The lady, whose identity could not be ascertained, arrived the Police Command at noon, demanding to speak only with the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Umar Manko.
She was directed to the CP’s waiting room before being ushered to the CP’s office, where she described herself as a model.
She reportedly told the CP that she was at the Command in respect of the suspects. She said the two undergraduates, Nwabufo Okwumo, and his cousin, Odera Ezekiel, were the same persons that dispossessed her of her belongings in a hotel in Festac.
However, Vanguard could not get a detailed account of her ordeal in the hands of the suspects, as the CP was said to have immediately directed her to the Area E Commander, Mr. Dan Okoro, who led the team of investigators that uncovered the suspects’ activities.
When contacted, the Command’s boss confirmed the visit, explaining that he directed her to the Commander so that she could physically identify the suspects. He called on other females, who had fallen victims to show up.
He said: “Other victims are advised to show up so that if there is any need to expand our investigation, we will do so.”
Meanwhile, when Vanguard, yesterday, visited hotel in Lake View Estate, where the post-graduate student of Nassarawa State University met her sudden end, no one could offer explanation.
Rather, a private security guard claimed that none of the managers was around, and referred the reporter to the Police.
Culled from Vanguard
hmnn! why didnt she report her own incident earlier before now?
well, maybe for the fear of she would'nt be believed. very possible.
oh well...
they should just hang these guys and lets close this chapter so that the late girl's family can mourn her in peace.
all this drama will just keep opening the wounds of her passing.
ladies stop visiting men you hardly know at hotels. if you want to discuss business you can meet at eatries or open spaces
Those are the lucky ones... God punish those boys. Their devillish act annoys me like hell
Wetin person no go hear for dis mata.. Miss Model, how come yu know they are the ones even wen the police has refused to show there faces?? Issorai
Are these thesame guys that were repremanded ?? Or different ones ?? May God help this country .. Peeps are just too desperate .. Doesn't going to heaven at last count for something ?
I was also a victim.
This people shld not go scot free.
...and the plot thickens
Omg!! If only U̶̲̥̅̊ had come out earlier, mayb cynthia wud stil b alive!! Everyone wants to mk quik cash, U̶̲̥̅̊ can't blame dem wen "our leaders" r busy bringn 5k note to help enhance deir stealn spree
This Cynthia story hmmmmmmm na wa I don tire. Just so sad this girl met an early grave buh it haff do then abeg.
Gehn! Ghen! Sad Much Tho.. Li any Info weda 'em the share money !!!.lwkmd .. Cause I no some home gals who would comfyly seize the opportunity ...lol!!
Wicked world
linda,cant u just b different,must u use a backview picture like evry oda person....abeg.......you can like to show us their faces
...ehn....thank u....
Only God knows ow many more ppl dese 2 devils av killed! D model is jst lucky dey did nt kill her! OMG! I think d hotels dese 2 tk deir victims to shld b shutdown!
rubbish story
Hhhmmm thez boyz are more than dangerous to the society. Action has to be taken as soon as possible before they finish every1. Putting them in jail isnt a solution, they might escape. It better if they are eliminated,
We might have a case of serial killers by these two Nnewi boys frm Anambra state!
Hat could have set this two assholes off to do this kinna thing?
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! What would an innocent girl might hv done to deserve such killing? Thank God d culprits even showed up nd d judgement must be done. Lord hv mercy nd save us in dis Nigeria o.
Stories Unfolding, I dey dey listen....
Imagine the chain I use to secure my generator is the same type of chain these serial rapists use to tie up girls.
I encourage all victims to summon courage and bring justice for cynthia and themselves.
Honestly, this story is so unreal! It doesn't just add up. How come d CCTV didnt capture wen dey were carrying her dead body out of the hotel room? RIP Cynthia
THE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES , think we are fools, no matter how they try to sell this story, it just dont stick,another model turning up is just another act class movie... someday, we shall get the full and real gist..abeg make you na allow Cynthia rest.
stupid boiz.....i wish u guys rot in jail
It is so sad.
Her soul continue to rest in peace.
I wish people will speak out so that others can learn.
They should be killed slowly.
Linda iyam tire 4 this news. Amarica gal
Why aren't we still gettin to see their faces.
Abeg dey shud skin dose men alive with hot water and boiling palm oil. I pray dt Cynthia's soul rest in peace. I don't care who she was, d most important thing is dt she's a human being and d beloved of her family and friends. Even hell is too gud 4 dose wicked boys who will die shamefully. I hope deir parents r excomunicated 4 not training deir children well. God punish dem nd everything dey own.Amen.
Very sad rip poor girl
Omg! Where u done dey read ur own story from...Let me break it down..
