Nigerians are UK's 4th biggest foreign spenders | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 29 September 2012

Nigerians are UK's 4th biggest foreign spenders

Article written by Susannah Butter for Standard UK

Every year, Simi Osomo (pictured above) makes six trips to London from Nigeria. The 25-year-old spends about two weeks here and every day she goes shopping. Today she’s at the boutique shop Matches Townhouse in Marylebone with a personal shopper. “When it comes to shopping and Nigerians, I can tell you it’s just what we have to do,” she tells me while admiring the patterned dresses.
For Nigerians, London is a shopping mecca. Visitors from the West African country are the UK’s fourth biggest foreign spenders, parting with an average of £500 in each luxury shop they visit — four times what UK shoppers typically spend. When I ask Osomo how much a two-week shopping trip in London costs she makes a bashful face. “Ooh, should I really be saying this? It depends, but most times about £5,000.”
Osomo is wearing a green top from Zara that’s “the colour of the Nigerian flag”, blue skinny jeans and new Christian Louboutin shoes. Later today she’s going to buy an iPhone 5 for her sister.

“You can get lots of things in Lagos but they are cheaper here and you get to take a holiday and relax a bit. It’s only six hours away.” The number of Nigerian visitors to the UK increased by more than 50 per cent to 142,000 a year between 1991 and 2011, according to the Office for National Statistics. Nigeria is projected to become Africa’s biggest economy by next year and the world’s fifth most populous country by 2050, and London is cashing in.

Debenhams’ Oxford Street branch has put up signs in Hausa, one of the official Nigerian languages, and said customers from this part of West Africa are its biggest overseas spenders. Yet Osomo says it’s not just rich Nigerians who come over. “Middle-class people can afford to come and spend £600 on shopping in a week here. What I like about the UK is that it doesn’t discriminate. As long as you’re able to prove you have an income, accommodation in London and a return ticket, the authorities are more than willing to give you a visa. It’s closer than America and the customer service here is phenomenal.”

Back home in Lagos, the technology market has been flooded with fake products from China, which means more people are coming to London for electronic goods and are even taking items back to sell. “No one wants to spend more than 100,000 naira (£390) and find out it is fake, so they prefer to come over for a holiday and buy something they know is real and has a guarantee in case something goes wrong.”

Marks & Spencer is one of Osomo’s favourite shops. “I love their fajitas. You can’t get them in Nigeria. I also buy soy sauce and Thai green curry paste, which is good because it lasts for a long time. Oh, and Crunchy Nut cereal, Skittles, Maltesers and tea. There’s nothing like a British cuppa. I get Lipton, PG and green tea.” She likes the variety of London. “I love Zara, H&M, Topshop. But if I want something more high end, there’s Sloane Street.”

More than £3 billion a year is spent on high-end goods in London, according to the London Luxury Quarter Report, and it predicts this will rise to £4.5 billion by 2020, with new shops including Burberry’s flagship fuelling the trend. Luxury concierge services are also popular. Osomo is a client of Quintessentially, which organises shopping trips and parties for her and has an office in Lagos.

Although summer is the height of the shopping season, Osomo likes to come back for the January sales too. Her mother, a lawyer, and father, a businessman, often join her. She has just finished a law degree and is about to start a job in fashion journalism, which she hopes will give her enough holidays for trips to London. But flights can get booked up quickly.

“You don’t want to get the Lagos to London flight in July. It’s packed with parents and their kids making noise.” Return flights at high season start at about £369.

But what about getting her haul of shopping back from London to Lagos? That, says Osomo, is costly. “All I pack when I come over is one pair of jeans and three tops. I bring two big suitcases but I always have to get another one and pay for excess baggage. I never learn.” British Airways has increased its excess baggage charge on flights from London to Lagos from £40 to £97 per suitcase in the past year. “They must have realised we always put an extra bag in and thought they’d try to make money out of it,” says Osomo.

Fashion-wise, she still picks up the odd item in Nigeria. Six months ago Zara opened an outlet store in Lagos, and Mango has been there for about a year. “Zara is affordable because it’s an outlet but what I find is that things are a bit last season. Nigeria’s hot all the time so there are always maxi dresses and swimwear but the colours are boring and we lack variety. Customer service is not great and some shops can get really crowded, which is challenging.” There is a burgeoning online shopping industry in Nigeria too. Currently, ASOS is the only shop that ships to Lagos free of charge and everyone Osomo’s age uses it.

“Nigeria is a fun place, I’d encourage people to go. Shopping is evolving. In five years I think a lot of stores will come to Nigeria because there is a gap in the market. Ten years ago I never thought Zara would come to Nigeria. I believe in the next five years we will catch up. But I still love London and won’t stop coming here.”


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Anonymous said...

Positive article but I'm not sure if I like the subject matter. I know - an oxymoron

Anonymous said...

Life good and worth enjoying to the fullness. But life outside Christ is not complete rather meaningless and full of crisis. Think about it my dear good people. Invite Jesus Christ today into your and I assure you will never regret it. Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

this babe sounds like me. oh i love shopping in London. though the us is cheaper, london has style. and yes!! nigerian tourists/visitors to the uk spend WAY more than those who live there.

Anonymous said...

You are right, life is good and very enjoyable but without Christ one is not safe. Dear friends give you

MAXIMUS™ said...

Yeah we spend quite all right, but £5,000 in 2weeks six times a year??? kiss my caucasian tits! I spend a lotta money on shopping, but I'll never be that extravagant. If she had said £2,500 - £3,000 I would say yeah, very realistic sum.

I loathe people who just tell blatant lies. I would really really like to know what that Simi girl does for a living.

Anonymous said...



Lindiway I think d title of dis post should av been "Simi Osomo:the Nigerian Uk shopping freak" coz I couldn't deduce anyoda thing dat butteresses d earlier title.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Sasha Fierce! said...

