Annie Macaulay Idibia's joy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 18 October 2012

Annie Macaulay Idibia's joy

"I had butterflies in my stomach the morning after 2face proposed to me. I couldn't believe I would finally marry the only man I have ever loved. Being Mrs Idibia has been beautiful. It's everything I expected and much more. I am married to the most understanding and supportive husband in the world" - Annie Idibia tells Stella Dimoko Korkus

Annie and 2face have been together since 1998.


Anonymous said...

is not easy after ten years nau.

simply becca said...

Annie idibia is a stong woman. She is a real definition of "patience"


Anonymous said...

which you guys the very best.

Anonymous said...

So happy 4 her.lucky girl

Anonymous said...

Meaning wats ur will always b urs nomata wat happens or wateva pple do 2 take it away.if its urs it will always come back 2 u..I'm happy 4 u dear..#assysayso#

miss pepe said...

Cool story sis :)

Anonymous said...

Ehyah! So touching.haters don't come here to blabber.dis is wat is called true love.I know Tu face has learnt his leSsons.
Most of u dat is saying u can't take dat,u don't knw wat is waiting for u in d future.ur husband mite still take a second wife nd psychologically,d second one is always d one truly loved because if utruly love ur first option dia won't be a second one #wordstheydontwanttohear

jenny said...

She's lucky,she married som1 she's always loved,wish her the best in marriage....

Anonymous said...

Person food no dey pass am. Na matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Good for them,I pray it last and I hope he feels d same way like she says

Anonymous said...

Oya clap 4 yaself.......

Anonymous said...

We don hear na... Well I cudnt agree more that u b d mrs idibia, u deserved it. But wait Oo°˚˚ 1998 ke... Babe dat kind of love is scary Oo°˚˚ , kind of a freak.. Hey!! U got wat u wnted... Enjoy it 2 d end.

ETHAN said...

Way to go Ann!dere is notin like marrying someone u truly love.I can testify to it.Sight of my hubby makes me blush.Wink

Amena said...

I am happy for them, but Linda I am not sure what u define as together but to me, together is not having 5 or so children with diff women whilst in a relationship. So no they have not been together since 1998. #justsaying

Anonymous said...

Ok nah, Gini wee emezia?

Unknown said...

All d best

Anonymous said...

so? what shld we do?#ME#

Anonymous said...

He proposed to u while he was expecting baby number six with an America based Yoruba lady and u knew...

Tuface is a generous sperm bank and wont stop at u Annie Macaulay. That said, he still remains the best muscian in Nigerian to me.

Nekky said...

awwww. i love love. God bless ur daughter wiv her own man i beg u. God bless ut marriage Annie and Innocent.

Anonymous said...

*yawn* can we move on?

BEE said...


kcee said...

You are lucky he finally proposed to you. I wonder why a lady will want to stick around somebody that has so many other lovers and children from other women. Is it the fame, money or what?

Anonymous said...

Congrats girlie but pls no singing for u ooooo

Anonymous said...

Happy for Annie

Anonymous said...

Why are all d bloggers forcing these two down I throat. Annie wants us to knw by force by fire that she is Mrs Idibia. Okay we done hear, notted so can she just shutup already.
If your relation is built on quality substance u don't have to over announce it

Ijeomah said...

happy for u .we follow back @iAmhairs on twitter

Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! Truly that's the only she has ever loved.

Anonymous said...

Lol hold on,let me laugh on your behalf annie. Mrs idibia or not,ur boo will always go after other gals. Ugly moose.

Anonymous said...

Madam 'butterflies in my stomach' always remeb dat u r not d only one..May God help u

bibi said...

Its nice 2 finally av him 4 ursef legally!..ℓ̊ min afta 14yrs..waoh!.. ℓ̊ must commend annie tho'..Ɣ☺ΰ a strong woman..ℓ̊ speak 4 myself wen ℓ̊ say ℓ̊ do nt fink ℓ̊'ll still stick wit my man afta he has fathered a child 4rm ♍ξε̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ , den moved 2 oda women b4 coming back2 propose....ℓ̊ guess God sees all Ɣ☺ΰя support, prayers, α̲̅πϑ luv 4 him...congrats

Anonymous said...

Wow..1998..true love indeed

Anonymous said...

Sweery,am not tryin to be mean but in my opinion,da only reason why he married u is cuz ur da only person dat can tolerate his shit,not cuz ur da most fantastic,cuz seriously who wud marry a man wit such baggage,or is it cuz of da money? Anyway no be my matter sha

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you Annie.

Unknown said...

