This is a report from PM News
Two murder suspects who were paraded today by the Lagos State Police Command, Ikeja, Echezona Nwabufor, 33, and Ezekiel Nnechuwu Olisa Eloka, 23, have narrated how they drugged the daughter of a retired General, Miss Cynthia Akuzogwu Udoka, 25, and strangled her in order to steal her money.
One of the suspects, Eloka, said they killed Cynthia because they thought she had a lot of money in her possession. But after the dastardly act, they did not find a reasonable amount of money on her.
According to the suspects, “we met her on the facebook on our Blackberry. We invited her to come to Lagos to buy goods at cheap prices.
“When she got to Lagos, we took her to a hotel in Festac. We thought she had a lot of money, but she said she didn’t have any money. We gave her Reflon tablet in her Ribena drink. After this, we slept with her for 12 hours in that hotel. We discovered that the tablet did not work quickly on her.
“We then attacked her, tied her up and used cellotape to cover her mouth. After that, we beat her to tell us where she kept the money.
“When we didn’t get any money from her, we tied her mouth and strangled her and then we abandoned her in the hotel and fled.”
The suspects and the General’s daughter became friends on Facebook and were exchanging messages and phone calls.
She told them she was coming to Lagos. They met her at Murtala Muhammed Airport, Ikeja from where they ushered her into a hotel in Festac town, Lagos.
Briefing journalists on how policemen were able to arrest the suspects, Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Umar Abubakar Manko, said detectives made use of the close circuit television, CCTV, at the hotel where the crime was committed to identify them.
The Area Commander, Area ‘E’ Police Command, ACP Okoro added that the suspects who are undergraduates of Nigerian universities were nabbed through the call logs of the telephone conversations they had with the late Cynthia who was a post graduate student of Nasarawa State University.
After the suspected killers strangled Cynthia, her corpse was deposited at the mortuary of Isolo General Hospital in Lagos.
ACP Okoro stated that many ATM cards, about 23 SIM cards, different identity cards were recovered from the suspects.
Police sources said the two suspects will soon be arraigned in court to answer a charge of murder.
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Facebook? Do ppl still blv ppl on there?? May they rot in hell!!! Bastards!!!!! Can't blv such happened in nig!!
so pathethic! i hope they get the punishment they get for this
I am weak..wot a wicked world..Thank God they have finally been caught & for all those people calling her runs girl this can happen to anybody..I remember all our escapades then in Uni & still thank God for his mercies.
These people are dare devils.how do you sleep with a gal for 12 hours???God pls help girls of nowadays o.
Errrr....something is wrong here -->
Suspects:: “When we didn’t get any money from her, we tied her mouth and strangled her and then we abandoned her in the hotel and fled.”
Police:: When the suspected killers strangled Cynthia, they deposited her corpse at the mortuary of Isolo General Hospital in Lagos.
How did they abandon her body in the hotel and at the same time deposit the corpse in a mortuary?
Abeg lets just leave this matter and let the poor girl R.I.P. SAD STORY and Sure one has to be careful on all social media platforms. Simple!!
Shame on all who called her a 'runs girl'. She was just a simple trusting soul. The way we all were, at least once upon a time!
this guys r so unbelievable. why strangle after raping her? these guys should face firing squad straight.
Pple r wicked,they wil rot in hell
With this, can 1 say Nigeria is a safe place? I was not her fault but may her soul rest in perfect peace. And as 4 u who posted negative comments when she was missing, what do u hav 2 say nw?
My God, wot is this world turning into... I'm so sorry my dear, dat means she was hurt, she was in serious pains b4 she died, wonder the things dat we'r going tru her mind.
Pls, don't trust anybdy, not even ur parents, God said it also that d heart of men is desperately evil.
May her gentle soul RIP, linda pls do somtin, mayb a campaigne against violence, dis is becoming too much, we young girls aint no longer safe.
I no wan die now
God ooooo
Too sad! May Cynthia's soul rest in peace.
I don't trust the police, close sources reveal that vital organs of cynthia were missing,her eyes and vital organs,this was confirmed by a close Family member. This story says nothing of such..This is false (I have my insider source))The police are out to decieve to save her fathers image
*weeping* i just cant imagine wat she passed through for 12 hrs.
Jesu Christi! Was rape not enof that they had to take her life as well? Smh
God will punish u both dearly! Rot in hell assholes, death by hanging is wat suits u both
Wait, first they said that they fled the hotel and left her there... then next thing they said that they dumped her body in the mortuary. Abeg confirm this story...
RIP cynthia.. please people should be more careful. How do you trust strangers any how?
Oh, my heart bleeds for this poor girl. May the Good Lord grant her family the fortitude to bear this loss.
I'm glad that the wheels of justice has been set in motion.Unfortunately this girl cannot be brought back.
My God! what were they thinking and to everyone who still said Cynthia was a runs girl, hope you feel better now. The girl just wanted a really good deal. These were 23yr old students. What could they possibly offer her. She was a hustle hardworking chick and that's all the sin she committed. Just so sad.
Holy Jesus, and some terrible soul had already labelled her a murderer may God forgive us d way we post coments condeming people. My dear rest in peace. Ladies shld also be careful abt acepting guys D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ dnt knw on FB and BB
Its terrible wat pple do 2 fellow human being just 4 money. Y kill d poor girl?