Useless Black People.You are as good as how your country works for you.
It's greed and poverty of the mind that drives most people that indulge in this excesses.....Showing off while 90% of your people live on less than a $1 per day.No matter how much you come far to boost the UK economy, your country is still a hell hole.
NIGERIANS,GET YOUR ARSE TOGETHER.You don't impress anybody.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are fucking rich.

BadLuck Joe said...

Haha, Nigerians are UK`S 4th biggest spenders,big shame cos Nigeria has the worst living condition amongst the 50 top spenders. besides i do not feel any of these shops will ever come to Nigeria any time soon,u know why? "no power, no roads, no petrol etc" we can go on and on.. God please punish our leaders ohh. when other countries are going green, Nija is going back to the stone age.... Goodluck if u are out there , from the bottom of my heart i wish u and your friends wud just drop dead... long live Nigeria ....

Rockstar said...

Clap for yourselves. The culture of GREED AND SHOWING OFF has messed up the psych of my people. They quickly forget that Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion......This is part of the Capital flights we are talking about. You want to wear the best things in the world yet lack the brains to understand how it was made.

Anonymous said...

Linda please why is this news ? Are advertising her or something? NEXT

Anonymous said...

Singing in Obe's voice *vanity upon vanity,all is vanity vanity* All for shopping! It is well. Slikky..........

Anonymous said...

very terrible news and bad economics, thsat means even if we eventually have a good government nigeria will rmeain poor cus the rich keep consuming and exporting our money therefore it will never circulate and get to the poor. colonial mentality.

Anonymous said...

Naija 4 life!!! Am not suprised neither would any naija reading this post be surprised...

Str8FrmDaHips said...

no comment!!...sure others would have an opinion..tiring all this random mundane meanderings!!

Anonymous said...

Ok... So????!

Anonymous said...

What is the link between ur comments and the subject matter?

Anonymous said...

No b dis babe wey I see dey sell clothes frm d boot of her car? Just joking.

Na Wa said...

And so??? Should I run around naked because Madam Simi is spending money that can be used to help the less privileged or what? She didn't even mention better store, na the regular one wey dey there. Nonsense pangolo making noise. This is not a good story because it just screams "VANITY."

You can acquire all these but make sure you acquire the most important, Jesus Christ cause Zara will not take you to heaven.

Follow Follow people. I must feel among. Wasting money anyhow. When your mates are investing that kind money in profitable ventures, you are blowing it on nonsense goods that won't increase your life span or intellect.

Anonymous said...

Why d vexing. IS It UR MONEY. the nigerian poor, very miserable the way, outfit to wedding this afternoon. Suit, prada, $3200.dress shirt brooks brothers $450. Belt gucci, $320, lace ups, ferragamo $1200, watch louis vuitton,$6500, braclet,hermes $285.esin,backseat s550.banana island fresh air, PRICELESS. Kill urself, or go chop gala, sufferhead

jojoophina said...

pls Linda who is she? and y is dis news? pass the mic mbok

noname said...

the ,hermes $285...has to be more than but i get ur point lol@chop gala

Anonymous said...

yimu ..its not all visiting nigerians that spend like that

Anonymous said...

That's my girrrlllll!!!! Woop woop!!! All u haters, yes people spend up to £5,000. Buy 2 handbags and its gone. She is a working girl, so she can afford it. Her parents are also very generous to their children so y not? And yeah nigerians always spend a lot more than an average brit. And all u foreign-based people saying 70% of nigerians live on less than $2 a day, that's about N320 which can buy what $2 cannot buy abroad so plsss stop comparing it to living abroad. And besides nigeria has one of the most fertile lands in Nigeria, if you are broke, go back to your village and farm. GO SIMIIIII!!!! Always a fashonista forever a fashionista!

Anonymous said...

every where in the globe there are rich people and poor people and that aint gonna change lets jus live our lives without hate and bitterness

Warri Girl said...

BadLuck Joe I like your comment, but I don't wish anyone dead.

One Word Man said...

Linda and her topic, nigerians and dere arguements..
My opinion, if u gat da money, spend it, only make sure u pay ur tithe so u can get more money....

Ugomma said...

ah MAXI ese jare. Some peeps amaze me wiv their overzealous spending. so dis babe is saying she spends 30 thousand pounds a year on shopping alone? Thunder fire her yoruba nyash

Anonymous said...

Maximus you are so right.where does she get such amount when she shops????

Anonymous said...

Silly girl sim1 tut tut tut

sexylove said...

Lol....think u making some sense, 5k in jez two weeks? Oh puhleeeze, i love shopping , and i spoil maself silly....buh i know dats a big blatant lie, 5k bi ti bawo + six times a year, nobody is being fooled here mehn cuz realistically,i don't think so

Anonymous said...

All na packaging she wants to be known by force thus the article being more like an nterview please nextttt

Na Wa! said...

Mr chop gala, the difference between you and I is even though I have that money, I don't need all these items to validate myself. You must really be so insecure with extremely low self esteem to even list all your possessions like that's going to change the price of pure water you just finished drinking. Get a life.

And in Jesus name, I am not and will never be a sufferhead. The real, truly wealthy people, who have worked hard for their money, don't go round bragging about it, and announcing to the world how much they spend or what they have. What they have speak for them. It's those empty, just see money people, that do that.


That is true the Nigerians are first while the Middle Easterners come a close second i worked retail when younger and summer were the craziest busiest shopping months these women either had Gold/platinum credit/debit cards or £50 notes and they shop in bulk!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but even the clothes that she is wearing in the pic is not all that. Nonsense! And she is sending a stupid message to the younger girls out there. Also, she should have made it very clear what she does for a living in order to fund a useless shopping addiction unless she is feeding off her "wealthy" or working parents. I don't like this girl's style because it seems as though something or the truth is missing. It is only SOME Nigerians like her who boast like that. I hope she buys clothes for those who are naked and dying on the streets of Lagos- silly girl. Anyway I put it down to her age. Gosh!

