In London with my centre parting and matchy clothes...hehehe! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 21 September 2012

In London with my centre parting and matchy clothes...hehehe!

I actually came in yesterday. Enjoying London so far! Came here for my VIP birthday party taking place tomorrow Sat 22nd @Cokobar. Hope some of you UK based LIB readers will come party with me tomorrow. #can'twait.

Meanwhile, I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday - on Twitter, Facebook, emails, text messages, calls...comments on this blog. It was so overwhelming! I was expecting a lot of comments but over 2,150 comments? Are you guys for real? Wow! Thank you so much for the love, appreciation, and support. I adore you guys! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Love to all!

Now to very serious matters, that's a lovely dress, huh? Lol


Anonymous said...

Are you a nurse? Lindaaaaaa

Da-zi said...

Linda! Outfit gi amaka! Enjoy ur coko bar need to ask u to call us na, as u no go bother...happi birthday!

Anonymous said...

Yea its lovely, me like

Eze said...

Its too late to get my ticket,can anyone tell me how much is it at the door?

Oyin said...

You Look Lovely.

jennietobbie said...

and she be killing it. Go girl

naijababe said...

I wasn't expecting over 2000comments either, I was shocked. But, Linda you deserve it, and now you know you have a lot of supporters out there.

Yes, the dress is lovely. You look HOT.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress Linda, over two thousand comments yet I did not see my own there. Anyways have a blast at cocobar.

Anonymous said...

NYC-1 says: Linda, that high heel wan tall pass you o. Shebi na tomorrow una go bubble? OK o, we go dey wait for the video clip.

Anonymous said...

Loves it!u re pretty!love the hair n the shoes too!amazeballs!!*kisses*

Ada said...

Nice dress dear, happy bday


Enjoy urself Lindiway, but howcome u call it a vip party,and u're inviting all the Libers in UK? As for d dress,nothingmuch,only noticed ur curves, yep u got more curves than a BB shop.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

CLASSIC!!! And yeah dat centre parting looks neater.. hehehehe.. hope the cold isn't dealing with u oh.. would have love to come party but i shall be there in spirit. save my cake o and have fun dearie cuz u deserve the enjoyment after all your hardwork. xxx

Priscille said...

Nice Dress ,shoes and the hair ......

Anonymous said...

Awwww u look fabulous...nice outfit u rock,have a great day xoxo

Anonymous said...

I like d shoe sha am sure my sisters would love it too @gfkilo

Anonymous said...

you and this ur mary amaka clothes ehn! BRIGHTT

Anonymous said...

aunty lindy,i pity your hairline o.lovely outfit nd more importantly,beautiful personality!

Anonymous said...

yea yea....lovely dress,
but common ur 2nd pose isnt for chics with small b*tts
anyyyyyyyways *in ellen dgenere's voice* happy buff dai celebration

primrose said...

lovely, have fun my girl, n happy birthday once again

African Sweetheart said...

LOL at the title! Have fun!

Ada said...

Nice dress dear, happy bday

Anonymous said...

Can dis dude also bring u to Manchester Linda, your fans are here too.

Belinda said...

Congrats girl. I love your dress!

Bootylycious diva said...

Linda Listic Linda ,your dress on point,but don't tell me that centre parting is for the party Joo oh ,enjoy your party,I ask my friends in the uk to represent wella.

Anonymous said...

With your flat bum bum

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Wod luv 2 b der bt UK EMBASSY didnt grant me visa 4 ur b/d bash.hope Ɣơ̴̴̴̴̴͡ΰ will throw anoda b/d bash here in naija

Anonymous said...

looking sex

Anonymous said...

Wow! U luk gud darl....luv yah nd enjoy sef luv

Anonymous said...

ure right...its a very lovely dress..and u have very nice body for a 32 year old

Anonymous said...

Lovely...u̶̲̥̅̊ sure as hell dont luk 32! Cld pass 4 a 22yr old Babe. #lotsaluv

mystique said...

Linda u are looking soooo gorgeous n hot! Dat outfit is sooo hot n i lov ur figure in it.. Buh dat hair.. i dnt lyk it on u ..d centre parting makes ur forehead so obvious.. D hair is nt dat bad tho,buh a change of hair styl won't kil u nao.. Plsss let's c a new u, we are kinda tired of u in dis old hairstyle.. N considerin dat u av a potrudin forehead, u wil look hot in a fringe hairstyl.. #jusSayin..b4 dey crucify me! And btw,i love dos heels!n d 1st pic look so hot,2hot! (Linda post my comment Oº° )

Anonymous said...