At last all those saying she went for 'runs' can now see she went for business... RIP my dear
How come the suspects were quoted to have killed, abandoned and fled the hotel and they re still d ones that deposited her body at d mortuary. I'm confused..
May God have mercy on us. Facebook na wa ooo
OK...which is it?"they deposited her body at the mortuary" as per the last statement or "they strangled her and fled" as per the earlier statement.
Can we ever get facts right?
Linda does this story really make sense to you? they killed her and dropped her body in isolo mortuary and another paragraph says they tied her in the hotel and fled>>>>>so what the real story ?
What a nightmare! I will keep saying this! This is the endtime, things are only going to get worse for those who do not have Christ! Get born again and saved! And girls we need to be careful! No one is trustworthy, you cant even trust yourself, not to talk of complete strangers. Yes,we cant be too careful but first do everything possible you can to ensure you are on the safe side...then listen to the Holyspirit!
So the 12hr rape wasn't enuf for them,they still went ahead to strangle her....SMH!!!.......this world is indeed wicked.
This is not parading. I only see the back of one beast head. I want to see their faces. All three of them. Wicked souls. greedy bastards. Why kill her. tell me why. Now you know God is not asleep cos you were dumb asses. could not even cover your tracks. Foolish things. In this day and age of technology.
God @ Work
Justice at last!
Did they press charges against the hotel workers who got rid of a dead body without notifying the police?
This whol incident has been very troubling to me. This kind of incident has repeated itself worldwide. People should know that they are a lot of wolves out there and it will happen again to any man woman that dares to think that the 'people you meet on face book and BBM are a figment of your imagination. Those two sentence people chatting you up are strangers and should remain internet strangers.
People should not fall into this kind of port hole ....
Beautiful girl. May her soul rest in peace. I hope the baggars get get what is coming to them.
Let dem face the full wrath of the law! Wicked souls mtcheww
igbos,l hate igbo men so much,gold diggers,they always want to reap where they did not sow,l am so sad,they took the life of an innocent ,hardworking girl.my sincere condolences to her family,may god give them the fortitude to bear the lost.
Heartless pple. God will avenge her blood and make u worthless guys pay dearly. Dis is truly a painful lesson to we ladies. RIP Cynthia
I pray this is what the judge wuld say,"THE JUDGMENT OF THIS COURT UPON U iS THAT U BE HANGED BY THE NECK UNTIL u B DEAD & MAY ThE LoRd HAVE MERCY ON UR SOUL". Foolish pple,this is gona b d end of their lives.
Please Linda, please, .... you need to show the faces of the accused. Publish their faces, please. I feel this is not their first heinous crime. They need to be identified. The public needs to see their faces and maybe come forward with information that can help the police in solving their past crimes. They seemed like seasoned killers and prolific criminals. Death penalty by hanging should be handed to them, immediately. No forginess. If I was a family of the lady they killed, I will have them hacked to death with machete in prison. What the did was evil and they deserve their place in everlasting hell.
OMG! This just further proves that meeting and trusting people you meet online is very dangerous! RIP Cynthia.
God will definitely punish them! Idiots
Wickedness.. They should be killed..this should be a lesson to girls.. Don't trust any one..
So sad...y re igbo boys so desperate to make it in ds life?so money can't be made thru genuine ways anymore?they shldnt be given life imprisonment..let them face capital punishment.they don't deserve to live too..and fyi,am igbo from anambra b4 y'all come wt ur insults!
this report alone is conflicting .......first it said they killed her and fled the hotel , later it states they killed her and dropped in the mortuary..which is which
Oh my! I don't kno wat to say buh this world is a very wicked place . Sex for 12 hours ? God! These guys are heartless. Rip to her .return if possible.
Pictures of the murders pls?
Such wickedness. However some more questions need to be answered. Why would cloth sellers take a client to a hotel at their expense -assuming they paid the hotel bills? How did they hope to accomplish their dastardly act without getting caught if their interactions on Facebook and paper trails of other payments can b traced back to them? Maybe they are not educated. Are they the same people that paid for her return ticket? What means did they use, stolen debit cards? How was this not traced? Were the stolen debit cards reported to the banks....? A lot more has to be uncovered.
Where were the hotel management when they were moving her corpse.
She seemed so naïve, and over-trusting, imagine following some guys u hardly knew.
And the murdrers are possesed, instead of them to simply steal from her nd run away, they had to kill her too, they r dumb, now this incident will haunt them forever.
May Cynthia R.I.P.
I still don't believe this story.I have a feeling that these suspects were coerced into making this confession.
CCTV?Well, with phone logs, it could be possible,but I still think that they were tortured into narrating this story.
Wow,it's good to be a very important person in Nigeria.Mere being a General's daughter,pronto,Police went into action.
Can they also look into other cases of people that had lost their lives in such circumstances?
RIP Cynthia.The heart of men are so wicked,greedy and mean. Sometimes,I wonder if God will ever forgive us for what we have done to ourselves in this cruel country Nigeria.
Good lord
Dis is so SAD, i hope dey pay dearly 4 al d crimes dey've been committin.
Why God? Why?
