Please continue...Does it make you angry? Does it rile you to see your country portrayed as poor and suffering and full of struggle? It burns you, does it not? To have some foreigner- who knows nothing of your history and pain, of the stories that flow within your blood- to have this foreigner come in and tell your story? Is it not the height of disrespect and insensitivity? Does it not chafe against the thick skin you have grown to cover your other wounds?
Does it not make you angry? We should wax sanctimonious about national
pride being slighted. We should vent our displeasure online. We should
occupy something. Because God forbid the truth ever be told about what
things really are. God forbid a stranger reminds us about those things
we choose to ignore every day.
God forbid we ever face the truth about ourselves. God forbid we do not
go on the internet and rail about how our country is being cast in bad
light. God forbid we do not talk about how there is a small minority
which lives better than portrayed. God forbid we do not ignore truth one
more time. God forbid we don’t.
1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»It beats me.
frankly, i dont get
mi abeg go and find sumtin else to nose abt. wat is wrong wit an artist goin to anoda country to shoot a video? wat abt nigerian artists who travel out to shoot a video(u inclusive)? pls mind ur biz. to tink i held u in high esteem. haba
true......this people will not stop potraying our country as that country that everybody dies of hunger cos das all i see in the video.
MI should shoot a better video before judging full stop!
nice one M.I. and before ignorant libers start castigating him, he isnt saying Ross is wrong oooooo. lol
please MI go and sit on something. does it not ko does it not ni. if our country followed any rule of law @ all then rick would not have had the right to shoot his video. anyone can just go on the streets with a camera crew block all the roads and nothing will happen. that cant happen in America but it happens here.
my question to MI is...who do you think your vexation should be directed at... the government whom which no rules apply or the 'foreigner' as you call him, who took the advantage?
if it burns your skin so much and boils your blood; write a letter to Jonathan and leave rick out of it cause am sure if it were that easy to shoot a video in America, you 'MI' will be so unto it. so as the saying goes....remove the log in your eye before bothering about the spec in anothers'
Mi must be a Mad Man, infact he is a Mad Dog. Ok so dr know how it hurts. How can Mi condem somfin he is guilty of. So leavin nigeria and all d Beautiful places we have here and Go abroad to Shoot Musical Video wif white gurls Parading themselves as if we have only ugly gurls in Nigeria is reasonable abi. If I catch dat Mi I go use slap give am Brain......Otondo. Ifewo say so joor
I didn't bother watching the video because I would be pissed while at it. Even the sight of the video cover is annoying already.
This guy doesn't know the in & out of Lagos; so how did he get to shoot the "disgusting" video in such a location? No be Nigerians take am there?
Even if he insisted on having it shot there, couldn't the Nigerians with him reject & refuse the idea? Nigerians just like to give these ignorant foreigners unnecessary adulation and attention.
When foreigners treat Nigerians bad and portray Nigeria in a bad light, we shouldn't look too far; we caused it ourselves directly or indirectly.
Sarcasm so on point!
Firstly I doubt if it's that personal MI. Dude just probably had a vision to shoot a video in an african slum/ghetto and he did. If he wanted a beautiful breathtaking video nijah's banana island sef may not be able to stand to other beautiful places he could go to. And MI as you mentioned successful middle class people are the minority and this is how the majority of people in Nigeria live so what?, you want them hidden away like a dirty secret?. If you feel Nigeria is so great and better than that then appeal to your leaders to fix your country. Cos what Rick Ross potrayed was not scripted, it's the majority's reality. Wake up and smell the coffee...
MI's words burn bright with the light of truth! We really need to stop and wake up to the truth. As they say, half of the solution is the realisation that you actually have a problem. We need not be ashamed of our problems. if anything, this should spur us on to want to be a better country and people.
linda,where is the like button on ur blog.MI is making so much brain.rick ross is mad 4 wat he did
I don't wanna believe he just felt like writing something cos it didn't seem to me like he made any point here.
what is he ranting about? our fellow nigerian artists have shot videos in worse areas and he didn't say anything.
I need to watch this video to understand where MI is coming from
He is definiteli right.
It's true, it's shocking. No one should ever record any aspect of Nigeria that does not involve Rose Moet, Speed boats, Bikini's, Pool Parties and Private Jets. Do they not understand that most people live in beautified gated communities and drive fancy cars and take luxurious weekend breaks at the beach!!!! It would make anyone believe that Lagos is not one of the best cities to live in the world. They managed to somehow find a slum amidst all the beauty.......bloody americans
Linda please put dis up!!!!
Rick Rozay to me Awakened us to the reality on ground,How many of us give back to our society all we do is take,take,take! then d next thing we do is go somewhere European or American transferring development meant for 9ja.
M.I u wey dey talk,save it are u holier all ur videos do dey portray the ills of the society, How many upcoming rappers have u shown the wyz to the rap game abeg park well jor!
Na wen dem yab we Nigerians dats when we start feeling irritated but yet and still we are always complacent at all times...Whatever Ricky was thinking i do not know ,but wat i do know is he had some positive agenda up his sleeves, quit ranting and make a song directed at him if u got tha Balls to...I'm done Linda!!!
Rock ross is a jerk ass
I see nothing wrong over that video the truth is dat, this country need's help. Remember south africa,our own majek fashek sang about it.
"God forbid we don't. God forgives I Don't." All nonsense! In my own opinion M.I, "God Judges We Shouldn't!"
Well spoken MI...
#true talk.. Buh all the same it doesn't mata cos they also have gheto in jand. @least we do watch dem on tv, so dat doesn't portray dem being poor or sumtin......
Somewhere along the line, I got lost. Pls what exactly is he trying to say? That the video is wrong (which I totally agree with) or that we should protest the state of our country?
What's my main man M.I blithering on about? He should take several __/__/__/ jor. Personally don't think there's much wrong with Rozay's video. He portrayed abject poverty & shit but na lie? That was how BBC made a documentary on the Yaba/maroko slums & dustbin estate couple of yrs back & people were trolling all over & on this same blog. The Lagos State Govt. is looking into those places right now. Rozay Wa gbayi jor
Seriously though,the were clips frm that video that were'nt cool atall,we maybe going through hardships,but we aren't beggers.
M.I is a good rapper,he should understand that music videos are supposed to show the emotion in the lyrics of a song.The Hold Me Back USA version was done in the slums of N.O in Lousiana.Did anyone say there was a problem with that version.
