From a LIB reader:
Dear readers, I am in a relationship, about to get married next year. I have been dating my man for over 8 years, he proposed last year when we went on holiday to Paris. We both own our business, and we very okay financially. My man loves me very much, and I know he will do anything for me. The only problem I am having is my pastor is not happy about the relationship. I am in the choir and a committed member of my church. My pastor saw a vision during choir practice, and he called me to his office, saying my future husband is not the one for me, and the marriage will no last. He said he sees him walking away from the marriage, and I should not think about it.
Please continue...
Now, I am very confused, I love him very much, and I know that he won't hurt me. Should i take a huge risk leaving the man of my dreams, or listen to the man of God. My heart tells me to stay, we all know no marriage is perfect. I have invested so much in our relationship, we both have actually, and breaking his heart is the last thing i want to do. I am 29, and my man his 31. We are both ready to tie the knot. I have prayed about it, and honestly, I am ready to take a risk, and i have read articles, and people's testimonies that sometimes its better to follow your heart, and pastors can be wrong at times.
Now, what do you guys think?
Confused Bride To Be......
1 – 200 of 531 Newer› Newest»My dear, u need to pray by yourself and seek the face of God.... Let God speak to you.
Pastor,pastor,pastor,run go catholic church o, my dear, both of u feel the same,what stops u?Life is all about risks,for better or worse.The air we breathe might be our last, bone your pastor jari.
I hope dat Okotie man is not ur pastor oo. Cos i hear say he no wan work alone o.abeg waka sharply oo. a word is enuf for d wise
don't marry him. be an idiot and listen to what your donkey catcher is telling you. Is he going to marry him for you.,..
Honestly, Nigerians can be such stupid sheep sometimes. IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT THAT YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE MAKING IT WORK WITH SOMEONE THEN SOME RANDY PASTOR shouldn't be the one to dissuade you. Even if it doesn't work out, it's your life not his and NOBODY can tell you how to lead it .
Ugh, so disgusted right now.
My dear u've more answers to ur question than anyother person,as far as dis ur issue is concerned. U said he loves u,u're sure he can't hurt u,and dat no marriage is perfect. So what else do u need. Since ur pastor was able to see dat vision,if he truely cares for u as he pretends,let him channel his energy to praying for d success of ur marriage. Plz be wise,don't allow anoda person to collect sleep from u,sleep and even snore.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Wow, 8 years is a long time. I think YOU should pray about it because it'll be sad if the marriage doesn't last.
My dear, if you have prayed about it and God has told you to go ahead, allow your pastor to rest. He is not the one getting into the marriage, if both of you and your parents are fine with it, pastor will be very alright. So much for all these pastors that see vision.
marry your husband and tell Pastor to mind his business. worst case, join another church. God bless you my sister.
Man of God is not God.His role is to guide you in the process of your courtship and not to tell you who or who not to marry.
God will not take you to where His grace won't be sufficient for you.If you love this guy,please go ahead and marry him.
A lot of these Pentecostal pastors had planted FEAR into the hearts of many ladies in our country.It's no longer what God says,but what 'My Pastor SAYS'....
Any form of "prophecy" should only be a confirmation not an order. God is not a God of confusion, so unless God has shown it to u already in a vision or the Holy Spirit has been convicting ur spirit, i say go ahead! My aunt got a divorce years ago because a "powerful visioner" told her to marry her husband...even tho she wasn't interested in the man...now she left him, and at 53 she is still single and childless.
My theory: The same God that ur Pastor serves is the same God you serve...and if it was His will for u to leave, He would have placed it in ur heart already.
If your pastor was a real man of God, wont the right thing for him to tell you be "PRAY"? How is it that while you were dating this guy for 8 years, your pastor didn't see "vision" to tell you walk away from the relationship since "he's now the one for you"? Hell of a pastor you got there.
You might want to get a second opinion, perhaps you should start praying for guidance as well. And if it feel right in your heart (cos you've know him for 8 years and you should know by now), then go for it. Your pastor would find a different choir person.
She should keep praying about it
what nonsense. is your pastor God? better be careful, you pastor might be destroying your life. you need to step away from the church and seek God on your own. listen to what God says and if you open your ears, you will hear his direction in several ways.
Dear just follow ur heart,n pray
girl...you need to find out if he is a real man of God first, then you need to do your own praying and fasting..seek God's face..marriage is not easy..i know..i've been married only 2 months and im only 21 and i admit, i didnt pray as much as i should have, but im in it and im not going out. its hard work..if you are convinced without a shadow of doubt he is for you, go ahead. if your pastor dont approve, no problem. God will make the impossible possible. for you, God can change ur destiny. good luck to you
Seek the face of God yourself. Whatever God tells you do. Don't listen to your Pastor.
If you've been with him for 8 years, chances are you will be married to him for 8 or more years. Even if he walks away it's not the end of the road.Do not let him slip by, marry him!
This same stupid thing happened to me, but I am happily married to my wife and we left the stupid church. I had to make my wife see how fake they are and guess what she did! You must be really stupid if you think your pastor is a man of God, he just doesn't you to marry him because he knows you will follow your husband to his church. This means your pastor would lose your offering and tight to another church. Why didn't God show you the vision or are you trying to saw your pastor is a higher being than you. And for your pastor, he is Stupid as well, if only what God shows him is marriages that would fail then he is a quack. Why didn't God show him the vision of where the boko haram leader is that is persecuting Christians. Please pardon my language because I really hate these fakes that claim they are men of God. Read my article on fake men of God, when you are done kiss your fiance and tell him you love him. https://africanboythatwrites.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/143/
This will help you(by Adeboye) http://adeniyiowolola.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/victims-of-lies-monday-20-august.html?m=1
Omo if u have prayed and have heard from God, go ahead and marry ur man! I'm not saying ur pastor is wrong...but these days pastors too dey see vision.
Which church u dey go to first of all?? If na TB JOSHUA, then go and marry ur man jare! I believe that God tells us and shows us things via dream or revelation not by sending pple to us. He understands what we go thru coz he created us. MArry ya man oh!
