Details as to what really happened that Thursday night are sketchy but according to friends of the late
businessman, he was at the expressway with another friend trying to flag down a taxi around 9 at night, when policemen pulled up and shot him twice in the chest at close range. They said he was not resisting arrest, he wasn't arguing with the police, he was not asked to identify himself, he was just standing there with a friend and got killed for no reason.
Sounds crazy to me! The IG of police has said the men that killed the newly married man were not policemen...but they were wearing police uniform, so who were they?
This is truly sad, and quite unfortunate! I can't even imagine what his wife would be going through now. Hopefully, Ugo's family will get justice for this senseless killing!
Policemen? I seriously doubt it.
So so sad rest in peace man
OMG...Cant blif ds! Wat is 9ja bcomin? New bride sorry ooo.
OMG...Cant blif ds! Wat is 9ja bcomin? New bride sorry ooo.
Police is never ur friend I pray that God will give his wife and family the heart to bear the loss
Sad! Really sad, May his soul rest in peace,Amen!
D IG or watever he is most be out of his senses. What a mystery! Few days after his wedding hmm aKa nndi ro! Hands of d wicked 1s, certainly its not ordinary. I hope he did not offend some frnds in d past b4 he got married. Anywayz who am I 2 judge? I leave dat 4 God 2 handle n settle. RIP Nwa! Life is a journey likewise death. PSSNM
Police is never ur friend I pray that God will give his wife and family the heart to bear the loss
Ah! This is cruel. May his killers never go unpunished. Imagine making this lady a widow at this early stage of her marriage. May God visit the perpetrators of this inhuman act.
Ooh ugo wannem my name sake, nwa dis wicked men in black aka hppy trigger policemen will neva go unpunish* tears rolling dwn my face. PSSNM
Linda, leve blogging make u go prepare 4 ur birthday party. shuo? na so u like aproko? lmao
av a nice evening n leave some 4 me oh
Awwwww!so sad
How? When the police are claiming they're not the one that did it.
so sad.hmmm,but yes,i dont think those uniformed men r police officers.my sympathy goes 2 d bride,wer does one begin 2 say sorry 4rm.may God grant u d strength and wisdom 2 deal wit dis loss.
May his soul rest in peace, married on sat died d ff sat kai very painful, Left 2 me everything was prearranged and dat friend knows smthing abt it. Efficient Linda wont u get ready 4 ur parry u still dey blog
i agree sometimes people dress as policemen and commit crimes...this is sad and inhumane
awwwww.. tha'ts so sad. those guys responsible for this carlous act must be brought to law,and pay severely.. smh! i really pity his wife who has been made a sudden widow..*sad face* may God console her and his family.
horrible..God help us in Jesus name
awwwww.. tha'ts so sad. those guys responsible for this carlous act must be brought to law,and pay severely.. smh! i really pity his wife who has been made a sudden widow..*sad face* may God console her and his family.
May his soul rest in peace. Unfortunate. If they were not police, were they assassins? Please investigate and bring justice
OMG what the hell is this.This is so unfair,unjust and so annoying.Whoever did d=this the Lord will not grant you rest.May God comfort his wife and be a husband to her.May his soul rest in perfect piece
May Ugo's soul rip. i pray d killer shouldn't experience peace throughout his/her/their life tym.
JESUS!lord pls comfort d bride.
Omg! Omg! Omg! This is the saddest ish ever! Oh my days, this gorgeous woman must be in SHOCK right now! God have mercy :(
Lord have mercy
This is so sad, may God be with those he left behind
One of the reasons I hate being called Nigerian.So sad:(
So sad -Rest in peace
stories like this makes me denouce my identity as a nigerian and will continue to denouce it in jesus name.Evil country full of evil people.
Justice!! It will be a miracle if justice is seen. There would be lots of cover up. So sad.
And you still don't believe, we are in the end times.hmmm
This is such a pity...I can't even begin to fathom what the wife is feeling.May his soul rest in peace
May God rest his soul, very sad
If de IG of police said they are not policemen, den they mite not be... They are likely assassins but de question shud be “who send dem?” I've got 2 guesses, either someone he did α huge business wit or someone he disappointed way back. De wife shud take heart tho, its α pity...