Austin Uche said...

ok, i totally agree dat spending 30k pounds a year is seriously extravagant. There are better and noble things one can do wif such cash in a year(buh who is sure dah the simi chic aint giving to charity already)... Buh wah i find quite annoying is dah the commenters dah are preaching Jesus are jes being harsh abt d whole preaching thing, u dnt insult sumbody and still tell the person to give his/her life to Christ... Dats not how Christ told us to do this @ all... Y'all shld jes calm down abeg.... #ok, bye bye....... Lolz

happyhausabunny said...

Lmao "kiss my caucasian tits"! Oh Maximus! I absolutely luv shoppn bt den again, I try 2 spend reasonably! D@'s y I luv Asos! Cheap n affordable thns d@ r trendy too!

Anonymous said...

As if Goodluck is d only man to hv ruled Nigeria ds way! D last thn u shld wish a fellow being is to "drop dead"! Dats rather too callous. Slikky........

Anonymous said...

Y are people beefing...the truth is an average Nigerian likes to look good and trust me 'bitter pple if u av d money u will too...@ fake sasha fierce ur such a stupid retard

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 2:16
Why do I have a feeling that is Simi defending herself? Your parents are generous to their children.£30,000 a year on shopping? Sweetie that so unrealistic. No beef though,just sayin.

Anonymous said... wonder she failed law school,this recent set

Anonymous said...

Linda u are so annoying. Does this article make any sense to you? U should have told us you just wanted to blog about a vain girl called osomo. Bullscrap!

Anonymous said...

Happy for her, God please send my own helper too ooooo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article, just discovered ASOS ships to nigeria and for a plus size like me shoping in nigeria is non-existing so I'm happy

Anonymous said...

I respect humble people and this chic aint one. I come from an old money family that spends much more than that but we don't grant interviews because we know how insensitive it would be to those suffering around us.

Anonymous said...

Ugomma, we Yorubas work hard and spend hard. You really did not have to add your last statement it shows you are VERY poor in spirit.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are big spenders Sha...go to the galleria mall in Houston....tell them you are Nigerian and get VIP customer service.

Now back to simi osomo.....this is a by excessive at 25 yrs old . Small time men will just take your money and bounce ..with no genuine interest in you

Anonymous said...

I love shopping but I never go london before o, talkless 5times a year. Even my frnds haven't gone. And this one that money seriously refused 2circulate. I de give myself brain seriously. That's d story of her life or senators' kids. Not d typical middle-class nigerian girl

Anonymous said...

Ugomma@2:44pm. THUNDER FIRE YOUR TRIBALISTIC NYASH! She's Yoruba so what? Or is it jealousy killing you! What does her tribe or even her gender have to do with it? Hisss... rubbish. Why do people always have to bring tribal sentiments into issues like this. Please if you are a tribalist, get off the internet and go back to the stone age where you belong!!!

On the other hand. This article is just depressing. Bad roads, no electricity, infrastructure fucked up. At least we know where the money is going to. How will they not give Nigerians visas? They are helping the UK get through the recession while the home country wallows in poverty.

Ken said...

Dear Linda, Please this article was actually written by a Nigerian writer called Monica Mark. She writes for Guardian UK as a Nigerian-based journalist covering West-Africa for (UK) Guardian according to her twitter profile. I read this article ages ago and she posted it since the 10th of Septermber. This Standard UK writer just played smart and twisted some parts of the article and reproduced it. You can confirm for yourself by visiting I just feel it's good we support our own that are trying to make it down there. Anyone can make this mistake. I'm not saying you did this on purpose. Best wishes.

Becky naka (Beautiful home concept....your sure plug for industrial cleaning) said...

dnt worry if sm of us cant go 2 de uk n shop we can still get original designer clothes in balogun mkt, we go see am for okirika. Even if i dnt know wat 2 do with de moni. Next

Anonymous said...

If you read the article properly you will read that she has been doing all this unemployed. Only bush ppl make noise about spending money.

Anonymous said...

God!u sound so bitter dt I wld suggest u lick a lot of 20 cubes!y do u pple always talk abt the less privileged like u do any better for them???like ur miserable 20naira will help the lame man or the blind woman??nonsense pesn shouting vanity!like if they dash u,u won't wear...pls go and buy the sugar I suggested and lick lots of it...if symptoms still persist,then u can go and drown urself in lake chad!oshisco!!!

Anonymous said...

Pls can we be friends!love u already!let the foolish ones go and die abeg!!

Anonymous said...

Why is she buying Crunchy Nut cereal, Skittles, Maltesers in London? Smh...Nouveau riche

Lisa said...

Rockstar said it, is this something to be proud of!!! If you love these clothes and material things so much, why don't some of you learn how to produce these. That is why blacks although top when it comes to materialistic consumption, do not even enter the radar when it comes to production or prolonging wealth. Get now, use now mentality no get and plan for future or future of your kids. You guys need to open your eyes to what is real in the world of today!!

Anonymous said...

You're so stupid . Why would you call us stupid black pple ??? Idiot . God will punish you for your stupid talk .

Anonymous said...

too many haters commenting, please she's not stealing the money so FREE her. if you are angry please give your income to people living on 1$ or 10 naira per day, all fingers can never be equal...u go girlll...i love shopping too so i feel u...xx

Anonymous said...

I don't know her,never heard of her until now,but I love ur comment!some pple jst don't get it..don't judge pple by the way u live!jst cos its not in line wt ur principles doesn't make it bad!some pple ve very generous parents n hey,y won't ur parents spend on u if they ve d cash!pple will jst be hating!hating n hating n hating!go and buy hauses for all d pple living under the bridge in lag,send a pic to linda ikeji n then we can see tns from ur own point of view!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen brother!preach it!!!

