He had roasted one of his victims at the time and eaten part of her flesh. The police believed Clifford was mad at the time he was arrested but there was a theory back then that his madness was fake; that ritualists put him under that bridge to act like he was mad, find victims, kill them and sell their body parts to them. Thus the cheque that was found on him. His arrest in 1999 was widely celebrated in the media.
Anyway, after 13 years in prison, Clifford Orji, who went completely mad in prison, has died. He died on Friday August 17th in his sleep. He was 46 years old.
May his soul NOT rest in peace.
Its just unfortunate. He should have been given the psychological help he needed.
May his soul rest in peace.....Too bad the Nigerian society doesn't have rehabilitation facilities to keep people like him.....
hmmm......i never knew he was still alive o.
#yimu# Dead indeed!
I remember seeing this news in secondary school. And trust naija news, they showed everything from the bones, roasted human parts etc. I was traumatized for a while. I am glad that they kept him away from the public all these years.
However, I wonder if they kept him with other sane inmates. I think that would have been unfair because he was mad. I wish the government wasn't filled with possessed and money hungry people because a nigger like this should be taken to a mental institution..a proper mental institution and not prison. I don't know if we have one for inmates because you cannot put a sane and insane inmate together.
Prison is really a terrible place to be I tell you. Ex-convicts should also through therapy..but trust the bastard leaders will not implement a system that supports this, they will rather focus on stealing funds for themselves.
Bad choices
I hope he found Jesus before he was called
Good radiance
He deserved to die hundred tyms
Good for him, roasting human flesh, na kpomo?
I hope he has been double checked to be the same Clifford Orji? If na him, make them con check wella wella say he die true true. Abi na wetin una tink?
I just hope he knew Christ before he ran mad n died bcos he called the madness upon himself.
No 1 lik him.. Ds guy reign sha!
May his soul roast in hell fire ameen
Boy: hey, baby I saw you walking by...you look tantalizing!I had to say hello.
Girl: (blushes) awww, thanks
Boy: You don't have to thank me...in fact you look so sweet and delicious...I wish you could come home with me...what's your name by the way?
Girl: suzy, and yours?
Guy: I am Cliff..nice to meet you.
Girl runs for her life
Someone should eat the monkey up!
Why didn't they sentence him to death? Keeping him all those years
Staight to HEll
Hope it is him who actually died and this is not a conspiracy to get him off prison.
This comment has been removed by linda ikeji...
so dis man jus die, tink say him don kick bucket since o
Hope is really dead, such people should be burn to ashes rather than buriaing them.
How won't he die when there are no human flesh to devour in Kirikiri. If he had he's favourite meal he would have lived longer. Nigerian prisons ! Will put a cannibal amongst human beigns , ofcourse he'll go very mad from seeing them but can't chop other inmates.
Thank God!
Wow,finally! I can't neva 4gt this guy o
Hope he is d one and nt trying to fly him out under fake identity
Atukutuku ni orun. He'll never find peace in his death.
Holy ghost fire!!!!!!!!thank God o hmm
Thank God...finally
Why is it so difficult for you to approve comments? Remember where ure coming from and sit up pls.
Good riddance. I'm not one to judge but, Safe journey to hell
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Ok,a cannibal is dead,r we suppose 2 mourn.SMH
Y is this hard to believe? Was he ever in prison
How do you know he was 46 years old???? Was he not "mad"????
I choose to believe the "ritualist theory" and a good source to justify this theory is "Confessions of a ritual killer" available @ Terra Kulture.
End of d wicked! That's d name of d new nollywood movie. *amrra*
Finally the wicked one is dead.Dat is my wish for his likes in dis country. Death through perpetual suffering except they repent.
"Went completely mad in prison ".....maybe he really was mad to begin with? Like not the usual naija madness but psychotic and not a sane man who killed and ate ppl for rituals. Don't know the full gist, but that's what I gathered from your summary.
His we be from prison to hellfire l wish him unfinish punishment of god idot .
i wonder y it took d demon-carnibal in human-form so long 2 die, nd i hope he repented in dat prison 4 his own sake. mtcheeeew
Thank God o
Hhhhhmmmmm d wicked shall never go unpunished
Ohh my gosh! This dude!!
Such horror this guy's tales gave me.. I still believe there was some occultic stuff going on with him, else why would anyone write a cheque for a mad man. There was so much controversy when he was caught.
Well, he won't be missed.
Na wa, there is no place 4 the wicked.
Bloody Ritualist. God will catch his remain fans out there.
Bloody Ritualist. God will catch his remain fans out there.
Na wa, there is no place for the wicked
Go see God for your judgement.
Nawa oooo!!! No miss
wot a life! i hope he repented while in prison.
I was driving thru apapa last wk n ws jst discussing dis man wit my bro dat nothn ws heard of him again.I even assumed d case has been swept under d rug d nija style.Anny
Good riddance...smh
Just because he had a cheque, bank account and a cell phone doesn't mean he did not suffer from mental illness. We should begin to see mental illness as much more than just living naked on the streets. Lots of Nigerians suffer from mental illness, especially in Lagos.
His burial rites and ceremony should be broadcasted on national TV...nothing is impossible in 9ja , they might be sneaking him out of d jail with this bogus death story.
Gud for him the blood of the innocent pple is after him
Jesu may his soul rip
I remember this case but we never heard anything about it for long.
