Bishop David Oyedepo accused of exploiting British worshippers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 21 October 2012

Bishop David Oyedepo accused of exploiting British worshippers

This is a story published by UK Daily Mail this morning. They are accusing Bishop Oyedepo's Winners Chapel of exploiting their worshipers and receiving over £16 million in donations from them. See it below...
A church run by a controversial multi-millionaire African preacher has been accused of ‘cynical exploitation’ after its British branch received £16.7 million in donations from followers who were told that God would give them riches in return.
Followers are ferried in double-decker shuttle buses to the church, handed slips inviting them to make debit card payments, and are even told obeying the ministry’s teachings will make them immune from illness.
Today’s Mail on Sunday revelations about the Winners’ Chapel movement have prompted the Charity Commission to review the charitable status  of the church – one of the fastest-growing in the UK.
Winners’ Chapel is part of a worldwide empire of evangelical ministries run by Nigeria’s wealthiest preacher David Oyedepo, who has an estimated £93 million fortune, a fleet of private jets and a Rolls-Royce Phantom. 

Dubbed ‘The Pastorpreneur’, he was accused earlier this year of slapping the face of a young woman he said was a witch. The assault case was struck out but is being appealed.

Branches of the church have sprung up in major UK cities in a huge recruitment drive centred on Mr Oyedepo’s ‘prosperity gospel’. This claims that congregants who make regular donations and pay tithes – a ten per cent levy on their income – will be rewarded financially by God. 

Followers are urged to target vulnerable people such as the lonely, the sick, the homeless and the suicidal as potential candidates for conversion. 

Last night, Labour MP Paul Flynn said Winners’ Chapel was cynically exploiting supporters. ‘They [Winners’ Chapel] are making clearly spurious claims and it seems to be a cynical exploitation of the gullible,’ he said.

Referring to the slapping incident, Mr Flynn added: ‘What is also alarming is the reported violence and the lack of respect for the status of women. It’s taking us back to a previous age of ignorance and prejudice that we all thought the church had escaped.’

This newspaper’s investigation can further disclose:
  • Congregants are handed a payment slip requesting payments using cheque, cash or debit card when they enter London’s Winners’ Chapel.
  • Donations to the ministry in England almost doubled from £2.21 million to £4.37 million between 2006 and 2010.
  • Mr Oyedepo’s superchurch in Nigeria received £794,000 or 73 per cent of the charitable donations paid out by the British Winners’ Chapel between 2007 and 2010. This was despite claims in Africa that he is enriching himself at the expense of his devotees.
  • The registered charity has spent £6.81 million on evangelism and ‘praise, worship and fellowship’.
  • The church’s ‘Joseph Squad’ preaches in British prisons and has a weekly broadcast named ‘Liberation Hour’ on satellite and cable TV here.
In the past three years, Winners’ Chapel churches have been established in Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds and Bradford, adding to those in London, Manchester, Dublin and Glasgow. 

An undercover Mail on Sunday reporter attended Sunday services  at Winners’ Chapel’s ‘London HQ’  in Dartford, Kent, which attracts 1,000 congregants – chiefly African and Caribbean immigrants. It is run like ‘a business conference’ by Mr Oyedepo’s son, David Oyedepo Jnr. Packed buses deliver singing worshippers from South-East London, Essex and Kent to the huge auditorium.

The reporter saw a payment slip being given to every person entering the church encouraging them to donate money by cheque or cash or to fill in a form with their debit card details. The slip said tithes should be paid separately using a ‘Kingdom Investment Booklet’ and the reporter was informed that payments could also be made by phone. A pastor told the worshippers: ‘You shall be financially promoted after this service in Jesus’s name if you are ready to honour the Lord therefore with all your givings, your tithes, your offerings, your Kingdom investment, your sacrifices.’

Congregants were told to fill in their slips and hold them above their heads while the donations were blessed

A jet belong to Bishop Oyedepo
The service was interspersed with testimonies. ‘I received a bill from  the bank that I didn’t understand, so I prayed,’ said one congregant. ‘A few days later, the bank wrote to apologise for their mistake – Hallelujah!’ ‘Hallelujah,’ the audience shouted back.
Congregants were told they could gain favour by persuading others to follow Mr Oyedepo’s teachings. His son said: ‘Look around you. Someone is sick and already wishing he or she were dead, that is a fruit ripe to harvest. Someone is confounded and considering suicide as an option, that is another fruit that is ripe to harvest.
‘Someone else is lonely and wondering if there is any future for him, that is another fruit ripe to harvest. 

‘Also there are many men and women, young and old that are homeless, these are fruits ripe to harvest.’

The reporter was taken, with 20 other new recruits, to a room where preachers gave sermons claiming acceptance of the Lord would prevent them ever being ill or suffering misfortune.

The Mail on Sunday has seen video footage of Mr Oyedepo striking a woman across the face and condemning her to hell after she said she was a ‘witch for Jesus’. He attacked her in a Winners’ Chapel superchurch, believed to be in Nigeria, in front of worshippers. A separate video shows him saying: ‘I slapped a witch here last year!’
In May, he was sued for £800,000 over the alleged assault. The case was struck out – a decision which is now reported to have been appealed.

The Winners’ Chapel movement, also known as the Living Faith Church, has hundreds of churches in Nigeria and across Africa, the Middle East, the UK and the US.
Mr Oyedepo has received fierce criticism in Africa. One Nigerian journalist accused him of ‘leading a growing list of pastorpreneurs – church founders exploiting the passion and emotion that Christianity commands to feather their nests’.

Catholic Cardinal Anthony Okogie criticised such preachers for placing materialism above Jesus’s message. He reportedly said: ‘They have been skinning the flock, taking out of the milk of the flock.’

Among Mr Oyedepo’s fleet of aircraft are said to be a Gulfstream 1 and Gulfstream 4 private jets. It is also claimed he and his wife, Faith, travel in expensive Jeeps flanked by convoys of siren-blaring vehicles. He is the senior pastor of Faith Tabernacle, a 50,000-seat auditorium in Lagos reputed to be the largest church in the world, and runs a publishing company that distributes books carrying his message across the world.
His other business interests span manufacturing, petrol stations,  bakeries, water purification factories, recruitment, a university, restaurants, supermarkets and real estate. The latest addition is a commercial airline named Dominion Airlines. 

A Charity Commission spokesman said: ‘The Charity Commission is  currently assessing what, if any,  regulatory role there is to play with regard to the complaints made against the World Mission Agency. It is important to clarify that this does not constitute an investigation at this stage.’

Winners’ Chapel administrator Tunde Disu declined to comment.


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Anonymous said...

Linda!!! OYO is ur case ooo when it comes to a man of God... All this he did dis and I no dey.. Guess this is Oyedepo's trying times cos he's always being accused by d media.. Let God be d judge, dem no tie the congregation hand or use AK 47 say by force they must pay.. *big sigh*

Anonymous said...

Oh my God,plz save us all.don't evn know who is who nowadays!!

Anonymous said...

Controversies trailing this rise by d day...he rily needs to go back on his knees,,and re-check himself to see if he's stil in d line

Anonymous said...

na waa o.for how long will this continue?lindy baby,abeg post my comment naaaaaaaaaaaw!

Anonymous said...

lets go there!

Anonymous said...

Ghen ghen mouth sealed waka pass.

stiches D. said...

A pastor with convoy of siren-blaring vehicles. hmmmmmmm! And my neighbor who is a member of that church can hardly feed 3 square meals a day. God is watching you on 3D.

Anonymous said...

he is not a pastor but a business man

Anonymous said...

Religion has always been about exploitin' d gullible,d ignorant & d intellectually inept.Thankfully I've got notin 2 do wit any of dem-Atheist 4 life

Anonymous said...

I'm not a member Linda.But i wish you didn't post this.Leave Pastors to God for judgement cos we dont know who is right or wrong.Just ask God to order your steps to the right place of worship.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...God let ur will be done\!!i bet there are members who cannot even afford one meal a day .the members of this church re so brainwashed into thinking their pastor is the messiah,they prefer to live in poverty while their so called 'messiah' liive in affluent.waiting for them to start bombarding this blog in honour of their pastor..smh,even the bible says you must give unto d church willingly and straight from ur heart and whateva u re giving should be btw u and your God.the 3rd party shld not know!!!but nowADAYS a tithers is called to the altar for special recognition and prayers while those that dont have money sit and watched on stupidly,pple dont go to church anymore cos they dont have money for donations to save them the embarrassment ,cos if your werev asked to donate and you dont they would look at you like'what av u come to do then?'.sad

Anonymous said...

hummm sending 73 percent sent to the branch in nigeria. That screams fraud, because you know in UK they will audit the account but nigeria there is no audit so he can claim it fraudulently. God is watching us all.

