The 200level student was visiting the friend when they were attacked by armed robbers who robbed them and shot her in the face because she fought them off when they tried to rape her.
The 21 year old was buried today at Ijebu Ode according to Islamic rites. Her friends say she was very jovial, friendly and kind hearted. Her candlelight procession will hold tomorrow at skyfield in Lagos.
I have a photo of her corpse but it's probably not necessarily to put here. May her soul rest in peace...amen!
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»This is toooo sad. My heart goes out to her family and friends, may God be with them. RIP Wumni <3
God have mercy.RIP wunmi.
May her gentle soul reat in perfect peace....if not for God's grace ,I too wld have been a victim while I was in school...
Jesus Christ what's Nigeria turning into no 1's safe anymore these days...
Damn!This world is just unexplainable.
Many people said she was raped by a male friend and were even likening it to Cynthia's case.
Whatever the situation,its so painful.
Saw the pics of d corpse and it looked like she really fought hard.
May she RIP!What a beauty
Very sad story....may God grant u eternal rest...as for d robbers,people will one day try to rape ur daughters #wink!! As for u linda,y inform us about the corpse pix if u aint gon put it #teamsealurlips
U know what fuck Nigeria am never stepping my feet there again, I was gonna come in December but I don't think that is going to happen again and middle finger for everybody that might wanna talk shit back....RIP girl
What is with all our young ones dying? First it was the medical female student at Nnamdi Azikiwe Uni, then Afro in Uniben n Now Wumi! When will our story change? RIP
Geez man, something drastic needs to be done about this Naija insecurity because it's gotten out of hand. RIP young lady & my condolences to your family. Na wah o!
she died to kip her dignity the robbers have done their worst i am proud of her dat she fought them courageously she was not scared of dying she died so dat she could live as for the robbers their judgement will be devastating nemesis will catch up with them may her soul rest in peace
Pls,i want to knw were dis boys buy dis guns from?i am 30yrs now and i have neva seen a gun.may God neva allow me c a gun directed @ me.its jst disheartening to hear dat after robbing sm1,u still shoot d person.its terrible.the human heart has to be remodified,RIP babe.i am currently in d US and my hubby wants to buy a gun 4 d hse,incase sm1 is tresspassing and i av begged him biko not to even go there,i cant pull a trigger.i ll run and leave d tresspasser biko,i no fit dey tink 4 my whole life cos say i kill person.odi egwu o.
may she RIP i am so terribly scared of visiting Naija with all those armed robbers running around!
Oh,what a beauty.May her soul rest in peace she is just so pretty.RIP Wunmi
OMG...dis is so unfair...y nau..such a pretty girl...my heart bleeds...so. Sad..may ha gentle soul rest in peace
Crime rate is really getting higher n higher. God help us. May her soul RIP
so sad! she's so pretty aswell. May her soul rest in peace
Why re young peeps dying? God help us.
OMG! Such a pretty girl! Wats happening to us ooo. May her soul R.I.P May God guard and preserve us. Wicked and unreasonable men are far away from us IJN. Amen
Oooohhh GOD!!!! The things happening in this country are impossible. RIP sweet child
Put it linda. Over her dead body will they rape her. What a fight and price to pay for her honour and dignity. God have mercy on us o.
Sad o. god help us. Ma she rest in peace o.
Oh My GOD !!!!! IF these animals are caught they shld be castrated ...
Why rape and kill after collecting all they had ? Naija tire me oooo choi !!!
RIP Dear
Oh my fucking world,are you kidding me?poor girl,all you fucking robbers ur end is fucking nigh.Sleep on sweets.
Angry chic.
May her soul rest in peace.Girls all that gliters aint Gold o!
Omg ds is soo sad..may her soul rest in perfect peace
n dose armed robbers wld surely pay 4 deir evil deeds.
May her killer neva knw peace..RIP
May her soul rest in perfect peace. Amen
@Linda- not necessarily...hmmm
Too many sick men out there that feel the need to rape defenceless women to show their strength. What a country we live in. Not like rapes n robberies don't happen elsewhere but at least the people are caught. RIP Wunmi. My heart goes out to your family. Sometimes I wish I were a witch and had powers to do away with all these evil people with painful deaths.
RIP darling you fought for what you believed in. It cost you your life. May our lord keep you in his bosom and may he comfort your friends and loved ones...
To the killers may you never find peace. May her spirit worry you till your run mad.
