The police refused to allow pressmen take photos of the suspects when they were paraded yesterday. They were only allowed to take photos of their backs. Why are they hiding their faces? They tortured and took a life and the police are concerned about hiding their faces?
Meanwhile the guy in grey, Echezona Nwabufor, 33 (left) was the person Cynthia met. He's a 300 level Accounting student of the University of Lagos...and according to him, they didn't meet on Facebook, they met on Blackberry group chat.
He told pressmen yesterday that he didn't mean to kill Cynthia; that it was all a mistake. His explanation when you continue...
Nwbufor:“It was a mistake, I never meant to kill her. I invited her from Abuja as my friend on July 21. I was trying to dislodge her by tying her hands and I hit her in the process. I tied her because I did not want her to know I was escaping from the hotel. We had a mutual agreement for her to come over. I met her from BB (blackberry) group chat. She came to buy some things for her boutique in Abuja. We had a disagreement. I did not rape her. It was the devil’s handwork.His 23year old accomplice/cousin Ezekiel Nnechuwu Olisa Eloka said:
I wanted to run because I knew I had committed a serious offence against her. I thought she had money on her that I can collect. So in the process, I tied her with cellotape to make her not to shout. I was not the only person, it was I and my cousin, Odera that did it. We tied her together and beat her together.
Yes, I invited her and in the process we felt like robbing her of all she had. The condom the police saw on me is what I used personally. I used it on her based on the sex toy with her. She came with a vibrator sex toy, so I inserted the condom on the sex toy and later dropped it there. I did not make love to her. If they test the condom forensically, it will prove that I did not use it on her.
I drugged her with RAFINOL through Ribena drink. I bought three packets of Ribena and when she took it, she became weak. It was my cousin that drugged the drink, he used a syringe and administered ten tablets of it inside the drink.
This is the first time someone died in the process. I have done this say like, four times before now but none of the girls died. Whenever they take the drink, I will sleep with them and they will just lose memory of all that transpired. Usually, I use hotels in Festac. I have used Opera mini Hotel, Benny, Chelsea and Concilia. I feel bad because I did not bargain for this – to kill her in the first instance. It is just unfortunate and it was an accident,”
“I am also an Accounting student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The morning it happened, my brother called me to come to the hotel to help him bind the girl so that he can dispossess her of her belongings.
My mission at the hotel was to come and help him bind the girl. In the process of trying to bind the girl, she put up struggle and we assaulted her and in the process, she passed out. I did not hit her with any hard object and we didn’t have any weapon with us. My brother only told me he wanted to take her money. I have not done it before. He asked me to buy the drink for him”.(Vanguard)
abi why did they hide their faces since thet are more or less gonna be killed.
kjay: this guys deserves to be hanged an eye for an eye,let them face the capital punishment, imagine you taking a life and blaming it on the devil, dude its sheer greed and Notting more. simple
Why are the police hiding them, it is obvious now, they are the accomplice. As for those guys, justice must prevail, imagine saying he has being doing that for long and never been cut until now? Yoruba say ojo gbogbo ni ti ole, ojo kan bayi ni ti onikan, their time is up and they must face the full wrought of the law. He who killed by the sword must die by the sword. This kind of animals should not be left loose abeg.
Heartless fools.
and they some people say she wasnt a wild gal...seems to me they had an agreement to have sex and also do the shopping thing and it back fired .. too bad
such cock n bull story 4rm d suspects...
hm...abeg enough of this story. its only tarnishing the image of the girl in my opinion. but wait o, y will you put condom on HER viberator? And why will you use HER viberator on her? And the police are hiding their face cos something is fishy. after giving us names and schools amd departments and level...you dnt want us to see d face cos those names might be phony...
This story isn't complete. A lot of gaps here and there. I have my reservations, but then it doesn't bring the dead back to life!
May her soul rest in peace...Amen.
God will punish those useless idiots for the crime they committed. its shows that this is what they have been doing to other people. They took somebody's life and they re pleading that, they re sorry. SORRY my foot. They killed by the sword and so shall they die by the sword.
Undergraduates!!!!!!! Imagine the disgrace you have caused your families.... all because of greed cos you all luk well fed... Your cup has filled up and its unfortunate an innocent girl had to die for ur activities to be exposed... God rest her soul
Wicked world..Rest in peace Cyn..
2 of you will rot in hell. This is a serious lesson for everyone. be watchfull
wicked fo*ls, i hope you two rot in jail, all this usele.s men that try to take advantage of women, its only God that will judge you people. lucifers from the pit of hell. mschewwwwwww.
and the police hiding the faces of the murderers and rapist? am sure this guys have bribed them, they should face death by hanging or electrocution.
No mata the punishment this fools face it would not equate the pain n sadness of the family of cynthia... RIP cynthia..life was cut out from u early n i hpe u find peace wherever u are.. henceforth...me i will not familarise with any one i dont personnally know from social networks again...The end.
Different stories on this matter, the suspect should face the law, and let her soul RIPP. Cos this matter is getting elaborate daily.
please o,which drug is rafinol? what is it used for? Am wondering y dey gave her 10
this sounds too fishy to make sense, either way, they just should be charged accordingly by the court of Law. Imagine students!!!!!! and from a blackberry group. clearly trust has no place in this part of the world again! SMH
Only GOD and Cynthia knows what truly happened.
they did not plan it, but they just had the drugs lying around?
its called rohypnol and not rufinol. Its a date rape drug
Please alow the dead to rest and her loved ones to grieve in peace. The culprits should be left in the hands of the justice system and the media back off this news. Its very disheartening reading these stories. Cynthia had her faults which unfortunately cost her life but I dont believe the public her in the place to judge her or the offenders......my 2c
D whole story is not complete... Tho I'm not siding d suspects but it seems d gal also had a hand in her death, y in d world would Ü agree to meet a guy 4 d ist time in a hotel other than to have sex wit him... Well some gals do these.. Just unfortunate hers led to her death.
