IK Osakioduwa's Tips To Getting A Man | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 13 September 2012

IK Osakioduwa's Tips To Getting A Man

The happily married popular TV and radio personality has tips for all you single women...on how you can get a man...:-) See it below and tell us if you agree...
10. Don't pressure him to marry u with questions like "Where's this leading?" Instead leave him if he's taking too long.#IksTipsToGettingAMan

9. No matter what, never be rude or abusive to him in front of his friends. (Not even in jest) #IksTipsToGettingAMan

8. Have standards. Or you'll find yourself in and out relationships too often and that'll earn you a bad name. #IksTipsToGettingAMan

7. Learn to cook. Most guys like a girl that CAN cook. Yeah not all guys but MOST. So do yourself a favour and learn #IksTipsToGettingAMan

6. Don't give it ALL up. Leave some for marriage. Perfect the art of giving previews. Nobody pays for free stuff. #IksTipsToGettingAMan
See the top 5 after the cut...

5. Make an effort. Try to look nice. Work out. Guys like babes. Get that Don King hair done, stop forming"Oh Naturale" #IksTipsToGettingAMan

4.Drop guys that take all ur time without really chasing u. They block other guys. No IWC= Intimacy Without Commitment#IksTipsToGettingAMan

3. Be careful not to be TOO INDEPENDENT. Learn to gain from your man's presence in your life. Guys need to be needed. #IksTipsToGettingAMan

2.Make friends with married women. They know what guys want more than your single friends (that's why they're married) #IksTipsToGettingAMan

1. Learn to do solo trips. It's just easier for most guys to step to a girl on her own, than one in a pack of girls #IksTipsToGettingAMan


Anonymous said...

Lol at tip no:5 'oh naturale' so people like us wey get low cut. . . .nothing for us abii looool

Anonymous said...

Ok naaa...av heared..points noted!

Warri Girl said...

Nice tips

Endy N. Edeson said...

Good tips from a good man. Kudos to you IK. Ladies you've all read it, take note. learn to respect your man, no matter what. if he love you, he will definitely take you to the alter.

Anyways, you can read more News Stories and celebrity gist on my blog: www.endyedesonnews.blogspot.com Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nyc one here. Nah dat point 4 make sense pass. IWC haha

Anonymous said...

Nice couple. www.ellyperry.com

Amena said...

he makes it sounds like men want 1950's women. pele o!!!

Anonymous said...

nice couple. they look cute together. www.ellyperry.com

Anonymous said...

Well said! But we should also remember we are not trying to "get" a man he tries to get us :D

Angel said...

Good tips. Number 6 make sense wella.

Emma Blogs said...

On point IK! You're so right...wise ladies can take this cue and get their dream man...

Sandra Ijeme Dickson said...

What is wrong with looking natural!! Must be used hair wey no be our own al d tyme..Abegi cmmot joor

Anonymous said...

I totally agree word @gfkilo

Anonymous said...

I am just waiting for the single ladies (I am one oh!) to crack down on this....


Am so loving Nos 10,with dat we can remain just gud friends for life, nice tips,but he forgot to add don't demand much from him,it scares us away *wink*~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.

Anonymous said...

So true.

Anonymous said...

Yes oooo..I like dat Solo Trips part...

Anonymous said...

Nice one IK....by the way, IK and Omalicha has to be the best pair on radio!

FortySeven said...

So on point!

franceslovesfashion@gmail.com said...

Ik dear , these are really nice tips o. lol @IWC ,but its just so true.

ruchi said...

On point.


Ik made loads of sense.... I know a lot of unmarried women like us willl learn from this ...very good advice....

MRS AWE said...

Tip num 8 is very important, set a standard for yourself as in,if u like tall guyz dnt go for short ones, if u like guyz with swags, dnt go 4 guy that will be dulling you,if u like guyz with long nd big thin dnt go for short so try and feel oo, not to do it ooo. so shine ur eye, so u wnt be jumping from one man to another.

