In case you've been living under the rock and haven't heard about the very strict traffic laws in Lagos state, then please take a moment to look at this table before you end up in prison for buying and eating gala while driving..:-)
But please o, is there any where in the world where people are imprisoned for traffic offenses? Why is Nigeria like this? Me that was planning to head the campaign for #FasholaforPresident. I can imagine the number of okada drivers that will end up in prison. SMH!
Continue to see the full table of traffic offenses and penalties

Linda ikeji yes in us they throw repeat offenders in jail oo it serves NAIA right too many busy bodies
Causing 18. Any person who causes the death of another person by driving a motor
Death by vehicle recklessly, or at a speed above the stipulated limit which is
Reckless or dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances of the case,
Dangerous including the nature, condition and use of the highway, street or other
Driving. place, and the amount of traffic in the vicinity at the time, or which might
reasonably be expected to be in the vicinity, shall be guilty of an offence
and liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of seven (7) years.
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Did they really mean smoking whilst driving? Stupiedness. Should it not be drinking (alcohol) whilst driving.
Linda traffic offenses in western countries are more like a criminal offence so therefore Mr Fashola is right with the law because backwardness of Nigeria as a govt is not caused by the leaders alone but together with the human like animal people we have there in that country.
Yess naa, haba linda. In the developed world traffic offence is the fastest way to find yourself in jail!
They are additional and in fact what it means is that the maximum you can Geri's an imprisonment,. There re other punishments including, community service and all. They are harsh, but I think that's what we need, we act like animals.
lol what about Driving while unfit through drink or drugs or with excess alcohol??? and Causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs and Causing death by dangerous driving? these are the things that should lead to imprisonment not due to not wearing helmet or whatever.... *sigh* they just need money.... foolish people
lol what about Driving while unfit through drink or drugs or with excess alcohol? and Causing death by dangerous driving and Causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs?? these are the voilation thaT would need imprisonment,.... No just simply no wearing of helmet or whatever.. they just needed money..*sigh* foolish people..
Linda, typically, no however, this would depend on the traffic offence even for those of us who live in the diaspora although it would require a court appearance etc.
Hi Linda, you have been in the UK for a couple of weeks now.Point of correction People go to Jail in the UK for traffic offences o even in Yankee as well. Also I don't see how smoking in your car means you get fined lmao. its too funny.
NYC-1 says: The ideal thing would have been for police to give traffic offenders tickets - which means you have to pay money to the city;but, Niaja has no tracking device and you guys do not have a centralized computer system where every vehicle is registered; So you guys should deal with the shit. That is the Third World Approach.
God bless BRF, its time for a change. lets see who will not think twice about messing up, but if u have d cash feel free
lol what about Driving while unfit through drink or drugs or with excess alcohol? and Causing death by dangerous driving and Causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs?? these are the voilation thaT would need imprisonment,.... No just simply no wearing of helmet or whatever.. they just needed money..*sigh* foolish people>
Any society that does not obey law and order can never progress!
All of us who have lived abroad know that some of the secrets to their progress and development is cos they obey Law and order, they abhor corruption and they work hard which is also properly rewarded! Obey d traffic laws and stay out of harms way and trouble!
Its until 1 of ur luved 1ce die 4m dis useless bike riders b4 u will kw its important... N as 4 u linda wen u wanna talk abt sensetive issues like dis pls learn 2 educate pple nt discourage dem...if rili ur eyes were opened in d london u went 2 u will kw dat disobeyin traffic laws is rili a crime!!!!
Abeg who u b sef wey u dey open ur mouth talk 3rd wrd approach no b ur fault ooo na linda cos am
Pls hw will nigeria develop wen we av foolish pple here sayin dey nid moni most of d pple dat comment here claim dey live in jand or yankee don't pple pay fine 4 just parkin in d wrong place??? Fools dey won't fink b4 dey open their mouth 2 talk...God bless Nigeria n punish anybody against her development!!!
I love brf....@least many molue drivers will behave well now,cos those guys,sometimes I just feel dey have patial madness always rushing like dey're being chased....brf should add flogging 4 offenders 2 d panalty too....Gbam
@Disobeying traffic personell - like d NPF or LASTMA need more excuse to wrongly detain people. Na WA o. Lagosians are in trouble.
As for carrying pregnant women or babies on okada, think of d pregnant woman in labour or who has a complication eg. bleeding per vagina and has no oda means to get to d hosp but her neighbour's motorcycle. What then does she do? Lose d baby or lose her life?
Or d man who does not own a bicycle spoke and needs to take his baby for immunisation? Or his suddenly sick 10 yr old to d emergency ward in the dead of the night; his only access to transport being his friend's motorcycle what does he do?
Also have problems with d smoking rule; it needs to be qualified. Smoking cigarettes does not put u under d influence. Now weed, ganja, dried poo:-) will. And there was nothing abt alcohol.
The others, no yawa
Serves us right at this point of our societal awareness.indiscipline has removed the civility in us and for harsh situations,such as we are,harsh control measures are needed.but d smoking thing has to be 2 kobo comment frm my bold5
Yes, in the United States you can face jail term of 180 days minimum or $200 fine for breaking some rules.