Hmmmm! Well in that school called marriage there is nothing called age-long courtship! It's a new phase altogether infact you will be amazed at the way things will begin to unfold in just a few weeks after marriage and you will begin to wonder whether it's the same man you dated for donkey years! Now back to the main issue, as much I wont say that you should disregard your pastor's opinion or revelation, you deserve (infact every woman deserves )to be happy. You know this man, you have been with him for so many years but that does not guarantee your happiness and peace of mind in marriage. Now my question to you is:
1. Have you prayed sincerely to God and when you prayed do you have peace over the issue?
2. What kind of man of God is your Pastor? Is he really spiritually inclined or he is just using human judgement probably because your man isnt as spiritually inclined as you?
Above all the ball is in your court and I will also say that what an elder sees sitting down, a child cannot see it even he/she climbs the tallest tree.
Keep praying to God for guidance and direction, follow your heart, use your head and dont let anyone mislead you bearing in mind that it is not how far but how well.
God will lead you.
lmao.....sorry i had to laugh first.... hmmm confusing indeed!! go and c anoda pastor
buhahaha i busted out laughing when i read " he had a vision during choir practice" it must not have been that moving because he finished the practice. anyway here is my advice. DO NOT PUT UR TRUST IN MAN, and you said the key word "MAN" of GOD. Not GOD himself. My dear listen to your heat, not to a MAN, who is capable of sin and probably committs it on a daily basis. if ur heart says marry your fiance then marry him, and place that marriage in the hands of GOD.
ONOME says.....
No go marry o.Dey ask question there.Na u;ur pastor and ur husband wan live the same house.
A deliberate lie.. Follow ur heart... Marry d1 u love.
Hian!!! You better jejely listen to your heart. Which kain yeye pastor? Maybe the pastor likes u sef thats why. Mtcheew.
Linda post my comment please. This is the 1st time I am commenting on this blog.
This is a very sensitive matter. don't be confused, your pastor has prayed and now it is time for you to get down on your kneels and start talking to God. trust me He will reveal to you.
my pastor says dis my pastor says that. if u love ur man beta go ahead wt d wedding. wia is many of d high profiled'my pastor says dis' inspired marriages today.And how are u certain that d vision ur pastor saw really came from God and dat its not demon inspired.Remember dat d devil and his demons always disguise demselves as angels of light and give visions jus to mislead pple, so says d Bible.
One advice is;Pray to God 'bout it.
Hmmmmm what a critical situation. *sips zobo and adjusts glasses*
i will advice you to follow ur heart.if the man is really what you are looking for in a man.don´t listen to the pastor but listen to your heart.goodluck
Wow! - d@s all I can utter!
My dear, it's not ur pastor's duty to choose 4 u, his duty is rather to support u in prayers.
D bible asked us to confess with our mouth all wat we want.
I beg, go ahead with ur wedding plans oh....even if d guy is not right 4 u, God will make him right if u ask him to n av faith in him. Wish u all d best.
Wow! That's all I can utter
babe I'm sorry to say but ur just daft. i get so upset when ppl let their pastors debate and control ur life. he say a vision.....hissss. are you not worshipping God. why don't you urself pray about your future and trust God to guide you. so he didn't see the vision when you were dating him, its now when you are getting married that he saw vision. pastors are meant to guide you in prayer not tell u what to do. for you to be in the choir u must have some kind of relationship with God. pray for ur future and don't let anybody decieve you.
It's not that easy to leave the man you've dated for 8years,where will you start from.at the same time,you cant just ignore what the man of God told you.to me,i will say you should seek other pastor's advice and let them pray with you.you too should go in prayers with God again.If at the end,you get the same comment from another source,my sister i will implore you to go through the heart pains of leaving him and believe God that directed you hav =e something better for you.I pray you get it right...#peace
It is your Decision to take. Your Pastor is entitled to his own opinion but what happens is what you want. For me, you should have handled it with him right there at the time he said it. Just Thank him and go ahead with your own decision. Marriage comes with its challenges and if you are ready, step in baby. No lele. God thoughts towards you are thoughts of Good and not of evil. Believe it and take a decision. I see you have long decided you can live with him, step in baby. God will see you through. cheers. ET.
Its not good 2 disregard God but I'll still say follow your hart cos even God wil understand. its better dan living the rest of life imagining wat cld hav been. Better to take a risk and learn frm it dan not at all. As they say life is all about takin risks.goodluck
My dear...knowing God for your self is the ultimate..did u really seek God before going into the relationship? If not, have u sort God's face even after he proposed? Your emotions are really high now and remember it takes more than Love to make a marriage work. My simple advise to you is to genuinely seek God's face..it is often said that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage..Deal with it now before you start fasting and going for deliverance sessions when you get married. Go through the stress and pain now before it' too late.
follow your heart, pastors are not always right and sorry to say not all pastors are real pastors. your instincts will never deceive you if you listen well.
NYC-1 says: Tell your pastor 'to go to hell.' By the way, are you sure that you are a Christian? If you have been in a relationship for 8 years and comfortable call someone you are not married to, "your man," then I wonder if you are not one of these Comestic Christians? You are not spiritual; but you can be spiritual... No marriage is guaranteed, anything can trigger divorce, so follow your instinct, not your heart because you are not spiritual.
Pray to your Lord in heaven and follow your heart. If your pastor talk to you again, allow one time talk to let him know, you are following your heart and it is final. Tell your man that you will not accept him ever hurting you. Go get married to the one that loves you and you love. Congrats in advance!
swedy i tink u should just folow ur heart,im not in any way sayin its good discarding d advice of the man of God,but experience hav com to show and teach us that courtship for up to 2yrs helps to acertain compactibility in a relationship,8yrs isnt beans,folow your heart and marry your man,if d marriage turns out otherwise,fine,u'ld resign ur fate to destiny
Hmmm dilemma!
I hate to be cynical but are you sure your pastor doesn't fancy you? or just dislikes your fiance?
I would advise you to pray and fast about it, and maybe seek the opinion of another pastor outside of your church (without mentioning what your pastor said).