Anonymous said...

IK is usualy full of crap.....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with IK. These are the golden rules to any girl getting the guy of her dreams. Thanks IK

lilmario said...

nicely said, may try some of the tips given

Anonymous said...

Ik those r gud tips.I luv d 6th point; though some guys wuld want 2 grab all.u know wat i mean?

Anonymous said...

It makes sense sha!!! Some are very true. But dont over do it ooo! u dont have to follow his steps accordingly, men are different.

Anonymous said...

Pt 2 defines crap....which ofcourse defines IK (big smiley face)

Anonymous said...

101% correct.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we know this already. I don't agree with number two though.

TYBIZZLE baby! said...

Gbammest! Tired of being anonymous! Its tybizzle baby

Anonymous said...

Yes...u are happily married...thank you very much...that now makes you a marriage counselor???puuuhlleaase *rme*

Rockstar said...

Yea,yea,yea,yea,...He must be this,he must be that...

Ladies, if you come across a Man who is smart, hot, humble, educated, financially secure, passionate and patient, great at fixing things around the house and he's not materialistic, loves you like you are the only girl in the world and watches you whilst you are applying your make up while listening to every word you say...

Then, please be assured that the WEED you have just smoked is of superior quality and you go 'TAYYYY' for your mama house.

slimzyose said...

hmmmm nice one,tnks IK

Sasha Fierce! said...

'Please LIB Readers, what does being 'Happily Married' mean?

lala said...

Pls tell me wat is crappy abt dis? Pple like u neva want d truth...olodo

Anonymous said...

I don't understand no 6 thou, does dat really count? If d guy likes u or not, he wld marry u weather u give ur all or u don't give at all. Iphone5 girl says so

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with this at all. it is his opinion though, I respect the effort put in it.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Ik

Anonymous said...

His opinion

Unknown said...

nice although i dont agree wit number 2. MOST women are married coz they had to beg their husbands wit their bodies and monies to marry them not neccessarily beocz they know wat men want. one just has to give careful, not all d advice some married women give concerning r/ships are gud. most just teach u how not to be too picky and lower your standards all becoz one wants to get married!

Anonymous said...

thank u rockstar for dat comment...make dem dey dia...the ik probably neva followed any of his advice...

Anonymous said...

U r so funny @ rock star but IK is kinda correct jare..

Anonymous said...

‎​Good one IkE,pls Linda post my comment naaaa!! Haba..

Unknown said...

@rockstar, meaning we shouldnt have standards right? we should marry any guy we see? thanks. I guess with ur education u dont mind marring a street hawker who couldnt even complete her basic education? mscheeeeeew! u men with ur inferiority complex! u want us women to step up so u can choose and while u men laze around on your broke asses! let us taayyyy in our mama house! we are not crying to u! u can advice ur sisters/daughters 2 marry agberos if u so please! Mscheeeeeeeeew!

African Sweetheart said...

Last tip, it's all about God's perfect timing! :)))

I should know!! :)))

Too many crazy people are about these days!

Check out African Sweetheart, I can't believe you haven't already! lol


Anonymous said...

IK is sooo rte,nice one dude

yes I said it said...

Lmao ok noted

Anonymous said...

Make friends with married women indeed, like the type that used kobnomi to hook her husband, the type that got pregnant and insisted the guy will marry her or he'll die and then again that type that sleeps with two of her colleagues in her workplace? Shut the fuck up IK, stope telling us what we know already, some girls did all your don'ts and are married today!

Sociable said...

They make sense but it's what girls should know already as I am sure majority know these tips.

Blackknight! said...

Positive expectations but I am of the opinion that there are no set rules for meeting the right man.People and different and unique n their own ways.
I think that If YOU genuinely want to get the man of your dream...your soul mate,the kind of man you meet and you just want to be married and have have kids with,the kind of man you want to grow old with and will remain forever in love with, then, BE YOURSELF,and you will attract same.
Sometimes, ladies get so focused on superficial things as a means to achieving their goals and making dreams come true, that they forget about the greatest gifts which are found in YOU as a human being.
Find yourself first, and you will find HIM.
I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to lose the moon while searching for the stars!

