Bishop Benenoch stands firmly on his decision to divorce wife of 20yrs | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 12 October 2012

Bishop Benenoch stands firmly on his decision to divorce wife of 20yrs

It's no longer news that Bishop David Benecoch, the founding pastor of Communion Church, Lagos, is divorcing his wife of 20 years, Esther Benenoch. (If you missed it, read it HERE).

During last Sunday church service, the man of God raised the issue of his impending divorce and told his congregation that his pastor friends have all been asking him to reconsider divorcing his wife. He said there was no going back because it was an instruction from God, and challenged his congregation and anyone against divorce to present a scripture in the bible that condemns it.

The Bishop said a pastor friend of his presented Matthew 5: 31-32, which he said is against divorce.
Matthew 5: 31-32 reads:
It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committed adultery'
Bishop Benenoch then challenged his congregation to read that scripture with understanding. So, is Matthew 5: 31-32 for or against divorce? And also, are there no scriptures that condemn divorce in the bible?


BLOGLORD said...

everybody now quotes the bible to suit them. God is watching.

Didislim said... sad. #SMH

hot girl said...

can peace reign please?

The earth is full of troubles,only the strong will survive-on the last day we shall all gather unto our creator.
what does it profit a man to lose his own soul.
Bishop who preaches is going through a divorce?and he still has his flock?they are all confused.

Anonymous said...

So is he saying dat his wife commited adultery#straight face.

Anonymous said...

hmmm thou shall not judge. Lips sealed. ADY

Anonymous said...

*whao!! i dnt even noe wot 2 say, literally short of words....dis story begs da question: IS MARRIAGE THE ULTIMATE THING IN LIFE OR IS IT THE LAST RESORT FOR BIN HAPPY??!!....God help us all, n please linda post ma comment dis tym..fank U :)

Anonymous said...

*whao!! i dnt even noe wot 2 say, literally short of words....dis story begs da question: IS MARRIAGE THE ULTIMATE THING IN LIFE OR IS IT THE LAST RESORT FOR BIN HAPPY??!!....God help us all, n please linda post ma comment dis tym..fank U :)

Anonymous said...

I think he means that she he has the right to divorce her......that's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Mal 2:16
16 "I hate divorce ," says the LORD God of Israel. "I hate it when one of you does such a cruel thing to his wife. Make sure that you do not break your promise to be faithful to your wife."


Anonymous said...

Mal 2:16
16 "I hate divorce ," says the LORD God of Israel. "I hate it when one of you does such a cruel thing to his wife. Make sure that you do not break your promise to be faithful to your wife."


mama ifu said...

I think he's saying that his wife committed the sin of fornication!

Anonymous said...

The scripture is clear and does not need to be over analyzed. Which is what the Pastor want to occur.
The basis for a scriptural divorce is Adultery and Fornication. Otherwise, any other relationship one entered there after without the above stated reason is considered a adulterous relationship. Thus if he is divorcing for none of the above mentioned, upon remarriage, he would be in an adulterous marriage.
Simple and Clear.

Anonymous said...

The scripture is clear and does not need to be over analyzed. Which is what the Pastor want to occur.
The basis for a scriptural divorce is Adultery and Fornication. Otherwise, any other relationship one entered there after without the above stated reason is considered a adulterous relationship. Thus if he is divorcing for none of the above mentioned, upon remarriage, he would be in an adulterous marriage.
Simple and Clear.

Anonymous said...

Na wa ooo....this is a big problem....if pastor divorces he's wife...then it means everyone can do so....what is this world turning to self...mshh

Anonymous said...

Jokers! This is how they reveal themselves one by one. I amsure he has preached against divorce a million times before. But now twists the word to his advantage. Very good for these stupid nigerians who worship pastors. L ook at the foolish liar claiming that God instructed him to divorce his wife. I guess that happened in his dreams. If he no longer loves his wife or they are having problems,which he is unable to settle, why lie that God told you to do so
What reason did God give him? These are the sort of idiots that stupid nigerian crazies follow.