Dis is wickedness of d highest order..may his gentle soul rest in peace n d wife b comforted..Amen!!!
May God purnish the IG and the entire police force. This is not the first time its happening! A friend's brother was also killed by drunken and reckless policemen. God will fight for Ugo. Rip Ugo.
OMG!!!!!!!!! He Was my client!!!!!!!!! Know him very well!!!!!!!!!
My question is, how did d IG knw dos killers r nt police? Did he see dem? It is really unfortunate though, may God d rest d soul of d departed nd console dos affected ooo.
OMG! This is horrible! It appears hired killers in police uniform as a disguise! I can only imagine how traumatised the new bride and Ugo's family will be! Horribly sad! May God grant him rest n the family fortitude to bear this loss.
Billie Jean
O goodness, am just lost for words, may his soul rest in peace, AMEN...
Naija oh... Kai! Wat a sad sorry! RIP bro
Na wa ooh. She jus enjoyed ha marriage 4 five days Poor gal.May his soul rest in peace.
This is just disheartning. This displays the inhumanity of most police officers. Deepest condolences to his wife and family.
All culprits behind the murder should be brought to book, why are some people so heartless?
Poor girl....a widow jes after tasting what it feels like to be married...God rest his soul
This is so heartless#its a scray world...#in melb's voice.
Justice should prevail, police should do their part in investigating this case. Why kill a fellow man? some people don't just deserve to live among fellow human. MHSRP.
Hmmmm! Most unfortunate.
Hmmmmmmmmm! i smell a Rat, if Police really are not the ones who shot him, then it could be someone that is not happy with his new status..... this is Deep!
OMG!OMG!OMG! It's so sad such a cute couple. May his soul rest in peace, dear Lord grant his wife the fortitude to bear the loss.. I can't begin to even imagine what the poor woman is going through. The level of insecurity in this country is alarming and scary for real. Mrs.Jakes.
OMG!OMG!OMG! It's so sad such a cute couple. May his soul rest in peace, dear Lord grant his wife the fortitude to bear the loss.. I can't begin to even imagine what the poor woman is going through. The level of insecurity in this country is alarming and scary for real. Mrs.Jakes.
Nawa O°˚˚˚ . Na cynthia own we still ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ mourn now dis. May his soul rest in peace.
Itz very sad! my older sister told me d@ d guy waz a friends friend n I immediately told her d@ they shud dig into d guys past. Linda, imagine just 3wkz ago my friends x-boyfriend told her d@ he wanted her back into his life n d@ they shud start afresh cuz he wanted to marry her. He kept callin n beggin my friend to com over to he's place. Only for my friend to hear d@ he got married last wk, fool could even bodly change hiz statuz on Facebook. Linda iz dis fair??? A lot of guys av takn to diz gimmick of professin marriage to lady's bcuz they wanna av sex wiv them. Diz iz so rampant now n lady's r placing acidic n everlasting curses on such men d@ it will only tak d grace of God to break such curses. Why would a man decide to promise another lady marriage when he knowz he haz som1 he iz gettin married to soon n he also knowz d@ d reason for promising such iz becuz he wantz to av sex wiv her, can yu just imagine d height of wickednez? I just op d@ diz iz not d effect of such a case d@ haz happend. Itz well wiv d wife, d gud Lord wil comfort her in diz period. God help us. Even me d@ iz commenting almost beam a victim of diz gimmick, I saw wifey on ur phone n yu said itz ur x-girlfriend d@ yu broke up wiv since last yr n when I asked why wifey waz stil on hiz phone he said d@ he forgets to change it. D day he waz lik I promised to giv it to him today, d@ waz d day I asked him if he ad som1 else n he kept on swearing on hiz parents grave d@ m d only 1, I made him to understand d@ if he ad other girlfriends I won't b upset cuz Hez not a virgin n Hez not havin sex wiv me but he shud let me know if there's another lady apart from me n he kept on swearing d@ I waz d only. Linda ever since he found out d@ sleepin wiv me iz mission impossible he stopped callin n promised me d@ I wil get Hez weddin invitation soon. I did not say anything but told God d@ he wil only enjoy iz marriage if he apologizes before d marriage. Evil d@ men do don't live after them again, it either lives wiv them or sends them to a journey of no return. Imagine if I waz not an ordinary lady, yu can imagine d outright punishment I would av given him? Itz best I report him to God cuz when God iz d one dealin wiv yu thrz no one to report him to. Linda plz one diz men cuz d ladiz or women r complaining bitterly about diz gimmick. Itz well! Plz publish my comment for other men d@ r into diz shud repent from such to avert self imposed problems from heir lives!
