Funmi needs N4million for surgeery ASAP. Read Funmi's words and how you can help save this bright, young woman after the cut...
Funmi explains:
“I’ve had this shoulder issues since like 7yrs now though, have done a surgery sometimes back and I’ve gone to other places too, but no head way (couldn’t lift the hand) but when law school came, I dint have time for the hand but studies.. Then it started getting bigger at d shoulder region and bigger by d day. I went 2 my hospital and they asked me 2 do some test like MRI, fine needle test and all. On d test, they said there is a MALIGNANT SARCOMA. A doctor friend then referred me to an expert doctor in this field… He said its a kind of bone cancer and its extensive, he said I must start RADIO therapy fast to shrink d tumor and stop any spread. He also said that there is a test called “bone scan” dt will show my whole body to know where it has spread to and this test can’t be done in Nigeria because d machine is not in Nigeria yet, that I must find a way as soon as possible to go do d surgery outside the country because its life threatening… He said if I lose my hand its better than losing my life. Meanwhile my brother contacted some doctors online and hospitals that specialize in this kind of tumor.. He was the one that gave the estimated price via email”
Please send your help to her Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) Account:
Acct number : 0002855164.
Funmi’s phone numbers are: 08096617172, 08055892528
Her blackberry pin is: 2807E7F5
Her brother Jide lawal can be contacted on 08052114174
oh dear!
it is well.
linda u have shanged o! it now takes u one academic calender to post comments now abi? please i need my before before lindastic ikejegbish back. this new "lin-daka-glue-comment" nor de try.
Wow!its goin to be well...God is and will always be faithful...
God will heal u...believe!!!
All is well.
Bloglord you need to get a life and a job fast! You are always on here whinging about Linda not posting your comment fast enough! Are you that jobless and insecure! Its her blog and she can do whatever she likes with it. You come across as pathetic and a bit retarded sometimes. Abeg jor get a life and let Linda enjoy hers. Oniranu!
She really needs our help.
It is well my sister! God heals and he is control!
It is well funmi, God is on his throne, he would not forsake u
hmm Nawa god ll hear yuhr pray
what is her email address?
tell her to contact Earthwide Surgical Foundation (they are is a non-profit organization, dedicated to delivering surgical care to the poor of the world by means of manpower, equipment and education)
they are sending doctors to Nigeria early September, and they seem to have worked with a number of cancer patients in Nigeria.
All.these ppl.mentioning god...if he healed she wudv been healed by now. Donate money if u can and stop giving her false hope. Leave god out of this. Everything god god. Kmt. Are u trying to say all these yrs she has been praying she hasn't been doing it right or what?! Wish I had money to give her. It would work faster than prayers. Smh!! Girl, I hope u get d money u need for treatment before it gets worse. Hopefully it doesn't spread :( Take heart. We all have burdens we bear. No life is perfect. X
Linda if u like dnt post my comment. I'm even getting tired of replying posts on here smh!
We LIBers need to raise money 4 dis gal. Let's not leave dis issue expecting someone else to Help her. Please let us donate any amount.
Its well dear, God will heal u n e will send help frm above.
It is well wit u funmi i would av loved to help bt i dont av ordinary five naira in my bank account. May God send an helper to u wit God all tins ar possible. God u said u want to use me for people like dis which i knw and some men of God comfirmed it.lord help me fulfil my dream and make me great in life i believe one day ur promises will come to pass in my life in jesus name
Please guys donate, this is very real, help save funmi's life.
God bless you Linda for posting this!
God be with you,Amen
I know this isn't important and might sound harsh in the face of her plight. I'm just flawed by how bad her writing is especially since she's suppose to be a UNILAG law grad and Q-ci grad. Just my opinion. Cheers. Floreat
How do we contribute 4um outside 9ja?
I pray God wil perfect everything for your healness.
Funmi,we love you!!!God will not forsake you as long as he's on the throne.we'll try all our best too.
Hope all od u saying God is in control has contributed as little as u can cos all dis "God will heal u" talk isn't gonna do any good, cos God needs a vessle 2 use 2 heal her
God Bless u linda ikeji...I believe all will be well with Funmi in no time...
Linda Chukwu go zie gi (God bless you) for this
Thank you and Godbless u.
Linda any new post?
Western union or direct deposit
Anonymous 12:21 you must be a foolish human being, idiot, who cares how she wrote it, the important thing is that shes sick snd she needs money. Iwo were jatijati yi, useless KC boy.