Anonymous said...

The Lord is against divotce; read Malachi 2:14-16 it talks about dealing treacherously with the wife of your youth and that God HATES divorce. He allows for divorce only on the grounds of fornication/adultery. And that is only because men don't forgive that and the law of Moses allowed that because then the period of Grace had not come.

Warri Girl said...

I think its obvious that the scripture condemns divorce


I think the passage explains y he is divorcing his wife...Fornication.....Any other reason isn't accepted, from my understanding of the passage o..I stand to be corrected sha.

Anonymous said...

This is how you know that this pastor is a fake pastor. Whoever he's fucking at the moment must have a much sweeter pussy than his wife's. So now he's trying to defend his actions by saying God told him to do it. How can God contradict himself? And how is THAT scripture not against divorce?

Useless man.


Anonymous said...

Linda mind ur business. Ur self righteousness is getting out of hand. Leave it to them and God. And go find ur own husband.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only if she commits dat d case of d bishop's wife??? #just asking

Anonymous said...

D bible agrees wit divorce only on d ground of 4nicatn,nothing else.And,so far as dey r both alive,dey cant re-marry cos then,dey will b comitng adultery xcept if one of dem is no longer livng can dey called pastors,pls read d bible wit understandng nd stop sayng God gave u instructns.When God approached abraham,he also spoke 2 his wife sarah.Did God spk 2 ur wife about d divorce?DECEIVERS!


To my own understanding,I guess d scripture verse gave fornication as d only ground for divorce. But in d book Malachi chapter 2:16, it stated dat d Lord God of Israel hates divorce,and also in d book of Mathew chapter 19:6 it stated dat what God has joined together let no man put assunder.
Anyway all dis scripture quotations aint for somebody whose mind is madeup already.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Is the pastor trying to say that his wife committed adultery; I came to this conclusion by reading the scripture he quoted.

Anonymous said...

Read with understanding? Is he trying to tell us adultery was involved?

Samuel farrington said...

The bishop will do well to explain the reasons for his decision,instead of murking the waters.The scripture he is coting has two sides to it.Yes he is with in his rights to seek a divorce if his wife was unfaithful to him by commiting fornication or adultery as in the case of Matthew 19:9.He should just state to his congregation that his wife has broken their covenant and thus he has decided to end the union biblically.Anything short of adultary the bishop has no grounds to stand on.I hope he dose'nt have his eyes on another sister in the church.


This shows clearly how these so called men of God interpret the bible to suit their purpose. It is best to be simple at heart when reading the Bible so you can understand, but when you start seeking for what is not there...the devil begins to give you interpretations of the flesh!

We will all be alive to see the real reason behind his divorcing his wife...I always tell people to stand with God and not with these flesh inspired business oriented 'men of God'

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this guy is hearing from God or he is beginning to hear strange voices. Well, has the wife said anything yet?

Honest Nigerian said...

The inadmissibility of absolute divorce was ordained by Christ Himself according to the testimony of the Apostles and Evangelists: "Whoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if the wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery" (Mark 10:11, 12 — Cf. Matthew 19:9; Luke 16:18). In like manner, St. Paul: "To them that are married, not I but the Lord commandeth, that the wife depart not from her husband. And if she depart, she remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband. And let not the husband put away his wife" (1 Corinthians 7:10, 11). In these words Christ restored the original indissolubility of marriage as it had been ordained by God in the Creation and was grounded in human nature. This is expressly stated by Him against the Pharisees, who put forward the separation allowed by Moses: "Moses by reason of hardness of your heart permitted you to put away your wives": but from the beginning it was not so" (Matthew 19:8); "He who made man from the beginning, made them male and female. And he said: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder" (Matthew 19:4-6). The indissolubility of all marriage, not merely of Christian marriage, is here affirmed. The permanence of marriage for the whole human race according to natural law is here confirmed and ratified by a Divine positive ordinance.