Anonymous said...

“You don’t want to get the Lagos to London flight in July. It’s packed with parents and their kids making noise.” cudnt help but notice ds statement and it strikes me as odd that someone who can spend all this much as stipulated in this article on shopping sprees,who has class as also implied by this article,would know when the flight is packed up with noisy kids et la.Am shocked to find out she can still do ecomony class?cos its obviously not from first class she's hearing all d noise.Just wondering....

Hope! said...

No! Am sure she meant the total amt she spends for her trip to UK including her shopping.

KOFOSHY said...

True dat

Gift said...

This girl for no expose herself like this, except she don get man wey don swear blood oath with her say im go marry her. 30 thousand pounds every year on shopping alone, minus air fare, feeding, accommodation and sundry items. Ish. SMH for her o. She never hear of the word agbana I think.

Anonymous said...

Wetin make we do. U be a foolish person. Hope sey u don pay ur rent and other bills including irs money. Idiot, dey proud.

Unknown said...

I have said this over and over again.I simply see nothing wrong with spending your earned money on yourself. Yes, there are poor people out there but that doesn't mean you shouldn't spoil yourself with your money. No matter how much you give most of them will still be in that position, so give as much as you can give and enjoy the rest. Life is too short to realize such late so let those who are privileged reap their harvest and don't hate on them. Life is that simple.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

The girl sounds so shallow, young and dumb... Like the plastic americans n brits she watches and copies. Pity, life is more than the clothes u wear or the food u eat. You can sacrifice one trip and better ur environment.

Anonymous said...

Ur so ignorant. No problem with ur girl spending. I would if I had money but ur comment is ignorant.

Anonymous said...

i believe the girl might be making regular shopping trips to the uk but its a blatant and obvious lie saying she spends 5k in two weeks..

for one the shops she mentions as her favourite are cheap,ready to wear average shops.
i can't afford to spend 5k in two weeks yet i wouldn't be caught dead wearing h and m ,zara clothes the only stuffs i buy there are plain tees and boxes,socks if you spend only 2000 pounds in those shops you will need a container to pack the clothes.
iphone5 is less than 600pounds buy a vertu phone with the cheapest at 10k pounds and we r talking

we know the nigerians who drop that kind of money shopping without making noise like halima babangida,the indimis,former avm adekeye's children,former i g balogun's kids e.t.c

all in all i don't blame her for hyping herself and embellishing after all who wouldn't relish such opportunity i will do same if i was in her position..

i know the most prominent osomos,so if her dad is wale osomo who is the first son or her bro whichever way i trust mrs osomo won't give her such amount of money to shop and wale osomo certainly won't as well

Anonymous said...

What's with the Jesus Christ? Ur so jealous. She's a rich girl, therefore u must remind her that she should give her life to Christ? Jealousy won't kill u. What would u say to rich Christians who spend wayyyy more? Cos her £5000 is chicken change to some people.

Professor X said...

Buhahahahaha @ Banana Island fresh air. Enjoy jare.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to celebrate dear, it's not hating, style is something that cannot be bought - if she's so "stylish" she wouldn't be talking about how much she spends she could celebrate her style in a fashion blog, the best bloggers out there shop at super luxurious labels & don't put a price tag on their style; JayZ rapped YOU CAN PAY FOR SCHOOL BUT YOU CAN'T BUY CLASS

Anonymous said...

This irritating assumption that rich people are going to hell. What makes u think her life doesn't belong to Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Watch MTV CRIBS and see the way pple dey spend money and funny enough some of them will make HEAVEN. I keep on saying this:BAD GOVERNANCE and CORRUPTION impedes many frm living better.

jaygee said...

approx £30,000 a year!! Africans really need to rid ourselves of a colonial mentality that does no good to their economies.

Anonymous said...

I believe the comments should be focusing on the subject matter which is actually something I'd rather not comment on. Rockstar or whoever you are your comment is off-point.And for those of you saying she's vain,how do you know that she doesn't give to God?

Anonymous said...

Caucasian tits ke? Are u not mixed race again? Half Nigerian? Surely they can't be purely caucasian?

Unknown said...

Pls how is this news? Its too ridiculous, even for me.. #moving on

Anonymous said...




Nigerians ar rich d only prob we av ÈŠ̝̊̅§ our govt,dey shld just provide d necces aminities
D money we used 4 gas in A̷̷̴̐͠ year wll b enuf 2 shop arund d world nd enjoy life 2 d fullest

Anonymous said...

The city of fashion is Paris. Anytym anyday. For real fashionustas, Champs Elysee is the place

Anonymous said...

rather than this buy buy mentality we nigerians have about foreign goods, why not think of and create something to sell abroad and earn foreign currency for our economy.

i'm not saying don't shop abroad or buy foreign goods but how many foreigners do you see spend that much on nigerian goods?for example why cant we even sell our trado clothings abroad? how did we even start wearing foreign clothes in the first place. we just import everything even down to our underwear.sad and shameful to say the least.

Anonymous said...

@Ugomma..why now??...u didnt have to mention her tribe..she's already a dimwit!!..
All that to impress who??...akara and pure water offence just feel they are real representation of the peeps in 9ja(Rick Roc video)..not the fake going to shop in UK type..

Anonymous said...

Simi Osomo, didn't you just fail bar 1, Nigerian Law School? You spend £30,000.00 a year, shame money can't buy brains! Don't bother with your aspiration to the Nigerian Bar!

Anonymous said...

@sasha fierce,shut ur white wanna bee mouth...coming here to insult 9jarians,d simi gal speaks for hrsef,so u shud talk bout hr,not d entire black nation....linda post my comment o.
First lady speaks.

Godspowerogono said...

stupid girl

Sam said...