I am soooo happy for you Annie!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'd respect this chic if she maintained a demure personality on everything pertaining to tuface. just cos someone who has spent most of his time with you , embarassing you ended up marrying doesn't all of a sudden make him PERFECt. geez..low self-esteem gots to be real

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww.. its nothing but joy to see her feel this way. she has stood byy him, she has been there. people talked and said all sorts when she said "yes" to him. but she knows what forgiveness means and making it work. 2face isnt perfect and she is in his life now to help him be a not just a better man but a well behaved Father to his kids.

Anonymous said...

Happy for you. I can't wait for the love of my life to leave his girlfriend and marry me

Anonymous said...

Am so happy 4 dem, God bless de union IJN Amen.

lovelylady said...


Anonymous said...

waoh... true luv all this years...

Anonymous said...

That's sweet! God bless U both!

Anonymous said...

I feel u Annie.thank God he made ur dreams come true

Anonymous said...

Happy for you......

Anonymous said...

haha he has to be now. He is also married to the most supportive and understanding wife in our generation... ( I rest my case as I tender evidence of all the goals that he is scored during off season)

Anonymous said...

so Wat's too special abt being Mrs idibia. Abeg make we hear word joor

Nelly said...

Hmmmm jst speechless

kemsugar said...

Hahahah. she's a strong gal.but I not fit wait like her oh. Patience pays tho#

Eme Achanga said...

she is the happiest woman on earth.I love her..Their love makes me wanna love

Anonymous said...

14years!!!! Wow, she really deserves him and I'm so happy for them... I wish them unending happiness, love and bliss in their marriage...

Anonymous said...

so what? You can never scrub the disgrace, humiliation, heartache, sleepless night, embarrassement he has pu you through. He's got away with it, he will do it again.

I hope not.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for the both of them.Tuface is d man for not ve jilted her.

Unknown said...

I am sooooo happy for you Annie!!!!!

ohnyee said...

issorai. gud for u both. i only hope ur hubby has learned to use his device properly. just saying!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wish dem well sha

Anonymous said...

Okay o, Annie aka ruth abolokoku we hear you. Na you go first fall in love with Tuface naaa. In fact you are the only woman he ever loved. Just because he proposed and married you make you no go dey believe o!

Anonymous said...

they're married????...since when?

Anonymous said...

Am happy for Annie and Tuface

Anonymous said...

Hatersss...go find ur own and be the first to fall in love.olodoo.Annie n Tuface wish you guys best of married life.#happypipo#

Anonymous said...

We shall assess in ten ears time. For now just keep quiet and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous 8.24pm ask your goggle to know when they got married. People like u are not always ard when good things are happening. I wish them a blissful marriage.


Anonymous said...

What are you going to access???No go mind ya own business stay there and live other pipo's life.onye nzuzu

Anonymous said...

Jeliousy jeliousy...go hug transformer laddy beter still go and kiss A**!haterss

clevadani said...

luv is truly blind

hav u visited 2day?

Anonymous said...

Pls...Ms Linda What happened to Bonario ur loyal n faithful male reader n commenter???? Pls i need him back! I know someone yabbed him a couple posts back! Bonario pls come out of hiding pls!!

moi said...

No baby its d other way round.. He married the most understanding and supportive woman for him,cause check am,na only u out of all his baby mamas can take his trash without complaining.. He knows with u he can get away with a lot of things.. Believe me,he should be the one saying this not u..The Lord is your strenght o!

Unknown said...

*which ..u be winch?

Anonymous said...

Annie please make sure u measure 2baba prick when going out, he can go and take one shot and u know what it will result to in the next 9months, u know he is a good striker, his penalty is direct to the post

BLOGLORD said...

Happy for u both!

Anonymous said...

I tire oooooo...well said jare..desperate old cargo

Anonymous said...

Are u a fool??he has other kids outside wit different women,that's not enuf jilttery abi?aturu ocha like u!

Anonymous said...

Pls, what's all this BS talk about patience pays? How many children does tu face have now? Heard he's expecting a 7th child. Tu face is wealthy, and that to me is the only reason annie waited. Tell me, if his career died (God forbid o) will annie have waited? So u pple were in a relationship since 1998 and u were giving tu face thumbs up and pats on d back, when he announced that he was going to have a child by another woman. Puh-lease!!!!! I'm nt hating, m jis trying to state the obvious. U sef hav children for him, so its all gud. Wish y'all the best sha.

Anonymous said...

My question is, would anne have stayed with 2face despite all these escapades if he was a normal guy. I mean if he wasn't a cele and a renowed artist

Anonymous said...

Which bi ti ba wo abi u be winch or wish?

Unknown said...

