Lol...abeg make una read...my hand is not dey there o. Culled from The Nation
Worshippers of the World Liberation Ministry located along old Sapele-Benin express road on Tuesday took to their heels during a prophesy programme when a female member delivered a horse.
The horse was however dead by the time Journalists visited the church. It was gathered that the woman whose identity was not yet known started screaming during the prayer session and began to bleed from the vagina before the horse came out.
The General Overseer of the church, Evangelist Silva Wealth, said he was still amazed at what came out of the woman.
He told Journalists that during prayers a revelation came that there was a woman with an issue and that something was blocking her womb.
Silva said as prayers intensified, the woman started screaming and bleeding started when the object came out.
The cleric said he couldn’t confirm whether the horse was dead or alive because he didn’t go near it.
“I can’t describe the object. We have seen people that vomited several things during our service but not this type of thing. God has been blessing our ministry with prophesies and miracles, “he said.
People rushed to the church to catch a glimpse of the horse when news of the delivery filtered into town.
nkan mbe...
Linda, I think you talk say you no dey believe in witches falling from the sky...you believe this one?
Wonders shall never end! Who m I 2 judge on dis matter.... Let God b d Judge!
Wow. What the hell?
God forbid bad thing!!!
OMG! Na wah oh
Na wah oo! Wonders shall neva end
Bull efing sh%#. The church is looking for a way to drive traffic to it jor. Mcheww!! And all that fit in her stomach?! LOLzzzzz. Did she not go for scans during her "pregnancy"? I wonder what came out first, head or leg...lol. I guess everyone passed out at the sight of it, seeing as no one was able to film such B.S!
The worrying thing about such stories is that so many people still believe such crap can happen.
My very English boyfriend cannot comprehend this story. Lol. But seriously though, how do you explain this? It's spiritual? All this ridiculous stories sha.
He's still baffled.
Tueh tueh!!! Osanobua!!!!!! Na wah o. Dem do turn d woman pikin to horse. Edo pple!!! I hail o. Na so that oda edo man vomit three lizard. I'm dumbfounded.
Auch. Anytin hapens in dis country. Very soon hair wud grow on d teeth...
It is well o... Signs of end time!!! But I want to believe that the woman has a lot she is hiding?????????? Are we sure she is not one of these runs babes who sleeps with horses and all that( just saying o) and besides did she not go for ultrascan throughout the pregnancy? Anyways thank God for her o and I hope she will surrender her life to Christ....
Hia! Horsi kwa?! Issokai.
What? Wonders shall never end.
What? Wonders shall never end. Hmmm.
What? Wonders shall never end.
oh my God,is this a joke!!!
Like the bible said we wrestle not against flesh and blood,but against principalities and powers,this is why we should be very prayerful,cos even as we live our lives minding our business and doing good,there r still some evil people out dere working day and night to destroy you..the weapon against such people is prayer
this is what this world is turning to, plus am sure she slept with a horse...disgusting, things shall never seize to scare me about women of this world and their desperation to make money...smh..
Wonders shall never end!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Chai, odiegwu o.
People will soon say it is a lie and all that....just like they said witches do not exist... I pity you. You aint seen anything... I just pray you are not made to believe by force. This is the endtime, more shocking news are coming...stay tuned. And those asking why witches don't fight corruption or erratic power supply, Errh, nothing good comes from the devil, evil is evil...steal, kill and destroy is their motto!
Hi guys, Do women REALLY talk too much? www.ahdaizy.wordpress.com http://wp.me/2f9On
na wah oh with all the camera phones around no one filmed the "birth" lol
is really hard to believe dis, so that means d hole where dis ting came out frm wil need a big stitching cos it must hv tear d woman's vagina tufiakwa,jesus save us.
so the woman had sex with a horse... smh
This one na small thing. I have seen a woman give birth to Python. I saw this with my two korokoro eyes. the python was so long that... i no fit talk. Anything is possible in naija. we later learned that she was actually sleeping with the python for ritauls
...she shaggd a horse simple!