May he rust in hell
Clifford Orji: The Flesh Eater..Goodbye!
hum...clifford orji.onye anu ngwongwo
...long forgotten...neva knew he was stil alive.thnks God he is dead
God riddance!
Linda ikeji what is even wrong with u sef, comment no dey gree u post, dnt u knw its d comments dt most people come here to read. Mtchew, anyway its your blog, do as u wish, buh knw it makes ur blog boring and people are complaining. Sorry to deviate from the post
Linda you are dulling this your blog o, all because you want to keep doing everything solo. When people start losing interest, that's the beginning of the end o! A few words are enough for wise Linda.
Na wa o...finally
So sad..... Not evrybody can undistend his predicament.... May his rugged soul rest in perfect peace....
Dem sure sey e die abi dem don do prison break for am.
forgot he still existed
Na orji family na dem.
Linda, why are you not posting comments? Pls, today is so dry. I need to get my eyes busy. Abi you get hangover from the salah celebrations ni?
Rip to him....I used to have nightmares that time,lol...I was 10years old den tho...
Good riddance to bad rubbish!! Mscheeeeeew!
Please whatever happened to calling the number or tracing the name on the cheque? Or isn't a cheque suppose to have that??? Just curious...
Thank God.
Good riddance to bad dump!
Is he realy dead? If he truely is, thank God........
Nawoo is he related to 2 Abia State Governor.
Let me see who will write RIP now
Gud for him
Linda I just wanted to use this opportunity to let u know u have 'AWESOME POINTS' in my cool book, the way u handled the Jim Iyke rubbish - PURE CLASS!!! All these stupid so-called stars that wont verify stories before they attack someone..hiss no wonder they aint in hollywood..
Die fire...
And this is for real? Not fake? Before the ritualists wake him up after they bury him. They should cremate him abeg!
Hmmmm didn't even know he was in jail for that long
And we didn't get to the root of his story. We still don't know whose bones/flesh he was eating all those years ago. Another unsolved mystery.
Hmmmm.....y do I feel like it's not over yet? Like dis death story is a lie and dat he's somewhere around, ALIVE...looking for more human beings to kill and eat..*scared*
Jehova bu Eze!!
Now you are all free to walk the bridges as free men and women without fear of being cooked!! Be it 1am,2am,3am..whenever..Clifford, the clifford Orji lives no more!!
.....Hmmmmm, died in his sleep ke??! I smell a rat here...his customers were neva arrested!
The cheque on him had a name, the mobile phone found on him had numbers(bearing in mind that only few ppl had mobile phones in nigeria in 1999)and yet there were no arrests! Mystery
The End of an Evil
In terror,men trode
In toyota's men rode
For the one whose quest was man's flesh
Toyota (b/stop) his abode
With a flame to human flesh
He rose on the back of man's precious venison to fame
With 88k to his name,life was tasty
Until the rift was ripped open and balance distraught
Fate had had enough
Whisked away to the great darkness for lost souls
Kiri-kiri,his abode till he lost his own
This is the tale of a man whose love for man's precious hide
Was blown into oblivion by life's harshest tide
This is the tale of Clifford Orji *in Merlin narrators voice* hehehhehehe
So finally his era has ended the evil that men do life with them
12 years have gone by and no concrete investigation,nothing unraveled,wђã† else do we expect? d case was as good as closed ryt from when he was arrested cos nothing happened afterwards...we only see d agents but neva get †o hear d big names behind/sponsoring dem.
I hope he is rili dead o
D guy was really scary abeg,thank God hez gone *phew@ @mashlessness
Hw come d odas werent caught,clearly he wasnt acting alone...anyway i hope he rots in hell!
I can rembr him .. I prAy dey catch oda ppl like him n shld also rot in jail.
Me I just want to talk abut dt short dude jim lyke...jst saw his comments and its sooo childish!wonder if he will ever grow up...old man like him nd btw...I LOVE you linda ikeji.post my comment oh!
I remember hearing there were some Nigerian big shots he was acting for Who knows Maybe he was even killed in prison. Serves him right either way.
Bia linda, u no knw say na d comments on ur blog dey kip some of us going abi? Until u hear say person faint due to lindanopostcommentinblogiasis.
I remember him iwas eleven den.
U can't neva 4gt this guy? Double negatives, dat means u can 4gt him.
linda,,i want to ask you this?
one,that cheque he has got a name and a bank name right?or is that cheque a fake one?
two,,linda,i belive that his phone then must got an adress and a name,,so linda what have nigerian police has said that leed him into madness in that prison,? they said he was,t really mad then right?,,??becos for me i never believe his death,,and i will never believe those nigerian police and prison storries,,,nigerians wish to know the name and the bank on that cheque,,thx,,from swiss
If I remember clearly, mobile phones (GSM) were rolled out by mid 2000. Or was he using a satelite phone in 1999? That must have been expensive. Or probably the then Nitel 090 mobiles. Anyway, he was running a lucrative human parts business!
Wow, I remember when I first heard about this guy in naija, I was about 12yrs old. I was scared to death. I also heard he used the human parts for suya. This guy was obviously MENTALLY ILL, that needed to be on medication.
a life well wasted
A big AMEN n am feeling ur blog username ;-)
NASIRU, who are you to pass judgement?
Feеl free to visit my web ρage ... electricitе ()
What a peaceful way for such a demon to die
Yang suka desain rumah bisa mampir
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