From a LIB reader:
Dear readers, I am in a relationship, about to get married next year. I have been dating my man for over 8 years, he proposed last year when we went on holiday to Paris. We both own our business, and we very okay financially. My man loves me very much, and I know he will do anything for me. The only problem I am having is my pastor is not happy about the relationship. I am in the choir and a committed member of my church. My pastor saw a vision during choir practice, and he called me to his office, saying my future husband is not the one for me, and the marriage will no last. He said he sees him walking away from the marriage, and I should not think about it.
Please continue...
Now, I am very confused, I love him very much, and I know that he won't hurt me. Should i take a huge risk leaving the man of my dreams, or listen to the man of God. My heart tells me to stay, we all know no marriage is perfect. I have invested so much in our relationship, we both have actually, and breaking his heart is the last thing i want to do. I am 29, and my man his 31. We are both ready to tie the knot. I have prayed about it, and honestly, I am ready to take a risk, and i have read articles, and people's testimonies that sometimes its better to follow your heart, and pastors can be wrong at times.
Now, what do you guys think?
Confused Bride To Be......
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 531 Newer› Newest»Your pastor is a jonzer, better follow ur heart or regret dis 4 life
Follow ur h@. Cos @ tyms d pastor mite b wrong and moreova u said u ve always prayed abt it. My dear,ders no perfect man out der.
but the pastor will not be living with you guyz. in the end its still your decision to make cos u guyz will have to live with each other for the rest of your lives. every thing in life is about risk. talk to God about it and not man. He will lead you right.
Follow your mind but note dt you neva can tell of a man,until you are married to him.Best of luck
Has your pastor been interested in you at any point in time in the past? If yes, you may follw your heart. If not, do not joke with what he has said pls
all church pple u confuse me atimes,do u need a pastor to c a vision for u?pray and fast to God urself and let him reveal d real situation for u...go on ur kneels,ur pastor may be rite/wrong...just talk to God ursef,hes d same God ur pastor is talkn to.
my dear i suggest you pray abt it..as a believer, if God told your pastor sometin concerning you then i believe God'l tell you too. Fast and pray pls. and if after doin all this, u still have peace in ur heart. Then pls go ahead and marry him..Wish you the very best
My advise to u is dis, forget about your pastor, he's a charlatan, he's just jealous, follow your heart and get married to the man of your dreams, if u chose to obey your pastor, I assure u, u'll remain single for d rest of your life, don't be foolish do d right tin and get married to d man of ur dreams, dat your pastor na badt guy,
Its not about what the pastor says..sometimes i doubt all these new generation churches cos the pastors want their brethren to get married within the church...
when you pray what does God tell you???? that's what matters
First and foremot i hope ur pastor is not pastor chris okotie cos he doen't c anything good in pple marriages. I bli ur pastor is not God so hold steadfast on your prayers and God will c u thru.Take care
hmmmmm, the only thing i can say is to listen to your heart, were you aware of Pastor Adeboye's admonition to young ladies concerning marriage partners? he said we should talk to God ourselves and not go to any Pastor for revelation, check it out on facebook or google to read it thoroughly, pray and fast, ask God fro some signs(mention those signs you want manifested) to God, and see if they manifest, better still send a mail to
princessofzion@rocketmail.com, her name is Amelia, she can guide you, but not choose for you.....its well!
My Dear God confirms his word from the mouth of two or three. You can seek God's face on the matter by fasting at least for 3 days.also ask other men of God to pray along with u too. if God say s No dnt fret he is the ALL KNOWING GOD he sees ur end from the beginning. darling Obedience is better than sacrifice
My dear pls listen to ur heart and marry the man of ur dreams, with prayers God will make it work, am begging u. Do not make the mistake of a life time, pastors do make mistakes too and moreover God that made it possible for both of u to be together all this while will make it work if u pray to him. A friend of mine was told to do the same thing by her pastor when he took her husband to be to him, she foolishly listened and left the man, up till now she is still single pushing 35, the man has since married another. She regrets it everyday, she has even stopped going to d church.
Pastors can be decieving with their messages sometimes. They don't see clearly sometime tho most times they see. Better follow your heart and be ready to bear anything that comes out of it. *go and marry Ūя̲̅ man oo. Don say i told u̶̲̥̅̊ ooi
My dear, no LIB reader can help you. If you know your pastor is a Man of God and anointed, then listen to what he tells you. You may not know what God is saving you from now, but with time all we become clear to you.
My dear sister, follow your heart and marry the man you love or better still seek another pastor for prayers
Pastors are not the only ones that can pray. Pray hard, if u can then fast too. Then if you're still convinced that u shoud marry him then go ahead. Sometimes, the people will look to for guidance can still have ulterior motives. Did your pastor tell you that another man is on the way? Or will you just leave this man and wake up ten years later to still be unmarried. Maybe he doesn't want u to leave his church. Pls follow your heart, at least if something goes wrong you won't be wondering what would have happened and if its a smooth sail all the way, then you'll be happy you did. Don't leave a man that God may have programmed for you just cos your pastor said. Pray and get your own answer. Cheers
Follow your mind my dear; Pastors are not always in the spirit. They make mistakes too. 3 yrs ago, I prayed before I got Married to my gorgeous wife and all the pastors gave me the go ahead to marry her dt she was d best. You know what? contrary to all what the so called "pastors" said. I am sacrificing a lot to make the marriage work. I have never seen a very disrespectful woman like that in my entire life, I am a good man, I am not dt rich but I am a multimillionaire, so it's not coz i am poor and i am very great in bed too. but i guess, I am giving her too much attention and We are in the process of E*d*** it soon. I don't know why my wife wld choose to ridicule me all the time. i believe i am doing everything to make her happy. Dt being said, pls use ur brain and follow your heart. If u can say boldly dt he loves you; common! what are u waiting for? Pple do not appreciate what they have, not until it is gone.
My dear follow your heart and marry the man of your dreams, ofcourse no marriage is perfect just rely on God that all will be well. take care
CHANGE CHURCH!!!! good men are hard to come by these days..#justsaying
why do women love to follow pastors blindly? I don't recall any prophet in the bible choosing a wife or husband for anyone. My dear follow your heart, in lfe there are no guarantees.
If you are close to God, you will know what he is saying about your relationship. Don't act on what the Pastor said alone,know the mind of God. Maybe your Pastor doesn't want you to leave his church.
my dear we dont knw wat 2mao holds for us, no matter how sweet today is you dont nw how 2mao will be. wat am saying is i knw you love your fiance so much plus you have dedicated so much into the relatioship but i think you listen to your pastor and also ask God to show you if He wants you to leave the man. i assure you that God will answer you. you dont want to marry the guy and then 2mao he will become you nightmare.
May God direct ypu.
U av been together for 8 yrs? Now datz real love, so y not follow ur heart my dear, he has been with since u were 21, barely an adult, no doubt there has been a few hiccups but which relationship doesn't av d@, I kno deep down ur heart, he is all u want for a husband, y not marry him and settle down for a lifetime of happiness,....u wanna leave ur supposed life partner of 8 yrs bcos ur pastor told u so? Someone who proposed to u in france? Aw romantic is d@? Abeg give me d guy no make I give my cousin wey dey look for husband o jare....