This track isnt Maybach Music 4 or Diced Pineapples; Ross went in on the struggle,the come-up and how the hood cant stop you growth(hold you back).Maybe MI wanted him to shoot a video just like Aston Martin Music or something,that would have been dumb,wouldnt it?
M.I don smoke Ibooooo ooohhhh he need some water
two sides of the coin....do you wish the truth be told or wish to be pestered with lies?
To all those against the video please be reminded that you are only shielding our corrupt leaders from the truth thereby making more people suffer!
My respect for MI just doubled. Truth should be told, no matter how bitter. For those who think otherwise ask urself....are these scenes real??? - MIKAEL.
God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid... Amen.. It has been forbiden.. Halleluyah.
well spoken, but did not get your line of thougt sha, are you angry @ him or angry wit our country, nice one sha, www.tatafonaija.blogspot.com
Some deep ish right there..Nice
What planet is this guy MI living, 90% of Nigerians are living in poverty yet you want Rick Ross to make a video to celebrate and portray the 10% living well of whom most are corrupt.There is nothing wrong about his video,it simply life you see on most lagos streets.
God bless you MI , and may the truth always hold sway,from the view of a foreigner to highlight a flawed leadership's vision of how their people should live and what they consider development and the audacity with which they bandy around positive GDPs and GNPs. Then My people express anger , and i ask -What are they angry about?!!, is it at Rozay that has the audacity to put on display our suffering or the at those responsible for what is on Display. MI-Bruv, when you get to chat with Rozay tell him i said "Thank you" and then do your own version, so we can tell the "true enemies of state" that "the streets are not smiling"
i still dont get him *confused smiley* sounds like he was "sitting on the fence" in all his statement o_O
True Talk MI, God forbid we don't do something to change the current state of things in our nation....
Mr. M.I Sir, I would expect you to be more enlightened than the average Nigerian. Recall that the original 'Hold Me Back' video was shot in the slums of New Orleans. Ross could have shot it on Miami Beach if he wanted, but the song is basically about 'Struggle'. The concept of the video is wrapped around Ghettos Sir. Ross knows how rich and affluent 2% of Nigerians are, so why not show the world that 98% of us live in slums, and are still struggling? You are part of Nigeria's problem. You want to make it look good even when it's not. Open your brain M.I.
True Talk MI, God forbid we don't do something to change the current state of things in our nation.... and deceive ourselves that we are still the giANTs of Africa
Kini ni eleyin so? Me i go school o Mr Abaga. But what r u on about? This is inconclusive...my advice, guy go back to d studio n put in some work ur lil bro, ice prince, is unseating u
i see a beautiful video,the kids look healthy and happy,the squalor?its their life they are content they have made the best out of nothing,of such people i will be proud, and gradually we rise from that place as individuals,as a nation only if we dare look at oursleves for all we really are.to thine own self be true.
Plain truth. We as a nation are in denial.... Let's face it!
Ok, but it sounds like he more so wants to grab some attention from all this.
Check out African Sweetheart beautiful ladies and Handsome Gents.
I have never posted on you blog Ms. Ikeji. But M.I. has finally changed that by his commentary on said video.
Of course it is a bit shocking to see such words come from his quarters, however, it a cause for hope to know that there are other Nigerians who do not revel in 'voluntary blindness' to the daily realities of over 70% of our population.
For this, I applaud M.I.!
wats is dis dude talking about, nice video Rick Ross #mrgala#
I can feel MI's pain here, but it doesn't end at we going on d net to defend d image of our nation with mere words,let our actions also speak for us,we need change of attitude both d leader and d lead. Even d Nigerian musicians,coz it wasn't a rick ross or Kanye dat sang d famous Nigeria jaga jaga.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
he is right
Well as the first to see this being a cameroonian as well as a producer and an entrepreneur seeing it from linda"s blog.i most say Mi is one of the musician i try to learn something out of his lyric when he spit it out people with the better tongue.Yes let not allow foreigner come and tell us our stories God forbid that MI I agree.It pains much when we see lot in poverty and minority in riches .Is not a matter of laughing people.Well Mi well said.
M.I is so right...shallow minds would read the wrong meaning into. Many people wuld read dis and think he's attacking Rick. Many would not see this as a call to we Nigerians to stand up and be responsible for ourselves...
Many would come to dis page to display the ignorance that is killing us..
We dey wait
M.I, The truth is very Bitter, that video is real, its contents are real, so please get over it.
wow, still the first to comment, now am like those guys queuing for i phone 5, noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!, but on to the matter, not necessarily disrespect, he's either using it to make nigerian fans or he actually feels our pain, or he just discovered his really a nigerian, just to cover all possibilities, but i dont think this is what should make us angry, what about our not so foreign leaders
those stupid twins wont stop him, sstupid BOSS
Awesome writeup!!!Nigeria is in a crisis and that is the truth
M.I has a point honestly. What was portrayed in that video shows exactly what over 70% of the population lives like.
Niccur ur using Poetry to sit on the fence...it aint hard to tell. Pick a side. RBX
Truer words have never been said. Composed lyk the true musician nd lyricist he is.
*yawns* abegi joo. don't we always go abroad 2 shoot our videos? So y are we taking It Personal. Hv seen d video and its #dope# its even in black nd white sef, not showing d true ugliness of d location.
Yes...MI...i support u.......i thought it was a gwd thing b4...naw i knw d video is insultive....
Hmmmmm!True talk MI.God herlp Naija.Amen
didnt anyone ever tell you? this is your land.This is naija.
So in his mind now he is Maya Angelou feeling like a poet. mmssschheewwwww
Way to go M.I, I was deeply offended too...
Honestly i don't see what all the fuss is about, cos i sincerely think MI is looking for cheap publicity.
Before the rants, we should ask ourselves these questions: Do places like these truly exist in Nigeria? and do the majority of population live in poverty like these?
We all know the answer so why the anger? Our artistes should be ashamed of themselves, going to South Africa and all that to shoot meaningless videos when they could face the harsh reality that alot of people are living in poverty. There's more to life than popping champagne, partying and all that. Like some, i'm lucky not to have gone through what these people are experiencing day in day out, but saying there aren't people living in these conditions is pure ignorance/denial.
We should all face the reality, this is Nigeria. Our artistes should be embarassed a foreigner's telling your story when you're busy trying to create a virtual reality where everybody's sagging jeans and riding big cars.
