I'm sure some of you read online today that Kanye West is working on reconciling D'banj and Don Jazzy and has even 'threatened' to drop D'banj from G.O.O.D music if he doesn't reconcile with Don Jazzy...or some story like that! Don Jazzy says the story is false!

Donjazzy again. Boss I hail u. Mavin for life.
U guys must really think kanye west has time for us Nigerians, whether they quarrel from today till 100 years time, who cares about them..... Abeg comot for road make I see better thing
City people can lie ehn when I read the story I knew it was a lie, this is one of the reasons I stopped buying city poeple, they will publish a story this week d next edition they will tell you they are sorry that story was not true.
Oya all you eastern nigerians and igbos generally. I need to read your thots on donjazzy running his stupid mouth. Cos I know if it was DBANJ who said anything now, you will call him all sorts of unmentionable names and insults on this planet. Sensitive fools
What? so donjazzy does not want to kiss and make up. He really does not believe in himself. Dbanj the risk taker. Carry go. We dey ur back
Im not too sure how to take this. I don't know if I feel comfortable with donjazzy answering that question. Never say never bro...never say never
Na wah oh, why would papers just wake up and talk rubbish, don't these pple have d decency to confirm a story before publishing???? *SMH*
Fab masters are at it. You people should leave those young men alone so they can focus on their careers
Free them abeg
Ok now ... Sipping my Alomo wif Kilishi
Just laughing!!!!
al shld mind thr busines.
i no say kanye nwannem nogo talk lik dat.who is don baba j to him?.
Aunty Linda wetin you post so? Are you under the influence? Even though we get the message this is poor writing very poor!!!
There's no smoke without fire mbong! *amrra*
Abeg sme1 shld reconcile them o. Dbanj is beginning 2 sing serioz crap. He jz spoilt dat kukere song.
They may reconcile but will never be
business partners
kanye, kanye kanye how many times did i call you? almost every enteratinment news i hear kanye this knaye that. if not kanye battling it out with kris humphrey, is kanye and kim kardashian are doing this or that. Abegi Kanye West avoid all these media attention for now. You being in the news every single time is not just worth it. And as for D'banj and Don jazzy abegi we don taya for una with all these childish behavior. Let bygones be bygones. Moreover all these medias stop giving them all these attention abeg. It's now irrating #okbye
Well we knw the end of the story.
Kanye Will not even have that time . And secondly He has not made the money he wish to make off d'banj.@morlardybaba
I wil b d last person to take junk mag most especially city people serious.
linda please check kizobrax.blogspot.com its copying 80%of ur posts n just change them into swahili!don't know if u are aware of it or not!
Me dear d dude d'banj has been been blurtin out some serious ugly crap of late.e b lyk say kanye nah dey giv am face again as e nah dey fetch money 4 am na em make am dey find don baba J face .dat 1 na 4 him pocket
U are a B***d. Tribalistic idiot. What did Donzazzy say? Igbo pple are bold any time/day to confront issues not U traitors. Cowards!!!
2 think after yrs of civilization Ą̸̸̨͡ grown up ℓįkε u still take sides on tribal basis makes u Ą̸̸̨͡ low life nd blunt moron. Nd 4 Ʊȑ info Ą̸̸̨͡ lot of peeps dnt care abt ѡĥāţ cums out of dia saga we have beta tins 2 wori abt. Grow up
He only answered a question!!! Not taken a position.
Go to school
Hmmmm u can exaggerate! Choi
hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!they ae beggin him now IDJA!
lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!is dbanj tired of doing waka pass in kanye's vidoes??
dont mind him, jumping up and down like a monkey in his videos
Watching newS on STV now. So because dakore is married 2 a rich man she must talk wiv fake accent n form phonee abi. Foolish girl oshi. Idiat!!!!
@mula you're actually very stupid!how does tribe come in now?
HOEloshi!that's what dbanj is
Honestly who cares?y is it when these so called stars av issues dey cnt jst act mature nd sort it out they always end up in the media with I said nd he said(ok I guess coz dey r stars bah) no1 reali cares honestly when stuff like this goes dwn we all jst laugh nd use yall to catch cruise**advice**when yall av issues best to sort it out btw urselves than wash your dirty linen in public**dis dbanj nd jazzy gist is getting too long nd boring nw + kanye is nw included like he doesn't have kims shit to deal with already its nw jazzy nd dbanjs ish he will carry on he's head na so...they made a good team nw dey r over they should pls jst be over nd let us hear
Mula 7:24pm, I'm so sorry for ur pity low esteem self. How did tribes get into this. How will Nigeria ever grow with people like u wishing to be leaders of tomorrow? Just ask GOd to help u love ur neighbor as ur self,
I respect dbanj anyday anytime. Truth is both of them compliments each other and they have been going down ever since they split. Its not a matter of igbo or yoruba. I bet u guys didn't no! Please people should stop bringing tribalism in eveything!
Been loud and Crude doesn't mean been smart or bold. Sometimes people need to be diplomatic which u guys lack. That's why u guys are soo hated! Gbam.
i fear o! unless i missed something all he said was "false,thank you for asking" how is that him running his mouth. people need to stop creating beef where there is none. these guys have moved on doing their thing seperately and u r here doin team dbanj vs. team donjazzy. mstchewwww!!!!
Yorubas nd ibos, its been years since the civil war, why still bitter? Its not as if u anons fought in the war anyway.
We are all nigerians, stop hating urselves so we cn move forward
y would anyone publish an untruth? beats me.
Abeg this CD don crack.... Make I change am jor....
