But the Nigerian married couple denied the allegations, claiming the children were victims of a racist witch-hunt. They were, however, found guilty of cruelty to a person under 16. The parents convicted of a decade long campaign of abuse against their six children were jailed for seven years each yesterday.
The Nigerian couple, which the paper said claimed their kids were possessed by evil spirits, were found guilty after Coronation Street star Michelle Collins gave evidence against them.
The parents argued that the children had been ‘brainwashed’ into making the allegations by the police, the London Borough of Haringey and Miss Collins who they said ‘wanted to steal’ them, UK’s Green Crown Court heard.
Jurors rejected the parents conspiracy theories. When they are released, they face deportation back to Nigeria – despite pleas from their legal team that they have been ‘punished enough’ by having their children taken into care.
As they left the court, the paper said the couple wailed: ‘We are innocent, this is a miscarriage of justice.’
The couple were accused of beating their children with brooms, hoovers and wires and even giving their baby a morphine overdose just days after her first birthday.
A report published in UK’s Daily Mail said five of the children were rescued after their eldest daughter threw a heart-wrenching SOS note out of a window.
The report said it was not until their one-year-old baby was given a morphine overdose over a year later that police reopened the case which led to their prosecution.
The paper said the plight of the children was so bad that Miss Collins, who met them at a church lunch, took them to the cinema ‘because she felt sorry for them’.
The Miss Collins gave evidence as a prosecution witness during the trial of the parents, both 40, who could not be named to protect their six children.
Sentencing them to seven years behind bars each, Judge James Patrick described it as ‘shocking mistreatment’ that they had tried to cover up with a ‘web of deception’.
Judge Patrick said: “No-one who sat through this trial could help but be moved by the fact that these intelligent, charming, fun, lovable children continue to love you despite what you put them through.
“You alleged a conspiracy involving a well-known actress, who had done nothing but show your family generosity and kindness, a member of a housing charity, social workers and foster carers.
“Those who had taken the trouble to support you were repeatedly accused of dishonesty, lying, and conspiracy to rob you of your children when the reality was that both of you were lying – in fact they ware simply seeking to give your children stability.”
But the parents claimed they were victims of a conspiracy – and even alleged Miss Collins was involved in a witch hunt against them and wanted to ‘steal’ their children.
One of the youngsters, a baby at the time, had been allowed to stay in the home by Haringey council, who were involved in other case called the Baby P and Victoria Climbie cases, despite the fact the five other children had to be rescued.
The abuse reportedly came to the attention of police in April 2010 when their nine-year-old wrote an SOS note and threw it out of her bedroom window.
The heart-breaking plea read: ‘My mum is the worst mum ever because she can’t cope with five of us, her broken hand and being pregnant. She always leaves me out so I always starve and I am forced to work.
‘If I don’t get enough house work done, I am beaten without mercy with the wooden end of a broom. I have scars all over me to prove it. I can’t stay here. I would like a new mum.’
It was found by a neighbour who called the police, and when officers attended the address they found the children living in messy conditions with ‘dirty’ and ‘dishevelled’ clothing.
Revealing scars the eldest said her mother had hit her with a cable, a broom, and a hoover and her father had dangled her by her feet down the stairwell of the house, tied her hands behind her back and her legs together ‘to get the devilish spirits out’, prosecutor Emma Smith said.
Her sister, who was seven at the time, had a stick shaped bruise of her thigh and after a few months in care, she drew a series of pictures showing her dad beating her and her being left home alone and including a speech bubble saying ‘I’m hungry.’
The children were left home alone for hours, sometimes days on end, with the elder kids forced to look after the others.
They had even been forced to lie to a charity and social services that they were living alone with their mother in one room and had no idea who their dad was so they could scam benefits.
Even during the trial the eldest feared she had torn her family apart with her ‘devastating cry from the heart in the form of a letter which she threw from the window’, the judge noted.
There was an investigation but no further action, and the five children remained in care until the parents once again came to police attention on 28 June last year, when they gave their baby an overdose.
‘But for the events of June 28 you would have gotten away with your crimes because of a merciful decision not to prosecute you’, Judge Patrick noted.