It's only in Naija dt they hide d face of d culprit,mtcheEew.Linda abeg find app dt can turn their faces joor.
My question remains, why would anyone travel with a sex toy if its business oriented?
The obvious is the case here but we all should learn from her mistake. No body holy pass.
these guys should rot in jail...
Meanwhile... may God give the family the heart to bear the loss. its just sad!
I am sorry but people should please learn that not everyone you meet on any social networking site is ur friend. Its hard to pass off regular folks we meet physically as friends, and not to talk of internet / bb friends. If u must meet that person, make sure u r in the company of a WELL KNOWN friend or family. There are a lot of loonies out there. We live in a time when the devil himself is now parading in human form, we all need to be extra careful. This is highly unfortunate. May God help us in this technologically- evil laden world of today.
they are hiding the faces coz they dont want us to know when the wicked goats disappear.Trust me,these guys are going to disappear from the face of the earth.
They messed with the wrong person.
I am shocked to see they are still wearing corporate sef.Their faces not battered and bruised.
If they think they can claim manslaughter, they are sitting on a long thing.
I rest my case
They are not the real culprit. Trust me. They story I read here is not consistent to the one I saw on punch so many conflicting stories. Maybe someone should go to their school and investigate further by lookup for their names.
Just so tired my heart still bleed! Bcos she strike like my very self very adventurous at least she didnt come to meet one old sugar daddy I still pray for her soul every day! I wish government will give them 20 of the drugs used on her and cement on their faces and throw them in the river with heavy stones tie to their neck!! so that they can feel what pain is all about!
If u ask me na who I go ask?
See the idiot saying they should do forensic test, that he did not sleep with her, and he slept with the other four victims he had before her. God has been watching you both, now is the time for the Almighty to act. you will both not come out of this in Jesus' name. the seeds you have sown have germinated o
i feel for Cythia. such a pretty hardworking focused gal. her future would hav been bright if not for thez nicompooms dat have cut short her lyf. my question is y r they stil wearing suit nd tie? for wetin? r they human beings? killing some1 becos of her own hard earned money. the on lookers shd hav stoned them. kai nigerian mob fall my hand. i tink tho that the police do nt want us to c thier faces incase they dont get the death sentence nd r later released. wat of her dad? guy do something na. this is ur precious gem that has been snatched out of ur hands oh.
Those guys must die, whether it has happened before or not, the police or govt. must kill them and show us their killing on TV, if not it means nobody is save in this country anymore. May her soul rest in peace (Amen)
Did you remember the devil when that thought came into your mind?Its because you re devilish thats why you do what you do,''you have done it 4 - 5 times'',drug their drinks, rape and dispose them of their belongings'' and you think God is s
leeping?it is the prayers of those victims that caught up with you...........how happy they will be now that you have been exposed.I know a lot of guys are into such acts but just as these guys,they will also be caught someday soon.....................i only pity your poor family that you have brought this shame to.may God have mercy on your souls anyways.GIRLS,MY FELLOW GIRLS PLEASE LETS BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE ON SOCIAL NETWORKS BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHO IS WHO................
we all have one way or the other met people on social sites, i in particular met my fiancee on fcbk. it is just an unfortunate incident for cynthia. and judging her that she carries a vibrator shouldnt be an issue at all, cos most women do!this are suppose to be private matters but unfortunately this guys have made it known to the world. may her gentle soul rest in peace.Amen
This 33 year old pervert and Monster is a pure Dim wit men! Look at that story.He did not rape her,but the condom was put in a Vibrator she brought along with her!
Then he goes on to say that he had done this b4 and had sex with d girls after drugging them, but they never died! What a laughable white lie!
This old man defiled a lady, against her wishes,bound her up and later on raped her to death.He has come to d end of his road.The game is over buddy,now its ur turn to be roped up moefuckiing bitch nigger and be dispensed Justice! U guys stink to high heavens! May u rot in hell!
All d money crazed girls that fuck around with all sorts of men,if this doesn't serve as a lesson to u,nothing will.
These boys are bonafide babarians!
Hmmn babalawo dokita (traditional doctor)! Not neccessarily,'tis used to sedate people who have been traumatised or prolly in agony and cant sleep.....wicked pipu just resorted to using it for devious acts.May God help us all
First, they are NOT criminals until they are convicted as one by a court of law. Hence parading them as such in front of the press with their face on every national daily is not constitutional.
Secondly, I am personally surprised that a fine chic like this is moving around with a vibrator!
I hope justice will be WELL executed on this matter because the way different sides of the story are flying, it makes me wonder if these "culprits" are not under duress to testify taking the position of the girl's father (a serving general with the Nigerian army) into consideration.
1st i dont get this story, i thought we were told this babe was dismembered? now i dont hear any thing about her body parts missing, then yeah why did she have a sex toy if at all that bit is true. then plese for heaven sake you meet people online and you go to a hotel with them if you aint a runs girl? abegggg dats just cheap and wrong. thirdly abeg dont make friends online and bb people plzzzz you cant be dat desperate. friends should be made through friends or school or some method they can be tracked and made accountable. stop all this adding random people on bb to increase your contacts. may her soul rest in peace. but to be honest i dont believe they caught anyone this is just cock and bull story, they will kill to guys in jail now and tell us its these men. secondly this happened since like the 21st of july her parents and people just heard it in august, what took this story soo long to come out. i bet her body was found same day or next. hissssss. NIJA shit will never change and the careless and innocent will keep being killed.