California love said...

Ik should let us hear word,these are already known steps and it can't work with all men. So ladies apply ur brain o not to just copy everything step by step to look for a man. If you follow all the steps and your pucci still smells then it won't work.majority of you confess your pucci smells and you think any man would marry smelly pucci?

Anonymous said...

well have heard all this over and over again so......but the guy got the yarns........it is only GOD that can make all things beutiful when its your time,turn and season

Anonymous said...

Nice one from Ik i don tell my friends about all this tire! and he's so right that married friends know what men want, that is y they are married.wink*

But wait o Linda we have to talk about Environmental Pollution (Noise) by religious institutions. Actually there are three mosques close to me and believe me you would think there is a fight by the time they start every time they have to pray and it mostly seem they are in my room. Pls Linda we need government intervention on this matter as you know this is beyond individual. We have just been suffering and smiling biko!

happyhausabunny said...

Yh! I dnt agree wit #5...I went natural october last year n ppl luv it!

BIBI said...

i totally agree wit no 8. set a standard 4 urself in any r\ship u r in. @ bonario u must b a stingy boy n i will not doubt if u r igbotic lol

Anonymous said...

Let me tell u..... DER R NO RULES 2 BAGGING A MAN!!!! It either happens or not. One can apply all Ik's rules from 1-10 and still wont find husband. U can b d most beautiful girl in d world, submissive, caring, bang well well(sex warrior) and can cook d best dishes but honey those dont guarantee u a man. Sum1 wif opposite qualities might even bag a man b4 u. Even married women wif d perfect cooking and bed skills still get divorced or hav der hubby's cheat on dem.
Wat im saying is dat lets all stop decieving ourselves. DER R NO RULES 2 BAGGING A MAN!!! Just BE UR DAMN SELF!!! and u will find d one dat can handle ur imperfections.
Billie Jean

Jungle Justice said...

IK how can you leave out the MOST important rule naaaaaaw? Abeg wia the rule of water and clean hands tinz? LMAO!!! I don't care weda u perfect Tips 1-10! If u like give Ramsey a run 4 his money in d cooking department or hire personal sylist, if u like sef go register 4 finishing skool @ Villa Pierfu 4 Switzerland! Once d komko below reeks of poultry smelling tinz...LOBATAN!!! All those in favour say Aiii! Those against say NAYYY! Thanx Sociable 4 ur support! Oya kpakam! D Aiiiis have it! Biko cancel IK list n start all over with worra n clean hands tinz! Una doh ooo!

Anonymous said...

I agree with #10, part 1 of #4 makes a lot of sense but im kind of confused with the part 2 though "IWC". i stand corrected but i believe IWC means dating, and that stage comes b4 the boyfriend and girlfriend stage. i am not really comfortable with #2' na only married men go chase the girl oh and we no the implication to that...lol'. In general wise words.

DITLO said...

i am so in support of tip no 1! you ladies should take a cue from that one.

Jungle Justice said...

Kpakam! I talk it! Any how-to-get-a-man rules wen nor mention water and clean hands rule can not be trusted! LOL! Never underestimate the backlash of a smelly kongo! Bad smell fit cause miscarriage sef#justsaying# LWKMD! Hmmmm! Wahala dey oh!

Anonymous said...

This is Cool, I totally agree! Pride no go allow most girls agree sha, dey mustu find fault. #ThatsWhyUrSingle

Anonymous said...

Gbam! You go so TAAAAY for ur papa house (am a married woman btw)!

Uncle Babs said...


Anonymous said...

'Hapilly married'... Lin lin, u follow dem rch ous? Abi na cos of all dem PDA? Abeg park well. If I hear say Ik no dey taste other punani! Lolz. U beta post my comment ooo......

Jungle Justice said...