Goodluck honey.
The worst thing is if you don't try or give it a chance. You will forever regret and go on with the thought of 'what if'. Its too late 2 start nursing a new relationship if you break his heart and go on it will take you time to start dating, and you know the world now is not like 8yrs ago not everyone you date will think marriage. When do you want to start dating, marriage and having kids at 40? Pray to God and be with your man
you better go and ask God to show u, who ur husband is and stop waiting on pastors (abi who said God only speaks to or through pastors). if this story is true, if u were in his Church and a member of his choir as a young spinster, didnt he knw u were dating someone and he didnt tell u all this while that that wasnt ur husband.
Hmmmm....forget man of God o. I'm sorry. U should be able to see that vision for yourself if it were for u, or are u not a Christian again. Pray for urself and see ur own vision. Good luck.
Ignore your Pastor and his fake revelations!!!
I believe that the best thing for you is to pray and follow your heart. What if the pastor is wrong? its kinda dicey, but I would advice that you follow your heart. even the "perfect marriages" are not platter of gold.
why not pray and fast yourself your hubby too be can join in the prayer and fasting too. if what your pastor said is right then God will speak to you both.
Common gal, shine your eyes. Your pastor no see nothin. Him wan do! Go for your man.
Like u said, pastors can b wrong. but is God ever wrong? Just kip prayin dear. D ansa will com 2 u...... Pls am I d onli 1 who thnks its supposed 2 b 'an' LIB reader??? If u wanna use 'a', u shld p'bly jus write 'Linda Ikeji's blog'....
People should stop using the name of the Lord in vain, all these fake pastors these days, abi he wants to be the one to marry you abi. My dear, if you have been with this individual for 8 years then he most posses characteristics that you desire in a life partner, like having the fear of God, good morals and most of all this is a man you love. As long as there is nothing glaring that this man has done, I will not listen to your pastor at all, what are the basis of this his so called vision? has he met the guy before, what are his reservations about him? your pastor is not God, if you are a christian, you can communicate with God directly and hear from God on your own. Pastors are human beings too, THEY CAN MAKE MISTAKES!!!!
My advice will be for you to pray to God and ask Him for his guidance, so you'll know what God really wants you to do. Not what your pastor says, or what you feel in your heart, but what God says.
Pray to God until he tells you what to do....go on dry fast and pray whole heartedly with believe and faith....and ask for your own vision too.
Hian, na wa o. Dear confused bride to be, your pastor cannot & should not make your life decisions for u. Gee, WTF is wrong with xtians? It beats me to see how much obsequious some xtians can be to their pastors just because they said, 'God told me'. Bishop T.D Jakes is into marriage ministry but his daughter just got divorced after just 4yrs of marriage. I mean, these people are human like you. Yes, u can take advice from them (or anybody else), but to wait on them to pontificate to you on whom or whom not to get married to is the height of irresponsibility & enslavement. A wise man always listens to the counsel of those he respects, but still follows his heart. I think u should just follow ur heart on this one. Cheers
My dear follow ur heart, ur pastor isn't d one gettin married u re
My dear it's not how faaar it's how well a broken engagement is way better than a broken marriage! Sometimes we tend not to do God's plans for us and take our decisions God could have used any body to talk to you he decided to use your Pastor which is better soo plzz listen to the WORD of God ! Explain to your Man it's not God's will and am sure in due time the right Man will come knocking itz not easy tho but the LORD is your strength be WISEEEE......MARRIAGE IS A SCHOOL YOU NEVER GRADUATE FROM CHOOSE WISELY!
Your one and only Marketing Mogul
Honestly, i'll say say follow your heart if u've already prayed about it. Goodluck Mami...
i'll advice you to follow your heart. you guys have been together for 8yrs, leaving him is a huge risk considering your age. sometimes Pastors are wrong. (Okotie said he saw the vision that he will be the next president). just keep praying and God will see you thru your marriage life.
well this is quite a fix bt i believe God can as well talk to u. so seek God by yourself and hear him speak, (not ur feelings or your pastor's)
Is it the pastor marrying the man or you?..
Go for it girl, follow ur heart. The lord is ur strenght.
follow ur heart if u have peace cos the peace in ur heart is a confirmation that it is the right thing ur doing.it doesnt mean there wont be challenges and shaking in the marriage but wen u follow ur heart and you are at peaceu are better armed to deal with ur marriage storms cos they will come.at the end of the day no disrespect to ur pastor. he probably has a bro for u .but na u dey mary ,if u have peace follow ur heart.
Why did your pastor say so? I believe in making a decision as important as whom to marry based on what God says.Not your pastor or anyone else for that matter but i think you deliberately left out some info.This is why you keep saying you don't think your fiance will hurt you..again and again in your letter.
do some background check on your suppose husband to be.... you never can tell what you may found... i wish you luck.
Is this woman serious ? Marry your pastor now!
I'm still of the opinion that pastors don't have the final say, God does. Follow your good heart. If you two could sustain a relationship for 8 years, you can pull of a good marriage, I believe. Go ahead if you love each other. Go.
Marry the guy, forget about the pastor. He should go back to sleep and hope to see a real vision.
follow your heart my dear. Deep down you feel there's something fishy about that vision.If both of you are in agreement, then God agrees. Goodluck
Please marry your man and forget about what the pastor is saying. i dont usually comment on blogs but this is outrageous, why would a pastor wanna stop a good thing like this??... please go on with the wedding, but pray to God tho. there's no vision or dream God cant change, your pastor is not the only ticket to God, you can also talk to God urself. you dont have to always bow down to what your pastor says, the fact that he can come and meet and tell you to stop the wedding is not so decent on his own side. check Isaiah 38, 1-7: where prophet Isaiah was sent by God to tell Hezekiah that he was gonna die, but Hezekiah turned to God himself and prayed and God added 15 more years to his life. ok my point here is you dont have to follow whatever your pastor has said or is saying. you have the right to talk and hear from God. to cut it short, go on with the wedding.
(pardon me if u spot any gbagaun in ma comment lol) the thing pain me na why and anyways i hope this story is true sha lool.
