Caroline Danjuma's step daughter weds | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Caroline Danjuma's step daughter weds

Caroline Danjuma's step daughter, Mary Danjuma, got married on the 29th of September in Lagos and people who attended the wedding said the former actress played the role of step mother perfectly as she was on hand to make sure everything went well on her step daughter's special day!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


lily said...

Pretty caro,she was my seat mate in secondary skool, i rily hope she's happy in her marriage.

Anonymous said...

What happened to her mother? Is she deceased?

Anonymous said...

What of the bride's mother? mmmm.

Buks said...

Why are they looking plastic , like those miniatures @ madam Tussaude's in London , see pickin, see step mother , money sha na bastard .

Anonymous said...

Is that supposed to mean she married an old man? Thot he was a young dude o cos a man who hz a daughter dat old is elderly. What won't pple do to remain relevant? Slikky

lovelylady said...

Wey ha mama?this one carol is the chief organizer na wa!!!husband snatchers

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Caro too marry persin husband?!! Hia!! Or is her husband a widower?

Watin de pain me be say Linda Ikeja no go answer us these question naw.

See carro wey I think say marry better like Dakore.


Anonymous said...

E reach to ask o.where is her mother?!

Anonymous said...

The mother of the bride is deceased. The step daughter is actually a few years older than Caroline.
Wish them a happy married life.

Buks said...

Linda you no get liver to post my comment cause you are caro's stooge , na when you go carry old papa come as husband you go Sabi us for here , olodo over 100,

Anonymous said...

Does it mean this guy had a child b4 marrying hs ist wife he later divorced to marry caroline?? So many questions. No answer. I still will quote mark chapter 10vs 11-12. Any man who divorces hs wife and marries another,commits adultery against her. Anyone who marries a divorced man or woman commits adultery. ...those that hav ear ,hear what the spirit of God is saying to the church and d world. Linda pls post o. It can save destinies.

Anonymous said...

The man musa has 15 chidren with four women.... he sacked one after anoter... hope Caro has heart!

Baby Confessor said...

The step daughter is older dan caroline and caro is like the 3rd wife... So I heard *dunno*

Pakistani Beauty said...

Musa married Caro the right way. He divorced his wife first before wedding Caro. I don't see anything wrong in that coz I think Musa's marriage was already over b4 Caro came into the picture. To each their own. Wish them well and move one...simples!

Anonymous said...

Lmfao.. Yes oo !! Strikin resemblance !!

Anonymous said...


Mademoiselle said...

What Caroline and her husband are wearing looks the the traditional outfit for Cameroonians from the North West Province wear. Is her son in-law Cameroonian?

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Too much gossip and badmouth.remeba bn d 1st wife of a man is nt a sure fact dat ur marriage will be 100% filled wit fairytale happy endings.she has found hapines its best u look fr urs and pple only G♡D directs our future.happi fr caroline dats life ori yato sori.

Anonymous said...

This step daughter looks way older than Caroline biko..more like Step Aunty!

Anonymous said...


ikunkun babbles said...

Linda, the quality of your pictures na wah....

Anonymous said...

Musa has plenty women in his life, Caro no be first wife and she no go be last she is just the reigning queen! Musa na Muslim

Anonymous said...

Musa get many a beg na Muslim moreover she won't be the first or last and na only traditional marriage dey do

Anonymous said...

carol should just stop all the plastic surgery. it takes away from her beauty and ages her.haba. wen ppl have money must they destroy themselves? see what kim kardashian has caused in nigeria now.

Anonymous said...

It easy to judge others and quote scriptures but walk one day in the shoes of an abused and divorced at a very young age woman/ man for just a day and see if its easy!

The President said...

Wicked heartless comments as i expected here.It's obviously hurting you haters that you're not as popular or rich as Caroline.She seems happy in her marriage and even if she's not, it's none of your business!!!!!!!Is Musa Danjuma a Muslim because he has a northern name?????????

Anonymous said...

anon October 10, 2012 4:41 AM ignorance. the Danjumas aren't Muslims. His mega brother's name is Theophilus!

annabel said...

Old blood wud surely make her luk old its no surgery....greedy gal..nywaiz its her life

Warri Girl said...

Didn't know she had a step daughter. Well congrats to her on her new step-son inlaw

Anonymous said...

and so wat? mbok! wish dem all d!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Point of correction, Musa is a christian and an Anglican.

Carol's stepdaughter is just a year older than her

Most nollywood actresses sleep around, i know how carol met Musa but wouldnt go into that cos she can identify me by thos post

finally to buttress second, 89% of nollywood actresses sleep around, mostly to married men if am lieing the check all them actresses that married controversly,just like bisi ibidapo obe is trying to pin hers on Dino Melaye ( which is 100% accurate by the way).
make i rest here cos my amebo too much.

Anonymous said...

blog owner are you friends with the ozolua girl? i said she looks like her here. what's wrong with that comment?

Anonymous said...

Caroline's nose job is just becoming more and more obvious for some reason! Wonder why..

Anonymous said...

Caro's real age or made for TV age

Anonymous said...

Its Adamawa/Taraba. The inlaw is Yoruba.

Anonymous said...

U nO get gist jor, famzer oshi

Anonymous said...

Please Musa is a Christian. U don't open ur mouth & talk shit abt pple u don't know jack abt.him & Caroline worships at our Saviours church Lagos every Sunday.

Anonymous said...

2 much bitterness here,girls and envy,well we all get married 4 different reasons,yes!,so 2 each,his /her own. Nigerians stop d hate!!!

Anonymous said...

what kind of blog is this? we have to beg to have a comment, post whatever everybody says. you dont see yahoo blocking comments. make it a real blog, i post stuff all the time and my stuff doesnt get posted. whats the point of commenting

Anonymous said...

Get ur facts right b4 u open ur gutter mouth..Pple shld stop saying wat dey dnt knw.. Musa is nt a muslim.. He his a christian and btw caroline is d only woman as in wife he has.. Bt he sure has flings..

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