The couple’s sixth child, a baby girl, the report said, was also initially taken into care but then returned to her parents. They took her to St Thomas’s Hospital just days after her first birthday last year.
The paper went on to say that without treatment, the baby could have died but doctors managed to save the youngster, who it is believed was given morphine orally that morning.
Wicked parents. honestly some people do not deserve to have kids but God is not man.
if the kids are possessed why not take them to a church for deliverance rather than flog the living day lights out of them with brooms and what have u. and even giving a child morphine! thats the height. i think the reverse is the case here, the parents are possessed!
This is quite unbelievable..They ought to have known better, beating these kids in the UK amounts to Child abuse..It's such a Pity, and to think that they brought these Kids to the World...That shit cray.......
And they keep giving birth to kids like dogs when they can't take care of then
They have been named on another blog so who are you kidding? Name them jor! People must learn you will be shamed if you maltreat your children. I hope they rot in prison.
Is this a photograph of the family? Because this IDENTIFIES them. Rookie mistake, but then I suppose you aren't a journalist so you wouldn't know.
Maybe another photo of silhouettes or something abstract which represents family life perhaps?
even thu there are possessed, it was inhereit from there parent biko
thank God for a civilized society like uk, if na naija d kids for don die hissss pls throw their ass down to naija hissss wicked people
Six children!!!Are they in any competition?If u decide to bring many children into this world,make sure u can take care of them all.
This is very sad...i can't help but look at the innocent faces of the kids and wonder how both parents could be so cruel, did they trash them before that kodak moment or afterwards?Drug them two nights after or before? Do they feed well???I just wonder......
I suport spanking a child bu when you become bother Iine evil & start using deadly weapons to hit a child then you deserve life in prison.
frustrated Parents!!! gush i sheared a tear for those kids.. God would take care of them..
I wonder what the couple were thinking. They're are not anywhere nare naija, one would have thought having that many a kid and equally subjecting them to such torture is a routine we are used to.
Well, its so unfortunate that they end up like that. I just hope others would learn from their predicament.
thing with african parents is that they will kill their kids in the name of discipline...the Bible does say spare the rod and spoil the child..I disagree with the WESTERN world where parents cannot smack kids but then again i also disagree with africa where discipline amounts to battery and maltreatment..this is just INHUMANE!!
I love my parents but then again as much as i know my dad wanted the best for us, he will beat us when we don't sleep in the afternoon just beat us for stupid reasons and this made me determine to rebel...well for the word of God that later reached deep into my heart and made me want to live to please God i just chose to live away from home...I love my father...he goes extra miles to make us have the best but his method of discipline will make u forget he has done any good thing for u...I hated him..till this day when i read stories like this and i remember that sometimes I would want to run away from home, it brings tears to my eyes..poor helpless kids...
If only they can come and see how parents are treating their kids here in Nigeria. Most parents uses electric cable wire to beat their kids - well hope it serves as a lesson to others
Na wa o. But there is a way they can discipline their kids without going this far
Disgusting. The parents are the ones possessed by evil spirits. How can you beat a child with a hoover? Most Nigerian parents can't differentiate between discipline and child abuse. I hope they rot in jail. Animals.
for the love of God why not put the children for adoption rather than this...
na wo oh , u carry pikin 4 greener pastures dats wat u get wen u even pinch dem or try 2 caution dem . trust mi raisin children abroad aint d real deal, 2 sch is better so 2moro dem no go cos u nd question y u born dem in d 1st place . Noisy neighbors hmmmmm. i jus pity dem . cos d children wud hate dem for life .
ONOME says......
Thanks babe:)
Only say you no grew release ur email address make i contact u host u to better starch and owho soup when u land this area.
Now where my zobo?I am just going to read the comments on this one.I hope they come in torrents:)
So sad
why having six kids? Six! 1 2 3 4 5 6... even writing the numbers alone, i'm aready stressed. having six kids is enough to give one great stress that you can lost you moral senses exp. in uk with little assistants from the gov. Terible. na im b say if them dey germany them go born full vilaige, n call it omoaka villiage.(pardon ma joke)
they should have known better. with love all things are possible
The German Immigrant says...whilst this(as reported) is an extreme case of child abuse. In a sense it brings to light the ever complex challenge of raising a child in the UK when u have African/Religious and Traditional morals to instill.