I dont think they are the true suspects otherwise why hide their faces oya Unilag students 300 level Accountancy make una confirm whether this name nah one of una.
Pls the true suspects should not face firing squad that is too fast. A very sharp knife should be used to slice their dick and flesh and leave them to die slowly
Exactly! Cos all dez different stories now no jst gel anymore!
How are some of you are saying why did she travel with a sex toy if not to have sex with the guys? Grow the hell up! There are vibrators and girls have them! Whooptifreakingdoo! Some of y'all are so self-righteous and judgmental! The only thing she did wrong was to meet up with people she didn't know and not tell anyone. She put herself in too much of a dangerous situation! That was her ONLY crime! Pleasuring herself during the duration of her trip is NOT IMPORTANT in this case! Some of y'all are just ignorant and immature!#GROWUP
Exactly my point! I'm not saying she's a wild girl or any such thing! These guys didn't want her for rituals, or dey wud have taken body parts! Dey also didn't mean 2 kill her cos whu wud go tru d stress of picking a person up from d airport, driving all d way 2 festac, putting her in a hotel, paying for it etc n den deciding 2 Rob her or kill her? And why Rob someone whu u know is jst coming wit little money 2 buy cheap stuff from lagos markets for her boutique? The way I see it, dey were friends, and wanted 2 have some crazy fun lik a lot of young pple do(she came wit her vibrator), and in the process of wild sex n fun, she probably died of intoxicated sex and d guys panicked! Forget about all dez terrible ways dey r painting d story, our naija police can threatn Dem sooomuch 2 say all Dat n make d guys look really terrible n give d NPF more rep, d drugs n all! Cynthia looks really smart, she doesn't seem lik agirl whu can jst be Dat gullible 2 be robbed by someone whu she's known for a while, dey paid for her hotel bills, y pay n den want 2 Rob her of howmuch nawww. Or the girls pple may make Dem say dis story 2 save d late girl some dignity atleast! This was all a mistake, both on d guyz part n d girls part! Its funny d kind of investigation Dat goes on in naija! I feel sooo bad Dat dis girl jstdied lik dis! And plssssssss the media shud give the story a rest, allow her parents 2 bury her in peace! Its bad enuf Dat dia daughter is dead, hearing d terrible way she died constantly make d news is jst unbearable plssssssss! Linda help Dem pls! Also wats d correlation btwn 33yrs n 23yrs naw? D younger guy probably came in d pic after she had died cos d 33yrs guy needed help wit dealing wit d dead person wit him. God help us all.
A tablet of said drug,any one will pass out,let alone ten.Is a serious sedative and expensive,it cost over two thousand,it was recommended to an uncle who at the time had problems sleeping.This guys are DR EVIL,no you did't rape her,but you wore d condom on d vibrator,an obvious lie,they already made away with d used condoms.D poor girl probably had a vibrator because she did't want to sleep with any one on her trip,rather prefers to use d stuff on her self,so what is wrong with that.People that use vibrators normally are those that prefers not to sleep with a guy.
having a sex toy doesn't make you a bad or a wild girl, jeez! why this talk about her having a vibrator, she is a big girl, i have a vibrator too, n am a mum of two, does that make me a wild lady too? NIJA PPLE OO, ALWAYS SOO JUDGMENTAL!! VERY ANNOYING... MAY HER SOULD REST IN PEACE....
Dat is why i ate all dis police they av'e come again one's a person is a criminal is a criminal
MAy God help us o. who can even be trusted? family members, friends, enemies? no where is safe. Only God can save us from ds wicked world.
Whoa, this is so Nollywood movie-ish. And for those of you who keep thinking the victim had a hand to play in this, I totally disagree. Even if she was a prostitute, she did not deserve to be drugged, bound and killed. These animals need to be put down ASAP
Linda y aint u posting ma comments nao?(I heart u still,hehehe) Plus y is hard commenting on kaffy's and steph's news......nywaiz as per d kaffy's reality dance thingy ,like sum1 said yesterday.....'and d madtness begins in naija'
So what some ple here are sayin is that wild girls deserve 2 die? And girls who travel with vibrators(I dunno mayhaps 4 personal plesure) shld be murdered? Ok. Kewl.
blah blah blah blah blah blah,4 heaven sake am sure d girl is rolling over wer ever she is. in d nxt 1 mnth d news will bcmoe stale nd so 4gotten,we wont even remember her name
who cares whether it is black berry group or facebook he met her the thing is she is dead and dey killed her
The police should show their bloody faces to help clear any allegation of complicity in the case. Having said that, if this story is anything to go by, then I must ask this: Who goes for a fucking business transaction with a fucking vibrator?
I am still awed that some people are being judgemental and tagging the girl as a "runs" girl. Please, google the drug name "ROHYPNOL" and check the massive effect of only one dose of it and not to talk of ten dosage of it. These guys are just murderers and nothing more. RIP Cynthia.
ahem....why are they dressed corporately, especially the one in suit. Something does not look right here.
imagine her parents reading this
Connect the dot, aw can a 33yr old be in 300l accounting not even engineering? Smtin is wrng... n d police aint helping.
We r in d last days, like sm1 said only God n Cynthia n dese two demons knw wat apnd....May her soul rest in peace
When all is said and done Linda, you are still my fav blogger: you are not afraid to ask bold questions when it concern social security issues...
When did sex become a definition for wild?
U people should not blame cynthia, i believe those guys must have used juju on her when she was received at the airport. That could lead her following them to the hotel.