Yeah, lovely dress? Pls where did you get it from? Sorry, but not feeling the shoe, looks cheap....honest opinion Linda baby!!

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe!yea right d dress is so lovely,infact u look really good n u welcome...

Ahmed said...

Happy birthday. Since you're here cum get you birthday gift. I'm in W2. I've a gift for ya, so cum get it, Linda. ** Wink, Wink, Wink **

Sexy said...

Ur welcome love , we all love u. Ibeg try do ur next birthday for New york oh, so we go come parry wit u.enjoy

Onakachi said...

You look lovely, Linda. Love your shoes. Enjoy your party!

lovelylady said...

Its lovely lindastic,lol.ur seriously u look fab

Anonymous said...

Linda, are you going for a conference or work... show some sexy legs... or wear leotards... mschewww

Anonymous said...

Linda, You kill am... Beautiful outfit you have got Linda. Have fun today at the Cokobar. We're waiting for the pictures. Have fun.. Cheers. Greetings from Portland,ME

Anonymous said...

What is with Naija chicks and covered shoes... that is why you guys won't have pretty feet. So much corn going on down there. invest in sandals please..... it is to be worn not to be passed on show shelves

Mimi said...

Linda's style. I can go shopping for you and be sure I won't go wrong. Your fitted dress, exposing little or nothing, just your fine lepacious body. But you look fine sha. Have a blast

Anonymous said...

Conji don hook me as I see this pic. Jesus, that bum is outrageous O_O

Anonymous said...

You made a fantastic improvement in running your blog. You're in London and you're still very active, unlike the last time. Way to go Linda. Thumbs up

Anonymous said...

Linda Chopping-Money Ikeji. Flex biko

Olu said...

Happy Birthday are so hot in this picture! You MUST bring a man to 9ja o. Have fun

Unknown said...

Stuning. Still got the crush...hehehe. Enjoy your party

Anonymous said...

Lovely dress

binigeh said...

Lovely outfit...go get dem Tigress

Anonymous said...

Loll linda baby. With her center parting and matching shoes you are beautiful and doing great.

Kimma said...

LOL lovely dress for work ( court or bank)

ij baby said...

Happy belated birthday linda, and yeah, d dress is cool!

Aduke said...

Looking good Lin! And yes the dress is super gorgeous!! I luv it! But u shud have worn black shoes instead for the dress to pop more!! The nude shoes r very off n dont go with the dress sister. :)

P.S. Cant wait to see ur bday look tomorrow o! Hehe...U better kill it like there's no tomorrow o! Remember ur the lady of the night o,so omo do ur work well! Hehe...GoodLUCK!!

Anonymous said...

wawawawawa linda don catch london lover,,,congrate sweet heart linda,,is well ,from ur swiss fans,,you are such an open soul i like,,,any news about nigeria and afrika must be comfirmed first at linda ikeji blog,,keep on going lady linda,,all the best i wish you,,from swiss

Bubble gum said...

u look gud in that dress sweetie bt im nt too sure abt d wide center parting though.

Admin UD said...

adorable! iLike

Uncle Babs said...

Iinda just 2pics?na aiport pics?

Anonymous said...

Veri lovely indeed! See ur figure 8... *shines white teeth*... Linda, dint kno u were dis hot oh. U luk so beautiful! Nice dress, nice shoes, lovely bum bum *covers face*.lol..... All in all, in 1 word, gorgeous! Have a wonderful bday bash dear! We rili do appreciate u.... Mmwahhh!!!

henrietta said...

yea linda...lovely dress. Do enjoy your birthday party. Many more years.

ayolekan said...

I'll be there with you in spirit... Congratulations... Abeg no forget we wey dey naija too #our cake o o o .

Anonymous said...

linda ur dress is ok but u are flat at the back plsssssssssss

Uzo said...

Uzo says linda ur own dey ur body sef. Ve fun.

MissDrea said...

Enjoy your birthday party Miss Linda...and yes that dress is FAB!!!very classy!!! -@drea_odinaka

Unknown said...

You look absolutely gorgeous in the dress.Have fun Sweetie

Anonymous said...

Right! Fyn attire. Nice shape...Hourglass. Enjoy today.

MissDrea said...

Enjoy your birthday party Miss Linda!!! and yes that dress is fab, very classy!!!! @drea_odinaka

lindaonu said...

congrats girl.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, its ok! But, we'll still see sum corrupted nigerian fashion police dat'll complain... Just tell em to upload dere pix, half of em are not as cute as u are! *no offence!*

jbaby said...

yaaay! At last, dats not just a lovely dress, its comes with also a lovely shape, which is making me think, hope my linda hasnt joined the *wearingbodymagiccrew* lol anyway u rock girl! I'm so so loving wat im seein.... All the best to my role model...