You see, the UK is un-officially a secular society and the only thing encouraged to enforce the concept of good and bad in a child is the state police and social system. Most of whom are non-religious,liberal and gay. It matters not what you tell your kids at home, it will be vehemently reset at school the next day.
Even native british parents are now begging for the right to some form of corporal punishment and spanking within reason. Anybody that has lived in the UK recently will concur that the youth are completely out of control.
My sincere condolences to all economic migrants who are faced with this challenge of raising kids in this environment. Its a dire and bleak prospect...says The German Immigrant
Gud for dem *tongue out*
I don't think any Nigerian parent leaving outside Nigeria would do such, I suspect foul play.
I feel for them sha! What were they thinking? If they wanted to give their children that kind of 'strict' upbringing they wld have come back to naija! It doesnt work there.
A lot of us mouthing in this blog were brought up under worse conditions and treatment but we still love our parents to tiny bits. Mot saying the extreme disciple and morphine giving is acceptable but we africans have a thing for strict parenting.
This is more than discipline. This is wickedness!
This picture we are seeing does not portray their parents in bad light as much as the conviction is trying to make us believe. The kids are looking great and happy. I don’t know why I am not convinced that they are that bad. Listening to my expatriate colleagues tell me how silly their kids are and how helpless they are in correcting them, I can’t help but pity these parents. It may have been out of love and not wickedness; they may not really be that cruel in dealing with their kid. My heart goes to them and wishes better life after prison.
Dis reminds me of Victoria Climbe's story...so sad!
Abeg just sharaaap dat ur mouth, journalist ko journalist ni..just comment of the family and leave linda to run her blog
A lot of Nigerian parents don't have the kind of love required to raise the multitude of kids they have. Some of them don't even love each other yet just because they are capable of conceiving they think it's ok to bring a child into a loveless home. Sad.
Oga pls try to minimise ur comment biko ,is it only ur comment we ll read ni mtchew but seriously na by force to life in uk ni :p I trust my country neighbours gan go follow u join hand beat Dem
what kind of a parent is that, thats good for them.
God truely knows best in the sense that only God himself knows exactly what must have transpired in those years since its the parents word against there children.I wish i could understand the part that says they are bewitched,So witch de follow person go london (Joke)
Lets not forget our values and crucify the parents yet, they may have meant no harm, though they have made some mistakes without remembering the laws in UK regarding children. They wouldn't hate or hurt their own kids as much as its being portrayed. Children exaggerate a lot and kids don't usually understand the real implications of their actions. The children will definitely miss their parents when they realise the implications of putting their own parents in jail, the difference between parents and strangers and that they may never see their parents again. Certain things can't be compromised.
Visit www.drimzmediaservices.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter@drimzmedias.
What a wicked Heart!
Raising kids in europe n'america is something else. Kids are getting spoiled everyday, especially teenagers.ur kid doesnt lisen n'u cant do anythin SMH. Much sad
They should have been jailed for longer. Wickedness and lack of self control.
Seriously 'sheared' a tear.There is nothing I won't read on this blog
May god forgive all the Nigerians pretending to be clean here. Is that not how most of you maltreat your children because it is not against Nigerian law? Don't Nigerians use wires to flog children?
This couple had the kids so that the government will pay them more money via benefits. The law is changing to stop people from having too many kids on benefits.
White and Asian people are also having kids for money but they obey the law against child abuse in most cases, and not get into trouble.
The mother is very lazy but she may be disabled since the daughter said she had a broken hand.
It is sad because they may never see their kids again. When they are released from prison, the kids may decide not to go back to them but remain in a home.
U took it outta my mouth!
The thing with most of african parents is that they will kill their kids in the name of discipline...the Bible does say spare the rod and spoil the child..I disagree with the western world where parents cannot use the rod on their wards but then again I also disagree with africa where discipline amounts to battery and maltreatment..this is just inhuman period!
Another terrible case of child abuse! He said spare the rod and spoil the child; not batter and abuse them! Show your children real love; discipline them but do not go overboard!