PS: Rick Ross shoots videos in american ghettos all the time, he's not trying to disrespect us in anyway, just filming what he saw and it's not far from the truth. Instead of making unecessary noise, let's channel our energy on how we can change our country for the better, and believe me it starts from you and i. Waiting for our government will change nothing. -RAY
Psquare shot their Beautiful Onyinye
rmx video (ft Rick Ross) in America &
Nigerians are still screaming at the
beauty depicted. &Rick Ross came to
Nigeria to shoot his own Hold Me Back
video (Nigeran version) in the slums of
Lagos & so many Nigerians are so so
angry at the level of degradation the
video depics. Waoh! Me i just dey laugh
laugh laugh... The super-rich 20% are
angry at a video celebrating the daily
life of a super-poor 80%. Let me sip
some water jeje-ly... Next.
Pls go and sit down on your own smelling shit. What about the videos you Nigerian musician shoot abroad , don't some of them have slums of those countries? eg South Africa that you people run to every now and then to shoot videos of their ghetto. And the Nigerian musicians showing Ajegunle in their video, is called what? You think they don't watch it in the States? Abeggi
well said MI i had d same thing on ma mind. its just so wrong, cos he made the video look like we are all so poor and that Nigeria is no good. i felt really sad watching that silly video and the zomby ignoramus showing off their stupidity in d video.
we need to stand up to defend what we want.Rick Ross should pitch his tent elsewhere, we don't want more of this derogatory videos.
God forbid, I did not read this post. It makes no sense
Hmmmmm, that's quite deep
Have nt seen the video so I ve Notin †Φ say ,I'm nt a Rick Ross fan,but if he actually painted a bad image of naija then Hmmmm we've already done it countlessly,we all r .J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̣̣̥ hoping tins wȊ̝̊̅ℓℓ change bt our rulers r really bad ∕̴Ɩи∂ even the youth r nt helping matters
Wow...knew MI was lyrically deep but never knew he is so Passionate about this country. loving MI now raise to power 10,000,000,000,000
yes MI, we should ''occupy something''
Was thinking y'all musicians would keep quiet, look and do nothing.
yes MI, we should ''occupy something''
Was thinking y'all musicians would keep quiet, look and do nothing.
Confused.COM!!! Is he angry about the video or not?? All Nigerians should know that most parts of Nigeria are like this. Rather than venting, we can all make this change.
first of all Mr M.I ask yourself these questions, Was the video not shot in Nigeria?, Are the people in the video not Nigerians?, Was there any photo shopping involved?. Please we should tell ourselves the truth abeg and stop this foreigner coming to tell us bullshit. As far as am concerned you should be angry with our government. Short man no sense.
please what is wrong about facing the truth about ourselves???
im with MI on this. the video really portrayed us bad, nigeria aint that poor and bad. any foreigner who sees the vid wud think thats exactly how nigeria is which is not true at all. why didnt he shoot it at better places? rozay is so stupid for d vid and nigerians who love d vid are also stupid and are full of shit. i am proud of my country and my country is beautiful. there are ghetto areas also in the united states and all across the world.the vid is worth fighting against. *passes d mic. BTW i love u linda and hapi belated bday.mwah
God bless u MI. When i saw the video i was mad, i didn't like it, are that poor? I hate the video
God bless u MI. When i saw the video i was mad, i didn't like it, are that poor? I hate the video
you nko why you never rap about those things he rapped about?, you come here dey make noise. go and enjoy your money and girls like you nigerian musicians sing and rap about
That video triggered anger in me... We loved this dude and brought him to our country but he came and showed our nakedness to the world.
He came to give tourists reason not visit Nigeria. He came to paint Nigeria as a poor, violent and lawless nation. What a shame. What an insult.
I expected more from this dude meeen. He is such a disappointment.
Like I said on another blog, Naija artists have fallen into the same trap as the political class of this country. They are so busy trying to show how wealthy they are that they have forgotten the masses. Just take a look at the videos of today, all shot in SA with hard currency flying around and white chicks are even more plenty than the black chicks. They have stopped keeping it real and Rick Ross came to kick them in the ass cause the poverty and slums are the true reality of Naija. All the wealth and dollars and champagne are just an exception of Naija life, not our reality
Can anyone please name a slum/Ghetto in America that lacks 24 hour electricity, water, and naked kids running around in the gutters!???
Anyone??????? Thought so...
Errrmmm now am venting , ### forbid I don't say something...... Errrmmm hw about we occupy nigeria one more time, that's something to vent about. #backtolinda
I believe alot of those that responded didn't get the sarcasm.Nigeria is mostly Ghettos. Even Ikoyi is a ghetto.if we want to be potrayed better, we shoul act better ad use our money wisely!
mr MI i hail,frm ur write up i think Rick ross has made u get a new lyrics for ur upcoming album. cos u sounded more like u just got new rap words, abegi!!! u dat z a nigerian dat d society has realy made u who u r wat hav u been able to give back, Rick Ross z a rapper like u so i throw d task back 2u since u r so pained
stop denying the truth like our government,Nigeria hospitals are in good shape but no top government office goes there!Even sick Madam P is now aboard!so much for the truth.One rich man in a community is still a poor man!!!
Read properly and understand before you comment, an advice.
If it annoys u dat much go 2 there own country, d ghetto side n shoot ur videos akon did it,so u 2 nid nt go 2 fine places in d US/SA 2 shoot videos.
Read απϑ understand...his msg aint clear-cut...Mr.Incredible has a way with words:) meLikes!
Fuck rickross, MI is right bcos all these dumbass foreigners only come to Africa with the intention to potray Africans as people who r suffering and dirty people. The truth is that most Africans r not billionaires but at d same time we aint suffering, Africa is beautiful her people r great and loving. Like every other continent on earth, Africa has its problems. I love my Africa and believe me, no place on earth can ever be better than d BLESSED Africa. Its high time people from other parts of the world are enlightened on the honest fact that Africa is way better and more Beautiful than they ever thought of her to be. I speak the truth ~CHRIS~ says!