Linda good reasoning in not showing her corpse. No need...
OMG!!!May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.sooooooo sad
May her soul rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord. This is so sad and may God protect us all
may her soul rest in perfect peace
Pls we want to see the body... I hear she was matchetted...
God give the family the fortitude to bear the loss. R.I.P.
Awwwww, I'm at a loss for words. May God comfort her parents.
News coming out of my motherland has been sad,sad,sad news nothing encouraging at all.Insecurity everywhere,peoples life are been snatched away through death that could have been avoided,killings by robbers and cultist everywhere...Police are clueless,they can't even secure themselves not to talk of securing fellow Nigerians.It's just disheartening.This lady died a HEROINE..she gave up her life instead allowing the sons of evil to take away her dignity...I pray she would rest in the bosom of the Lord Almighty and he will grant those she left behind the fortitude to bear the loss in Jesus Name(Amen).My heart weeps for my country everyday...youths are been cut down in their prime.Linda,please we don't need any picture.Thank you.
May her soul rest in perfect peace...amen
What's with all the shooting naw?
Dis world is wicked
But why is she forming "buccaneers" in both her pics? I didn't say she is, only said she is forming to be one.
Dis girl no serios oo she wan go d fight armed men,na wa oo na she kill her sef,pray she mks heaven,Rip
Omg! This is rilly sad! RIP ):
The evil of humans is just getting bigger and stronger! I swear nowhere is safe...Everything has its reason(s) thou, i pray the parents have the courage to bear this great lose...
O ma ga ooo!!!
May her soul R.I.P.... May God forgive her sins.
Hmmmm my lips are totally sealed she was jst too pretty may she rest in peace am speechless n teary
People please get closer to God. You might not believe the end is near, but believe it can end for you at anytime! Give your heart to Christ and rest assured that all things work together for your good...even death...
My heart goes out to her family and friends...May God's grace keep you strong to bear this.
As u no its not necessary,u shldnt hv said it na.chei mayy hehr soul RIP.it brings me to this question"get raped or die instead"
Dese recent attacks n gun violence is just too much and all of dem occuring within university environments, guns are loose within universities and d society in general and our security forces are almost doing nothing about dis....may her soul and d souls of all d fatefully departed rest in peace.Amen
Oh no! not again,may her soul rest in d bossom of d Lord.
So much crime and hatred in the land. Oh dear!
May God save our future generation. Honestly. The wickedness in this "our set" is really getting too much. I wonder what the children of the wicked of this our generation will do to be free from the curses that will be following these people. See babe. Gosh! Later when the things start to back-fire, them go dey say na devil. May God reward d wicked.
Rest in peace wunmi
Do dreams ever come tru I dis part of the world? RIP.......m
Khai! Dis is sad! RIP beautiful..
Linda na wa for this our country o!!!!!!!!!! Robbers are more than the innocent ones! God help us. I thing Government should give out licensed double barrel guns to graduates and business men above the age of 25. I swear it would go a long way because the robbers would be so so careful to rob anyone because they wouldnt know if their victim is armed or not. Linda dis must get to fashola
I stil can't bliv wunmi is dead #crying# RIP my dear friend
if the world must end then it has to start from nigeria.....pathetic.
na wa o! May her soul rest in peace o. And dose wicked ppl will not go unpunished!
May her soul Rest In Perfect Peace
Oh no! not again,another young live cut short*sad face*.
May her soul RIP
RIP Wunmi. Rest in his bosom. God knws best. #I CRY#
May her soul RIP,it so sad
For it is written,Vengeance is mine;I will repay,saith the lord.
jesus save ur children wat is dis robbering issues here and there?wat a young cute sweet looking girl my dear rest in peace,what a great loose as for d robbers i curse u and if u guys refuse to repent u shall die by gun or end up in d hands of police b4 d end of dis year evil dowers, rest in peace love.
Let's see pictures of her corpes
ONOME says.....
RIP Wunmi.Really sad story.
What worries me more is the lack of will to fish out any of the murderers.It's just going to be another sad story kept in the dusty shelves of Nigeria's failed system.Where are the police in this whole debacle?Cynthia is receiving some sort of justice;does Wunmi not deserve a bit of that????
My thoughts are with her family.