Wetin be ten ears time? U be serious Ewe, go to school I won't..... I'm happy for Annie and Tubaba jor, may God continue to bless you guys...

Anonymous said...

Anon October 18, 2012 9:12 PM onye nzuzu what is access? Blind and illiterate!

Coco said...

Close ur dirty mouth there, u tink all gals are like u, I guess if tu face come met u self u go open ur smelly pussy for am, why can't u just be happy for someone .

Anonymous said...

In tonto dikes Voice "haters nothing una no go talk..uti nor get gf una say na Gay Tu face born everywere una curse am..9ja pple...farabale..

#HisBiggestFan said...

U sound so bitter,Tubaba may not be perfect(as're the 4 billion plus people on the face of this earth) but guess what?He's perfect for Annie and that's all that matters.Now u may feel free to choke on those sour grapes.

Philip Okiche said...

What will she do wiv his other kids....put them up 4 adoption.....just kidding. Anyways i guess congratulations are in order.

Coco said...

Close ur dirty mouth there, u tink all gals are like u, I guess if tu face come met u self u go open ur smelly pussy for am, why can't u just be happy for someone .

MJ said...


The Epicurean said...

I hope his other baby mamas like Pero have learnt their lessons. I wish him and Annie all the best.

fifisapparels said...

Pooor annie!lol!if only she cud stay mute n drop all dis publicity stunts!

Anonymous said...

Yeah..i can imagine..MUMU

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.24
Jealous of what..Illiterate monkey.

Anonymous said...

You this stupid Anon that is replying everybody's comment,go and hit ur head on the wall.
Useless fan that wud not admit the truth.Maybe you are even Annie herself.

Anonymous said...

Loooooooooool! On point

Unknown said...

Pls leave d dude ooo.... LMAO

Anonymous said...

Awwww! The look like brother n sister.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with ur comment. Well u can be happy Ann as long as u don't mind his kids increasing in number still, and not all from u!

galore said...

stop been STUPID.....This is you @BONARO writing....No one care less @ all.....u think say i no fit catch you?....I caught you now wt my New BB phone coment Tracker.....Thats Whats Up in town........So SHUT UP Mr BONARIO....stop soundin so Important

Anonymous said...

Pele dear, keep consoling yourself. Mscheeeew.

Anonymous said...

Now whoever it is, whatever ur beef is wt d Broda(bonario),pls! bury d hatchet.Stop hating on a Broda. He makes Linda's blog I rili feel dt yab wey someone yab am dt early morning say im dey jobless. J'weeZy

Anonymous said...

so much BULL...SUCH A LIAR...

Anonymous said...

ermmmm pls linda explain "together since 1998" becos i dont know how you can be "together" with someone who dated one ex-mbgn and the other baby mamas.
sorry to say but her story will only help to encourage girls to stay with cheating men in the name of one day he will stop.
there are still men out there who do not cheat.
Ladies, whats yours WILL NOT CHEAT and if he does, he would apologize and stop rather than continue shamefully in the full view of the world

Therese I. said...

Congrats dear Anne!
I can only imagine your happiness.
Be nice to his other kids oh! Be the step mom that brings peace and happiness not pain and strife.

chidinma cynthia said...

Honestly women just say things to convince themselves about what they think but in the actual they are afraid of the truth

Anonymous said...

PATHETIC......girl you need help with your low self esteem.

Kabuoy said...

hahahaaaa.... i laugh in spanish!

mehn she tried sha.... me i can never ever trust someone like tuface to be my husband mehn! kai!!!

i dont think i can trust him not to cheat! So annie i hail u! kudos to u!

i pray u have a peaceful and cheat-free marriage! filled wiv joy and happiness! :)

Kabuoy said...

hahahaaaa.... i laugh in spanish!

mehn she tried sha.... me i can never ever trust someone like tuface to be my husband mehn! kai!!!

i dont think i can trust him not to cheat! So annie i hail u! kudos to u!

i pray u have a peaceful and cheat-free marriage! filled wiv joy and happiness! :)

Warri Girl said...

Abeg free the guy @least we all knw wat he meant,lol.

goodie said...

I couldnt agree more

guzy said...

Sharap if U̶̲̥̅̊ 'Я̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ a guy ȋ̊§ it bcus ur own girls commit murder by aborting, and as a girl if U̶̲̥̅̊ actually deliverd all d babies wey guys put der U̶̲̥̅̊ for don born one village. If 'Я̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ not guilty be d first to cast a stone. Ndi ara, its better to do and repenT dan starting urs after marriage, tuface ȋ̊§ a changed man

Anonymous said...

I tot It was just an engagement...have they married??? Why Idibia already???

Anonymous said...

No be lie?

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