Mi go and pack well. There's absolutely nothing wrong wt d video, Nigerians travel abroad to shoot their videos, why can't Ross do same and besides 'twas just his concept. Cos he tried to portray ghetto life innocently without the thought of tarninshn naija . U want him to shoot d video @ lekki or vgc bcos there are no better places in america dat he can use. Nigerians are just dumb and as for MI. Stop looking for cheap publicity. Occupy Rozays video my foot. U better focus on ur own work cos u dare not challenge anyone ESP rickyrozAy cos he's done nothing. Linda post my comment this time around
MI,I bet to differ for ur choice of words! Its high time we face the truth & deal with it.Rick Cross has done nothing bad,neither did he paint a wrong nor fake picture of our supposed dear country.Reality is the Word,y'all musicians are fond of making it look like evrything is all rosy but the reality is that you have pple in ur neighbourhood suffering and all what have you done to help.Let's leave the Govt outta this,start from your Zone.As for me oooh RC has done what most of you never and will never think of doing.His now my own FELA.
So you saying his tryna make us look so poor or less of ourselves is Stupid and pretentious as its Freaking obvious Lots of pple r Suffering and smiling.
MI I know how you feel but hey that video was shot in Nigeria. Wasn't it ? We see slums of America on tv but even their slums get steady power supply. e get pure water wey dey rush from tap ( not borehole ),Dem get good health..their public schools can compete with the schools you MI have attended so far. So why are you vexing and ranting,if you must occupy something- occupy the TRUTH bro or better still go and fight Edris for singing jaga jaga. You better not let me throw away your cds from my car for this rubbish you just said. Shey u think sey na animals dey live for that slum wey dey the video ? They are humans like you bro,they have dreams just like you or u think sey na only you sabi drive car ? What are Nigerians asking for really - not much - the basic things of life which should not be luxury. Occupy the TRUTH MI !!!
Nobody has asked naija artistes and MI not to shoot video in a slum outside the country. So shut up all u MI supporters
Scroll down to the bottom of the article on MI's website -------> "This article was written by The Editor and does not express the personal views of the Rapper MI Abaga.
Thank you."
MI don get new lyrics 4 him new song, I bet he'll release his single soon. Shut up and go get a life. Go n fight idris n eldee for singing about naija few years back. Short man . Linda u no wat to do
Many of the readers here have read it and didn't comprehend. Yes Nigerians like to form amnesia when it comes to the current affairs of the land. MANY Nigerians are POOOOOR! I'm talking well over 89%. People are suffering and just because we have a few families doing well doesn't mean everyone is. This is the reality of life in Nigeria. People are poor and suffering. Partying it up at Eko hotel every weekend is not the way a lot of people are living down there. I loved the video and I think he did a wonderful job.
MI I c u haven't had any new song of late and u actually think u have fans that'll support ur poetic stupid writing. Pls go m get busy
My sentiments exactly. But let’s face facts a Nigga(uneducated Black) will always act like a Nigga, Ignorant and imprudent. In the eyes of Rick Ross he feels he has done Nigeria a favor by shooting the video in Nigeria. Rick Ross Just solidify the Nigga’s ignorance about Nigeria
Nigga truth hurts get ova it, if u dnt lyk d video go to 1 of doz american ghetto e.g jamaica Queens nd shoot ur own video...but b4 u go write ur will M.I
this is an arrant nonsense from M I or whatever he calls himself.
Rick met us the way we are.
Rick is not David Mark and other politicians who used our money to develop other country,abi no be rat wey dey house tell d one wey dey bush say fish dey house.
so M I put ur house in order, so that your neighbor would not dump refuse in it.
It is just his way of asking why we are all up in arms against someone who has just portrayed the stark reality that we live in and chose to deny everyday. Asking us if we can truly be heroes and stand up to revolt against the 10% of the populace who lay siege on our collective wealth and leave the rest of us in want, poverty that hardens a man's heart to Rob and maim for money, the reality of people who graduate and can't find suitable employment because our leaders are wicked. Its his way of asking us to be true to ourselves and the failure that is almost becoming our nation so that in that reality maybe we can be brave enough to collectively ask for a better deal. If u don't still get it after this epistle, then I can't help you
Choi!!!!!!!! I weep for our Nigerian youth!!!! Is that we cant comprehend English? Is that we dont understand what sarcasm is all about??? I mean, a lot of people cant simply decipher what M.I is sayin and whose side he's on. Our English is seriously deteriorating!!
M.I well said! Rick ross's video is the truth! A large percentage of nigerians live in abject poverty!! So, pls we nigerians should stop living in denial!
Come to think of it, the american video was also shot in the slums, so what is all the fuss about????!!
Lol... Vry funny. He's jst confused. The nxt thin yu'l hear is MI feat Rick ross- hold me back remix. I no fit madt..
Seems a lot of people can't comprehend simple English......Even the daily post made it seem like he was against the video lol
But I dont think Mr.Rick was intended to depict Nigeria in a bad light,Its just a video shot....I've seen so many videos made from the slums in US.
Check out my blog good people
it is the stark reality of our daily existence brought about by incessant corruption and injustice. how/where or by what medium it is thrown up is of little consequence = we should look inwards+change what we can = tellitlikeitis
I love what Rick Ross did by shooting his Video in our Ghetto for the Government to see what the Average Nigerian is suffering. and for u MI i think u should support Rickky for what he did dan Poke nossing and saying bad things that u dont knw, he has the love of the average nigerian at heart thats y he shoot his video in Nigerian. is high time we need to step up and speak dan allowing all the top men of this nation to take us for granted. maybe u simply want to buy favour.
Linda I love u somuch for what ure doing and bringing us close to whats happening to our nation.
Linda, sorry hen, but its amazing how stupid your readers are. Dont they know that MI was being sarcastic???
lawd help us oh Nigerians are slow sha and to everyone who thought MI was saying wat rick ross did is bad U ARE ILLITERATE!!!
via BB 3310
wat is MI saying?u need to watch d american version of "hold me down" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK1PFUpvnDk...it was done also in d hood, so rugged an tartared...so why is MI ranting? seems am seeing d next idris abdulkareem in making...becareful bro, ur ban could be for LIFE!!!
Sarcasm is so lost on most people. Shame!
First of all I admire your patriotism M.I. But the fact remains that there is no lie in Rick Ross's video. They are lots of people suffering in this country of ours today due to the ill state the country has been in. All thanks to our so called leaders to date. People dying with hunger and diseases due to lack of finance, bad amenities and poor healthcare system.
He only showed half of our country's true nature in his video because if he had visited some parts of the North I am sure the federal government would have prevented it.
Lmao.........Linda oh!!!!!!!!!! Linda, I so wanna weep for u right now. U have a bunch of illiterates and morons as readers on this blog. They all don't understand what MI is saying. Sad.
