Man wants to re-unite with family after winning N1million on Star Game Show | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 27 September 2012

Man wants to re-unite with family after winning N1million on Star Game Show

This piece was not written by me...
Chinedu Agoh’s story is particularly touching. Here is a young man with a wife and a two-year-old son who earned N10,000 monthly as a driver in Aba, Abia State. After searching for work, he got another job as a driver, this time in a hotel in Enugu, with a monthly take home pay of N25,000. Chinedu packed his bags and relocated to Enugu. His wife, a student of Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri, currently resides in one of the hostel apartments, near the school, with his son.
After sorting out his family, the young man resorted to sleeping in the “underground room” of the hotel where he is currently employed in Enugu. He said the place stinks, but he had no choice but to sleep on the bare floor, using ‘wrappers’ and ‘card boxes’ as mattress.

Then one night when he went out to relax, ‘shacked’ Star lager beer and won a raffle ticket to participate in the Star TV Game Show. To cut the long story short, three people won N1 million naira each on the third edition of the 2012 Star TV Game Show and Chinedu was among them. The other two are Chidiaka Onyeachonam and Abiodun Ali. 

But what is very touching is that Chinedu wants to use the money to re-unite with his family. Hear him: “With this one million naira; I will pay for an accommodation for us to come back together as a family and open a bank account for my son.” 

He obviously had kind words for Star. “Other brands make me sick but Star keeps me strong. Star is the leading brand. I love Star and appreciate the brand’s work as it keeps shining.”
I’m not yabbing o, but I think a typical Nigerian man will spend 900k to buy a car before even thinking of his family. That’s why I think ladies should pray for a man like this that will put the comfort of his family first.   


Immaculate said...


Anonymous said...

The typical nigerian man part is not true o, any right thinking man in his situation will do d exact same thing he did.... Only a fool will buy a car for just luxury when he is sleeping in an underground garage.... CHYK

Anonymous said...

Wow sensible man pls he shld rent a hus,open an acct 4 his son n stil kip his old job til he gets smtin beta or even go in2 business sef full tym

Anonymous said...

Shuuu Linda just quickly take a nasty swipe at guyz , we re not dat shallow abeg ( although d girlfriend don dey demand 4 BB months b4 I first buy car)

Anonymous said...

Linda you are so wrong. The first thing that comes to a typical Nigerian man is his family unless you have been with men who think of buying a car before thinking about their family. You are in Lagos and i won't be surprised if that's what happens

Dr. Rukevwe said...

Nice one. I hope he makes other wise choices in spending the money.

Nekky said...

i beg to disagree linda. most Nigerian men will do sth useful with the money. only a handful will do otherwise. pray he reunites wiv his fam n use the money wisely.

Anonymous said...

Really touching!God bless u mr Agoh and the family u want to re-unite. atimes poverty will make u forget ur very own self talk less of a family. thks to d Star family for puttin a smile on this man's face... 25k per month as salary dat means he will wrk for like 5-6 yrs b4 he would be able to save up to dat amount. this country na wa o!

Anonymous said...

so proud of him.thats so good sacrificing for his family.they must be def worth it.all the best in his marriage

Godspowerogono said...

nice of d guy ..i love dat

Anonymous said...

Spot on

B said...

Very touching

Anonymous said...

Ify thinks.

Eiyaa. God bless him all the more in Jesus name.

Unknown said...


busola said...

God bless him and his family

BLOGLORD said...

Its only a stupid man that will spend 900k on a car when he got no roof above his head; the kind of thing island boys do. driving range n exotic cars meanwhile like 5 of them are squeezing theselves in a self-contain, with no breathing space.
Am happy for the man. a very wise man at that. family first, then every other thing follows

Uduak Dyamond said...

I love touching

Unknown said...

Na wetin kosine me now?

Anonymous said...

Nigerian girls una don hear? It's better to marry a man who loves you than to be looking for people that have LR3 and will treat you like trash. I need to look into this Star game show sha.. I might just win o

Anonymous said...

before nko, should he use it to eat nkwobi and isiewu?

Nigeria Jobs said...