Nigerians can hate ehn
Did she tell you she doesn't have a source of income, or did she steal your fathers money?
Someone is enjoying her life & your are hating.
You people that are talking abt the less privileged, what have you done to help them? How do you know if she doesn't help them?
Jealousy wouldn't kill some people IJN!

Anonymous said...

Who be dis one dat keeps on spitting rubbish! They send you? don't like nigeria but u keep logging in to a nigerian site!! Abeg keep ur bitterness to urself! Mtcheew!

Anonymous said...

This is nothing to be celebrated! A lot of Nigerians are still living below poverty limit! The money they spend in UK could be spent in Nigeria to help stimulate the economy but no Nigerians will rather stimulate other nations' economy while theirs is in utter ruin.

TRU TALK said...

Ugomma, its ok to spend £30,000 a year shopping if she is ibo but not ok if she is yoruba? I think Nigeria's biggest issue is tribalism it s appalling ... there's so much a nation can achieve with unity not just money cos money is not everything but when u hate ur fellowmen who at one point in thousands of generation its possible you have the same parents but love n respect the white man who is a different race s beyond me but then naijas are beyond me most times

Anonymous said...

look at her mouth like £5,000 ediot + nansense = stupidity!!!mschew

Anonymous said...

another attention sikker dem plenty oh abeg linda make you become like this emty head o

Anonymous said...

one word fool

Anonymous said...

September 29, 2012 12:55 PM sharap your mouth and how many times have you been to the uk if i may ask???

Anonymous said...

what rubish is this lady vomiting from her mouth ehh. I get paid £5K every 2 weeks as a consultant here in the uk and yes we who reside here in the uk spend more as well so what is this paltry £5k she just mentioned??? abeg make she park well for corner joor. nonsense!!!

Anonymous said...

and what work does she do if i may ask other than runs

Anonymous said...

make she go hug transformer

R4R said...


Anonymous said...

linda who is this biko is she advertising something or what

Anonymous said...

Maximumu with your jealous dry bones. Yes some people spend that much when they come here. No need to name names. Some are born and bred in money. Then you have the runners who come here too. If Aliko Dangote comes here and spends 5k every month what's your own?
You are visitors so you have to spend more when here. We live here and spend on our mortgages, bills, fantastic quality of life, holidays to the Caribbean etc. It all evens itself out.

Rosellar said...

5000quid on Zara, h&m, sloane st.......clearing throat and coughing hard! Indeeeeeed! Mscheeeeeeews............Next ohhhhh!

Anonymous said...

Ugonma thunder fire your igbo head. Why d thing dey pain u. At list she get background unlike people of ur ilk, that have dirty money. U no hear say her parents are ok. Abeg pack well...... Beef

Anonymous said...

Who is this bastard! Am sure ure ghanian. When human beings are talking, ghanians should not talk,

Anonymous said...

Yoruba yansh......#dead#. I'm yoruba but had to lol.

Anonymous said...

Erm!!! How SAD and FOOLISH!!

Giving nigerians a very bad name. Yes!! A few Nigerians are extremely rich. So bloody what?

I do not understand why stupid Nigerian boys and girls whose parents steal from the poor dash the developed countries all our countries funds, have the audacity to flaunt their stupidity in public? You should be ashamed of your plain foolishness.

You would never see a Trump or a Kennedy, do such a stupid thing and be proud. We have succeeded in creating a culture which says 'Stealing with no Corporate Responsibility is allowed'.

The Ecclestones, Pearsons, Spellings Laurens and other top shot Western families who flaunt wealth at least give MILLIONS back to the community.

And you monkey climbing African wants to compete with them. THIS IS LAUGHABLE.

wHEN YOUR GRANDPARENTS WHERE CLIMBING TREES, the Americans and the like where building railroads for their countries.

Foolish Nigerians spend it on Crunchy nut and kit kat.

Next thing they would complain that all men cheat!!!

Only a daft man would marry you. For connections obviously. Because i see no reason why a man in his right mind would marry a fool who would waste all his hard earned and stolen money on BULLSHIT!!!

Nigerians and Africans in general need to open their eyes and stop envying foolish things. Stop looking up to madness, because as far as the west is concerned this is entire madness.

Make money to leave a legacy, not to buy Chanel and Zanotti shoes up and down like a foolish wannabe!!!

Nigeria is in a mess, the poor are getting poorer whilst the rich are getting richer.

Was I the only one who watched welcome to Lagos??

The state of their leaving standards are tears worthy.

All our systems are in shambles and we have the audacity to appear in the papers claiming to be successful *SPIT*!!

YES!! I spit in the face of MADNESS. BECAUSE i AM ANGRY.....

The new craze "i hear" is all the girls follow rich men and all the men steal to maintain power and influence. Then sleep with all the girls like Animals..... WHAT HAVE WE REDUCED OURSELVES TOO EHEN???

Is this the future we want to leave for our children???


Anonymous said...

@ Always a fashonista forever a fashionista!

Stop sounding ignorant...

You sound like a bloody AIRHEAD.

Before you start boasting about Fashionista abilities, lets see if she can bag a common internship @ vogue. Talk less of an apprenticeship with any of the designers she gives her parents money to.

Lives of Badly brought of Children?!

Hiss my LSE/Harvard ass.....

Anonymous said...

U r so low n brainless, who gives a shit, am sure u r frm ajegunle. Yeye person

Anonymous said...

The link is that if you don't accept the Lord all the shopping and buying is vanity,once this life ends even the most Expensive clothing becomes Trash

Anonymous said...

And is this simi osomo tranna get kidnapped? U 4 write ya address too. No one is saying u shldnt spend ur money in whatever way u please. But what are u PRing it for? I wonder how this shld be news tschewwww

Anonymous said...

Nonsense and absolute rubbish. This Simi girl is over the top!!!. She needs to sit down and go and pass the law school that she failed first before she starts talking about shopping hiss . Who the hell spends 30k on shopping/year?