But with malt and pepper soup u nor mind to fire down till day break abi? Stingy butterfly! Am watching u! Why is it dat stingy guys like Bonario nor dey quick cum sef? Dem fit "file" 65mins as 1st round n dem plan to collect at least 5 rounds after buying a babe malt n less than 200mls of pepper soup! Hiaaaan!

Anonymous said...

Very welll said BillieJean (12:29pm)..there are no hard and fast rules... only God is the ultimate matchmaker... i have friends that gave it all up and some more who today live in 7 bedroom mansions accompanied with range rovers.. me that i am doing i am a virgin at 31 going on 32, i am still here roasting!

Anonymous said...

Why wldnt u? Akunakuna tinz! Lol

Anonymous said...

Elusive Kate shut up go wash your smelly pucci first lol before any man even hawker can marry u. Short dwarf.

Anonymous said...

mbuk..no hard and fast rule to this thing..what if you do everything and the guy's just not into you??mehn..forget ohh..btw..#TeamNaturalForOneYearNow

Proudly Igbo said...

Point 2 is my Best! So True!! Nice one IK.
Sent from my Blue Swag Nokia 3310.

Jungle Justice said...

Aunty Awe wot of if pple like me who likes long and big tinz now marry n after d marriage cucumber con reduce to carrot? Which way to go biko? Hehehehehe! Bcos just recently I heard a scary story about magical abuna tinz! It is well oh!

Anonymous said...

Dis IK dat is married for barely 3years has turned himself to marriage councelor abi. Na here we go siddon when linda go tell us when ik and his wife would fight and scatter. All dis getting married and staying married is grace of God. No hard and fast rule. Arokoyo

Nana said...

It means married happily! Agadinwayi!

Anonymous said...

mature single ladies are very sensitive o...u dot want 2 argue win them...

Sociable said...

That's the point here most people already know these steps but it can't work for everyone . IK only wanted to help which isn't bad at all. So women should pick which one is important to them and let the rest go back to IK. There are people here who can put up better STEPS on how to get a man and I am a good candidate for it. If I put up mine HERE it will outshine most steps you have seen.. Ladies if you want me to give my steps onhow to get a man let me know.

solomon said...

very nice tips. however the tip number 4 may not apply 'cos there have been cases of intimate friends becoming couples and living happily ever.

California love said...

You make sense I bet.

Anonymous said...

Please y shud a guy get threatened when u ask him where it's leading? Thatz an indication that he's sceptical about marrying you. How do u date someone for years and you don't feel comfy to ask him where dat is leading. Secondly, setting standards doesn't reli work. We might tink we know wat we want buh we don't exactly u can meet a guy that goes contrary to ur set standards buh something about him jes keeps you wanting more.so Ik, revisit ur write-up.

Anonymous said...

Please whoever said Marriage is the ultimate goal in life?
Its sad that society looks at single ladies as though they have some diability or disease.
IK's tips are too chauvinistic for my liking, very myopic based on little research.
Humans differ so before making up tips, please have a more grounded research methodology to prove your points.

Anonymous said...

@happyhausabunny..seriously??Went natural last year as well and i havent heard one terrible word yet..natural hair rocks if properly taken care of and u can think up quirky ways of packing it..and besides i love all d attention i hv been gettin cos i jst standout in d sea of brazilian and whatnot hairssss..#TeamNatural

Anonymous said...

I disagree with no 2 as well. So many people marry for the wrong reasons. Most of them are still trying to find their place in their marriage. They would just be misleading the single ladies.

Eze said...

I feel this guy,if you don't demand from your man, you will get the whole world and anything you could ever imagine.

AbujaKenneth said...

Me I like them sexy.

Jungle Justice said...