It's the Celebration of Marriage Week- Appreciate your spouse today
I just don't get it or understand why this couple should behave like this Linda abi no be dem born the kids. the husband is shouting racial witch hunt that is bulshit in the states and in the u.k if ur guilty of child abuse or child cruelty u will face the music so let them face the music abi they think say dem dey for Nigeria were they can do rubbish and get away with it.idiots infarct they be wicked jezeblic couples
I see this anger management and child abuse problem trending in the society. They can forget those children and need to be set as an example to other. the powerful abusing the powerless.....
An unfortunate situation really. those of you reading this blog i hope you straighten up. this also includes all children in your care.
Child abuse all in the name of discipline. My heart goes out to the children, cos they may find it difficult to overcome the pyschological effect and emotional this will put them through.
As for the parents, I hope they will be able to regain the love and trust of these children.
I personally smell a rat. Some conspiracy going on there. Or do you really think parents in their right state of mind will do all that? In Naija here, getting thrashed with cable wire and all sorts na normal thing. My mum did beat the crap outta me when I erred and I love her no less. So you fake ass Nigerians forming Britico where they still regard you as 2nd class or even 3rd class citizens can just get down from your high horses and STFU. My peeps disciplined me and I will be damned if I let my own kids rot. (And yet they wonder why younger generations always seem to have no sense of direction)
I totally agree. It wasnt even only beatings. Talk about unnecessary insults.
I remember parents would just diss you for no reason. Meaningless cruelty. And they would call it discipline.
Proffered solution:
Schools should encourage children to talk more.
To teachers, guidance counsellors.
But...then this is generational work. You know change can be so intractable in this part of the world.
Anyway sha, facebook dey. (which is a bit unfortunate) -
But then again what if, the parents really didnt deck those children like that - ?
A little discipline is good for kids...just dunno how far the parents really went....
Na wa o, dis kids r in london n yet it feels like dey r in d village in 9ja
this linda ikeji..if u dont no the full story dont write..i have been following this case for a long time..even went for the trial and the parents in my honest opinion, were innocent. i honestly feel that the council r trying to cover their asses cos there was no evidence. just testimonies of the police that failed to investigate the allegations. I was just shocked at how unprofessionally they handed this case.I was more than shocked to hear a guilty verdict by the jury..the police snatched this mother's child from her 48hrs after she gave birth n the next time she saw that child was in court..such wickedness will not go unpunished. pls ya'll pray that their appeal will be fruitful cos it is soo unfair to c the extent of wickedness that has befallen these people..very sad!
It's difficult to believe this story joor!
Are these not the same parents/kids that was featured on this blog and other media a while back about some petition that the British govt wanted to take their kids? The claim was they were not the original parents and the kids were adopted? The name Gloria Musa sounds like that story.
Just wondering, Linda find out pls.
No sin goes unpunished.their evil works has caught up with them.I pray for repentance for both of them.
Long story.. *yawns* If I didn't see the names up there, I would have concluded this family is an Mbaise family. So many children eisssshhhh! Give birth to what you can handle.
anon 8:50pm Aug 15th you are right it is the same couple i remember that story too
now dat was a bit too harsh.there should be a line between disipline and cruelty,and i think they actually crossed the line on this.my 2 cents sha.
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This is a lose-lose situation. Foster care is not the place for any child. So while it's great and wonderful that these children were taken away from abusive parents, their future is very much uncertain.
There aren't a lot of families/couples that will take in SIX CHILDREN together. Most likely the siblings will be split up. Some of them may be adopted while others are left behind.
It's such a pathetic situation. These children deserve our heartfelt prayers. I hope they will all be happy, productive and successful adults regardless of their rocky start in life.
There are better ways of scolding a child rather than beating them up with wires and all sorts...this is absurd..May God help these kids..YB
well it's interesting to see all this comments...
personally I think the Nigerian embassy should intervene..
After all, they are Nigerian citizens and our law permits a child to be chastised by their parents if they do wrong. personally I believe beating a child might save u alot of headaches wen the child out grows beating...
And Think it's save to say to the best of my knowledge it's only Americans and Europeans that have laws against chastising children...
The problem is some people are just plain wicked and over do it sometimes... while others just don't know wen to and not to...
But the Nigerian embassy should intervene, and see how they can atleast get the sentence reduced if to something significantly lighter...
And for all those condemning them... Don't you guys leave in Nigeria???