BIBI said...

so God ask him 2 divorce his wife after 2o yrs. d greatest sin a man can commit is 2 lie against de holy spirit of God.

Anonymous said...

please you people should stop call this men man of God bcos they are playing with the name of God, how will God ask you to marry a lady and after 20yrs God will still ask you to divorce her? they are morkers and not my of God ok

Anonymous said...

It funny how most pastors and bishops are divorcing their wives these days. A bit of advie ' PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH'. noff said!!!

Unknown said...

Hmm! i guess he is saying his wife committed adultery, that is if i understand that scripture well... whatever the case, na him and God go settle that one.
check me out----

Chidi said...

Bishop if this is your understanding of that verse of scripture then i am sorry for all those who sit under your ministry sunday in and out because you are misleading them. Didnt you see MALACHI 2:16?? Go ahead and divorce your wife and remarry, we shall meet in heaven.

Anonymous said...

The man is implying that his wife has committed adultery. That is the only exception to the rule, according to that Bible passage....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

" that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication". Linda I tot u'd ask if the pastors wife committed fornication.

Saythetruth said...

based on that scripture, is he trying to tell us she cheated?

Unknown said...

what is happening dis yr like this na...???? Signs of end tym?

Unknown said...

what is happening dis yr like this na...???? Signs of end tym?

Anonymous said...

My dear Linda, it doesn't get clearer than this:

Malachi 2:15-16
“.....Therefore take heed to your spirit,
And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.

16. For the Lord God of Israel says
That He hates divorce,
For it covers one’s garment with violence,”
Says the Lord of hosts.
“Therefore take heed to your spirit,
That you do not deal treacherously.”

It really does cover one's garment with violence. that's y many divorces are brutal, rough. every word u can think of. IF God says He hates something. I dunno what else this Bishop wants to hear.

kemi said...

Linda, Is it true big brother 7's seydou, talia, tamara and julio are in nigeria for a reality show?

kemi said...

Linda, Is it true big brother 7's seydou, talia, tamara and julio are in nigeria and filming a reality show? Been hearing stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for all those who attend your service Bishop. So none could challenge you with Malachi 2:16? You are misleading people Sir. You are walking in error, repent now and take back your wife.

Anonymous said...

He's saying his wife committed fornication.... How about "He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so...."Mat 19:8 and Mal 2:16 ""For I hate divorce!" says the LORD, the God of Israel.."

Anonymous said...

Linda, is it true big brothers seydou, talia, tamara ad julio are in nigeria and shooting a reality show?

Anonymous said...

the problem with Christianity is the translation and interpretation of the scripture. The bishop just did this to support his case........too bad

Unknown said...

So we should read inbetween the lines abi? Woteva happened to forgiveness? Itz in d scriptures too nau # saddening, real saddening#

African Sweetheart said...

Such a shame

Hrm paul Ojeih said...

Why wont he twist the bible to suit his purpose he has d guts to dare his members abi no wahala he was lucky dat i was not in the congregation i would have told him my mind some men of God will definitely account for their sins and decisions even the ones that have 4 jets and still counting

Anonymous said...

Linda, I only enjoy reading other people`s post from ur blog, but i need to say something.
This woman came to preach in my church during the last women`s conference and I must confess that it was powerful. The couple have been together since her days in the university.
This news of their divorce has really broken my heart cos marriage is an institution ordained by God himself.
Well, I wasnt there when God spoke to him, neither can I say he`s lying cos he should know the implication of lying against God. Above all, let`s pray for this nation cos the devil is not resting but we will win in Jesus name (Amen).

fay said...

well, the man of God has chosen to divorce his wife. let him go ahead and satisfy himself. we humans have a way of doing whatever we set our mind on, be it detrimental to us or not

na hin sabi, trust humans to translate the bible to suit their present condition.

pastor, carry go. God is watching us all!