Anonymous said...

u welcme, happy birthday linda and hve a fun blast

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Bday! I'll see with my boo if we could come to your party! hum but I guess you will around the VIP with the body guards and champaign popping lol

Anonymous said...

Linda u huv a fab body ooo nd yes nyc dress

Anonymous said...

Lin love, uve got a fine waist but u need a little ass to compliment it. May ur future hubby locate u fast so he can help u in dat department. #plsnobashing#.Enjoy ur party

Anonymous said...

I wish I was not married,linda ,nothin wil stop me frm havin u fuckiN,so sexy dem!.

bumble bee said...

Na wa oo,linda gbogbo bigz girlz like u,u no fit buy bb porsche.. U wuld have told me na so I can give u as a bday gift..lmao,meanwhile ur dress is hott,me likey and I love the shoes..fab.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress,buh wats all d̶̲̥̅̊ lines about? Makes U̶̲̥̅̊ luk like sakobi d̶̲̥̅̊ snake girl. ​=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)).

Anonymous said...

I wldnt be surprisd if u kari dz centre partn hair on 70th birthdae linda...hav mad fun doe.we love u crazie..krawch

Marilyn Oge(Sumtin) said...

You're Welcome. Hope u'll host a party in nigeria too for those of us who couldn't make it 2 london.... Hav fun gal.....

Rosellar said...

Welcome to mama Charlie's town ooooo. I see u really like colour-block dresses. This one isn't for club/birthday party ooooh. It's business casual......please ooooh

Anonymous said...

u deserve it dear. Enjoy urself

yemi Osuntogun said...

wow. i didn't realize you had such a nice ass.

Anonymous said...

Khloe kardashians's friend Malika also has a big forehead like you do, so she tries to hide it with her hairstyle. You cud try d hairstyle Linda.

Anonymous said...

Now 2 cerious matter dats a lovely dress c ur head lolz HBD swthrt

Honour said...

Yea Linda... Lovely gown. Me like. Have fun.

Linda emeafu said...

Queen of naija blogs u're beautiful,carry go nothing do u.Enjoy urself sweetsake.

Baby Confessor said...

Yep! Its a lovely dress! But the hair!!!! And the shoes, u wud av gone for something catchy, like a Red or Blue shoes, or something a bit bright cos the shoes is same color with the dress and doesn't go too well for me. #MyOpinion oh,@least evryone is entitled to their. Back to the hair, why don't u just @least fix smtin diffrnt for once na? So u cud change ur look @least haba!

sput said...

U ehn Linda

Anonymous said...

Mmhmm.What a lovely dress indeed buh i would love to see you color-block.Enuogh of the matchy-matchy thing i think.Have fun though.

Anonymous said...

seriously u actually look gud linda.....dis ur outfit na die n i like it.

Anonymous said...

O! Boi! Linda, ur very shapeful......see keggs&ass. said...

From Russia

Lola said...

Black shoes honey.

Saddam hussein said...

U ar highly welcome linda,nice dress....

Anonymous said...

You look fab my dear

Jemmy said...

"Breath-taking" is d word!!!

Taymee said...

Hmmn, lin lin na yhu biko jare!! yhu look fantastic in that dress!!

Clicksomemore said...

Happy bday Linda......Long life!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

You are most welcome Linda; God bless you plenty!... Now...emmmm... that's a very lovely lamp you've got there- it fits the room perfectly. *wink*

Unknown said...

you stl rock

Anonymous said...

Linda,you are on point!!!

Anonymous said...

Kai!all girls are just the same,can't believe u did the butt posing pic too!lol
Why girls always wan see their butt for pic sef?
By the way u look good though,nice dress and u r gradually moving from shapeless to a very nice figure Eight,hehehehehe...hop say nor b body magic sha!lol
Have fun at your Birthday...u deserve all the blessings!

Anonymous said...

You looook really good.I've been staring at this picture you have a nice stature& u're really pretty.enjoy urself and have a fantastic party today.all the best.and pls wear something nice.

Anonymous said...

Over L♥√عly dey worry de dress ßåߥ,Ɣ☺ΰ look gorgeous

McCreamyz Cakes said...

