In tweets that he has since deleted, the singer and actor talked about longing to be so in love that it causes images of his children to pop up in his mind while having sex with that special lady. Is that creepy or what? lol.. See it below...

Awwww...how can a hot dude with everything be lonely? Silly question, I know! :-)
Ha linda, it is possible, cos he hasn't find his love.
I'm guessing REALITY IS "It's Lonely At The Top".. But, I'd rather be successful n lonely than be otherwise.
Even those who sing Love Songs even have its lack. No worry Tyrese it's gonna be over soon.
Awwww, can he come and take me.....that's the kinda love one needs. love with everything.
It may surprise you to hear that most hot dudes/babes are really lonely.Not that they have not seen women ....BUT, that one that sweeps you off your feet...In short, you know it when you find her.
I am in that situation myself.A lot of women come my way,yet I can't feel that connection or reason to believe that she's the one.
The only one I ever felt that way hurt me deeply and cheated on me severally when we moved abroad few years ago.(At least you know you love your lady when you are always willing to forgive her for any bullshit she throws at you). She had moved on with another man....I kept searching and searching....women come across my way,but I easily get bored with them. I guess am scared....well, because I have not felt that same thing that I felt for my ex.
So, it could be a very lonely world out there.I am cute,well educated but also lonely.
I can be ur wifey tyrese. *wink* smiles.
he should come and find me, I would give him love*winks*
My Tyrese lonely?...dude dat killed me wt his song"how you gonna act like dat"..song dat makes u tink of being curled up in bed on a cold,wet day,with the lights dimmed..I know its a song abt heartbreak but d song beats make u tnk sumtn else..hehehe..For giving me dat song,I can make him 'unlonely'..;-)
It's reality as it happens everywhere. You see hot rich guys and women lonely but you won't know if they didn't say it. Money and fame is not going to stop a man or woman from being lonely if he or she lack love . Love with a partner is the intimate money and fame can't buy.
awwww. How so romantic! Linda, do you know the meaning of creepy at all?
Where is his ex wife?
Check out my blog people!
Awww I feel him joor..I'm sure he has ladies but jes hasn't found the one he could spend his life with..and Linda,hawt guys do feel lonely oo*lol*
Aww. I soo feel for him. And the thing is the hot/beautiful ones end up being the lonely ones.
Love is an awesome feeling though. He didn't describe it half as close. Lol
Linda this is your Hubby reaching out to you o!
If he keeps sending out crazy tweets he'll be forever alone thats for sure...or maybe not. Whatever.
so true Tyrese! it lonely out there! Coming from a collectivist culture/society like Nigeria, relationship is key!!! be it having a bf/gf partner or marriage. loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person feels a strong sense of emptiness and solitude **Floetry in motion**
Marry me ty pls
Hmmmmmmm..... E be like say ur own Loneliness Pass Ty's o. Hehehehe
Linda,U can frustrate d angel out of any person wt ds ur comment thingy..so tempted to say "tufia"
Me too .. I have dated many girls but I have never fallen in love and I don't know how being in love feels .. When I my girls say and act very in love with I feel jealous because I long to feel like dat but just can't .. I always pray that I meet a girl that would make me go gaga with mad love but I am 29 and at the twilight of my bacherlorhood and I haven't known the feeling yet . Its so bad that I have never dated anyone that I even miss them when I don't see or hear from dem for days sef.
Awwwwwwwww, these ain't creepy Linda, these tweets show a soul reaching out to a soul mate. I feel for him, he needs love;true love. I used to have a crush on him, his pic on my wardrobe door. I pray he finds his lost rib soon.
Awwwww..... every stroke indeed counts when you are with the right one. it gives sense of secured belonging.... loneliness aint good at all. you can be lonely if you are with the wrong one but you will never be lonely when you are with the right one
Tyrese be doing the most in the seeking for notice department
*still yawning*
Bia Rockstar..who asks for your own problems..i beg w eare talking about tyrese so take 20 seats...
rockstar and anonymous 12:10pm....holla @ me hehehe...meanwhile tyrese i love u die..
yes tyrese, you better chill with it. i understand where he is coming from though, its really hard being on top and finding love. you just dont know who really cares about you or who just cares about the idea of you.
oh well, i guess that is one of the prices you pay. hope you find love bro.
I think he means images °ƒ unborn kids about to be brought to life
seriously? how can he be lonely?
I have a very deep respect for Tyrese.He sure did recognize the need to find someone that completes him.
Of course you and I know that getting any woman to sleep with or have kids with is not his problem, .....but finding that special one that make you want to get married here and now.....
Some say that there's no thing as a 'perfect man/lady'....I disagree! When you find your soul mate, everything becomes perfect.