This is serious.
I'm still in shock.Ugo got married last weekend and he was killed 5days after his wedding and now his wife now a widow.
A friend of his went to visit him and he decided to drop him off at the bus stop so he could get a cab home.
Ugo was shot right there without committing any offence.
Justice needs to prevail.......
Na wa oh. Very painful.. I have heard of armed robbers disguising themselves as policemen just to attack people but I wonder how they get these uniforms in the first place. May God comfort those he left behind. Amen
OMG! I am speechless Ugo! Such senseless and barbaric killing! It not fair! Thot I would see u during exams.U were such a gentleman! IG u btter do a housekeeping to fish out ur pple in ur team that aid and abet the so called fake police. Shame on death and shame on our police force. May God give ur wife and family fortitude to bear d loss! Rest in peace my friend
what a wicked world. may these killers never go unpunished by GOD. Chei!! Chukwu Okike!!! what will become of dis newly wedded wife. chei!! God hv mercy on us all.
what a wicked world. may these killers never go unpunished by GOD. Chei!! Chukwu Okike!!! what will become of dis newly wedded wife. chei!! God hv mercy on us all.
Oh my God..This is so saddddddd....May god give the family the fortitude to bear this loss
what a wicked world. may these killers never go unpunished by GOD. Chei!! Chukwu Okike!!! what will become of dis newly wedded wife. chei!! God hv mercy on us all.
Very sad saw his pix on my boyfriends fone 😡naija police n their reckless way of takin innocent life's.Rip Ugo SO so so sad
Oh God wat is all this ...newly married chia !
Linda check this out: http://mojidelano.blogspot.com/2012/09/sheer-evil-jealous-girlfriend-deceives.html?spref=tw&m=1
Too badt! What is this country turning out to be?. Whoever did it must not be left unpunished. Even if they aren't caught here on earth, Baba God will fish 'em out and deal with 'em in heaven. I condemn this sensless act in its entirty. May his soul find peace in God.oya!! ladies, hold ur men tight as soon as itz dark oo cuz one bullet is enof to cause u sorrow for the rest of ur life but that won't be ur portion at all.
Nowadays armed robbers have all the services uniforms which is pathetic...so many time you would hear stories about people getting robbed by people wearing uniforms.....back to the story-t sounds like and assassination
it can be true that those men are assasins in police uniform cos my car has been snatched from me from a group of armed robbers on police uniform here in lagos, they re on the road as if it was a check point not knowing that they are disguised armed robbers. may his soul rest in peace.
OMG!!!tears rolling...May d Almighty God console d family n grant him eternal rest.SADMUCH
I suspect a jealous ex may he RIP http://labellakamer.blogspot.no/
So very sad, it was a very beautiful and joyous wedding and every1 had fun, little did we know wat was ahead. God will dry the tears of the Ozuahs. God is still in charge
Ugo I wld miss u. Wole
chai, wat a pity
CRAZY!!! This is just CRAZY!!!
CRAZY I tell you....
chai, wat a pity
MY GOD, This is rily sad. May the Lord be with his Wife nd Console her dis period of her life, Nd may his soul RIP, Amen. This is rily sad.
*sobbing*, I feel for the wife. May his sould rest in peace
Amen. May God help us in this country. It's just too sad an event. Can't even begin to imagine what his wife is presently going through. May his soul RIP.
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So saaaad! *teary eyes*
this is very sad... very similar to ma cousins story who was killed 4 days after his wedding in warri.. really sad, they might not have been police in reality.. mayb assasins disguising as police... May his soul rest in peace..
So sad. May his soul rest in peace. Cnt imagn what his wife is goin through.