If u say u r a committed member in church, 1st things 1st, talk to God about your relationship...2ndly, i dont think marriage should be a risk taking step. U should be sure of what u want and not taking a risk for it. 3rdly, if u believe in ur pastor, i think u should also ask God to speak to u deeply..."for God is not an author of confusion". I wish u all d best n please, dont take any risk, b sure u r convinced enough n leave sentiments aside just cos u've bn together for 8yrs. I walked away from one a month to d wedding after being together for about 6 yrs, though i almost allowed sentiments get in d way but i left n today, i'm glad i did. In a nutshell, hear from God urself.
oh dear this is really tough.....but i would like u to wake up every 12am for 3days and pray to GOD. tell him to show u a sign and trust me he will,either in a dream or a vision
well dear bride to be i will advise you follow your heart and hold yourself responsible for your actions. pray and seek God's face go read Jere 33 vs 3 and 2Chron 20 : 20
Now I'll just tell you like Pastor E.A Adeboye says it " he who Finds a wife, not he who the Pastor finds a wife for, NEVER let any Pastor choose your partner for you. They are FAKE!!!!!!" I'm sure you're an influential member of the choir, you bring money to d church and ur hubby doesn't attend the church. If that's d case, it means ur "pastor" is tryna deceive you so you don't leave the church to ur hubbys church. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. God bless u and ur home.
Pls follow ur hrt, unles he knws d reason for his walkn away. Or u sure say he is nt intrested in u as well. Vision my foot! Moreover wia is ur own faith dat u ve to wait for stupid vision bfor ur marriage can go on.mtcheeeeeeeew!
Pastor ko pastor ni, my dear marry the guy joor. Just pray and fast about it and follow your heart. Sometimes these so called Pastors see shit. Is he the God that created you? The God that brought you to it, would see you through it. Your Pastor doesnt want to loose you in the choir or better still, he might like you!He is a human being at the end of the day. If you are determined that your marriage would work, it would work, with God on your side. Also please discuss with your mother too. If you sit down and listen to this guy, you would have yourself to blame years later.*pastor said my foot* Good luck my dear!
I believe your pastor can pray with you to God to stop ur husband from walking away after marriage. God is a merciful God and there is nothing he cannot do.
My darlyn..its not about what ur Pastor is saying or what he saw in a vision...d question is What is God saying to u....wateva God says to u is what u should work with dearie
Follow ur heart and forget abt ur pastor. All dis fake pastors and their stupid visions. Maybe he has a crush on u sef. Pls go on wit ur rship. Linda,if u like dnt post my comment o.
babe follow your heart. I dont know much about your relationship with your pastor.
1. is your fiancee also a member of your church? (your pastor does not want to loose you to another church)
Your pastor will not live in d same house with you. if i type my testimony here ehn about dreams and church story story.... i wont finish today. bottom line is i am married to my hearthrob, going on 3years, blessed with a wonderful son, our love kps getting stronger by d day. We have our chalenges oo, theres no marriage that does not have its own fair share, its how you handle it that matters most. I always tell people, theres nothing prayer cannot do. Please follow your heart
My dear, follow your hrt
In as much as you have prayed to God about the relationship and you are convinced that your man is the one, my advice is that you should go ahead and marry your man. don't forget ur pastor is a human being like you, he is not GOD, my dear be wise. Abo oro lanso f'omoluabi.....
Honestly, i think u shud pray about it and let God speak to u himself and u shud still give ur relationship a lil more time amd watch closely for bad traits that u think u wont be able to cope wiv wen y'all are married....cos 8years aint no joke tho...
my dear if dis has nt happened to my elder sister who is also 29 now wt one kid i would hv ask u to go ahead and dnt listen to d pastor just d way i told my elder sister 4years ago,but NO pls listen to him cos i wount even let an enemy mk decieme mistake my elder sister made,to my sister every thing was alright 4years ago just lk is to u now she was so much inlove and so ready to get marriend to dat devil when dis woman of God told her that she saw a vision where d marriage was hell and saw d man walk away, my sister told my people what d woman of God said and everybody ask her to listen to d woman of God and dnt marry d man but she refused and i was d only one who suported her seeing how deeply inlove she was wt d man and how serious she swear nt going bck or listen to d woman of GOD or listening to my parents i was d only one who suported her,she went ahead wt d marriage and after 2years of d marriage d marriage becomes hell till lastmonth when they finally got divorced after disgracing my sister's name wt so much lies everywhere,my dear i personally dnt use to beleive all those pastors too and there vision i even spit on d woman's face by calling her a fake prophet to her face and enemy of progress nt knowing she was so right cos i went there wt my sis that day cos me and my sis are very close and even looks lk mates and my sister stoped going to her frm that day,so my dear becareful dnt take those visions for granted and dnt tink is a lie as long as u are nt d one who went to seek for d vision urself just lk my sister did nt go to seek d vision herself she was caled just lk u so my dear becareful cos am a living witness to my sis case,i cry everyday for her wishing i can turn bck d hands of time cos nw she feels lk d world has abandoned her, cos then she has so many suitors upto 8suitors very rich frm different places at that time and she choose dis one out of them and made a grave mistake,d one d woman told her among those 8suitors that was surpose to be her husband frm God is already married now wt 2kidds,so becareful my dear thou ur faith wt her is nt deciem but stil becareful dnt take those vision for granted atall cos tings might seem better nw but u cant speak for 2morow,gudluck.
that your pastor is a secret admirer to you beware cos he may propose to you or lure you into sex in the name of anointing, FOOLISH PASTOR
It is better you follow your heart. Why has pastor not said anything for the past eight years and just saying it now? No marriage is perfect, every marriage turns out to be what the actors make it to be. If you are determined with your man, Prayer is the key. Remember, prayer change people and people change things. Nothing is above prayer my dear.Both of you can make it happen.
Hello Bride To Be... I will ask you this first, Are you born again? Is your fiance born again? and do you have a real and pure relationship with God? If yes, then you do not need to be confused.
Go on your knees and pray to God yourself. If you have close friends who are born again and Spirit-filled... you guys should seek God's face together...
God does not hide from his children whether they are pastors or church members.
If what your Pastor saw is truly from God, God himself will confirm it to you or through another means.
In the meantime, pray with your partner as well.
If your partner isn't born again (like you), den there's problem.
Fear not! Pray hard! All is well.
It is better you follow your heart. Why has pastor not said anything for the past eight years and just saying it now? No marriage is perfect, every marriage turns out to be what the actors make it to be. If you are determined with your man, Prayer is the key. Remember, prayer change people and people change things. Nothing is above prayer my dear.Both of you can make it happen.
that your pastor is your secret admirer a pedophilia be warned marry your man dont be misled, by so called man of God. nonsense
My dear that is why you have d HolySpirit. Talk to Him amd LISTEN. Sometimes we ask d Holyspirit to guide us but we listen to our mind. Pray fervently in tongues,study God's word. Fast and open ur spirit to receive. Marriage is not a joke o. It is better to remain unmarried than marry a wrong person...
Current Obsession
No marriage is perfect and sometimes the Man of God may be too ambitious. We always have our share of the blame when our union collapses. So I say get on with the Marriage, put your pastors comments aside and continuing investing heavily in your relationship and i bet you will have lots of reasons to smile.
My dear sister it is good to be with whom you love, it is only love that can make's you happy. let your mind be with God and pray very well over it, there is nothing prayer can not change.
As long as you believe that God is on your side let no man tell you otherwise. Happiness is what you make of it. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. follow your heart and let God lead u for he would not lead you astray.