I can't see their evil faces. Where are pics from the "parading "? But these ppl r stupid oh. How can someone looking for cheap stuff , and whose flight had to b paid by them, be seriously loaded? Very foolish things. Ok, fair enough their motive was robbery why go ahead to rape her? This is jst plain evil! These men should be given life with hard labour. They dumped her body in the morgue and just carried on with their lives, looking for next victims. Smh! I'm glad they got caught alive to tell the story so ppl can stop that runz crap. May her souls rest in peace. (Let this be a warning to others. How can people be so naive in this day and age?! How can someone u want to do biz with go as far as paying for flight and hotel? Shouldn't they b making money from u instead of spending on u?! Why accept drinks from strangers? Nollywood should have taught u better!! Why go and meet strangers without informing anyone? So many questions!!) I'm relieved for her parents. At least they have a body to bury. Poor girl died painfully. :(
Chineke nna! Wht type of thing is this,that is the reason why I dnt like chating with somebody I dnt kn talk more of seeing the person E! Nwa n ka a zukwu n ahia zuta otu
Are these human or animals?
Money is the source of all atrocities..
After drugging her and rapping her for hours,finding out she has few cash with her,why didnt u guys just take wat u found on her and let her,even if eventually u get cot maybe ur charges will be lesser nw with murder,thats for life,whichever way they still got u guys and dat sucks cos a live has been lost.
Punch says "they belong to a syndicate that lure girls to Lagos for evil deeds". This needs to be fully explained. Who are their other victims? I fear that this case would fade too quickly with little known and little learnt as a lot of such cases do. This sort of crime usually shakes countries for a long time, but not Nigeria. Who is talking about the Apo 7 massacre?
Hmmm! Na waoh! People are wicked shaaa! Couldn't they have just stolen the money and left her alone? Worthless animals, clothed as humans!
This report is conflicting. Earlier on it said the suspects fled the hotel and later on said they deposited the body at the morgue. May Cynthia's soul rest in peace in Christ Jesus, amen. This is every parent's nightmare, I pray we never experience such in Jesus name. May the great comforter comfort her family and friends.
If Cynthia's dad wasn't a general with connection within law enforcement, they would not have gone all out to track her killers the way the tracked these guys. I mean this is their 6th victim. Are we saying no one declaredne other 5 missing? Or no one cared about their wheaout? They probably told police and police just ignored them and was wasted their time. This reeks of man no man..which on one hand I'm glad thy nabbed these idiots. But on the other hand I wonder how any more evil money hungry fools are getting awAy with this kind of madness cos no one has the right "big" name to leverage law enforcement into an investigation. Rest in peace Cynthia
This story isn't straight forward, they abandon her at d hotel then again they deposited her courpse at d mortuary. I just hope these boys are truly the killers and not just young innocent boys police men are trying to use to gain props as per Generals daughter... #justsaying
Hmmmmmmm nkan be!!
respect to the dead.but mehnnnnnnnnnn ow could she be sooo gullible?!
Plz, d killers said wen dey strangled her dey abandoned d body in d hotel and fled, den again wen dey strangled her dey took d body to d mortuary ! Huh?
this is extremely disheartening for her parents and siblings. why did dey have to kill her aba very very sad. for a pent to bury a child is not an easy thing to bear not to talk of if the child died because she was murdered. really really sad i fell for her parents
Dese r d last days...ds is wickedness at its peak.....chei!!!
12hrs of continous sex?? Like serzly, wat is naija turning 2. Lord help our children
If dis story is for real,dos guys shld b killed.Bastard fellow mshweeeee
This is really sad! It brings tears to my eyes. No matter how much people may want to judge this girl, it doesn't erase the fact that people are just wicked and unfortunately, that's the trend young people are picking up now- indepth wickedness! You killed her and you got nothing from her except forcefully defiling her. What a shame! May her soul RIP.
Ohhhh....God. Wat a wicked world. Let d law take it's full course on dis criminals. Ewww. Cynthia may ur beautiful soul rest in peace.
Jesus Christ!!! God have Mercy.So sad...Now I hope all d fools calling ds innocent girl a prostitute will shut up an pray ds evil neva be falls dem or their own!
These pple are jst animals who deserve to rot in jail or just die. Wat a cruel world!!! RIP beautiful.
Cn I hv der FB real I'd
They should lock this guys up and throw away the keys.....if they are the ones that really committed the crimes. Nigerian police can make u confess something u didn't do.
this is so sad , so so so sad.....
How i wish one can turn back the hands of time..
These men are wicked, no matter the circumstances, one should neva treat his fellow human being this way........
wat is this world turning into, if undergraduate can behave this way what shld we expect from a AGBERO!!!!
they should be castrated!!!!
May God give the family of the deceased strenght to bear the Loss and this embarassment......
Its well my God's grace
Why was she killed even after robbing her? These ignominious beasts should be Bound to a wooden cross, With their faces raised towards heaven, And whilst still alive, be dealt twelve blows with an iron rod,
Breaking the joints of their arms, Their shoulders, Their hips, & Their legs!
After which they shall then be raised up to hang until dead!
And any customary act of mercy shall be expressly forbidden the executioner(s) of this punishment. *gutted*
I hope this girl and her family get justice.
What a sad sorry,she died a painful death...*tearsdropn*..May her gentle soul rest in peace....Those guys r heartless dnt dey v sisters?Its reali a sad story.Adieu Cynthaia
this is so inhuman and wicked*cryin*i wont 4give them.Aeegurl.
wow, these boys are heartless, i dunno why young boys are lazy to work hard to earn money in the right way!!!what was there gain in murdering the young lady!!!! Cynthia may your soul RIP
Youths of nowadays are desperate.
