with $4,000 - maybe make a donation to motherless or less privillegde children... Defacing your body with this amount of tattoo you risk contacting transmittable viral disease like HIV n Hepatitis!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like it, it is his life, go fix ur own suck life.

Anonymous said...

Poor africans, wats ur biz wit his body and his money? If it were one of dis foregn artist u will call it swags. U all dat commented negatively shld go and fuck ur self

Anonymous said...

Poor africans, wats ur biz wit his body and his money? If it were one of dis foregn artist u will call it swags. U all dat commented negatively shld go and fuck ur self

Cecilia said...

MI will soon put him in his place (Kelechukwu clap for yourself, well done!) He thinks he's enjoying life now, wait till he's in his 40s and he'll wish he'd been advised against this childish act. S

yes I said it said...

I can't see any tatoo all I see is burnt marks, was he is a fire accident

Steve said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like burns from an accident or a skin disease.

Anonymous said...

by the time this guy is 50yrs he would wish he never
did the tatoo believe me. dont know what or how he want to lead his children

Anonymous said...

The money he supposed to used to affect poor people.Malnourished people are dying daily. See how he is wasting money on frivolities. He will surely answer God how he uses the money that he gave to him through his talent on the last day.

Anonymous said...

I hope he lives long to see wat he will look ℓĭkε̲̣̣̣̥ at 60.....vanity!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they he meant 400dolloars,do u know what 500dollars can do in mexico?? This is just cheap lie. Cuba or cancun is much better than mexico. Cover up mehn!!! This is disgusting and by d way,u AIN'T HANDSOME ure jst Kelly or maybe Kelechukwu(fits u more).

Just Me said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda u be real Taffia! Lol..... How u take know d price..all dis ur detailed gist.. Na wa oooo..

Anonymous said...

He is a big time disgrace and he lacks wisdom.He needs God in his life or he will rot in hell..

mama ifu said...

Mexican tattoo???LMFAO!!!!!Good luck with that Kels...

Constitution said...

I just confirmed dat de tattoo is not in dollars but in mexico's money. Old man dey make guy.

Anonymous said...

Linda, look at his left hand, the guy misspelled handsome..lolllll

DeejayDot aka ur boifirend aka mikky dustin said...

dis makes no sense

Sugarr said...

Where the receipt???! Abeg make nobody come here dey feed us faabu joh...4000 naira you mean

Anonymous said...

Mumu man. Who borrowed him the 4grand sef

Onakachi said...

LOL. I love that MI song!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the tatoo artist looks like he is extremely high meaning that as the say progresses hw want noticing some mistake then it will dawn on him it was a wrong decision ..... Smh

David said...

See wowo pikin dey form handsome. Kelechukwu clap for yourself. Welldone!

dmj said...

...disgusting! ewww!

Anonymous said...

Didn't want to be the first to call him isi mkpi itiboribo as rukky sanda will it no my body

Hamina said...

he shuld av bleached b4 doin d tatt.cuz i cn't c em.stupidity'

Unknown said...

At his age??? So shameful..

Anonymous said...

Dis looks verry irritating. Dis one no follow føя tatoo joor. Dis one na 'ta' noisence.

Anonymous said...

This guy is so immature, your way to HELL is broad. He needs to read this article about celebrities not be rich fools
a LIB reader posted it ,i fined it very touching

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This guy is not handsome in the head o!!! He went to Mexico to do this.. God help you.. MMR...Isi okpo.. Yoruba people talk say ''the money wey small pikin first make na akara e go carry am chop'' see your life? MUMU

khenny said...

this Guy don dey do rituals....He has not released an album in how many yrs and he has 4k to do tattoos...i hope the Drug lords in Mexico Tax him for that.....Rubbish......

baby cute said...

m sorry buh tattoos disgust me,especially wen dey are all over the body, y will u v a fine skin n paint rubbish on it? pple r getting really crazy!

Anonymous said...

4000 peso u mean abi

Anonymous said...

What exactly does he do for money now adays? #justwondering

Anonymous said...

What exactly does he do for money now adays? #justwondering

Anonymous said...

He should ask for his money back....yuck!