Abeg no listen to any pastor, except he is ready to immediately produce a better version of your fiance
mehn o mehn girl, this is kinda tough. If your pastor had prophecied in your life or other peoples' and it came to pass. But if the reverse is the case, go with your heart darling!
Sanctify urself n pray about it,God talks to us always, listen to God. Your pastor doesn't have franchise of vision and God's advice. You can also tap into dt anointing ie if ur pastor has it. Goodluck.
My dear u better marry ur man. since u were dating him ur pastor did not see vision that he is not the man for u abi? mcheeew. if several other people have come to you advising you not to marry, then maybe we can say Mr. Pastor has a point, but if he is the only one please tell him to park well! after 8 years, is it easy. pray about it (after all ur pastor does not have monopoly on talking to God) and if ur heart is still with ur man please go ahead and marry. if the pastor likes let his ban u from the church, churces are a dime a dozen these days. Good luck!
Wow! Well if it were me, I will go ahead with the marriage! The man loves me and i love him too. Besides sometimes all this pastor vision things are usually fake! Abi the pastor dey eye U?
Babe my candid advice to you is to go on with the wedding! After all even sleeping is a risk! so pursue your happiness!!
My dear , follow your heart. There's as much God in you as any pastor, if you connect to him. You dont have any reservations so go for it Marry the man of your dreams.
I will advise you to marry this man and if you have been together for 8 years and he still proposed to you then he is your man. Do not mind that pastor because he is not GOD.Check the pastor´s family background, you will realize that it is not all well with every member of his family.Believe me most of the pastors are simply fake and claim what they are not spiritually.I wish you a good home and may your husband continue to cherish and love you forever in JESUS NAME, amen amen amen
"i have prayed about it and honestly i Am ready to take the risk". Den y are u stil askin wot 2do? My point is ppl's opinion dos nt matter. U av 2 think deeply abt it n reach a decision.. Cus me i dunno woh 2say rily.. D situation is sooo confusin.. Its ur choice.. God wil put u thru..
i think you should pray about it,spend some time alone with God, let him know that HIS will only you will do, you might also have to fast, stay away from ur bf and pastor, forget what ur pastor told you and just wait and listen to the voice of God......and you wont be disappointed.
My sister, marriage is not a bed of roses. although a pastor foresaw such for you, you are the one involved here. if you have a wonderful relationship with God, He'd reveal to you what He really wants out of your relationship not some pastor's vision.
The Pastor may be right but it only takes a conviction in your heart from God to make a decision. my dear, no matter what, God would never leave you out on this one, just commit everything to His care and see things manifest to your favour and His glory.
my dear,i must tell u d fact....dnt mind ur pastor,the thing is dat u hav to follow ur heart,it will a sad event 4 u nd 4 ur man..so get marry 2 him,nutin is going 2 happen..ok.
Dear, This is the mistake we christians make... It is not about any vision your pastor... sees. What do you see? You have a personal relation with God, Don't you? Have you spoken to him? Don't rely on what pastors say!!! It's your decision to make and not your pastors'. Go to God in prayer and make your decision. All the BEST!!!
People need to stop letting religion lead them on the path of stupidity.
How the hell is it the pastor's business who you want to marry?
Is your pastor coming to live in your house with you?
Or maybe sleep in the same bed with you and your husband?
Why do people allow random "religious" people with "visions" to make them all sorts of nonsense.
You don't even know if the vision he saw was from God or was because he has schizophrenia.
Even if you and your husband end up getting divorced, it's alright. There are 7 billion people on the planet and nobody's life is perfect.
Do yu believe in your pastor? Does he know about this relationship? Is your fiance a member of your church or is he a bor again christian? Ask him to dig deeper while you equally pray more. There is need for further clarification on why the man would walk away from you. For me, critically analyse the man and if you feel you can cope with him, go ahead and marry him.
your pastor is no God, u can pray, so between now and next year you an pray and if there is anything wrong in marring the guy you will c it if not go ahead and marry him......there is nothing like the perfect man and the perfect woman.... have faith in your prayers and your God, the God we worship is not a wicked God......think about it
I think you should pray hard yourself, and also go to another man of God to pray about it to.
Hello Sweet bride, follow your heart and commit everything to God. God knows best and He will guide you right in this. No man can say how long a marriage would last. The only constant thing is change but God is unchangeable. Seek no man's counsel in this matter but God's. Pray about it. Your Pastor may be right but I believe he was given that vision to help you pray ahead about whatever may happen in future. Read through the Bible and you would find that all revelations that were spoken once the people turned back to God all prophesies were voided. That is the God we serve. Your Pastor should pray with you on this matter to ensure it does come to past in your life instead of asking you not to go ahead with the marriage. Remember Nineveh, Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat this should guide you babes on what your next steps should be. So long...
dear, take it easy i bliv nd pray ur mariage is a suces
My wife's pastor told her the same, that was before we got married, we dated for 8 years too, she was also in the choir but some months to the wedding the pastor changed his so called ''vision'' that we were meant for each other, all I would advise is for you to pray on your own and never belief in what pple say about you. you will attract what you want into your life by your belief and thought.
miss confused bride to be please follow your heart and pray over it.
Maybe your pastor likes you. 'MAYBE'...
Your pastor is not God, even if he saw it the result is not for him to tell you to walk away, it is for you to work harder and pray harder. and above all find theowrd of God that ministers to you about marriage and continue to declare it. I ha ve been told many things but God is the only one that can tell me a thing and i will believe. I was told not to marry without getting pregnant because of long story, not one pastor atleast 3 supposed men and woman of God, I decide to fast and use the bible passage of child beraing and one month into my marriage i took in and i have a boy. God shows us the future so we can pray about it and not run from it.
seriously? swthrt its not in this era people wait for their pastors to see visions for them....pray abt it n follow ur hrt...biko....
First of all is your pastor Chris Okotie?
Darling.....please and please.....Listen to your heart. go down on your own knees, if it entails prayer and fasting, do it. Seek the face of God and his instruction by your self. For me, i need to get that conviction from baba God to call off my marriage. Thank your pastor very well and let him know you will seek Gods face, on the matter.
I am not saying do not listen to Men of God oh....because God has put them there for us as a guide. However, you need to be sure you're in the right. Ask God, show me a sign, something that will be sooooooo glaring that this marriage may be a mistake.
All the best!
This is d reason u shld hv a personal rlshp wit ur God. No pastor is in d position to tell u who or who not to marry...he is not d HolySpirit! Go to God by urself and ask God to give u peace if ur guy is the one. N if he's not let God expose wot u need to know. God is mercful. He wont let u brood in darkess. Dont know why some men of God keep confusing people
...swthrt its not in this era that people wait for their pastors to see visions for them...commune with God personally n follow ur hrt...biko #sealedlips 2 dat pastor!!!!
i think u shud follow ur heart, eight years aint no joke.....or does ur pastor have a replacement at hand ni...
Tie the knot.pray about it and petition God to minister to u directly-ljc herald
Ma dear do ur prayers towards it nd ask God to let u kn d truth kk....dnt jst quit d r/ship cz of ur pastor....jst be careful nd follow ur hrt.
Hi dear,
Pls ma, kindly follow your mind!!! Do not even try otherwise.
my dear pls follow your heart and talk to God about this (tho i know u must have been talking to him). that same access ur pastor has to God is the same u have. God can equally talk to u so my take is that u go to him and trust me he will tell u what to do. don't let your pastor mislead u cos that's what it seems to me that he's doing now. i wish u the best dear.