I think the police is right by not allowing pressmen capture their faces. Remember that this guys are only suspect and thus not guilty yet until they are pronounced to be in a competent court of law. Mind you events might take another twist subsequently. THUMBS UP TO THE POLICE FOR DOING THEIR JOB.
I think the police is right by not allowing pressmen capture their faces. Remember that this guys are only suspect and thus not guilty yet until they are pronounced to be in a competent court of law. Mind you events might take another twist subsequently. THUMBS UP TO THE POLICE FOR DOING THEIR JOB.
I think the police is right by not allowing pressmen capture their faces. Remember that this guys are only suspect and thus not guilty yet until they are pronounced to be in a competent court of law. Mind you events might take another twist subsequently. THUMBS UP TO THE POLICE FOR DOING THEIR JOB.
You are wild o-apparently
Am sure their faces are hidden so the police can get bribe and end the whole story when the story dies down ! Regardless of Cynthia reasons for meeting up with these guys, for a business trip, sex , runs(which is not even true) !Too many questions and we not investigators anyway! Point is does anyone deserve to be killed in such a brutal manner ! She is someone'a daughter, sister, friend no matter what ! JustIce must be done , this is a case of gruesome murder , rape, robbery, deciet and several Other charges ! May those 2 men rot in jail for the rest of thier miserable lives!
Rafinol is commonly used by guys to make a gurl unconcious so they cud have sex wth her, then when she wakes up she'll have no idea of wat happened to her. Buts apparently dis bastards wanted her completely knocked out so dey gave her an overdose, so dats wat probably killed her....
NB: I heard it causes infertilty, don't know how true dat is...Sophie
Aunty Dora! Haba, were u there, c hw u talk am like say na Nigerian movie u de produce. I'll be on a look out for a book or movie from u. Cheers
Like seriously what's wrong in a girl owning a vibrator? If she travelled for fun sakes,she wouldn't have gone along with it.shows she went to really shop for her boutique,n to pleasure herself"IF"need be.Y would she need a vibrator if she was hooking up with men? RIP pretty one!
Imagine d lies, dey did not plan to kill her, but dey had d drug with dem, cello-tape or whatever to bind her and he has d nerves to say its unfortunate; may it be unfortunate for him and his so called cousin who engaged in d act.
Rofnol is a drug dat depresses d brain n mak u 4get all wat takes place within sum particular tym e.g sex
Anyone that believes the story of that rapist will believe anything. He just wanted himself to be seen a little innocent that is y he is using the vibrator he found in her bag after killing her mistakenly to make up a story. Her death was a mistake of overdose and nothing more. She was there for business ąπϑ the guy knew it that was why he used a drug. I don't like people saying she came for pleasure. If it was for pleasure, why then sedating her.
Because they are suspects not yet charged talkless of convicted!! their names should not have been mentioned yet tht is d law....the press release shdve been they have 2 suspects under interrogation not mntion their names and allow pictures of their back taken ..
@Nnenna,you have said it all,the fact remains that these guys are evil cos they had already decided on what to do to the poor girl,drugging her and doing all sorts to her pleeeease let justice take its course,for those self righteous people who are quick to blame her,pray not to be victims cos the scenario might not be like this.Eternal rest grant her O Lord.
Really dnt get wats happening,cos the video of the report on this case was shown on channels television and its completely different frm this version nawa o for naija media.....
Hmmmmmmm. different version of the story,unfortunately the girl is not alive to say her side of the story. Its a lesson to us all. May her soul RIP.
@ Anon 11:58 AM and all the people running thier mouths cuz she had a vibrator I can only tell God to have mercy on u... R u without Sin?? Y Judge her?? No respect for the dead... May U or ur enemies never experience it... Just take a walk in cynthia's shoes before u judge her...
I dont believe the story from these guys... + y r they not showing us thier faces... Naija which way nau???
Naija police is not 2 be trusted, dia's sumtin fishy about hiding dia faces
i was very angry when i saw dat too, hw can they be hiding their faces? wot does dat implies? are they trying to protects them? when they tortured nd kill d poor girl, they never knew dat they will be caught? God will punish their generations.
They have confessed to the crime,so why is d police hiding their faces if something fishy is not going on? showing their faces doesnt deny them their right to fair trial (which i personally think they dont deserve)The public also have a right to know the faces of these killers?,rapists?, ritualists? jus incase they are freed.If Nwabufor is really a student of Unilag,we need someone from his department to help the press with his picture.The public deserves to see the faces of these monsters.
Just as I thought. There was sex involved in this and consensual sex too that led to something else. I wonder if the strangling was part of a fetish sex act that she died during. This story gets more twisted, but I have a feeling the ultimate truth will never come out.
At the end of the day she is dead and only the parties in that room know for sure what happened.
I wish the families on both sides well. So many people suffering because of one act. Sad!
Pardon my curiousity o! If she owns a boutique, she shud knw where 2 buy clothes 4 her boutique since it wnt b d 1st tym shez doing it.sumtin isn't jst ryte biko.buh may her soul rest in peace n let's gv ds gurl a rest.
Is only God and Cynthia that knows exactly what happened cause these two boys are criminals and fools,they just ´narrated this useless story believing that no one else can find out the truth but let them remind them that God is watching and they must face the wroth of their Offence though Nigeria police can never be trusted as they have started hiding their faces from the Camera.
*singing* Everyday for the thief , one day for the owner .. Karma is real.. I believe the police have Their positive reasons... Well! RAFNOL or RAFINOL , and amnesia later.. #Noted . Hehe . @morlardybaba
Anybody who believes this can believe anything...where do you parade suspect and they turn their backs, with the other leaning on a car? geeeez! The statement from both "suspects" seemed rehearsed...seems the police cant get the REAL KILLERS...infact I dont know you can get shots from a CCTV that wasnt installed??? CCTV for FESTAC hotel...hmmm!
