An Ifon, Ondo born Professor, Ilesanmi Adesida, a former Dean, becomes the first black Vice Chancellor of University of Illinois, USA.
The 63 year old professor is a naturalized American physicist of Nigerian descent. He was the Dean, College of Engineering at the University before the University Board of Trustees selected him to be the next Vice Chancellor for Academics Affairs and Provost, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor Adesida assumed that position last month, August 2012.
another black, make sense
Hehehehehe finally!!! My village gets on LIB... Thank God tis for sth good. Lindi, d luv I have for u shall never die. mwaaah :-)
A big Congrats to him
Congrats Prof, u've so inspired me dis mawning. Nigeria Goodpeople, Great nation,Bad Government.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
Proudly Nigerian!!!
Dis is rily ghud...rily proud @least ghud tins r happening in naija....
Congratulations to him, he has made Nigeria proud.
Dis is rily ghud...rily proud @least ghud tins r happening in naija....
Eya......well we shall be there someday...congratz our naija bother
Dat's my bro
Nice one! We applaud oh! who says Nigerians arent smart people and great people!
Naija una too much....coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this
i'm so proud of him.....that's cos im also from ondo and im even more proud of him cos he's nigerian......yaaayyyy
So so so proud of him,dats so nice,big congrats to him.
Dis silly "coffee" guy, can u just stop commenting. Its really disgusting! Nobody cares if d coffee goes into ur condemned brain. And Linda, can u pls edit his comments b4 posting it.
Seems u guys didn't see dat he is a naturalised american. Quit associatg peeps wit al dis ur proud of ondo bs. I am sure dis man prays more often to be white. He sure hates wat naija has bcom, corrupt ridden and blood thirsty.
I love the fact that i irritate you....lol. You honestly dont know the amount of pleasure it gives me. Why cant you just read.............AND MOVE ON! Oh wait...i know i know i know....i love you too...dont bother saying it!
Anon 11.09 you too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read ur comment
Good things are happening. We have great pple in naija that are making impact overseas. Proudly naija!!!
Even with all the bad press about 9ja, I read news like this and I feel "Proudly Nigerian" :-)
But on another note, can't the government improve on our educational system by making lecturing more "attractive"? I'm sure if the pay was better, most Nigerian lecturers in diaspora will be willing to come back home as long as it matches what they're getting abroad #justsaying
Meanwhile a similar position in our universities is determined by tribalism. This started in UNILAG after the Eni Njoku/Biobaku issue. Now it is a cancer in our education system and will continue to keep our universities down.
congrats Prof! i am proud to be a nigerian.
@Kenner....shutup u fool, who told u he wishes to be white. You don't even knw him yet u open ur dirty mouth. This prof is proudly black and even taught in Bauchi in the 80s. Why comment rubbish . If u have inferiority complex about who u are that is ur cup of tea, that doesn't mean others are. He is proudly nigerian and still has Nigerian accent
Congrats to him
I am very proud to be a Nigerian!. I am in Ghana but Ghanaians hate us because we are great people! They said we are corrupt but CORRUPTION is written all over their faces and immorality of all kinds!.
I always thank God that from that part of the world, Nigeria.
NIGERIA, I love you with all my heart!We are GREAT PEOPLE and GREAT DESTINY.
Ted Philips
Nigeria in making,before kenya with first black american president,now nigeria with first black vc..no lele let move forward joor.
Baroness Says...
Good tins r hapunin 2 nigerians out of naija. Congrats tho. We r so proud of u prof.
@ anon 10.32 and 10.43(Same person I assume)... Whats the meaning of " @least ghud tins r happening in naija...." Yea I am proud and u can be proud he is of naija descent but he aint in Naija now haba !!!
Pls stop being a keyboard warrior !!! Cheers
Proudly nigeria.
In all honesty, I love dat Coffee guy!! LMFA0!! I really do =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) loud nd visualize hw d coffee runs out frm his nose!! Congrats Prof!!
yesss!!!! Go Ondo!!!! we'r just the best :)
justlikeme..you are hilarious sha o.....its people wit anger issues that will be bothering themselves..this blog is meant for everybody
Inspirational - Made Nigeria Proud
Nyc!gud 4 him*oge*
yayyy dats Yemi"s dada!!!
Sure u hav heard him pray b4
Not to diminish his accomplishments, but he is not the President of the University which in the US is the equivalent of Nigerian VC.
The man is the provost for academic affairs, which is something akin to a director.
In any case other Nigerians have held similar posts in the past and hold similar posts now in the same US , so he is neither the first or the only.
A big congrats to him, he has truly made Naija proud.
We Ondo/Ekiti peeps (yes am famzing sue me *tongue out*) take pride in our intellectual achievements and success, ths is a record breaking one. God bless him
Proudly Naija, proudly Ondo..
If u̶̲̥̅̊ love her that much go and marry her ₪A̶̲̥̅̊. If u̶̲̥̅̊ be babe u̶̲̥̅̊ get a guy for her.
Bonairo - Start by spelling morning correctly if you are truly inspired by the professor !
my gosh. so proud of him. i prayed so hard to be this smart but me and academics are complete opposites. it is so frustrating to be dumb snd it affects a lot of what i do
Nigerians are very sound and intelligent people.This is good for the image of Nigeria in the global scene.Wish the professor all the best in his new academic position.
@bonario shut ur fucken mouth. which naijas are great people? the average naija is thinking of bringing down their next door neighbor and to rob them blind. naijas are their own worst enemy
Ope ooo.*now applying for masters hoping for α scholarship with my new connect.illinois here I come!
