The sexy singer explains:
We are two Ego's in the music industry and we get mistaken for the other most of the time. For example, she got nominated for an award and people started congratulating me, and I had to explain to them one after the other that it wasn't my Ego. At times a song that one of us did is usually mistaken for the other. I realized that this issue just kept dragging me back, because I was sharing my brand name with someone else and yes, she has been there before me. So, I just decided that it would be better for me to create my own brand name and style that would be originally me without any controversy.
I could care less about her name change (don't even know who she is). The only reason I clicked on this is just to see her pic...& She fine ☺
Emmm...owkay,biko na who she be?
1st Lady speaks Via PinkBerry Gold 5
Your head D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ there. Nice move safarie.
I would have preferred you stick to Ego Omalicha
who is she pls?what music dis she sing?
Correct, nice thinking bt why u come dey pose for bathroom sink nah
Hissss.... Who cares? The next place she will go n pose for photograph will b d gutter.....
Is she nigerian lady gaga no 2
what about tiwa;taking a well deserve rest?
Ds previos pictures u uploaded on d same bbe she ws standn on a kitchen sink now its in a bath tub. Me thinkx she's a diehard btw wats wiv d cheap accessories. #justsaying
Have not seen or heard her song before. Is she based in Naija.
Who knows her pls...or her songs sef?
Stupıd gırl wıthout home traınıng, ıs good your father see your nakeness and remember lack of traıng he ga ve you. Thıs ıs not the Ibo culture ın whatever form.
So sori dear, me nor knw u sef so I nor dey mistak ntin nd u ve to start aimin big cus dey re alwayz mistaken u for big tinz lik dis, nt dat it is u; datz too bad ooo, nd u nor c reponsibl pic u safarie. Bfor u b lyk Jenifa baby for jenifa
Bt wait ohh,is her skin dis flawless or its photoshoped? #jst sayin sha..... Chica
Dis lady disgust me so much. Y u no kuku snap naked mak we know say u no wear anytn.fish brain. See her breast lik groundnut
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