Aesthetics Cosmetics is pleased to announce the first edition of The Battle of the MUA’s (Makeup Artists) which will take place on the 23rd of September, 2012 in Lagos, Nigeria.
According to Gbemisola Ogunyomi CEO of Aesthetics Cosmetics, The Battle of The MUA's Show will serve as a Platform for all Makeup Artists (both professional and freelance makeup artists) to showcase their skills in a professional battle where the final contestants will compete for a chance to win the following..see it after the cut...

1. A cash prize of $500.
2. A 12 month supply of beauty products from Aesthetics Cosmetics.
3. The opportunity to create a limited edition eyeshadow kit for the Aesthetics Cosmetics Fall Makeup Collection
4. Nation wide exposure through the most prominent social media avenues by participating in the show.
5. A 6 month mentorship program from the CEO of Aesthetics Cosmetics - Gbemisola Ogunyomi.
Here are the rules for the Battle of The MUA's Competition.
1. For Round #1: All Contestants must submit a 5 MIN Full Face Makeup Tutorial Video using at least 1 Aesthetics Cosmetics beauty product during your makeup application. You must submit your video to us by e-mail at contact@aestheticsbeautyshop.
com AND/OR on our Youtube Channel A 12 month supply of beauty products from Aesthetics Cosmetics.
3. The opportunity to create a limited edition eyeshadow kit for the Aesthetics Cosmetics Fall Makeup Collection
4. Nation wide exposure through the most prominent social media avenues by participating in the show.
5. A 6 month mentorship program from the CEO of Aesthetics Cosmetics - Gbemisola Ogunyomi.
Here are the rules for the Battle of The MUA's Competition.
1. For Round #1: All Contestants must submit a 5 MIN Full Face Makeup Tutorial Video using at least 1 Aesthetics Cosmetics beauty product during your makeup application. You must submit your video to us by e-mail at contact@aestheticsbeautyshop.
by no later than SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2012 with all the details described above or you will be automatically disqualified.
2. For Round 2 & Final Round: All final selected contestants will get the opportunity to show case their makeup skills at The Pamper Me Pretty Event on September 23rd, 2012 and compete for the winning prize in the Final MUA Battle. The Winner will be announced at The Pamper Me Pretty Event.
2. For Round 2 & Final Round: All final selected contestants will get the opportunity to show case their makeup skills at The Pamper Me Pretty Event on September 23rd, 2012 and compete for the winning prize in the Final MUA Battle. The Winner will be announced at The Pamper Me Pretty Event.
3. Schedule Purchase and Pick up of all Aesthetics Cosmetics Products with
Verbana Servicing Outfits
NO. 95 Falolu Street, Surulere, Lagos.
Phone Number: 07035042974 Ask for Ene.
BB PIN: 22419924
BB PIN: 22419924
Phone # 08166681874
Follow us on Twitter: @AestheticsCo
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Gbemi, Gbemi, Gbemi!!!!!! So just a few years in the US and typical Nigerian inferiority complex has set in with your (according to Fela), 2nd hand Filipino accent. O ma se oh.
500 dollars??? n its not a live show for exposure at least. damn gurl, dats cheap!!!
I think banke mashide should contest !hahahahaha
This sounds FANTASTIC!!! Im definitely IN! Great job Gbemi and Thanks for giving us (MUA's) the opportunity to showcase our makeup skills. God Bless You. Plus I absolutely love the video!
GBEMI OGUNYOMI BIG UPS! GREAT JOB with Aesthetics Cosmetics. Keep flying HIGH! This is a good way to give back to our community. I will surly spread the word. I love the video 2! Great Job.
@ Kemi , I mean Gbemi please why come here typing under a false name. hiss.
Naaa at all she sounds pure and proper yankified lool I mean I'm one to spot fake accents but she sounds like she's lived amongst people who speak that wayfor long hence why she's picked it up.. Maybe tonto is the one wiv the 2nd hand filipino accent #poko .. Buahahahahaha
So am in benin n am interested in d competition. How do I get Aesthetics products 2 buy?
Show me ur $500 from ur pocket! Big UPS chica!
Nice idea! I'm definitely in for dis one! Gud one Gbemi! God bless ur ideas!
Gud one! I will get ma friends on it!
Linda I cnt c d vid oh its sayn nt avail n I'm interestd in d competition#cryn
Gbemi has lived in america for
over 10years so i guess the accent just comes naturally having lived there for so long. Big ups darling im sooo proud of you. whoooppp whooooppp
Wow so many of these comments sound similar! I guess Gbemi was around :-P She thinks we are stupid #selfworshiper
Its amazing how a British, Irish, Australian or American person will live in Nigeria for decades and not try to fake a Nigerian accent yet ordinary 10yrs abroad, our Nigerians will make sure that filipino go jam Papua New Guinean, jam Ghanian, jam Hausa and Ikwerre accent and they somehow convince themselves that its American or British accent. Enle oh.
Not interested jor! Rubbish cash price
You sound so jealous! Typical 'never left naija shores'inferiority conplex. Idiot!
Just selling her product using make up competition as cover! Cheap crap! What's $500?