Wow its really sad. Dunno wat unis r turning into now adayz. Mehn!!! R.I.p wumi
D root cause of all these ills is corruption! Ppl r getting aggressive and more daring when they go to disposses others of their belongings and d perverted nature in them leads to d desire to humiliate women by raping tHem! These scums of d earth r angry at women and society at large!
Unfortunately,this lady was just a collateral victim! May she rest in peace and d robbers get 4ever tormented by her spirit!
Every time these filthy human beings rob,that is not enough for them,they now want to stick their filthy dicks into decent ladies! May they be cursed until they get to hell!
Dear Lord (˘̩̩̩.˘̩̩̩ƪ)
May she RIP.
Lindq let's see it naa. Wht a pity ad a fin. Gel 4 dat matter
Really can't figure out all this killings,its getting too much.....RIP
It's a pity. R.I.P.
Thanks for posting this Linda..Maay her soul rest in peace
They need to investigate the male friend.
RIP Wunmi Adebayo Khadijat.Do us α favour by nt allowing dos dat let υ leave soon av rest till deir death..
Just †o add...whts wit d increase in rape cases dese days? d thought alone of d trauma d victims get †o live wit is so sad...I knw we Ħa√ع decent men in our society n we can collectively lessen rape cases by individually desisting n preaching against any form of it from today....just wish all dese sad events cld stop bt our system is so faulty.
May her soul rest in peace
RIP dearie...we grew up in the same neighborhood, she was really friendly. May your killers never hear the cry of a baby in the lineage.
O ga oo, parents send their children/ward to school, only for the dead bodies of these children to be sent back to their parents.This is so sad...Why do people take lives that they can't give back?
May her soul rest in peace& may God comfort her family.
Such a courageous beauty!!! May she RIP!!!
Thank you Linda for not posting her corpse pic! She is too beautiful to see in such state! Thanks
God help us o, our country and society is not safe, dis young girl don die, why , lord save us
It the yeye government who refuse to give constant electricity!if there is light it will not happen that way.she ought to know better not to be outside at night as well. RIP wunmi.
Yea d photo of her corpse is nt necessary. Dis is traumatic enuf.innocent souls jst dying, I tot it was those who live by d gun, die by d gun.y wud an innocent gurl jst die by d gun? God pls ve mercy (crying) plsssssssssSsssssssss 4giv us, we nid d youths 4 d future. God pls ve hd enuf bad news 4 a year.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
After collecting what U wanted...!U wanted to kill rape her"U thieves ll nt have a peace of mind oooooo!May your soul rest in peace
Really sad thou,dnt knw her but really felt her sudden dead n feel sowi 4 her parent.may her gentle soul R.I.P insha allah.(Amin)
Na wow oo everydae university shooting
God protect us all from all this,Rip wunmi adebayo.Jazmin.
Ko ni da fun awon to pa girl yi!
May they die a slow painful death. They will not know peace. They will be haunted to their confession and death. AMEN!
Rip Wunmi....so sad u're gone...wil miss u so much swt..crying...May ur gentle soul rest in peace..and may almighy God save us from evil pple..
So sad nd she is a fine babe oh this killings are gettin too much
May her soul rest in peace and goodluck to d evil doers,GOD is watching.
So sad, another precious life wasted. The perpetrators of this evil act will not go free. They will surely burn in the hotest part of hell.
What a waste!! Rest in peace. May Allah console your family during this trying time.
Watd'fuck'is happening?God.may her soul RIP
"but it's probably not necessarily to put here" loool linda RIP to English
This is so sad.....wat is it about shooting faces nowadays,RIP wunmi
God pls save ♈ōϋя people oooo. These sad news ȋ̝̊ڪ getting out of hand. Y ® men getting more heartless by the day?
Wunmi may ur gentle soul rest in peace...we love you but God loves you more...This so painful
Oh my goodness. What is that God forsaken hell hole of a naija turning into. Nigerians!!! We all need to open our eyes. GREED is sending many to their early graves. Why did they kill her. This is so horribly sad. May her spirit hunt and destroy them all one by one. Why would they kill this poor girl. This breaks my heart
So so sad, what is happening to this country?, pple r just being murdered up n down, one cannot hav peace of mind?. May her soul R.I.P. And to the killers, u hav a special place in hell, wit extra fire
She died preserving her dignity. This is too sad. Such a cute innocent looking girl. Why would they shoot her. I dont get it at all
This is so sad nd heartbreaking,may d gud Lord console ar parents nd ar soul rip!!!!!