OMG! so sad.... My heart goes out 2 d wife
what a world. Haba! Haba!! Nawaoo for enemies of progress. I guess they are hired assasins who know whom d wife or d guy have offended. Guys watch ur ways. Stop playing with ladies hrt they may just arrange u and vice versa. Ugo RIP...... IKE ADAKA
May his soul rest in d bossom of d lord....bt who ever has don dis will surly face d same death....infact there death will b worst than his
It culd b assassins Linda! Gosh! Maybe a girl he jilted
Na wa wonders will never end
Sad :(
In as much as I am bitter about this kind of dastardly act .I do not believe the Men of the Nigeria police force will do this kind of act. The Nigeria police officers will not just see you and shoot at you with no just cause
Just like the IG said , who knows if they are assassins in Police uniform. Who knows if they were business associates who may want to silence him so as to cover up a deal . Still you cant rule out the fact that a lady who he may have dumped to marry the heartthrob may decide to send assassins to him , only investigation will reveal and it is still the same Police that will carry out the investigation.
Cynthia u are one hell of a dumb ass.
Very smart question hope
This is 4 the bride, May God console you coz its only him that can. I can't imagine the pain you must be going true.
OMG! Wat a sad story. May his gentle soul rest in peace n may God grant d fam d fortitude to bear d loss.
was he in cult back in his skol days? was he a hit man back then? ponder on this guys.....business associates can do that....ex lovers can do that or did he snatch someones babe? abi na curse?
@ anonymous September 22, 2012 10:34 PM, true talk. E fit be ex lover wey dey bitter.
If I had the chance, I would have burnt my 'ex-boyfriend' to death at a stake. only God save am say e no dey for Nigeria.
I asked him before anything ever started (relationship I mean) if he was married, he said NO. Even started insinuating why I would think he is married and insults on me as to why he would be married. Since I had 'known' him for quite a while I just carried on normally. I had not thot h was married,I just only asked 'to fulfil ol righteousness"
After the bastard (who I know will not make anything of his life, and will lose everything dear to him) got what he wanted, na so im dissapear.
I later found out. He had no apologies and even rubbed it in further by insulting me.I know his life is on a time bomb. but me I dont want him dead. i want him to be a living dead, and with his own mouth, pray for death
Very unfortunate incident and a very sad news..RIP
So sad may his soul rest in peace.
Which way Naija!!!the oly country where police dress like criminals ad criminals dress like policemen. I won't be suprised if the this poor guy was killed by criminals in police attire. So sad. The Good Lord should destroy that rotten country so that only few good men and women left can start all over with another name such as "Biaduwa" coined from(Biafra & Oduduwa)Aboki people should be sent back to chad, and saudi Arabia.
9ija Jaga jaga.
Wicked world
Cynthia idiot, U̶̲̥̅̊ nid 2 ßë probed!guess U̶̲̥̅̊ were D̶̲̥̅̊ guy's ex Ãπϑ U̶̲̥̅̊ snt D̶̲̥̅̊ killers!cos i dunno ♓☺w A̶̲̥̅ rite thinkn person wld tink of A̶̲̥̅ parrie i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ ds situation...God È‹̝̊̅§ watchn U̶̲̥̅̊
Its a pity
Alu na eme...Onye obuna gbado anya biko.
Be careful, watch and pray...for wickedness will abound n the love of many will wax cold...
Visit grovespot.com to know more about Jesus today.
somethingis wrong somewhere. Pple can go to ay extent to seek vengeance. Always keep ur hands clean and pray for God's protection.
Visit ashirigbakaute.blogspot.com for ur latest ashiri.o
It is always good for ppl to know each others history b4 they marry.One of them could be carrying a very dark past as a baggage or it maybe just ndi anya ufu,we don't know.
Let's pray for his soul to rest in Peace. What I am seeing happen in Nigeria these days was unheard of growing up,not even after the end of the Biafra civil war,when guns and armunnitions were scatterd all over d place.
Human life has no value in Nigeria anymore! Chinekem Bia LeweeoooO!!!
My heart goes out esp 2 his wife & family. Such a big loss.I pray God gives dem d strenght 2 pass thru dis period. People act n forget thrs a God who sees all n judges dem accordin 2 their deeds.