Well as you said, if you truly know yourself and the God you serve you should be asking God, not human beings.
Pleaseeeeeeee oooooooo...follow your heart! So far you are praying and you put God first....he will direct u Himself. As Daddy GO has said in "Open Heavens" some pastors have put themselves in "matchmaker" position. It is not right
Does ur pastor have a replacement for u??? DO NOT EVEN TRY IT PLSSSS. I believe God can show u Himself If he needs to show you anything.
Just follow your heart.
You are a Bigggggggggg Fool!!
It happened to me all the Pastors told me a man was my husband and I wasted 3 years of my life, almost went mad and is still suffering from a broken heart.
DO NOT listen to any fake man of God, very soon he will start to chase you and say that God said he should sleep with you.
Go on with you wedding plans and start to attend a church like MFM!!
Please read what Pastor Adeboye said recently: http://ladunliadi.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/pastor-adeboye-advises-single-ladies.html
dont let your pastor mislead you unless he plans on marrying you.
Personally I think that whatever God has shown the man of God he can also show you. The bible states clearly that God is not an author of confusion and God will also confirm his word according to Psalm 62:11. So my dear as much as i would love to say he is right, i think you can also get that confirmation to go ahead or not from God. The lord will lead you into making a right decision in Jesus name because sincerely he sees and knows it all even unto eternity.
Bless your heart!
my sister. Carry on. Get married to him. asap
dontr mind the pastors vision
marry the man
Hmmm sounds like dear you want to be objective before taking this lifetime journey. This is great for you to seek others advice but not wise to do so from total strangers on a blog. Your actions concern me because why not ask your parents, family or close friends? I bet what your Pastor has advised is not anything new to your ears. This is why you decided to seek the advice from strangers. God's love is about truth. He will always reveal and give light to a darken path. Only you can decide which direction to go. Good luck!
You know your God and You hear your God,MaRriage is a sacred institution btw 2ppl so ask God yourself,take time off and be silent witin and ask God, He will respond
You said he is a Man of God. There is a Big difference between the 'Man of God' and God. Please follow your heart. The pastor is jealous. He is just a Man and not God.
You said he is a Man of God. There is a Big difference between the 'Man of God' and God. Please follow your heart. The pastor is jealous. He is just a Man and not God.
My sister this is probably the best advice you'll get, PRAY ABOUT IT, have a personal relationship with God and I believe that if you sincerely seek God you'll hear from him yourself or God will direct you in making the right decision
Pray Pray Pray Oh
Why is she dependent on the pastor to pick a husband for her. she should pray to god herself and make up her own mind
If you are 29, have been with a man for 8 years and then because your pastor saw a vision you want to walk away from all that, then you truly are very silly.
Awww...I feel bad for you sha. But does your pastor have a previous track record of such prophesies coming to past?? That's why they say it's good to be able to hear clearly from God o, at least if to say you don hear for yourself, God is not the author of confusion....well, Can you have other spiritual people join you in prayer??
On the flip side, if na Christ Embassy be your church...na them no dey want make their members marry....so you don't have to worry much, go-on-sohun and marry!!...and If Chris Okotie be your pastor maybe na you be new Mrs Okotie in waiting....hehehehehe
Girl, Pls listen to your Pastor. God has put your pastor over you to watch over you. I'm assuming & believing that you are a child of God & that this is not a sinful relationship. God may be trying to save you from what you are too blind or oblivious to see.
Being with a man for 8 eight years doesn't make him your husband. & if anything I'll say wait for a bit more time as you may be shocked at what you might discover about your fiance.. Anyways I caution against disobeying your pastor. (esp. if you're in the Choir & your pastor is a true servant of God).
I am not advocating for you to leave God but follow your heart!!
well i personally think you should follow Gods leading. No pastor should tell you who to marry, your pastor can pray along with you and guide you using the bible but you have to pay the price yourself to hear from God on that matter. If you are led, i'll say follow thru and get married to your fiancee.
Leave FOR WHAT?!?!?! Don't even go about it .. why would you let someone make this major decision for you. I want to extend my hand through this pc and knock your head back to understanding. Better go with your heart and not listen to what anyone says. It is better to try and fail. than not try at all an regretting it for everyday of you life. Be Wise!Talk to God. Pastors themselves are humans.
My dear sister what am about to say will probably sound cliche, but i will still say it, you absolutely need to approach God yourself,the truth is God did not send his son to earth to die for our sins and pave the way for only pastors and so called men of God to be the only ones to approach him,that ramsom sacrifice was made for ALL of us including U & I so that we can all approach him in prayer and talk to him like your friend and your father,so please approach his lofty throne ursef and seek for his undeserved kindness pour out your heart because he cares.
now while not trivalising ur pastor or anything remember the miraculous extention of king hezekiah's life whom prophet isaiah told would loose his life but after approaching God in tears and soberity his life span was miraculously extended.
You know i hear you when you said that marriage has its own ups and down ,but most of them can be avoided or even resolved amicably, dont forget that our heavenly father is the institutor of marriage so he wants absolutely EVERY single marriage to not just work but to be happy, he wants every family to be happy which is absolutely possible when we put certain practical suggestions in the bible into practice since he inspired the bible and he instituted marriage it only makes sense that his word contains the best advice to make any marriage a success.
On a final note i urge you whenever or wherever you see or find JEHOVAH's witnesses please approach them and tell them to give you the book " The Secret of Family happiness " if they dont have it on hand with them ask them to please bring you a copy. That book is bible based and so many marriages and families has been strenghten,salvaged, saved or even restored by just APPLYING some of the bible based suggestions or advice contained in this book key word being applying and while at it please get a copy for your spouse too or would be hubby ,study it together or even seperately whatever works for u but dont forget to make a honest assessment of both of urselfs and most importantly pray together.
Hen en choi! thank goodness some breathe of fresh air from all dem nasty topics or so called advise seekers wey no get head or tale e.g am pregnant for my husband's nephew bla bla bla *hisses* thanks for bringing back sanity to this blog again and real life decent issue that is clean and realistic, not yeye stories and nasty questions.