Mind ur busness pple... Wetn concern Igbo and yoruba nw... Stupd fools
Don jazzy lied here,I knw abt it, dbanj asked kanye to cum down to nigeria for d video of scape goat d remix wit kanye but kanye agreed for one condition n dat is don jazzy must be on dat video, aftr kanye convinced dbanj ,dbanj discussed wit don jazzy n don jazzy tld him dat he wld appear on one condition dat he must be paid befor he appears ,so why I'd don jazzy nw forming anyway dats good business n dat serves dbanj rite
i wish they reconcile, truly.
@Mula;ara na enwegi nne gba gbuo gi!
U 're an idiot for even mentioning my tribe,how dare u? And in case u need to know what i wrote in igbo: I cursed u,I say make d madness wey no get mama catch u for life.
Like I care! Does it put food on my table?
@ mula
You must be a retarded fool! What do Igbos have to do with this and where on the front page of the magazine did it say Don Jazzy was running his mouth? Ewu can beer!
Dis mula u re really a muntula nd ur name says it all bitter yoruba cow get a life.
Tribalism in this age and tym?...No wonder people say racism started from Nigeria. We should think of how to move forward and not who comes from where.#smh
Hmmmmmmm, na them know
Who's that confused tribalistic idiot... We r talking about one thing ur talking about another...did an igbo person break ur heart? U must be high
@mula,, Ʊ 're a big fool for crying out loud,, tribalistic idiot.. Go get a life" fool!!
I smell some truth in this!
Dem dey pay you abi?
Who is the scapegoat now?
If there's any artiste that carries his fan along, then its IDJA. I see no wrong in answer. He is down to earth with his fans and that's what I like about him
Confirmed by the Don
If there's any artiste that carries his fan along, then its IDJA. I see no wrong in answer. He is down to earth with his fans and that's what I like about him
If there's any artiste that carries his fan along, then its IDJA. I see no wrong in answer. He is down to earth with his fans and that's what I like about him
If there's any artiste that carries his fan along, then its IDJA. I see no wrong in answer. He is down to earth with his fans and that's what I like about him
If there's any artiste that carries his fan along, then its IDJA. I see no wrong in answer. He is down to earth with his fans and that's what I like about him
Infact ℓ̊ have τ̲̅ȍ write again,, COWARD mula,, Ʊ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ the biggest FOOL ever τ̲̅ȍ walk plannet earth.. IDIOT!!
Mula u must be a stupid goat dat escaped 4rm de mum's womb,Grow up dude
KAnye is just looking for a way to get rid of Dbanj. Simple!
Anon 10.51 in wic line or ansa did he in anyway sound loud nd crude "false nd tanks 4 asking" ïS̶̲̥̅ Ą̸̸̨͡ simple ansa 2 Ą̸̸̨͡ question 2 remove any 4m of rumour nd Τ̲̅ђe oda shows hw polite he ïS̶̲̥̅ bt as Ą̸̸̨͡ block head u can't understand d̶̲̥̅̊ά̲̣̥†̥̥ part cos Ʊȑ brain ïS̶̲̥̅ blocked by tribalist upbringing d̶̲̥̅̊ά̲̣̥†̥̥ u see only Ʊȑ pple as reasonable. Oh nd Ѡε̲̣̣̣п̥̥̲̣̣̣̥ nxt u r speakn Ʊȑ language close Ʊȑ mouth
From what I see of don jazzy on twitter and instagram, he is the most down to earth, hilarious and compassionate person. He follows anyone who follows him back, there is no other celeb who does this. On his mohits split interview, he made one key point, he is still a producer on good music but he realised his style is different from good music category so he decided to come back home. I only wish dbanj had the common sense to see this as well, oyato will NEVER sell in mainstream American music industry, not even the ordinary London he has been relegated to. Since dbanj joined good music, nothing has been produced for him overseas. He is always home these days and there are no signs of any international stuff he's dong, not even collabo with his label mates, meanwhile they are all churning out new stuff everyday, even 2 chains is making waves. What was he thinking really? If an talented 2face now, we go understand. What does dbanj do? What is his talent???
Dbanj is looking for a scape goat to justify a possible dumping of his contract with west,soonest. This bears repeating,reality came too for him about the capitalist nature of america.. Nobody in that GOOD music adds 'is' to ur lyrics for free. Help is monetised. He test the of the river with both feets.as for appearing in a video,i support djazzy,he is a business and should be paid for his time as west won't be doing it for free.@logosfromDac
I was just thinking about it some days ago, It might be good for them to reconcile. I can see Dbanj falling badly flat on his face (Is not that i really like both Dbanj and Don Jazzy anyways). I can see Dbanj and Kanye with a nasty split too and it will be messy.
Goodluck to both of them sha
U well at all?
Sharrrrrrrap,and who is d so called kanye,can't u celebrate ur own artist like dt,hw many of our artists r bin tlked about in america and oda places,abegi,mk me hia wrd joor!d banj and d jay was dere before he came.dey will still stnd if he leaves,he didn't mk dem
Kanye and co. Wants jazzy coz he got talent
Don't mind him, he is obviously aa fool
Me too! They truly compliment eachoda
The dodoyo that asked about Igbo's...FYI Don J is isoko. Tribalistic fool. I'm yoruba BTW... I loveeee igbo men sha. Hater oshi.
BTW I can't stand that loud mouth D'banj. Mr overdo.
Mula, e no go beta 4 u.. Wit dat ur big smelling mouth gay like u
the story is about Kanye West reconciling Don Jazzy and D Banj and it is actually ture. the writer nor the publication is not wrong to have made it known as it might even help the duo. Linda, cos Don Jazzy said it is not true doesnt make it false , all you have to do is investigate the story and not make a mess of it. thank u
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