If you understand this, then know that there is a perfect woman/man out there and he/she is your soul mate.If you haven't found it yet,keep looking,and don't settle. Believe me,YOU will know when you find it.
And as the years roll by,it gets better and better.
It's a very good thing to dream and long for that special moment,to be with that special person that you just passionately want to have a family with;be with that special woman that will always be the best part of your everyday.
If you haven't found it yet,Keep looking,you will find it.Don't SETTLE!
Looool , I wonder o.. I don't think she does ... This beautiful matured tweet ! Na hin she talk say creepy ? #laughs#
I've been there and I can identify with this dude,fell in love once,thought I had found my soulmate.....2yrs later she drops d relationship...her only excuse she doesn't fnk I'm d one she wud eventually marry....so I guess it takes two to tango.I've learnt my lesson-no one can make u happy except u choose to,and all relationships burn out after a while, but maturity,respect,humility,fear of God...and always remembering how u both started would go a great deal to strengthen ur ties
@ Anon Sept 12, 12:10< you may be bi-sexual tending more to gay...check urself dude!
Rock star date ♍ξ aηƌ u'll bless Linda's blog... Lol...I don't know but there is this thing about ♍ξ ... Every guy i meet always want to take ♍ξ home to meet their Family... Its really confusing becos am in a relationship Tнa† is one of a kind...(Beautiful) buh i meet some guys aηƌ i just want to help them by dating them aηƌ take away their sorrow....letting them know u can always find a decent good girl out there but unfortunately i can't cheat on my boo... I ℓ♥√ع him very much aηƌ i hope every lonely heart out there finds a soul mate.....IJN
I feel his pain jor,but 'the one' def will come along,am still waiting for my own ojare
Linda, being hot and having everything don't make life 100% rosy. The rich also cry.
Seems you are still hung up on your former lady; and u may be unconciously comparing other ladies with her. Not all women cheat u know. Look for friendship first and move on from there. Am sure soon u'll find a lady who is beautiful inside out.cheers!!!
Its all d female members in ur family that are cheap! Is it cause they do ur sisters with 1 onion n 1 cabin biscuit that u decided to insult all Nigerian girls?
Awww! Miss "Animashaun"
Its all d female members in ur family that are cheap! Is it cause they do ur sisters with 1 onion n 1 cabin biscuit that u decided to insult all Nigerian girls?
Hw sad dat der r tins people wit money can't buy expecially LOVE, I feel ur pain dude
Linda abeg leave this agbaya..its obvious he's horny,all he kept repeating was something sexual..he didn't even say having someone to hold close while dey sleep and waking up next to them,or the feeling they leave you with evrytime they say I love you,its too imagine babies when you're making love 2 her..mschewww na him knw wetin dey worry am,hope he's not a paedophile..how can u imagine babies when making love
LMAO! lonely guy
Yes Linda,there are women out there to f...,but real love is hard to find these days
Linda u should know better... U got everything too but we dont hear about your man... Just saying..
Am so sad right now how can my Husband be lonely when have always been dere for him sobs.
whats creepy about....
just facts
sophie says...
awww tell him to marry me.he'l do right by me.
awww you can marry me too
i think he's sweet, not creepy at all. He's just saying what he feels the only way he knows how to.
awwwwww,so romantic...come take me home
dude love does not exist. what exist are sex and money. quit the pity party and go get yourself some pussie
ROCKSTAR,c u feeln lonely wen am here 4 u.lolz.dun wory am nt desperate,buh I can be a very gd frnd 2 u,we wuld both find a grl 4 u.& share our probs 2geda,jst hola @ me.I jst feel like I can help u.mayb chats & all.buh dnt take dis d wrong way o,cos am nt interested.I jst wana stretch my hand of kind gesture 2 u.awaiting ur reply.no strings attached.we culd mayb xchng pins,buh pls o ,hp u nt a broda 2 cynthia's killers abego.I no fit xplain sey na linda's blog I catch bloc o.
Yur ryt NEKS, dat song ws tops fo® me den oo, I normally put it on repeat whneva I ws reading ma books den n still Ħa√ع d lyrics in ma head.....yeah, I agree wit Rockstar on hs comment, somtimes dts just d way life is.
It's either you are yet to meet @@the one@@ or you are too busy in love with yourself!
Well stated!
See ya mouth like "I know what it's like to be on top" on top what? Molue or keke napep ...oniranu buruku mscheeeeeew!
Go him house go ask am...madam toju bole....lol
Keep waiting ooo. Lazarus will ressurect and meet u waiting!
How can you feel his pain when u never get his kind money and fame?
Olofofo....gbeborun...amebo. Is the topic on Linda Ikeji?. Make u help am find man na as u don turn human dating website!
98% of the ladies of LIB seem to be desperately looking for a man. I will soon start a 100% free dating web-blog oooo!!!