I don't blv dis story!
A life for a few lousy quid. It is amazing what materialism has created and continues to create in the world and in particular amongst our young people in that country. Another stark warning is for those who make friends they do not know on Facebook. Even when you know them, unless you are happy for them to know what happens with you etc, then you should not accept them as friends. Such a pity.
this feels odd to say but here goes, GOD bless Nigerian Police!
They must face the wrath
May God punish them for wasting such a precious life *sad*
Yes social media is good but we should be careful the sought of information we let out n the kind of people make friends with, it's unfortunate RIP dear cynthia I'm sure u'll missed by ur friends & family.
Lip sealed ... ShET!! Mehn!! This dudes are just heartless mehn!!.. LMAO!! No Importation again ooh!! This two foolish dudes don cast everything ... Any Control go reason say na killing ooh...chei.. See Wahala . @morlardybaba
I am speechless. I pray they rot in jail. Just a wicked act. May her soul rest in peace.
Joy sayssssssss
On the facebook on our Blackberry?
No comment here.
We used cello tape to cover her mouth. After that, we beat her to tell us where she kept the money.
How would she talk through the tape?
God help Nigeria. I hope this encourages business owners and home owners to install CCTV on their premises. We all need it.
RIP Cynthia.
Wat a sad story!
Pple shd desist 4rm revealing infos to pple they don't know well.this is an eye opener. May God grant her family the grace to bear the irreplacble loss. (Amen)
Its rather unfortunate
RIPP Cynthia
My God!pple are mean,evil! So afta dey drugged n raped her dey cudnt jst let her be?Y are sum humans so wicked, may d evil 1s neva go unpurnished,RIP Cynthia.
Last time i am folowing any person MAN or WOMAN to a hotel. This is the end!
RIP Cynthia
What an ordeal? Gruesome! And these are university students, the supposed leaders of tomorrow. Have mercy on all if this is what higher education is producing these days.
Am I the only one who felt that something crucial is not being told in this story? I feel for her family and I also feel for the families of the killers who sent their kids to school with high hopes for them, and this is the outcome. This world is a strange place.
May her aould rest in perpect peace. I pray for her family and friends. some people are so wicked.
Hello ppl of linda I greet,linda baby how come u come they put this tory,after I fenish reed it for blog Amarica gal
How sad! Evil truly abound.
Lord have mercy....12hrs of rape & still killed her?? Omg
How did they carry her corpse out without any1 seeing them?how did they dump her at the mortuary without d usual formalities?soo sooo many loopholes!!?hmmm...it is well!!RIP beautiful one.
Na wa ooo... This world is so unsafe :( :(
I don't mean to disrespect the dead and may her beautiful soul rest in peace. But this is why people should never trust 'friends' they make online! It doesn't matter how old you are or how mature you think you are. This tragedy could have happened to anyone. If you own a social networking account, be cautious and if you must meet up with the friends you make on the site, go with a companion. I'm proud of the police in this case. Let's just hope justice is served and those murderers don't buy back their freedom with some petty bribe.
Menakaya's baby.
The story is so disjointed. They killers strangled her & fled d scene. The same killers deposited her corpse in d mortuary in isolo, wao so confusing. D story should be more coherent, anyway d poor gal is gone & dat's sad. May her RIP! *amrra*
Awon omo ale meji. Tears will not depart from your respective families.
I hope these bastards rot in jail!
May God grant Cynthia's family comfort & fortitude in this time of grief... Amen.
Na wah, the girl was just too gullible to have followed two unknw men into an hotel room howbeit she had been communicating wit them on fone atleast she was just seeing them life for the first time that day! Two men in a role! No be Lagos sense be that o
May Ɣ☺ΰ die 10times b4 ♈ōϋя actual death. May God continue †̥ punish Ɣ☺ΰ even I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ ♈ōϋя graves. Heartless fools!
I thought they were calling her a 'runsgirl'. Now the truth has finally come out. The girl was only trying to make a legitimate living. She died in such a painful way. Her story is quite chilling. RIP baby girl. You truly were a girl to emulate. I pray that the family and friends would forgive those who tried to suggest their daugther was a woman of easy virtue. Her story really brings pains to my heart.
Which one is it? did they deposited her corpse at the morgue and fled or did they abandonned it in the hotel... the end of the story is not coherent linda
Smtin iz wrong wt dz story,
1st dey said dey strangled her in d hotel n fled n den anoda paragraph says dey deposited her at a mortuary..
Hmmm.. Rest in Peace lady..
How heartless,.they druged her,tied her up,tortured her,stole from her,.RAPED her and still KIiLLED her,.hmmmmmn,.the heart of man,.
9jadeltapikin...na wah Ooº°˚˚°ºoo c wetin ds world don turn in2 ehhn wch kind life b ds little children don turn Τ̅☺ armed robbers ritualist ehhhnnn God Ђåvε̲ mercy upon us α̲̅πϑ protect us Ooº°˚˚°ºoo
Oh my God what a wicked world. Imagine that innocent girl.
I DON'T BELIEVE THE STORY ONE BIT! They are covering up for the real killer...........