Anonymous said...

And the Voltrons come out

Pot Of Honey said...

Nawaooo,i comment my reserve

goodie said...

Thats tru, nobody wz forced to give n itz nt lyk God doesnt bless them...only God knws those who r truly his

Anonymous said...

linda, get over ur stupid self in being against men of God. U promote illicit acts like lesbianism and you're so quick to condemn men of God. If u don't believe in tithing, then don't pay. STOP TARGETING BISHOP OYEDEPO and if you are going to complain about the poor, take all the proceeds from your blog and donate. you had better post my comment. b

Anonymous said...

I hate when idiots say things like leave pastors to God's judgement.Should we not apply the same principle to everyone else including the murderers of the Aluu 4? Let God be the judge abi? So what is the point of man made laws then if a pastor cannot even abide to the simplest instructions of not stealing? He is a fraudster and should be investigated.
Thankfully this is happening in a country where the system works, so the UK charity commission will investigate their dodgy dealings. Bloody effing rouges, the lot including the most revered Adeboye. Always claiming God told them crap. LIARS!

Anonymous said...

Linda, stop putting all these news about men of God up o. Stop giving people avenue to rain insults on them,thereby invoking the wrath of God on their lives. cos trust me if they are truly men of God, u urself wil surely partake of God's judgement.

Anonymous said...

Towards d end time many will preach in ma name and heal d they re nt frm u see even christ ws aware of them...brethren beware of false prophets...posperity gospel has finished our generation...

Anonymous said...

Kai! this linda u are fast in getting news oh. just read this few mins ago and gbam, its already on ur blog. I hail u

Anonymous said...

Did they put gun on their heads to follow him? Me I know of a certainty that Bishop is a man of God. I have followed his teachings for a long time. And it has worked for me. It is not by force to believe him. But stop going against men of God. It is DANGEROUS! Everything Bishop teaches comes from the word of God. If you have a full understanding of it and do what the word says, you will most def get the result.

Madam Linda u had better leave men of God alone oooo. You are treading on dangerous roads

laulau said...

Lipw sealed wen it comes to a man of God

Mrs O said...

Read this article well, and know that its just ignorant journalism. Obviously the people in question do not believe in tithing, because I see nothing wrong with envelopes being handed out. In the US, I go to a white non denominational/pentecostal church, and we use envelopes as well, and there are sections for tithes, offerings, and other stuff. When I give, it is between God and I, and yes the Word of God is true, and I know if I give with a joyous heart, God will reward me. No one forces anyone to give, and I've attended a winners service a few yrs back, and I wasnt forced to give.
Linda you have a problem with tithing, so regardless you will always look at it negatively.
Nothing I own is mine, not even my life, it is all God's. So anything I get, is what He gives me. The prob is the world is extremely selfish.
I can tell you that one cannot truly serve God and remain the same. Knowing God is different from practicing religion, or going to church or your mass every Sunday, its having an intimate relationship with Him, the way you would your spouse or partner. God speaking His thoughts and plans with you, telling you what to do, giving you solutions to problems, giving you insights, even in dreams. The UK is a spiritually dry country, so I would expect this from them. After all, they banned Todd Bentley from entering because they were terrified after his last evangelism meeting filled with testimonies. The good ol UK thinks anything contrary to their Church of England aka Anglican church is wrong, and do not believe that God is alive and living and working out the same miracles that were in the Bible.

Look at how silly this journalist sounds, its just spiritual ignorance, yes I believe that accepting Christ heals today as it did in the Bible. When I am sick, I speak God's word in faith, and I am a doctor, but I realize that there is only so much that man knows.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:56am, pls carry ur poverty stricken self and go read d bible. every fool apart from you, knows that God says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. You have a worldly mindset, that why ur second hand brain will never comprehend or enjoy wealth like he does. If uv never heard from God, ur a very sad soul and u rily need Jesus. so take a walk u dumb dummy and walk away. b


Not all Pastors are men of God or even annointed of God most have the gift of speech and brainwashing #thatisall

Anonymous said...

never speak against God's anointed.

Anonymous said...

Nobody was forced to donate they did dat @ their own expense so what's d noise abt? They shud pray dat God shud bless them more abundantly to b able to do more :)

Chidozie Mario said...

Bishop Oyedepo has allowed himself to be immersed in controversies, he needs to go back to basis.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand WHY we cant see with the eyes the Lord gave us. There is absolutely definitely no difference between our political leaders and religious leaders. So sure they are members of this church that cant afford to eat three square meals a day but the person they look up to for solutions is wasting money on just parking the various jets per min.Lord save us.

Anonymous said...

Pastorprenuer,xtianity in d buildin....give moni to the lord and u will b healed,I don't have issues with a man of God bein rich,bur taking from the poor congregation who can hardly feed ther family in d name of properity,or healin,a pastor owns fleets on cars,jets,and the congregation is in poverty,its ok,God is watching..

Anonymous said...

People jst kip talking shit. Papa has his own businesses, and those dat paid tithe or donated money were no forced to it was don voluntrily so pls let not be ignorant of d divices of d devil. If give on to God den wait for God to bless you.

Anonymous said...

This is a serious allegation oh. God vindicate your own... #RomanCatholic 4 life

Anonymous said...

Are u. Not also judging her? To your tents oh u Israel

H S C said...

Nigeria is so full of hypocrtites! Abeg leave Linda alone joo! Is she d writer of d aritcle?? This is one of many newsworthy stories abeg. If Oyedepo is truly amassing wealth for himself under d pretense that he is a man of God, then may God punish him accordingly. If not, then his reward is in heaven. MW stop insulting Linda, nobody force you to read...or even type comment. Go suck dragon balls.

Anonymous said...

Nobody on earth should accuse any man annointed and chosen by GOD,this man,please don't touch,not even satan can accuse him

Anonymous said...

With fools like these here who keep saying stuff like don't judge and all dat crap,men like Oyedepo will get richer! If people are stupid enuff to give their earned cash to a man for the sake of a heaven or hell which doesn't xist then good luck to them! There is no heaven or hell! Heaven and hell is here on earth and religion is just a moral and badly written Nollywood script! When will people learn this?

Anonymous said...

Y insult linda?its part of her job.i visited the church once in kent and what i experienced makes me believe this story.we dont need to rain insults or abuses,God has a way of vindicating his children.the most imp thing u should b bothered about is where you are spending eternity!

Anonymous said...

His Nigerian worshippers will now start abusing commentators because they are backward and brainwashed.

This news means that the British police may be waiting for him at the airport with handcuffs et al. Ti won bati mu e ewon lon lo... He would not travel to UK at the moment.

Anonymous said...

When u are so poor and u hear give , it'll multiply my dear people go too far! They love quick miracles. Its not there fault though

Anonymous said... wa o!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You spoke exactly what is on my mind. These pleading for more is made so forcefully that is you don't come out and give money . Then in there eyes you don't belong as a member. God save us. Its only God that will Judge. He Alone will one day separate the true sheep from the wolves using Sheepskins as a cover.

Anonymous said...

Those without sins should cast the first stone, all churches encourages tithe paying and sowing seeds,the reason why christians find this to be a problem is because most of them are from orthodox background, unknowing to them is that catholics, and the rest also support giving but in a more reserve way than how the penticostals preaches. Take the muslims for example, they give to their mosque without reservations and are always willing to give no matter how small, and yet we wonder why muslims/hausas are considered to be one of the richest people in nigeria, take Dangote for example,he has been a consistent giver even to churches. So we should stop complainig and start practcing the act of giving with or without the preachings of a pastor.and leave every man to carry their own cross,including everyman of God,cause at the end of the day we should be able to realize that when we came into this world, we did not come holding hands with any many of God.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from church (living Faith) winners' chapel.
Let's leave spiritual matters for God to judge. Only God knows those that are His. Let's follow the principles of the Bible and not that of winners' chapel. I follow Christ foot steps and not Oyedepo's. Jesus is thesame yestarday, today and forever. A word is enough for the wise. Fred uduoba

Anonymous said...

My thought exactly. Why not concentrate on entertainment and Politics and leave religion out of your blog. On judgement day, everybody would be judged seperately. You won't even notice whether your pastor made it or not. Ejo nbe lorun aro dake.

Anonymous said...

11:58 well said

Anonymous said...

Nobody has any right to judge a pastor pls

Anonymous said...

U nid 2 have d spirit of God for u 2 knw dem! I totally understd wat is goin on! M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ people suffer bcos d lack understanding! Get jesus 2 day and be sure of ur 2mrw!

Asanwa said...