Abeg no long tin! Ladies if u want to get 3 men n above kindly follow my swarovski crystal rules. #1 WATER and CLEAN HANDS tinz. This can neva be overemphasised!D road to "Texas" must be devoid of any trace of poultry smell! #2 Learn to knack in at least 5 different languages! GBAM! If u still dey do old papa missionary style dat na isoko FYI! Reverse cowgirl tinz na Efik, Hogan pls confirm! For those badass chics who want to learn to knack in swahili and Zulu pls leave ur bb PIN with aunty LinLi. If u nor get bb then ur case is serious! U r stuck in Edo knacks n 4rm d horse baby tori I dey fia Edo tinz now. #3 n da final rule, switch 4rm analogue to digital in every aspect of ur life! Life is too short not to have a man and several "spares" of manly goodness to avoid stories dat touch! #okbye

Fauzzy Rex said...

i totally agree...out of xperience.
for doz who say there are no set rules to bagging d right man...well,'rules' may not b d most appropriate word, but there are attitudes and habits that are a NO-NO for most guys.u do not need to pretend and hide dem, rather drop dem and adopt d right ones.yes, its best to always b urself but if 'urself' is not good enough then u must change to a better 'self'.every man wants wats best for him.that is y he will choose one out of five girls and you wonder y bcos she is probably not d prettiest. its same way u'll choose a guy out of numerous suitors cos u consider him best for you. being sophisticated is not good enough to make u a wife,when u lack wat it takes to b a wife,wen d time comes,ur so called boyfriend will leave u to marry som1 else who is a wife material wit little or no sophisticated and upgrade her to wateva level he wants.ladies b wise.

Anonymous said...

ik u re the cause y most singles never got married today, u do cheat on ur wife, swear if u never cheated on ur wife since u married. stupid counselor

Anonymous said...

Ur still anonymous! Tybzzile no be the name ur mama give u lool


hehehehe @jungle justice dats fallacious, u sound as if we both been 2 d milkyway before. Just mere peep at d inner thigh show is enof to make me go (cum). Am waiting for d day Lindiway will address d issue. By d way am still innocent but not Idibia.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.

Sexy said...

Now that shez hit her jackpot afta a long hunt, she has suddenly turned expert. Mtcheewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Angeleyez said...

These r wot I'll call general rules most decent ladies keep. 1 valuable lesson I learnt is life offers no guarantees. My rule of thumb is knw ur man n do wot makes him tick!As basic as whether or not to keep pubic hairs for ladies, sm men like it full, sm nice n trim others completely brazilian waxed all d way. So how can u expect 1 rule to satisfy 3 different preferences? I v friends who were independent successful women when we were single. By God's divine favour abt 3 of us got married to very Wealthy men. In spite of my money my hubby doesn't allow me contribute a kobo to running our home but ofcos as a Mother there r always areas I will spend on my kids n even on him but another friend of mine is so miserable now becos her hubby got used to her independence while dating n has refused to contribute substantially to run their family! This is a guy who earns 7figures monthly yet his wife pays almost all the bills including d children's foreign school fees! So what rule applies to my friend and I? Shld women remain independent or make demands on their men so the men get used to being the provider after marriage? Pls ladies just do wot works 4 u n ur man.

Anonymous said...

11. Don't forget to always wash ur tin with only clean hands and water. #IksTipsToGettingAMan.

Stargal said...

tori tori....... am a married woman...i didnt do nada apart 4rm using clean hand and water.....lol.

Anonymous said...

F*** this. I don't want to know how to get a bloody man or keep a man. I'm surprised people aren't fed up with this getaman-keepaman nonsense. Like WTFFF!!! Why can't we just LIVE!!!

A msg for all you men readers- I will NOT be following any rules made up by this lady here, Oprah or Steve-bloody-Harvey and if for that, I can't get you or keep you then let the pigs fly.

Alot of marriages and relationships don't work cos it all starts out as a farcade just like these bogus rules.
I'll save the rest of my rant for a proper article - allow me to collect my thoughts.

Unknown said...

i don try evrytin na! and i am still single.

Anonymous said...