Goood....sooo sooo good! Am happy
NO peace for d wicked....he who kills by d sword wud surely die by d sword....pls No bail should be granted to dem....dey should rot in jail
Pls dey shouldn't cover deir wicked faces
Linda, iv not seen my prev comment oooo
Post everytin and don't leav any comment out
RIP dear cynthia, but be happy cause your death have save many souls that this idot would have waste, thank God the have been caught, everyday for the thief just a day for the owner of the house,your death is not a waste , my empathy goes to your family and love once
For those of u who r finding it difficult to understand the story: they strangled her and fled and then the Hotel managment deposited d corpse in the mortuary............
Hmmmm.....may mercy never ever be their portion in jesus name.
Guys, they killed and abandoned her. It was after the hotel found her that they deposited her body at the mortuary as they didn't find any I'd on her to notify the family. Linda, ple get all the facts before posting for more understanding. RIP Cynthia. God is already fighting your battles and he will surely vindicate. I pray her family find the fortitude to bear this terrible loss.
According to what I read earlier in another online media news the hotel staff took her body to the mutuary after the boys left the hotel. According to the news the boys went away with her phone and ID card but luck ran out of them when they answered a call to her stolen phone and they they were traced to festac. When they were arrested they were the same boys caught by the CCTV and that was how they were nabbed
This is a warning to our youth to stop using social media to make friends.Please reject friend requests from people you do not know!May her soul rest in peace.
Wht a sad story...we all shuld b vry prayerful $ careful...may her soul rest n peace, may God hv mercy on all of us...Amen!
Can Y'all just leave this poor girl to RIP? Whether or not the story is disjointed, the fact is that she made a mistake that led to her untimely death. Let's all pray for her family and also pray that these bastards get what they deserve. She was not their first victim right? They sure messed with the wrong family, her father was a ex Major Gen and her brother is currently in the military, its over for them. RIP pretty Lady!!!!
diz z jst soo sad..smh..i dnt even knw wat 2 say..RIP BEAUTIFUL CYNTHIA..#CHOKOLATA#..dats wassup!
I do not believe this story: police wants to be seen as working: pls can the cctv tape be replayed: they do this abroad all d time : even during everyday news: do we need to even ask: replay the tape now and air it:
It was actually the hotel staff that deposited the corpse in the morgue. The writing was a little confusing...
Dullards, if you had been keeping up with the story you would have known it was hotel staff who found her and deposited her body without contacting her family. No ID was found on her because these bastards had strip'd her of everything. So before you say the story is false, do your research properly.
Oh and Linda, you didn't help matters either by just copy and paste'n
This guys will go scot free if this story goes as it is to a court of law. Too many unanswered question.The hotel management has a lot to divulge too.
Anyway, rest in peace gurl!It could have happened to anyone so I wont judge.
her corpse was deposited in the mortuary does not necessarily mean the killers did it, it doesnt say who deposited the corpse. Lets read and try to read in between the lines.
hi, some peope may use the word gullible, for me i think she was too trusting. There is really nothing wrong with trusting people, however we need to be careful.
This story is so full of lies,the proper truth is still hiding and what f**king muderer is still wearing a suit? 4 dis 9ja wen we dey? Naaaa,smthn is wrong some were, with respect 4 d dead ooo,d gal nor sharp,but the NPF still v to investigate more,n those of you saying runs runs issue,dere is still an iota of runs in this issue,she nor get boyfriend? If it was d ryt thn to do,y didn't she tell her bf? Pls abeg make una dey talk truth,no body go come flog u via blog. Something is still under cover though. RIP
Oh,how gruelsome & sad! A lesson for all indeed!! Very heartless beasts!!! What has this world become for God's sake? May Cynthia's soul rest in peace & may God grant her parents the fortitude to bear this painful loss.
Got tears in my eyes tonight. Not manly at all. Shame to all those who said negative things about the poor girl. Let's ask for God' forgiveness
what is happening to us. TO think that undergraduate students will think, and carry out this act eh am at lost as to what is going through the minds of people in the bid to get money. what will they have done with the money? Since when did money become everything. YOU get into trouble when you compare yourself with those who have, and what they are wearing or what car they drive. For crying out loud all fingers are not equal, you dont have to dress a certain way, or carry a particular phone etc to be a person. Lets be contented with what we have and where we are. Greed,envy,jealousy, and lust for material things only get one into trouble. Life is not about what you have. Luke 12:15 says:"Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. Let him who have ears let him hear. One life is gone, and two more lives have come to the end of their dreams because, of lack of contentment. Ha this life...
the story is not confusing for y'all that are complaining........... the devils killed her and fled, then her corpse was deposited at the mortuary by whoever discovered it...... it doesn't mean that the devils deposited her body after killing her......... and pls pls LET HER REST IN PEACE BIKONU
I still don't believe this story.I have a feeling that these suspects were coerced into making this confession.
CCTV?Well, with phone logs, it could be possible,but I still think that they were tortured into narrating this story.
Wow,it's good to be a very important person in Nigeria.Mere being a General's daughter,pronto,Police swung into action.
Can they also look into other cases of people that had lost their lives in such circumstances?
RIP Cynthia.The heart of men are so wicked,greedy and mean. Sometimes,I wonder if God will ever forgive us for what we have done to ourselves in this cruel country Nigeria.