Anonymous said...

Malachi 2:16 “The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,”[a] says the Lord Almighty.

So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful.
(a)“I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “because the man who divorces his wife covers his garment with violence,”(niv)

Anonymous said...

Malachi 2:14-16

Anonymous said...

Better post my long sermon linda

Anonymous said...

Well the way i see it, the bible condemns divorce, but only supports it when there its on the ground of non performance of conjugal duties. So is he saying that if we read the passage we would know why he needs to divorce her? God have mercy on us all because i dont know how he has a right to counsel his congregation on hope and restoration if he is so adamant about his personal life.hmmmn.

Hourayh said...

Linda, if he quoted that scripture in that way and challenged the congregation in the way u described, then he was implicitly passing a message and giving the reason for his decision.
Asking them to read ''with understanding'' says A LOT!

Anonymous said...

marriage is an institution by God in which a vow is made saying it is 4 better or for worst till death do them part. so i see no reason why one party should part no matter what the other did. pls we shouldn't b doing d wrong thing n hide under the canopy dat it is d lord's will or instruction.

Anonymous said...

Ndi bishop msheeewwwww

Anonymous said...

Why are this people taking the name of the lord in vain????

Anonymous said...

Very egoistic. Why the drama? If you are divorcing, go ahead, do it and give it a rest.
There is nothing to prove other than the fact that you want a change in your life or maybe the marriage was a farce in the first place.

I don't know the wife but enough already. i blame the people that follow people like him calling him 'man of God'
That's where the big head comes from. He will soon say his is the second coming.

By the way, someone should tell him to leave God out of his messy life and lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

God is watching u mr bishop....

Anonymous said...

pastor chris okotie has set another bad example,all the small girls in church now warm his bed.Lord pls help us

Anonymous said...

Who cares mr bishop marriage is not a do or die thing anyways. Thank God that your wife is pretty see ur ugly face self rubbish...

Anonymous said...

choi!!!!! God has suffered, one day God will slap some people's mouth straight from heaven. pls do ur thing if u wish and stop involving the name of God to it. bishop my foot

Anonymous said...

I wonder what he will be teaching his members?... Sometimes I do ask God why would he allow this people to be using his name for granted

Virtue said...

Is he indirectly accusing his wife of adultery/fornication? Hmm....odikwa egwu! This life...!

MoneyLife said...

Judgement day go dey very interesting. The Bible is against divorce. Simple. When you look for too much understanding you will miss your way.

Eze said...

Jesus clearly said that one can divorce his wife for infidelity.So divorcing for selfish means is so wrong.I pray for him to change his ways.

ivy said...

Wait o! So God told him 2 divorce his wife.....isn't it d same God dt allowed him marry d woman? Mr. Bishop, its obvious we don't serve d same God cuz my God doznt make mistakes @ all. Imagine o!

Anonymous said...

i like how people interpret the bible to suit them

Anonymous said...

na wa o for all dis pastors, very soon now they will twist the scriptures and say God said it's ok to steal, kill and destory Aka be the devil.hmm!

jojoophina said...

Gangnam Style......... 9th wonder of the world linda mbok post my comment

Anonymous said...

I am very careful in commenting about stuffs that involve Men/women of God because I respect the anionting of God upon their lives. If he is quoting that scripture and asking his congregation to read it with 'understanding', then is he trying to say : "if my wife commits fornication/adultery then there is nothing wrong in divorcing her", which he is right about based that scripture that says divorce shld only be done in the situation of fornication/adultery.
But I ask myself, even if she cheated on him (just for the sake of this discussion), what happens to forgiveness? Like my yoruba will say : ori bibe ko ni ogun ori fifo, translation : beheading yourself is not the medicine to your headache.
What about restoring in love? Well it confirms my thinking that the best of men is still a man, if the table was turn-around, a woman would have stood by a man while he reads his apologetic speech as a press release...hw come rules change when men are served their bitter pills...well I wish all the best, hope she has her support group to help her weather this storm, the holy spirit will be real and comfort you all the for me,I have condoned fidelity while single, when I met my husband, I made it clear, u cheat on me, I know, I kick ur ass to the curb in the coldest winter with -25 degrees, either u call ur mother to come from Naija to rescue u or u die of Hypothermia...