Yeeeeh! My eyes ohhh! "If he LOVE you,...take you to the ALTER" ((((GBOA))))! Hired assassine! You try! Nor bi only u can read more News stories and celebrity gist on my blog:! You plan to do more damage with ur literary skills abi? Abeg I just applied 4 a weeks sick leave to rest my sore eyes!

Jeffiejay said...

Number 5 and 6. :)

Ola said...

Jungle justice ,u are an ass I swear.i laffed so hard and my period just won't stop rushing because of ur comment.*dead at cucumber and carrot *

Anonymous said...

Its easy to advice bt wen u r in d same shoe, u will understnd better. My dear! rules or no rules, wat must be, must be. Wn u try so hard to fnd n b found, u land ur ass in hot pot. Jst be ur self, wn d time is due, he or she will come. J.luv!

Anonymous said...

Ode anonymous wats crappy abt dis,mumu no 1da u r stil single n will die single!!!!!

shouldnthavewatched said...

Laugh no go kill me! the dude is barely married, he dey talk. shuo? hypocrite, with hypocritical advice, he should advice his men and leave his current wife to advic ladies, na she know the truth.

I remember the 'who wants to be a millionaire' man who was 'happily married', aint he divorced now? abegi!

For desperadoes, All you have to do to 'get married' is to have pepper.(money)
Naija men are very very materialistic and lazy nowadays, they are worse than women in materialism at whatever cost.. Buy his mother a house and gbam he is your bitch.

now staying married is the shizzle!

A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ronnie said...

What if my dream man loves my hair "au naturale"? Or is a Chef so he wld rather do the cooking? or married women don't want to be my friends because their hubbys can't stop staring @ me when I'm around? I read an article by a relationship expert who wrote that communication is key in a good relationship and after dating a guy for about a year and he still doesn't bring up plans about the future, ladies shld alway let the guy knw dat they plan to get married n have kids so if this doesn't fit into his plans, kiss him goodbye and cut ur losses! So which one shld we take naw?

Anonymous said...

Awwww..cute couple..and nice piece..2 dose dat re claiming 2 hav tried evritin 2 no avail..lol..prayers wasnt included,u nid 2 pray hard,infact if possible undergo deliverance @ MFM..*just saying*

Anonymous said...

Sexy u get the woman for belle before? Na wa oh... BTW Ik is the man in the picture above. Don't hurt yourself now shogbo. Smh

Anonymous said...

Single Agadinwanyis on this blog are too many o...i fear

Anonymous said...

They secretly do actually... The nice looking one's that cook and bake, know how to take care of their children and their man.... The added plus in 2012 is a woman that can hold her own. :)

Jungle Justice said...

Uncle sociable I totally agree with you on all except one point, my list which I have posted is da best n cant be outshone by ya own. Hehehe!

IVORY CHI said...



Anonymous said...

He ÈŠ̝̊̅§ a guy. Idiot.

Nike said...

I am a happily married woman and what IK said is a load of bullshit. Ladies, there is no secret to this. Be yourself, and always be happy. Focus on your career, worship the Lord your God and ALWAYS treat yourself and others with respect and charity. If you can do all this, and be sincere to yourself, do everything I have told you you will find your own prince charming. IK is giving you the recipe on how to be a slave in a man's house. I am telling you how to be an equal in your man's house. May God answer all your prayers

oyinda said...

Ahn ahn wetin concern u?? She is saying her opinion if u dnt like it go chop snake....am very sure na ur gf smell dey disturb ur reasoning...mke urself happy b4 u die of sadness

Anonymous said...

yes ooo my brother u too much,,, www.freemanezeiruaku.blogspot.com

brandigest said...

This a no miss for all the single ladies

Anonymous said...

The reason whybam still singleeee soo scared of guyzzzz especially those that are alwaz just after soo it's beta being single than have 10 fruitless relationships in a year... Just saying!

Anonymous said...