If this is true, then, it is indeed signs of the last times
Oba atokpaye ise!! If I hear
Na she knw which babalowo gve her dat horse...women can go anywhere to get pikin oooo
Although this might be real and I hardly doubt it, Nigerians are too ignorant to believe its a deformity. I've been researching on things like this and its pretty normal. Google "frog shaped child" and "Harlequin disease" and you'll find out this is an occuring event. Don't be afraid, just believe in whatever you want for support.
Hmm Linda you see am so. Remember when you put up the post about whether witches are real and SEVERAL people from Delta and the Edo people generally were telling you they have seen strange things. Well here is one and that horse definitely looks like it is on the floor of one of those deliverance churches in naija..... One pastor that came to my church was saying he has seen people throwing up live snakes. I dont know if I believe it but you never know
...dnt knw which is sadder-the story or that some people would actually believe it.
oooh chineke nara ekwensu ike!
Me I dey benin.. theres no such church in benin. Naija I hail thee. But on a curious note, dem no for allow d horse die na.. haba
holy ghost fire!!!
I still can't belive what these pastors would do for money!!! It's always the same story everyday, trying to draw stupid congregation that seek miracle like air. First of all we will never get to see this woman because her contract with the pastor is over, to come and act in the church with a developing baby of a goat!!! Secondly that is no horse. Religion is Nigeria's Opium and woes!!! read my article https://africanboythatwrites.wordpress.com/2011/12/23/religion-is-nigerias-opium-and-woes/
Linda...and you say witch no dey fly. better open ya eyes
jeez dis is gross! Anoda sign of the endtime! Inyama!
May God save us in dis country ohh.9 month and eventually gives birth 2 horse
Wonders shall neva End! God forbid!.....*coversface*
Is dat a horse or an antelope??...wondas shall neva end!
Na wa oh! Only in Nigeria..
hmmnn...lol..how na? Al dis stories sef..so dnt believe!!
Jeez! God save us, there is nothin we wnt c in dis world lord help us frm d manipulation of d devil such mystery....
i hope she didnt get laid by a horse doe!*creepy*
WOoooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!! Did she. Sleep wid 1????
The Fashion Engineer
The pastor's name is Silva Wealth? Cool
na wa o! duno wht to say to this but it's a total deliverance o.. things dey happen!!
Chei,abomination,Abasi mmi mbok nso mkpo ke nkid
Heh, another one. Abeg o, I don't want to criticize but since all this one room churches started emerging from all angles in this country, terrible things has been happening. God help your children oh. Poor woman
did she sleep with a horse? could be that she lusted after the horse's very large penis. SIZE MATTERS.
Yuck....I was eating and almost threw up.dnt she do an ultrasound? Abi the witches turn am
Guys, this is quite possible because some nasty women who desire big dick can do anything to get that up to and including sleeping with a horse.
Oboy this is pure witch craft naah! Is it not Benin city again? The pls of my birth? Oooh plsss!
Horse kwa?any time you hear or read such stories,its always from edo state.Then if you read smthng lyk,"son beheads father for rituals or mother raped by son",its always from Delta state.Why is it so?haba!
Jisox!horse!! This is serious o
Horse kwa?any time you hear or read such stories,its always from edo state.Then if you read smthng lyk,"son beheads father for rituals or mother raped by son",its always from Delta state.Why is it so?haba!
na wa!!!NAija and church things!
EVERYTHING happens in Nigeria!
Jesu Jesu jesu
Tufia, devil is a liar. All dese kind deliverance, na God go help us ooooo.
Benin una done pass flying level !if only they can use there witchcraft for positive end we would be technologically advanced then the west
Linda biko!!!!!!
Jehovah...could this be for real, hmmmmm na wah oh
I Thank God for His mercies.
Naija notin wey we no go c or hear..dnt even knw wat 2 make of diz..#CHOKOLATA#..dats wassup!
A friend told me that the lady must have been making love to a horse that's why she gave birth to a horse. strange things are happening in this mysterious world.
ANYWAYS, Guys, you can visit my blog; www.endyedesonnews.blogspot.com for more Latest News Stories. thanks.
Dis ℓ̊s serious ....wat can one call dis kind of a tin ..baba God help us Oo°˚˚˚°
Hian, wonders shall not cease. Wat r my precious eyes seeing.