Please lets help funmi, call to bar is in november, lets make sure shes alive and well to rejoice with her family on that day, may God help us all, N4m is something we can get quickly if we put our hearts, no amount is too small.
I don't know what to say to you.
Lmao!she doesn't even care!love u bloglord!!!
Sad news, but instead of spending all that money abroad why not go to healing school(pastor chris oyakhilome).....i am 100% sure she will be healed.
Some folks hide under annonymity and type insults, use a pseudoname, if u want to b taken crious. How she wrote is immaterial. Please no amount is too small. Thnks
Hopefully wonderful nigerians will respond on time.lost a teenager to sarcoma at the hospital in orlu cos they had no money and we didn't ve the technical know how or experienced doctors. Godwilling, we will one day ve a govt thaat will invest in the medical field so that the cost of treatment will be reduced.
Blog Lord ...do you seriously have nothing better to do than sit on blog the whole day ... Na wah ooo
Miss 'just my opinion'
In her condition she's expected to dot her I's and cross her T's bah?
Meanwhl remove the log in your eyes 1st, 'flawed' instead of 'floored' and you probably went to Q-ci and Unilag too.. SMH, oversabi lyk you.
Go to healing school with pastor chris oyakhilome....u will b cured in Jesus name.
The 99th hour miracle worker is working. Just believe.
I find it hrd 2 bliv dt pple r dis mean? Sum1 is at d verge of loosing her life n sum1 is concernd abt her writing? R u kiddin me? Btw, dat oda idiot dt said we shud liv God out of dis, n u stil dnt knw y u dnt ve any money? Ode.all is well wit d victim.will c wat I can do .
How old are you? Mr Kc without a brain.. You must be a Teenager.. Check the word 'empathy' in d dictionary b4 posting trash
Olodo Kings College tin lyk you.. 'flawed'??? Instead of 'floored' Oma ga ooo..
Jesus, Anon 12:21, grow a fucking heart! Or better still a fucking brain!
Y wud she have to suffer this long? Is there no balm in gilead? Let her go to church for prayers.
Plzzzzz let's help ths babe.even 1k is nt too small biko,Jo,Dan Allah. 4m is nothin to some people.
Do our politicians read your Blog? If yes, it is time we stop this "Begging for Money" for treatment and they, the politicians shd stop stealing and make healthcare delivery affordable and accessible, sickness has no boarder and no age limit and it is no respecter of level in society. Min, of Health and Govg. we need action now, am already getting tired of everyday begging for help to help the sick, we have the money and health care service is a money making ventures and a gold mine more profitable that our oil
I'm sorry, but something smells fishy about this story. Can we get a picture showing her face with the shoulder in the same picture and not one picture showing her face, and then another showing the supposed shoulder?.
And yes, i question the authenticity of the story because for one, how does a Law School Grad write English like that? Also, What in the world is a Radio Scan? We just buried a very close relative on Saturday who died of colon cancer, and had been through 6 rounds of Chemo treatment here in the States, at no point in time during this ordeal did i ever hear "Radio Scan".
I have no doubt the shoulder in the picture is afflicted and belongs to someone, i just hope its not a picture someone got off Google images or something and is trying to make money from this. We all know this is not impossible in Nigeria, and even here in the U.S; people have been known to fake cancer just to get people to give them money. Ms Linda, i hope you'll post this. Thanks - Baby Dee
i heard d news abt funmi predicament via bc on my bb...i av done my bst my sending ha a little money today via internet banking...pls let us help dose who re in need...some pple believe dat it is a scam...it is not ooo
Dood its the holidays!!!!!! We are on vacation!! We need to enjoy comments! All the negatives u typed describes ur state of mind I guess... Go and lick sugar biko wiv ur bitter life
she really needs help but i just could not help but wonder about her english though for a law graduate
am a xtian and i blve in God well,buh the grl needs money,u guys tell ur dads and stop praying alone.