With all due respect there are a lot of things that don't add up! The fact that she did not have a lot of money on her shows a Red light. Meeting two strangers on facebook,whom she trusted enough to pick her up at d airport is a second red light! Trusting two strangers to be in her hotel room all alone is a lethal red light! Fetac is festered with assorted garden variety criminals! Thank God they gat them.They will be in solitary cofinement until justice is delivered to them! Death by Hanging! A rope strappedtheir neck exactly d way Linda died. May their souls rot in hell!
This looks like someone just wailked into the hands of these Igbo Killers and just said to them,drug me,rape me and kill me guys! May her soul rest in Peace!
By the way the girl I am dating in a University,her skool boyfriends r attempting to use her to con money of me! Sleezy low life bitch! Selling stories to her to tell me cos I live in London! Animals!
D banes of technology n social media! R.I.P Cynthia.
igbo boys r always dangerous c dem igbo haram
This festac again. Na wa o. A month ago, a ritualist was caught. Now another life drama. God dey
it is not rocket science to see that the so-called confession was under duress... too much information and unnecessary detail has been included. clearly NIgerian police ( which is famed for having a 100% conviction rate) beat the hell out these guys to give all that detail.... these guys have pretty much implicated themselves for multiple crimes that could have easily been denied and no one will have discovered cos the lady is dead.... God help naija police! i wont be surprised if the real killers are out there in festac town having a good laugh...
Cynthia I pray that you rest in peace with the almighty God, all you ppl on here saying story is conflicting or whatever, how does it concern you. Instead of you to be thanking God that they have been arrested hence saving other innocent victims you are here taking a piss, are you the head investigator or judge??? abeg calm ur boobs mcheww
I really can't believe human beings would do this to a fellow human being.I hope these animals are hung by their balls&dragged round Lagos till they breath their last.
RIP Cynthia!
Condolences to the family for their loss. Any unsuspecting person can fall for such.
Having said that, the story sounds cooked up to suit parties. The Nigerian police can do anything to frame up or look credible especially when VIPs are involved.
Did anyone notice how fast and easy it was for the police to catch these guys?
Never trust the Nigeria police.
I remember a few years back, having police men barging into my home. We later found out that they needed to parade people as robbers cos the commissioner was worried about the alarming rate of robbery in the neighbourhood.
They came in the middle of the night and took away 3 of us from our house.
Our neighbour, a retired police commissioner and God saved us as we were already labeled as armed robbers caught with several sophisticated weapons on the highway. They had scripted a statement for us stating this and forced us to sign it under serious torture. We were released the next day after the commissioner and other neighbours protested against our frame up.
You will tell a worse story when you are faced with gun totting animals who will go to any length to get a promotion or some recognition and especially when under pressure.
May God help us and save us from real criminals and our "official" criminals too.
terrible! terrible!! terrible!!!
this is just so sad
The plot thickens...thought babes in 9ja never accept..drinks that have already been opened..f..king bastards..what ever happened to hanging and firing squad!!
Cynthia is obviously not the first but has become a poster gal for this type of heinous crime..
U must b a fool! So yorubas don't kill or shd I mention BH dat are killin demselves and anyone. Pls don't bring ur tribalistic diseases here. Omo oshi
Its nau chai abi?may God 4give u....hrtless thing
I tot I was be only one still pondering on dat,thanx..
Na wa oh! Thank God they didn't succeed. Who knows what would have become of u? Naija sef!!
Please o I want to ask a question
How can a girl of 25yrs old do such a stupid thing I mean that u chat with somebody on facebook doesnt mean he is still not a stranger ok you went to visit a stranger who u have never seen before u didnt goto a place where people will see u guys since your all strangers,what type of business were you discusing in a holtel room?did this hapen in the day or night????
Second so police can even track such crimes comited in this country through call log from network providers what about the incident of the kidnappers and boko haram?some went wrong somewhere dis is not just business trip alone...how can u accept to go into a holtel room with two men strangers for that maner what type of bloody business is that u cant goto any eatery joint to discuss first before proceeding to holtel?all these are lies period.
Hmm may her soul r.i.p. It is for this reason i do not do facebook or have a blackberry. My friends call me 'bush' ,'outdated' i do not care. Just to avoid this type of problems.
Again why didnt the holtel management inform the police about the dead body before taking her to the mortuary for over a month what was there intention for depositing her at d mortuary since the dont know her identity so probably the corpse should be under police custody for further investigation....all these story na lies
Just 2 wrds...
Only a fool wld beliv dis!
If the hotel..had the CCTV that tracked the Criminals..why didn't they do a nationwide broadcast about a dead girl..last seen in the companyy of 2 men..all on CCTV..nah..something fishy is going on here..
Chai linda I happy I see ur fase 1st tym in life I rejoice nd I shout rite na na jacuzy I dey baff 4 inside. Amarica gal
chia i cant stop shedding tears so dis bueatiful innocent girl pass through all dis suffering of rape for complete 12hours b4 she died? gosh i tink death is nt enough for those bastards i tink they should get more than death for God sake what is dis? am really dieying right nw what a wicked world,dis is y when i eat guys money for yrs without responding to there invitation or pay a single attention people wil say am wicked i dnt knw 419 people nw also kill,cynthia i wish i can fight for u cos i stil feel dis is nt a enough cos there are stil other blood suckers lk those demons in town stil walking innocently looking for another victim.
May her soul RIP. As for the killers, let justice be done.