Is it discipline to beat your child cover with blood, rub hot pepper over body, eyes and private part.
Before we continue to rain insults on this man and woman, please have in back of your mind that British press and investigators know how to over blow stories very well, if they want to nail u, they can make u look like the worst human being in the surface of the earth.... Just saying, am not saying wat d parents did are good
It always comes down to RELIGION in the end. Possessed by spirits indeed. When will Nigerians GET A FREAKING CLUE and realise that religion has RUINED your country. what has your so called superstition and belief in god done to help you???
Thank God for technological advancement a lot of thiings happening behind closed doors are now being brought to light. From men battering their wives to parents battering children, may God help us!
Domestic violence in every form needs to be addressed, what better way to do that than to create awareness,join †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ walk or war against domestic violence taking place in lagos on †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ 25th of August to register visit: http://lwtze.blogspot.com/?m=1
Haringey again! This borough must be breeding bad parents. Baby p n climbe was frm the same area. Social workers in that area needs more training
this is disheartening.....are you sure those people are the real parents of the children. lets leave the father aside; i cant imagine a woman that carried pregnancy for 9months and went through labour,to do this kind of thing to her own children
I read this couple's story a while ago. I think it was on this blog and also on other blogs like BN. There was some sort of campaign for their innocence and claims that they were being victimised. There was even a website set up specially to campaign for their appeal. I think I read that they were pastors or something like that and their friends and family from Nigeria were campaigning for their innocence. I cannot really comment on this case. I just pray that justice will be done on all sides. The UK justice system has been known to get it wrong sometimes with these child protection cases. There have been instances when they've wrongly convicted parents of abuse (if you read UK's Daily Mail regularly, you'll definitely come across such stories). There have also been cases like the sad sad case of Victoria Climbie when they got it awfully wrong by not protecting Victoria in spite of glaring evidence of her abuse.
However, I cannot but ask a few questions: If this couple is indeed innocent, then let the law take its course, but why would the children accuse their parents of abuse if they haven't been abused? Also, these are dark-skinned children. Dark skinned people don't show bruises as much as fairer skinned people.I doubt that you can get a lasting bruise by light spanking or loving parental "discipline". Where did the marks on their bodies come from?
In all, I feel for the children the most and pray that all will be well with them and that whatever happens with this case, they grow up in a stable and loving home.
Can u imagine. I suspect foul play jor. Oyinbo dey lie well well. They have brainwashed dis kids. Α̲̅πϑ dey r mostly girls how stubborn can dey really b. Anyway poor kids dey will b given up for adoption by lesbian,homosexuals α̲̅πϑ drug addicts. Na wah
Let den repatriate d 9 of dem. Dey too many jor na boy she dey find make her born like so. Omono. Abuja
@anon 9.29pm u are very stupid what has Mbaise got to do with this now. Nonsense!!! if u don't have any advise to give why not delete yourself from the blog rather than saying rubbish. Ewu
Those of u who is calling D̶̲̥̅̊ perants names and condemning dem are wrong, Ñ’Ã¥vε̲̣̣̣̥ never comment on dis blog b4 but A̶̲̥̅♏ force 2 bcos Ñ’Ã¥vε̲̣̣̣̥ been there. live in London for 5yrs and run back b4 lose my children all in D̶̲̥̅̊ name of giving them better life.u see those children are D̶̲̥̅̊ ones been wicked they knw very well dat beating them is against D̶̲̥̅̊ law they be misbehaving,tell if D̶̲̥̅̊ perants did n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ work Ђôẃ can benefit be enough for them, a 9yrs cannot help in D̶̲̥̅̊ house why? So D̶̲̥̅̊ mother will die doing everytin.pls experience it first den come and judge them.some neighbours are witch like mine is was a ghanania who think 1 lock my kids in D̶̲̥̅̊ house alone they will poke noise and remember it is n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ here where u can allow them play outside,it must be inside unless summer which of course u will carry them 1 A̶̲̥̅♏ n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ saying child abuse is good but in dis case trust M̶̲̥̅Ε̲̣̣̣̥ pity D̶̲̥̅̊ perants bcos raising 6 children is depressing mine is 3 and didnot find funny @ all linda pls post dis comment so dat pple will stop saying D̶̲̥̅̊ are wicked