I just don't understand this world anymore! Wickedness everywhere... smh
Wats really happenin in dis country,am short of words,may her gentle soul rest in peace
wot is it wit shooting of students on d face? hw can pple b so mean? oh wot a life!!! living in dis country is becoming very risky.
God please comfort her family....what is this country turning to,father please heal our land
May her soul rest in perfect peace, amin.
Rest in peace princess..I know your in heaving with God...
na wa o may her soul rest in peace
RIP oo
deadly world
we should all hold on to God.
Christ 4 all.
i want justice to b done so bad but knowing nigeria it probably wudnt. another innocent soul has gone coz of d greedy politicians dat put d money in deir pocket instead of puttin it in2 d police force nd prevent things like. to think there is no emergency ambulance or police number is pure absurdity. if the hotel dint ve cctv d police probably wudnt ve found cyntia's killer 2day, its so sad. nd d dumb international students 4rm nigeria dat r politician kids cum here to england 2 act like a top dawg nd spend lavishly nt knowing dat d sins of deir father will fall on dem pretty soon.
Sad!! Just sad....
Wat a loss,may God give her parents d fortitude to bear the loss•may ur soul rest in peace•
Wat a loss,may God give her parents d fortitude to bear the loss•may ur soul rest in peace•
Wow! So sorry hun
Shine ur eye! She was at a friend's place!!!!
what a waste. God have mercy.
Linda someone just told me they cut off her breast and some people have the pix in her house and I argued if the robbers had done such u would hve mentioned it since you said you have a picture of her corpse. Which one is true now?
Brave girl....RIP
Why even mention you have a picture of her corpse, like it somehow validates your story? Not necessary, at all!
What do you want to see het corpse for.
May her soul rest in peace such a beauty. May God give the family the fortitude to bear the loss.
Olorun ase idajo o. all you evil doers u will not go un punished.
You're a twisted person.
Rip dear just a sad world with sad pple looking for who to faustrate God help us and deliever us from all these evil pple,I pray her killers dnt go free
The male friend should be investigated because I don't trust men now adays once they know a girl is a rich babe they pretend to be rich too and offer to give them millions just to trap and dispossessed them of their belongings #Gbam
Oh dear *nowwailing* when will all this killings stop, another young soul gone, the rate at which young people are dying is alarming...everyday one student or the other is either shot dead, stabbed or strangled.. Taking another soul without just cause is damn to Heartless.. May her soul RIp, wot a beautiful girl..The male friend should be investigated..Parents should be more prayerful and advice their kids to be watchful of were and who they visit..This killings are just too rampant
Thank you Linda for not showing us her corpse its actually not necessary.
Bad ppl keep living and the good once keep deading.. God what is this world turning into.. RIP.. Sad moment!!!
Rest in peace my dear.make sure u kil all those that kil u.i wil miss u.
May her soul rest in perfect peace and may GOD almighty forgive her for all her sins
GOD create us and one day we all have to go back to HIM our creator
But such a sad story
So sad,may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace
U r daft! That's what u decided to comment on she forming "buccaneers"? Mschheww
Idiot with your gutter of a mouth.STFU you tramp.
This lady went out in a blaze of glory.
If she had allowed the bastards to rape her at gunpoint she MAY contact a deadly disease (HIV and the rest) at the same time live with the stigma/trauma for the rest of her life.
it so sad....
another young one gone, may your soul rest in peace but only after you've tormented your killers and drive them to their own demise. The world is such a wicked place, young lazy, evil men carry arms and wreak havoc on the innocent. your killers wont know peace, their families wont know peace, they will die a very terrible death, they families will throw their dead bodies to swines to eat.
May her soul rest in Peace:
visit: www,endyedesonnews.blogspot.com for more gist
May her soul rest in Peace:
visit: www,endyedesonnews.blogspot.com for more gist
Sharap ur dirty trap n hide urself in your village. You are no gonna com bak from where? Sillyass
What is Naija a once upon a time good country turning into! It pains me for such young lives being lost to low life crack heads, I pray her killers feel the full forces of her ghost when it comes to hunt them. RIP lil angel. -RaRaUK
What has that got to do with the ish at hand?
Nigeria is imploding with anarchy! A typical example of a failed state! Like Peru,one day ppl will be going abt their business and pick pockets will be robbing ppl in broad day light! I saw dat in Peru! Ma courageous sister,u died for what u beleived in. DIGNITy!Adieu ma lovely sister!Rest in Gods bossom!
