2face Idibia acquires two multimillion Naira houses | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 31 October 2012

2face Idibia acquires two multimillion Naira houses

Wow! Good stuff!


Anonymous said...

Kai...I feel 4 2face baby mama dm oo,c as 2face dey enjoy life with annie..patient dog(annie) eats d fatest bone ga ni.
Congrats 2 u guys

Anonymous said...

Annie great stufff.keep encouraging him to invest.

Anonymous said...

A patient dog dey say eats d fattest bone.Annie is beginin 2 enjoy matrimony.cngrates u 2

Anonymous said...


Love Poems said...

Nice one, ride on 2baba.

Unknown said...

Congratulations 2face!!!!

Unknown said...

4 instance...... No be small thing oooooo

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up 2baba,luv u plenty.


Android said...

Hahaha! Annie ur own too much sef! Every small chance u get na Baby u dey call am..trying to show us all is well? Nonsense! I hate PDA sha! lOl

kcee said...

can we see the pics of the houses. But one is okay 4 me. why buy two at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Annie M aint going nowhere. What's with this patient dog eats the fattest bone talk? No one should go through emotional abuse all in the name of being patient..but some/many Nigerian women choose to be desperate, insecure, and weak.

Marriage isn't everything bitches.People get married all the time. What matters is having a partner who is your best friend and who truly respects you. There are too many failed marriages but some people just stick around for various reasons whether it makes sense or not. As long as 2face is committed to being faithful then it's all good.

Anonymous said...

2baba 2houses.U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅яε̲ 2gbaski

Anonymous said...

2baba 2houses.U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅яε̲ 2gbaski

Unknown said...

Good steps! Wish u all the best

Anonymous said...

Eeehhhh,Chineke...Congratulations 2baba Α̲̅Ω̴̩̩̩̥d̶̲̥̅̊ Annie.....A̶̲̥̅♏ so hapi 4 U̶̲̥̅̊ two...

Anonymous said...

Congrats tuface btw who said anne wz the patient dog. Dem other girls opened their legs despite tuface's fooling around and what do you call that? He just picked annie and it has nothing to do with patience . And who told you annie doesnt have wahala.

Anonymous said...

Linda when re u buying ur own ?abi u never tire to pay rent

rella said...

Chai! NO comment

Anonymous said...

Baba congrat. Annie baby u rock, true love stands not matter what. Aunt pero show face, I am sure u must be regretting ur actions by now, no amount of kids will let a man marry you. Annie story is simlar to mine now I feel blessed with two lovely girls and a boy, with God all things are possible. single girls look before you leap. Not all that glitter is gold. Annie pls don't change who u are , this would go along way stand on the solid rock while other grounds are sinking sand. Am dancing for you rite now, my husband is laughing here. Go Annie Go Annie Go Annie. Linda if u like no post my comment . Girls don't reap were u did not sow.

Anonymous said...

Na so oh! Dats wot a good wife does,urges her hubby to invest moreso he's got lots of children to carter for.

rayenter10ment.com said...

2baba....You are on top now. Keep shooting for the moon. Congratz

bunny said...

Congrats to tuface and annie.. Investing wisely..God go make una bigger.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Couple's may they enjoy their new investments.

Nekky said...

Awwwwww. Bless. May ur love never grow cold. Congrats Mr.and Mrs Idibia.

Anonymous said...


laz vegaz babe said...

Wetin dis arstist dem dey do dey buy all dis tin? Dem need 2 tell us wht else dem dey do,, cuz I dot believe na only music, anyway buying 100 houses cannot chnge d price of garri,,. Eyes rolling

Anonymous said...

Congrats TuBaba n Annie. I tap into ur blessingzzzzz. Amen

Anonymous said...

Olodo 2baba...dem d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ buy homes abî houses??!

Anonymous said...


shytown said...

Plentifull gbosa ƑƠ̴͡Ʀ Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и̣̣̣̣̥ sabi man. Enjoy da haven . Big congrats mr & mrs idibia. Shytown note.

Anonymous said...

Big congrats to the Idibias thats a huge step uve taken in life, may dis mark d beginning of greater things yet to be accomplished in ur lives by the special grace of God.

Anonymous said...

Its simple common sense! He's got to house his harem! Abiola did d same thing when he was aLife!If he was poor theres is no way he would have got tHose women to scatter TOTO foram! Its no news!

Anonymous said...

Linda pls post the world exclusive interview that K-solo's manager (Funmi Mensah) granted yesterday about his ex-wife. Its a shocker.

maryam said...

I really feel 4 dem baby mamas too oh i dont know some women dont think ahead before doin things

Anonymous said...

baba God noni...love it

Amylily said...