A pastor is nt in d position of choosing who u r to marry. Only God Almighty does d pairing. Pray to God n he will tell u who to marry
Wao....wot dis men of God will cause!! Cos if u both love and understand each oda, wot else again? My dear, since you said you are a committed christian, I suggest u pray directly to GOD and ask for direction. He will answer your prayers, He is God. He doesn't have to answer thru ur pastor.
Cheers and I wish you the best
At the end of the day, it is between you and God.Pray over the situation and wait for God to speak to you.The pastor may not or may be wrong.
Dear confused bride,
Your pastor is not God! You can hear from God the same way that he claims to hear from God. The problem that I find with a lot of Nigerians is that they worship pastors, and that shouldn't be the case... Please my dear don't lose a good man because of what your pastor said... Follow your heart marry the man you love, trust me true love is hard to find. Good luck
Abeg follow your heart. How are you sure the next man will not walk away from the marriage. Maybe The Pastor is interested in you. Pray to God and tell him to show you signs if truly the pastor is right, you will get confirmation from other sources
Dear,follow ur heart.d same God answers lay men too..pray over it and off u go
well i personally think you should follow Gods leading. No pastor should tell you who to marry, your pastor can pray along with you and guide you using the bible but you have to pay the price yourself to hear from God on that matter. If you are led, i'll say follow thru and get married to your fiancee.
Better pray and hear God for yourself... Man of God or not you too can talk to the almighty
Pastors see all sorts of things nowadays. If u av a relationship with GOD talk to him. Tell ur spouse to be and both shd pray about the issue. Pastor can be a guide but he's not your GOd. if GOd is trying to tell u something through your pastor he will confirm it to u. Don't ask lib readers , it's time to pray. Goodluck
My dear, pls do follow your heart, if your heart and spirit accepts something, then it is the will of God for you. Let no man dictate for you unless Ýour spirit obviates your choice.
U had better follow ur heart,sum pastors culd b so ridiculous, y dint he see d supposed vision within 8yrs, bt suddenly d vision showed up wen u ready to wed, v faith dat God wl carry all of ur burdens. B wise n fink twice,sum pple v made d same mistake n r biting off dre nails ryt abt naw, dnt b foolish,God created sumthn out of nothn, tie ONI soro ko deni Yato
Well your predicament isn't an easy one. But you are a Christian yourself, pray about it and ask God for help. Although generally I would say adhere to the advice of a respected pastor but it would be unfair to break up with your guy because of something he 'might' do, especially as he has always been faithful in the past.
This is a tough one. U cant just throw away 8 yrs. Pray and fast about it yourself and ask God for a personal revelation.
Also u can seek counsel from another genuine man of God u trust.
If u have a gd friend or relative who is married and knows ur fiancee, it wld b a gd idea to ask the persons opinion, he/she may c things in him u never saw(altho this seems impossible afterall u ve known him 8 yrs).
Ur pastor may or may not b right but the worst thing u can do 2 urself is to ask urself ''what if'' in future. Just cover all bases if thats possible.
All the best
Simple,pray and wait for your own vision too.
do you really want to get married?? because i don't think so....why should your pastor determine who you should marry??....instead of going to your pastor for advice/prayer why dont you just get on your knees and pray to God yourself. Trust me he would respond. REMEMBER your pastor is not perfect. He is also human just like you. My advice to you is to go ahead and marry this man before you ruin your future because of your pastor. Stay blessed....please Linda check out this blog "Bisodunwrites.blogspot"....thank you.
You know sometimes when u'r in love, u intentionally get blinded to see some realities in a man,it can happen to anyone,others may see them clearly,like your pastor and fear for you,but u'l keep refusing to see this things coz u are in love, well I respect men of God, and yea, you should listen to him, its not hoW far but how well, many people get married for the wrong reasons,u can date a guy for 10 years and he won't be THE One,it takes grace to let go,and u cud Test God,and meet some one and like the other lady that asked for advice,plan your wedding within the first 2months. It would have been good if your were specific on your church on the other hand, because ehn.......
Abeg i no fit laugh. What an excuse to quit an 8yr old relationship.... Wooo! linda sef get time and energy to dey post dis kind tin. how does this affect the price of kpomo in the market?.....
Follow your heart, a woman's instinct is always almost right.
Lawl! LOOOOOLAGE!! i'm seriously cracking up. kindly follow ur heart...leave the pastor out of this and pray about it. Maybe the pastor has a crush on u "lowkey"
I advice u follow ur heart cos ur pastor is not God
pls pray more about it and follow your heart because some pastors could be wrong sometimes..also remember that its not how far but how well....
I don't know what the confusion is all about sef. I don't know why we worship our pastors sometimes. If you prayed and got your confirmation from God, who is your pastor to say no?
Sometimes we need to follow God instead of listening to the words of men. Nothing saying anything bad about the men of God but they are wrong sometimes. God help us.
No pastor can even tell me not to marry my fiance! They have failed, I will send them back to the sender and bind the heck out of them. Dem chop winch?
Anyways to each man his own sha.
Well my dear, you better pray about it and try to verify this from other men of God,if the outcome is same then the decision is yours girl, cheer up, it is well
wow.... Dis is sum serious shit mehn... I fink u shld ppppray more abt dis o... Seen ppppl who courted for over 10 yrs, and they didnt get married. Rite now they r both happpily married. So u rilly nid to pray more sha, or u cld damn all the consequences and follow ur heart like u said..i get d feeling dah bcos ur 29, ur finking u cant start all over wif anybody else, or mayb ya pastor has a thingy for ya and wanna use his posish to hold u down.. Wah eva d case, Jes pray bout it sha..... All d best. #ok, bye bye......lolz
Personally i think you should constantly pray about it and ask God to reveal his plans considering the marriage.if u consistently pray, i believe God will reveal the truth to you.
Marry him.
Unfortunately for you, because your pastor told you what he did, it's probably going to make you somewhat paranoid & suspicious of your man. That in itself may lead to a failed marriage. I don't understand these pastors. Couldn't he have simply prayed about it and asked you to do the same? SMH
Best wishes.