Linda u fall my hand for dis one.Ow can u say is there anywhere in d world where people are imprisoned for traffic offenses. U shuld rather say it is only Nigeria dat dnt jail pple for violating traffic rules. Gov Fashola is right and he is doing a very good Job. We shuld all understand dat He's doing all dis bcos of our safety and not bcos he wants to make money from it. U can like not to campaign for fashola4president. I'm sure someone else wuld do, besides wot makes u think u are gonna head d campaign??? Park well abeg.
badluck to lagosians and down fashola,dis is nt america n nigerians are poor. Hw much is okada man making perday 4 him to go and pay 20,000. Fashola wnt to send people away 4rm lagos. Provide job n lay down correct law 4 people
I am so far #teamFashola4president! He's doing hs work ni! He said if u can't obey d laws in lagos state kindly relocate! Too many crazy drivers in lagos o! Sumtyms thns lyk dis will make ppl calm down wen dey 1t 2 drive n do anyow! It's harsh bt necessary!
Does it mean pregnant women shudnt enter bike at all, even if its the only means they can afford.
Do they even consider the real masses when they make tis kinda weird laws
Just what we need to bring back sanity to Lagos. People have taken this state for granted. What they cannot go away with in their states, they come to Lagos with the thought that anything goes.
Go on Fashola, ML says 'thumbs up!'
The lagos state government is trying but isn't quite there yet! They are enforcing all these rules without providing the necessary infrastructures. Are all the roads good with sign visible to road users? I have even heard of LASTMA officers taking signs off the road! I hope we get there one day.
Linda & Others Please we need these kind of drastic Fines. WE NO DEY HEAR WORD!!!
These traffic laws are in your driving manual for those of you that went to driving school and studied the manual with your driving instructors .Oyinbo no put all these laws for nothing.Na dem invent Car so therefore you are to obey the rules that go with it.Why Fasho didi this is because
1. You are supposed to go to driving schjool and pass your test which include knowing the trafiic laws by heart
2. You are supposed to OBEY them without being coerced or threatened.
3.You are not suppose to bribe officials when you violate these laws & think you can go scott free.
4. If you cannot drive like a human being drop your car and take public Transport.
5. Most of these rules are targeted at commercial operators who are hardened thugs and rule breakers.
NIGERIA dont need soft rules at this point in time to enable change
While I dont have much against the new Traffic Laws. I just cant help ask why you will spend 5hours in traffic and will be forbidden from eating Gala. Won't U be hungry?
We need rules like this and a serious body like LASTMA to enforce it in Abuja ! People are dying here ! Well done FASHOLA !!!!! You are determined to carry Lagos in to the new century. If only other states had people like u !!
- Uju
Should carrying a pregnant woman on an okada be an offense? Na wah!
Let's walk and war aginst domestic violence this weekend in lagos state.To participate in †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ walk, register at:
See you there!!
All these pple makin noise that this a good development I pray that none of u falls into Fashola's trap..After u cough up 20 or 30k twice u go Know wsup
Linda pls you need to clarify this! Does it actually say no eating while diving? i cant find no eating and driving anywhere. Pls tell me this is some sort of joke!
"But please o, is there any where in the world where people are imprisoned for traffic offenses? Why is Nigeria like this?"
Did you really make this statement or someone wrote this particular piece on your behalf??
Pls i have gone thro the entire law and is yet to see the part about eating and driving been an offense. can someone pls point it out to me?
and where are the poepl who would be watching drivers ehhh if dem go comit offense abeg make you no make me laugh infact LOOOOOOL
I think this is another way of enriching LASMAN officials, how can a bill be sign into law without educating those (danfo, okada riders) who are not educated. How many of them understand road signs? Also, the fine is so high people would rather bribe the officials. Who wants to forfeit his or her car to the govt. Anyway, I think the state should expect more of their officials to be killed because drivers will likely run while LASMAN will likely stand in the front of vehicles to effect the arrest. Does the laws apply to men in uniforms as well? Laws are suppose to put us in check but where laws breeds corruption then we are heading for destruction .
As far as me is concerned, he has my vote already come 2015. Nigerians need to be guided and guarded. Else we'll remain lawless and lawless brings about underdevelopment.
Linda leave dat tin. Fashola is d man for 2015 Nigeria is a country dat only understands strong language. I wil stil head Fasholaforpresident campaign if he is interested
It would have been laudable had it been all things were equal.
But we all know that its only a way of enriching the pockets of those foolish lastma peeps. cos wat they'll do is to start demanding higher bribes and the only ones that would be recorded officially would be those who cant meet up wit their demands.
They never put up signs of No parking, or No U-turn, or One way and where they do,its hidden from view (i think they do that purposely)
Its just sad cos Ive been there.
About a year ago I once parked in a place and was caught by Lastma and when i asked wat i did wrong,i was told it was a no parking area and that there was a no parking sign which was hidden from public view at one other remote end of the area.