@cynthian u're a big fool and heartless person. I feel for the woman she must be going 2ru hell now.its a pity r.i.p
My sister na wa for this ur long epistle, i sympathise with u but my only advise is to move on. Life can be a happy place sometimes
Leave Cynthia alone kwanu!! Mourn with those who mourn and celebrate with those celebrating. Cynthia choosing to celebrate life with Linda na bad thing?? Myt nt be appropriate on ds page, well its still related cos she ws tryna tell Linda 2 go n face her bday n nt blog, nt like she's heartless and dsnt give a hoot abt Ugo... Life goes on niggy!! Ugo don escape all d evil wey dey ds world, may his soul RIP.. Na we gotta face our lives, and pray or worry abt d evil arnd, accidents, bombings, wars, robberies all sorts(may these and its likes nt be our portion in d Matchless name of Jesus! And may it nt come near our fam n friends) .. Sixta Blunt queen abeg leave Cynthia, she simply chose to look at d bryter side and balance her blood pressure or somfin, na u dey tink d dead man wey dey enjoy where he dey nw and dey give urself cardiac arrest unnecessarily! U sef must be dumber to abuse sm1 rather than just droppin ur conolence mssg and vamoosing D page ..ur blunt brain myt need sharpening!! Don diddy says so .. My sincere condolences to Ugos wife n fam... :(
I really doubt if his killers were real Police men...I don`t think Nigerian Police have degraded to that length...May his soul rest in peace...Amen.May the Spirit of God Almighty comfort all the affected...Amen
Therz power in d tongue.. Pls stop confessing negative abt My country.. Leave Naija 2 d rest of us that are proud of it and strongly believe that therz lyt at d end of ds dark dark tunnel.. Tho d sorrow may last 4 a nyt, joy surely cometh in d mrnin.. It is well with naija iJn, God bless n reign in our beloved country Nigeria! ...Don diddy!
1 min its massive celebration , the next its massive pain sorrow and sadness!! Wooww! What a world we live in!! I have no doubts dt Jesus dey come soon! Cos He just gotta come n end all ds CRAP!!!! D question is will u be with Him in paradise or otherwise n continue in ds evil and even worse!! My brain can't fathom wat hell wld be like cos ds story in itself na maximum evil act!! Accept Jesus today pple n be on the safe, winning and loving side...God bless u guys n av a wonderful Sunday... RIP Ugo, May d Holy spirit comfort ur fam....don diddy!
uwa di egwu
This is very sad oh.. D level of armed robbery now in Lagos is scary .may God help us all.. I can't imagine what d poor wife would be going through now,its unimaginable.. The pain,hearthache,sadness,nd watsoever she would be thinking about,"am I cursed?did I bring dis upon myself?y did I marry now?is there something wrong wth me? And so much more" its a terrible feeling.but I know DAT God will console her.. And also his families too..
But really dis story sounds suspicious,I don't get how he would be shot alone if it wasn't a planned thing,if it was robbery,the friend wuld also be shot too except I want to believe DAT he was lucky,but if in d case of hired assassins,then I rest my case.. But come to tink of it at UPS at night in gbagada isn't always bright for armed men to jst kill him alone wthout shooting at random,I really don't knw wat to think anymur but I strongly believe it was all planned out well.. May his soul rest in d bossom of d lord.. Rilly rilly sad... God help us all..
i don't think so. It may be an anssanssin
ugo was a good friend way back in school....seeing the pics on bb just brings back memories...Sleep sweetli in the bossom of the Lord....The baddies should be brought to book!
Its very easy to forge fake police uniform, besides they shot and sped off, so definitely not police men.
Yes anon. U made some sense there. That friend with him is a prime suspect. They should take him into questioning.
For a lot of reasons.
The police should please investigate and know the horrible people that impersonated them.
And even, how did the IG know they are not policemen?? Did he get to see them? Just asking sha. If he did see them, den he knows who they are.
As for ð widow, may God give u the fortitude to bear the loss. I can't even imagine how u feel. But I know it hurts soo bad. I pray each day that passes heals you. God bless you, amen.
May ugo's soul rest in perfect peace, amen.
You are soo daft cynthia.