This cock and bull story doesn't add up!! There is definitely a coverup from the police and they have successfully plotted the story through the media to save the poor girls family from shame and humiliation..
If she was really coming to Lagos for a business deal, she would have least told someone if her plans were genuine.. I have a feeling her friends knew what she was up to. I read a comment on her Facebook wall of a guy who met her @ shoprite in July..
I hope they have the real killers because this story has K-leg.. In vanguard newspaper one of the guys said she came to buy WEAVONS for her SALON.. Nigerian police cannot be trusted o!!
Just as Jay said relating to beyonce performance and i quote "I'm gonna say this and then i'm gonna end mine"
RIP Cynthia.
And eh Linda,all these "rofinol" abi "rophynol" noise,some peeps never knew such drug existed and now that they know,trust me you'll get to hear more cases relating to that. cos to some,there prayers have been answered cos of all those girls doin shakara to them,all they need now is a dose of rufinol and you know anything goes in 9ja as long as you have the cash.Pharmacists dont need certified prescription from a qualified doctor to hand you a dose as long as you pay them...#GODSAVEOURBELIVED9JA! once again,RIP Cynthia.
It means they could be feed if care is not taken for hiding their faces. They may be well connected but the soldiers will not allow them to go even if the police play games. It will be fire for fire. You cannot kill a general's daughter and get away with it.
Instead of the killers to go and pay prostitues for sex, they enjoyed drugging, raping and killing young pretty women.
Cut up their balls and allow them to bleed to dead and dump them in a zoo for lion to feast. Let them scream until they die.
Linda, you are smart ooo. Some people wanted you to meet ''rapists in US/UK and you ran. I cannot blame you my 'sista'. You get brains no be small. Your meeting was in an open space. Common sense no get K-leg ooo.
Fake! you don't parade suspects with their back turned. Confessional statements by criminals should be in the open not by turning their backs at the camera. The story doesnt add up at all...RIP Cynthia, hope your real killers get their punishment.
Nnenna and Kayla thank you so much! I don't know y people are saying all the gibberish about her dildo, that is not important in this case, the bastard killed her is the problem here! I have several dildo bcos I like to pleasure myself and that doesnt make me wayward!!! Cynthia I don't know you but I pray for your soul!!! Beautiful girl RIP
The boys who killed their brother for ritual purposes in FESTAC where paraded and their pictures taken, one of them was quickly identified as a heavy spender in clubs around town. That is a story anyone can relate with...but this one is FAKE! Cynthia RIP only you can really say what went down...
Anon 11.58am,u must be a very big FOOL!!!
soote suspect wear suit and tie, i smell a dead rat here
Sad news. It could Hv been anyone of our friends or sisters. Wish the dead could speak, so we would knw exactly what these evil men did to her...Money is the cause of evil. Ladies watch and pray....
Lmao...U're crazy,help linda wit d app na.lol
Google dey der or beta still hypehit.blogspot.com
These so called explanation or "confession" is so sickening. Something is definitely amiss. With all these cooked up "confessions" (i imagine the same thing happened with suspects paraded as Late Comrade Olaitan's killers) who needs the police in this country. It's a cue for some of us to go start a private criminal investigations firm.
You people are so judgmental!
If she planned to sleep with them why did they need to tie her and drug her since you say owning a vibrator is a sign that you are ready to knack every guy you see.
Isn't it possible she brought her vibe because she knew she would be in her hotel ALONE and wanted some...relaxation.
And before you ask, Yes I own a vibrator, and Yes I take it on trips and No I don't need to invite strange guys to my room to show me how to use it.
Rest in Peace Cynthia. Your heavenly father will mete out justice to all those who deserve it through either their words or their actions.
I suspect they're mercenaries carrying out a job. It happened during Bola Ige, Harry Marshall n Funsho Williams' murder where some people where paraded b4 cameramen as suspects but till date nothing has come out of it. The boys were simply paid after their jobs were tru. In this era of social media and camera phones, it'll be difficult for the police to try that scam again without getting their hands burnt hence the reason for the hidden faces. I believe with the "names" released, reactions re meant to have started coming in cos we were told that one is a unilag 300l student studying accounting n the other in NAU studying same course. They should have classmates who will readily attest to the authenticity of their claims. Linda you can start it here and let 300l accounting students of both unilag n NAU tell us if they've seen them before n they should forward their pix cos this scam by the Nigeria Police force gat to stop.
It is amazing the way people conjure up things in their heads and conclude on what they want to believe. May I please make the following clarifications:
A. There is no where in all the stories that the close relations of Cynthia did not know that she was going to Lagos via Abuja to get stocks for her boutique. So I believe they did know she was going to Lagos.
B. There is no proof that the bastards that killed her paid for her fight ticket.If deep thinking & analysis are done, it will be obvious this is a lie from the media just to sell.
C. There is also the probably that one of the suspects (Echezona Nwabufor, 33) is not a stranger to her. They may probably have met before. Moreover, I will rather take the words of a criminal with a pinch of salt since he has being in the business of lying...remember people have been killed by people that are not strangers & are not facebook associates... Also everyone we have met was a stranger at some point.
D.Why would you believe the suspect's words that, "She came with a vibrator sex toy, so I inserted the condom on the sex toy and later dropped it there. I did not make love to her."
The conclusion here is that you can never be too careful...And that as much as you can, always meet people you don't know very well in public places. 'Very well' is at every individual's discretion though.
Rest in Peace Cynthia.