LOL Nigerians dont get sarcasm... he wasnt condemning Rick Ross... he was condemning those that are saying Rick Ross shouldn't have made the video in Naija. I guess for most people that didnt study language and speech in school MI's comments would be difficult to understand.
The ignorance and stupidity that dwells among and within Nigerians is simply appalling. The level of ignorance and lack of comprehension for this write up proves to me that Nigeria is a dead end. From the comments so far; very few individuals got the true "gist" of what mi was saying. It is therefore very safe to conclude that Nigerians are truly and totally clueless and dull.
First off Rick Ross shot another video in the US in the projects and the ghetto of his own country !!! He is portraying real life in general in the video! I believe you all know difference from sugar and sh**t!!!! Our ppl in general suffer all over ! Read up on gang violence and murders in Black America and see that a Ghetto is a Ghetto in any Country
On point dearie,an average american is an honest person.MI u just want to fool urself like abdulkareem.
ps. hip-hop always tells story of hardship and struggle the same way it talks about popping champagne and shaking ass, so my fellow Nigerians get the fuck off your high horse and encourage your local artists to tell the story of the realities we live in.
Wow so many illiterates on this blog. Did you guys skip english and grammar in school?? M.I is NOT condemning the video! Wow.
People don't even understand what MI was talking about,always ready to haul insults
Kai...we have so many illiterates!!! No one seems to understand what MI is tryna say...Please read before you ignorant monkeys start sayin shit!!
There's wahala ooh,lol!
Firstly,MI,you should have just come out and made your point in plain english.The sarcastic embelishments were not necessary,lool!Now half of the people reading it don't get the message.
I stand to be corrected,but I think what Oga Jude was trying to say is that Rick Ross'video speaks the truth about our reality.That's all.
Damn! The fact that many people did not get what MI was trying to say makes me question what the hell English and Literature teachers are teaching in Nigerian schools. If MI was judging anybody, it was YOU! Yes you who has been complaining and tweeting about the big bad American who dared to come to your country and shoot a video highlighting the Nigerian struggle and poverty. MI is asking you "Does it rile you?" "Does it make you angry?" "We should occupy something". This line is laced with irony because many of these people want to "Occupy" the fact that Rick Ross shot the video in Nigeri and not the issues he raised in the video. The "God forbid" lines are all sarcastic mockery of the people who have been demonising Rick Ross for showing the truth about more than 80% of Nigerians. "God forbid the truth ever comes out". "God forbid we do not ignore the truth one more time". Throughout this poem (The style of it is that of a poem), MI uses sarcasm and irony to convey his point. You can just imagine him saying all these with a sardonic yet disgusted expression on his face as he reads the criticisms of Rick Ross.
So please whatever you think of the whole "Rick Ross shot his video in a Nigerian slum" thing, do not criticise MI based on your poor and mostly wrong interpretation of his poem. Now that you understand what he meant, you can do as you please.
What's his point? If he's troubled at the state of things he should do sometin abt it in his own circle of influence I don't think it has any relationship with the video.. If he's so upset at the location, let him make his own video showing the good things he feels people outside the shores of this country should see. ps the term "a foreigner" isn't really ideal he has shot several video's abroad and wants to promote ΰя music career outside the shores of this country Ђδω would u take it if u were labeled/relegated as just another foreigner? bad choice of words..
And Linda, please can we reply comments? I thot I saw that feature a coupla days ago, and then it disappeared. 'Sup with that? Ciao
I'm not surprised that 90% of LIBers are misinterpreting MI's point of view...Rappers use metaphors a lot.
MI is in support of the video yet surprised at the rate Nigerians are vexed by the negative exposure the video has given our nation; which portrays the real Nigeria. MI is simply saying why is it that a foreigner will be the one to fully awaken our consciousness to the ills of our society. As for Rick Ross,part of the official video was shot in the ghetto part of U.S thus he deemed it fit to have a ghetto view of naija also to complement the official video..
Abeg make una reason with this rappers
The video should be confiscated and not be allowed to be shipped out of the country or even sold in NIgeria. These Nigerian will now find out that the black Americans are not their friends. They hate Africans as a matter of fact.
Are u people for real..what about Dagrin and Olumide..they made seriously ghetto videos!!..Rick ain't the first!!..we need more of this videos from the local artist..as someone alluded the local artists are depicting the excesses of Hip hop culture..and bringing it back home the excesses of the thieving leaders!!..maybe the top acts would start making some meaningful videos..and not the fantasist formulaic videos of Limos..clubs..moet..big booty gals in SA!!
OMG!!!I don't want to say people are daft but COME ON!Haba! If u dont understand what the guy is saying follow Ireti and say 'frankly I don't get'. MI's being sarcastic, basically he's saying we would rather get all up in arms about HOW we're protrayed than tackle the VERY issues BEING protrayed.
P.S We all know the boy is smart, I guess I just always thought his fans were smart too..smh
Deep, incisive, and true! MI is smart. He knows a lot of ignorant people wont figure his juxtaposed meaning. As usual, he keeps them guessing his real intent. And for whoever doesnt understand his simple message:GO BACK TO BASIC ENGLISH.
i am sorry to say this, but it needs to be said. with the majority of comments seen on this topic shows the amount of ignorance, naivety and just plain foolishness in this country. MI has no qualms with the artist shooting the video or a bone to pick with anyone.NOone is being self righteous here, but he also refers to himself. he is trying to point out how we stay blind to the fact that this is the state of our own country and no one is doing any thing about it, that instead; a foreigner has to come to show it to us and also benfit from it. How the mighty have fallen... *sigh*
It is well...
There's nothing wrong with the truth. The artist is only articulating the obvious in this country and that might be the saving grace. Just like the civil rights struggle in the U.S., if they were swept under the rug there would have been no strides made at all. The battle in civil rights struggle was won by MLK and his followers but the actual war was won by the whites that risked their lives to make it known to the world to see via documentaries, photos, books and what have you.
In order to gain the conscience of the law makers and the people who can bring the change, these kind of videos and more should be encouraged to be seen overseas where the Nigerian elite reside and is their play ground. They will feel uncomfortable and may be decide to use the proceeds of the oil money for what it is meant for---Developement via infastucture.
So leave the guy the hell alone and face your demons: The Nigerian politicians including the people in general to change their selfish and unconsciounable ways and do the right thing. Peace and God Bless Your Country Nigeria.
Yh! Ppl r nt gettn wat he's say! Lol
Too many stark illiterates here. This just shows how crappy Nigerian Education is. Did you guys miss out on English grammar and sarcasm in High School.It's dreadful that most of you can't apprehend what MI is trying to say.Seriously some of you need to go back to middle school.