I won't comment jor, Linda, you didn't publish my comment the last time. Mscheew!

Anonymous said...

why two homes though? nigerian people sha

justme said...

Rili happy for 2face...don't kno if av eva heard bout 2face ownin a house...gr8 stuff tho!!!as simple as he is,just a picture of him signin d papers,no tym 4 show offs...i love dis guy#nohomo

Anonymous said...

tatafo Linda!

Unknown said...

More blessing brother u deserve it. More on ur way b4 d end of 2012. Cheers. Akudinanwa

Anonymous said...

Congrats but what's with the twitter announcement.

iamfascinating said...

Good to know. I wish them better things to come!

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Anonymous said...

finally, was wondering when he'll do this.annie is indeed a good influence

Anonymous said...

Abeg he should buy house for the other baba mamas oh. At least his other kids deserve good and healthy upbringing too. XXX

Anonymous said...

Congrats 2baba and annie enjoy Ūя̲̅ haven home and man.cos you were patient thru it all. The oda baby mamas put head when dey know Ɣ☺ΰ have been dere. ​​⌣»̶·̵̭̌·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊Ŧђɑ̤̥̈̊п̥̥̲̣̣̣k✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌·̵̭̌«̶ God he made the wise decision of marrying you, but one thing annie don't stop his decisions on how he will cater for the oda baby mamas children and dem as well. The shit don happen and notin can erase dat. This is a big lesson to ladies when a guy has a serious babe and decide to play around you follow sotel Ɣ☺ΰ carry belle thinking you can trap the man down wit the belle nt possible. 2baba enjoy Ūя̲̅ haven home

ponley said...

Kudos 2baba dey here..... Notin do u man!!!

ETHAN said...

Congrats Tubaba n Anni!there is notin as gd as wen u start wit a guy frm d scratch n start enjoy wit him later.Love Tubaba n Anni infact team Annitu lol.

ponley said...

Tu baba.... More wishes to come

Anonymous said...

Na wa, this one Linda go just the paste, this one bought muliti billion and multimillion this and that, making the rest of us look like failures...my suister we are hustling, trying , its not easy..God dey, we go make am........

Anonymous said...

Enjoy matrimony indeed you guys amaze me,I'm sure most of you commenting aren't married,the truth is that the issues that led him to have baby mamas will eventually come up again except God helps him,she married a man amist so much controversy and you're saying the patient dog eats the fatest bone,what's the probability he won't cheat again buying property doesn't make one happy

Anonymous said...

Madam Linda hope you are saving to buy your own o. Everything is not shoe and bag..#enof said. I am not hating, this is constructive criticism. God bless us all

Unknown said...

ife na eme .congrat 2baba nd wife

Anonymous said...

U nigerians n accepting shit from men, plz, then justify it by money, u think if he divorces her tomo she will get the house lol, or another woman move in there nonsense, self pride is the only substance to dinify ones woman hood

Anonymous said...

Where is Pero o? The silliest of them all?

SUE JORDAN said...


Anonymous said...

P_One says: dats fantastic and cool. He nw thinks like a man

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Annie n 2face. We shld all note dat all dat he is buying r for his kids to inherit later.

Anonymous said...

Y all the publicity???

Marilyn Oge(Sumtin) said...

Pls watch nigeria's got talent on sunday and vote for me to make it 2 d finals... To vote, text 218 to 33685.. Votin starts on sunday from 5pm.... U can vote more than once and each vote cost 50naira... Plz note::: every vote counts... Tanx y'all

KOLA said...

Cool Hype Hit

Anonymous said...

What this teLls me is that as long as u have money,u can impregnate and fuck as many women as u want and have kids with them and u will still be hailed as a grt man in d NiGerian society.
Look at that hypochrisy? On d one hand u have churches everywhere. Preachin not againt fornication but abt MONEY,and on anoda rubbish is being praised and idolised!

Sir benkord said...

2 Baba na u biko........u really dey invest ur money well bro......Congratulations.

slimzyose said...

congrats 2baba,luv u scatter

Ngozika Nwiro said...

This is really great! Nice move 2baba

Anonymous said...

isnt anything private any more........these celeb dont want to drink water keep cup, we must be informed.....hiss

Anonymous said...

Simple becos Nigeria is a society that celebrates money. That's y pple r willing 2do all sorts 2make it

Anonymous said...

Did u help him fuck them, haters of good things, can't u just congratulate him n drink cement. U r not in d position to tell him how to handle his affair. One thing is certain abt a man n different children from different mothers, they will b catered for but will never get d same attention.

Anonymous said...

Did Annie help to use 2face's rod to strike their river. Abeg Annie, drink water on d food God has given u n pray never to hunger cos u av hungered a lot. Leave 2face n his family to handle their private business.