I was taken to their office and of-course they demanded money from me but I called some1 i knew and was eventually released after wasting my precious time...and even then they were still pleading wiv me to drop something for them nah....SMH
I rem one made a statement that ow will the money for that day be complete so as to share round when all the pple they've bin catching av bin calling ogas to b released.
They are obviously not there to control or organize traffic, they r only there looking for ways to enrich their pockets and share the loot even wiv their bosses.
The govt should do their part 1st, give good roads,put up signs everywhere, create alternative routes, create parking lots even if one has to pay,sanitize people properly before putting up such harsh penalties.
Fashola has slept.PERIOD.
He worked during his 1st term, now he is sleeping and Lagos is pains and suffering.
May ACN loose in Lagos next election.
In the late 1990s, area boys and council officials milked me in Lagos Island area because of one way. There was no clearly marked signs designating roads as one way, so they made money out of me until I proposed in my heart that enough is enough. The era is back again to enrich more area boys.
That is the reason the *danfo drivers* should attend a driving school and learn all the important signs, so don't blame anyone for their illiteracy. If they don't understand, To Their Villages Osiso!!
Guys this is not about fashola or any government. it is about your safety.
I disagree with the part that disallows pregnant women and small children on the bike. There are routes where buses and tricycles does not ply. Everybody can't afford a taxi nah! Some of these rules will encourage corruption in every ramification.
They are really cracking down! I hope this will bring more order to the roads! They also need to fix the roads!
Appreciate your spouse this week; it's the Celebration of Marriage Week!
There is no section of dat law dat states we shld not eat...pls point out d section dat talks abouyt food.
LInda, In the U.S.A they do throw people in jail for traffic offences. I live here in the U.S.
SMH... Shame on you, why not discourage Okada riders from breaking the law? Instead of tanting about how much they make or don't make. Simple don't break the law will save them a lot of stress. Nuff said
LOL... Joker. I'm guessing you live on the outskirts of Abuja.
The U.S.A for one. Don't be dull abeg, google is your friend.
LOL... My sister save your prayer ACN can't and won't lose in lagos. Don't give us Poverty Devt Party abeg.
Why are you guys against linda? it is true that in the west these rules are there but in lagos there are hardly street signs. How are people supose to obey all this rules in a country with no roads?
You can go to jail in western countries if you break the traffic rules. So on that point, Linda you are WRONG. Try to be consistent to educate your readers about important subjects like safety, security and adherence to the rule of law. The law has it shortcomings but Lagosians can begin from there and learn from it.
Linda, u are correct, people don't go to jail because of traffic offences. In the US, traffic oftences are misdeaminors. Whenever u are stopped for traffic violation, the cop normally, will give u a summon to appear of a certain date before an administrative judge for a hearing. Eventually, the court may find u guilty and give u a fine. If the violation is the type that carries a point, points will accrue to your license even after paying the fine. On the other hand, if u fail to appear before the court on the given date, the court has several options open to it. It could revoke ur driving privileges or issue a warrant for ur arrest. If ur driving privileges are suspended or revoked, u are not supposed to drive. If u do, that's when it becomes an offense and u could be arrested and thrown into jail. However, a few traffic violations are treated harshly that they are made traffic offenses. For example, DUI ( driving under the influence) are not treated with kids gloves. They are actually criminal offenses for which one could go to jail for a very long time. To buttress the fact that traffic violations are not criminal offenses, whenever one fills out a background check for for any official purposes, one is always asked to list all the offenses he or she has committed in the past other than minor traffic violations.
But a big kudos to Fashola. We need change in Nigeria.
nawa to gov faashola well sha i wil comply to d rules check out my blog @ and leave a comment
They actually do throw repeat offenders in jail abroad, and to be honest this is EXACTLY what Lagos drivers need.......irrational discipline if not we wont listen.
You know Linda is not used to Traveling right from time so it will take her sometime to understand how things are done in the civilized world. Now that she has started traveling she will become more exposed, so you guys should take it easy on her OK.
This will go a long way
My dear, It serves us right, we always need strict rules to behave. Of which BRT and buses are still doing there thing. Public worker no de catch public worker.
Na only u get sense here...u correct
You have to come with IRON HAND to deal with Naijas. Maybe, these STRICT RULES, will put them in check. He's setting rules and regulation, law and order, finally consequences for your action. Good job, Gov Fashola.
Thank God u said developed countrys. Not a country with very bad roads, not road signs. Not a country that we're sure that that law isn't 4 everyone.bull shit!!!
Many offenders will be caught under ikeja bridge.
Just about to post this actually. It not illegal to have a bottle of ogoro on my lap while I cruise about on the streets, but a stick of benson and hedges will cost me 20k. It appears as if everything we do is put together without scrutiny or sanity check.
The Lagos Traffic laws have been amended. Talking, Smiling or dancing while driving: if found guilty, Imprisonment for a term of Three (3)years. Please Note, NO FINE
This blog is providing very informative information and also provide valuable chart sheet regarding driving offences. Thanks for sharing this post.
For people who don't learn their lessons the first time they are caught due to traffic violations, I think these penalties are just right. If they don't clean up their act right away, then they have to learn the lesson the hard way.
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