Ignorance and Stupidity is bliss.
I see now how obstinately shallow our Youth have become. bloody retards on this blog cant see that MI just preached one of the deepest social messages here. *smh@ourlostvalues
The real issue here is: Even if what's in the video is correct, who is Rick Ross to come out boldly and be yarning shit. If he must say something, there are ways to go about it, be diplomatic. By the way, see what will happen if a well-known Nigerian came to the U.S. and in full public view commented...or portrayed in some way, the ills of African American neighborhoods...even though the Nigerian would be telling the truth.
Juliet Amilegbe: ur comment reveals a new brand of stupidity, that which is cloaked in the garbs of fine language. u and the rest of the ignorant trolls here should re-read MI's message- with an interpreter. smh!
Obviously u dnt understand wat MI was tryn to say,,he's not against d video,,look at d meaning connotatively.see ur long epistle,,smh
Nigerians and self denial, they just hate been told the truth. hw many pple can afford the luxurious life style of the beautiful places in nigeria?
U jst wanna post abi???re-read dat piece n ul get d true meaning
OH Shut it M.I. you and other characters in your chocolate band go to foreign countries to shoot videos that portray an affluent lifestyle, perhaps, if you were "occupying" as you said, Mr Ross wouldnt see the need to come and shoot a video here!..Hypocrite!
MI..Please take three seats and STFU..who cares about your sarcasm.After all dis u have said,have you contributed positively..?
Attention seeker,don't worry,who knows,maybe ROZAY would sign you to MMG so that you can have a reason to talk...*in ur dreams BTW*
Really i don't understand MI's annoyance ,if he is saying Rozay dosen't have the right to shoot a video in Nigeria potraying whatever it is he thinks Rozay is poytraying then no i am sorry to say he is wrong but if ge is saying someone else is doing it for us then he should do he research for the great El-DEE has don that in "ME I GO YARN". So me i don't really understand where he is going to wiht his comments.
Linda this goes to show that a lot of ur readers just don't get it! It's so disheartening that a lot of ignoramus have access to the Internet, too many shallow minds! Don't u people get d depth of this message? Don't you get where it is coming from? If u didn't understand it the first time, please read it Again and this time read between the lines! Some of these responses are just too embarrassing ! Linda if you get the chance and u do understand the message, maybe you should break it down to ur readers, at least u owe them that much
@Kem I won't insult u cos its obvious u dnt understand a thing... We all knw nigerian Ȋ̝̊̅§ deteriorating but its not from †he mouth of a foreigner dat shld remind us..loll u think d essence of †he video Ȋ̝̊̅§ to tell our leaders that our country Ȋ̝̊̅§ in a bad mess??? Gurl if u dnt knw, Wђã†̥ he Ȋ̝̊̅§ jst doin Ȋ̝̊̅§ to shoot a video showing hw hood e Ȋ̝̊̅§ and also get a mill in his bank...
How can u be happy seeing a foreigner come to our country to remind us hw bad our country Ȋ̝̊̅§ and portraying us to d world as a PIT country... Somebody who has never been to Nigeria will believe dats all we av in Nigeria..
Forget †he fact that Nigeria Economic state Ȋ̝̊̅§ bad!!! Nigeria Ȋ̝̊̅§ damn beautiful,..a foreigner who sees †he video will conclude that nigeria Ȋ̝̊̅§ a Neighbouring country wit Hell fire!!!Man dat video can do us № good but tarnish our image....pls if u think d video Ȋ̝̊̅§ good, think again.
Wen u travel out of Nigeria and u tell som1 u r from Nigeria and D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ giv a 1 dollar bill to feed dnt b surprise...
Abeg you are so on point! Xoxo!
Let a Non American go to the US and shoot a video talking down on the country, and see the response from the citizens and govt. Whether the criticism is true or not.
It makes me puke to see all the dumb comments attacking M.I. Truly, they are many educated illiterate fools amongst us. If only you got the message M.I. Was portraying...... Smh!
It makes me puke to see all the dumb comments attacking M.I. Truly, they are many educated illiterate fools amongst us. If only you got the message M.I. Was portraying...... Smh!
OMG!!!! I cant stop laughing!!!!! I cant breathe o!!!!!!!!! LWKMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Choi!!!!!!!! Hahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Retards dont recognize sarcasm even when it wears a bandana and a tutu and scatters bottle on their heads!!!!
Kai!!!! My weekend just started officially!!! OMG!!!!!
Nigerians are obviously both ignorant AND hypocritical!!!
Nice one M! Fracking nice one!!!!!
Dear MI, music is art..it's not all about showing off with lots of semi nude girls and champagne in music videos. It's a means of sending a message as well, so let's cut the pretense and stop moaning about Rozay's video
The video is on point....there's nothing wrong with the concept. He is an artiste and he used an opportunity;Creative people look for "props" and that is what the picture of our inner streets provided.The cinematography was good and though I am yet to grasp the connection between something serious like a Gowon's speech and Rick Rosses's ryhmes...truth is, I am not a Rick Ross fan and if I use my bias against his music, I would be against and not for....but common,let's look at creativity here: what did y'all want him to do? get some semi naked Nigerian girls and go shoot a video in some VI club???duuuuuuuuuuh!!Of cos when you travel you look for striking and unfamiliar things to portray ur sojurn. All these Naija artises are not real,no scripts, no concept in most of their videos they go abroad to shoot videos in one room with no concept or exotic scenes to show me something...apaart from a good few.,last words Art is life and Life is art and music is a fusion of both,if e pain una M.I. and co, when you go abroad next time, go to the ghetto in S.A. or New York or London next time u travel and shoot a ghetto video to repudiate the Rick Ross video....The GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
@Anon September 21, 2012 10:35 AM:
You too much jare!!! You just too much!!!
I don laff pour kparaga on top my expensive versace blazer!!
Why Nigerians choose to suffering and smiling, Why would we be covering the mess, while it open for every one to see, The truth must be told about Nigeria and Her rich oil well.why would we always pretend like nothing is wrong with our country. visit other oil nations you will find out that everything is wrong with country call Nigeria. Rick just send a message around the globe. If ur not happy to He's message do something about it. Like our brothers in north Africans have done.