Anonymous said...

PLS drink cement, fellow husband snatcher. She was, has being n will always b his favorite. What worse thing can happen to a relationship/home dt has not happened to Annie, but she stood strong as always. So pls drink dt cement n seal ur lips forever, wen its ur turn in marriage, we'll see wot u'll do.

Anonymous said...

Did Annie help to use 2face's rod to strike their river. Abeg Annie, drink water on d food God has given u n pray never to hunger cos u av hungered a lot. Leave 2face n his family to handle their private business.

Anonymous said...

Am sure u r from a broken home n talking from a bitter soul, be happy for once.

Anonymous said...

Did u help him fuck them, haters of good things, can't u just congratulate him n drink cement. U r not in d position to tell him how to handle his affair. One thing is certain abt a man n different children from different mothers, they will b catered for but will never get d same attention.

Anonymous said...

All your comments seem silly.You need to take a chill girl...with your wack name.

Anonymous said...

PDA...Public Display of Affection? U hate?! Na there u go quench. Bad belle. Ride on Annie. What do u want to see or hear? Say 2baba blow Annie for inside eye and them wan divorce? Na lie. Who God has blessed no one can curse.


Anonymous said...

It is called investment. Copy that?


Anonymous said...

Baseless comment.


Anonymous said...

You can keep checking the price of garri while 2face and I and our likes keep buying houses in high brow locations and top of the range automobiles.


Uchyfrooty said...

Awww!hapi for them o.meanwhile Linda nwannem am trying to sell my makeht(wit Igbo accent).
Check out www.frooty-land.com for your fruit palm trees and displays.make ur occasions and events stand out.hire a fruit palm tree display....uchfrooty

Anonymous said...

2baba U̶̲̥̅̊ re already blessed 4 life.aLl thesame congrat

Anonymous said...

I pity all of you saying the patient dog eats the fattest bone and crap..it goes to show the mindset of some nigerian young women and why men won't take you seriously because you think you can't do without a man and his money..Annie macauley can buy two homes and acquire properties herself if she decided to invest her time in building up herself and her career to become a better woman and take good care of her child,to show tuface that she can make a name for herself without him..instead she chose to marry someone who constantly ,not once, chose to ridicule her by having children with women he had no plans to marry..she may have married him but I bet you she is not happy and that man will treat her like trash because he knows she can take it..So honestly congrats on your homes and fame and all..but sweethearts I don't envy you

Hrm paul Ojeih said...

2 baba more power to ur elbow fire down nothing do u
u deserve it after armed bandits beat u and break ur kneck twice still u are waxing strong na baba God do am for u i hope d house will contain all ur kids and all ur numerous baby mama,s and councubines 2 baba u 2 much

dolee said...

Me too wan go sign my acquired houseses

Anonymous said...

Its called investment. Smart pple know this.

Warri Girl said...

Congrats to them

Anonymous said...

Cos he has d money....duh!!!

Anonymous said...

Na sooo

Ayreal said...

@ Android 11:09 u be real mumu plus goat join, sure u be old full dats d baby" word dey pain u..nobody don call u baby b4*hehehe*Baba agbaya!

Anonymous said...

Congrats 2Baba and Annie!!
I'm soo happy for u Annie!! May God almighty bless ur marriage IJN. Amen!!

Anonymous said...

Go get urself a man and stop hating bitch

Anonymous said...

Bad belle!!!! What is your own? Jst say congrats and keep moving. Jealous goat!

Anonymous said...

Common pad lock u don't have, still u envy someone who is hardworking he's been idolised & hail b'cos he humble & take up his responsibilty as a man so get urself a life. You can meet me at maiduguri to get u employed. 4rom sanusi maiduguri

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2012 8:34 AM

Welcome to the world. No be only Naija. Ever heard of Donald Trump?
Stop displaying your ignorance

Anonymous said...

Let him buy more, each child should atleast have one house to inherit from their father. God help him to buy more AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Nigeria is indeed, a thrid world country men! Someone buys a house and its headline news? Fuck these fools

Anonymous said...

Kai d funniest comment is d one directed to linda saying "everythng isn't shoe&bag"lmao,and I add "karen millen dress"lol

Anonymous said...

We all knw dt a lasting marriage is abt endurance, so stop making fool of urslf all in d name of 'ITK'... If u cnt wish them well, go drink dettol. Anofia

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

We all knw dt a lasting marriage is abt endurance, so stop making fool of urslf all in d name of 'ITK'... If u cnt wish them well, go drink dettol. Anofia

Anonymous said...

My dear you think all that belong to annie only,for all you care the homes might even be Pero's and the other lady's own.wake up and dont ever vouch for any man.mumu

Anonymous said...