Anonymous said...

Malachi 2:16 The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the LORD, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect, says the LORD Almighty.
1 Corinthians 7:10-11 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
1 Corinthians 7:15 If your husband or wife isn’t a follower of the Lord and decides to divorce you, then you should agree to it. You are no longer bound to that person. After all, God chose you and wants you to live at peace

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! This is news to me ˚˚°Âºoo that used to be my Bishop until there was too many drama in the church. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. ​so ​so sad. Awwwwww :(

The Issue said...

hmmm. There's really cause for alarm in our society. It should be known that the family is the bedrock of Christianity through which God fufills his purpose in our communities and the world through our lives. Now what do we think the devil will attack the most? The break down of the family unit leads to the break down in the society and ultimately the world. Now in the case of Nigeria where pastors are in most case seen as mini-gods (unfortunately)to whom their followers sometimes follow blindly while hanging on to every word as the ultimate doctrine, it is sad to see they are (in my opinion) allowing the devil to use them to be the foremost instruments in the break down of the family unit. With this recent trend of pastors divorcing there wives and claiming its Scriptural, how in God's name do they counsel marital problems. It'll soon get to a point where it becomes a norm for individuals to go into marriage with the notion at the back of their minds that they can always get out of it cos of a flaw in the laws of Moses in which Jesus condemns and God says he hates. There's problem in out country my pple, forget corruption this will be a bigger nemesis if we don't address it head on.

Anonymous said...

Naijadeltapikin...B4 U̶̲̥̅̊ knw now this pastor will bring another woman n say ÈŠ̊§ the new wife na waohh all this our man of God, God please us

Agala Michael said...

Please tell me if a married woman can commit fornication? as the bible says, we need to understand that God is a wise God, whatever God has joined together let no man put asunder including you(parties involved), God does not like divorce, thats why i think He used that word fornication, again I ask, can a married woman commit fornication?

Anonymous said...

Bishop when you are divorce even on fornication ground, you are stay unmarried if not you are committing adultery. You know Bishop adulteress will never never have God's Holy spirit. Abi that one no dey inside bible, yeye people.

Anonymous said...

We have heard from the Bishop abi Bimarket? Let the madam talk her story too. But if she is not guilty of the only condition the Bible allows for divorce the I guess she is leaving the matter to Baba God to deal with His servant. Bishop , I no envy you answering,and /or receiving Baba's query oo? *big sigh*

Unknown said...

Paaaaaastor don't U forgive as ur GOD forgiven U, what are U preaching to d congregation U need to follow d step of our Lord JESUS CHRIST by forgive and forget whatsoever sin She had committed 20yrs of marriage is not a small journey Bishop U need to make ur right now, abi another woman is outside there remember that woman is not a virgin

Anonymous said...

Honestly christians have to be careful,don't just enter any place in the name of church,we don't have to look too hard to see what these pastors are!God clearly states that he hates Divorce and dis man isn't afraid to say God gave him instructn to divorce his wife?we are in the last days and so many false prophets are here to lead people to hell.the great commissn which is to preach d gospel to d world (salvatn)is being replaced wit prosperity.Mark 10:25 it is easier for a camel to go thru d eye of a needle than 4 a rich man to enter heaven!am not against properity but all am sayin is dat our prorities r in d wrong ur bible and kno GOD for urself.we have anti bomb squad in our churches to protect us against Bombs forgetting dat if God does nt watch ova a people in vain do d watchmen kip awake!God help us

Anonymous said...

mumu. lets take it literally what he is saying is that he wants her to be an adultress in the sight of God. what an example to be emulated. U people better leave fake pastors-NEWYORKER

Anonymous said...

adultery u mean

Anonymous said...