Some people don't know how to talk in celebrities life most expecialy nigeria when read about them we keeping talk shit on them but to me tyrere is the best and cool man infact its best r&b singer in the worldwide this not joking . Let me take you back in the day of 90s when he drop first album that we found (sweetlady)but. Later he having problem with that sweetlady second album he ask her that ( how you gonna act like that ) next album he keeping searching for his say to his wife that ( come back to me shaw ) curse you take my heart away but all the action that he make to bring back that bitch was turn him dwn so all we is to tell him that he should go back to his mama land tanzania africa his land and get hard girl for him self And enjoy rest of his life .thanks you so much linda from rasheed?
I feel u john doe .shuu hehe
Guess dt will make A̶̲̅. good love/sex song.. Nice1 #babyboy
Sofar kindly remember "clean hands and Water" while you are it to avoid poultry smelling tinz! Lol
I feel for him sha,i hope he finds love again.I did't quite understand reason u see this as creepy.Or are u falling in love wt d guy?is not bad to fall in love.
Maybe Linda is creeped out by the making love to a woman and images of his babies start popping out! Lol! Lindy honey when you get married you'll see how romatic this same creepy line will be. I remember how scary it was when a guy I'm just getting to know brings up issues about the future or kids! The talk of kids with a man I barely know used to creep the hell out of me as well until I met the love of my life and we got married. I'll never forget the day we were making love and just before the grand finish, he whispered into my ears "darling look into my eyes and see the joy I feel that you are about to be the mother of my baby, our baby!thank you for being my angel"! Awwwwww!#falls down and faints! Now you know why my pseudonym is Angeleyez! Lol! Love is a BEAUTIFUL thing!
29 yrs? Honey you have your whole life ahead of you. There's no age limit when it comes to love. Some find it earlier, others later but the important thing is that you find love. Take it from a woman still madly in love with her hubby after 10yrs of marriage and two adorable kids, real love will stand the test of time and like good wine it gets better with age. Don't get me wrong, it's not smooth sailing all the time, there are trying times but true love always prevails.
Biko allow the poor boy vent jare! So bcos d subject is Tyres, nobody can make personal comments? Do u knw weda from his personal comments a reply may just profer d solution he needs? Abegi wakanow.com blog police!
I totally agree with you!
Choiii! Bumble Bee how old r u?u come across like a sad recently dumped teenager!Tyrese thinking abt babies poping out is not a turn on 4 him eeeehhhhh! Gutter mind tinz! He means being with a woman u luv makes u desire having babies with her! In short u r now a suspect! Why will ur mind go to such a twisted interpretation??? Ahhhh! BB I go dey follow ur comments bumper 2 bumper on dis blog!
I totally agree with you!
Angeleyez ur too funny abeg. Lol @ falls down and faints.
I'm so loving this excerpt: "Take it from a woman still madly in love with her hubby after 10yrs of marriage and two adorable kids"
I tap into this madly in love after many years anointing.
Ty, u don old and all dat steroid don shine ur head bone your face sotay u come no wan fine again. Na im make u dey fin woman
I just had to laugh to the above comments. Cabin biscuit, kai!!! Haha
Haha Lmao
Lol abi o
@Kel elss..wow!!I'm so glad we hav sumtn in common,hope we find more;-)..u've bn MIA 4 quite a while..sup?..@jungle justice..lwkmoh!!c ur life for electric fence o..I didn't say anytn about doing 'it'..yeye pikin..lol
come to me honey boo, i will make u happy! ;;)
Hmmm, u just need to pray. U are right, is hard to find d 1 and also if u are very picky. U just need to be open minded. Der is lots of ladies out der already to settle down. Or if u interested I could introduce u to sum ladies.
bless, I think he is actually just writing the lyrics to his next hit single. Mehn, half the things these r and b chaps sing in their songs are very similar oh!
bless, I think he is actually just writing the lyrics to his next hit single. Mehn, half the things these r and b chaps sing in their songs are very similar oh!
Shit happens...im still single despite all d love i've fallen for or so i thought, ...shit do happen big time.
he isnt the only one ho is lonely and what that someone that he can trust and love, because i feel the same way
@ Rockstar: You need to pull yourself out of it, otherwise you will find yourself sad,scared and alone. Ive been down that road....its not pretty. Ive had 2 broken engagements, cheated on right under my nose.....used, physically abused, taken for granted...etc. You can say ive seen it all.
Im not saying it is compulsory to BE in a relationship, but you need to free your mind and spirit, cleanse your soul; Let go and let God, so that when you do meet your soulmate...you will be right and ready for her.
Best wishes :)
Wow, pity, but love alway have a way of making one smile!.dailyschoolnews
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