Na Chris Okotie be ur pastor? My sis follow ur heart ooooooo! Hmmm, all these pastors are full of shit. They dnt hear nadda.....infact for most of them, their spiritual ears are totally dead. I don talk if u like nor hear!!!
Pls if u know u are in love with your guy and your heart tells u its right let no man tell u other wise pastor or not. 8 years is plenty time to know if u can stay with him or not, and to me your not taking a risk your following your heart and if u leave your perfect man cause the man of God says so, u have yourself to blame. 8 years is not 8 months or days. And more over being a pastor doesn't make u a God.
i tink u shud follow ur heart, eight years aint no joke, and nobody said marriage is a bed of roses, so far u understand ur man wella, when nd IF dat time comes, ensure you weather the storm, its only gonna make ur duo stronger.....abi ur pastor has a replacement at hand ni.....
first of all,no pastor can tell me who is meant for me.all i need a pastor to do is to pray with me.my darling.you are the one wearing the shoes if you feel ok please go with it.your pastor has not been in your relationship with you so he cant really say who is meant for you.besides how come your pastor is just seeing the vision now,what happened over 8 years ago.please my dear go ahead!this pastors' act of deciding who to marry or not is so annoying.PLEASE GO AHEAD PROVIDED YOU ARE OK WITH YOUR FIANCE AND YOUR MIND IS AT REST WITH HIM!THE SAME LOVE THAT KEPT YOU TWO TOGETHER FOR OVER 8 YEARS WOULD SEE YOU TWO TOGETHER.also keep praying for God's direction.
What are your Parent saying?
Well, follow your heart. cos left for me, i will prefer to make ma own mistakes and learn from it...
na wa ooo dis is hard,my advice everyone in your house to pray including ur parents nd him inclusive...... honestly am not into all dis pastors seeing tins nd all dat.....y didnt he see d tin early b4 u wasted 8years of ur life with d guy ehnnnn, all dis pastors .....na wa oh.My dear just pray with ur entire family him inclusive.
i tink u shud follow ur heart, eight years aint no joke, nd nobody said marriage is a bed of roses, so far understand ur man wella, when nd if dat time comes, ensure you weather the storm its only gonna make ur duo stronger.....abi ur pastor has a replacement at hand ni.....
i tink u shud follow ur heart, eight years aint no joke, nd nobody said marriage is a bed of roses, so far understand ur man wella, when nd if dat time comes, ensure you weather the storm its only gonna make ur duo stronger.....abi ur pastor has a replacement at hand ni.....
Dear confused bride to be, you are a christian and you read the bible. Please show me IN THE BIBLE anywhere where a pastor chose a spouse for an individual? As far as me I know oh, only God did so for Adam (and we see how that turned out) and the prophet Hosea, (who God wanted to use as an analogy).
If God didn't want you to marry this man, he would let you know first and then He would need to confirm it in at least two or three witnesses (as the scripture says) not only through a vision by your pastor.
Nothing in this life is assured, everything is a risk. In my very humble opinion, this caution from your pastor should be considered seriously and it should make you more sensitive to the challenges that will occur but more importantly, it gives you and your spouse more motivation to put all doubts to rest and make your marriage thrive! Carry go and marry your guy joor.
Linda Ikeji, please upload this comment and stop ignoring my comments joor.
Pls go ahead with ur plan, n ask for the breath of th holy spirit to breath upon the marriage. Nothing is impossible with him. I wish u d best of luck
follow ur @ sis. 8yrs no b joke oooo
Follow ur heart my dear, pastors aint god... If its not God's will, it won't evn happen @all, Marry d man u luv n allow God perfect his works in ur life. And pls don't allow psycology play on u, if u hv issues lata in d marriage, its not abt d pastors prophesy, its jst d downs of marriage, it happens. If its not God's will, God wil talk 2 u not thru d pastor cos d bible say dat God "hears evn d silent prayer of a sincere heart" God bless ur union as u tie d knot *hug*
My dear, forget the fake prophesy. Aint u a child of God too abi hearing frm God is an exclusive right of pastors? Infact, for me, i have lost confidence in most of these pastors. I will rather go on my knees and follow my mind rather than seek a confused pastor. If u hv total peace within u without being infatuated, pls go ahead.
The only thing that really matters is that you have prayed an dyou have peace about it. God speaks to Pastors but He speaks to us also. Always better for you to hear by your self and confirm. Ask other people you trust to pray with you n your fiance then make your decision. God's grace......BTW some MOGs are fake too, you should know by other htings what categories he falls into
Ok, there is the Perfect will of God and also there is the permissive will of God. If its God will for you both not to Get married then i know God has better plans for you, and if you God ahead after the spiritual warning if it turns out so, believe me , you may live to regret it all your life.
The bible also permits two or more spiritual confirmation, c'mon there are a handful amount of men of God out there you can meet concerning this issue.
My Point : Don't despise what your pastor said, it needs to me confirmed from the mouth other MOG.
first is the pastor married? If No, then follow ur mind dear. But if yes why is it now that he is seeing the vision. Pls beware of fake MOG. The mistake people do is to inform there pastors their actions and inactions which is very unwise. Ur plans preceed while ur pastor guide u through. Prayer without work is failure. God bless u.:::::::::::::: Pastor Mac of the Christ Advocate Ministry (CAM).
Madam pray and fast profoundly over it and let God give you the vision and then you'll follow what God gives you...
Something that delicate, after 8 years, maybe God would have showed it to you and not your pastor.
Please ignore the pastor and follow your man. Pastors are mostly human prone to sentiments too.
Besides nothing is etched in stone. With enough prayer, even things destined to happen can be undestined.. there are several examples in the bible. I don't wanna start preaching on linda's evil blog ;) God is very very very considerate.
My dear, i'll say if you feel you want to take the risk, go ahead, but remember you will be bearing the consequences as well.
And again, if you've taken your pastor as your head, you should consider obeying him.
yes fine your pastor has told you about the vision(NO problem you must respect spiritual authority). BUT Thank God you know Him(God).....I assume since you are in the choir. God cannot lie get down on your kneels and spend time with God. Tell God if you have spoken to my pastor confirm it to me in your own way. God is not an author of confusion if he speaks he cannot contradict himself.so wait on HIM and let HIM confirm his word to you too.Papa Adeboye recently talked about singles waiting for prophets to see vision on who they will marry. I just want to get the picture because this is nothing to be confused about abeg........be wise spiritually.
My dear, even the bible says that it is the spirit of a man that knows a man, and it is the Spirit of God that knows God. If you and God are on the same page about this matter after you have prayed about it, then go ahead and follow your heart. Besides, why didn't this Pastor see this 'vision' before your man proposed to you? It is your life, don't let anyone decide for you, pastor or not. You might as well change church sef...
Pray yourself and ask God for direction. my 1st comment on LI, whoop whoop. lol
I believe yu should pray about it and hear from God by yourself. You said you are a christian and a committed member of your church choir. I hope you have a personal relationship with God. Go to him personally and hear what he has to say concerning the issue. Sad to say, but some Pastors often have their own agenda too. So you have to know God has told you about your marriage and hold on to God's word whenever the trying times come.
As a way of confirming what you have heard God say, you may ask some trusted spiritual elder to pray with you too. Just remember that you should pray without any 'idol' in your heart. Pray with a willingness to hear from God and to obey him, whatever the answer may be.