Lindiskwe lindiskwe! You have a lovely figure. I love the gown, and the hair. Centre parting, yea. I'm all for knowing what suits you and sticking to it. I've always had the the side parting for years myself. Anyway, happy birthday, once again. Enjoy. Meanwhile, is that a ring I see on your finger? Do I start mixing a wedding cake???

Anonymous said...

u and ur center parting sha. hope u have great fun tmr.
your dress is lovely o and i want it *wink*wink.

Anonymous said...

Chai! beautiful linda i love your shape you look hot idi okwu lolzz.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm d nwa d okay

Unknown said...


jose said...

Linda come take me to go london .a beg

kanayo said...

Linda a pic of u̶̲̥̅̊ in a bikini would have made more brains chikina

Immaculate said...


Unknown said...

You're welcome. have a blast

Elsie said...

Really lovely dress n sme killer nude shoe u gt dere... Funny enuf am in manchester bt ve a lot to do so cnt cme for ur party bt i LOVE ur blog... Oh well make sur u ve fun

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to my own role model. Enjoy yourself over there in London. But please I need you to post the video of the celebration. I just can't wait to see that. Lots of love *winks*
Oluwaseun Duyilemi.

juicypetal said...

Lin Baby...u 3 much. Notin do u @al. Abeg no 4get 2 enjoy responsibly ooo. Well, i trust u 4 dt cos u av neva fallen my hand 2 raise d oda guy's hand. Geez u no who i dey refer to? Abeg ur dress mek sense die n am trippin oooo. Abeg cn u dash mi as ur bday give away? Tnx luv in advance 4 ur generosity. beta fruitfl yrs ahead...cheers!!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Linda

Anonymous said...

Yeah! D dress is lovely...nice

O'Yinka said...

Afi 'brains' na.

Unknown said...

Notin do u linda,steady upgrade,dats wassup!*wink*

Anonymous said...

Sure! Nice dress. Enjoy ur parre

Anonymous said...

Hbd babe....u look amazing!.....

Anonymous said...

Random question, what does omalicha nnwa mean?

scataa! said...

Lindalistic ikeji wow! I still can't believe what am seeing! Craving over d figure 8!Jeez your God is Alive. Seriously money is good,nNe e di egwu. Hw I wish 2 av someone like u as a wife. Praying fervently o!, I bliv God will answer my request. Nne more divine favour 2 u. HBD* Papy Scatta Skata No Mata!

Anonymous said...

post my comment madam

Corleone26 said...

Da eta devushka ochen kracivaya.
Ya eyo lublu tojze

anniebelle said...

lin lin! Yu lookng gud....rock ya centre parting 4 as long yu want eh.....welcm home......happy bday

Anonymous said...

Linda u are looking real fabulous HoluwaMela says so buht d butt......hmmm I reserve ma comment.lolita Ambassador

Anonymous said...

Where the centre parting now?

Anonymous said...

Nice dress, almost formal though. There re loads of hairstyle, I don't want to believe its only centre parting that fits u, u shd explore..get a stylist. But u do look fab
Pls wats d secret to d flat tummy cos I am beginning to lose mine and am not eating or doin anythin differently and have not even popped a baby yet *phew*.
Ths one u re d one snapping urself, no friend there ni, u too like solo moves.
Have fun dear

Str8FrmDaHips said...

u sure LIBERS would be able to freely mingle with you??..u going to be in the VIP room where normal punters are not allowed thru..unless they on the VIP list..seen it when dem comedians and artists were down..enjoy..we na outside london people!!

ammie said...

Lol, this your matchy matchy fine o! Do have fun but Ur bum is coming out o, wetin happen?

Anonymous said...

Lovely Dress Lin,But u n dis ur 1 n only hair style,change am na,u b fyn Babe oda hair styles go stil fit U

Anonymous said...

Would have been better Linda to have gotten a Lycamobile or Lebara SIM card and post your number for LIBERS in UK to call..

tozo united said...

dis ur outfit make brain,like say make worry,keep it to myself lol,enjoy ur evening

Pot Of Honey said...

waooo, Linda i luv ur dress

veeon said...

I OVEEE YOUUU LINDA. You look really nice... sexy but classy.

Anonymous said...

Linda's bow n arrow be shoting out dayummm!


Must U̶̲̥̅̊ pple criticise?haba!!!!!,dis is not what she's wearing to da party na,plus there's nothing wrong with D̶̲̥̅̊‎​ shoe ,or her hair...but Linda its not fair Oº°˚˚°ºh §ǿ we ƒσя naija Ɲ go follow U̶̲̥̅̊ celibate?oh sorry celebrate#.big grin# kiss kiss...we ƪ♥‎√ع U̶̲̥̅̊ scarra ( •͡.̮~͡)

Jobaby said...