I keep sayin it dat dis world we liv in is a very wicked n dangerous place
Hmm orishirishi
O ma ga! Things dey happen on a steady sha
Wonders shaLl never cease to happen! END Time Tinz!
Only in Nigeria
I like this pastor sha. Im no hide his mission for d church; evangelist SILVA(ER) WEALTH. Wt this ur cock and bull story, more magas will come to ur church and u will be upgraded to The Most Envagelist GOLD FORTUNE.
ONOME says.......
I thought I had seen it all and heard it all and read it all.I was wrong.I was damn wrong.Lindooo min' ursef o.
Blood of Jesus,I cover my household.
I don't believe the story so shoot me:)
Tell the man to "miraculize" the roads,epileptic power supply,cultism in schools,armed robbery,unemployment,insecurity,social welfare and all the other ills plaguing that country.Then and only then would all these prophesies and miracles begin to make sense.
BTW that is the most grossest picture I have seen in a long while
story ......
Wonders shall never end,scary though,
C'mon guys,there's no story you guys believe..Niger ppl too dey form posh. Abi to believe story go make you local?.. I pity una, aiye never sample una abi make witches flash una,and warfare call una abi??? Careful people, have been to churches where stuffs like this happen.. On the real mhen!
loooolz bad market for dis woman,if d baby had comeout with something religious atleast people would av been going to pay homage,and she may endup opening her own ministry. Maybe she did it with a horse. U reap what u sow nau.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
This Pastor is a con man .m how dare he hoodwinks his people with such arrangee .. Horse foal indeed
undeliveble.the stuff is too big to hv cameout of a womans body.dem don start again wit there story.god help us.
Gosh!!!! Na wa ooo
Jeeeeeesus!winchi winchi{in jenifa`s voice}end time is near,God pls save our souls•
gullible idiots.
If they were busy taking picture of what's clearly a premature foal (which CANNOT be born from a human mammal), how come there are not more pictures of the woman; the church; the giving birth etc etc. One picture! rubbish!
People see picture of baby donkey or horse or something and it's endtime, devil, etc etc. Please google premature foal and you'll see similar pics. Winches and Weezards!
One word:creepy
Simple...she shagged a horse and this is the result...beastiality is a real thing people...Choi the Devil is a liar
pastor with there members again.abeg u guys shuld stop desieving ur selfs.president jonathan wit his carbinet member will do there own.una wey b pastor go come still do una own.one day we go run leav una 4 dis nija.SPACOS.
pastor with there members again.abeg u guys shuld stop desieving ur selfs.president jonathan wit his carbinet member will do there own.una wey b pastor go come still do una own.one day we go run leav una 4 dis nija.SPACOS.
This Is the sign of end time fake Prophets And pastors we shall be carefull oooooOooooo
Lool ur funny
Okokobioko! Is not a small sontin. isaait
Clap for yourself. Now we all know your boyfriend is English
Correct jor...u r d only person dat picks d important things
Correct tlk jor....only u has made sense...
I think everyone that posted missed something about this story. The evangelist that supposedly did the deliverance is named "SILVA WEALTH" I am not saying anything but even that name alone is a HUGE RED-FLAG!! Say what you may.....
long pause..... it's definitely spiritual.
Ignorance really has eaten deep into the culture of Nigerians and Africans at large. Any small thing they will say its jaz, juju, babalawo, devil etc. That thing looks too real please look around on the floor you will see that it is blood not water.
There are women who sleep with animals for money please google it you will watch live free videos of A HORSE F***G A WOMAN OR EVEN A DOG. they should call that woman and ask her what she had been doing in secret. this is no ogbanje or devil at work it is clear that a horse's sperm met with this woman. that is why i like Oyibo they would have carried the dead foetus to lab for experiment let us know the real gist. i think National Geographiv Channel should be on standby always.
Truly the end is near...the signs are glaring
Ʈђi§ horse for Ω̴̴̩̩̩̥̩Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ die nau? H̶̲̥̅̊e for grow come speak edo language @ least. Niiiiigeeeeeerrrr, ȋ̝̊̅ hail o o o.