My dear ps seek God'S̴̴̩̩̩̥̩̩ face n not the advise of U̶̲̥̅̊r Pastor in ds matter.Such advise has left many pple lonely n unhappy. It cud b destabilising so be careful. Marriage is an agreement to marry btw 2 independent parties(clergies not included). However,U̶̲̥̅̊ must also realise d@ he might not want to loose a devoted member thru marriage dts y he's decided 2 advice U̶̲̥̅̊ odawise. Go on U̶̲̥̅̊r knees n pray. Let God lead U̶̲̥̅̊ all d way!!
the pastor is mad ...read 1cor 13:1 to d end...
Have you told him about it?
Does he believe in it?
Can the two of you genuinely pray about it together?
If after that you feel convinced, please marry him and live your life
Lol. 8years. And he still advices u 2keep on thinking.
O girl u go grow old 4house o. N r u sure ur pastor does not av ulterior motive, cos how come he never saw dis at say year 5 of ur relationship?
Did he n ur guy av any misunderstandin or diagreement?
If u luv d guy, then marry him?
U would av known all there is 2know about one another now, i av a friend couple dt married after just 2months of meetin.
Can't u hear 4m God urself?
How many of ur pastor's son r yet 2marry, maybe he wants u 2marry one of them.
It takes a lot 4a guy 2make up his mind n pop d question, now u want him 2start all ova again. Na ur pastor go marry u o.
You have made up your mind!!! Why then are you telling us??? NEXT.
Have heard such cases n @ d end it dint work out! Take your time n pray again. Only God can see u through
maybe your Pastor is right maybe he is wrong. But the solution is simple, prayer can answer anything, that being said, since you've prayed about it, tell your Pastor to pray as well! :-)
You said u prayed about it, right? If you trust your relationship with God, go ahead. But if your pastor is putting Afang soup on your table, leave your man & start 'man-hunting' at 29. Goodluck.
A stich in time saves nine and my dear, you can't eat your cake and have it. Do his predictions always turn into reality? ask yourself. If yes, i tell you it's a no-go area. Dont stop praying about it. May the lord helpyu
I am Nneka,
This is a very common problem unfortunately. People need to be careful not to idolise their pastor. You have successfully made decisions about your life all 29 years. why now does someone else get to decide for you. Am not saying you should be head strong,but not all visions are worth heeding. so,since your head and heart has gotten you this far,go ahead with your heart.my neighbour is 35,her pastor rejected her boyfriend of back then and sadly she is still waiting for the supposed premonitioned groom that is yet to come
Stop patronising pastors as if they hold the key to ur destiny,God is not far ,u can go to God urself and ask him to guide you.He is the God of all,not the God of only pastors.We have several marriages that pastors certified and have crashed today,so what should we call that,may be the pastors did not hear from God afterall.My dear go to GOD in prayers and he will answer and stop putting ur life in the pastors hands because they just as ordinary as u are ,only God is supreme to all.
I tink she shld kneel before God nd pour out her heart 2 him cos she really needs 2 hear 4rm God herself!!
Just because the pastor said it, doesn't mean it will happen. Pastors are men of God, but they are not God. You as a child of God need to pray about it as well. And know that when you do get married - you and your husband have to put God first in all things that you do. Just pray about it and talk to your husband about being more spiritual in your relationship. What God has joined together - no man can put asunder. Good luck!
What's the point of knocking it before trying it... Follow your heart, for all you care, you pastor might have ulterior motives... Ladi
I really believe u should follow your heart. I am not saying your pastor is right or wrong. Bt I have heard stories myself. Whatever makes you HAPPY.
The answer to your dilemma is exactly two posts below your post on LIB. Read Okotie's proxy interview below and be properly advised. Why do you people put yourselves in such situations where a pastor has to green light your choice of spouse? Like seriously! You've been together 8 years and a pastor allegedly sees a vision and that puts you in a bind? Well, "god" also told Okotie that Stephanie was the chosen one and that she was going to bear him twins. We all know how that turned out! You and only you are in a position to know whether he is the right person for you. Good you know that no marriage or relationship is perfect. It requires constant work to make it work. Pray to God and follow your heart. Wish you the best and congratulations in advance!
You should listen to your pastor girl, dat is if he is really one
Why not pray to God to review to you if is the man for you or not. He listen to every prayer we say. Rember the least your pastor can do is to join you not make your home. They cant manage your home for you. My dear if is the man for you what will be will be........
Lady, in all sincerity you have nothing to fret over! You don't jump off an eight-year cruise just becos this 'man of God' says jump. Thats ridiculous. His reasons do not hold water. If after deeply scrutinizing your boo you have no single evidence that corroborates dear pastors claim about wanting out why give it tot? If what your pastor said were to be true, you should have noticed some warning signs long before but which you maybe chose to ignore. Of course these 'signs' must have been known to ONLY you and not pastor. Im guessing the pastors in your church arent celibate. Are you even sure he isn't even jealous? just saying
This is a very hard one. But there is something I want to ask,is the pastor married? Are you sure he's not tripping for you? Well pastors are human beings and God speaks to them but I know that if you as a person pray to God he will speak to you too. Pray and know if God will tell you the same thing if not then follow your heart. Ask God to show you a sign ok. Don't be confused.
Dear Bride-to be,
If you feel at peace with your relationship, please go on with your plans.
If you have sought the Lord over the matter and your heart is still leading you on, please go ahead and marry him.