My sympathy goes to her parents & all her relations. May God comfort you all & give you the fortitude to bear the loss.
May her memories bring joy happiness to you all in years to come. SEUN
Useless criminals..see law of karma..5 times and the 6th one was their undoing..u can never escape justice in this world..a beg nuff gals dem a get vibrator how would they survive??..sure Linda's gat one too..abi I lie???..lol!!
An aside...any wonder Dangote wants Graduates as Lorry drivers..he knows they ain't shit..now I believe his gesture was right!!
And babes if una like keep posting naked shots to strange men on BB..and those ones lining up to go Abuja on Friday night..we dey see una for Local airport...packed themselves like sardines..colour blocking and all..even with Cynthia's passing...this Uni babes would still continue with their rubbish!!
Why did a pharmacist sell this Rahuootu to the students now? I tot it was supposed to be behind the counter?
Jesus....am just too shocked! Can't blv all ths!
4 sum1 in Τ̲̅ђe name of Dora just pass judgement or beta still create Ą̸̸̨͡ pix of ѡĥāţ transpired ïS̶̲̥̅ really amazing, am pretty sure u dnt knw Τ̲̅ђe gal 4rm adam nd u r here believing Τ̲̅ђe crap said by NPF. Hw many tyms in dis country have dey said Τ̲̅ђe truth, have u asked urself y sum1 would claim 2 wear Ą̸̸̨͡ condom on Ą̸̸̨͡ dildo ѡĥāţ was he avoidn getn her pregnant wit Τ̲̅ђe toy or passing std 2 her via Τ̲̅ђe same toy. Ask urself do u wear Ą̸̸̨͡ nylon ova Ʊȑ own hat b4 u put it on, nd let's nt 4get b4 u cast Ʊȑ stones even if she met Τ̲̅ђe guy online nd Τ̲̅ђey planned 2 have sex ïS̶̲̥̅ she Τ̲̅ђe 1st 2 do such tin on earth if Ą̸̸̨͡ gal gets pregnant her fellow gals laff @ her meanwhile hw many of u r virgins. Beta kips Ʊȑ story lines 4 nollyword its uncalled 4
Its very unreal for people to openly confess to a crime when all the evidence they have of them is their faces without serious beatings. They are even still fully dressed and that one wearing suit. If a policeman wants to arrest a suspect for murder, even if ur wearing only boxers that's how they would carry you. I don't understand this and their backs been shown. This is the fisrt time I'm seeing this frm the NPF. I believe these guys were paid to 'confess' this story that's why there r so many accounts from the same guys. They have forgotten the 'script'
people, do you know the way girls hook up? girls hook up with diff. men they do not know, av sex with them an collect their money and these girls have businesses to like boutiqes an stuffs. they int want to rob her because how much cash can she be carrying for someone that book a flight to steal?.it was RUNS, they all wanted to have FUN and it went negative. as per the vibrator, more wild girls own vibrators than sane girls so judge from that. tanks
people, do you know the way girls hook up? girls hook up with diff. men they do not know, av sex with them an collect their money and these girls have businesses too like boutiqes and stuffs. they dint want to rob her because how much cash can she be carrying for someone that booked a flight to steal?.it was RUNS, they all wanted to have FUN and it went negative. as per the vibrator, more wild girls own vibrators than sane girls so judge from that. tanks
Abegi whats wrong with having a vibrator? I have not one or two but 7 different ones. I've been single for 3 years by choice and I've never been happier. No worries of std, pregnancy or emotional turmoil. And the orgasms are out of this world.
I believe that this girl was just naive and didnt think this what happened to her was possible. We need to understand that we should never trust people, even those we know.
On that note, I will now go and hide my vibrators so that if anything happens to me my mother will not have to hear about it.
DORA annonymous 1.8pm where did u get all that rubish u were vomitting and typing frm?ode mumu so as they don mkup there story as u cliam u ma wnt mkup ur own story aby?look at d kind of stupid way u defended those idiots if u support such and cal it a play may such play happen to u too,so it was a play to drug her aby?a play to tie her up aby?and a play for 2guys to see her nackedness at a time aby?and a play to rape her for 12good hours aby?even if shes into drugs?i wonder if u are a human being atall,nonsence as for d vibrator ting if she's really coming to hv sex wt those idiots y would she cm wt artificial dick since d guys got d original dicks?is so clear she came for a trip and at d process if she feels honey can use her vibrator on herself that is what every girl do even me too i use my fingers somtimes to avoid dick,and as for police hiding d faces of those idiots shows that somthing is wrong as somone said cos if nt y wil u pet and hide a face of a useless murderer?who i can secretly stab to death if am among those crowds, cos even ordinary one chance criminals in abuja were murderd imidietle by jungle justice how cms those vampires?i tink somthing is wrong but i knw d truth wil cm out soon cos cythian has a young and strong spirit which wil neve go to rest until she finds justice and justice she must get.
i dont understand y they are hiding their faces? they arent underage boys so what is it na.
this could have happened to anybody!!! we enter taxis and we start dating people we've never met before. this is so so sadistic. that one can be so godless. loads of pple have evil fantasies and desires but dont act on them because of the fear of God. these boys should be punished
I guess this is what actually happened.. These guys didnt plan to kill her.. They paid for her air tickets remember, they planned to use the date rape drug Rohpynol(a drug which renders one immobile and lost of memory), to sleep with her uncountable times witout any resistance from her, which Cynthia didnt react to on time(people react to drugs differently depending on their body system).
So they put more Rohypnol tablets into the Ribena drink which turned to be an overdose that eventually killed her cos (as omo boi, they wan nack the fine girl by all means cos they have spent money on her air tickets & hotel bills) n planned to recover their expenses on her by robbing her of her boutique(stocks) money after throughly sleeping with her to their satisfaction..