I doubt if its the nigerian police, because some thing must be fishing somewhere.
Abeg help me tell this men wey no dey hear word. The worst part is they leave a good woman for a happening babe wiv long brazillian hair and bleached skin. Even after marriage dey keep coming back. Most of naija boys, its their mothers prayers that is sustaining them. Women are dangerous and wicked. I know what my friends are doing. They are serious runs girls wey dey go see babalawo! yet if u see their boyfriends. Young and vibrant men. I don't pity such men, 9ja men love flashy things little wonder why everybody wants to be light skinned. They'll get a marriage that will start and end in a flash! I know there is foul play sha for this guys case. Its too obvious! Its either business deal gone wrong, jilted lover, an old curse, or pure witchcraft.
This is so painfull,a lot has really happend this month,may God help us all.
Let's not be quick to analyze him as a victim. Yes, its unfortunate he got killed, but what has he done in the past? All these evil men go around breaking womens hearts and then go marry someone else without even batting an eyelid!
Girls have been thru hell in the hands of nigerian men. A girl will do 7 abortions for u, u will beat her blue black or even get her pregnant make her have the baby with a promise to marry her, only for him to turn around and marry someone else.
Abeg they shud check this guys past wella. A very bitter angry ex-girlfriend who got dumped bitterly is behind this. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. You can't put a woman thru hell, break her heart, treat her like shit and then expect to enjoy ur new marriage. Lai lai! The evil that men do live after them
I agree wit u on Nig police. Nig police are trigger happy we all know. But they won't shoot 4 no cause. They need little aggravation(very little aggravation) but something must upset them. The won't just pull out gun like dt
Its so sad. I think it s d end of time. I m scared.
only God knows why? I doubt if its police... It might be hired assasine. May his soul rest in peace.
Trust me, It can't be the police men!
Sm1 else just camouflaged in their uniform!
My 2cents says its sm1 he has pissed off big time!
So sad, RIP dear and may God console his wife!
I cried last night wn I read ds post, just had the nerves to comment ds morning!
Pple can be wicked, they wl never go unpunished!
God will judge us all smday shaa!
So many angles to dis..... Its eida d friend that was with him (cos I don't see why police will have bullets to shot him twice, and will not shoot d other pesn with him), the wife (if they did court, she now owns all that he has), a past lover (who he probably disappointed after years of being together), Business deal gone bad, or a case of wrong target....... Whichever way it happened, one fact remains, he's dead. May his soul RIP
So sad! I cant imagine what the wife will be going through right now! It is well.
Lyn so so sad! only God knows d cos of his death, but guys out there, dont start what u can't finish! we all dont ve the same heart, the heart of men is desperately wicked and wen trigered can be deadly. Ugo,RIP @ ur wife, may God console u!
oh my mighty God i cant believe dis just lk that?dis country is nt secured for anyone any longer oh,even if they are nt police men how did they grab d uniform?and where were they when d arm robbers grab there uniform?olodo nigerian police they desearve punishment.
Let the Togolese keep spewing shit.
Ugo din jus do honeymoon*sad*@ patience why wil u do 7 abortions?r u mad ni?kil 7 tyms bkos of wetin naw?????aunnty lin biko post
Police should question the friend that was with him. Case closed
Honestly u cant kill som one dat u ve once luvd no mata wat, unless d luv was dat kind of luv dat we c in movies. Bt real luv wil always b dere even afta sepration bt with pain, u wont lyk to c him suffer in any cuz unles his ofence was as a result of killin an inocent person delibrately. So sad sha
Cynthia y now?!! U shld hv dropped this comment on another of Linda's post
Honestly u cant kill som one dat u ve once luvd no mata wat, unless d luv was dat kind of luv dat we c in movies. Bt real luv wil always b dere even afta sepration bt with pain, u wont lyk to c him suffer in any cuz unles his ofence was as a result of killin an inocent person delibrately. So sad sha
I,m still wondering why this linda girl does not post my comments. Is this blog meant for a few
May he rest in peace. I feel so sad for his mum and family...loosing anoda kid aint easy. May God grant them his strength and peace
So sad. May his soul rest in peace and grant the entire family the fortitude 2 bear the lose
errmmm have the police arrested his EX? or even the WIFE? hmmmm
ASSASINATION!!..Police don't shoot at random..that would be after a negotiation break down and all avenues exhausted..tho they waste Danfo drivers @random!!