No man should tell you who to marry. God is the author of marriage and only him should you consult on this issue. Let God lead you and hear from him DIRECTLY and not through any man. #myopinion#
pure rubish.......
sweetheart go on ur knees and pray to God urself! remember dese Pastors are not perfect, has any of ur parents met ur man? how do dey feel about him? for d fact dat wateva vision he saw was u walking away from d union and not him, it shows ur man definitely loves u so if u MUST believe wat ur pastor says den u should pray for urself so dat d devil will not make u loose a good man! for all u know ur pastor might want u for himself *rolls eyes*
Follow ur heart nd kip praying
In times like this it is very easy to feel like you are ready to take a risk and plung into it ,but are you sure you love him. beacuse that would be what will be tested after you marry him and it really would not make sense any more when you get hurt after you marry him and you are faced with problem and you start to douth why you married him in the first place. Have you really asked God , try and hear from him and what ever happens, you will have no regrets
Listening to ur pastors advice is very good but one thing u should realise is that pastors re human beings like u and I...they re bound to make mistakes. Why don't u call ur man..explain the situation to him both of u can agree and pray..seek the face of God and ask him to give u a sign.God answers prayers and he will never mislead u. Personally I don't believe in going to pastors for prayers...I go on my knees and talk to God myself and it has worked really well for me. This is a critical stage in ur life cuz u re abt to make a very important decision. Only God can help u, Not ur pastor. If ur pastor is right...God can confirm it to u and it makes things easier. don't make any decision based on what ur pastor tells u...make it based on what u hear from God
I tink u shuld follow ur hrt cos d pastor is jz a man of God not God,I tink ur hrt won't decieve u.
Im sorry but I have to call you an olodo.
Is it your pastor that will marry for you? Can't you talk to God on your own, if you have genuinely prayed and asked for God's guidiance and you still feel within your heart to marry this man then why the hell should the word of your pastor count.
Abeg babe no make me vex, what makes a marriage work is God and the TWO (not three) parties involved.
Ayave said my own oh.
Cant you pray for yourself? what do you mean your pastor saw a vision. He didnt see a vision all the years you were dating, why now?
Seek the face of God please. Your pastor is not God.
Are you sure he is not eyeing you himself.
Nonsense. No be only Vision na Mission.
My dear he is ur pastor ryt? If yes i believe u shld take wat he tells u. He is a man of God n sees d future, if u rily knw he is a true man of God then in as much as it hurts follow wat he says.
This was exactly what Pastor Adeboye said. What right does a man of God have to tell u who to or who not to get married to?? I'm sure this her pastor is single n has been eyeing her secretly.
Na pastor go decide 4 u hu u go marry? If d pastor no like d mata, quickly run leave him church go marry ur marry o. Abi ya pastor wan marry u? Free d church go marry jare
Ask yourself very deep questions and truthfully answer them. Does your bf have the fear of God in him? Do you think your bf can help you to fulfill your destiny and likewise? Does your vision for your life and vice versa complement each other? Just to ask a few....If you're at peace with the answers, then you're on the right path. Remember, marriage is a lifetime commitment. Don't make your pastor dictate who you're s'pose to spend the rest of your life with. If he's saying your bf isn't the one whom you're s'pose to marry, does he have someone else for you to marry. My dear, just seek the face of God and all will be well. God bless you.
Follow ur heart gurl!
Hello Dear,
Every man has a right to hear from God for his/her self, if you're a Christian, then you should hear God for yourself.
While I'm not saying your pastor is wrong, he's human and every human only knows in part.
Prophecies can be spoken, but man's choices determine if they'll come to past.
I wish I can give countless examples from the scripture, but I'll like you to do that yourself and find conviction in God.
But know this that your pastor's word is not final.
Pls be patients nd pray more, ask God to really speak concerning ur life partner, but i wil also advice dat u blank ur heart while praying, u can take time off to be alone wit God. I bet u God wil speak bcos He wil never allow His own to go astray. God bless nd see through IJN.
My dear I tink u should follow your heart, if the relationship has lasted 8yrs widout any inbetween breakups den u shld carry go. But pray about it too cos ur d one gettin married nd not your pastor
No be only vision.
Cant you pray for yourself?
Pastor didnt see this 8 years ago, why now?
Abi is pastor eyeing you for his relative as you dey financially ok.
Biko let me hear word. Seek God's face for your self joor or is anything wrong with you?
No need to be confused, besides God can turn things around for you.
No be only vision, na mission.
I personally think you should marry him but that's just me
i actually can tell what your pastor is up to, my question is dis: is ur fiance a member of ur church? if not , hence your pastor probably likes you or av feelings for you, d'nt want u to leave is church, cos if u get marry you will eventually leave to ur husband's church. however u said u re a devoted chorister, he might actually want to tie you down wit such a vision so you just av to pray to God about it and be WISE.
What I will say is get on your knees yourself and press the call botton directly to God because He knows best because na you go be in the marriage yourself not the pastor nor me ,so, be the pastor right or wrong you have to be very sure of what God wants for you.
NB:Try this, when ever you are alone,as if you are solloquysing,talk to God about this thing,there is no need of closing your eyes or anything,start talking as if you are talking to someone directly in your front you will be amazed my dear, but before anything let God speak to you directly and try to remember n pay much attention to your dreams,it is well n I wish you all the best,MARRIAGE is after the WEDDING and they are two different things,all the best!
When it comes to relationship and marriage issues it's only you and you alone that knows what u saw,see or hear ooo.If ur pastor said he saw vision tell God to show u a proof of that same vision if not, follow ur heart oooo. The pastor is a man of God and you are also a child of God.So u too can carry your own case to ur Father too.
Don't believe the pastor, he is not God almighty. Don't give your power away to this fake pastor by believing his fake vision. Your destiny is in your hands, have tremendous faith, walk in faith not by sight or audio for that matter. Have faith that your marriage will work and that no matter what problems you face in your marriage you will overcome them.
Believe in only one God....by listening to the pastor, you are making him your God
Well if u are ready to a take risk that is up to you but don't say u were not warn, and if u are going ahead with d wedding be very carefull bcos human change! all the best
My Dear bride to be! Marry the manor your dreams and change church
dear bride, i see no reason why u shld be confused. i will ask u a simple question is ur pastor ur God? please talk to God in prayers let him speak directly to u, ur pastor is human like u, ask God for his will and please follow ur heart dont let any pastor mislead u.
av u also thought about this...what if the pastor has a crush on u and he is jealous.something tells me the pastor has alterior motives. my father once told me... a pastor or man of God is what he is today because he dedicates his/her life to God, who says u cant be a better pastor. pls follow ur heart with prayers and i belive there is light at the end of the tunnel.
all the best.