Bestiality of the highest order, they should simple ask her where did it (fertilization) took place. we know the gestation period of a horse (google is my friend hehe) is about 340 weeks (11 months.therefore madam where were you about 11 months ago? see where hot pants has landed you. small small di*k no do you, you went for a long tin. may God continue to protect us from people like you.
This big horse fit commit from vagina ? If it's true then wonders shall neva end
How doth you explain the Yangtze river turning red nonbelievers and SCIENTISTS????????
Lolllz..I can imagine plaiting Ghana weaving wit that!!..Linda,ds image is ghastly..dunno if I will b able to eat for d next 5 days,U just traumatized me!!..but Wow!!..miracles
Let me get this right. She was "pregnant" prior to getting to the church? But whoever it is said they prophesied that something was blocking her womb. So how did she conceive if she was barren in the first place, and how did she deliver...
hahahaha the pastor is a 419 no human being can EVER give birth to a horse, dog or lion. A sperm from a different specie from the human egg can NEVER penetrate the walls of the ovum NEVER so if a woman sleeps with one million horses she can never give birth to half horse half man (you can google it). Liger, Tigon, Zebroid, Zonkey, mule etc that scientists have created they are sterile, they can never reproduce because it is unnatural it is nature's way of preserving things. If that was the case we would have had so many half man and half dog babies because believe it or not people sleep with dogs., unless of course if scientist were to use ICSI but of course that would not be allowed cos of ethics.
Ok, even people like u who don't believe in anything are still as stupid and as dumb as ever. If u are staying in Nigeria or u are aware of your environment, ur narrow thougts would have made u to understand that not all nigerians have assess to a hospital or medical care. Many women who don't have money rely on the church and this churches have midwives who help in delivering a baby for free. That was how ur parents were giving birth to and it is still been practised in the towns and villages.
Sleeping with pythons for rituals? Are you on drugs?
This Alicia is a very bitter person.I suspect ur parents physically and sexually abused u.
Let the name of the Lord be praise, for removing such devil out of her.
Sharrap there.Mumu religious zealot
Cease not seize.Get an education
U be real ode ahdasey jade.Na ur type don dey talk of end time since tey tey.E never still happen.Foolish geh.Put ur riotous imagination tk better use.Have u thot about creatin something?Something simple.Steve jobs and Bill gates should be ur visionaries
U need a mental institution fast.Ur story is simply not possible.
Sharrap.Read what I told ahdasey jade
U are a smart dude frank whyte
Sharrap there.Ignorant religious zealot
That people actually believe it is sadder my dear.
And u re a doctor rukevwe????Taaaaa.You shame the medical profession with this ur simple sentence.
Ignorant and blind religious zealot
Watin person no go hear!!! -Omobaba olowo's brother-
I'm not surprised or bothered by the idiocy of those who crafted his obviously false story...however I'm gravely worried about the idiots who will believe it.
hmmm so amazing
Ω̴̩̩̩̥α only edo ppl D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ do dis kind thing..... Ω̴̩̩̩̥α so una D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ start tribal discrimination... Dem write for T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ story say Ω̴̩̩̩̥α edo person put horse for her belle??
Yes oh! My very BINI boyfriend can not still comprehend why the very ENGLISH boyfriend remains baffled! My very BINI boyfriend thinks native intelligence is responsible for this! #spiritual tinz#
Not surprised jorr.... shes probably one of those Benin ladies who has traveled to Italy or any country in Europe and maybe have had sex with a horse...U'd be surprised at wat those crazy white dudes would ask for just to pay you...... Benin women shaaaaa..... their men na police while their women Ash***********
Hmmmm! sistaly,E get d kai CINIMA u go see, shock nor go let ur brain remember how to use camera fone capture d events! U nor read say a whole deliverance minister wen even initiate d "acid n machine gun" prayers nor fit go niaaa d freshly delivered entity to ascertain weda d thing dey alive or dead? Then u expect talakawa weak members to carry fone to record d incidence? No naaaa! Besides in churches when prayers are on going, cell phones are usually switched off or kept away in bags or wherever. As at when d said delivery took place can you imagine the fear and pandemonium? Am sure by the time pple recovered for the shock the "THING" was already born so at best only a video coverage of the picture above may be recovered and I doubt the Pastor will allow the woman's identity to be known!