They killed her and ran off.. The hotel staffs saw d dead body and deposited d body @ d mortuary.. They never said they carried d body to d mortuary,they confesed that they ran away after they noticed that the lady was dead!
Omo general!! This dudes shall suffer!!!! RIP cynthia.
Let's get to hear more and see more.they will never go unpunished
Dis is becoming more n more interesting. Trust me, Nollywood don dey get storyline 4 new movie... Thanx 2 d media _inem_
@anon 10:54: .....from ur story, how come the hotel staff took her body to the mortuary without informing the police? How come her body was DISCOVERED in the mortuary by her family?....#just saying *thinkingwivmyFBIhaton*
Lesson to d ladies,rip cynthia sha.N0KIAX3
Lesson to d ladies,rip cynthia sha.N0KIAX3
The hotel staff should be investigated.HOw did they allow these guys come in day in, day out with different women and didnt suspect anything?
it's so pathetic d lady had 2 die dis way... a sheer waste of brain & beauty!
My dear,I don't work in the hotel so I don't know... I guess d hotel people were. Scared of d wahala it would cause if they invite the police inside..Anywayz,the hotel people have been arrested too..I mean all the people on duty that day dat knew about the body are also in the police net..
When her family called her no,one of thes guyz picked it up by mistake so that helped the family to trace the call,they traced the call to Festac so they went to Fectac and started searching every where(including mortuary) for her and when they got to that mortuary,dey showed dem a body and her family were able to identify it as her,from the mortuary they were able to link d hotel..
U know a mortuary won't take a body unless u give dem hospital evidence,police report etc
Take it easy on dat model. First, wen ur a victim of crime especially in a country lyk Nigeria how much gud comes out of reportin 2 d cops. Its just anoda traumatic experience. We shud b thankin her 4 coming out now 2 help wit d investigations pls. Hopefuly our security's hardwork n transparency will get beta.
I tink the osokogu s are doing damage control so we won't think she was a Runs chic.Hope all these evidences are not stage managed.tho the truth is obvious Naija for life sha
My question is,if the police told us these young men killed Cynthia,why have they refused to show us their faces? Cynthia's face is plastered all over the internet as the dead girl murdered by these men without faces. Something is definitely not right about this whole saga. They confessed to d crime,why are the police still protecting them?
Please! Please!! Please!!! May her soul rest in peace but I am not convinced with the story and her intentions for coming to Lagos in the first place. I believe this girl came down to Lagos for runs. Why would someone come down to Lagos to meet with people she has never met before and stay in a hotel that they put her in? why did't she meet them in a public place? The facts presented just dont add up. The boys also said they used her vibrator on her. Which kind of business did she really come to Lagos for that she will be coming with a vibrator. Let's call a spade a spade. RIP Cynthia
what do dey need more victims for?? Isnt it obvious dat dey committed murder or do dey want to sentence dem to death for d murder and also sentence dem to life in prisonment for their other crimes?? Pls let dem allow d poor girl to rest in peace and allow her family to mourn d demise of their only daughter. Left to me, i wud say daat d culprits be handled by d girls fada who happens to be an ex-military man.
Next plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
cynthia 4 ur seek God wil do a new things in d family dt u left behinde.and as 4 them a sinner wil not go without been punish
Just unfortunate n sad
Their facebook accounts must be looked into to ascertain the type of conversations she was having with them.
They have said she is their 6th victim. Who are the others? Where are they? How many did they kill?
Suggestions to just hang them and close the chapter is emotional and not intelligent police work. The public good far outways any sentimental leanings. Probe these guys and you'll find that there are many like them out there. They'll know their colleagues. The police can effectively kill several birds with one stone.
Very sad. A young beautiful girl could die in such way. I think those pple who masterminded dis act should pay dearly. Sometimes i wonder if Nigeria is d Nigeria i know . May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Bloglord mind how you speak about the dead. Cynthia was not a runs girl. She was jus unlucky. Lots of guys n girls have gone to meet peoplle they met via the social media n were very lucky.some even got married. We only belive wat the reporters tell us as we weren't there to see for ourself. Mostt reporters wud add things that never happened jus to spice upp the story. We are all sinners n sudnt b quick to point fingers @ others cos ourss is hidden. May her soul rest in perfect peace.
Runs with undergraduates,unless is blood money dey offered her.
How come their (the killers) faces have never been shown? Abeg it is getting too dubious jor.............
Guy runs or not she dint deserve 2die d way she did haba.u nt holier dan thou so dnt evn go dere.wat ryt do dey av 2hurt her let alone take hr life?dey shud b punished and we Nigerians want 2see dat done to serve as a deterrant.
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