Oh please let's hear word joor.This is becoming so random...How about how a man should get a woman and keep her?.let it rest on the man for once. Am shocked that a lot of women are agreeing to this gibberish. No wonder some Men are so messed up because we have turned them into a perfect gift that every woman should apply rules and schemes to grab. We have been learning how to get a man since we were little from our granny to our mother and now from random married people. The thing is Most women apply these rules, get the man and even marry him but alas he keeps cheating and maltreating her because no one ever taught him how to get and keep a woman,no one ever taught the men how to be loyal to their woman,not even their father nor their mother taught them steps in improving their characters as Men. Its time for the rule to change,let's hear for a change "How to get and keep a woman",how they can improve their character and please a woman. Sorry for the long epistle shaa. Bellaz

Alex Joseph said...

@ Nike..you and who are equal? Keep dreaming and tell your husband that, we'll see where it will land you. Come sit there when our PDP meeting is holding at 3am! Equal ko, same ni..

Anonymous said...

Read properly biko. She said people love it.

Gb09 said...

Forget that one o. Some of these things are right, but I do not support the friendship with married women part especially. I am single and most of my friends are married. Number one, most guys who see us together just assume that I'm also taken since they're almost always with their kids. And number two, their husbands and their husbands friends start to toast you, or get too friendly.

Me I've removed myself from that scenario, now I only see them during events and at other times I stick to my single friends.

I am just living my life the best way I know how to, focusing on my career and developing myself to be a woman of virtue. There are no tricks involved if you really want a true marriage, not just to become a MRS by force.

Unknown said...

Tips do getting a man...Just dash me money. U go get me. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!! at no 5

Sociable said...

Lol@jungle justice,you can't outshine mine. I just won't put mine up. If you are in doubt then wait for my bomb

GlamCandy said...

IK park well abeg...different strokes for different folks.... It worked for you doesnt mean it will work for every man.. how about women that got proposed to after missing their period? how about that huh????? and h

California love said...

Old cargo go marry before you body fade up starting from boobs and ass,na wrinkles u dey wait for first?

California love said...

Sadist na husband scarce u sote u are angry for the post?hahahahaha go and marry before they mistake you for your grandma

Osy said...

HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhHhHhhh am a guy but I bust into laughter with ur comments.

Anonymous said...

Dear IK,abeg try 2alwayz de wia ur wedding ring na soo ppl lik us will knw u still married.. Rme

Anonymous said...

Did this silly woman call natural hair don king hair? O gbadun. Not everyone wants to put chemicals in their hair. Some of us like our hair just the way God put it on our heads!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant silly man!

Anonymous said...

IK, you talk well!

Sexy said...

@ Anon 3:19, u're the bigger idiot.

Unknown said...

@anonymous 12.49. Just because ur all ur female relatives' pussies smell from sleeping with all d men in Lagos doesnt mean all women are d same. If you had any respect at all for ur mother and ur sisters, I bet u wldnt have dared mentioned pussy, u broke ass, jobless, irresponsible idiot without home training! Like I said to rockstar, advice ur own sisters and unlucky daughters never to set standards when it comes to men. They just marry losers like u! Mscheeeeeeeeeew!

Aby said...


Anonymous said...

#5 very very shallow. my hair is natural, I rock it and im hot. if ur fine, ur fine....u cant shout abeg.

I have one tip for IK though...#Shutup! Shallow 9ja man.

Anonymous said...


tax collector said...

Believe me he is so right.dt ws hw i got my hubby.buy d most important is prayer.at least help urself n leave d rest for God.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 8.17pm, you are so right. I like good looking girls but I LOVE any girl that will rock natural hair all day everyday.I just love it and especially on naija girls. Also, why is it wrong for a girl to wanna know where the relationship is going? Is this guy for real? I am 31yr old and I would expect any girl that am dating to ask me about future plans and about marriage. What is wrong with that peaple?

TRUTH! said...