My dear Frank_Whyte abeg look the photo above again...then again and finally one last look for the road. Then kindly explain how that colt vaguely resembles any human deformity? Some pple assume belief in supernatural phenomenon makes a person "uncivilised" or local. Sweetie just bcos a person is paranoid doesn't mean pple aren't really after that person. This is Nigeria, her roots are buried in idolatry unlike the Westerners whose roots are Christianity and missionary. They can afford to disregard strange occurances, we can't. Let's not be ignorant of the devices of the devil bcos so far his greatest accomplishment is succeeding in convincing pple he doesn't exist. The controversy if one must exist, is whether or not a woman gave birth to that colt but to infer that said colt may be a deformed baby??? Hmmmm! I may just be tempted to borrow the infamous 3D glasses abeg!
Am not suprised @all benin pipu lik juju 2much......well God b d judsge
What a load of bull....
I don't understand why people wld base their doubt of this story on the existence of "ultrasound". Some pple r too poor to afford such services or their domineering husbands and/or culture wnt allow them attend ante-natal care. Knowing how "religious" we are in this country, it's possible she juz said 'GOD DEY' and took it one day at a time. We oft' take for granted the fact we are enlightened to an extent and maybe even educated, truth be told some people don't know any better!!! Also, there are several stories of strange births around the world so this might not be an exception. That said, I guess the existrence of so many false prophets in the country who wld do anything to get 'gullible' members to fleece has cast doubt on the authenticity of this story.
You are so right! Prayer us the only answer to things like this.
Gullible? Maybe. Idiots? That's uncalled for. It's a matter of opinion so please easy with the insults and derogatory name calling. Someone might call you an idiot as well for trying to make sense of spiritual things with physical or scientific explanations and understanding. So please don't insult people who don't share your opinion. This world is full of mysteries, even a friend of mine who is a cardiothoracic surgeon(an German) and also an atheist told me that though he doesn't believe in a God who lives above somewhere, he has seen too many strange occurances in his 25yrs of practice which defies any rational explanation! So he, the unrepentant atheist admits that there are definitely forces at work somewhere. Personally I have seen too many weird stuff to brush things off as being superstitious. I also know the shenanegans some "pastors" get into for cheap publicity and popularity. In this case I can't be certain which is at play but I believe it could be real or stage-managed. God help us all.
linda is not in any way lyin. I read it dis morning in newspaper.
@ September 11, 2012 8:09 PM
who gives a flying fuck about your 'very English' boyfriend? Was there really any need to start your sentence with that. Self hate issues - so now you think your life is worth much more cos you have an English boyfriend. You are a very English stupid plonker.
she may have been sleeping with a horse or donkey for money. edo people do creepy things for money. or maybe her customer in italy made her sleep with a horse for his pleasure before she was deported to naija. just saying sha..... i dont believe its "spiritual".. she needs to be questioned seriously.
God av mercy on us,wonder shall never end
endtime beckons
when they were busy making love to horses,dogs, what do you expect they will deliver? He who make love to crocodile will surely deliver crocodile.
" from wat biology biology says i don't think this is possible. humans can not cross breed with dat class of mamals as their DNAs have in no way any close resemblance. this only happens in my nursery fairy tales. it amazes me d type of news we carry about Nigeria, like we are still in d dark era..........phew!....too nasty and fake a news.
this is scaring. God pls come to our aid
shey me go fi chop like ds....lol.
Sophie says..
@AMIGA stop hating jor...u obviously give a flying fuck lmao.she likes them very englishy!
If you call yourself a Christian or Muslim and you dont believe in the spiritual (Good and Bad) then you are definitely deceiving yourself.
I you believe in God them you must believe there is Satan and the Bible says "he comes to steal, kill and destroy."
Ignorance and denial is d devil's way of keeping people in bondage. If Jesus caste out demons, that tells you demons DO possess ppl.
People vomit all sorts of things during deliverance sessions; go ask Pastor Adeboye (at least he is credible enough to trust).
This is some kind of scam.. It should be investigated.
If the woman that gave birth to this horse?? was really pregnant, if quizzed, she will confess where the real baby is.