Obviously this didnt turn out the way they planned it cos the overdose killed her & they panicked and abandoned her body and ran away...
Nothing is wrong with having a vibrator, most girls have it and there is nothing bad about satisfying urself, it's berra than sleeping around and contacting HIV in the process..
Please don't blame this babe or question her intelligence..
After all, Linda met her fans, who she hadn't seen before in her life at London the last time she travelled..
Note this could happen to anyone. You get to trust people you chat wit evryday.. They touch your heart, your share feelings for long for a while which could be 2months, 3months, 6months, 1yr etc..
No one can tell me you havent had an online relationship with strangers you haven't met, but wish you could meet instantly because of how close you have become.. You even get along with them berra than your known friends. This just turned bad for her and we should all learn from her experience...
Be more careful, vigilate and meet them in open places(your area) not far away or far distance places like hers, where you don't know your way around, probably go with someone and don't meet them at odd hours.. May her soul rest in peace. Amen
Word of advise from Omo Inla via Nokia Mars Q-phone enroute Samsung Galaxy S300 with 800 Mega Pixel camera..
I guess this is what actually happened.. These guys didnt plan to kill her.. They paid for her air tickets remember, they planned to use the date rape drug Rohpynol(a drug which renders one immobile and lost of memory), to sleep with her uncountable times witout any resistance from her, which Cynthia didnt react to on time(people react to drugs differently depending on their body system).
So they put more Rohypnol tablets into the Ribena drink which turned to be an overdose that eventually killed her cos (as omo boi, they wan nack the fine girl by all means cos they have spent money on her air tickets & hotel bills) and planned to recover their expenses on her by robbing her of her boutique(stocks) money after throughly sleeping with her to their satisfaction..
Obviously this didnt turn out the way they planned it cos the overdose killed her & they panicked and abandoned her body and ran away...
Nothing is wrong with having a vibrator, most girls have it and there is nothing bad about satisfying urself, it's berra than sleeping around and contacting HIV in the process..
Please don't blame this babe or question her intelligence..
After all, Linda met her fans, who she hadn't seen before in her life at London the last time she travelled..
Note this could happen to anyone. You get to trust people you chat wit evryday.. They touch your heart, your share feelings for long while which could be 2months, 3months, 6months, 1yr etc..
No one can tell me you havent had an online relationship with strangers you haven't met, but wish you could meet instantly because of how close you have become.. You even get along with them berra than your known friends. This just turned bad for her and we should all learn from her experience...
Be more careful, vigilate and meet them in open places(your area) not far away or far distance places like this incidence, where you don't know your way around, probably go with someone and don't meet them at odd hours.. They should face the wrath of the law for this crime they commited and May her soul rest in peace. Amen
Word of advise from Omo Inla via Nokia Mars Q-phone enroute Samsung Galaxy S300 with 800 Mega Pixel camera..
I love you Seun for your comment. you are the only reasonable person here
Ok now I'm suspecting the police o...abi these guys are just regular traffic violators being paraded as murderes? This is shady o. Plus with the ubiquity of the Internet how come the murders fotos never leak on Internet! How come their classmates, friends, etc who know these suspects names leak their fotos? This is too shady jare
Whu be dez okoros naw? Abeg read my piece again b4 u start blabbing lik something we can't understand! All I'm saying is we shudnt believe dis show d NPF is trying 2 sell us! Wateva happened 2 Cynthia cudnt have been totally planned out, or dez boys won't be caught! It happened out of carelessness and obviously some kind of pre-planned fun, agreed upon by all of Dem initially! Simple! Its sad buh let's all not be quick 2 judge or condenm anyone of Dem pls!
It is possible that the confessions these guys made r falsee.its possible these guys brought the sex toys themselves.
I still tink the cuprits r yet to be found.
Bunch of losers.......
Oh oh! True talk jare better person
May her soul rest in peace, ,my only concern is I hope these useless policemen have the right people. It will be a shame if the real culprits are out there free and they have tortured 2 innocent boys into confessing. Cos its very possible o...but if they really are the ones, then i trust the policemen to finish them!!!
Many women travel around with their vibrators in much the same way they pack their toothbrush and deordorant! Be it on a Disney trip with the kids, visit to the parents' house,lone business trip et al, the vibrator is our bonafide travel companion of choice! Just go and check your Mom's or sister's bag when next they're travelling...or even your Granma's! #Stop making shallow assumptions
WOW! 2 Sad! :(
If she's realy d owner of d Vibrator, then the more reason to show dat she doesn't sleep ard cos its for self satsifaction.. I pray dey kill d suspects.. Mscheew*
linda,you don dey used to the rubbish that goes on in nigeria u no longr know the right thing.....until these guys are convicted in a court of law and pronounced guilty,they remian suspects and their faces ordinarily should not be shown on tv or newspaper or wherever,it is what happens in the civilised world.showing their faces when they have not been convicted is not right,and the police in naija always do it and get away with it...as for these guys,if really and truly they murdered this girl,then i wish they can allow me decide how to best put them to death,i will feed them to starved lions and gather their bones to be grinded and fed to fish in the ocean.useless idiots!
they are con-thieves!
We are in the end of the world. Ladies please be careful and be contented with what you have because there are lot of liers in the world today.
9jirans take some normal tins as bin absurb. wat is rong with travellin with a vibrator for cryin out loud. it's just like traveling with ur pone, it's just sometin dat is required at dat point in tyme. even robots needs grease and if u tink u're a mechanical with no feelings pls never get married cos it's GOD's will in d bible..(annoyin) so much sick people in dis country...they should show ur these 4kers faces and make sure dey deal with dem inline with the law( if there is one sha) cos we are 4KD in dis nation.