I used to be a member of this church,let the truth be told,he dos nt care about his floks,u kip givin and givin
I wish there was a way we can know who the real pastors are,am sure non is in nigeria,cos all we hv here are mony concious Pastors....God help us

Anonymous said...

I hate hypocrites, thou shall not judge men of God, where did God tell u they were his men? They milk ppple dry and feed fat on them. His kids her pastors scattered round the juiciest parts of world unchecked o. Did Jesus do all of these. God ll punish all of them.

KOFOSHY said...

Linda u don Gbagauun ooo

*A jet belong to Bishop Oyedepo*

happyhausabunny said...

And you too should get over your stupid self too! If you do not like what was written then ignore it! Incase you missed it, it was written by dailymail uk! Monkey!

Omo Jesu said...

Hmmm, such a shame! See what a failed system has lead us to? When we have all woken up, we would all go back to where we all started from, ORTHODOX CHURCH. Where no one cares if you ride on a plane or a donkey. The person we are emulating (CHRIST)rode on a donkey to envergelize the word.

Anonymous said...

It is so sad that theses days humans place more respect for so called men of God than that of the person who we are going to the to worship...what do you understand by that word who are you to are living a luxury..and you called your self a man of God...we have the bible to guide our lives and footstep ask yourself during the time of Jesus Christ our exemplar who set a model for us to follow how many horses and things did he acquire for himself just because he is the son of God???but its not like that today pple who claim to be representing God will have them selves guided by Gun men why???read the bible and understand the true meaning of christianity it means Christ followers are they really following the footstep of Christ?SMH

Anonymous said...

story for u,they must give same to Christians in their State

Anonymous said...

Linda what is ur business with the church and why are you condemning the man of God,tithe is scriptural and you are not forced 2 give. If you feel we have a lot of people who are in neeed then start your charity organisation. Stop condemning the man of God on your blog

Anonymous said...

Hw can d poor convert d rich??? Food for thought!!!!remembr our blessings are from God and at least sum shud go bck 2 God...(tithe and more)...u all shud realise dat dis mahn has sowed his seed wit his last cash nd sacrifice...let him harvest...linda pls put dis pls

Anonymous said...

LOL! Let me organize my popcorn and wait for the minions who like to say 'all of you accusing men of God will suffer.' Lots of people can claim Man of God. I'm just happy that the blindness that applies in this country fly out the window in other countries. After all Nigerian pastors are not the only men of GOD in the world and I'd be surprised if the others got away with slapping people up and down. Oya, let's buckle up and go there!

happyhausabunny said...

Just goes to show you how messed up religion has gotten! So called "MOGs" 80% of the time talk about money money money! A lot of churches now are buisness ventures.

Anonymous said...

Some of his comducts might not be the best by human standard,but don forget that he's still a servant of GOD,if he is not anymore,GOD knows how to take away such pontentially disgraceful servants of GOD frm d kingdom of men,we have seen such in niaja wit d likes of late archbishops and pastors .For now respect him please

Anonymous said...

Touch not my annointing and in ur very own eyes,they r stealing ppl blind and living a life of stupendous luxury after collecting ur last dime! What abunch of fools! God will still judge u for being foolish cos of ur stupiid actions! Gambling and feeding gamblers all in d name of God! What a mess! For all I know these ppl may even be using Voodoo to attract their unsuspecting preys!!Shame on these money grubbing criminals using God's name as a front! Now his son is even over seeing the british angle,when father is no more,son takes over the empire! Scammers!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody on earth should accuse any man annointed and chosen by GOD,this man,please don't touch,not even satan can accuse him

Uduak Dyamond said...

Linda stop publishing news about men of God, it is not our place to judge them. I beg of U.....

Anonymous said...

The Bible told us to test all sprits and prove the ones that are true or false.if im also corect,the bible also said we should touch not my anointed and do harm to non of his prophets.most of all thes purported men of God arent annointed and even if they were,pointing out what we persive as irregularities to them isnt in any way against the men of God.we are all running a race,what does it profit Oyedepo to lay up for him self treasures here on earth and hav non in Heaven or even lose Heaven.following Christs examples and teachings,he told the rich religious man to sell all he had and giv to the poor as a complete step to make Heaven.if the wealthy are givin to Oyedepo den he can channel same to the poor,than showin off thes plenty affluence.He's not the only pastor that recives donations,but the reason most of them arent in the negtive spot light like him is bcos thes oda guys do plenty of charity work.Men of God are not infallable.pastor abeg back track small and see if it the Lord dat is throwing som caution.tanks

Anonymous said...

As 4 dis Oyedepo's issue,ma lips are sealed. D problem is dat most ppl theses days worship their pastors instead of God and dats y things like dis happen.


Anonymous said...

MY KINGDOM IS NO PART OF THE WORLD SAYS JESUS CHRIST...CAN PASTORS OF TODAY SAY THAT????that is why the wrath of the lord will start in his own house many false prophet claiming they are the christ we should be wise this is the end your bible to know your right from our wrong and not what is coming out from an imperfect humans mouth like you we all are imperfect even the so called pastors so why worship them like God..READ READ READ...then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11:55am,u r so dumb.hw hs she encouraged lesbianism?u dn't like d blog or wt u read dn't 4kin go dere!!itz her blog rem??wt hs she said wrong bout d 'man of God'?I knw u r a follower dtz y u r so quick 2 defend.she stated facts nd didn't judge.

Anonymous said...

Its only God that will judge on the last day..all man will answer FO̶̷̩̥̊͡ř himself

amakasparkl said...

Indeed end time is near, d mighty ar falling! He needs to go back to God or else he wl be doomed.

BIG FISH * said...

Nigerians.. Y everytime I wonder y plpp say don't talk to a man of God and leave it for God to jugde that is totally stupidity. D bible say my plpp perish for lack of Knowlegde ... Imagine all ova d world nigeria as d most populated churches all in d world as if is in nigeria God reside, but still things re not working right... Poverty and corrption is increasing...dey say dey re men of God without using the money been donated to d work of God for charity but buying jet...Dere is a man of God who I knw dat preach love, giving to d poor and taking care of d widows..we all can c for ourselves how he distribute rice, gift items and money to d poor and needy.. Recently his name was publish as 1 of d most riches pastor in d world but he debuke it... Frm is comment when dey wnt to sell jet to him so dat he can fly is gift all ova, he said wat will d church members who donate dis money say if dere money is not used for d needy and d work of God... We nid to be wise ... If a man if God can't serve d people and lead den to God by using d donations well and not using it to enrich demself den I don't think I doing Gods work but his personal work..Jesus led plenty examples... When he want to preach to d 5000 mutitude he feed dem 1st cos he knw dat an hungry man cannot listen if is need is not solve.. How many poor people needs have winners chapel solved,.... THINK AFRICA .. THINK NIGERIA..

Olu-omo of d source said...

A giant fool that you are...why're u attacking Linda?She simply culled the story from the daily mail,why not direct ur attack towards them.

Anonymous said...

LINDA BE CAREFUL!!!!! GOD CAN PUNISH YOU FOR THIS O!! LET UR GOSSIP NOT REACH A MAN OF GOD!! stop saying wot u dont knw. for ur own good!!!

Anonymous said...

All ye ignorant followers of "man" not Christ. Pastors and their ilk have replaced babalawos in our culture. Yes there's nothing wrong with having someone pray for you or on your behalf but darn it U can do it on your own. I'm sick of the way our ppl revere preachers. I don't know if he's a man of God or a wolf in sheep's clothing but screw anyone who tells me I can't criticize him (he's only human - ordained or not)

Anonymous said...

Linda so it's ok for u to sit with ur computer, blog all day and make money but a Man of God should live in penury...ever come across the scripture where christ became poor that we might be Rich or deutoronomy 8:18..where God said he has given us power to get wealth......Dear Linda I hope u pay ur tithe in ur local assembly....where were y'all when oyedepo started his ministry over 30yrs ago....u think he just came up today ??? I'm not a member of winners' but I'm a faithful tither and giver and yeah I do a lot of charity too plus dependents......u have no idea how many people depend on him both close family and extended haven't heard about oyedepo's relief effort to south Sudan???? Well as y'all keep talking he keeps going higher.....

Femiluv said...

Not a member of Winners' Chapel or any church for that matter. These are adults with their own free will. Let them give their money to whomever they deem fit.

Anonymous said...

Jesus has said his own will face trails and prosecutions, Bishop Oyedepo is facing his own now, Pastor Chris faced his many years ago, but look at him now stronger and better... When it comes to things like this, read the bible for yourself to differentiate right from wrong. People sold their lands in the bible and laid it at the apostles feet, one particular man didn't bring the complete money and he died for that singular act, how do u explain that?.... THE MATTER IS TOO HIGH LEAVE IT ALONE

Austin Uche said...