If you plant Yam, you will not reap Maize nah. Abeg, they should stop insulting our intelligence. Shmm!!!
When a woman gave birth to a baby with quran a lot of insults, denials and nasty comments were posted here. Now see what they delivered inside a CHURCH!!!!!!
Seriously all them religious sentiment aside una sure say this woman never shag horse cos the mathematics of conception is very simple if that is the case then kudos to that illustrious horse for breaking the cultural bridge I hereby christen him papa nosa
Seriously all them religious sentiment aside una sure say this woman never shag horse cos the mathematics of conception is very simple if that is the case then kudos to that illustrious horse for breaking the cultural bridge I hereby christen him papa nosa
hmmmmm am speechless
edo winsh!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously all them religious sentiment aside una sure say this woman never shag horse cos the mathematics of conception is very simple if that is the case then kudos to that illustrious horse for breaking the cultural bridge I hereby christen him papa nosa if not then devil is a liar
Benin city, I know why I echoed that name, maybe some of us know why
Witchcraft manipulation that is it. May God continue to disgrace all the witches and manipulators. And that lady should not be surprised when people she knows start dying and confessing.
Ur very stupid to say sharrap!someone jst made serious sense n ur so narrow minded not to appreciate.
Educationist well done•
No wahala.when the woman tire to run make she return come baff her pickin. Who knows,it might be the end of her transportation problems. She should just feed it with enoff hay and in a matter of 10months she can gallop away to la la land! Rubbish! The church dey find members.
If this really happened, then its signs of End Time... Simple!
Oturugbeke!!! As in!!!
Another rubbish to get people to visit a church. The tactics African pastors use is sad.they prey on the fear of the general public and use it against the weak ones.they know nobody will waste their time to verify this .questions people need to ask themselves is this how come its not a baby with a horn ?its easy to get a pregnant horse ,kill it and use the baby.sad story in africa.we need to wake up and stop giving these fraudulent pastors a chance to make us look stupid to the outside world.we are better than this....baby horse my arse...jnz
Spiritual things... but! things neme! May God order our every step and protect us.
Seriously,I just think d world is coming to an end, d signs are just too much,pple pls try nd keep ur ways clean
she came back from Italy
Tufiapa!!! Aru!!(Abormination* igbo tongue)....
Obviously a lot of you failed biology. Even if she slept with a horse she cannot conceive. A horse is not a mammal.
Going by the pastor's name, this was probably an arranged miracle.
Now I'm not saying crazy things don't happen. Trust me they do but in pastor silva wealth's case, I'm 99% sure say na arrangee
I think I should ask,who is the horseband?
i cant find my post, oh what wated effort. Linda, why?
Are you smarter than a 10 year old? Me thinks not!
Abeg na linda believe black magic pass,is Linda not from Africa or what?i detest pretense jor.This is black senseless magic,some one may also hv done this to the lady,some people could be very mean.
Na wao i don't even know what to say about this.
http://www.miniatureventures.com/miniature_horse_fetal_development.html << google image of horse fetal development
I'm just saying... if this picture from Linda is real then it sure looks like horse fetus!!! o ga o!
Im not the person who wrote about my very English boyfriend, but I wanted to know how many gallons and what flavor haterade you were consuming as you wrote what you did.
May God help us.
signs of the end time. may God help us Amen
i have been a nigerian long enough not to believe everything i hear or see in the news.
@Anonymous 6:15, U probably passed biology and U said a horse is not a mammal. Ever heard of sterile offspring, pls google it Biology major!
If this story had something to do with Islam i cant imagine what Linda would have said and 90% of her followers. Think twice!
Effin hell!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PUAHAHAHA *LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF* I'm sorry this cannot be true!!! puahahahahaha
Sensationalism.Only in Benin kia
Its only in Nigeria that anything goes, no investigation of such matter and it will never happen in government hospital. When are you going to be free from just a man fooling millions. I am not disputing things like this can not happen because we live in a mysterious world but there should be a good study to know if its true. Like inquiry about the woman, if she ever attend hospital before but its only pregnancy that she wouldnt like to take to the huspital. We need to be free from fools. Doctor needs to exarmin if such huge creature truely pass through her private part and if there is any sign of delivery.
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