1. The Nigerian police actually did a very good job on this. They were working hard without knowing who she was nor d kind of family she came from. Her wherabouts/ death was confirmed to the family only on Monday. So for those saying strings were pulled to get the culprits apprehended,... That is false. 2. For the anonymous who claims her body was mutilated and even went further to say a family member confirmed it.... SMH...This is also false.shame on u and all those that have been spreading that story and sending out pictures of a mutilated body saying it is Cynthia. All her body parts are intact. 3. For those who said and r still saying it was runs.... Bigger shame on u maybe if you, your sister, daughter, wife or friend finds themselves in such situation (God forbid) then ur myopic views on issues may change. 4. For those asking to see their faces, that will be violating their rights to a fair trial. If u wanna see their faces find out the court that will be handling the matter and go watch proceedings. 5. Pls don't be so quick to say/write hurtful/judgmental comments. Bear in mind that It could be anyone.Think of her family and friends reading and hearing all that's being said.... It hurts. Everyone should learn from this and be more cautious.
linda an't u scared cos i just get bck frm work nw to see ur blog and saw dis story am so scard of even d next person around me,what a wicked world as if rape is nt enough for them they also killed her just lk that kai,thank God atleast they wil understand that u cant mess around wt every soul and get away wt it cythian soul has prove them all wrong,gosh i tink is time those hotel management wil start there work cos i sugest anytime a guest lodge in wt a guy they should be checking on d guest frm hour to hours to mk sure they are alright.
Ibos hmm hmm
This so sad! She should have met them @ a fast food joint to transact their business! Not hotel! Girls should be careful! So many beast out there. 12hours rape? They should b striped naked and flogged to death on the street of lagos!
To avoid this Bar baric act since last year a lady ( Pajin Concept) put together a Party and avenue for Us to meet in a conducive environment. getting to know the people behind all those 100000+ friends you call friends on all social network and driving positive discussion in between . Take hold of this year activity and avoid such from happening again. Knows your friends meet in an Open Place.
...hmmmmmm...there has been one dark story or the othr creeping out of Festac lately...smh
Ppl are sooo wicked..dis is a lesson to evry guy or gal out thr,ds can hapn 2 ny1.. Its imprtnt to always tel atlist one person where u are at any particular time...who knws,it might jst save ones life.. What did she do to derserve ds kind of horrible thing..God will definately judge dos boys
I thought it was Cynthia we are talking about?Where did u find a 'Linda' in the above story?Abeg, make una dey try to type well na...ahhhh!
What is reflon? Cant find an answer on Google...Too many inconsistencies in the story told here.
Not sure who is at fault, the police or the author?
Alot of pieces don't add up.
The way nigerians miss the point of everything!Everyone is quick to blame facebook and blackberry,when the point of this being published is to warn young girls out there to detest from trusting people at face value,don't accept reqs.frm strangers FB is only for people you know period.even they shldnt be trusted.whether the story is fake or not just take heed and stop being a spineless prick!warn ur female loved ones n friends! May her soul rest in perfect peace! And as for the perpetrators they should be castrated and fed to sharks!
@Anonymous 9:32pm you said exactly the way LINDA died? CYNTHIA you meant!
Please madam Linda, dis is d 1st time I am visiting ur page. I don't know y u'd block d story with adverts. We know dt you make ur money frm d adverts, but show some human face...to tell us dt its not all about ur money. Align d adverts on its own column, so as not to cover d real thn dt makes us to visit ur page. I don't like my first impression.
even a dumb person cn c dis
Girl rest in peace God knows the best. But for the killers my only advice is to ask God for 4giviness bcos hell is real and ppl lik u is meant 4 HELL FIRE
omg wow!! may her soul rest In peace. but I still don't understand how someone can trust ppl she met on facebook. Not only dat she even went there alone without telling anyone.. My God!! Please ppl be careful of who you make friends with and tell ur secrets to. These ppl u meet on facebook and twitter will either try to kill u, or expose ur secrets on twitter. Please o
OMG!!! I thought this is what obtained in oyibo countries.. I used to watch such stories on CSI Channel...never knew naija too have psychos and serial killers..
Poor Cynthia, God knows what she went through with this heartless animals. May her soul rest in peace amen. *floetry in motiom*
ps: for those of you saying "how can she go meet a stranger she met on facebook/BB" dont think straight. do know long they been communicating to win her over? do know if it is someone close that linked her to this killers? lots of pple i know have married their online friends even me have dated one(though it didnt work out, known him online since uni bu started dating when i graduated and working) so pls let desist fro m judging and labelling her esp. talking to "anon. August 22, 2012 7:11 PM" and must she have a BF ...Better
What is the father of this Girl waiting for. you are waiting for arraignment and court trial. General you fall my hand. Just pick your pistol and blow off their heads. I mean you are a General you are licensed to kill. and here some idiots murdered your only daughter in cold blood.
Such events happen everyday all over the world. People present themselves as what they are not. Cynthia's case has made Nigeria's headlines. May it be an example to all, especially young women.
What I don't understand about this case -- and it's something I haven't heard mention anywhere -- is why nothing was done to find Cynthia's killers until her disappearance went public.
Cynthia's body would have shown trauma from being beaten and strangled. When her body was found, what was done to find her killers?? Not being able to identify her is not an excuse. The police should have immediately explored the hotel's camera footage to track down her killers.
(I am even questioning the 'call logs' because weren't all forms of ID removed from the hotel room?? Including her cellphone? So where did the call logs come from?)