RIP. pretty sad gone so soon. ur killer we never find peace .Amen ase
What is happening??? I saw the picture in the morning and it put me off all thru 2day. What right does a human being have 2 take d life of anoda? Wen tins like this happen I just wish for rapture and let it all end!! Wats with the wickedness tho!
You know i still look @ dis pic and ask my sis if it's really true.. I cannot 4gt the day dis gurl came to my house with her friend,i cannot 4get the gist,and all i did was stare @ her and dt lovely lips,because she was damn preety,i stil can't believe am using was for Wunmi sha..can't stop staring @ her picture..is that how it is..RIP WUNMI
Biko, they didn't cut her breast oh! It was blood from her head that was all over her body..they had to cover her with cloth..God knows best..
Have not gotten myself, still can't believe it.. Ahan! Wunmi's gone forever..
Ode, she's forming buccaneer abi? U are a fool, if you knew her,you wouldn't have said that..she had a boyfriend,she had friends,she had relatives...please for the sake of we that knew her, know what to type here before i ask God to show you pepper.. Skyfield is @ Sabo,yabo.. Incase anybody wants to come for her candlenight.. RIP WUNMI..
Heartbreaking. RIP.
Thanks for not putting up the picture Linda.
Yes, for those robbers, they have a very special place in hell,even satan go give them their own matches and wood to light up.. Ema gbadun oo.. RIP WUNMI..
@swagkid may God punish u for that statement..when it happens to ur sister say thesame tin..
Another wasted star! RIP Wunmi. Those who murdered you have murdered sleep and shall never sleep. Sleep on Wunmi. Ola Ojo
Wat has dis got 2 do wit gliters,na yeye dey wori u poverty mentality dey do u,dat babe is from a very rich wealthy home ok its all written all ova her,she is nt tryin 2 belong poor dude
If u don't have reasonable comment 2 make shut u stinky mouth BIG FOOL
Onye nke a asikwa no gini...ekwusigo m local govt...
Hmmmm it so so said an angel like dis gone so soon just becos she was protectin her dignity nd fighting 4 her right in our lawless country,did is to tell us no were is safe but being in God hand is d best,Nigerian standup nd fight for wats rite no mata de consequence even if its death u will surely be a hero.I luv ur courage Wunmi u be rembered 4 representing all d niaja ladies.ONE LUV nd RIP
hahaha, Nwa afo, i dey feel u, nomata wer we dey guys go dey blo our mama tongue any how men, eyo, ya men, 4cups, Nnaa hapu ndia, anyi ma kwa ebe anyi si abia ..... & 4 d late 5n babe, ka mkpuru obi ya zuo ike na ndokwa Amen
RIP Girl......May ur killers not rest till deynconfess and die.
Lol. U never see naija police before. By the way, do they need to carry assault rifles, why not train them to use pistols properly like normal police. Instead of scaring kids and people who know that is not normal. And besides, wouldnt kill as many innocent people, during their gun spraying. I sure ur thinking wat does this ve to do with wumi? a lot mate
WHo are the cursed fools that even take and send pictures of corpses???
I dont even know what to think anymore now,tired of living within the country and tired of going outside the country to study...I hate those WOO jare...DEY JUST DEY HUNT US LIKE ANIMALS...I love you so much and will miss you GAN..
Its not true. I saw her picture on another blog(moji delano or so) her body was intact. Read she went to do "runs" wia d incidence happened.http://t.co/fY4zz6We May God help us in Jesus name.
Rest in God s bossom Wunmi, may His mercy and peace stay with your soul. Amen
this is just proof of how stupid nigerians are. Every where you go they want to yap that they are smart. YEt these idiots sit here shooting innocent people, and BOKO HARAM is laughing at what such idiots. they are ready to kill everyone as these foolish assholes are making their jobs easier. THey will all reap what they sow, MARK MY WORDS
Thank God for small blessings... No dead body today!!!
Anon 11:56pm u are so dumb and shallow minded. Shey na hear u suppose they talk about language. Idiot. Someone died and all u can do is bring your ethnocentric insticts here....tsheeeeew! Illiterete
You're a Bastard. Asshole oshi
OMG!..OMG!..I'm so dwn I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ tears..WUNMI..we both attended "kinikan-sec-school"..eya!..A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ ..i realy dnt knw her sha..bt I KNOW she KNOWS me..#still-in-tears#
RIP dear. You died fighting for your honour - it's what you believed in and you stood for it.