God bless you.
follow ur heart, dear
my dear...if God has a purpose for your life, He will show you, our God is not a God that he will lie. Now your pastor has seen a vision in your life that you havent seen for 8years. my advice to you is...you should be happy no matter what you do in life, your happiness comes first. if you sincerely believe in your heart at the privates of your inner thought that you will be happy with this man, you better marry him.
the problem with we Nigerian christians these days is we never believe we can communicate with God directly. you need to meet the wholesaler, forget the retailer, cos ure never going to get full value for your money.
My boyfriend's good friend is happily married now with a 5year old kid. He thanks God everyday for making that decision because he was also a worker in church and like you his pastor refused him to marry his wife. so he left the church and got married. Now the imagination of him not marrying his wife alone makes him sick. he is very happy and has been married for 6yrs now.
Dearie, follow ur heart joor. Btw, wt wc powa d pastor dey use? Who called n anointed him? Ask him if nt ur bf den who? Tell him 2 go on his knees n pray 4 d impossible 2 b possible afta al dts y God reveals tins He dosnt wnt 2 happen. Wt prayers d crooked hs bin med straight, d rough smooth etc. Wishn u a gud spirit of discernment...cheersDearie, follow ur heart joor. Btw, wt wc powa d pastor dey use? Who called n anointed him? Ask him if nt ur bf den who? Tell him 2 go on his knees n pray 4 d impossible 2 b possible afta al dts y God reveals tins He dosnt wnt 2 happen. Wt prayers d crooked hs bin med straight, d rough smooth etc. Wishn u a gud spirit of discernment...cheers
Pastor Adeboye’s Message To Singles On Marriage
Those of you who go to your pastor to pray for you and tell you who to marry, if care is not taken, you will become a victim of lies. You are simply lazy. No pastor or prophet should tell you who to marry.
They are to pray along with you, counsel and guide you using the Word of God. If you fail to pay the price to hear from God on that matter, you may be deceived.
God can use your pastor or a genuine prophet of God to confirm what He had already told you. Many homes have been established on falsehood and that is why things are falling apart and the center can no longer hold. Some pastors are seriously into match-making.
They have taken over from the Holy Spirit. Match-making remains God’s prerogative and He has not delegated it to any pastor.
And in case you don’t know, God removed his hand from matchmaking after Adam told him “It was the woman you gave to me that gave me of the fruit and I did eat”.
Pls madam, i advice you to follow your heart, our conscience is the purest witness we have. the basic issue there is does your man fear God and does he love you, if yes, then go ahead and marry your man. U do not need a seer when it comes to marriage, the marriage is for you and the man alone, no seer will and should accompany you into your marriage. and always keep your affairs to yourselves, lest you walk into the same counsel of the same seers and they will begin to make issues where there is no issue.and you will begin to torment yourself and at the same time torment your man thereby giving their prophesy a fertile ground in your marriage. my people use to say ONYE KWE, CHIYA EKWE!
Does your man have the fear of God?. follow you heart and make it work. no marriage is a first class ticket to paris...... some of these pastor don't always have pure motives... (am not saying your pastor is wrong). you pray about it, follow your heart and make God the pillar of your home.
The pastor has sexual interest on you. Please do not mind him.
it's not about ur long relationship, ur age , ur successful biz, or ur luv 4 him. a word has come concerning ur future; good or bad, though i think it should be goood,what if by 35,u r divorced. if i was in ur shoes i won't panick, just go back to God in prayers and fasting to confirm the words of ur pastor, and ultimately for a way forward for u, u also have access to GOD
marry the dude already!!!......remember the case of the king in the old testament that the priest told him to put his affairs in order cos he was goin to die, he prayed to God and God extended his years...pray about it and let God guide u....is the pastor single?...*mute*
it means ur pastor can see the future, but no powers of prayers to correct the future
Don't listen to him. This is how pastors in naija are becoming mini dictator. How do u know the man has no hidden reasons? Don't forget that before being a pastor, he is a MAN- he is not God himself.
Speak to your Mum and Dad about it and let them pray, if they have bad feelings or questionable concerns your pastor is right.
The bible said in all ur ways acknowledge him and he will direct ur parts.my dear since u have prayed n sought the face of God n he gave his approval then go ahead with d marriage plans.forget wat ur pastor sees cos some of these pastors are confused.i am talking from experience.Who knows if ur pastor is not even interested in u.bible says u should test all spirits.If u have that inner peace around u then go ahad but both of u should pray well for Gods approval n not pastors approval or wat he saw in d spirit.
My dear the best thing to do is follow your heart and trust in God, you can always find another church but God will always remain in you. Pray about it as a couple and got through pre-marital counseling and leave the rest to God.
Learn from People's mistake, don't let it dawn on you before u read the handwriting on the Wall. Pray Harder, give it more time don't mind the years you have been with him because,a broken relationship is much better than a broken Marriage. Ask God for a sign which you can confirm yourself. For every good marriage requires 3(P's) 1. Parental Consent, 2. Pastoral Consent and 3. Persona PEACE. Thank you.
Personally,I think you have same access kthe pastors have to God so why not go on your knees and seek God's face and whatever convincing revelation he gives you,go with it. To cut it short,seek God the more and receive a straight and direct answer,he will never leave u or misdirect you.
My dear...follow ur heart ooo! Lemme share a story of my very close pal. He was dating this girl, and at some point he proposed to her and wen the wedding got closer, he lost his job, and his family blamed it on the girl as bad luck. Just to prove to their son she was no gud, they went to all manner of place and was told thesame thing that notting gud will come out of the marriage, that if my friend dares, he will be doomed for the rest of his life. But he went ahead and married her, things even became worse for him, U nid to see his rickety car! Even still witout a job he did his wedding, his big boys friends he maintained in his former work place all deserted him. I met him wen my coy employed him as a marketer, far below wot he was in the bank were he worked. Eachtime he will come to me and ask me to visit him n his wife, that they get so lonely at home cos there were no friends anymore.
His breakthrough came wen their first child arrived, he got a big paying job and left my coY, but due to he was gud my coy recalled him and offered him as much, he returned. 3months later, the coy he formerly left us for recalled him and offerred him much more, he finally left my coy and joined them. In a short period, he acquired some acres of lands and bought 2cars in less than 1year, infact hes has made trips wit his wife and baby abroad for vacation and is planning to relocate permanently to the US now.
This was a Guy who his family, church kicked against his getting married to a certain girl. Now, if he hadnt married that girl, what wud have been his fate today? if he had listened to family and church? I guess this experience answers your question... MARRY HIM!!! Point Blank!!! and shame the devil that is speaking tru your Pastor (wit all due respect)
i will advice u leave that church of yours. instead of him to pray for you he is seeing wrong visions. where in the bible did Jesus see vision like that. some men of God dont know what their saying. follow your heart my dear and pray. no 1 will pray for you better than yourself
since you have prayed over it, u can risk staying with him. no one knows a real man of God these days. you can fast and pray that God should reveal everything concerning your marriage to you through dreams.
My dear,test all spirits ok.its even in d bible.who knows if ur pastor is not speaking lies to u or someone might have bribed him to derail u.The bible says u should test all spirits and u should commit ur ways in d hands of the lord n lean not on ur own understandg.Pray very well once again n tell God to giv u a sign as a confirmation if he is d one.hold serious 3 days mid9t prayers n u will see Gods approval.above all,if u have that inner peace in u and have resolved to make it work at all cost then it must surely work.marry ur bible n ur hubby and u will never miss it in ur marriage.challenges will come but it depends on how u handle it cos the spiritual controls the physical.