I have read Funmi's message and apart from the fact that she happens to be a friend of my niece, there are too many gaps in the mail. First you dont go on the internet to look for a consultant by just looking at their Cv's to find out the best, secondly, you cant just be asking for money without knowing the exact cost of the opereation, the mail from the consultant says surgeries could cost up to £10,000 depending on the etc etc. No embassy will give you a medical without a reference letter from your resident doctor. I reside in the Uk and I have an idea of the hospital around the Wimpole/Harley street axis, consultation is £250 for 30 minutes but they wont commit to anything until they have sent you for a test and seen the results. My advice is for Funmi to go to Igbobi or any good hospital in Nigeria, have an initial test done and get a recommendation from the doctor to go abroad for treatment,the doctors note can then be sent to the consultant in London and arrangements can be made to get your a visa and sort out all other issues. I would pay Funmi's initial consultancy fee but she needs to do things right and go through the proper channels.It will also be nice to see a picture of Funmi, we want to help but sometimes it is best to put emotions aside and be realistic
(Am laughing in japanese)go to healing school and then what? D cancer spreads to other parts of her body and she eventually leaves your healing school and it will be too late for her? Biko which healing school did Jesus send anybody to sef? Why not give her whatever you have instead of publishing this ill-advice. Na wa oh! And Naija people still plenty with this kind of mentality sha!!!
Silver or Gold none do I have, but what I have I will give unto u, may the Lord create an outstanding breakthough for you in Jesus.
Linda, your readers like giving, but you should also make it a duty to verify them. It would be very bad if we have to give and it happened that we are all scammed.
Now other blogs might have it too but you are LINDA, so verify it and tell us.
*Btw, don't be too obnoxious about hiring staff for this blog. It is obviously getting bigger than you.
No words for you
@Dike,deekay,it is GOD and not god...........mschew
i agree with the views of d person dat wrote from uk. Funmi nigerians are very kind hearted and willing to help but sometimes we are taken for granted. Pls take d right steps. Lets see a doctors report on ur case,lets see u wt ur aliment,then positive response ll flow...dat i assure you. Linda i ll be pleasantly suprised if u post dis cos u ve never bothered to post any of my previous cont,i reneaged on my stance never to comment on ur blog cos of the seriousness of dis case
Correct post......
August 20, 2012 2:46 PM total agree and willing to do so too but please let us see her face along with the hand together as there has been too much of doping people
its obvious you select the kind of stories you put on your blog.I wish funmi the best. im surprised you didnt ask her sister or friends to buzz off like you did in George's case.I DONT EXPECT YOU TO APPROVE THIS.
na wa ooo Diseases left right and center .. No equipment to diagnose not to talk of treat .. GOd help Nigeria
By God's grace funmi will be fine,let us contribute to her treatment please.
Feel so sorry for her. wish poor me could be of help. God will send somebody to you. worry not.
Cancer or not, basic prowess in the English language is expected of anyone who has finished secondary school and graduated from University as a lawyer.
This letter looks like one written by Yahoo boys.
Appeals come in every day, both personal and corporate, and if one is asking for something they least they can do is put their situation across coherently.
To Anonymous 12:21 PM,
She has a swollen shoulder and cancer of the bones. Who fucking cares whether she writes like she's in kindergarten?
Linda, please get us proper evidence. We sympathise but yahoo yahoo still dey flourish.
Its Radio-theraphy! And are u sure ur lost a relative? cos if u do and she hd a similar case with her's, u wud ve an idea of d pain! Her state of writing is not important nw, cos belive me she's in pains. Put something in d account rather than criticize. Am sure u r a very loud thing! Baby deeee my ass!
Well to start with, I believe this story.I'm a medical student @ LUTH andfunmi's dad himself came to my school to ask for assistance.let's help in any way we can rather than arguing about her grammar or the details.Phone numbers and BB pins are there if you need to clarify some details.God bless us all and wishing her a speedy recovery.
I agree wif d person 4rm US.ppl r willing 2 help, its jst dat nobody wants 2 b scammed nymor. Her siblings shld help her go thru d right channel n get stamped report 4rm a reputable hospital. so dat wld tkia of d authenticity of d whole story.ppl can b so petty, wat has her english got to do wif a life threatning issue? I fink dats so inconsequential. As 4 me, am goin 2 pay wat I av in her account on wednesday regardless of aw true d story is or not. Thrs jst so much pain in dis world, God help us all.
walahi d person who commented on her grammar is of the devil. English proffessor. ebobo?! is this why we r here. donate or keep your opinions to yourself you withc/wizard.
Abeg o is this not a cause that the Adeboyes of the world should take up. seeing that they don't pay tax or nything?.
Anonymous 8pm, ar u trying to say she has not been called to bar yet, and she is wearing a wig meant only for barristers in that pics? Pls dear Linda, we are very ready o help, but we need more proof on this story.
We won't let you down, akokites have your back.
You annoy me most times Linda, but na posts like this dey rekindle my luv for u ;-)....chai! Dis one complete no be small. Other blogs just dey give half and half....*blows kisses* make this hols end jare so we can do sth too.