Says the single bitter jealous bitch. You are perfect abi? Get a life!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong w/buying 2 or 10 all @ the same time if you can afford it? Abi you'd rather buy one and dole out the rest of your money to irrelevancies!

Anonymous said...

Wow! See olodo trying to correct person. He used the correct term. Itk no go kill you

Anonymous said...

Funmi Mensah abi Ksolo which one are you? We are not interested in any garbage a wife beater and his live in whore fake manager has to say. Take a que from 2face, go and fix your life

Anonymous said...

Congrats tubaba and annie,L♥√Ɛ u scatter!

wenger02 said...

Linda haba!mainene wai?hw dis 1 come b news?

Anonymous said...

I was there and can authoritatively say that Annie is a very lucky girl, the plan was to buy only one house, but he suprised her by buying two houses one in their name and one in annie`s name.So Annie has one of the houses, they will live in one and she can do whatever she wants to do with hers. Say whatever you like the tuface I met is a very nice and humble man and he really loves her. Love the say forgives all sins. I wish them the best in all their endevours cause they are really nice, humble, in love and focused.

Naija Current News said...

congratulation 2baba

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2012 1:39 PM

Haven properties are also trying to advertise my dear - like they always do

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was there and can authoritatively say that Annie is a very lucky girl, the plan was to buy only one house, but he suprised her by buying two houses one in their name and one in annie`s name.So Annie has one of the houses, they will live in one and she can do whatever she wants to do with hers. Say whatever you like the tuface I met is a very nice and humble man and he really loves her. Love the say forgives all sins. I wish them the best in all their endevours cause they are really nice, humble, in love and focused.

November 1, 2012 4:08 PM

Abegii je kaa gboron.

Be there and he is buying houses in the name of his legal wife, soon the other children will be fighting her for a place to live, because they are tenants, so she is happy that she and her child are living as landlords in a beautiful house while the other kids are still staying with their grandparents.

At his birthday not one of his other kids were there. Abeg you can tell a good woman by the way she treats other people not her own. Fight with the mothers o but not the kids.

He should first sort out his children. This is why some men are so stupid. Anyway he was never smart only a gifted musician.

Annie what ever you wish your step kids, i wish your kids.

Unknown said...

congratulation, the great musian, keeps up moving and progress.let ur enemies to live long to see ur progress in life.

Omo Ibo said...

2Face go shell out almost three million for this houses o! This guy get money o!

Anonymous said...

Nigerians pls just say congrats and move on, stop being over analytical, are u guys really jobless, smh.

Anonymous said...

Ask Tuface.. Mschew! How is it your business???

Stargal said...

hmmmmmmm interesting.....as 4 d mumu insulting nigerians.....i guess we are better dan u mofo

Anonymous said...


jimsking said...

shebi n bcos him name na 2face dats y him go buy 2 houses 2baba carry on sha

jimsking said...

shebi n bcos him name na 2face dats y him go buy 2 houses 2baba carry on sha

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

U go fear beef! So because she married him admist all controversies,she sshouldnt enjoy her marriage? If u are married,then I'll say go work on ur marriage and make it work,if u are single,stop beefing and get ur self a man!

BLOGLORD said...

Thumbs up! way to go!

franceslovesfashion@gmail.com said...

Congrats to them.

Anonymous said...

oh ye rappers and singers and video swingers, take lessons in investment from too baba..THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!

Anonymous said...

God,I love ur comment! Ppl can hate sha.. She wld caLl him baby and U̶̲̥̅̊ wee die of hate! Nonsense mumu

Anonymous said...

U̶̲̥̅̊ must be one of the baby mamas. Mumu, ∂ girlS dem no knw say tuface and annie don dey for long befor dey opened their wide vaginas? Mtscheew, annie pls take care of ur own children, evryman for himself. In tryin 2b nice 2d children one of the mamaS go won push U̶̲̥̅̊ comot. Anuofia

Anonymous said...

He that hasn't sinned should cast the 1st stone, hypocrite!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ask Tuface.. Mschew! How is it your business???

Anonymous said...

What is wrong w/buying 2 or 10 all @ the same time if you can afford it? Abi you'd rather buy one and dole out the rest of your money to irrelevancies!

Anonymous said...

Annie was his GF when he was Innocent, before fame and fortune, but the others came when he was tubaba, that's the difference with her and "Dem other girls"

Anonymous said...

Your husband is laughing at your stupidity... #Goat

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09 look at you olodo trying to correct professor. Your head correct so?

Anonymous said...

They were all baby mamas till he decided to marry Annie. Annie was once a baby mama to tuface but God answered her prayers and made her wifey.

Anonymous said...

If they can afford it, they can buy 10. Its called investment.

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