Hmmn!pastors could be wrong cos they are not God,thank God she's a christain.I think she shd go2 God in prayers herself and could also talk 2oda men of God,its still d same father(GOD).pastors are human.
Since you are a Christian, you have equal access to God as your pastor has. Why don't you pray to God to show you what your pastor said he saw or Ask God by yourself. HEAR GOD FOR YOURSELF
Please pray about it very well and follow your heart after u av prayed well. God will direct you.
you already know what you want to do deep down your heart. what i can say to you is just follow ur heart. no one can choose your life partner for you.
E be like say your pastor na Chris Okotie
My dear young lady, kindly don't make mistakes by following what d pastor might hv said.Although age does not matter but to live a happy live is d most important aspect, so i will advise u commit your life nd d marriage to d hand of God with fasting nd prayer for 7days nd u give testimony.
So, confirm a few things for me just in case I missed anything:
You're going to listen to a pastor who had NO INPUT (no vision or message) these past 8 years, but you're going LISTEN now that you're about to TIE the KNOT??!!!
If its a marriage between you, the pastor and the guy, no problem. Otherwise, think for yourself and don't delegate a life decision to someone coz you're lazy to think for yourself. 8 years was no problem for you. Why shd it be now?
Pray mo abt it ok.nd if ur pastor is nt married mayb he is interested in you.hu knows jst sayin sha.but all d same if u ar willing to tk d risk nd if u love him so much nd u ar sure he loves u vry much.why not follow ur hrt dear God will c u tru.
i would expect that you have a personal relationship with God. why dont you pray? and ask God yourself hear what he has to say
Babe follow ur mind, its better dat way. There's no perfect man or woman anyway. Pray abt it ur self n consult other good men n women of God too. J.luv!
hmmm. a bit difficult but God can change things. go ahead and be prayerful my dear. God has d final say not the pastor
Please go to ur private room, fast and pray about it that if its true God showed that your pastor any revelation,God should also reveal that same revelation to you. Pastor are also human and can be very funny at times.
hmmmm. this is hard my dear.go ahead and be prayerful. God has the final say not the pastor.
If I were you, I will marry the man I love. Put your marriage in the hand of God, he will take control!
just follow ur hrt swty..i dnt trust dede pastors
follow your heart. I don't really trust all these pastors. If he keeps disturbing you about it then change your church.
I sometimes dont understand when things like this happen. Is it possible for God to let someone fall in love with a man and date the man for 8 years knowing that he is not the man for her? The same bible says "God will not bring someone far to leave him/her" There are various reasons why God could have given your pastor that vision and the most logical reason is for you both to commit your marriage into God's hands (should you marry him ofcourse. God is not an author of confusion. I say, pray about it personally and follow what God places in your heart.
Hell yea follow your heart, prolly your pastor even fancies you and wants you for keeps. camman!! babe it's YOLO!
My dear I will advice you follow your heart o, de vision can change with prayers since is what you want.... Just talk to God about it, cos sometimes de heart might be wrong
If your pastor is your God, leave the man, another girl will be happy....maybe pastor's daughter if he has 1 or his friends daughter.Is your call sha and i wish you well
While I do not believe in the "follow your heart" principle as the heart is very crafty and foolish, I also do not believe that you should take the man of God's word just like that. I had a similar experience where 4 different pastors said the man I was with was not going to be good for me. So what did I do? Some of these professed men of God might just be fakes so rather than take what I was told as truth, I went on my knees, fasted n told God everything in prayer. I told him that he knows my weakness and knows I have gone through a lot with the guy and did not have the guts to just break up with him. I also told God that I wont believe what anyone says that instead I will leave all to him and that his will be done and I will accept it. And what happened after that? The man left by himself suddenly...I did not have to break up with him or do anything, he left like something was chasing him and this was someone who was obviously in Love with me and told the world about it and was even already forcing me to marry him. All of a sudden he wanted out whether i liked it or not. And there was no warning, we were perfectly fine and all of a sudden he wanted it over with. Today I am grateful he left me because now I understand. If God speaks to people he can speak to you too. talk to God yourself and tell him all your pains and burdens from the bottom of your heart. Tell him your weakness and limitations and tell him that you know you want this or that but let his will be done and let him guide you accordingly. And trust me he will answer, all you have to do is believe. All the best o...
pls if you mind tells you to,please go ahead,God sees your innocent soul,pastors are not God
Do you trust your Man of God? The eyes that see are in the head, if your man of God is your spiritual head, then you should trust his words.
It is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you get, until you dive in. What does he want you to tell your man? Tell him that your pastor says it won't work out or find a different excuse to leave him.
Have you prayed about the relationship yourself? Do you know that God listens to and answers your prayers too? To get more marriage tips, visit http://www.wivestownhallconnection.com
Listen to your pastor. Then marry your pastor.
You are really dumb to believe in all what a fellow human being has to say. Is he GOD???!!! Pray and fast by yourself and ask God to bless your union. Moreover, your pastor could just want you for himself.;)
Omo Ijebu says so on HTC wildfire!
Wow! am also in the same situation his pastor told him the same thing while my pastor told me the same thing> but we are both going ahead. i hv known him for 5years and he is my first love.
My dear Pastors are human beings too. You need to seek God's face yourself. Take out time to pray and fast and also tell God to give you a sign or even make you part ways if ur not meant to be. Marriage is not something you go into out of sentiments.
I remember what Pastor Adeboye said about going to meet pastors to tell us who to marry or if the person we love is the right person for us.And i remember him advising us to pray and let the Holy spirit speak to us. Things of marriage is very sensitive and the person u should be talking to is the one that sees the end from the beginning. Take out time to pray and tell God exactly how u feel and u want to know what He has to say about it and please keep an open mind cos d man of ur dreams might really not be the one for u. God indeed speaks if u open ur heart to hear Him.Only Him knows what is best for u, dont make decisions based on how u feel or what your pastor says. I guess some people that have married and divorced felt the same way u are feeling about their partners before they tied the knot. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. I pray God will speak to u.
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