Then again, many commenters all over the internet, not just LIB, called her a 'Runz Girl'. The police and hotel staff probably thought the same. I guess this is not the first time they were faced with an unidentified corpse.
The issue at stake here is that crimes were intentionally committed that resulted in the loss of life. Whether the stories being told are outright falsehoods or half-truths,or there is some kind of cover-up involved, the issue at stake remains that someone lost her life. The only thing that will bring closure to Cynthia's family and the rest of us, is when the perpetrators of this evil act are brought to book by facing the maximum penalty. It is saddening that some ignorant people are ascribing this sort of dastardly act to a particular tribe. The truth is that evil abounds everywhere in this day and age, and it doesnt know tribe, neither is the act of murder peculiar to a particular tribe. The people who did this were evil, pure and simple.People should be careful about meeting strangers becomes the times are evil. May Cynthia Rest in Peace and may the Lord grant her family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.
What a waste.Such a beautiful girl, cut down in her prime for NOTHING!! those guys should be hanged. I'm not interested in the conspiracy theories i have so far read, whoever is responsible should be dealt with appropriately. God help and protect us all.
''ACP Okoro stated that many ATM cards, about 23 SIM cards, different identity cards were recovered from the suspects''.- It appears the police are going over themselves to make us believe their story in its entirety. I am only concerned that the REAL perps of this devilish act should be brought to book. girls be careful who you trust! May her family be consoled and comforted in their hour of despair.
Tjis story doesnt add up, well the police knows they are dealing with very shallow minded Nigerians.. its a pity...
NIGERIA - Lucifer's African Headquarters base.
I have never seen a nation like this one.
Glad am not from yalls.
RIP pretty lady.
Demons need to be cast out of all NIGERIANs
They probably put a spell on the poor girl!
RIP Cynthia.....Thats a painful story....
I am just confused though....
my questions are...
1. Why go with people you are meeting for the first time to a hotel?
2. Ribena? Did she take an open drink from people she only met that day?
3. she is an educated lady who I gather is well travelled..what cheap goods was she coming to lagos to buy?
4. Didnt she tell anyone about her 'trip' to Lagos?
5. Finally didnt she have friends she couldv stayed wuth in Lagos?
Thank you ohhh as you are speaking I've been trying to del efritin. Not over this case but just the invasive anture and privacy violations of that thing. I delete ppl anyhow
They should rot in hell, I'm crying inside of me. Evil men!
Linda u hv joined d crop of journalists who hide d faces of criminals in Nigeria. Why cant readers see their faces May God hv mercy
Social network bad bad poor simple trusting soul may her soul rest in peace.this just doesnt happen in nigeria everywhere in the world.guys and gals be careful on social network.the world is wicked too wicked.
Those calling cynthia gulliable and too trusting should know that this could happen to anyone.In her case,she was just unlucky to hv bn with devils.Not al FB friends are evil.I for one met a guy on FB n we became friends even B4 we hv seen each other.we eventually see in Lagos n I even visited him at home.we're still good friends.All am saying is when something bad wants to happen,it will surely happen.God is the only one that can guide us out of evil.May ur gentle and beautiful soul rest in peace.Cynthia.
May her soul rest in peace. All these Igbo people can do anything for money. The statement seems fabricated after so much torturing from the police. They still yet to be charged. May God save Nigeria.
First of all, I dont believe this was how the whole thing went down. But which ever way I am not going to judge the victim because either way her life is lost and may her soul find its way to eternal rest. And as for the culprits I honestly cant even imagine what sort of punishment would be suitable for them because for you as a person to have had the heart to take ones life then youre definitely not a human being or must be under some kind of influence and victims with such arent normal. I just dont know what to say.
Also I hope this poor girls case acts as a lesson to learn from for all those other girls out there who are hungry for luxury and flashy lifestyles without diligent work. True some do it and succeed but some also tried and ended up losing their life. Please girls be warned and be wise. It all doesnt end with lace wigs, blackberry, iphones or a car key.... I pray God delivers our beloved country Nigeria before itself destructs an touch the lives and mentally of our present and next generations. We are already a laughing stock for other countries out there and its getting more worse by the day. No one has the solution but God. So I imploy all the Muslims, Christians, Pagans to please pray for our country.... Ritual activities are as normal as good morning... Stealing as normal as good afternoon, prostitution for money as normal as goodnight.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm May GOD Almighty Save US. AMEN
I can't help but laugh at the comments of some idiots acknowledging their status as runz girls at one point in their life.
Funny, its this same idiots you'll see in Churches screaming their lungs hoarse praying for husband. Please, tell us which man will willingly marry expired goods that his friends have probably tasted.
Erm! I think you need to shut the fuck up right now. Instead of saying you were a runz girl learn a leaaon from this incident of what happens to people who aren't runz girls.
Linda abeg the writing was NOT confusing! It wasn't ambigous in anyway. Problem is that we Nigerians hardly read things properly. At 1st, I also thought they killed her, fled and then deposited her body at the mortuary. But when you read it well, it says "... her corpse was deposited at the mortuary". It doesn't say "after they strangled her, they deposited her corpse at the mortuary".
Anyways, this just shows that there really is no honesty on the internet! RIP Cynthia
I knew d day she died,cos I live close to d hotel,,,,never knew she was d missing person...she wld av been found earlier
Such A̷̷̴̐͠ wicked world
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