Analyse Bullets in Nigeria! U don dey watch too much 'oyibo' movies oh!
Plz men speak to urselvz seriously, I take ma time to speak wiv my younger brodaz on girlz. I shared my last xperience wiv them, d wifey stuff n ow he waz just bent on avin sex wiv me n ow he also promised d@ I wil get an invitation to hiz weddin soon. Plz guys be careful cuz when som1 luvz yu n yu do diz to a lady, such luvz turnz to bitter hatred! A word iz enuf for d smart!
Crunchy aPple abeg no vex, which kind business u dey wey im be ur client....I hope say no be x_x ....lol
This is soo sad! RIP Ugo :( and my condolence to his wife. Pls bitter ex Girlfriends should move on and find other topic to rant on and stop insinuating about his death! Life really can be beautiful if you let it be..
I definitely agree with patience....I thnk this story reeks of revenge from an estranged ex....the fact that it happened days rather his wedding says it all. He must have jillted someone who was determined no other woman will have I'm if she can't have him
Sad sad story
NYC-1 say: Its UNPROFESSIONAL for the IG to make such a statement to exonerate Niaja Police without first carrying out ballistic test of the bullet used. Does it mean that Nigeria Police uniforms are within any ones reach? Does it mean that his men are adequately trained that they cannot act on their whims and caprices, or that his men cannot be bought over to carry out criminal acts? I can go on and on bringing out the technicalities of the possible scenarios to show that their are more questions than answers in this incident, but I will leave that. That is Nigeria for you. The painful thing is that Nigeria Police may demand money from the victim's family for them to carry out any investigation; else, it will be swept under the carpet - afterall, the victim is not 'connected.' I pray God to comfort the family. Earthly lose, is Heavenly gain.
You are right.
Cynthia, you will be banned from this blog if you do not pass sensible and/or appropriate comments. This is a life we're talking about, whilst you r on abt smithing else. No human feelings huh? Odaju, ole
LIB readers u can now see y a pastor ll tell some1 after dating for 8 yrars that they should not marry!!!!
Life is spiritual.
May be hired assassins,which policeman will shoot,someone waiting for a cab,for no just cause? Please check ex-girlfriends,killed five days after wedding...something must have gone wrong.May his soul rest in peace.
pple r so cruel!!!!!!!!!!!!! y shd dis just happen,gawd i cant imagine what these woman is going through
u guys re pathetic, do u knw if he was in a cult and nemesis caught up with him, no one gets killed like dat unless his hand is stained
My people, i want u all to know that the criminals can disguise in police uniform. As for me, if ugo had jilted a lady b4 getting married to this new one, that's the prime suspect
u that said u denied Nigeria, so many things are happening outsidethe country that are more worse than this my great Country Nigeria, i believe those ppl are not police, he might hav offended some evil people. we have to becarful when judging on information, doyou know if he jileted some one or stuffs like that, see love can be sweet but other side of it is dangerous, those he offended dont hav christ in them, and they decided to take away his life. STOP MIS USING OTHERS JUST BECAUSE EU GOT SOMEONE ELSE TO DATE" men are dangerous in dis part od the word, they used and dump girl ,just because they found someone else, or because they 've seen a rich man"s daughter. i don't know him and i have never heard of his name, i am just wondering what could warrant this and i taught maybe he probably has disappointed someone or molest.
see, if i have the evil spirit in me , i means if its possible to borrow the spirit for a few time, i will do the same to any guy that gilt me, because guys of nowadays are liars, either , they wnat sex or ur money they will say alot of thinga nd promise and promise that they want to marry u, after all just month later u will see their invitation card.
some guys needs this treatment, but i will rather allow them to remove one of this gimmicks eye, break one leg and one hand of his.
i mean if the guys lied and jilted me as a lady.
let me tell u a story of a friend, when she wanted to get married, her Fiancees ex always called and ask for DAMAGES money, my friend ask her Fiancee and the guy confess that he had gone out with the lady and she aborted for im more than 5*, my friend persuaded the guy to see the girl and sort out the issue before they got married, honestly they met and this poor lady poured out her mine to the guy, the guy settle the lady by given her 50k.
most guys will take this for granted and ignore the girl, guys ur past is hunting after u.