Linda, that is true. Even though he is not rich but at least he remembers his family first. That is so nice of him. May God help him to be who he aspires to be.

Anonymous said...

Thats the power of money and Love

Anonymous said...

Hehehehhehehe. Linda oooooo. I laugh in spanish ooo. Congrats to the guy though,I'm so happy for him.

Anonymous said...

i think he should consider business investments and getting a one room apartment for now so they can stay together,than something big and an account for his son.tho good ideas buh Linda you know now one 1M is money only with proper investment,so they don't fall back to penury.He is a good man sha.

Becky naka (Beautiful home concept....your sure plug for industrial cleaning) said...

very touchin, he shuld make gud use of de moni.

Anonymous said...

Bless him!

finest-in-internet said...

Lovely story! May God bless him more!

NANA said...

OK this brought tears and a wide grin to my face, there are men and there are MEN he is a MAN indeed. God bless him

Anonymous said...

Thnk God i hv one.................'a man dt wl put a smile on my face'i v neva regret marrying my man

Anonymous said...

U no go praise STAR b4 but come O after re-uniting wit family nko! wat next u go still dey work #25,000K work *jus wondering*

Anonymous said...

Good decision

Anonymous said...

i hope he will fulfill his words, u know nigerian men dey like 2 sweet talk and at the end of the day, na rubbish dey go do

Str8FrmDaHips said...

abi o!!..cruising around picking up chics bringing back diseases to wifey..

Anonymous said...

Sorry o,but how much is one million naira in naija now,within a month is over

maryam said...

linda HBD nd am hppy for d interview on CNN though thid is coming late.Thats d kind of men i respect

Dr. Pinch said...

Pls was it one million dollars that he won? Because I don't see what one million naira can do in a Nigeria of today.Come and pay house rent in Abuja let see. STAR can do better than 1m joor

Anonymous said...

You saying how much is 1 million Nara ? Rome wasn't built in a day. All the rich people you know did not become rich having billions over night please think straight and praise the guy and not say how much is one million.

Warri Girl said...

That's nice of him.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing this man doesnt know that it is only a mere 1 million oh! only him wan start business..only him wan reunite w the time he buy beer finish..wetin go remain.poverty mentality.he hear 1 million and wan feed village.

daizy said...

I tink I lyk his decission. His family is lucky to have a man lyk him

MJ said...


JournalOfUs said...

Well if i were him, i wont use upto half of d money for accomodation and food. Cos rent go expire! D guy seems like an experienced driver so if i were him i will buy atleast a 600k car and start using it for taxi business so i dnt end u going bk to square 1. The remaining 400k cn go towards accomodatn, food, etc...

Anonymous said...

U fools!! By d tym e Rents a hauz 50k nd buy 2 buses 400k each! Wount d money keep cuming in?? Nyc 1 jawe!!

miiiii said...

some women are sha happy in their marriage but some are so sad not necessarily because they went for money but fate or may be God has another plan or whatever. God help us. a good man. God bless your sweat and home.

Anonymous said...

Haba nw...sme ple cn b soo hideous!.he stays in Enugu nt hw wil paying for rent be stupid investment?sme pple r jst plain stupid or sadist..if he pays rent for 2yrs nd buys tokunbo buses isnt dt enuf!!as he will resume gettin monthly wages for keep up,pple sayin 1million is too small r stupid is it until u get 1billion b4 u invest?his decision is wise and honourable enuf to start life with,nd i wish him d best.

Anonymous said...

I see why you are still single, bcos u think all men think like u. Any sensible man would spend his money first on his family b4 himself. They dont bother abt "which brand of hair/bag/shoes/clothes should I buy wit this money" when their family is in need. Conduct an experiment, give a significant amt of money to 5 random married men of any nationality and the same amt to married women and ask what the money wuld b used 4. Compare the answers of the married men to the answers of the married women.

Aby said...

He is "one in a hundren" good man! may the Lord give him the grace to do more for his wife and children

Anonymous said...

Bad belle.. Leave am! U want to tell me that smone gives u 1million, u wldnt shed tears of joy and grab it like a hungry man.. Park well abeg!

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