I believe we are our own prophets. God wants a relationship with everybody so whatever he showed your pastor, he can also show you.
Pray about it yourself. If you know any other person that trust their revelations from God, tell that person to pray about it too.
Then weigh out the results (At least God isn't a confusing God, so the answers should be clear)
I can't advise you not to listen to your pastor, neither can i say u sudn't listen to yourself.
Abegi, leave matter for matter. One thing I know about God is that You can approach Him 'yourself'to tell Him of all your intentions, worries and cares-Phillipians 4. Sweetheart, as much as I would love to advice you to listen to the 'man of God', I will tell you that you are the one to make your marriage work.Once you start your marriage with the thought that it won't work, it definitely won't work.
I am just surprised that so many Pastors play with the minds of their followers. What did God tell you, 'you are victorious in all that you do through Christ'
If he persists, I think is high time you took a walk.
But... the decision is always yours to make.
I would advise you based on Spirituality, when it comes to marriage what you pastor sees or says is a little percentage or determinant to the union of both of you.
What matters most is what GOD tells you as a person? What is your spiritual conviction? Did God give you a go ahead? Did He promise you His presence? Did you hear from God personally? If you haven't heard personally from God in 8years of your relationship then my sister, you have been wasting your time. Though, it’s never too late, consult the Help of the Holy Spirit, God will instruct you according to Psalm 32:8. I’m a living testimony of God's divine guidance.
The years you have been in the relationship doesn't matter if God won't be in it with you. May the Lord speak to you and I pray He gives you the grace to accept what He will instruct you to do.
NOTE: When the storm of life comes in the marriage, it is your personal conviction (What God said) that will help you through the storm until you reach your rest. This is what you can hold on to when you discuss with God about your marriage in the future.
God Bless you.
my dear confused bride, no need to be confused cus this one is easy. Your pastor likes you and wants to date you thats why hes lying about having one stupid vision. If hes so good at the vision, why didn't he see the vision when u started dating this guy? All of a sudden, hes seeing visions not to marry someone that you feel strongly about. I would not only not listen to your pastor, I think its time for you to find another church my dear. Don't allow exploiters like him to take advantage of you. Goodluck and not the one in abuja...winks
My dear the best thing to do is follow your heart and trust in God, you can always find another church but God will always remain in you. Pray about it as a couple and got through pre-marital counseling and leave the rest to God.
Those of you who go to your pastor to pray for you and tell you who to marry, if care is not taken, you will become a victim of lies.
You are simply lazy. No pastor or prophet should tell you who to marry. They are to pray along with you, counsel and guide you using the Word of God.
If you fail to pay the price to hear from God on that matter, you may be deceived.
God can use your pastor or a genuine prophet of God to confirm what He had already told you. Many homes have been established on falsehood and that is why things are falling apart and the center can no longer hold.
Some pastors are seriously into match-making. They have taken over from the Holy Spirit. Match-making remains God’s prerogative and He has not delegated it to any pastor.
Dear lady,
Ur story is quite an intresting one. God is not an author of confusion. If he can speak to ur pastor, he can speak to you too. Jst pray that He leads you in the right way. Take some time out to pray about it n let him lead you. If at the end of it, u feel convinced to marry him then go ahead. Pastors are also humans. U can also seek counsel from anoda person to be double sure cos marriage is a no-return journey.
pray and fas abt it and afterwards if u feel at peace in ur hrt then follow ur hrt but after praying and ur hrt is in riots or u have any small doubt just discontinue my dear we never knw
ALL this yeye pastors up and down the place! Na so dem go dey give rubbish talks. See before you say it...we already know your relationship must have involved lots and lots of fucks and one or two abortions...its just normal! Now you come and say your pastor said this, your pastor said that....YOUR PASTOR ONLY WANTS YOU! Kapish!
Baby....have you heard the word Prayer changes?! Dont let one stupid pastor tell you nonsense....Prayer can change and changes whatever he 'saw'!!!
naija una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this
Hey girl, the decision on who you should marry is entirely up to you and not your pastor. If you are sure you love and want to spend the rest of your life with your man, please go ahead. There's possibility that your pastor does not want to lose a committed member of his church (especially if your fiance is not a member of that church). It happened to me when i went to meet the pastor of my former church and the first question was that she hoped i was marrying a brother from the church, when i answered 'no', she told me that i had to bring the guy to join our church because they could not afford to lose a committed member. When i failed to do that, i started noticing some hostility from the leaders, so i had to flee and i've been married to the love of my life for 2years and we are happy. Please, follow your heart, if God needs to say something about your life, He would tell you first before anyone else.
pray and fast to God, he would speak to you through your dream and show you how your marriage will be in future.....All marriage is a Risk
Confused bride.... Leave ur man & go n marry ur pastor or whoever he is arranging for u. Some peeps jez sabi vex me sha. People wudnt focus on ǦØD̶̲̥̅̊ & meditate on His word bur wud rather alow anoda mortal like dem control dier destiny all in d name of religion. Go find urself pls.
My dear pray to God and follow ur heart.. dnt mind all dese present day pastors, most of dem are jst out to deceive pple...if God hz ordained ur marriage, it ll def work out
After u have prayed, search ur heart for that inner peace, if it there then its a confirmation that u can go ahead.
Pray to God to guard you and follow your heart. I know pastors get visions from God, but you can still receive vision personally from God.
Pastor Adeboye said its not a pastor's place to tell u not to marry someone but to pray that marriage works. keep praying pls.
i advice u follow ur hrt.
as christians especially in nigeria we often forget that pastor are not the heart of our faith. they are simply the messengers. sometimes they hear things wrongly, they mistake information and all that. the most important aspect of your faith is your work with God Himself. just listen to the voice of God your pastor isnt the solution and neither is he the author and finisher of your faith so pray about it and see what God says.
Scriptures said we should test every spirit if they are of God. Some times not every vision a man of God tells you is correct. Cos i can remember in the Bible that even the prophets of God lied to Ahab so that he can go into the battle field but the reason for the lies was for God to kill him but another prophet that was not of God said the truth that these prophets are telling lies but because of their numbers, Ahab didn't believe the one that said the truth. What I'm trying to say. U don't have to believe everything ur pastor says rather you have to test that spirit.
I don't know ur level of relationship with God but i know that the plans God has for you are of good and not of evil to lead you to an expected end.
The only thing i have to advice is to seek the face/mind of God concerning your future husband. Pray, fast and study the Bible and the answers you seek, you shall get them. That's my advice for you.
Hmmm the question is how well do you believe in your pastor? Has he been seeing things for people and those things came to pass in the past? How well do you hear from God. Go to God in prayer, if what your pastor is saying is true then let God speak to you by Himself because you are also a child of God. I can imagine what you are going through now. Fear and doubt will enter your relationship if you dont tackle this matter head on. Take out time for yourself and sort this on your knees. Your pastor may be wrong or right, he is a human.
"Man of God" indeed!It's so sad how pastors now want to take the place of God in the lives of their congregations.
To the bride to be, if you love your man and have prayed to God about it,and you have peace within you; then go for it. Your pastor is not God, follow your heart and TRUST GOD to see you through.
