Its the fly-over at Air force junction, linking from the Air force road to the Stadium road. The collapse, which happened yesterday afternoon during heavy rain, has caused heavy traffic along Aba road, from Air force junction down to first artillery, and from Airforce almost getting to Rumuola.
The fly over was commisioned less than 10 years ago by President Obasanjo.
That headline is chauvinistic..Cmmn..the bridge did not collapse..jus a slight break at its side...
another shoddy contract executed without d fear of God
Is it fly-over or bridge?
This is a manifestation of our leaders shallow developmental projects which they commission in a hurry to tell Nigerians that they are working. God help this nation.
Linda this bridge was commission by Obj and Odilli in different phases. phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 i believe if Odilli had become the president of nigeria he would have up to ten times inviting Obama to commission d bridge. see the wickedness of men. OBJ had to tell Odilli i have commission this bridge severally that was when the commission had to stop then.
any way hope there was no casuaties
Thank God no one was hurt,~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
Was it built it mere sand? Of cos 10 years ago with no maintenance, Typical..Until thousands or millions of life is lost, then the road will probably be patched up. God help us all.
Jmaxx says ; that's what is happening to all the projects executed by Odili and ironically OBJ was always coming to ph to commission them imagine commissioning the same gas turbine that wasn't working twice
The engineering was bad. The concrete ans sands were not allowed to set. Nigerians are always in a rush in quest for money. The contractor should be made to fix it and fined. If not he should go to jail.
cheap matrias
Of course, one of those odili bridges. And they are about to give his wife national honors. Only God knows the true reason why. Hope no life was lost sha. All those people that used to stay under the bridge. what if a car was passing under the bridge. All these politicians #GodIsWatchingAllOfYou
Wow, that means the traffic on aba road would be crazy!!!!!! Kai.
this flyover is jus rubbish o..my family lives around there..i hope no one was on it when it happened.. Governor amaechi pls take time to do PH roads ..the road network in PH is an epic fail.
May God help us in this country. francisruff.blogspot.com
nigeria contractors and their inferior work.After them go say sponsor indeginous contractors.
the bridge that Julius berger was constructing when some of their workers where kidnapped and so had to leave...wasn't surprised. the bridge looked appalling wen the contract was given to someone else...just hope no lives where lost
Linda, it is not enough to send out or post messages like this or mention Obasanjo's name. Was it a State or Federal Government project? Who built it and which agency supervised the construction of the bridge? These are questions you should have asked before dropping Obasanjo's name. Obasanjo did not build the bridge neither was he the supervising Commissioner or Minister, consequently,it wasn't his duty to ascertain or determine the quality of the bridge. It wasn't his assignment. Please, don't get sentimental when you send or post messages. Be reasonable and always try to educate and inform your readers well. Either you like it or not you have become a role model and you've got to be responsible.
So sad that this sort of thing happened at this time. Nobody should blame jonathan for this.
Yet pple dey abuse IBB and co. Yes he was corrupt and full of shit, but the major work he carried out in this country are still being used today, and in fairly good condition. Most IBB ways around d country are still strong with very lil pot holes. Is it not the same naija money? How come these leaders abi na rulers of late can't do sth tangible? I'm just tired of what naija has become. When you all r tired, pls feel free to contact me so I can join yall in d protest once again.
Amaogechukwu says.....
It's a disaster. This bridge has been under construction since the last administration. Besides, this bridge, there's no good road anywhere in this town. NTA-Choba road uncompleted since the contract was awarded in 2005, Rumuokwuta junction has a big valley, the road is almost in two, Orazi-eligbam road, Transamadi industrial layout, Adageorge, all the road in this town is embarrasing, let me join the traffic. Lord lead us home safely.
As is anything in Nigeria, commission it, but never maintained it. Thats the result! Let them deal with it. Afterall, its another avenue for the so called politicians to steal. Mscheeeew. NEXT?
less than 10years and it has collapsed.....
wayo construction+lack of maintenance = disaster
i knew this was gonna happen, that flyover has been a dead end for many years now.... terrible thing for our that a flyover will collapse barely ten years after it was commissioned. what a shame...
Its Just a shame that nigerians are always made to make do of under grade constructions. Abeg make them tidy am 2 avoid stories that touch
The contractor should be arrested immediately. The corrupt idiot! smhh
This is what we get when faulty processes are used to award contracts. why should bridges be failing??? really smh
Things fall apart...
Do they know anything about maintenance?? Especially in a climate like river state, everything especially has to be maintained.