Anonymous said...

This is quite an odd article.

aboki said...

"Nigeria has one of the most fertile lands in nigeria" ODE famzer oshi.. Wanna b,Ur papa no get land..mtcheww

Unknown said...

This is soo true! All I pack is a jean, the essentials and 2 or 3 tops... We always mentally add our excess luggage charge to our budget!... I guess its a naija thing.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh i could strangle u! If what u just said wxnt true, serzly lipton? Lipton? U buy dt too n bring dt here? I don't even knw what to say to this chick... Ur definitely sm1 dt borrows money a lot cz i doubt u knw what saving means... £5,000? in 2weeks? Ay yi yi, i v a headche!


Anonymous said...

Its like ur high on weed! Hu cares? Its her money we agree n support her... Does dt make u happy? Mtscheeeew overdressed gorilla like u!


KOBY said...


Anonymous said...

5k hmmmmmmnn really it depends on what you are buying,its too extravagant for some people and too meagre for some ,i couldn't bothered reading the full ,story/article,research because it lacks some intellectual submission.. I know people who spend more, what's the point,promoting/revealing simi or talking about how much people spend on shopping on average or what?

Anonymous said...

@maximus 12:59 I doubt that the girl is lying, I sometimes spend more than that per shopping trip and I travel up to 8 times a year! We nigerians just love to shop but I must say that we are conservative compared to Arabs and Asians.

Ejemen said...

One word#vanity.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. Nigerians have been shopping like this since the 70s

Anonymous said...

Yes, i agree with this.
I went shopping and the man was happy when he heard i was a Nigerian! He said, Nigerians spend a lot in his shop. I laughed and said he was probably referring to the politicians because i don't have that kind of money to spend.

Ada Yankee said...

Lol make persin hear word jare. LOL@Simi's voltron anon friend. Empty vessels make the greatest noise. Even if, there are ppl who spend even more on more quality stuff, but they dont go broadcasting their mouth everywhere. So because she's a working girl, and her parents give her money, we should jump? Sorry but if this is the best we can read on her online, then her parents should have every cause to worry.

30,000 pounds sterling a year on shopping...this has to be one of the biggest ewus I have read about online. lo mo!! Its this thinking that has destroyed Nigeria.

Simi forgot to add that its because its easier for her to get UK visa, cause ppl like her get bounced daily at the US embassy.

Anonymous said...

Good ,enjoy your money ..haters just go n hustle ..and stop talking Vanity shit ..

Legal said...

BONARIO my guy see me see wahala o! Better tins make sense o! But this babe too dey exerggerate her expences for london.... I pray make I marry such person o.

Legal said...

If you got the money spend it and better your life and those around you.... Life is only once, just spend it wisely....

Unknown said...

5k pounds bigdeal!!!! knock ursef out bt this no news its shallow 2even mention or put this up

Anonymous said...

What's with the racist comment? you inbred trailer trailer trash illiterate.

Anyone who has the cash to spare is free to spend it anyhow they want. Get ur own arse together wherever the fuck you are from. We ain't here to impress no one.

Anonymous said...

Badluck Joe you are just a big FOOL!!! Did Nigeria's problems start with Goodluck?!?! Do you know what it took for a South South man to get there and how many Haters he has making his job way harder than it usually would be - na u go drop dead first!! Mugu

Anonymous said...

Jukwaese Ofuma ! It dosent like you !

Jungle Justice said...

There isn't any caucasian, india nor African tits to kiss. There's nothing unrealistic about spending dat amount in 2weeks 6x a year. You don't knw her budget nor her source of income. There r a lot of people I know who spend much more. Just bcos u can't spend dat much doesn't make it unrealistic. The original birkins Hermes bags cost more than dat so I really dnt see d big deal! As long as I'm not her account office nor in her inner circle of friends I can't ascertain d veracity of her claim n rili sef weytin concern us? Abeg YOLO! If she can afford it, heck!let her Spend it oh jare!

Jungle Justice said...

But on a more serious note why r sm of u so bitter? Sote evangelism enter d matter! True Zara tops may not take her to heaven neither will okrika hand-me-down clothes! Wot has her spending habits got to do with Salvation or why Nigeria is reverting to d stone age? Why all d emotions about one babe's spending habits na? She tiff una money? As una BP dey rise so maybe d babe dey plan her next trip sef,hehehehehe! And to those who scream VANITY at d slightest gist of money weda wrongly or rightly spent, education, housing, even vacation sef are all vanity naaaa! Solomon d originator of vanity ended dat verse by saying everything under d sun is VANITY! So make pple nor enjoy comfort n some much needed retail therapy bcos of vanity? Pls give me a break n stop disguising "jolosi" with dat overflogged n recycled vanity speach biko!

Jungle Justice said...

There isn't any caucasian, india nor African tits to kiss. There's nothing unrealistic about spending dat amount in 2weeks 6x a year. You don't knw her budget nor her source of income. There r a lot of people I know who spend much more. Just bcos u can't spend dat much doesn't make it unrealistic. The original birkins Hermes bags cost more than dat so I really dnt see d big deal! As long as I'm not her account office nor in her inner circle of friends I can't ascertain d veracity of her claim n rili sef weytin concern us? Abeg YOLO! If she can afford it, heck!let her Spend it oh jare!

amaka said...

If i av d money, am gonna do like-wise. Who says she cant spend all dat i still av christ. I can av all dis n dat. It's her money, let her flex it

Anonymous said...

Clap for urself eflefu.

Anonymous said...

Maximus you hit d nail right in d proverbial head and linda why are they always 25yrs old?its getting boring already.

Anonymous said...

for me this is unneccesary show off and attention seeking.Nigerians have been going to the UK for shopping for ages and there is nothing new here,but in the times that we live in now discretion is key particularly for someone who lives in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

God is Gud n money is good

Anonymous said...