Please pray about it and marry him. a lot of these pastors have left many ladies single in their old age. Since he saw a vision your fiancee isnt your husband, did he see a vision for who is? Provided you have prayed and you are at peace with your guy pls go ahed, do not be deceived! Marry him o! oko won lo de!
I've been married for 2year now I'm 26year old. one tin i know for sure is dat some pastors r fake,go to a Catholic church keen down in front of d alter and pray. ur pray point shud be:: GOD if dis man is not for me let him go without a trace".
my dear GOD speaks to everyone even d greatest sinner.
so don't make d mistake u will regret for d rest of ur life by listing to ur pastor.
stay blessed.
1st of all i would say congrats on ur impending marriage unless u want to ruin it by following a 'supposed man of God'. i ve to ask this question, is ur pastor married? if not i would say he probably has a huge crush on u and using his man-of-God position wants to spoil a good thing u ve built over the yrs..now u said you hv prayed abt this and ur heart says yes! then ur pastor is wrong.. i am saying dis bcos i had d same experience yrs ago when i was abt to marry my Boo. My so-called pastor was so adamant n kept insisting i shouldn't marry him, in fact he says i would die if i did..need i tell u i was so confused and was torn btw obeying my pastor (God) and betraying my one true love...my dear, i prayed to God on my own, fasted for a week...did alms-giving. i got my answer in the simplest way possible. WE HAVE been married now for 8 good yrs with 2lovely princesses.. nope! i did not die(obviously). Just do what i did. God is on the throne and he will minister to you personally...all d best
Hmmn.. this is kinda dicey,,, but with God all things are possible. I feel sad for you, but at the same time i see it as a challenge and that God wants you to fight for your love. Remember the story of king Hezekiah in the Bible that was told by prophet Isaiah that he would die (message was from God directly), but instead of the King to give up and say "i am finished, since its a direct message from God",rather he fasted and pray to God,,,, and we know how the story ended.. ( God spared his life by 7 good years). My advice is this, appreciate what your pastor has told you, and ask him to pray for you. You and your fiancé (I hope he's a born again Christian) should also fast and pray fervently and ask God to have mercy upon you like He did on King Hezekiah and i trust that if you do this the "lie of the Devil" that the marriage will not work will be destroyed. Dont give up! Pray! and God bless your Home.
If u ask me, I say take d risk and if it spoils leta at least u know u tried but leaving now, u will never know any beta if it wud have worked out. Follow ur heart.pastors don't always know it all. Good luck.
take that risk n never leave GOD,as far as you have GOD with you nothg can ever go wrong.
girl..... marry your man and let God do the rest. Im not even going to make a comment about your pastor because its not worth it. The next thing they would do is marry you off to the choir master who probably would be sleeping with the whole church behind you.
Pastor has other plans for you???? I'd say sod the pastor. Its about you and your God. So ask God for direction and follow your heart. Good luck.
its nt all pastors that shld be believed this days fa....what is gud needs prayer and the one that isnt also needs prayer,there is always obstacles @ one point in marriage buh prayer can do anything.......my dear pray fervently nd fast abt it,tell dat ur pastor to pray for u too and follow your heart jor.....#yetayo can imagine how confused u must be#
my dear, this is one of the reasons why we have God,its not jst praying abt it, have you asked him?? i suggest you ask Him to show you His stand on this, in a way you will understand, trust me...He will do dat, His say is the final...gudluck!
My dear, as much as I respect Pastors I don't think they have the right to tell you who to marry. It's a decision only you can make. The Pastor's job is to counsel you on how best to make things work and not discourage you. Please, your life is in YOUR HANDS , you know yourself better than anyone out there. Pray, make your decision and let the pastor pray for God's blessing on whatever you choose.
Dear confused bride, Please go and seek the face of God instead of depending on what your pastor said. aint u a child of God, can't you pray and hear from God. Please forget about your PASTOR and take some days of fasting if need be, seek the face of God concerning this matter. Remember if you ask , you will receive.
Abeg marry him oooooo,na ur pastor wan marry u,be wise meself am among choir in my church,no be so ooooo,8years no be 8days
my dearest bride to be.i think u should talk to God personally and get your own conviction before considering another persons opinion.it is possible that God is sending u a msg,but u r struggling toomuch to unveil it. I,personally do not believe dt after u pray dt God would allow u to do d wrong thing.Just hand it over to God and demand for a clear answer.He would give u.Goodluck dear.. and Happy married life in advance! :D dis is a human speaking,listen 2 God's voice.....MARRY HIM! lol. Just pray sha. fast sef*
At the end of the day it all falls on you to make a choice and to stick by whatever choice you make regardless of the consequences. if you have that mindset, its always easier to deal with what you get cos you chose and not someone else choosing for you. (at least this works for me).
When it comes to taking or disregarding a pastors advice, that's a very tricky dilemma. But if you know this pastor well, you should be able to decipher and decide if what he is saying is true or not. What is his track record, what kind of pastor is he, these are some questions to ask and answer. Seek counsel from the elders of the church; there should be a marriage counseling unit, and of course, talk to family. If you have a personal relationship with God, talk to him as well, be patient, a solution would come.
Best Regards. TBO.
Please follow ur heart 'cos i believe u kno this guy u ve been dating for 8years more than ur pastor.
Abeg marry him,na ur pastor wan marry u,jooooor 8years no be 8days be wise,meself i dey 4 choir in my church
My Pastor told me the same thing, fast forward 9yrs later I am happily married to the most wonderful man with the most beautiful children. My Pastor later apologised to me that he was wrong.
Please just marry your guy. surely you can hear God for yourself!!!
Follow the voice of God. I think you keep away from the man for a while then fast and pray over it. Maybe you could get possible solutions.
Marry your husband jare, 8yrs is enof 2 knw sombdy if u shld ask me, put d marriage in Gods hands nd go ahead
sweet heart...in Open heaven of last month , Pst adeboye said it is wrong for a pastore to tell you who and who not to marry. As far as he is a christian and you have God's leading just follow your heart and your ears...wishing you a HML in advance...proudlyslim
okay i really don't want to laugh but this is just funny. first of all, i don't want to disparage any man of God because i really don't know if his spirit is true or not. but to be honest, there are so many fake ones out there that i don't even know what to believe. To be honest, i will tell you to follow your heart. Pray that God show you that way and be truly open to what he has in store for you. But as for the pastor, i won't be surprised if he comes and says he sees a vision that he, the pastor is the one for you. It is sad how so many people use the word of God for personal gain nowadays. To be honest, i really believe in a personal relationship with God and to hear from God yourself. He wouldn't give us what we cannot bear. It's hard to listen when your head is telling you one thing but try to open your heart to God, not to friends oo, or the pastor sef, who knows who has something to gain somewhere. Just go on your knees, fast and listen to what God tells you
you better just follow your heart. the pastor may be seeing someone else in your place and moreso is the pastor ready to marry you? if you both love each other and your families are not in objection, then MARRY HIM.
First and foremost y'all be listening to pastors and shii not that pastors aren't true sometimes but what I think is that u should pray about it and what the lord tells u, u do
If truly he is your pastor, listen to him but i will advice that you seek the face of God concerning the matter. May God help you by revealing his mind to you concerning this matter.
do your own prayers seek God and He will show you what is right for you. do not base your decision on something your pastor saw, base it on what the spirit of God tells YOU
Dis is my first time ever commenting on an issue and dat is becos I can relate wit u on dis matter cos I am also in a 6yr rshp and love my man so much,I also know hw loves me and won't listen to anyone when we dry to tie the knot.