Does anyone know where I can get to be trained to be a makeup artiste within Lagos? anyone with info shld pls help me. Thanks.
Great stuff! All the best
It's the Celebration of Marriage Week- Appreciate your spouse today
@ Inferi
so who made you the accent popo/custodian??Anybody can speak English in any flipping accent they want!! No be my papa Language after all, msccheww....go and shoot madonna that woke up one day and started using the British accent!! At least the Gbemi girl is doing something with her life...shiorrr!!
On the flipside, I would see why she would want to watch the tutorial videos....I find her eye make-up quite distressing.
her makeup doesnt suit her joor!
This is awesome. It will engage artists all over the world, not just those in Lagos.
Keep up the good work, your future is bright!
Never heard or used her product before and her makeup doesn't look fine anyways. Good means of Publication for her duo. All d best to d competitors
is this open to any freelance makeup artist or just MUA makeup artists im a lil confused
Out of curiosty i decided to check out aesthetics online and this is wot i found! i like it! Take a look!
Taa stop lying there! Give me one example now.. Abeg stop beefing the girl joor bloody liar!
She looks horrible. What's with her eye shadow? O.m.g!! And the necklace, earrings, hair...face ...
na wa ohhh. Sum ting wong. But, ye gd luck. May the best artist win. Fab way to advertise her name/product.
Hmm so breaking it down
- All contestants have to buy her product to enter
- The finalists will help her at her "pamper me show" which the public will pay for but the MUAs won't get paid for
- And then the winner get $500
This sounds to me like she is just looking fro free assistants to help with her "pamper me".
Only person winning is
and please the fone is so fake and unecessary. This babe went to QC and finished in 01.......Go and check other QC 01 chicks in yankee and see if they speak like this....
Ok i respect her hustle but her makeup in the video is horrible. Why would I want her to mentor me?
I think she should stick to the selling part. MUA no be for everyone.
Darling MUA means Make Up Artist
Gbemi pls stop posting here to hype yourself joh. You like wetin
@debby, u can cal us on: 08170822473/07087515101.
Thank u.
I have met this girl before, very nice lady and a go-getter - even saw her a few weeks ago at a pre-wedding event in Houston. Also she apparently worked as an Engineer and has decided to follow her passion big ups to her and I wish her all success, my only advise to her is to keep it as real as possible, drop the fake accent especially if you are trying to impact a potential Nigerian customer-base and most especially being a Nigerian who was raised in Nigeria. Do some research on branding dear, you want your customers to be able to identify with your brand and product, all that intonation is unnecessary. Just so you know, I have lived in the US for almost 13 years, I only put a fake accent when I need to communicate with these tone deaf Americans and its quite exasperating, also all my friends who have lived here for over a decade still speak like we do back home and most of the time the intonation is to communicate with people who otherwise would not understand you or identify with you. I am sure that can not be a challenge for you a Nigerian in your own country... so my dear Gbemi and associates 'Do Keep it Real' and All the best!!!
Why is the focus on her accent and not her work? Who cares about the accent!! What we care about is the product and her brand!! She is doing well for herself! Fantastic Job Gbemi! At your age you have already accomplished so much!! Keep it up!!!
all you folks complaining on how cheap $500 is, i bet you don't even have a $ in your pocket!!! so what if she's promoting her brand! STOP all the hatting!!! In regards to her accent, its called proper english! what do you want her to sound like? If she talks any other way you guys would be the first to criticize her 9ja accent. what does your accent sound like.
All you folks calling her cheap, make una show me one $ for una pocket. abeg leave the girl jare. As for the comments on her accent, you all will be the first ones to call her razz and down grade her products if she spoke differently or sounded more nigerian. Instead of attacking the her, reflect on your own insecurities and figure out why her accent/look bothers you! she should be a motivation for you to get your crap together and maybe put some money in your pocket. BIG UPS girl!! do your thing.
Kudos Gbemi this is so encouraging, I wish all others will learn from you. As a makeup artist, I have tried out your products and they are so good especially your foundation. Wao I can imagine having one years supply of your products, that will be so kool. Nigerian y don't we learn to encourage anf support each other and stop this spirit of "black belle" it will take us no where . Once more Kudos Gbemi.
@ Debby u can call 08060888422
I have a feeling Gbemi is coming here and posting a lot of these 'Anonymous' comments. Girl, it is not easy to start a business and to face criticism, but how you take it is also a measure of your character. The truth is that the fone sounds fake. I also did my degrees in the States, and all I could hear was your 'th' factor. Someone said focus on the makeup but we had about 4 minutes of watching you talk which means you are part of the branding. Summary: Drop the annoying and distracting fone as Inferi and others advised. Keep it real.
Wow! yes yes, the accent is fake and she should drop it (they did say that the nigerian accent is the world's fifth sexiest so nothing is making me throw it out at all at at all) but men, that doesn't mean you shouldn't see beyond it. She is selling herself, her brand and her product. you can't kill her for trying. its not just 500 bucks she will be giving out. you will get the chance to create a eyeshadow in which whatever is made goes to your pocket, one year of free make-up and leave your mark on the chick herself (She does need a lot of work done on her eye make-up, that's for sure). its a hustling opportunity. do it if you can...
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