The bible says touch not my annointed and do ma prophet no harm..... Let God deal accordingly wiv whoever is using his name in vain... For d very last time, dis man has diverse businesses, he has been a business man right frm time even before God called him, i dnt see why he shldnt live like a king simply bcos he is a man of God. After all dats wat God said we wld live like as his children.. U people accusing dis man shld cum forward wiv concrete evidence, then and only then will ur claim be authoritative.. He is not even repplying to all dis, yet u ppl r giving urselves headache over sumone else's wealth dat he laboured for.... So all men of God shld live like paupers shey? Its still u guys dat will still complain.... Na wa o. I am not a member of his church, buh tis not right to tarnish a good man's image like dis... Haba
#finally finally, God has d final say

Anonymous said...

Linda there should be a like icon on your blog there are so many comments that i want to like...OPEN YOUR EYES...before una dey call papa here and there..

Anonymous said...

u read articles about others and insult them, u read articles about a pastor and u accuse and codenm the blogger. we r all Gods children, he doesnt love oyedepo more than he loves you. its a blog were u read diverse stories and if u want the blogger to become picky n selective, then stop reading her blogg. some of you claim to be christians and winners but yet,u abuse n call sum1else dumb??? thats to show how hypocritical u are. what is good for goose is good for the gander. if u can insult likes of kris okotie and other ppl on lindas blogg,then others shud b free to call your hero or pastor names also. lets all live by example....

Legendkid said...

""""This claims that congregants who make regular donations and pay tithes – a tenper cent levy on their income – will be rewarded financially by God.""""

That is biblical, if you are not a christian, you will never understand the mystery behind paying your tithes.
And if you feel pastors are the one eating your tithes, then by all means. STOP!
But go read the last book of the old testament (mal).
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Orthodox churches planted schools and hospitals in d 60s for the poor before govt took over. They r not the best today oooo but they still try

Anonymous said...

my fellow LIBers when Jesus was about to be made king in when he was on earth what did he do?he flew to the mountainous your eyes are these men really christ followers?will Jesus aquire a private Jet in this dying world?what did Jesus ask us to pray for?he said we should pray for his kingdom and his kingdom can never be part of this world..Oyedepo kingdom is where here or in heaven..THINK THINK THINK

CONRAD. said...


Ore said...

Linda, why don't you post about all the controversies surrounding All the internationally known Pastors? If you check Joel Oesteen, Joyce Meyer, Paula White even Matthew Ashimolowo, you would see they have all at some point been investigated by IRS. It's normal and no surprise. Why? because they can not believe that people would willingly give that amount to God.

What is money? No amount is too big to give to someone who literally died on the cross for me. So if I cannot give my money, what's the point? But it's okay to give my talent and time but when it comes to money, I have become stupid.

Have you seen cult members the way they treat their gods and rituals? They would do anything they're told, no questions asked and they commit ALL SORTS of atrocities that I don't need to get into. But just because people are giving money, something that man created, not God, we no go hear word.

You are entitled to post whatever you like, obviously it's your blog. However, after a while, your secret vendetta against certain people is obvious, just like your obsession with others are obvious.

Emeka Facts said...

Givers never lack. D man didn't force anybody to give. So make u na leave him alone,he has made his own money.Pls go and make ur own money guys n babes.God don bless Bishop Oyedepo through him members.Also God don bless Linda Ikeji through us(LIB Readers).Go and look for a way to get ur own blessing through people.

Anonymous said...

Papa ke? E no know you oooo. Na I'm son be head for uk. Your own na to call him daddy

Anonymous said...

I am not a pentecostal but it seems d british are just making noise because they want their cut. Its just about taxes and their own national revenue

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:54 pm, u are so spot on, e fit be jazz sef and some idiots are all about not judging men of God. Who told u they are anointed and why would a man of God slap someone not to talk of a woman in public and even have the guts to brag about it, God is watching us all in 3D with a 4G network

finest-in-internet said...

Being a pastor has become a business!

Olu-omo of d source said...

Your papa not mine.The One i worship sits on the throne in Heaven,has always done and will always do.He gave me direct access so i do not require any medium under any guise to reach my Heavenly Father.

Anonymous said...

Some people are just idiots. Man of God ko, man of satan ni. Leave Linda alone, she is just blogging . I can't wait to say I told you when we all meet in hell. Hehehe' I mean Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Let godd judge dem, their reward î§ waiting for them

Anonymous said...

I swear I pity u Linda ,dey there dey post rubbish,I pity u seriously

Anonymous said...

How do you know for certain that he is a MOG? From the Bible and what I deduce, compared to his actions, he is NOT one.
The Bible says; By their FRUITS you shall know them. The fruits he exhibits, do they portray our Lord Jesus Christ in good light? The Bible says; wisdom is profitable to correct. Also, My people perish for lack of knowledge. God gave us brains for sth you know. Paying tithes is a commandment, which we should obey, but are the tithes being used the way God wants it?
Did Jesus go about slapping possessed people and condemning them to hell? Did Jesus move around in private jets? Fine, there were no jets back then..... Donkeys were the jets, but Jesus NEVER rode donkeys everywhere he went. Jesus did not undermine anyone. He didn't go about condemning people.
So when y'all keep talking about leaving men of God to God, I have no probs with that. Just differentiate between the real MOG from the FAKE using the guidelines the Bible gave. Read your Bible or pay attention in Bible study classes.

Anonymous said...

@Ore we are not created as do what ever anyone says...that is why you are giving the know if you are on the right part of Christianity...the bible said a voluntary contribution that is what God values more..look at churches these days the dont value the poor ones..but Jesus Christ appreciated the poor widow who gave the last coin that she had than that who gave out of their surplus..but today what do we see the bigger your tithe or donation the more you are recognized in the congregation..

Anonymous said...

I agree 99% with u but im now so disillusioned with the church that i have cut out the 'middle man' and prefer to submit my tithes abd offerings directly to the needy. GOD has not punished me for doing that so far

Anonymous said...

*clearing my throat*..... hmmm.. 1st of all who is that man who is the anointed man of the most high. Who ordained him? The Almighty father does not need yourmoney. Divert your resources somewhere else... help the poor, the homeless and motherless. How can you continue to give your money to a man who has private jets and all?

Olu-omo of d source said...

You're a bastard,ur alleged 'man of God' can go back in time and take several seats on the titanic.

Anonymous said...

Well i got a revelation from the Lord. He said that Bishop Oyedepo must hand over all his riches to the poor within 40 days or die. So please all his followers should relay this message to him.
I am sure he won't believe it, the greedy pig! 40 more days to enjoy your ill gotten wealth. Thief!

Tony said...

And to you all that are cursing and condemning here, do know that it is ungodly to do so.

And to you that are attacking Linda, she has done nothing wrong, she only reported an already published story that many would read about and form opinions.

To you all who think 'Men of God' are untouchable or are beyond reproach, I strongly disagree with you. Like someone earlier commented, maybe we should not bother about the sins of the Allu killers. Every man on earth should be accountable to both heavenly and earthly instituted laws and principles.

Let's not be shallow-minded and leave all to 'Let God be the judge' because of fear, whether founded or unfounded. Lets call a spade a spade and place a check on our 'Men of God'

Anonymous said...

@Legenkid: Your reference to the Old testament book of Malachi is a bit one-sided. You apparently do not understand the concept of tithing. I urge you to read the whole Old Testament, probably with an electronic Bible, and search for the origin and practice of tithing. Use keywords: "tithe", "tenth", "Levi", Äaron" and "priest". that may help.

What we need in this day and age is the Holy Spirit, in all truth. We need to be discerning; that's the only way we can weed out the chaff from the grain.

I'm judging no one, not even Bishop Oyedepo, I however have so many questions about Christianity in this day that leave me mind boggled, stunned, and sometimes discouraged. I know as humans we are not all perfect, not even our pastors. But I pray God helps us all. May we search for the truth and find it.

I trust in the Holy Ghost and the Holy Bible for answers, and I continually pray to be more spiritually discerning.


Anonymous said...

All the replies about not posting negative stories on "men of God" explains why this man and other preachers get away with eating money from the ignorant to buy jets. How can one justify this opulence when so many are hungry, poor, destitute? Shame on these prosperity pastors who are the only ones who prosper and shame on you people who agree with this nonsense.

At least the older Christian churches brought free schools, roads, their congregation. New age churches invest in business and airplanes. Ah ah!

Anonymous said...

Omo jesus..u funny ghan ooh,so jesus did ride on a donkey therefore we should ride on a donkey from lagos to long urself brain or borrow one self**smh4u*

Anonymous said...