My dear, go ahead and marry ur man bt always remember that your relationship consists of 3pple....u, ur man and God! And as long as U ensure u don't leave God out, ur man won't 'walk out'. Thank you
my dear! Life is a risk! I won't say much sha cuz we hear dis kinda things everyday, about prophecies and revelations of future partners etc.
My take on this is, you go on ur knees and seek the face of God yourself. yes, a man of God sees visions but you too can see visions if you submit yourself to God. Besides, didn't God say we sud ask and we shall receive?
So, ask God to show you if you are on the right path and let Him lead you.
Prayer is the key...Good luck!
Arrant Nonsense! What pastor? if the man will not kill you after marrying him, then i suggest you go ahead with the marriage. your pastor doesnt want to lose you as the choir head, but he doesnt know a better way to say it. MARRY HIM and let God perfect it.
Sweetie!!dis is d wrongest place 2 seek advice on a matter like ds..we know say many LIBers no dey go church so they wl probly tel yu to 4get ur pastor's words,a long engagement doesn't guarantee a lasting marriage..case in point.dat Martin Lawrence actor dude..had a g/f and partner who he dated 4 14yrs and when they got married it lasted for just 2yrs..my point is..don't take ur pastor's words lightly
Yeah..a lotta pple have abused 'pastorhood'..but there are stl genuine ones whom God still speak to
With What your pastor has said , take it to God!Pray ! He is a living God remember. If God confirms it then babe its better to have a broken relationship than a broken marriage.
if God confirmsit and you go ahead based on emotion and seeming 'investment'. u r on ur own. Remember Glory n rest vary ? Do u want dat of 30 , 60 or 100 %!
Be Wise !
My dear,I relate wit ur situation cos I'm in a 6 yr rshp and av a good man as well. Trust me,will not listen to NoBODY when I'm ready to tie the knot.
My advice to u dear is to remember that in a relationship,there r three parties....U, ur man and God, and as long as u don't leave God out,ur man won't 'walk out' on you. U said u av prayed and ur heart still says yes....I advice u follow ur heart and keep praying for u and ur husband to be.
Wish u all d best and I pray u do say yes to ur man....good luck!
This is a very serious issue. You have been going out happily for 8 whooping years and know each other quite well. This should not be wished away.
I think love conquers all things. If you don't marry this guy you might end up regreting it forever, you might wake up in the middle of every night wondering what life with him would have been like and this might affect your marriage to another person.
Since the pastor said what he sees is him walking out and not that either of you will die mysteriously, I think you should go ahead and enjoy it while it last. Who knows you could be together for 10, 20, 30 years before that happens (if it ever happens)but you would be strong by then.
BTW marriages that have been sactioned by pastors, family members, friends or other spiritual leaders do crash and infact some pastors have even left their wives, so let not that scare you from the joy of your life.
And one question to you. Does your fiance attend the same church as you?
Please Hun,don't dwell on d short term pleasure and happiness,I think 'some' men of God are the voice of God we hear on earth....U see what happens now,his vision delved into the future,and maybe it's nasty.... Just pick up ur heels and RUN....let it go... Am so sorry abt that... God will provide someone else for U as He did Abraham....
Dis is a very big & delicate issue. I can understand how u feel wen it seems as if the most important thing n ur life is about to b messed up. I believe the answer to ur dilemma is on ur knees...seek d face of God concerning it & take it up from there. The bible says "he who finds a wife finds a good thing..." not "he who his pastor finds a wife for" your guy found you & u have been together for 8yrs b4 deciding 2 tie d knot & you found him good enuf 2 get married 2. I am not saying dat u shld throw ur pastor's words in2 d dustbin bt I believe as d woman concerned, speak 2 ur God & make ur decision based on what He ministers 2 u.
firstly,is the pastor married himself? or is he interested in you?
ps. if its not God's will dt u marry ur fiance, He will def reveal same to you.
As for me, put everything in prayer and ahead with your guy God will see through thanks.
follow ur heart abeg.
Shebi u don't know how to pray.. Even if ur pastor tells u something don't u have a personal relationship with ur God? God isn't a confusionist and after praying, u would get a peace and a confirmation from God. After praying even ur pastor can call u again and say it is well. Stop treating spiritual matters with physical emotions. Grow up. U want to marry and yet ure not strong, easily tossed about like the wind.
C this fool....i pity the man marrying u and im sure ur pastor is right. U r obviously not ready for the marriage for u to think libers are the pple u shld go to....so when u get married and have issues na still lib pple/strangers u go consult...why wont d man walk away when u want to use public perception to make such an important decision as marriage
Please breakup wit d man now so he feels d pain of a broken friendship n not marriage
follow your heart with caution to the words of your pastor. At the end of the day only you alone will live your life
Please dear follow your heart, even if your pastor's vision comes to pass you will not be the first neither will you be the last. Life generally is a risk, so take it.
a true man of God is suppose to be led by the holy spirit, U as a child of God should be able to know when God is talking to u if really u re a born again xtian...... U called him ur pastor and believed him to b a man of God, why doubting him? today we have black and white pastors,if urs is black u better dnt lose ur man.pray harder other dan public opinion.
My dear, that is one the essence of developing a strong spiritual life. It is not as if pastors are wrong but they always want their interest to be fulfilled on their church members. Religious disharmony is a major problem in christian marriages. To be sincere with you, to follow your heart will not give you enough assurance. Try to pray more...ask God to convince your pastor....pray dangerous prayers...ensure you dont indulge in sin...it is well with you....08036324090
hahahaha....dat pastor must b frm warri(respect 2 warri peeps)sharp pastor,he get eyes 4 U̶̲̥̅̊,now usin. Vision 2 pour sand in ur garri 2 get his way...my dear,deris nuffin like ur heart,follow it jor,its beta 4 U̶̲̥̅̊ 2 try dan not 2 try atall, U̶̲̥̅̊ already hav d ansa....meka says so via my CHIBERRY.
Forgive me for being blunt: Tell that so-called 'pastor' of yours to marry u instead!!!
My dear,pls follow ur heart and be happy. As long as both of u are at peace with urselves n with God than what are we saying?? Which pastor wants to see u miserable ur entire life. He is just a selfish idiot as far as I'm concerned who doesn't want to see his flock succeed.
Pls sista,its not the pastor u should be looking to- its God. Don't idolise ur pastor to the extent that u don't hear God for urself.
Marry the man of ur dreams and BE HAPPY!! Don't let the devil (coming through some selfish pastor) steal ur joy!!! Pls o!!!
Nuff Said!!!
Ur 29!!
Never forget what d pastor advised, use it 2 make ur relationship work. If he loves u he would make a conscious effort to stay!
My dear if u ve peace go ahead. God should be able to speak to u directly too.
my dia do not be confused ok, 8yrs is not 8mnts or 8days u no pretty well, if u think u luv him dat much and u trustd him too then commit every thing in God's hand cos he says he will dfntly make a way 4 his people where there seems 2 be no non... follow ur heart
Hello Dearie,
Follow your heart,pray about it, confess positively and cast out every imagination that is lifting itself above the knowledge of Christ,because in Jesus there is safety.Jeremiah 29:11.
Hmmm well U are in a tight corner but the question is this,,,, Do you think your pastor admires you secretly (I dont mean to accuse an annointed man of GOd) cos some people tend to give u negative advices cos of what they will stand to benefit
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