@ uchay, U̶̲̥̅̊ are really d one that needs a̶̲̥̅̊ check U̶̲̥̅̊p. A̶̲̥̅̊ foreigner exposes the poor status ☀̤̣̈̇f our country n̶̲̥̅̊ U̶̲̥̅̊ say h̶̲̥̅̊e Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ mad? Why hide d truth, h̶̲̥̅̊e exposed the slums i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ his own country n̶̲̥̅̊ h̶̲̥̅̊e only did us a̶̲̥̅̊ favour for our leaders τ̅☺ know they are heartless. ђã†̥ Ūя̲̅ MI couldn't D̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡ for our country for some years now, h̶̲̥̅̊e came just i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ few weeks Α̲̅πϑ did it for us. U̶̲̥̅̊ Α̲̅πϑ MI s̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊l̶̲̥̅̊d̶̲̥̅̊ b̶̲̥̅̊ ashamed cos U̶̲̥̅̊ guys are the ones holding Ʈђi§ country back by not speaking the TRUTH. Long live RICK ROSS
Why Nigerians choose to suffering and smiling, Why would we be covering the mess, while it open for every one to see, The truth must be told about Nigeria and Her rich oil well.why would we always pretend like nothing is wrong with our country. visit other oil nations you will find out that everything is wrong with country call Nigeria. Rick just send a message around the globe. If ur not happy to He's message do something about it. Like our brothers in north Africans have done.
Omo mehn, na wah o. Reading most of the comments on this post, I finally realised that a lot of Nigerians no sabi English language, particularly irony and sarcasm. MI wasn't castigating Rick Ross for shooting the video oh. People should go back to Basic 1 abeg.
I hardly ever comment but just had to now. Illiteracy is a serious disease!!! Do half of you understand what MI is saying?????
To put it simply, he is not condemning Rick Ross.
He's simply stating that all those yelling that the video was a diservice to Nigeria, should wake up and smell the coffee. That video is the reality of life!
Kai! And you people will say you went to school!
U̶̲̥̅̊ are Jerker ass
1. Someone said something along the lines of "if you believe we should be hiding the truth then you are part of the problem." and that was the only comment that made any kind of sense. some people here clearly have a warped sense of patriotism.
2. What a lot of you are calling, embarrassing, disgusting, and all kinds of negative?....is what some people ( your fellow Nigerians featured in this video) call HOME!! They we're excited because Rick Ross chose to shoot a video in "Their Home" (not yours) and I'm pretty sure that was the sentiment intended by Ross when he chose to do it.
Ironically Rick has spent more time in a Nigerian slum than 99% of you here complaining about it. The kids in the slum have no access to the internet so i'm sure i speak for them when I say every last one of you with an opinion on this can quite frankly go F*** yourselves.
P.S Linda totally needs to....you already know ; )
We Ħª√ę so many beggers i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Nigeria pls, beggers are all over the world including US Α̲̅πϑ UK.
Hahahaha dumb ass comments..... ignorant fools...most of you don't even get...that video potrays 90% of Nigeria. That is what we are and we can't hide it. doesn't matter if it is a Nigerian or American showing it.
mi can like to shut up! did he watch the original hold me back video......it was shoot in the ghetto... and you labeling ross as a forienger you have guts.. what our local artist that shoot their videos abroad....the truth be told there are slums and less privileged people in our society..instead of you castigating somebody why not try and make a difference
one question though>>if ross had not shot the video in the slums would that mean that the slums are not there?
I feel so ashamed identifying with many A-holes here who call themselves Nigerians and do not understand what M.I is simply expressing. Owning a laptop or a tablet does not make you exposed and creative with your mind. Just to let some of you know, He was not beefing over what Ricky had done, he has just simply done a 'satire'.if you do not know what it means
Google it . M.I was commending Rick on the contrary. However, since the bulk of Nigerian students, undergrad and post grads are semi-literates, the meanings intended by both Ricky Rosay and M.I are beyond the superflous psyche of the average so called educated Nigerian- shame on you all!!!! No apologies for giving it straight up,at the end you call yourselves the giant of Africa, shows that the bulk of whatever you say you are comprises of fools
Abi o, D̶̲̥̅̊☺Ω̴̩̩̩̥'t mind t̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊. ȋ̝̊̅ now know why we will never move forward i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Ʈђi§ country. We are our own problems.
sorry but most of yall need to take basic reading again in school....rule of thumb if u dont understand dont comment.....n if u think M.I is mad at rozay ...read it again.....
hahahahahahahahaha you people that are cursing are dullards....you dont even understand the gist and you are there jumping on the guy.....you are reading wat MI wrote through your nose........damn!
Nooo, they are not real! B̶̲̥̊u̶̲̥̅̊ђ fake as Ūя̲̅ ass. How dare U̶̲̥̅̊ say they are not real, pretender. Get τ̅☺ Ūя̲̅ backyard Α̲̅πϑ seee for urself. SMH4 u
I think this is sarcasm. He kinda supports what rick Ross did. Read it again....MI is not shoi g his displeasure toward the video, but toward the pple that condemn the video, who believe rick Ross went too far. It is paining us that a foreigner exposed us like this, while we like to portray ourselves as good. MI, I hail u.
MI is still an artist whose work I respect no matter what. Come on everybody... PUT UR LIGHTERS IN THE AIR.
To those that don't understand: MI's statement is because he is SUPPORTING Rick Ross and not because he is OPPOSING Rick Ross. Have you people NEVER heard of sarcasm?? Read MI's statement again. Its embarrassing that after reading that statement an educated person would think MI was against the choice to shoot the video in the slums of Lagos.
'To have some foreigner- who knows nothing of your history and pain, of the stories that flow within your blood- to have this foreigner come in and tell your story?'
I swear Kems, ur comment is just silly. U need to see the video,you wud weep. Was it those slums dt Rick ross ws hosted at? Didn't he sleep in a posh hotel? Wt happened to ikoyi,vi,vgc,ikeja and oda nce places he cud display of Nigeria? Any1 wu hasn't eva bin to Nigeria wd tink d worst of us. Its jus sad,wt Rick rosay did.
Remember Rick Ross did an American version of this same track and the same thing he did was the same for the Nigerian version. I dont see anything wrong with the video at all... Its just a wake up call...
The point is, he brought out the truth we've been hiding, to our face and to the world to see. We are poor, under-develop and majority of our population are suffering, like more than 80%. He is simply translating what he saw on Nigeria Street, so what the heck are you blaming him for? In this country, we detest the truth and prefer to hide under the disguise that every thing is working and not a single thing is working in this country.