Linda, pls no need to post the picture of the corpse abeg. These killings are getting very senseless. May God help us all.
o noooo, its so sad. wish she had enuf tact to handle those idiots. rest in peace dear!
You give your heart to Christ! Hmmmm! Check yourself and stop all the bad things u are doing! U know what am talking about
Where is Nigeria heading to? Another destiny has been cut short! May God help us
RIP Wunmi!so sad
Please Linda, It wasn't neccessary to put she was visiting a Male friend's house, you know your fans will run her down without regrad for the dead. Please always use your discretion.
Wummi goodnite, while ur killers will not know peace, i mean PEACE, until dey are disgracefully killed tooooooo! darkness shall be the order of the day all through their lifes, hmmmmmm, so so SAD!
How typical of ignorant ppl. A girl dies outside the premises of her schook wit mysteries and now the govt shld suffer it. She was suppzd to be in the premises of her sch,wetin carry her go "man friend" aws? Her parents know d "man friend" ni? Now they av a child to bury,whose loss? Gals be content wit wt u have,why would a TASUED student have a space in skyfield hostel? Private hostel meant for UNILAG girls. These things happn evrydy and we watch 'em in d movies. We suppose learn from it. If she were in her school,she would be alive. Gals be careful,the easiest target is alwz gals bcos they are easily entinced. The tatoo anad chains?! RIP WUNMI. God give ur family the fortitude to bear ur loss..... Amen.
Famzers of death.Y use her dead pix as dp?!Is dat d memory u wana have of her?!If u truly luvd her den u wldnt disrespect her by using such on ur dp.Let's do things with moderation.Face ur studies,candlelight procession?!:S
This bf go hear am from naija police cos WHAT IF THE BOYFRIEND ARRANGED THE 'ARMED ROBBERY' 2 USE HER SPIRIT 4 RITUALS? no one knows
naija men dey para o! may their generations to come know no peace, they shall be killed unjustly....RIP pretty lady
may God continue to keep and protect us o!
RIP wunmi,God wil bring those thieves to book
Its so sad your gone wunmi you fought hard while you were shot! Adieu
May God grant u eternal rest Wunmi.And comfort ur family and friends.
very very sad
Nigeria Jaga Jaga!... They called Fela a prophet for singing about the future... I guess its high time Idria Abdukarim gets to be called a Prophet because indeed Nigeria is approaching the highest Jaga Jaga stage with all these evil and disgraceful acts happening left and right.
I believe certain factors are responsible for most of these indecent and horrific acts. How I wish Nigeria would summon the same courage the Libyan, Egyptian, Syrian people showed and stand up against this blood-suckers called our leaders in this country. To be honest, unless this happens, a revolution, change will never come. Our voices as the people doesnt count in this country. Even if the media tries to expose certain truth of the abnormalities of this government they are quick to either shut-down or threaten to lock up the journalist that publicized the news.
I believe strongly that when you push a man to the wall and he has no where else to turn to he will someday react and prefer to die instead of dwelling in the torture. The poor are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer in this country.... its a fact!
These fellows robbing, kidnapping, killing e.t.c I believe are victims of circumstances in a rotted country that in no way considers its people let alone the youths they claim are the leaders of tomorrow.
Nigerians I must say are indeed one of the most peaceful but in a way cowardice people I know on this planet earth where the people are better-off suffering and smiling.
no no no, not again, where is d Nigeria dat we all grew up to know and even read about? evil men! R.I.P Wunmi Adebayo, i cant blame u now cos u r just a victim of circumstances
Poor gal,She is so cute with beautiful eyes. RIP. but our leaders should do something before they bury all off us in a day
Hmmmmn...Rest in peace wunmi..
So So Sad RIP Wunmi Adebayo...May Your gentle soul reat in perfect peace...Missing you here and crying,It was a painful to me when i heard this..We All Love you But God Love you Most....RIP
Eli bobo...mkpa ejieri....
Rest in peace, Wunmi..
Rip dear
may ur gentle soul rest in God bossom
may ur gentle soul rest in God bossom.
U are stupid f ur dumb commet
Name sake rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ bossom of thy lord
tnx 2 u al dat sympathiz wif d family,may u nt witnes such... Its a great loss loosing u sis... R.I.P... Sobs
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