May his soul rest in peace and i pray that God help his wife and family.
Linda, Ugo is gone already and may his soul rest in perfect peace.But i think we should take a critical look at the comments this topic is generating. Haba too many girls are bitter. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yep i'm also a girl. You need to learn to forgive and let go for YOUR OWN SAKE... For your own sanity. Be independent of men. Why would a man convince u to abort 7 times if you yourself are not wicked? If you attach so much to sex why then give it away so cheaply? It does not mean anything to the men so why then do u expect him to marry u just because u slept together. You now become biitter and jealous of the "light skined girl he marries?
What is your own? Can't you pray and ask God for your own man? plEASE if any man has wronged you YOU MUST FORGIVE HIM,NOT FOR HIM BUT FOR YOU TO LIVE A BETTER MORE FULFILLED LIFE.
condolenses to the bride, but come on nigeria, this is not the first time criminals dress as policemen to commit crimes, they were obviously not policemen
LOL its callous not carlous..dont mention.
Its possible they are not police men ........a friend was flagged down some years ago by men in police uniform,,,,he never knew they were armed robbers,they collected all he had on him that nite.......but seriously how do these robbers get police uniform if they dont have an insider among them????its a pity,,,God help his wife ooooo!!!
This is definitely an assassination. This is not police work. Now that we are clear on that, how did they know where exactly he was? Check the friend, he may have been communicating with the culprits on their whereabouts. As for the ex angle, how would she know he was going to be in the area, except he was still deceiving the girl and communicating with her, telling her all he was doing. They should look into the guys past too. His business partners and look inside his phone very well. Who knows? He may have been a hit-man in school, and may have killed someone's family member (child, son, cousin). They may have decided to take this action against him to put his family in the same pain he put others in. RIP to the dead, and may God judge accordingly. Sometimes people do things and feel they have every right to get away. But not everyone you offend leaves karma to do its job. They are Karma.
this is so common in gbagada,before it was just beaten poeple now killing, God help us with this police people
Same thing happened to my friend(Igho - may u continue to rest with the lord). he was shot and killed three days after his wedding and his wedding band removed;leaving his pregnant bride.
things are happening!
its so very sad cos i know them, i actually found out about this on linda's blog and confirmed it was true...am still in shock..the wife is soooo sad
Oga keep denouncing Nigeria o, dat country U are now will denounce U too... Mumu, se na 4 only Nigeria des tinz dey happen ni... No be 4 manchester den still kill 2female police officers dis last week.... If U dare insult my country again, thunder go faya ur mouth... Homo-erectus oshi!!
Lmao @Anon4:54..... She fit be lawyer na or maybe na she decorate d wedding hall...
Its too much Crime and Investigation channel....but seriously, she's very right.... May d soul of d departed rest in peace, may God console d wife he left behind and his family and may God help Nigeria!!!
Very true... My ex did me a great wrong bt I cnt bring myself 2 pray dat he shld suffer... D one time I tried, I immediately told God 2 turn d curse into water and let it flow away without affecting him, lol....
the english used by some people here is funny sha.
i'm inclined to believe the evil that this guy has done just caught up with him...either jilted ex or shady byusiness deals
I believe this is a set up. This so called friend that came to visit them, why did he have to wait till 10pm before leaving? Why visit a newly wedded couple and stay that late? Why did he stay back with the policemen while his friend was being rushed to the hospital? Why has he returned to the UK even before the autopsy result is out? Please dont mind me, i have many questions than answers. All i know is that we all shall reap whatever we sow, here on earth.
Hmmmm Its a wicked world.... Well number 1 suspect is his friend..... If it was police that friend won't leave to tell the story.... How come his friend was not shot.... Ugo was a busniess man, its definatly personal grudge.... Ugo's wife take hat.... It is well....
Bro ugo may ur soul rest in peace..still find it hard 2 believe dat u gone..And as 4 ur killers,I place dem into God's hands..
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