So if the pastor is giving us an hint that the wife committed adultery and on that ground he wants a question to him is this:are we living in the time of moses or Jesus,wat happens to what God has joine together let no man put to assunder,wat happens to forgiveness that Christ preached about and how does he counsel his congregation when they come to him with issues like this,does he give them the express right to go ahead and candid advice is that he should watch it,less he derails......

Anonymous said...

Even the bible confirms it that by their fruits u shall know them so i'm not suprised. may God help us all

Anonymous said...

he just accused his wife of infidelity

Anonymous said...

Marriage is to be ejoyed and not endured. Let him be judged by God for he is the only one who truely knows his heart. So many remain in marriages which unhealthy and bred dysfunction. People have been murdered as a result of being in bad marriages. God wants us all to be happy and loving towards one another. It's nobody's business! Sad and tough thing to go thru being a man of the cloth. I admire his courage.

Anonymous said...

The seventy times seven principe: matt. 18: 21-22. -n Jesus' own words. Pastor Ben Enoch. Please forgive your wife for whatever sin she has committed against you. God has forgiven her already. Why won't you? If God counts our transgressions, who would remain? Pls forgive and restore. Set an example for us younger ones. Do not let the name of God be mocked for your sake. Demonstrate how God loves us. Practise what you've been preaching for many years. Let the name of the Lord be glorified.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Linda this so Called pastor should explain the bible passages. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 ESV / 144
1 Corinthians 7:15 ESV / 97
Luke 16:18 ESV / 92
1 John 2:3-4 ESV / 81
Matthew 5:32 ESV / 73
Matthew 19:6 ESV / 65
Romans 7:2 ESV / 53
Matthew 19:9 ESV / 52
Mark 10:12 ESV / 48
Matthew 19:3-9 ESV / 44
1 Corinthians 7:10-17 ESV / 35
1 Corinthians 7:10 ESV / 35
Deuteronomy 24:1-22 ESV / 34
Matthew 19:8 ESV / 29
Genesis 2:24 ESV / 27
1 Corinthians 7:1-40 ESV /

Blackknight! said...

No one is remembered playing it safe in life. Sitting in your comfort zone with your average job, average relationship,average marriage, average efforts promotes nothing but regret in years to come. If you do not break through what you see as comfortable, your true potential will never be tested. One day as life’s opportunities will stop presenting themselves to you, you begin to wonder “what if” I actually applied myself? Sadly, it’s too late then!
Let the lesson be learn for those who want to learn.

Anonymous said...

Pls don't beg him o! He his not a man of God jor, why can u just forgive and forget.

Anonymous said...

I'm a member of his church but I heard the news long ago before he announced it to the congregation. In the meeting, he said it was on health grounds that he is divorcing his wife and I'm like "what happened to the part that says 'in sickness and in health"?
He is great teacher of the Word no doubt but I must say this decision of his really got me thinking hard. What is the truth? Who is safe? Whatever happened to biblical principles or is the bible now outdated? I stay home every Sunday now, I don't know who to believe anymore. But this shld serve a lesson to young ladies who leave their husband to be because pastor said this or that. Some of them just tell u what u want to hear. I have a friend who is still unmarried because she keeps listening to revelations from pastors. They should pray for u not dictate to u who to marry or not. And for the record, I was just a Sunday Sunday tonic in the church.

Anonymous said...

So wat if a pastors wife committes adultery, can he not forgive? Dos re d price dat comes wit bin a pastor'coz d devil ll bring so many temptations. Dis only proves dat if u cant cover ur Wifes secret rather shame her in d open 2d world(simply means u ve never loved deeply her 4dos yrs u were. Married,coz if u do,it ll b hard 2let her go!!!),den non of ur congregations secret to u inconfidence is nt guaranteed... Let God b d judge. Jst saying generally &not pointing finger @dis pastor!!!!