This s a blog and for ur info this write up was from daily mail s condemnin who...shine ur eyes well well b4 u talk and pls leave my Linda alone o

Anonymous said...

Fools keep talking!!! Wen God strike una mouth, e go b u like film... Na linda I pity pass.. She jus has dis thing against oyedepo..even Tee-mac had to apologise cos he knows Oyedepo.. Linda. A word is enuff for the wise n some brilliant fools too. Post this

Anonymous said...

Be wise brothers and sisters 'be wise!

Anonymous said...

Lolz typical Nigerian.....

Anonymous said...

This s a blog and for ur info this write up was from daily mail s condemnin who...shine ur eyes well well b4 u talk and pls leave my Linda alone o

Anonymous said...

Amen ooo...

Anonymous said...

Some ppl are just educated for nothing cos I fail to understand how you couldn't just read were she wrote uk daily mail reported it.

Anonymous said...

Even if she doesn't, ppl will still rain insults on them in private and it makes no difference if they do it here or in their homes.

Anonymous said...

Those of you insulting she write the story? she is just keeping you all informed. .......If you care for your pastor so much pray for him and stop insulting the blogger. Is it even right to do so?

Anonymous said...

Eheheh She s doin her job o..go find somethin do abeg b4 u start sayin wat u don't knw.

Anonymous said...

My dear u have spoken absolutly well...Exactly...linda pls stop putting them up...bcos u urself ur not sure of the accusiation....u must not update ur blog everyday...if dere is no news u hold on or check well b4 puttin dem up...a word is enough for the "WISE". Am sure ur a wise woman. @anonymous 12:16pm...YOU ARE SICK PLUS CRAZY equals to you need DILIVERANCE...oye ara!!! *Flips hair*

Anonymous said...

Amen ooo...

Anonymous said... dear I feel you. Same here...*lips sealed*

Anonymous said...

I think it's what her job entails reporting new or gossip or whatever. So she can talk about cossy ojiakor and not talk about a pastor bcos what happened? If we're all made in the image of God, then I don't see why anyone shouldbe left out.

Anonymous said...

This bloody charlatan that assaulted a young innocent girl is worshipped like some demi-god by some brainwashed Lilliputians. May all his supporters kids be assaulted by various money grabbing pastors. Brainless thwarts!
Linda please keep posting this greedy pastors stories. I will send you the crap Adeboye claimed God revealed to him. Bloody hell bound thieves. May the good lord punish all their rotten mouths.

Anonymous said...

Religion is the opium of the people. I rest my case!

Before anyone pounces on me, I am a Christian and take it very seriously. However, I'm no bible thumper and don't believe in religion to the point of replacing logic and reasoning with it.

Anonymous said...

Linda pls liv men of God some1 said,dem nor point ak47 4 dia head. Stop popularizing such negative comments abt men God. Esp Bish Oyedepo.....rly,its ignorant journalism. Mayb it was even written by an atheist. Ultimately,let God b d judge. Linda, commot hand,b4 fire go burn u.

bernard said...

all dis whities de jst de too stingy 4 my likin, jst becos money don de leave dier shores to naija de com de find excuse to stop am; xploitation, frud, decievin. Na waa 4 dem oh!

Anonymous said...

Mrs O....WELLLL SPOKEN. And oh so linda has a problem tithing? Really? Hmmm...dis igbo babe....beta shine you eye!!!. Mrs O I reapeat...YOU have spoken right...dint knw how to start writing all I had to say...but u have said it all. God bless u dear. You are indeed a very wise woman.

Anonymous said...

talking about ignorance...may God give you the grace to see Him.Amen

Anonymous said...

Lollll...LMHO...anonymous or watever u call urself...I can really see how much u love linda. Wat rubbish job? Wisdom is very important. And I can see ur talkin frm experience...well u fell into the wrong hands then...dats if ur really right. U must knw and also understand dat exeperience is not always the best teacher.

Anonymous said...

Even if she doesn't, ppl will still rain insults on them in private and it makes no difference if they do it here or in their homes.

Anonymous said...

Well said!!!pls tell her o. *HISS*

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!!!!!! why on earth are you people attacking linda???? did she tell you that it is her personal opinion? she culled the article from another publication for goodness sake. why should she not write about men of God???? are they above the laws of the land???? if they are being perceived to break the law or take advantage of people is it not the place of responsible journalism to expose this appropriate quaters? look i am a christian and i have had so many terrible experiences with these so called men of God,i do not doubt that they set out to do the work of God but many of them have long since derailed and if they face tribulations like these,it should be a call for them to wake and renew their hearts before the lord. The bible said that if you are about to eat a piece of meat,which in itself is not bad,but if that piece of meat will cause other people to lose faith then you must not eat it.the way many of these pastors and men of God are living is causing many people to lose faith in Christ and it is causing a lot of people to miss out on the gospel which he died thousands of years ago for.Please leave linda alone she is doing her job as a journalist. shikena

Anonymous said...

Bible also requires a priest to pay the tithe of tithes- give to d poor from offerings

Anonymous said...

How do you know which particular pastor is really anointed? If the bible told us that many will heal I. Jesus's name but they are not of Christ?

Anonymous said...

Pls u don't have to comment. If u don't have anything important to say and contribute..jst close the page and go and sleep. All u jst wrote here is rubbish. Very huge *HISS*. GOSH!!!

Been there done that said...

those of u berating linda for posting this, should take several seats. there's a flood ravaging our nation yet i can't see ur pastor using his jet to help the poor...of course God will judge everyone of us, but we must open people's eyes to the evil and manipulation of some of these greedy 'so called men of God' if the story is about catholic priests abusing youngs boys na, una no go say make she remove the story...kmt...better wake up before its too late 4 u

Anonymous said...

All I can say is God is watching..

Anonymous said...

Lolllll heaven and hell is on earth. I'm going to enjoy my own heaven very soon coz iv worked for it , oprah , oyedepo, bill gate are not better than me niether do they have 2 heads. D irony is that they all come from d same background as those demwitts that have refused to use the brain God gave them to achieve Gods plan for them. The sad part for them and the good part for people like me is that 'no brain goes to waste if u won't use it for urself someone else will help u use it. Man of God indeed, u nko , what are u ? Man of devil. Hiss dumb fucks

Ikunkun Babbles said...

And the 'Cardinal" is one to talk/criticize abi???....One who has been unrepentantly oppressing a widow for a couple of decades now,this was in the papers & I personally know, (who knows if there are more).
what does your Bible say about that?? or Do Catholics not use the Bible?
msschewwww, ALL organized religion with "revered" titled leaders with no one to put them in check is nothing to write home about...shikena

Is this the Church Christ is coming back to meet?

God forgive us all......

Anonymous said...

OMG ur really dumb I don't understand y some piple are allowed to post some mumuish comments did Linda write the story or wats Linda's own there with ur mumu talk its so obvious ur d stupid one...I cld send u the daily mail if u don't mind and get off Linda's back...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So his spn is appointed by God too.son of God(SOG).baba Oyedepo pls pray to God to appoint me too so i can become daughter of God(DOG).somebody shout halleluyah.

Olu-omo of d source said...

Your papa not mine.The One i worship sits on the throne in Heaven,has always done and will always do.He gave me direct access so i do not require any medium under any guise to reach my Heavenly Father.

Anonymous said...

Ur soul needs salvation- it is free n undezavd but its there 4 u. Take it n b assured of eternal life.

Anonymous said...

Oops my big epistle was wiped out, let me summarise this time

1. Prosperity gospel and their preachers are the bane of our country's problem. The sheer idea that HARD work can be by-passed or reduced.
2. It promotes corruption, because everybody wants to get rich quick. The only difference is that some do it through the church, other through politics, kidnapping, etc
3. Christ extolled other virtues, that if we practice our society will be a better place. That includes the preacher and the preached.
4. Pentecostal and Non-pentecostal believers alike need to reduce fanaticism when it comes to God. We can't fight for God. The best we can do is be humble, truthful, hard working and exhibit all Christian virtues.
5. Like it or not some poor people will always be amongst us. Both economically and spiritually poor. And it is from them that the rich gets redemption to heaven

HAPPY SUNDAY LIBers and God bless us all on our race to heaven

Anonymous said...

This man dey flex shall...all in the name of God

Anonymous said...

Where in dat article did u c "accordin2linda ikeji" ? Linda neva made ny coment abt d article,she only postd it here4u2read nd b informd.weda its true or not,dats not her biz,dats jst wats bin said abt d Man.its nw left4u2decide weda2belive or not!dat bin said,i personally belive churches shd use deir "oferings" to help the wld hv bin beta if d resturant is opend2giv d hungry free food 3tymz daily or d sch is opend2 provide education 4dose dat cnt afford it...smtin lyk wat oprah did in SA.#jst sayin thuo...uju

Anonymous said...