@Deekay, I pray God opens your eyes o. Even in seeming adversity, nothing can suffice for the kind of peace He offers. You sure will need that peace cos u sound deeply troubled.
Who be this idiot abeg? Linda why u sef post this kain retarded ode buruku comment. Some pples life r just too bitter, they are better off dead. Haba! Hand dey pain pesn, na her typo dey bother u? Do us all a favour and DROWN!
See the bastard correcting somebody....you are just "flawed" "especially since".... I hope u choke on ur own bile.
Seriously? Buhahahahahahahahahaha...... Na wah oooo.... God heals, but healing no be magician sport. Hehehehehehehe....make una no kill pesn oooo
Linda, there is something wrong with the picture of someone wearing wig of a law school graduate when she is just going to law school in november and secondly, we need to see the picture with the infected shoulder. We need to see doctor`s diagnosis too. I hope this is not a scam. Some things are not adding up here.
Hmmm na wah o. Which one we go do again? It will pain me if after paying money in, I find out that this is a scam by a group of yahoo boyz o. Linda, why can't she show her face with that shoulder? Is there sth they r hiding? She hasn't been called to bar yet, but she's wearing d outfit already. When funds were solicited for Jude,and even Oke, @ least we saw their face to know we were not being scammed. Abeg o Linda.
She is wearing a wig coz she was a 'counsel' at d mock trial at the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus. She was also the asst group leader, group one. Call to bar is in November. I understand those who r scared of being duped but this is not a scam. I know her,we were in the same class in unilag n law school. The pics is equally real. As for Anonymous 12.21, watch it dear...d devil is really speaking through you. Pray your future is bright and healthy!!! Cheers. Akokites luv n support u funmi!!!
Yes, Linda,more proof please. Our society is that debauched.
And yes, our stupendously rich 'men of God' are morally bound to take on cases like these.
21st century healing
That dude is a disgrace to King's College. Funmi, please be encouraged. You won't walk this walk alone. God will be glorified. I will call tomorrow so we can move forward. Linda, thanks for posting this.
You are doing good by sharing this with other Nigerians.
Help will surely come, this i believe.
I reli dnt no wt 2 say 2 wt sum of u r writin. 1st n formost, hlp if u cn n if u cnt 4gt it.
Nura dearie, we sure will.
I wish I had money to help. Even if we can't help financially, we can contribute in my own little way b putting her in prayers nd praying dat God sends help to her. Amen. Funmi, it is well
please, this is real, one of her triplet is a friend of mine and this is as real as it can be. kindly help anyway you can help.
Hello people what's with the freaking animosity. So the young man let his feelings be known and repped his alma mata on the sly. Why must we jump to insults at the slightest provocation? I'm a proud KCOB, HU and Havard grad so I had to stick up for my fellow KCOB. Say what U may, I have attempted to help this young lady while most of you have given her your prayers as "help" even when U have disposable income. Freaking selfish black people. Yup my thoughts are all over the place but it's early in the morning and I'm typing on my iPhone. So it's whatever. Cheers
I am shocked at the way some of us think. Yes I understand we have to be careful in these days of scammers and all. But I want to believe for you to be reading Linda's blogs, you believe she has a good reputation. If that is true, y not take her word for it? Would she post a story she herself did not confirm? What has Funmi's english writing skills got to do with anything? Linda, I hope you post this comment. Bottom line is help Funmi if you want otherwise, keep your comments to urself.
U people should just shut the HELL UP. Funmi is my classmate from UNILAG n she is not d kind of person to do such. If u can help, do so. If not, den don't give those who are willing doubts about helping. SMH. Looking for ryt English! I hope none of u ever have this kind of problem. Awon oloriburuku motherfuckers
I know fummi too, we were in the same class at the nigerian law school lagos campus. She was the assistant group leader of my group and she was hard working and very dedicated to the group. She had always had problems with that shoulder, little did we know it was cancer developing there until after our bar finals examinations when she went for test in the hospital and it was discovered to be cancer!. I understand the fears of those who are afraid of being duped and I want to confirm and assure them that this is real. It is not a scam, I have seen her and I have seen the shoulder, it is exactly as it is in that picture. She would have provided more information as was suggested in the above comments had she known they were required and nobody told her about it until now. she is in great pains now and needs as much help as she can get...please help her if you can.
FunMi.be healed in the name of Jesus Christ!!!
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