we shld not judge wat we did nt witness, Æ”☺ΰ child wuld not βε̲̣ dat bad D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥ Æ”☺ΰ give †̥ †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ lions †̥ eat as food. â„“̊ guess the kids were becoming rebellious †̥ †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ parents aπϑ not wanting †̥ grow up according †̥ naija way ans sö wat if ur mum leaves Æ”☺ΰ home with ur sibling for hours, who ₪☺ do É‘̤̈̊♍ â„“̊ ve done she wuld ģö †̥ †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ market leave food I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ cooler aπϑ Æ”☺ΰ share for ur siblings. Wats all †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ nonsence †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ children r sayin â„“̊ smell É‘̤̈̊ rat don't trust all dis oyinbo pple.if we r †̥ ģö by their standard â„“̊ bet all of Æ”☺ΰ condeming †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ parents here wuld βε̲̣ I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ jail cause for shouting at ur child alone Æ”☺ΰ r causing emotion,physological all †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ whole name. Dey can find trauma, thoes kids r lost aπϑ D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥s family â„“̊s gone cause by †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ time †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ parents r out D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ wuld only rember dey were once parent, â„“̊s jailing dem the right tin †̥ do aπϑ taking †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ children †̥ foaster homes,aπϑ â„“̊ don't belive all †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ crap †̥h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ children said period let one idiot abuse ♏ε̲̣ aπϑ ogun kill dat person if ur mama or papa neva beat wey Æ”☺ΰ see stars coming here aπϑ forming british
But these children look happy in the picture. I hope this is not an issue of victimization or persecution. Imagine collecting a baby from her mother 48 hours after delivery. I hope true justice take its course. What will happen to the six kids who are still so young? Will they be kept together?
I smell É‘ rat beating wuld nt kill É‘ child oooo aπϑ i believe dis oyinbo has overblown †he whole tin aπϑ dis children r frm hell dat is y naija is †he best place 2 raise ur child before u send them into †he world who will u give an sos note †o sayin ur mum is †he worst mum †he person ģö come inside spank u well well for having such an idea In †he fist place
I don't think a woman will carry a child for 9months and then maltreat that child... In this case she has 6 children.. If the story is true then may be both parents were maltreated by thier own parents growing up and then they are taking it out on thier kids..
If the story isn't true then the kids must have cooked up the story.. Kids in Uk knows that beating them is against the law that's y they take advantage of it.. I mean it's not easy to take care of little kids they can be over baring at times but not enough reason to maltreat them tho..
Don't know what to say..I did send the link about the Musa's petition for Linda to flag up..probably last year..there was an ongoing case going on with Haringey Council and think the Govt got involved too..because of the Climbie case they taking no chances..last we heard their eldest daughter was abused by her adopted brother(in the adoption home) but you would never hear that!!..
It's very very easy to brainwash kids in this country..but everyone loses the parents and the children..the Musa's must have done something that was blown out of proportion or offended someone in the Council real bad!!
......reading some articles online, it transpired that this lady actually had a 7th child in prison in March 2012 and that too has been taken away.
This story is scary and confusing.
God knows best.
A devil wld always be a devil,wether in d UK or in Nigeria,bt its so unfortunate dt ds kids have devils as parents.
Illuminatius says; religious indoctrination and fetishism have gotten your minds warped.
You carry a child for 9 months and one day you can believe they are possessed.
You're the ones possessed by fantasies. A god loves you so much that he gives you children from the devil. Wake up.
I would just like you to all know there are those of us here in the UK who have been supporting the Musas and we can tell you now Haringey Council got this one horribly wrong. I know it is hard to believe after reading the horrible news reports but if you read all the court reports and looked at the evidence as much as some of us have, you would then understand. Check this out: http://www.salem-news.com/articles/august152012/musa-sentence-jg.php
@Jackie Holden..thats what I was trying to explain to them..people under-estimate the power of the media..how they maniplulate the facts..no mention of the tussle between the family and Haringey that has been going on for years!!..
Abba I pray You will bring the truth to the fore and the Musas can be freed from prison and restored with their seven children. We pray for the grandparents and all the extended family in Jesus name, amen
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