Lets just say the truth as it is and let the people that are capable of helping come to our aid. Its not just Rick Ross that has being criticized, I have heard many Nigerians criticizing a huge media house like CNN (Cable News Network) simply because they are continuously showing our country as we are, and how gruesome it is.
We should all wake up and face the truth that our country need to be re-invented, re-discovered, re-engineered and remodelled and lets all hope for the best in the future which is bleak. Just my opinion!
Look what that nig3a don came ǻℓℓ †ђξ way from america †̥ tell us. Ʊ A̶̲̥̅̊rε̲̣̣̣̥ one ☀̤̣̈̇f them hu has †ђξ cuntries ear, but a foreigner had †̥ com show ♈☺ϋ ♈☺ϋя country. A̶̲̥̅̊η∂ ♈☺ϋ A̶̲̥̅̊rε̲̣̣̣̥ critisizing him, i knw its wrong but its †ђξ truth. Ya'll shuld deal with Ȋ̝̊̅Ʈ... Sombody has †̥ since ♈☺ϋ aint doing Ȋ̝̊̅Ʈ. A̶̲̥̅̊η∂ Ȋ̝̊̅Ʈ doesn't beat ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ its true.
Remember rick ross also did an american version of this same track and he portrayed the same thing he portrayed in the naija version...i dont think the video is bad at all...this is just a wake up call
yeye peeps una need go read literature to understand MI,Thumbs up Rozayyyyyyyyyyyyy Thumbs up MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
I understand the video depicts the suffering in Naija. Nigeria already has a tarnished image abroad that some of us are trying to wipe. I just think it would have been great if Rick just portrayed the two sides of Nigeria. For example shoot a video showing the poverty n in another part showing how the poverty didn't hold back the kid to be who he wanted to be. Trust me any country make a lot of money on tourism n portraying that will scared pple away. Let us always remember that they are pple begging to eat. If the government can't help we can,,,no matter how small' man in the mirror' by Michael Jackson. We all can make this change. Peace n have a Blessed week-end y'all!
@Zammy...you don't seem to understand me and M.I. you need to read my comment again to understand where i stand..if you still can't understand then we need dry your brain for very hot sun (hell fire for make sense pass)
I will continue to say this...80% of Nigerians are ignorant, the remaining 20% are the celebrities that knows themselves like M.I and some other few Nigerians that reason well. In fact, God will punish all of u that said shit about M.I including Rick Ross...the idiot didn't see a better location in Nigeria? he came to Nigeria where he knows he's gonna find big pot belly men like himself to shoot a video with, some ignorant Nigerians are even happy he came to shoot a video in Naija, foolssssss...i wish i could just see these people so i can slap the way you idiots reason sometimes. I insist that every Nigerian should travel, it will change a lot of things in our lives.
Why are some commenters still hating on the video and bashing MI??MI is not against it, he is just talking about the reality on ground. Nigerians that hate on this video are the ones that like to portray a fake life, that's why when many of you critics travel out, you will start faking accents like you don't know where you come from.You are calling VI,Lekki as fine places, I pity una, the roads are not tarred and there is always flood. Even Banana Island is not as wonderful as you see it.Na until Rick Ross shoot the video for una papa parlour u go know say he dey rep naija.Idiots, dey do as if say una no dey mess or go toilet. If we keep 'suffering and smiling'.Nigeria will never go forward.
Greаt artіcle....This is νery intereѕting, You are an eхсesѕivеly skіlled blogger. I’ve joіnеd yοur гss feеd and sіt up foг іn seаrch of more of your еxcellent posts. Also, Ι’ve shared yοur webѕіte in my ѕocial networks,Тhank you foг another great post. The place else could anybоdy get that kind of info in such an ideal approach of writing? i got something good to share..come visit me sometimes :D
@Anon 5:14pm.
you are the dumbest of them all. please go hide ur sorry self in shame
MI's questions are rhetorical albeit with a pinch of sarcasm. He has neither slated rick ross nor stated that the video portrays naija in a derogatory way.He has simply planted a seed of thought in your minds. Whatever effect that seed takes in your mind is your fucking minds perogative. So it beggars belief that as a result of the lack of knowledge some of you have, you have chosen 2 slate MI. Well its shouldn't really beggar belief anymore. Common sense isn't common. ..... JB
I'm sure the majority of these m.i understanders sef aren't sure. Thay're confused but trying to form levels by all means on Linda Ikeji. What exactly is missing in your lives that you're so happy to put down the so called i quote - Non educated, illiterate, don't understand literature people. How do these harsh words make you feel better? No one knows who you are anyway so what gratification is in it for you? S.A.D! Until M.I says he was not actually dissing Rick Ross I think it'll be wise for you all to be quiet.
Been angry isn't goin 2 slove any problem, if we r unhappy with Ricky's video, den we sud start doin smtin abt it n nt jst complainin, notin can change until a conscious force is applied. Hope dis is goin 2 b a wake up call 4 all nigerians. ANGELIC
@ Anon 6:04pm. Thanks for confirming that it hit you like a brick!!!, my job is done here lolll. The stupid but trying to form smart simpletons will always identify themselves, hahaha
--- For the person Typing in CAPS and abnormal/weird characters please go learn social media manners and stop yelling at us with your crap.
I have never seen this much public display of illiteracy, incognizance, ignorance,sciolism, and stupidity.Seriously what the hell did you learn during English Literature in middle school and high school. Were you just sleeping in class or did you just have dumb English Literature Teachers. Are you telling me you never heard the terms Sarcasm and Irony. Are people this dense. If you never did please go back to your high school and get your fees refunded back to you and fight for a better education. Most of you on here are high school and college graduate and you still don't get sarcasm even when it's staring at your face. If you don't get something just shut up or say you don't know it. Don't just display your ignorance and stupidity with pride.
Lastly, some of you might want to go back to English Literature 101 Class because it's appalling to see people that claim to be High School graduate incapable of grasping what simple sarcasm is. Please educate and expose yourself.
I'm so disappointed by most of these comments. Do you not understand anything about the English language? He is chastising all of you who have spent the last few days dissing rick ross for displaying your beloved country in a poor light.
He is not saying what rick ross did was bad.
Linda, please next time, translate to simple words for you readers
If you can't stand looking your own sight in the mirror probarbly the neighbour go tell you how your nyash dey look abeg. Africa has serious issues don't be fooled...wake!!!!!!!!!!!
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