Gawd.....And am sure uv got a closet wiv Louboutinesssssss fake ass us ur own

sQo said...

Go away. Sly

Anonymous said...

Center parting,Matchy matchy Shoe and Bag, and Black Dress! Na the three things dem use swear for you be that. Linda ooooooooooo! U no go kill me with lafta.

Anyhow sha,I like you Linda!

Anonymous said...

linda when are you coming to usa. we your fans here are waiting to see you. we dey jealous o.

Anonymous said...

Love the look.,

job francis said...

am very happy for you dear sister.wish you all the best

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday Linda, you are my role model.hope you had a Great party In London.

doherty joseph said...

i adore n appreciate u miss lindy....happy bufday ...wish i was in d uk wud ve attend yr party...

Anonymous said...

u no dey change hair style?

Anonymous said...

Na lie....

Anonymous said...

its beautiful.. very formal..

Anonymous said...

I cant believe people are saying the dress covers too much and it's a mary amaka look! Nigerian girls, when will you learn about looking classy? Y'all are forever dressing like trash by revealing too much, espescially the fat ones with rolls of fat. Linda looks healthy and classy.

Anonymous said...

Mary amaka? Like seriously do u knw wat that means or did u just hear it for d 1st time?

Anonymous said...

i love ur outfit

Smith said...

Such a lovely dress Linda....catch loads of fun as u celebrate today....guess cokobar rocks

Anonymous said...

thank God u finally left d black dress alone...

Anonymous said...

Loolz from one weave to another! Lin lin slow down oo

Anonymous said...

Witch, jealousy oshii!!!

Anonymous said...

Told u Linda..dont be changing the lenght of ur dress for no one!!..let them keep exposing their flesh and attracting all the dogs on far has it gotten them..u seem to have done pretty well..lenght or not!!..

Anonymous said...

ur outfit is beautiful however linda you like colours to match always.otherwise u would have won a bright contrasting colour of gown that will bring out the beauty of ur shoes#just saying# any way enjoy ur party.happy birthday

Unknown said...

hapi birthday Linda so much love ur outfit

Anonymous said...

cool dress I love it

Unknown said...

HBD dearie Linda .........9ce dress yu gat dere sha!

Anonymous said...

Igbo girls are sexy,hardworking and intelligent.I am not surprised at how far you've come Linda.You deserve some chill time 'cos you've worked hard.I am a Yoruba guy dating an Igbo chick for marriage.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

Linda enough of this your long hair, pls change your look.....

Anonymous said...


DOC DIVA said...

Lin Lin! You look AMAZING! I love your whole outfit- your dress, shoes, hair- you rocked it like there is no tomorrow. Happy Birthday again, and have fun at your party! You definitely deserve it...

Fellow LIBers, it gets to me every time I read all the negative comments. Fat bum, Mary Amaka dress, cheap shoe, REALLY??!! We are all definitely better than this! Nigeria, will only move forward if we drop our know-it-all, I-am-better-than-you mentality. We cant keep sitting behind our computers to bash people. This is one of the many reasons we have so many young girls (and boys) doing all sorts to live above their means- They sleep with men (women), or steal to buy expensive things, so that the ones they can afford are not called cheap.. We are quick to see the faults in others.. Please let us try to look for the POSITIVES in ourselves and others. No matter how ugly YOU think a person might look, stop for a second, and look for the BEAUTY in them. We shouldn't always expect others to do things like we would do them..That is why we each have our own personalities. Granted, some people do take the piss... But, please let's try and be nice... You never know the effect of the things you say or do to people. Thankfully, Linda is such a great sport. :)

I apologize for the length of this comment, but please let us remember that the change we crave in Nigeria, lies in our hands.

Ade said...

Good one Linda. You are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress, looking good. Doc Diva true talk.

Anonymous said...

You SIMPLY rock g-a-l!

baby cute said...

hawt!!!!!hawt!!!!!!!!!!! linda

Anonymous said...

Get someone to snap you and not using mirror as a guide

Adedolapo said...

Hi Linda,

Pls i need to take you out in this dress, it lovely and u look cute in it.

Anonymous said...

classy,lovely,nice! hope u had a great day,u deserve it.ignore all the negative comments,they sure as jealous as hell.

Anonymous said...

Linda,whew,ur cute,look like a take away to mama...i didnt know ur ds looking young n young,i thot big people do big things,inspirational...

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