Why Cant him just give out the private jet for those homeless cos of the Flood. He nor see that one...Its not matter of Dont judge, @this time we have to judge ooo..cos when jesus was on earth with the heritage and respect, he never leave a luxurious life.

Egoruomare Efiok Eyo Efiok said...

Linda, I'm beginning to be worried about you, honest. Like seriously worried. I know you didn't write the main article, but you shouldn't have published it. You don't have to publish everything you think is newsworthy Linda, especially when it can cause major hurt.

When David had opportunities to kill Saul after the attempts on his life failed, he didn't. Even though Saul had backslidden and God had left him, David said, "God forbid that I will touch the Lord's anointed". All I'm saying is, whether pastors are fake or real, God clearly tells us in the bible, "touch not my anointed", meaning that only God has the right to touch them. Even if I think in my heart that a pastor is fake, my fear of God is too strong for me to publish my thoughts in public.

I don't know Bishop Oyedepo and don't attend his church, I am just advising you as your friend to be careful. Don't follow the maddening crowd.

You've done so well with the Aluu campaign. Please continue on that path and forget about posting negative stories about pastors.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

personally i dont really hv a problem with him hvin so much fact i do but let me shift my worry to d slappin n condemnig of a girl to hell ( i tot d job of MOG was to rescue ppl frm dat place?) anyways my pastor once slapped a man in church for givin false prohecy abt his family n d church BUT wen he got back to his senses he seeked God's 4giveness n dat of d church n he even absented from d pulpit for over a month to plead 4 forgiveness, correct me if i'm wrong but im yet to see any publication by 'Bishop' Oyedepo wia he apologised to d members of d church n aknowelgde dat he was wrong for slappin n condeming God's creation 2 hell, instead i heard he brags about it....please for all y'll sayin judge not ask ur self dis question, would d christ which u'v read about act dis way?

dazzy said...

Gbam ! It's a shame that most Nigerians worship there pastors not God.

Anonymous said...

Read- Nehemiah 10:38- ur tithe should go to God's house. What u give to d less privilege is not for God. Tithe is for the Lord - Leviticus 27:30. Even father Abraham, paid tithes to Priest Melchizedek- Genesis 14:20 and this priest was likened to Jesus- Hebrew 6:20. Need I say more? Study ur bible thoroughly 2 Tim 2:15

Uduak Dyamond said...

Linda stop publishing news about men of God, it is not our place to judge them. I beg of U.....

Unknown said... all this, God will be the judge on the final day


is it everything you must blog... do you fear God at all

Anonymous said...

Do not worry man of GOD. Anytime anyone is successful there are those who are ready to tear him down. This storm will soon pass. Let them write whatever they like. These same people crucified Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Urgggh...I cant just imagine what dragon balls taste like. Hot, Sulphuric and brimstonish...Taste of HELL,Devils arse mayb!! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Reead deutronomy 26 v 12 " the year of tithing give to the levite, the stranger,the fatherless and the widoe thatbthey may eat within your gate." That is the tithe of tithes expected by the lord to be made by a priest. So a priest pays ttithe too and the congregation can also give to these persons other than the pastor for their upkeep. The thing is just so misunderstood that I know a girl in my hostel that refused a request for a loan of 2k from an indegent student cos "its my tithe". She forgot, what so ever you to to the least of my brothers you do unto me.


But waitoo child of God and man of God,who's more closer and dearer to God,just asking.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

To all those blaming Linda, I think ur all bias. Linda has only culled the information and moreover, she has passed no judgement that the pastor is good or bad. This info is for all to read and reason. The bible, at the very least has not rebuked any man from reasoning. The new testament is filled with all the works of Jesus Christ and its there for you to read and reason which is meditation. Will u all say the writer should omit one of the deeds of Christ? If your answer is no, then, the deeds of a pastor can be written boldly in black and white for men to meditate too. If those deeds are against the bible then its up to each man to make his own conclusion, but the bible has not said activities of pastors should not be talked or written about.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 1:01, u are a living monkey. in case u don't know, Linda promotes lesbianism in more subtle ways than none. check out the last week's post of cassie and nicki minaj u blind fowl...and yes, I a, a member. do ur worst ofe mmanu. b

Anonymous said...

Uhmm... I just believe we shouldn't condemn a man of God. U can't be so sure mehn. The controversies are everywhere. If u follow the controversies ull stop believing in God completely. Pastor Chris said that masturbation isn't a sin tOo. All na talk. What matters is ur PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God. I attend RCCG. Buh I definitely don't worship Pa Adeboye. I worship God. So if I hear he's a thief tomorrow. E nor concern mE. People that let this thing get to them, is it Oyedepo you're worshipping? When e go pain mE na if I hear say God na thief. Like I said, tis our relationship with God that matters, not with pastors.

Anonymous said...

The scenario the journalist talks about is what u see in many churches today. I believe in tithing which is giving 10% of your earnings for the upkeep of the church . I believe he is a true man of God but I don't think his lavish living is proper , he needs to check that. ...
Even pastors fall short because they are human ,he needs to go back to God with humility. ..
Lastly pls all those ignorant people that are telling linda to not have posted this because he is a pastor , you guys seriously need to check your mentality .

Anonymous said...

Only ignorant people will ask for Pastor's to be left alone to gods judgement. These so called men of god mostly crooks. You can get away with all that nonsense in Nigeria but never in the UK. He's a PASTORPRENEUR. I still dont believe that these blind peeps still don't see how corrupt some of our pastors are. That's what religion does to people. It remains the opiate of the masses. No religion for me o!

Ehizzy said...

That's why people will always be poor. Why are you people asking linda not to put up stories about Men of God? At least you should all know what your pastors are up to. Nobody is judging anybody here, its just what is in the news and she published it. That's why the bible say my people perish from lack of knowledge. In the US here, some pastors give weekly account to their members on how money was spent and what is remaining in the church account. Some people here have small minds. RUBBISH.

Unknown said...

Jesus never lived a life of extravagance, born in a manger and died on the cross.The scripture says narrow is the path that leads to life,only a few find it but broad and easy is the path that leads to destruction and many go into it.
As Christians we should emulate the humility of Christ, not just to go after riches.

Anonymous said...

That anon screaming "STOP TARGETING OYEDEPO", its people like you that will donate your life savings to the church and watch as oyedepo's stomach is getting fatter. I really dont know why some Nigerians are so blind. Wetin concern pastor with more than two private jets? Do you ever sit down to think where is this man getting his money from? Open your eyes, he does not practice what he preaches, he's an exploiter and he's successful because he's using God's name.

Anonymous said...

Do not judge so thee might not be judged ooooo... Salvation is personal. If you believe by giving you will receive, it will definetly work for you. But if you don't believe, no matter how much you give, you can never get back. Its all about having faith and believing, it will all turn out good. As for me, I don't pay my tithes to the church instead, give it straight to the orphans in the orphanage homes.

coffee,milk and sugar said...

nobody was forced to give,nobody was brainwashed...if u adhere to the bible then you would understand what it means to give its nobodys business..its between u and ur GOD

as for LINDA, leave her alone shes publishing what she has seen....her own comment aint here so she has not judged anybody

what i dont understand is pple sayin we are in no position 2 judge him..TRUE! buh we have every right to say it as we see it..its called FREEDOM OF if he has done wrong we shouldnt speak? we are in the 21st century 4 chrissakes....if we cant talk about this, then nobody should speak about any political officeholder,or any murderer....lets w8 4 God 2 come and judge them!

Anonymous said...

People should mind their business and stop judging a man of God. He is accountable to God and not man. People are being blessed through him daily.

Anonymous said...

As if God won't judGe all of us! Trash talkers!

Anonymous said...

I hate d dude cos he's dubious dats my point of view he's wicked hw can dis guy single handely own all dese things in still we r not noticing any positive effect of him on d society a pastor is meant to be humble not going around buying private jets can't he give dat money to his less privileged congregation dats y I luv TB joshua dis one just want to be getting fat off others pls he can like to own nigeria too msshewwww! Linda sweetie abeg anoda story expose dem all if u don't like it den on to d next story

Anonymous said...

Are 80% of you so dejected that you can not see this wolf in sheep clothing for what he is.

By exposing this, Linda would justified, because she is removing blinders from the eyes of the blind and lost.

Jesus did not steal from the temple, he fought those who exploited the house of God, his ministry was for the needy and not to buy a convoy of donkeys, he walked everywhere.

As a illuminatist (bringing light to the darkness), my war is against organized religion that corrupts and exploits the innocent. Be brave and expose these thieves instead of murdering boys for hearsay....