Anonymous said...

D same scripture (malachi) i was goin to quote. Youths of d nation re being killed on a daily basis, in their hostels, falsely accused of stealin laptops n burnt alive. So many ills in d society, yet d places pple wuld hav gone to hear d truth re being led by liars, deceivers etc. Its as bad as if they all collectively killed those youths demselves with their lies n all.

May God have mercy on their souls if ghey still have any.


Anonymous said...

Fool! Does he want to divorce his wife or not? You come here and gloat over others news but now its about your pastor, Linda should mind her business. How are we not sure you are the reason he is leaving his wife?

Anonymous said...

I won't comment on the Bishops family matter cuz its too high 4 me.
So again I say "Let us Pray."

Anonymous said...

Read between the lines please. Is he trying to say something to his congregation? Did she indeed commit adultery? And who cares really - man of God whatever decision you take I hope you asked God for direction. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

Obviously saying the wife cheated.

MAHOGANY said...

na divorce de reign now with men of God abi?

Anonymous said...

i have always known this man to be a fake man of GOD.. thats why i stopped attending his church..

The truth is coming out gradually

Suave said...

Is it just me or r some people just too dumb too see dat he's tryina say his wife committed adultery. He has not said anything about re-marrying, yet u people wanna crucify him....or may b I'm a genius....some people up in here confuse me

Unknown said...

Its good 2 kn d word of God, its better 2 kn & preach d word of God. & its best 2 kn, preach & model d word of God, can u imagin most pastor nw quote bible 2 benefit dem, no matter d problem devource can not b d solution, i beg all pastors who believe in Jesus christ, 2 model wat de preach.

chinedu akenzua said...

i pirry his congregation...#walksaway#

Anonymous said...

But... One can show exemplary attitude by forgiving... If whatever was based on sex... And why would one want to embarrass a partner of 20 years like that...

Anonymous said...

Bishop bishop.wot do u preach to ur congregation.Paul said for u to b ordained a bishop u shd hv one wife.endtime pastors turning d bible upside down.

Anonymous said...

people still dey go this man church??
Wonders shall never cease.

Anonymous said...

btw, even men who commit adultery are forgiven by God and their wives. Why can't this man forgive his wife?
A pastor without a forgiving spirit is worse than an infidel and one who can't forgive his wife is a male chauvinist.

Anonymous said...

even infidels are forgiving their husbands of adultery, why can't this self appointed bishop forgive his wife if same was the case?
Is this the forgiveness he preaches from that pulpit? i pity the dumb congregation.

Anonymous said...

This woman preached at Daystar recently.

Anonymous said...

Please Linda can you clarify in your previous post about this you said the pastor has three children, but his eldest daughter just got married last year. I know this is a little bit away from the scriptural reference above but I want to understand this pls. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I laud the truth and courage of d wife. Even in the face of all this,,she stood her ground on her stand against divorce..her recent posts on her blog all points to her stand in d current crisis..may God save her family

Anonymous said...

So sad, i knew how this church started, i used to worship in Communion church when i was staying with my people in 206 road, Festac Town, that time the name was Communion Chapel and the pastor bears David Obakpe and later changed his name to David Benenoch. It started in a very swampy ground ,the gospel then was undiluted but later, things started changing .The wife, played a significant role in ensuring that the church stood firm. She was like a role model, soft-spoken, easy going. i wonder what went wrong. My prayer is for God to heal their marriage because it is a big dent on the Christian faith. The Bible says that we should live a life worthy of our calling, if we cant manage our very small families well, how then can we manage a large congregation. 1st Timothy 3: 2 says, “Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 1 Timothy 3:4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.

Anonymous said...

mhmn... The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know...

Anonymous said...

My lips are sealed#SMH#

Anonymous said...