Lol!!! Kai, frustrated nigerian. But you are right sha.
Thanks....we are very proud of you.
Seest thou a man diligent in his work? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean (ordinary) men
slow clap! brain working overtime. Wish I had faced my studies when in school
This is the type of news we need to be hearing about Nigerians abroad
im an alum of this school....wow congrats Sir!
Hahahahahaha @ silly coffe guy, by d way, Nigeria is ova blessed, natural n human resources. Picture if all dis brains we're doin dia thing here n americans begged us 2 come over n help.
Check out African Sweetheart gorgeous people!
Derez no such tin as vc in american skools its cald "President" nways am happy 4 him but won't run my mouth by associatin wiv him as a nigerian.. If he were a proud one he wldnt ve naturalized so quit sayin hez 4rm ur village cus he has denounced u guyz a long time ago...
We r really proud but d honest truth is, joyous pride is complete wen u kno u've invested in d product. How many of our ppl excelling out dia can d govt. Boast of sponsoring, or empowering? Sum of dem went thru hell until dey strugld out of dis country den afta dey go where dia talents, strength, n abilities r genuinely recognized, apreciated n utilized n dey bcom celebrated, Naija govt. Go come dey beat chest. Theirs a difference btwn d woman who pushed u out of her n d woman who nurtured u 2 d fullness of ur potential as a person. Motherhood has little 2 do wit biology, D one who nurtures is d mother- Nigeria, b a mother 2 ur children.
Wat cave did u come out of? Welcome 4rm outta dat hole- u we're there far too long. N yea there are VC's abroad 2.
This is good news. Up Naija!! We dey try shaa. Bt we still have a long way to go. If only we can get good, dedicated leaders...
Linda Ikeji pls can u stop posting this coffee spillers comments already? He's very irritating and reminds me of Gbenga
Kudos to him and congrats. francisruff.blogspot.com
Congrats. Always nice to hear good news.
In May 2012, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois selected Adesida to be the next vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost of the Urbana campus;
Anon September 17, 2012 11:25 Provost, President etc, we get the idea.
yes oooo, he is my brother from the village... hehehehehe..... we from ekiti/ondo like to read.... am proud of u egbon... even if am just attatching i nor mind... hehehehehe
M sooo hapi i m from Ifon m so proud ori wa se wa lolz.
*Standing at attention* Respect Sir!
Always typing shit as usual.I guess you are also jobless too.
You are funny sha,lol
Am so proud of you, so proud bin a nigerian. Gues that the same feeling y'all wil be geting when i win back to back Ballon D'or
Wow! Good one. Its not beans to be d vice chancellor of one of the best universities in d world. Thumbs up prof.
@ Anonymous said...
Yes there are Vice Chancellors in US Universities. Some schools call them Provost while others call them Vice Chancellor. They work closely with the Board members of the University. Do your research before you conclude on something
He's not a nigerian, he was not anymore. God bless America.
Lmfaooooo. I love it.
Big congrats to him, pls pple don't be fooled,this man might not even know naija exist.HE IS A NATURALIZED AMERICAN. he might even want to know,cos dis country is so F#$kd up.if he was in naija he will neva have gotten to dat level cos he's geographical area will be more important than the content of this character.
From a proud American, Mr Ilesanmi Adesida keep living the American Dream.
Nice one! we're getting in the picture, btw he's from my Dad's village!
Yes ooo, he is frm my state of origin. ONDO STATE. Correct!
You see Linda, Nigerians do get a chance abroad...in fact plenty of chances. Sometimes they mess it up, sometimes they make us proud. Next time don't be mad when a Malaysian is appointed as VC in Nigeria. We need to let go of all resentment to other people from other places :)
Naija is a mess, but it doesn't make d prof less Nigerian. Been Naturalized does not wipe out ur roots.Go to the intl airport and see Nigerians wit british, american,canadian passport traveling in and out of Naija. I had a Naija prof wen I was in schl in d Uk who spends his holiday in Naija and his Naija accent was stronger than my own.
Those of u sayin he is not Nigerian or probably has forgotten Naija are only sayin u will disown Naija if u were in his shoes. Not everyone has that mentality pls
Thanks Prof for making us proud
Trust Ondo people..dem sabi read no be small..congrats Prof..some people sha!!..doubting him being Vice Ch..shows the low expectations you have of urselves!!..crab mentality!!
bros, abeg come bak home. no place lyk naija
Big congrats 2him...
yayyy he's from my state
This ANONYMOUS thing is really annoying...May forked lightning strike all those Ghanaians coming here to run Nigerian achievers down. Enemies of progress.
@Justlikeme, take your coffee-driping-nose to some other blog ABEG!
Olodo rabata,it should be d other way round,d guy is already frm ondo and ondo is in nigeria.Should be more proud he is from ondo
Hehehe @d 1st reply... Me sef I taya 4 dis kenners character o, wetin con be ur headache ontop say nigerians dey associate wit am... O ma ga oo
He is my uncle, d one my grandmother senior who married my nephew's sister's father's mother. In short, we r related. And 4 those of u arguing over d title of his post, go get busy, he just got a promotion cos he wasn't idle like u pple... Prof, i salute!
Kanayo , u sound like a fool... But I guess the parochial mindset typical with most Nigerians is exactly what u have
Ur dad's village? I guess ur from ur mum's village then...
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