Linda, may you remain untouched. A war has begun, and you chose the wrong side at your peril, the gods that they claim to worship are on trial and they will be exposed.

Embrace light and free your minds.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

To those who have a problem with tithing: the bible says bring all the tithes & offerings to my house. Is it not strange that u can bring ur offerings to the house, but not ur tithe!
Also note that the bible didn't say if ur Pastor is rich u r exempted from tithing or sowing seeds!

The eternal life that we have received entitles us to divine health, that's why d bible says "by his stripes we were healed", so if I was healed over 2000 years ago, what business do I have with sickness today? It ll work 4 those that believe.

Those vulnerable that the pastor is interested in, would the journalist rather have them commit suicide or remain homeless? (btw Frank Edwards was once living under a bridge in Lagos,
we have all seen how as a result of making himself available to God in his house has turned that matter around.)

People who are saying that Bishop is exploiting the poor should go and read the story of the widow of Zeraphat! and afterwards answer whether Prophet Elijah exploited the widow or not.

It will interest the people who are castigating the bishop to know that when the devil (fmr No1 angel,who @ the time was cast out) wanted to claim the body of Moses, Arch-Angel Micheal didn't tell insult him (cuz the devil was FORMERLY his Snr & more annointed) instead he said "the Lord rebuke you", so LIBers if u feel aggrieved by Bishops modus operandi leave him to God cuz the matter is too too high 4 u!

The journalist didn't tell us what was preached on the day he/she attended or whether he/she even sowed! Who even knows whether he sowed and might be reaping a blessing in uk and people are here heaping ****** on themselves!

UK govt. doesn't mind shell and BA sending almost 100% of its profit back to them, but are concerned that the church is remittiing 73% of its proceeds to Nigeria #SMH.

Finally,LIBers, receiving doesn't make any1 rich, but giving does, remember givers not recievers never lack. So for Bishop to be so wealthy he must be a giver, so be wise and start giving!

Em Linda which church do u attend?

Anonymous said...

Pls linda leave men of God alone. This man have been a minister for over 30yrs with fleets of businesses such as the university u knw today. Do u expect such a man to be a poor. or do u expect him to invite media houses such as u to witness him giving to the poor.
the bible named david a man after God's own heart not because he was rightous but because he knew his God and stood by him. After all he took another man wife and killed her husband.
I will advise u to be careful so u won't invite the rot of God on you just as God caused the only barren woman in the bible because she was ashamed and laughed at david for dancing naked in public whn the ark of God was been returned.
My dear sister leave God to do his own thing. For God choose to have mercy on whom he pleases to. So if bishop David Oyedepo hav found favour before who are we to judge

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
Its interesting to note that you have haven't posted anythIng positive about any man of God or any church ministry.
Is it that you are unaware of whether or not they do positive things?
You don't even promote church programmes on your blog!!
You need to apply wisdom o, this your way is suspicious me ll pray 4 u.
I'm sure u weren't sent to promote oral sex but paste reports portraying MOGs in bad light.
Yours sincerely,

Anonymous said...

It comes from the holy book you dimwit which you can read yourself. But since most if you are lazy and quickly jump to conclusion without understanding fact it's easy to fool you. Keep lining the Pastors pockets.smdh

Anonymous said...

Some people are just so senseless can some of you read.The story was published by daily mail so linda as sin by bringing the news to us.You mother and father are in the village surfing you are giving everything you have to a pastor and you can't take care of your parent and family's you most be mad and you can still open your mouth to say don't judge the man of God.Nah you and God do meeting wa he tell you say Mr A or B is my man.My friend don't be deceive help the needy close to you before you give all you have to your so called pastor. Only God knows best at the end of the day we will all know who is who. Nonsense post my comment oo linda i dey vex mehn

Hawt Berry said...

What exactly is you people's own with your frequent complaint about men of God, tithes and offerings. It shows so much of your shallow mindedness and distanced relationship with God. Tithing, offering... are kingdom principle that works great for those who practice them with in-depth understanding. I always look forward to paying my tithe and offering. Even pay mission offering as led by the Holy spirit. Not that only, I practice first fruit because I understand it and decided to tap into the blessings attached to it. Believe me since I started, every subsequent first fruit and tithe I pay increases, because I moved from just okay job, to good job, to better job... and each job pays higher than the last. I am not a Winners member. I pay all these into my church account, a small church but large in God's sight. I don't care what my Pastor does with the money He will account to God on that. My business is with God and He sees the heart with which I pay. It is only the ignorant about all these church and money affairs that remain poor and wretched or even make empty noise over how the resources are being managed. More so some people go to church and still go to worship Idols, Kingdom Principles wont work for you. Serve God and God alone and He will open the doors of Heaven to you, reveal to you as His child the Hidden treasures... You dont need to be cajoled to give or sow seeds, if you have a relationship with God, His Spirit that lives in You will guide you. My pastor doesn't preach tithe, offering, first fruit. I pay them out of my own volition because I have studied the bible and understood those things. No pastor can get money out of my pocket if my spirit has not told me to release it. Stop making empty noises. Grow up spiritually and you will understand all these things better...

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.46 I think God will bless you more for doing and you can sleep better at night knowing you didn't contribute to someone's jet fuel.

Anonymous said...

Linda you seem to enjoy any negative news concerning Bishop Oyedepo. No one is forced to make donations in church. The law of giving is very simple when you give you receive, when u sow u reap. Abiola that was a muslem when asked secret to his wealth said he was a giver. I ve never anyone that got beaten or thrown out of church because they didn't give. Let God be the judge. I'm sure you Linda enjoy all this bad press about men of God and you enjoy reading all the negative comments.

chinwe said...

Na waoh. Why are pple attacking linda? Is she the one that drafted the story? The story ws 'culled' fom UK mail. Una de here de castigate Linda, Saharareporters also has the news on the site and very soon it will spread like wildfire. A blogger reserves the right to put up any story she deems fit. We either take it or leave it. No be by force.

Anonymous said...

How easy do u think it can it be for a righteous but poor man, 2 convert a billionaire sinner...#food for thought# think carefully

Anonymous said...

All you people defending Oyedebo are all just stupid. I think the real problem here is a lack of good education. If you don't have the ability to think and reason for yourself then of course you would follow blindly like a Sheep. And to make matters worse you actually go around proclaiming that you are his flock. ODE!!!
The only one deserving of such adulation is the Lord God Almighty.
Nigerians, open your eyes to this foolishness. For God's sake, this man has four private jets!!! When Jesus was here how many did he have? Did he charge people for prayers? Did he not treat the rich and poor alike?
Oyedebo has been exploiting your fatih to line his pockets and yet you open your mouth to defend him. If that isn't stupidity I don't know what is.
And one last point. Everybody seems to have forgotten what being a christian is about. It is about love, sacrifice and persecution in the name of God. it is NOT about you. So someone that tells you that your donations will ensure that you will be "financial promoted" is clearly confused about what the point of chirstianity is. Christianity is not an investment opportunity. You dont give because you want to be blessed! you give because you want to help the poor and spread God's word. If that is not the reason behind all your tithes and donations, you might as well leave the money in your pocket and go home


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:16 may d merciful Lord forgive u,if u can't believe heaven and hell exist,den u sure don't believe there's God,let alone Jesus,d son of God,its in d bible,dou shall nt blaspheme,u v no right to judge whtsoever,neida does d media has d right also,beta accept Jesus as ur personal Lord and Saviour,nw u still v d time,before its late, as for d media,to dem dey r doing their Job,on d last day,I don't tink their office wld b there to speak for dem, den linda my second,I carry Jesus beg u,alwys think twice before u post stuffs like dis,dts if u r a true christian,cos I wld do same,if I were in ur shoes,#before ur insults start,I'm not a member of d. Church,but gv to ceaser wht is ceaser s!maka aadighi ama ama!a wrd is enof for d wise! Check mattew 5,and c wht was said one calling a bro a fool!Remain blessed! Give ur life to christ ooooo

viki said...

My dear (@Oluomo of d source) pls tell them, did u see anywher were linda said nything abt the man, this was written by sm1 else n she's jes tellin u wat is hapnin nd u all r runnin ur mouths abt judgement! Nawa o

IDRiSS said...

Oyedepo has not just one university; the known Covenant University....he also has another one in his home town "Omu-Aran" called Landmark big enough to create a state.

Anonymous said...

Dis money,power,influence dis man has or is striving for with outlook,jst mayb sum day wud serve as a tool 2 save a lot of christians...frm d nxt destruction of d world...*ark* *noah* ring a bell*....jst sayin...*shhh*

Anonymous said...