God bless you. I wonder how many marriage ceremonies he has conducted in his church and preached for better for worse. If he intends divorcing his wife amidst all pleading from family mem, I presume then who are his congregation not 2divorce their wives wen they do smfn bad. Naija pastors too they tire me that's why I did court marriage after my traditional cos I wasn't in d mood 4their bullshit of bring ur wedding dress 2church else we won't wed u story as if I was gonna wear bikini 2wed. D bible says test their spirits, I wonder why he stil has congregation honestly

Anonymous said...

This is why iam on this blog daily, to read comments and laff

Anonymous said...

That is why I didn't take my husb to my pastor b4 they tell me say God show them vision that is anoda brother in the church that is my husb

Anonymous said...

Abi o. He translates the bible to suit his divorce case. Then they'll translate the bible to make you give 1million for blessing as if its 4sale. Naiaj pastors hav stopped preaching obedience and forgiveness cos they don't know how to do both

Anonymous said...

Are they not indirectly teaching stealing. When some pastors will spend 2hours preaching giving, when they know most of their congregation don't have jobs. How dem wan gt the moni biko

Anonymous said...

Too many churches in naija, yet too many palava (crime, corruption n cheating). When a young man can't fiind job after 6yrs, simple he opens a church afterall he has been listening to preaching all his life. Too many fake pastors

Anonymous said...

God bless you. Can't remember when last I heard a sermon that made me reflect on life and tell God iam worthless without him. Now its one prosperity preaching all the other. D other day my pastor said "you can never know more than your pastor". In abuja ere sef, na anoda matter, they wil spend tym after preaching and stil talk on violent giving. It is well

Anonymous said...

Too many churches in naija, yet too many palava (crime, corruption n cheating). When a young man can't fiind job after 6yrs, simple he opens a church afterall he has been listening to preaching all his life. Too many fake pastors

Anonymous said...

Are they not indirectly teaching stealing. When some pastors will spend 2hours preaching giving, when they know most of their congregation don't have jobs. How dem wan gt the moni biko

Anonymous said...

ONLY GOD KNOWS THOSE THAT ARE SERVING HIM. I was formerly one of these women that listened and adhered to what Men-of-God said until my marriage started faulting. The church immediately took sides with my ex-husband neglecting myself and the kids. I was angry but this made me more determined to turn my back on pastors and on attending black churches in general. Well to cut long story short...I have left the abusive marriage, stop contacting and listening to MOG and I am dating again against their advice that I should remain unmarried for the rest of my life. When we reach heaven everybody go they answer God by himself.

Critical Observer said...

@Bonario I just love ur commentary!
Always constructive and funny
I usually look forward to reading ur post..

As for the matter at hand if he had people he was accountable to them he wouldn't come up with this..

My point is we should always have pple that we can listen to and would set us straight..

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. I attended Communion Chapel in ph for years in the 90s and David Benenoch and his wife came there a lot to preach. I always admired both of them. He should forgive his wife no matter the reason. That woman is a great woman. All these men of God who keep their wives abroad and remain in Nigeria should be warned. BenEnoch is definitely on the wrong path that's why he is quoting scripture.

Anonymous said...

Be wary of pastors that change their name from african ones to foreign ones

Anonymous said...

I think what pastor is saying here is that his wife committed adultery, which happens to be a reason for divorce... fine...but then can't he forgive her

Iffy said...

Herein lies the conclusion of the matter.There is only one way to God,and it is through Jesus Christ his son,My Lord.I have come to know him for myslef...and that is all that matters.

Tomorrow,if the G.O of my church comes and says he's an athiest,or doesn't beleive in the existence of God anymore,will that make me love God any less than I already love him?No way!In the same vein,pastors are human.They have faults,they sin too.All we owe this man and this woman of God are our prayers.The devil is really working overtime these days,God have mercy.

MY TURN said...

So did she fornicate?HIAN!!!!Pop con and coke plus 3D glasses

Anonymous said...

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