A number of you have missed the reason for the article in the first place. It is saying that Nigerians are the 4th largest spenders in the UK and has nothing to do with Simi Osomo. She was only depicting the information the Evening Standard provided. I don't understand what she has done to get this much hate. She spoke highly of Nigeria despite the country's flaws!

Anonymous said...

MAximus shut the hell up! £3,000 is realistic and £5,000 isnt? Plsssss ITK

Anonymous said...

Abeg ITK,did linda write that d chic went 2 a radio station 2 announce her shopping spree?,she was interviewed while shopping!,badbelle people,gosh!

Anonymous said...

5000 pounds wont even buy u a birkin so ki ni big deal??

Anonymous said...

Please where are the wearing all these baffs, Shey it is the same failed country, where there is no light, kidnappers and no healthcare. Instead of Nigerians to collectively think how to improve their corrupt and failed country, the y are busy making the western countries by their stupid spending.when u see proud Americans they are proud bcos of their country not materials things that wear Off with time. God help Nigeria and their insecure improvised mentalities.

Ujunwa said...

Even if you have Christ, you still won't go to heaven with your expensive clothings. So anyhow all na vanity. Just accept Christ and live your life and stop making it look like it's a crime to spend u're money. Ps dem pastors wey get private jets nko? Abeg amma shop till I drop.

Ujunwa said...

So they should skip 25 and be 40 already? If you have it spend it oooooh no beef ok. Maximus you know you aint caucasian ryt?.

Anonymous said...

If you follow global brands you will notce the way KFC entered naija,likewise Mango(mall locations with presence and also ads), just look at Domino Pizza on Admiraty Lekki 1 next to OUCH Fashions,their advert is everywhere. But tell me where this "Zara Outlet store" has advertised. Am sure you all that travel out know how Zara do their stores and branding,which is absent at this "Zara Outlet " in's a fraud not real Zara store...

I wan open boutique oh. said...

If it makes you feel any better or worse, I am considering coming to the uk and work for 6months so I can spend the money there n bring the clothes I buy there for sale here in naija. By the words of dem ppl wey dey uk dey wash plate u shall know them.

Ujunwa said...

But seriously so she should not shop bcos some Nigerians are suffering like she is the one governing Nigeria. Wish someone can say the same thing to that Indian mogul that built a ten story building of which 4 abi how many is just gonna be garage for his cars. You'll can say what u wanna but i'm gonna spend my money on whatever I choose millionaire or not. I only get angry when I see politicians spending money I know they didn't earn.

Ujunwa said...

So let me get sumfin straight, if I were to consider how much it would cost me a year to fuel my BMW x6 and my posh cayenne, I myt as well sell my cars because I don't want to be a biggest ewu. Ok ma I babe heard all you've said.

Ujunwa said...

I even feel insulted that we rank 4th so all the money my Sis and I spend in Next, coast, zara and all three times a year no follow oh ma ga is like we'll stop patronising china. Yels my Sis and I run boutiques in 3 different cities in nigeria and we only shop in the UK.........oya make una chop me remain oh.

MAXIMUS™ said...

@JungleJustice, You must be drunk on bile juice to chat that much BS! If you had the slightest clue who types behind the name MAXIMUS™, you would shut that crap you call a mouth. My father raised my siblings and I right to know even though we were born into absolute privilege, there are limits.

People who come from money, live money, breathe money; will think twice before claiming they spend £30,000 a year on shopping. How would I know, I bet you have the common sense to deduce that I just described myself.

Next time you see a comment from me, ignore it and keep moving! 'Cos the only thing that will ever EVER bring you this much close to me in real life, still remains Linda Ikeji's blog. Other than that, take a back seat. You're not my type.

*no offense given, none taken. take a glass and clink clink to that - cheers*

PS: Wannabeeeeeez will forever try to live above their means and outdo the rich. I still stand by my previous comment. Simi or whatever her name is, should take several seats with spikes on them

Island big chic said...

madam Simi Osomo I can c uv arrived on Linda's blog to be hailing nd defending ur misfire ? Gerout my friend!!! Dey said ur father is rich, who be ur papa? Wetin be im name? Ode oshi. Ojukokoro will kill naija babes. Ah me too I buy my original louis vuitton, tins and tins. Buh dis babe u jst exaggerated d whole tin. Na u tk ur hand gbege urself. Ah ah wetin sef? Back to qst...who be ur papa? Wat do u do for a living? Abi na runz money? Abeg sharap der lie lie. I knw ur reading dis urself. So madam simi osomo answer all d qst wey I don ask u. Ova toh u

Anonymous said...

Too many haters! If most of you had the money, you be doing the same thing. Don't blame her for Nigeria's faults blame urselves. People in glass houses....

Anonymous said...

Too many haters! If most of you had the money, you be doing the same thing. Lets not blame her for Nigeria's faults blame urselves. People in glass houses....

Anonymous said...

Maximus ITK,aproko

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So we should start frying stone right?

Anonymous said...

BIZ:@MAXIMUS I had to copy en paste dis'Cos the only thing that will ever EVER bring you this much close to me in real life, still remains Linda Ikeji's blog. Other than that, take a back seat' Take it easy wit ursef. En u even deserve d back seat than jungle justice even if u mixed breed no one cares. Pride comes b4 a fall. U go on every blog tellin pple hw rich ur father is he is a thief stealin our country's money. Ur rich life story is nt goin to put food on our table so u en ur mix race ode husband shud go en sit down cos u yarnin rubbish. Kmt

happyhausabunny said...