Unknown said...

stupid attention seeker abegiiiii pple r using their money to hlp d needy this goat is using his to look stupid......bloody fool

drep said...

oloshi leleyi o .. 4 thousand ko 1 thousand ni ... ,he needs check up .. tattoo na house

Anonymous said...

Ha Nigerians! I love my people jor. no mke the guy go tear him body o!lol
Misplaced priorities...SMH

Anonymous said...

He went to Mexico to get Tattoos, he no even fear, Americans sef are cautious of Mexico and he goes there for tattoos, height of ignorance!

Pot Of Honey said...

mschewwwww,nonsense n very ugly

Anonymous said...

hmm...the tattoos looks like chicken scratch...lmao

Anonymous said...

Cedis self get value now y not say iran money each 11000 is equal to 1naira and shey na like that then they spell hansome

Anonymous said...

Aunty linda is like he miss spell that handsome help me tellam pls

Anonymous said...

for just tattos

Anonymous said...

Exactly my bro or sis, Drug money toh badtt..useless ppl.. Naija celebs don't freak me, cause i don't even like their songs.. Oshisko..

Anonymous said...

$4,000 my as*s... Linda, Where do you get these prices that you post on your site??? I am tatted up and maybe all my tattoo's over the years amount to that much... There is no possible way that he got a couple of Tattoo's and he paid 4 stacks for it....

Okubo said...

$4k ke? His mouth should be washed out with soap 4 lying bt if it's true, maga(kelly) don pay. Lol, how ironic. Obo Idanre oshi.

Anonymous said...


Raplord Bintin Laye said...

FOOLISHNESS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. No hits not cheese! forget all this sereren!

Anonymous said...

There waz no point going to mexico to get the tattoos done, luks like hiz tryna cover some scars sef..he should'v gone to aluu 4 sm real cut #smh# since he likes pain,we are talking #justiceforaluu4# his talking tattoos....anywayz everybody with eeem wahala @elvisflex

ejomax said...

this is wot i call "madness in d highest order"

Anonymous said...

he isnt soo handsome anymore

Anonymous said...

The stupid tattoo is misspelled!!!!!!!! Where is the D?

Anonymous said...!

GlamNotchApparels said...

Nonsense. Spending $4000 on tattoos, meanwhile sum pple never chop good food for weeks.

Uniport Bigboy said...

For those skeptical if a tattoo really costs that much, trust me you aint seen nada. It depends on the Tattoo artists. Some even costs as far as $10,000. While tattoo artists like Mista Cartoon can charge you as far as $20,000..... How about Bill Clinton that had a haircut for $52,000 -- you heard me right, I said, Fifty Two Thousand US Dollars. If you have the money to blow on yourself, why not go ahead? After all, You Only Live Once

Anonymous said...

I d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ shame 4 U̶̲̥̅̊, U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ dirty Tatoo. Nonsense

MJ said...


SOLISOL said...

He had to go thru so much pain for such ugly tattoos? *shrugs* PS... I LOVE U LINDA

Anonymous said...

Looks like prison tatto, Na mexico e fit go? Is he wanted in America? Hate tattos by the way and he is too old for such silly act. Well he doesn't know any better I guess. Some people bye everything they see on TV. You look like an ex-con with those horrible and roughly done tattos dude.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know handsome could be spelt without a "D". Silly dude, he didn't pay 4000 dollars for that badly done job. And in mexico for that matter. The guy no sabi spell handsome. Lai lai. Na corner shop e do am. And see where he drew it, abeg dey wear long sleeve all always. I must belong bad well well.

Nicki said...

i hope he is reading dese comments bcz he is daft!

Nicki said...

I rily hope he reads these comments..i rily do *smh mumuni

Anonymous said...

his body looks like that of a snake

Anonymous said...

Such a turn off! Please think before you ink!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

how can u use focking 0.5 million tatoolize ur self...u ave just invited dvil to ur self...

Anonymous said...

Pure lie..which so dey talk say p square buy private jet... i uspect these guys are now laundering money for politicians..EFCC needs to start checking them and FIRS

Anonymous said...

Mteeew very irritating n annoying. Even my two year old baby wud draw better

Marilyn Oge(Sumtin) said...

Linda u didnt post ma comment on dis topic..... No wahala na uve done ure own sha 1-0.....

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