Na wah for niger things
OMG! There is a God! This bridge was constructed by the very corrupt ex governor, Dr Odili for millions of naira. The old Aba express road bridge still stand after three decades and counting. It was this bridge that prompted Obj to make his infamous rebuke after he noticed that he was commissioning same bridge for the third time."Peter is dis not same bridge I commissioned the last time? Is not good oh! If you become president you will finish Nigeria's money oh! Peter ole!. I'm so pained cos this route is used by atleast 90% of residents. Rivers pple are in a mess while he is relaxing with his greedy wife and kids in abuja. God will surely pain them in their own coin. Sorry for my epistole, that's wat vexation does. Linda pls post this. Thanks.
Stupid and incompetent Bulletin ws the company that built that flyover. The second one is the slaghter fly over near Trans Amadi. I hope that doesn't collapse too.
Bb hw do u mean'it has bn a dead end"?are u sure u leave in ph? Linda it was commissioned in 2006. This is d road to my tailor's
Shop. I'm so pained by this. Thank
God no one was hurt. Bulletine constructions really hav questions to answer. Mary odili got award today abi?
Na only 4 naija dis kind tin dey happen, shiorrrrr
Its a pity that this is happning in this State and in Nigeria.
Public servants should b ready to give account of their work when it fails in their own presence. May God help us.
Some years back, a thef eat most of d money&excuted a poor contract. Finito.
Was it built with compressed soil? they need to change the material so it will last longer.
Looks like something built about 50 something years ago
Thief Engr. Aremu Didirindirin Esan Ake Agbaokogbon Olesanjo.
The headline is chauvinistic? Dude, what the fuck does that even mean?
Ohhh please get over yourself, u must be obasanjos girlfriend going all the way to defend.1st of all, Linda didn't say he built di bridge, supervised as such...she said it was 'commisioned by him'...n that is true, and it beats me!! when you want your name stamped on smthing that pple will celebrate, he shld know beta.
That bridge wasn't commissioned 3times, the road was commissioned and the bridge was commissioned differently...
Most constructions in Port Harcourt are handled by local companies with little or no experience 2 handle the complex terrain there. The rains are heavy and acidic in Port Harcourt and most parts of d south/east. Any work not well done would be simply washed away!!
useless contractors and Governorship..hope no one died..any surprise after erecting it with cheap azz materials..what do they car...as long as they never get to use!!
why am i not surprised?? let me see..hmmm....i got it!, i'm in nigeria..the land of no maintenence
nigeria............. I weep
Warri girl, u say? N dude talkn abt chauvinistic... Lol. U sur u dint jus use d 1st 'big' word u cld thnk up?
Dis is not d only bridge dat 'll collapse o! D one on ur way to University of science n technology is even worse, @ least dis wuz built ova 6yrs ago. My parents doznt even use dat bridge cuz wen it collapses, its gonna b deadly....n it wuz built in amaechi's tym. Mnyl d choba-uniport road may neva get done, dey started dat road wen I wuz in year1, I am "serving my fatherland" (nysc) presently. I'm pretty sure it wudnt b finished by d tym I ve my first child. May God help us.
We shuld be talkin about Dr peter Odili who durin his reign d bridge was constructed
no maintenance... cheap constructions... thank God it didnt hurt anyone.
U calln sm1 else Ode, u r d biggest Ode... Its obvious u don't understand simple english.
Wickedness in high places. But remember it is written, the good men will never go uncompensated and the wicked ones will be cut off like the grass and they will never go unpunished!
What has a collapsed bridge got to do with giving a derserved Nigerian an award fool.
Isn't the present govt supposed to maintain their roads. Abi Odili should come and maintain the road after leaving office. Everywhere in the world roads are maintained,it is not just to build and abandon. And that idiottalking about diette spiff roads, you should have added that they were maintained,all those roads had potholes and other issues that were sorted. Nonsense. For everything bad that happens in ph only Odili must be blamed.
D matter tire me. Was abt saying d same thing. See how ppl malaprop the English language in the name of blowing big grammar. Lol
I live in PH n its just a dead town. The roads r bad and d govt is of d habit of fixing roads during the rainy season.Most of d guvnors in the SouthSouth regions r just thieves. It is just sad.
D matter tire me. Was abt saying d same thing. See how ppl malaprop the English language in the name of blowing big grammar. Lol
Nigerians lack maintenance culture shikena, stop the insults and look inwards, look at the man in the mirror and ask yourself if you even maintain yourselves and loved ones
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