@ IK O. : Abegi, please go and sit down. Not that all your points are invalid. I think you are just airing your views believing that your popularity births credibility of your opinions. lol. I can't stop laughing...Go and sit down please! You've always liked to hear your own voice sha, as far back as TRF days. lol. Don't mean to drag back the past IK but your ex-girlfriend in Unilag, (Nwanneka),... did she lack any of these qualities per se? My point is you can meet a girl that (at the least)averages all these qualities and YET you may not love her enough to endure her other vices OR VICE VERSE.
My apologies to Nwanneka o! This reference was in no way made with her approval or disapproval! I just wanted to make a point to I(T)K.lol

SINGLE LADIESSSS! The best advice is actually in the comment section! Men are different. When you meet a man, get to know him and know what makes him tick. Period. Men marry both 'holy Marthas' and prostitutes. I'm not encouraging loose morals at all but the truth is even if you can't cook (or you lack 2 or more of those things listed) there is a man for you. Ask my biological sister! She cannot cook to save her life, amidst all other unmentionable behavior she has displayed in teh past, no kidding. But you know what her husband told me?... he said he was reflecting one day when it hit him, MY SIS IS THE ONE WOMAN HE LOVES DEARLY AND CONSIDER HIS BEST FRIEND!" They were married in less than 6 mths. End of story.

Life is all about timing. Be patient with God's timing for your miracles and make it a point to be the best you you can be. God doesn't need you to be perfect to bless you, so why should any mere mortal expect that from you or advice you to such?

Anonymous said...

Tip #11. Don't bother about the receding hairline, most Nigerian men have it.

Anonymous said...


Some of the tips are ok and some way out of point for me. I think we shouldn't forget the God factor.

Some didn't do these and were easily found and some did more and nada!

Ladies just be yourself, treat people as you who love to be treated and include prayers also.

Please discuss the purpose of the intending relationship before you venture into it. Everyone should have prospects and goals in whatever they do.

Anonymous said...

Great advice. Getting a man and keeping on take lot of effort. Most important, keep the one you have.

Anonymous said...

#Ik I appreciate des tips,permit me to share on my Fb wal...I want to commend u seriously,esp. on tip #1 dats wat gives guys d courage to make dat MOVE

Anonymous said...

no 5 made me laugh.
cool tips thou...nice one

Zsa Zsa said...

True word, am married too and these rules are far from reality. BTW how about 10 ways to find and keep a lady?!

Zsa Zsa said...

Yes dear EQUAL! That's what happens when u go into a relationship with the best intentions for each other. My hubby and I split the bills and share other responsibilities in the home, I want the best for him and he wants the best for me, we are partners and not servant and master. Single ladies pls take note, intentions matter a whole lot.

metche said...

I have been reading all the comments here. Some are interesting while some are just bullshit.

As for Ik or whatever your name is, please just go and pak somewhere. You just dey yam jackshit simply becos you are married. There is no tips to getting a man.

All what the ladies should do is to be themselves as some of you have rightly said here. At the appointed time God will definitely bring the right man your way.

Anonymous said...

Æ”☺ΰ soooooooo correct

Anonymous said...

what is he, gay?

Onyx said...

D gist in marriage is not getting married,rather it is staying married.There is no laid down rule to gettn married because people can put up a facade just to get married but reality hits when they start living together and their real selves start to show.Ik,ur marriage is too young to be posing and making yourself a marriage councillor. Abeg,enter house before ur too much talk go bring ur legs out.My only advice is be urself and follow ur God's given intuition.

Mrs D. said...

Dnt think dat was wat he meant.It should be dat u shuldnt go take wat u can't stand,as in if you dnt stay out late dnt do it for him,av ur standards-like ur do's n don't's or if he has a bad habit dnt condole it cos u dnt wanna hurt him.So,stand for ur values n dnt change it for him.

Anonymous said...

What the hell do you mean by making friends with married people? You must be an educated idiot for saying that! And like someone rightly pointed out, because you're 5days old in Marriage doesn't make you a Counsellor. Didn't you proof-read Rule 2 before posting it up? Silly you.

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