My lips are sealed,but the girl is also part of the reason 4 her death.
She arrived Lagos on the 20th abi 21st,dey lodged her in d hotel,dey started their plan on the 24th,have dey bin staring at their self in the hotel room from the date of arrival till 24th wen she died. But the deed has already bin done,nothing more to say. I'm not a good gal ooo,but every lady in 9ja shud be wise.
Isn't masturbation wrong anymore?
He has spoilt market for the hotel he mentioned. plus there is just too much detail, this could be giving some other dude ideas, albeit done moderately. they shouldn't have said it all to the e
it means the police have somefin to hide .....simple
i am still dumbfounded by this incident. This is really a shocking one.........how can some stupid guys decide to rob a girl............how much were they expecting to steal from her self.......these guys possess 0% wisdom abeg
no be only igbo men dey kill for money. igbo women dey do so may God help us.
Dis story no make sense. Wat r de covering up exactly. Family friends say body parts missing etc. Wat is all dis story tryin to cover up someone who is wayward. Why r de hiding their faces? Abi bb done
finish for market n de r still dressed abi d lag I kn is now amelica. Pls story story. Only greedy pple fall victims full stop
All lies d only truth here is dat a gurl is dead. Mother of cynthia says d kidnappers demended for 20m father says no ransome was demanded. Mother says cynthia bro went to identify her body n father says it was his broda in lag who identified d body. Well on d wake keeping we will see if her body parts r intact. Even our media is full of rubbish.I hope someone eg linda yes u will commit to dis story let us kn hw d criminals end bcos those guys were paid to say all dis. Did u go n find out d hotel?
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - Cynthia DID NOT die in vain!
Useful information for the Nigerian security agencies (NDLEA, Police, SSS, and even the Military Intelligence plus NAFDAC, Nigerian Pharmaceutical Board, etc)
What kind of drug is Rufinol (a.k.a. Ruffies, Roofies)?
Rufinol (a.k.a. Ruffies, Roofies) is a slang term for a flunitrazepam tablet (Rohypnol® by Roche).
Flunitrazepam is a benzodiazepine similar to many on the US market (e.g. diazepam, triazolam) that is only available legally in other countries. Flunitrazepam is commonly abused in Europe, Asia, South America, especially Chile, (and Nigeria?) where it is available without a prescription.
Rufinol is a name commonly used, but this brand has not been found anywhere in the drug literature. Perhaps over time this name developed from a combination of the street and brand names. No matter what it is called, flunitrazepam has become a popular recreational drug in the U.S.A., especially Florida.
Flunitrazepam's increase in popularity in the U.S.A. may be due to its easy access from foreign
countries (Nigeria?) and to exposure in media such as Internet news groups and radio talk shows. It is manufactured in tablet and injection forms, and is used in other countries as a hypnotic and for the induction of anesthesia.
Flunitrazepam, like other benzodiazepines, exerts its depressive effect by facilitating the inhibitory effects of the neurotransmitter GABA. It rapidly distributes to tissues and is about 10-times as potent as diazepam. The depressive effects last from 8 to 12 hours. The tablets are sometimes crushed and "snorted" to hasten the onset and intensity of the effect.
There are anecdotal reports of it being smoked.
Drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, nightmares, headache, and memory impairment have occurred following the administration of flunitrazepam. Symptoms of overdose include somnolence, confusion, respiratory depression, impaired coordination, slurred speech and seizures. Treatment includes supportive measures, but flumazenil can reverse the sedative effects.
While benzodiazepines are not as dangerous in overdose as other sedative/hypnotics, deaths have occurred. Flunitrazepam is commonly abused with alcohol. Taking flunitrazepam with other CNS depressants is extremely dangerous.
Education is the best way to prevent disasters due to drug abuse. Health professionals should be part of the solution.
Courtesy: Bill Harbilas, Pharm.D.References
Bond A, Seijas D, Dawling S, et al. Systemic absorption and abuse liability of snorted
flunitrazepam. Addiction 1994;89:821-30.
Mattila MAK, Larni HM. Flunitrazepam: a review of its pharmacological properties and
therapeutic use. Drugs 1980;20:353-74.
Health Science Center Office of Information Technology
Tel: (904)392-7430
E-mail: webmaster@vpha.health.ufl.edu
Rufinol (a.k.a. Ruffies, Roofies), which is rarely used these days, was generally used as a sleeping pill to treat insomnia. It now comes in a newer formulation coated with a blue dye. This is to stop people from spiking other persons drink with it. If it is dropped into a drink, it will colour the drink blue. A useful tip for our security agencies? God bless Nigeria.
Those guys deserves to be hanged! They are wicked and heartless. As for the police, I don't understand why they are hiding their faces from the media. If they can reveal the identity of the victim why can't they show the faces of the criminals?
Rophynol is a anaesthetic drug meant for veterinary use. But because of its effects on the memory and as a muscle relaxant, it is the perfect date rape drug.
her death is so touching and what i think bout it was that maybe the guys raped her and there where afraid cuz she might report or something that why they killed her to cover their tracks and the second reason was that it maybe be a plan work of either the father colleagues or someone welling to repay the father for a bad act he has done to him or his/her family a long time ago but i want this case to go higher cuz in some days time they might make it die off please fight for her death cuz am sure it a plan work because covering their faces of the suspected killers and it means something means something.....rip id dont know you but it really touching
This is indeed very smart. Linlin I hope u get alerts for later comments somehow cos I don't think u have acted on this beautiful suggestion! We r relying on u
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