Herein lies the conclusion of the matter...Jesus is coming,and his coming is soon!on judgement day,na you go ansa for yourself oooh....Plus you Linda,plus Bishop Oyedepo.Everyone go ansa their name!

Warri Girl said...

Praise the Lord and pass your bank book. The highway to heaven is heavily tolled.

Anonymous said...

And my dear,apart frm teaching in d temple,Jesus has has smthing doing,he was helping the father in his carpentary wrks!he earns for living too,so for pastors to v business to me oooo,is nt bad!(Make una no kee me o,dts my own opinion)

Truthville said...

At this juncture i would like to take the mind of those of us who are TRUE Christians back to the persecution and eventual cruxification of Jesus Christ.Here was a man who was always preaching,healing the sick and telling everyone that cared to listen that He was the son of God,and what happened,people in their ignorance persecuted,called him all sought of names,brandishing him to be a fraud and deceiver,the rest of the story you all know. I am not comparing my father in the Lord with our Lord Jesus Christ, but rather i am drawing your attention to what happens each time someone is succesful;jealousy and persecution.even in your local street when you see your neighbour drive pass with a jeep,people stat murmuring in their mind,an act of jealousy as far as i am concerned. Now the ignorant reporter who went undercover has only one mission in mind,to persecute Oyedepo,his report was not rational,rather was it objective.The envelope he claimed was given to worshipers was not "donation" envelopes as he puts it,its offerring and tithing envelopes,and ofcourse for those of us who are conversant with financial trends all over the world,we would know that UK is a cashless society,people dont always carry cash around,so if it is indicated on an offering envelope that offering can be made with debit card or cheque,then it is ignorance for those of you making it sound like its a fraud. It is also obvious that the reporter is not a believer,else he will know that there is nothing wrong in making phrophetic declarations about prosperity.The bible is clear about the principles of thithing and offerring,there is absolutely nothing wrong in what he reported.The idea behind the envelopes given to worshipers,not just in Winners chapel,it is a practice in most churches if not all churches,is to make a presentable offering to God as opposed squeezing notes inyour hand and just dropping it in the offering basket,you would all understand why presentation is important,while going for an interview you dress presentable, even on a date you want to look good for the babe or the guy,so lets understand the idea behind the envelopes,even in the bible when Cain and Abel made their offerings to God,the only reason Cain's offering was not accepted was because it was not presentable. As for the jets allegedly owned by Oyedepo, first of all Oyedepo do not own the Jets, Winners Chapel does,and so because Oyedepo is the face of the church being the General overseer, rather than people seeing the church they see Oyedepo.These jets are used for gospel outreach,have you ever heard he uses it otherwise?

Truthville said...

The church,and am saying this because i know so,is involved in millions of charitable work, people make ignorant remarks such as, "Oyedepo owns jet while his worshippers cannot afford three square meal"...this is absolute rubbish,absolute ignorance!! There is no worshiper,and i mean true worshipper in Winners Chappel that is poor.It is not Oyedepo's duty to give everybody money,it is his duty to teach them biblical access to divine wealth.Now it is not everybody that attends church that obey does what is expectd of them, it is not everyone that seek God face whether or not they attend church,therefore it is not Oyedepo's duty to enrich his followers but to teach them how to.On a final note, most of us do not understand the role of the church in the 21st century and this is rather unfortunate,unbelievers are transforming the world and making it what and how they want the world to be like, the church cannot sit back and fold its arms, the church has a major role to play in restoring the world back to its original dignity,am sure most of us today complains about are things are changing everyday, its because we all fold our arms and allow unbelievers to dictate the pace.Whether it is Dominion airlines or establishment of universities or other business ventures that Oyedepo has been accused of venturing into,these are humanitarian services, people are been educated in those universities,jobs are been created with dominion airlines or whatever other businesses the church has bee involved in,the problem in this part of the world is we wait for government to do everything and it cant continue to be like that.Some have argued that Oyedepo's universities are not cheap,well here is what you dont know,good education is not cheap, Oyedepo do not fix minimum wage, Oyedepo do not dictate how much a lecturer or professsors take home,if hes going to employ good academicians it cost money.Even government with the kind of funds it generate increases school fees almost every other year,and its not true to say people cannot afford Covenant university, those who are there am sure they are not ghost,no one should expect that the whole Nigeria will just walk into Convenant university and and be given admission without the resources to procure one. On a final note,and this is particularly for believers, and by believers i mean christians, non-christians can form their oppinion and continue to go on a goose chase,the bible makes it clear.."touch not my annointing and do my prophet no harm" so if u are truly a christian you should stop persecuting men of God,you can form an oppinion, you can talk about them,but God's judgment will be on you if you persecute them, afterall most people who are praising TB.Joshua today called him all sort of names some years back when he was performing miracles in his synagogue saying he is a demon and the man never defended himself,but today, same people have been singing his praises. We all have the right to confusion or ignorance,but when it comes to men of God,please thread softly lest God's judgement come upon you.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Oyedepo is a can quote me on this when he is fully your eye hungry Nigerians...God doesnt work that way

Anonymous said...

Lind u can post this message all yoU want, some weak minded people will still say leave the men of God alone. Instead of giving ur 10% to your church, how about give enough to your church for the upkeep, n give someone to people who's situation r worst than yours, I know you don't believe your 10% is Going to God. In the bible paying your 10% was a form of taxation because the church was the state. That 10% was use for the upkeep of the state, nation, country.. Now churches r independent, sorry o no be baba God dey get your 10% na your pastor. Ps: dee

Anonymous said...

Yes the hausas/muslims give and they also take care of their own that is why u have aboki's as shoe makers, selling stuff and all because They get set up bu the rich and also that is why they are always quick fight in Solidarity bcos their own don't ever forget them. However, I am yet to hear that Oyedepo with all the wealth he is amassing, has buit shelter for the homeless or atleast offered some aid to the flood victims. Jesus fed 3000 (I hope i'm ryt) with 2 loaves of bread and five fishes, not bcos he is a miracle worker but he had compassion for the multitude that came to listen to him and with the little he had, he gave to the ppl, he never asked them to just listen and hv faith that God will provide but he demonstrated to us that if we give from the little we have, we would be surprised to find out that while we were given, that which we gave was being replenished with out our knowing it which is why at the end of the feeding, the leftovers they gathered were more than that which was given. Kg he professes to be a man of faith why keep hourding up? If he knows the word that says store not treasures for yourself on earth why the fleets of private jets? You can say I judged a man of God but I didn't I only voiced my doubts as to him living his life according to the principles Jesus laid for us which I believe is the principles the church is modelled after.

Anonymous said...

Exactly this is exactly what I do.

AJ said...

many of you blabbing about collecting from the poor, obviously do not read your bible! Have you nt heard of the widow's mite? Why didnt Jesus say "Ehyaa, she is poor and should not give her all?" Why did he praise her rather than condemn the act?

Have you heard of Elijah and the other widow who he told to make her last food for him to eat when there was famine in the land? The food she was supposed to eat with her son and then go and die? Why dint the bible say Elijah was wicked and fraudulent?

Ignorance! Even a goat knows that whoever wrote this piece was just trying hard to make the things of God sound like rubbish...with all his inverted commas...

Dnt go and make ur ways straight with God, stay here and be criticizing... Linda, pls we know how much you earn a month and you are single, pls publish info about all your charity works so that we will know U r not "exploiting advertisers and manipulating us into reading ur blog"

Anonymous said...

If there is one pastor I love so much, it's pastor Edwin Bayeibo. He is one pastor I know in enugu that fights for the congregation to grow with the church. He is one pastor I know that if you go to him with u're problem, consider it half solved. I hardly go to church always but whenever I do, he has a word for me. From the little funds the church gets, he takes care of his workers. That church is one church I know that I always have in mind from him, to his wife they are just wonderful. The church is house on the rock enugu. He is one pastor that just motivates me and regardless of what comes the way of that church, they always rise. I just thank God that HOTR does not move pastors like winners chapel, otherwise I wonder what I wouold have done if he gets transferred.

Uchenna said...

This man is a sophisticated scammer.The painful thing is that he is using the name of God in order to aviod criminal investigation.Time will tell .

Anonymous said...

Elijah asked the widow to give her last even when the widow told him that she will do not force people .......if u do not want to give fine......
Some people say that oyedepo and winners do no give to The poor and I u people think that majority of the people in winners poor....some of you also think that the rich in winners are brain washed and so u People are more reasonable than all of them.....funny really......bishop oyedepo has wronged nobody and for me I think he is rather a blessing to Nigeria...Africa and the world....

Anonymous said...

And what makes you think this is not God's way of exposing him? Consider that too.

Anonymous said...

She tell j say na she write am? Kmt.

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