Lmao @ "kiss my caucasian tits" oh maximus! Me, Asos is my go 2 site! Cheap n nice thns! Esp during sales! Lol! Very few thns I"ll pay full price 4! Shoes yes! Clothing hell no!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...pls help me ask her ooo! All these new money ojuorolari people that won't let us hear word. We wey come from old money no dey run around dey talk. 5000 pounds for zara and topshop, she must really have issues.

MAXIMUS™ said...

@BIZ, kpele sweetie! I was out to dish it to only one person, without trying to offend others. My sincere apologies if you felt offended. *hugs*

hotchocolate said...

@sasha fierce i have just two words for u,FUCK YOU

Akpos said...

Choi Maximius who is vexxxing u lyk this? Bia Jungle boy abi Jungle justice leave our maximius alone oh. She sounds very pissed off in her reply. Maxi cool down no vex again

Anonymous said...

I agree that some people spend that amount of money shoppping but believe me when I say Simi Osomo is not one of them! I don't understand why she is lying here. Nonesense and ingredient.

Anonymous said...

Rich ko? Rich ni? Who is your papa? I neva hear osomo before ooo...

Anonymous said...

The first question you should ask is what is her job whats her back ground, is she a uk citizen or does the reason is because is if you claim she goes that often and does not work with an airline or is not going with a private jet , they will question her on why she comes to the uk often

Jumoke said...

Apology accepted Max! We luv you too mwaaaaah

FOA said...

For Y'all thinking she's Exaggerating her spending,I would tell you for sure she isn't,for her to be a member of Quintensentially she has loads of money to spread around,In naija money pass money, I have someone order for Donuts from the U.S to be delivered to lagos

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that Nigerian's spend in excess of 30k a year and it is not news nor does it deserve to be news. By the time you fly business or first class, stay in a serviced flat in central london, buy a birkin here, chanel there, you've run through a lot of currency. I know people who do this regularly.

However I think this article was very unnecessary. If anything, it shows what a foolish country Nigeria is. We are here propping the economies of these western countries but our country needs loans and foreign aid. Even at that, 90% of the population is still below the poverty line.

How about some private sector investment with all this spare cash? I can't talk too much though, I live in the UK and I know how much I spend shopping. But when you hear someone else say it, it does sound ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

FOA and why not tell that person to send a PJ to lagos to buy amala shitta? Take several seats abeg.

Anonymous said...

LMAO... NLS standup.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like someone needs to tell her about Spar,Goodies and Shoprite please.

Anonymous said...

Best comment ever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Was wondering how anyone missed that. LOL. Keeping up with the joneses, shopping 5K quid and flying economy. Trash!

Anonymous said...

LOL... This word 'hating' irritates me. Hey idiot, she doesn't work for her money. She's unemployed,so before you spit bullshit,read again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL @ give to God. You mean fund Pastor's lifestyle right?

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ fashionustas.Please spend all that time you use googling shit to sound cool on good grammar.

Anonymous said...

LMAOOOOOOOOOO. I trust NLS people. Go ahead blow breeze for her fowl bottom.

Anonymous said...

IJN and Kill in one sentence? Is Boko Haram/Islam still Nigeria's problem? Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Sorry its seeker/empty. Thank me later.

Anonymous said...

Lol so you have been patiently waiting to pick on Maximus??? Okay we heard you. Ewu.

Anonymous said...

GBAM!!! Black people learn to grow your wealth not blow it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's be friends

Anonymous said...

Hey, 5k will... Don't be silly now.

Anonymous said...

Does she fly to london to treat malaria or is she immune to that too? Smh. I see no need for this article really.

Anonymous said...



oyinda said...

okay i get its quite extravagant but meeehn thats what happens in 9ja o.....i know of a delta state commissioner who recently traveled with his wife and kids for a 2weeks vacation with 100k dollars as in some peeps do not just fear God but trust me if Ä° could afford such then y not chop the life of my head before i poor man dey c dis as waste hence the difference between living a comfortable life and living a luxurious one so thou shall not beef pray to God to upgrade ur status quo......

lucabracee said...

@anon 2;46
so how many firkin hermes bag did she buy?
idont know if you have travelled outside the shores of naija before but the shops she has mentioned spending 5k at is unrealistic full stop.
you can't spend 5k in sara,h and m on female stuffs and not leave there with a year's worth of clothes and shoes

Anonymous said...

Lucabrabree £5k cannot buy one Birkin oh, at least not a brand new one.

Anonymous said...

to those saying her parents her rich, if her parents are rich nko? let;s be a bit sensitive to people who are strapped to hospital beds with no way of paying 20,000 naira medical bill. this in my opionion is straight up tacky if you ask me. i am sick of these omo oju o ri ola ri a.k.a money miss roads always making noise about material things. the ultra uber rich are actually very uncomfrotable discussing money. its; only the ones who woke up and kaboom they realize the bank is full that do this kinda cheap stunt

Anonymous said...

small time she will scream say she no find who go marry this greedy ting? upon all her spending, she still is not fine. silly wor wor gel

Anonymous said...

It's the Kardishans and the Only way is Essex they all try to mimic shamelessly..blame DSTV as corruptible as the rubbish on Cable..
Don't get me wrong..back in the day my mom ran them trips but was strictly about bizness..not to come and oppress at society parties!!

Anonymous said...

Thought middle class and upper middle class families were more sensible cos they worked for that money..guess they want to keep up witht the thieving politicians.
The problem with this so called spoiling them is..when they marry or leave the nest...most struggle..can't handle a real job..responsibilities..and end up chasing this so called big boys who just shag and dump them!!
If u were smart..Simi..u would be making money out of it..what's a fashionnista gonna make u??

Hope J said...



Anonymous said...

Na lie ma sef! 9ja be No1! We dey even buy bread ......for UK! Meanwhile our own sweet pass!
Why dem lie now! All of us know that even funds allocated for rural and urban development is right there in England's real estate. Ah ah! We know now! Not to talk of shopping....that na small matter. God help us......Amen!

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